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(2004/07),pp.41-68 : ; :

42 (Shaun Gallagher) (Hermeneutics and Education) (Hans-Georg Gadamer) (E. Betti) (E. D. Hirsh) (conservative hermeneutics) (J. Derrida) (M. Foucault) (radical hermeneutics) (J. Habermas) (K. Apel) (critical hermeneutics) (moderate hermeneutics) (Gallagher, 1992:9-11) (Dasein) (Gadamer, 1994:xxx)

(M. Heidegger) (Truth and Method) 43 Gadamer, 1994:397 1993:510 (posing a question/fragestellung) (not settled/nichtfestgelegtsein)

44 (apparent question/scheinfrage) Gadamer, 1994:363 1993:471 (the otherness of the other/andersheit) Gadamer, 1994:360 1993:467 (prejudice/vorurteil) Gadamer, 1994:276 1993:365 Gadamer, 1994:360 1993:466

45 Gadamer, 1994:360 1993:467 - (I-Thou) (belonging together/zueinandergehören) Gadamer, 1994:361 1993:468 (Mikhail Bakhtin) 1998:105-106

46 (F. Dostoyevsky) 1998:40-41 1998:21 1998:27

47 (half dead conversation/ halb tote Gespräche) 1995:232 (edification, cultivation/bildung) 1993:20-21 Gadamer, 1994:11 (preserved) Gadamer, 1994:12 1993:21

48 (delivery or tradition/überlieferung) (process/geschehen) (language/sprache) (Thou) Gadamer, 1994:358 1993:464

49 1995:169-170 (medial, in between/ der mediale Sinn) Gadamer, 1994:103 1993:152 (horizon of the question/fragehorizont) Gadamer, 1994:370 1993:479 (partner in dialogue/kommunikationspartner) Gadamer, 1994:358 1993:465

50 1999:74 (order/ordnung) Gadamer, 1994:104 1993:154 (adventure/abenteuer) Gadamer, 1994:69 1993:106

51 1994:102 1993:150 Gadamer, (the primacy of play over the consciousness of the play) Gadamer, 1994:104 1993:154 (cogito) (substance) (subjectum) 1996:181 (subject to) (good sense) Gadamer, 1994:25 1993:41

52 1994:114 1993:167 (bringing forth/hervorholung) Gadamer, (transformation into structure/ Verwandlung ins Gebilde) Gadamer, 1994:110 1993:161

53 Gadamer, 1994:111-112 1993:162-163 (self-forgetfulness/selbstvergessenheit) Gadamer, 1994:126 1993:181 1995:144 (I. Kant)

54 (self-incurred) (Kant, 1979:54) (Kant, 1933) Gadamer, 1994:279 1993:368

Gadamer, 1994:279 1993:368 (John Langshaw Austin) (performative) (statement) (doing) (doing) 55

56 (Austin, 1962) Gadamer, 1994:280 1993: 369-370 (society close to nature/ naturwüchsige Gesellschaft) Gadamer, 1994:273 1993:361 (traditionalism/traditionalismus)

Gadamer, 1994:281 1993:370 Gadamer, 1994:273 1993: 361-362 57 (edification/bildung)

58 (unhiddeness/unverborgenheit) (idea/idee) (passage/übergänge) Heidegger, 1998:165-166 1997:211 (turning around/umwendung) (turning toward/zuwendung) (paideia) paideia Bildung Heidegger,1998:166 1997:212 (Bilden) (Vorbild) Heidegger, 1998:166-167 1997:213

(Bildungslosigkeit) Heidegger,1998:181 1997:231 (philein) (Verlangen) Heidegger,1998:180 1997:230 (Bild) (model/vorbild) (copy/nacbbild) (educating oneself/sichbilden) Gadamer, 1994:10-11 1993:19-20 59

60 (return to self/ Heimkehr zu sich) Gadamer, 1994:14 1993:25 (preservation/bewahrung) Gadamer, 1994:281 1993:371 Gadamer, 1994:281 1993:371 Gadamer, 1994:281 1993:371 (foregrounding/abhebung)

61 1994:305-306 1993: 399-400 Gadamer, (destroy/zerstrorung) (destruction/destruktion) (dismantling/abbau) (Gadamer, 1987:121) 1998:192 Gadamer, 1994:9

62 1993:17 1994


64 Gadamer, 1994:280 1993:369

65 1993:382 (participating/einrücken) Gadamer, 1994:290 Gadamer, 1994:447 1993:570

66 Austin, J. Langshaw (1962). How to do Things with Words. Cambridge: Harvard University. Bakhtin, Mikhail (1984). Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (C. Emerson, Ed. & Trans.). Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1994). Truth and Method (J. Weinsheimer & D.G. Marshall, Trans.). New York: Continuum. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (2001). Gadamer in Conversation: Reflections and Commentary (C. Dutt & R. E. Palmer Trans.). New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1992). On Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics (D. Misgeld & G. Nicholson, Ed.; L. Schmidt and M. Reuss, Trans.). State University of New York Press. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1987). Hermeneutics and Logocentrism. In Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter (Diane P. Michelfelder & Richard E. Palmer, Ed.)(1989). State University of New York Press. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1985). Destruktion and Deconstruction. In Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter (Diane P. Michelfelder & Richard E. Palmer, Ed.)(1989). State University of New York Press. Gallagher, Shaun (1992). Hermeneutics and Education. State University of New York Press. Heidegger, Martin (1998). Pathmarks (William McNell Ed.). Cambridge University. Kant, Immanuel (1933). Critique of Pure Reason. New York: St. Martin's Press. Kant, Immanuel (1979). Kant's Political Writing(H. Reiss, Ed.; H.B. Nisbet, Trans.). London: Cambridge University press. Kogler, Hans-Herbert (1996). The Power of Dialogue: Critical Hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Palmer, Richard E. (1969). Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in

Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer. Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. (Bakhtin, M.) (1998) -- (Palmer, R.E.)(1992) (Huizinga, J.) (1996) (Heidegger, M.)(1997) (Gadamer, H.S.)(1993) -- (Gadamer, H.S.)(1995) -- (1998) 3 179-207 (1996) 159-195 (1994) (1992) (1999) 67

68 Between Dialogue and Play Gadamer s Edification Concept and the Essence of Educational Experience Hsing-Yi Chang The PhD Candidate of Graduate Institute of Education in National Chengchi University Abstraction This article talked about the essence of educational experience by Gadamer s philosophical hermeneutics. That essence of educational experience should be expressed through the concept of edification in hermeneutics. It structures as game playing and preserve some traditional historicity. Firstly, Play is a dialogue process that take place in between, which structure prior to the human subjectivity, and makes us achieve the status of edification by leaving self then returning to self. Secondly, the preservation means neither overthrowing the authority like Enlightment, nor embracing the old fashion like Romanticism; it subtly absorbs, preserves and creates the superiority of the tradition as well as authority. The status of edification would make teachers and students interpret and understand reciprocally, then it could present the essence of educational experience. Keywords: Hans-Georg Gadamer, edification/bildung, dialogue, play