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44 3 Vol.44, No.3 2013 5 OCEANOLOGIA ET LIMNOLOGIA SINICA May, 2013 汞 胁 迫 对 拟 穴 青 蟹 (Scylla paramamosain) * 主 要 消 化 和 免 疫 因 子 的 影 响 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1 (1. 361021; 2. 361021), (Scylla paramamosain), 0.00 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08mg/L Hg 2+ 1d 3d 5d 7d 9d, AMS,, Pepsin, Pepsin ; (0.04 0.08mg/L), LPS, AKP, AKP AKP (0.005 0.01 0.02mg/L), AKP ACP, SOD, SOD LZM, PO,, Pepsin AMS AKP ACP SOD LZM, LPS PO ; ; ; S968.25, (Hg),, (Choi et al, 2006;, 2008; Al-Weher, 2008),,,, (Lygren et al, 1999;, 2001) (Scylla paramamosain Estampador 1949) (Scylla),,,,,,,, *, 2008F3077 ;, JA09158 ;, 40376044,,, E-mail: :,,, E-mail: : 2012-09-23, : 2012-12-29

748 44,,,,, 1 1.1,, (7.16±0.42)cm; (4.98± 0.34)cm; (73.4±12.65)g PVC, 30cm,, 1 2d (Ostrea) (Ruditapes variegatus) (Moerella iridescens) 10d, 1d 16±1, 6.0mg/L, ph 7.5±0.3, (20±2) 1.2 (HgCl 2 ), 10mg/L, 1.3 96h Hg 2+ (0.0005mg/L),, 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08mg/L 5 1.4 0.60m 0.40m 0.40m, 96L, 40L,, 3, 10, 30,, 2d 1, 9d, DO (6.8±0.3)mg/L, ph 7.5± 0.3, (20±2), 16±1, PVC, 1.5 1 3 5 7 9, 3,,, 80, (pepsin) (LPS) (AMS), (AKP) (ACP) (SOD) (PO) (LZM), 3 0.1g,,, 10%, 2000r/min 15min;, 5%, 10000r/min 15min; 10%, 2500r/min 10min, 1.6 AMS :, mg 37 30min, 10mg 1 Pepsin :, mg 37 min 1μg 1 LPS :, 37, 1min, 1μmol ACP :, 100mL 37 30min 1mg 1 ALP :, 100mL 37 30min 1mg 1 LZM : SOD :, SOD ml SOD 50% SOD PO : L-dopa, Ashida (1971) PO min A 490 0.001 1 1.7 Microsoft Excel 2003, (Mean, M)± (Stdeva, SD), SPSS10.0, (P<0.05)

3 : (Scylla paramamosain) 749 2 0.08mg/L),,, 2.1 2.1.3 2.1.1 3 3, 1,, AMS LPS 1d 3d,, 1d 0.08mg/L 5d 0.04mg/L LPS AMS, AMS, LPS, AMS 0.08mg/L, LPS ; 5d 7d, AMS LPS, AMS, AMS, 0.005mg/L 0.04mg/L ; 2.2 9d, AMS, 2.2.1 (AKP) AMS, AMS AKP 4 AMS, AMS,, AMS, AMS 2.1.2 2 2,, 5d, (0.005 1 0.01mg/L) (1 5d) Fig.1 Effects of Hg 2+ stress on AMS activities in stomach of S. paramamosain, (7 9d),, (0.02 0.04 0.08mg/L), 1d, 5d 7d, 9d,,, ;, 2 (0.04 Fig.2 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on Pepsin activities in stomach of S. paramamosain

750 44 AKP, 1d, AKP, AKP, AKP, AKP, AKP,, AKP (0.005 0.01 0.02 ), AKP 2.2.2 (ACP) ACP 5 5, ACP, ACP,, ACP (1d 3d), ACP, (7d 9d), AKP, ACP ACP, 2.2.3 (SOD) 3 Fig.3 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on LPS activities in stomach of S. paramamosain 4 Fig.4 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on AKP activities in hepatopancreas of S. paramamosain 5 Fig.5 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on ACP activities in hepatopancreas of S. paramamosain

3 : (Scylla paramamosain) 751 6 SOD,, SOD, 9d, SOD, SOD ;, 9d, SOD (P<0.05) SOD, SOD 6 Fig.6 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on SOD activities in hepatopancreas of S. paramamosain,, SOD, 2.2.4 (PO) 7 1d, PO,, PO (P<0.05), PO 7 Fig.7 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on PO activities in hepatopancreas of S. paramamosain, PO,,, PO, PO,, LZM, LZM LZM, LZM, LZM, LZM 2.2.5 (LZM) 8 3 (1d 3d) LZM, LZM, 1d 3d 3.1,, LZM, (0.005, 001mg/L), (0.02 0.04 0.08mg/L),,, 3, AMS LPS, -

