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5 Pearsons 0.546(p.000) 6 Hood(1983) 5. 6. 100

101 219

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Study on the Satisfaction of Exhibition Guide Service and Willingness to Revisit among Museum Visitors: An Example of the Shihsanhang Museum I-Yeh Lee* Yung-Neng Lin** Abstract Recently, the leisure, education, and entertainment functions of museums have been gaining in importance. The function of cultural education is one that is appreciated by visitors. Guide service is the interface between museums and visitors, and successful guide service is essential to achieving a superior level of service. Most related research has discussed the relationships among quality, satisfaction, and loyalty of museum visitors, rather than on the relationships among quality of the exhibition guide service, level of satisfaction, and willingness to revisit. Therefore, the purposes of this research are to analyze the relationship between quality of exhibition guide service and visitor satisfaction, as well as the relationship between visitor satisfaction and willingness to revisit the museum. A survey of visitors was carried out using questionnaires at the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology, and 219 responses were collected. The results show that the higher the level of satisfaction with the exhibition guide service, the higher the willingness to revisit the museum and to recommend it to others. Consequently, museums should focus on strengthening exhibition guide services, whether provided by a person or other method of delivery, to elevate service quality and visitor loyalty. This will increase the willingness of visitors to recommend the museum to others and create public praise and positive attention. Keywords: museum, exhibition guide, service quality, satisfaction, revisiting willingness * Postgraduate student, Graduate School of Art, Culture Industry, Design and Management, National Taipei University of Education ** Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Art, Culture Industry, Design and Management, National Taipei University of Education 105

Evolution of and Changes in Computerization of Collections Management: Example of the National Museum of Natural Science Chern-Mei Jang* Abstract To meet the needs of collection work and management, NMNS established the Collection Management Department in 1997. This department is responsible for administrative collections management and collection-related matters. After acquiring objects for the collection, museum staff members need to perform routine and complicated tasks such as registration, cataloging, classification, completion of loan procedures, inventorying, data searching and analysis. Computerization can reduce the need for human resources for operations and make management of collection records more institutionalized, systematized and standardized with user friendly interface for information access, search, storing and sharing. It also improves the efficiency of collections management. NMNS started developing its collections management system in 2005. To fulfill real operational needs and large demand for sharing of information, Delphi 6.0 was used as the development tool and ORACLE 9i for the database server and client-server architecture. The design concept was function-oriented and adapted according to standard operating procedures. Equipped with high computing power and flexibility, it offers multi-user and multi-tasking capabilities. The new system was implemented in 2007. It provides online collections registration, outgoing/incoming loan registration, exchange records, and inventory records. Computerization has simplified manual operations, streamlined procedures, and established an organized work flow. It has also reduced variations in management methods and operational rules based on employee turnover. Most importantly is that this system integrates collections information and collections management systems to provide collection information to the public. This paper will introduce the collections management system of NMNS, describing its development background, process of construction, design concept, system functionality, and vision. Keywords: collections management, collection, computerization * Curatorial Assistant, Collection Management Department, National Museum of Natural Science 106