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sexual politics anti-sexist movement 4 Steve Neale 1983/1992 Laura Mulvey 1975 represent Nixon, Sean. Exhibiting Masculi


Sandra Harding, May, 1999 (Feminist Science and Technology Studies in a Multicultural and Postcolonial World) (feminist science and technology studies) ( Euro-centrism, ) (Our bodies, Ourselves) (Women's health guide) 1

(androcentrism) (AAAS, American Associations for theadvancement of Science) M.I.T. (Chronicle of Higher Education) M.I.T. 2

(cooked) 3

4 (meaning) mother nature mankind / masculine masculinity / the feminine ( ) knower (N.I.H.) F.D.A.

feminist empiricism feminist standpoint theory - - science for who? knowledge systems 5

Diaspora post-kuhnian science and technology study craniology fringe science KEK post-colonial neo-colonial 6

multicultural UCLA knowledge systems comparative ethnoscience movement 7

Tigris-Euphrates Valley voyage of discovery / Indian 8

Galapagos calico Calico calico 9

( development ) de-velop mal-develop women, environment and sustainable development 10

(local knowledge system) discursive conditions 11

Hiroshima( ) 12

1999 S. Harding's References "Gender, Development, and Post-Enlightenment Philosophies of Science", _Hypatia_ Vol.13, #3 (1998), Agarwal, Bina. 1993. The gender and environment debate: lessons from India. Feminist studies 18(1). Bass, Thomas A. 1990. Camping with the prince, and other tales of science in Africa. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Blaut, J.M. 1993. The colonizer's model of the World: Geographical diffusionism and Eurocentric history. New York: Guilford Press. Braidotti, Rost, Ewa Charklewicz, Sabine Hausler, and Saskia Wieringa. 1994. Women, the environment, and sustainable development: Towards a theoretical synthesis. London: Zed Books/INSTRAW Brockway, Lucille H. 1979. Science and colonial expansion: The of the British Royal Botanical Gardens. New York: Academic Press. Collins, Patricia Hill. 1991. Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. New York: Routledge. Dupre, John. 1993. The disorder of things: Metaphysical foundations for the disunity of science. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Galison, Peter, and David J. Stump eds. 1996. The disunity of science. Stanford: Stanford University 13

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