752 44 8 Fig.8 Effects of Hg 2+ Stress on LZM activities in hepatopancreas of S. paramamosain ; Pepsin,, (, 2007;, 2010;, 2011), (2012),,,, - Al-Weher(2008),, -,, : (1) ; (2),, AMS, AMS 9d, AMS, AMS, AMS, AMS, AMS,,, ;, 5 7d,, LPS,,,,,,,,, 3.2,, ph (, 2006;, 2008;, 2008) AKP ACP,, AKP ACP, (, 1996;, 2002); SOD,, (, 2007), SOD,, SOD ;,,,, (, 2001) (2011), Hg(0.01 0.05mg/L) (Eriocheir sinensis) SOD GPX CAT,,, ; (2007), 0.05 0.10mg/L Hg,

3 : (Scylla paramamosain) 753 (Ctenopharyngodon idllus) LSZ, 0.05 0.15mg/L LSZ (P<0.01) Liu (2003) Jing (2007) Tan (2007),, AKP ACP SOD LZM,, :, AKP,,, PO, ; PO PO (propo ),,, (, 1999) PO,,, propo (2010), PO Cd 2+ Cr 6+,,, PO,,, PO ; PO,,,, 2008.., 28(1): 12 20,,, 2002.., 13(9): 1153 1156,,, 2007.., 35(9): 2615 2616,,, 2007.., 53(6): 1121 1128,,, 2007. PO SOD., 26(4): 569 575,,, 1996.. ( ), 35(2): 257 261,,, 2008. Scylla paramamosain., 20(6): 402 407,,, 1999.., 30(1): 110 116,,, 2011. Hg 2+ (Eriocheir sinensis)., 42(3): 436 442,,, 2012.., 2(10): 58 61,, 2001.., 16(1): 49 56,, 2001.., 6(2): 184 189,,, 2006. (Eriocheir sinensis)., 37(3): 198 205,,, 2010.., 29(6): 649 653,,, 2008. ph. ( ), 47(3): 413 418 Al-Weher S M, 2008. Levels of heavy metal Cd, Cu and Zn in three fish species collected from the North Jordan Valley, Jordan. Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(1): 41 46 Choi S, Wai O, Choi T et al, 2006. Distribution of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc in marine sediments in Hong Kong waters. Environmental Geology, 51(3): 455 461 Jing G, Li Y, Xie L et al, 2007. Different effects of Pb 2+ and Cu 2+ on immune and antioxidant enzyme activities in the mantle of Pinctada fucata. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 24(2): 122 128 Liu X L, Zhou Z L, Chen L Q, 2003. Effect of cadmium on antioxidant enzyme activities of the juvenile Eniocheir sinensis. Mar Sci, 27(8): 59 62 Lygren B, Hamre K, Waagbo R, 1999. Effects of dietary pro-and antioxidants on some protective mechanisms and health parameters in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 11: 211 221 Tan S H, Deng X Y, Jiang W M et al, 2007. Effects of high level chromium on antioxidant enzyme system in gill and hepatopancreas of Procambarus clarkia. J Agro-Environ Sci, 26(4): 1356 1360

754 44 THE EFFECTS OF Hg 2+ STRESS ON MAIN DIGEST FACTORS AND IMMUNE FACTORS OF SCYLLA PARAMAMOSAIN LI Wen-Jing 1, 2, CHEN Qiang 1, 2, YANG Huan 1, LI Zhong-Bao 1, 2, CHEN Tai-Rong 1, WU Chuan-Qi 1 (1. Fishery School of Jimei University, Xiamen, 361021; 2. Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Resources and Eco-environment, Xiamen, 361021) Abstract An experimental ecology method was conducted to investigate the main digest factors and immune factors activities of Scylla paramamosain exposed to different concentrations of water-borne Hg 2+ (0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08mg/L) from 1d to 9d with the natural seawater (salinity 16±1, ph 7.5±0.3) as control. The results showed that the activities of AMS in stomach increased rapidly but the activation effect declined with the extending of the experiment, and inhibitory effect was observed at the late period of the experiment (9d). The Pepsin activities in stomach were increased and positive correlated with the experimental period and Hg 2+ stress intensity, but the Pepsin activities in high Hg 2+ stress intensity (0.04, 0.08mg/L) groups declined near to the control group at the end of the experiment. The LPS activities in the stomach were declined by Hg 2+ stress and the effective enhanced with the experimental period. The results of immune factors analysis showed that the activities of AKP in hepatopancreas were increased rapidly, and lower Hg 2+ stress intensity groups (0.005, 0.01, 0.02mg/L) had the most significant improvement of AKP activities, the AKP activities in higher Hg 2+ stress intensity groups (0.04, 0.08mg/L) increased at first and declined at the end. The activities of ACP in hepatopancreas were increased by Hg 2+ stress, and the time effect and dosage effect is conspicuous. The activities of SOD increased immediately (1d) in Hg 2+ stress and increased gradually during the whole experiment. The activities of LZM were increased and the time effect and dosage effect was visible. Nevertheless, the activities of PO declined by Hg 2+ stress, and gradually reduced during the experiment, but there was no significant correlation between the PO activities and the Hg 2+ stress intensity. In summary, Hg 2+ stress affected the activities of digest factors and immune factors of S. paramamosain, the activities of Pepsin, AMS, AKP, ACP, SOD and LZM were generally increased, while the activities of LPS and PO were declined. Key words Hg 2+ ; Scylla paramamosain; digest factors; immune factors