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342 19 2 The Thoughts of Lin Zhao en in the Sanjiao Kaimi Guizheng Yanyi Shan-wen Lin Abstract The Sanjiao kaimi guizheng yanyi reveals the thoughts of Lin Zhao en and greatly honors the Lord of the Three in One. This work could be considered a fantasy novel due to its structure and context. Ironically, according to Zhen Lan s Jinling zhongyitang xingshi, the Sanjiao kaimi guizheng yanyi had been burnt and banned by the religion it worshipped: the Three in One. Therefore, in this article I compare the Sanjiao kaimi guizheng yanyi to another historical work, the Linzi quanji (The collected writings of Master Lin), to analyze their similarities and differences. I conclude that, although the work does not directly quote Lin in many instances and contains opinions that differ from those of the Linzi quanji, it does represent Lin Zhao en s main philosophy as a whole and does no insult to his image. The matter of book-burning was probably due to inner schisms of the Three in One order or an external reaction by the flourishing of religions at that time. Keywords: fantasy novels, Lin Zhao en, Three in One, folk religion, Sanjiao kaimi guizheng yanyi * Shan-wen Lin is a lecturer in the General Education Center at the De-Lin Institute of Technology.