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DaVinci Gourmet The Key to Popular Drinks Contact : Kerry Asia Paci c (Singapore) Tel: +65 62703833 Kerry China (Shanghai) Tel: +86 21 54265370 www.davincigourmet.com.au Email: kerry@kerry.com

4 6 8 12 18 22 IMPROVEMENTS : Quality coffee for Barista & Reliability 24 26 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 54 58 60 Conti a coffee espresso machine manufacturer at Your service, based on his Distribution Network 1, avenue Albert II - B.P.119 - MC 98007 MONACO Cedex - Tel.:(377) 93 10 43 43 - Fax : (377) 93 10 43 44 E-mail : export@conti-espresso.com Websites : www.conti-espresso.com www.conti-spareparts.com



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Add some flavor to your day with DaVinci Gourmet syrups Start your day with flavored hot coffee: Caramel Vanilla Hazelnut Peppermint Paddy English Toffee Escape the heat with sweet and fragrant iced coffee: Raspberry Banana Strawberry Toasted Hazelnut French Vanilla Freshen up your iced tea with these flavors: Lychee Peach Kiwi Rose Lemon Relax with smoothies. DaVinci sauce and frappease powder will make drinks smooth, wellblended, delicious until the last drop: Chocolate Sauce Caramel Sauce White Chocolate Sauce Italian Sodas will brighten up your day: Blue Curacao Kiwi Strawberry Cranberry Apple Cool down on a hot day with DaVinci s high Vitamin C Palm Bay Club Real Fruit Smoothies: Strawberry Smoothie Mango Smoothie Mixed Berry www.davincigourmet.com.au Contact Kerry Asia Pacific (Singapore) Tel : +65 62703833 Kerry China (Shanghai) Tel : +86 21 54265370 Email : kerry@kerry.com

. 33 32. Sponsored by

The leading manufacturer of Fine Coffee and Tea Glassware It is with great pleasure Coffee T&I Magazine brings to the Asian barista community a column dedicated to expanding baristas coffee knowledge: Signature Drink. This column will feature exceptional baristas from around the world sharing their experience, knowledge, and passion for coffee, explaining the concept and method behind their unique coffee creations. In this issue, Attila Molnar, the 2008 Hungarian barista champion and finalist at the 2009 World Barista Championship, tells us how to make his pumpkin signature drink. 34. Hario has been producing the highest-quality, heat resistant glassware for coffee and tea making accessories for more than 80 years and is recognized around the world for developing a wide variety of exceptional products, 9-3 Tomizawz-cho, NihonBashi, Chuo-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81-3-5614-2115 Fax: +81-3-5614-2125 Email: sales@harioglass.com URL: www.harioglass.com

Where do you work? Now I'm working for the Costa Coffee in Hungary as a baristatrainer. Why did you first become a barista? I started almost four years ago. I became a manager of a coffee house in Hungary and had the chance to improve my coffee knowledge with an Italian barista, Valentino Sergi. After a few weeks I went to the Hungarian Barista Championship, just to try myself, and I got the second place. After that I couldn't stop being a barista. What do you think is most important to being a good barista? You must do it with heart and try to be better and better every day, making good espresso and pouring nice latte art. What do you like most about being a barista? I can learn more and more about coffee and roasting. Through this, I realize how many things I don't know. In fact, I feel being a barista is a big challenge, and I like it. What is the inspiration behind your signature drink? The source of the inspiration is a certain memory of my grandmother. Once she promised to create some dessert the next time I visited her. I was expecting a chocolate cake, but on the table there were baked pumpkin slices. Surprisingly, they were tasty and sweet. My idea for the drink comes from this pleasantly surprising experience. Description: This warm, creamy drink contains three different tastes: the pumpkin cream and the espresso together, the real taste of the Beloya coffee, and the freshness of the blueberry juice, which gives a nice, fruity aftertaste. Ingredients (makes four): 4 shots espresso (Beloya) 50 ml freshly squeezed blueberry juice 50 ml mineral water 50 ml whole milk 50 ml cream (30% milk fat) 30 ml dark Canadian maple syrup 1 tablespoon Irish butter 1 cup freshly grated pumpkin 4 slices thinly sliced pumpkin Preparation: 1. Stir the 4 slices of pumpkin in a pan on both sides. 2. Melt the butter in another pan. 3. Add the freshly grated pumpkin, the water, and the maple syrup to the butter, and start to cook on a low heat. After a minute, add the toasted pumpkin slices. 4. Press the chilled blueberries. 5. Filter the blueberry pulp. 6. Filter the pumpkin sauce into a whipped cream canister with the milk and cream canister and leave it for 2 minutes. 7. Make the 4 espresso shots, and add 5-10 ml freshly squeezed blueberry juice. 8. Shake the canister well and put the cream on top of the espressos. 9. No need to stir the drink, just drink it in three sips. Enjoy! () 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 36.. 37

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) 50.

Food & Hotel Thailand 2009, Thailand s leading international food & hospitality trade event, will return for the 17th edition September 2-5 at the Royal Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon. Following the outstanding success of last year s event, the 2009 edition expects to see up to 25,000 trade visitors from around the world. Food & Hotel Thailand has been positioned as a five-star industry gathering where buyers in Thailand and the Indochina region can meet face-to-face with leading suppliers from around the world, keep updated with the most current trends and new technology, and have the opportunity to network with more potential alliances and partners. More than 750 of the world s most prestigious brands from thirty countries will participate in this high-end event, which incorporates the International Food & Hospitality Show 2009 (IFHS 2009), Thailand s professional exhibition of F&B, hotel, bakery and foodservice equipment, supplies and services; and Catering & Restaurant Asia 2009, the 3rd Asian international exhibition for catering and restaurant equipment and technology. For more information, visit www.foodhotelthailand.com 52.

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The Ultimate Barista Challenge is a barista competition with a unique dueling format, designed to challenge professional baristas in a fast paced, fun environment. The competition features a number of categories that showcase the baristas creativity, expand the role of the barista, and educate the public about how good barista can positively impact businesses. The UBC is held at specialty food shows throughout China, Korea, and the USA. Ultimate Barista Korea, Mr. Tae Jin Um, won the Espresso Cocktail Challenge with his sublime Cocktail Without a Name. In the Latte Art category, Ultimate Barista China, Mr. Kelvin Huang, secured his undefeated status by presenting the visual and tasting judges with flawless renderings of hearts, florets, and the "Panda," a creative drink that tastes as delicious as it looks. Ultimate Barista USA, Mr. Lorenzo Perkins, first timer for the International Ultimate Barista Challenge, won in the categories of Espresso Frappe, Best of Brew Challenge, the only filter drip coffee challenge in the world, and Best of Showdown, awarded to the barista who received the most points throughout the three-day Ultimate Barista Challenge. For more info, visit www.ultimatebaristachallenge.com 58.. 59

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