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The purpose of the study was to explore the concern of health care and need of Vietnamese Mothers as caring for their children. The study adopted the ethnographic methodology and collected the data through the strategy of Observation Participation Reflection. It means the researcher appropriately played the roles of active observer, listener, participator, and reflector, when collecting the data of the informants. Ethnographic methodology was helpful to explore the emic viewpoint of informants, Vietnamese Mothers, and at the same time pay attention to the etic viewpoint. Four steps of qualitative analysis (Leininger, 1990; Roper & Shapira, 2000) were exercised to support the data analysis method of system, seriousness, and inclusion. From the data, it was induced the following sub-subjects: (1) during pregnancy, the health care and need toward children, (2) health care of diet and entertainment, (3) health care of life and spirit, (4) recovery of disease. The result of the study will help the nursing professionals and other health care providers understand and promote the culturally professional care, besides supporting the Vietnamese Mothers and children in Taiwan. Keywords: Vietnamese Mothers in Taiwan, caring for children, concern of health care, needs 1









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