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9 91-110 2004 12 * 1940 *

92 9 1 1684 2 (1709) 3 1 1997 179241327 2 1993 109-110 3 1998 74-78

93 4 5 1721 6 1723 7 8 1742 9 1765 10 1831 4 2642711976 43 5 111983 59-69 6 34 7 1993 2 8 39 9 79-80 10 73-74

94 9 11 12 13 14 1773 15 1783 16 1786 17 18 11 42-51 12 1983 203 13 2621975 93 14 191-199 15 1997 1 16 1997 927 17 2-3 18 6-16

95 19 20 21 礮 礮 22 23 24 25 1792 19 22 20 314 21 36 22 356-357 23 518 24 492 25 565

96 9 26 1795 27 28 1862 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 29 26 1996 119 27 119-120 28 259 29 2521974 55-65

97 30 1863 31 32 33 鮄 藔 34 35 鮄 30 362000 32-39 31 1987 39-40 32 46 33 48 34 1959 430 35 436

98 9 36 37 鮄 1.2 38 亘 鮄 藔 39 40 41 42 43 36 55-56 50-51 37 464 38 179-180 39 439 40 53 41 42 57 43 1997 17

99 1685 1696 1712 1717 1742 1747 1765 1831 1894 44 1999 411 45 411 46

100 9 260 47 48 叚 49 50 51 52 53 1996 197 47 1993 831 48 32 49 79 50 325-333 51 84-85 52 73 53 74

54 55 56 1850 57 1850 58 59 60 61 101 54 89 55 40-42 56 45-4648-49 325-333 57 1909 83-84 58 1938 188 59 325 60 2001 4-6 61 1994 432-433

102 9 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 62 85 63 2004 176 64 154 65 92-93 66 67 2002 670-673 68 69 70 332

103 71 蔴 72 1864 73 1898 71 1996 72 1996 203-204 73 190-194

104 9 63 18 12 74 75 76 W. Skinner 77 74 3 75 2 76 1943 181991 7-10 77 39 31989 1-7

105 78 1929 2,614 16,738 4,553 27,352 2,698 18,806 2,724 16,918 1,283,320 2,373,493 64,579 105,910 20,998,450 2,551,800 5,991,810 1,082,400 79 1935 22,550 5,735 11,174 115,676 80 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 78 1996 97 79 1929 1985 413416418 80 1935 450-451

106 9 81 82 Donald DeGlopper 1740 1790-1850 83 1898 2 1908 4 1940 84 81 1927 1985 229 82 1989 35-36 83 Donald DeGlopper, "Lu-kang: A City and Its Trading System", in R.G. Knapp, ed. CHINA'S ISLAND FRONTIER(Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1980), pp. 143-166. 84 22001 8793


9 108 1990 1997 1998 1996 1989 1980 1997 2004 1959 1997 1993 1987 1993 1993 1983 1996 1993 1987 1994 1993 1996 1999 1994 1983 2001

109 2642711976 3 42-49 1996 3931989 6 1-42 2621975 6 83-102 362000 6 32-56 111983 6 43-95 181991 3 7-10 22001 3 75-104 2521974 6 52-71 Donald DeGlopper, "Lu-kang: A City and Its Trading System", in R.G. Knapp, ed. CHINA'S ISLAND FRONTIER, Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1980, pp. 143-166. 1927 1985 1909 1938 1935 1985 429-462 1929 408-428 1943 1898-1899

110 9 Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences pp. 91-110, No.9, Dec. 2004 College of Humanities and Social Sciences Feng Chia University From Tian-zhong-yang Village to Tian-zhong Town: The Formation and Development of Tian-zhong-yang in the Zhang-hua Plain Chih-Yu Wang * Abstract Tian-zhong-yang is a geographical name in Taiwan and it always has been mentioned in the historical documents where wars between government and the rebel occurred. However, not every Tian-zhong-yang indicates the same place. There are five different Tian-zhong-yangs in the local chronicles Zhang-hua-xian-zhi and they are located in different Bao. Nowadays one of the five Tian-zhong-yang has been changed into Tian-zhong town. In 1850, while most houses in Sha-zai-lun town were damaged in the flood, some villagers began to move to Tian-zhong-yang nearby. Consequently, Sha-zai-lun town were damaged again in the flood and then by the fire accident, survived villagers entirely moved to Tian-zhong-yang. Tian-zhong-yang town was prosperous because of the convenient transportation system constructed under the Japanese regime. 1940 onwards Tian-zhong-yang was elevated to Jie, a town degree in local administration, and continued to expand. Generally speaking, Tian-zhong town can be expanded not only because it has got the traffic construction during the Japanese Colonial period but also because it has become the main market place to supply fruits and vegetables for the neighboring villages. Keywords: Tian-zhong-yang, Sha-zai-lun, village, geographical name, Tian-zhong town * Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of History and Historical Relics, Feng Chia University.