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CCMP 91-RD-202 ( ) The Research of Academic Recognition of Chiniese Medicine in Mainland China The research of Higher Education of Chinese Medicine in Mainland 25 29 29 724

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Sun, Mao-Feng Abstract The Chinese medicine education of Mainland China is advanced in the world, there is a worldwide recognition of its school academic record. There are 7 Chinese medicine universities, 25 Chinese medicine colleges, 29 Chinese medicine departments of medical colleges. Besides, there are 61 median-grade Chinese medicine schools. However, regular school education cannot provide enough manpower to meet the need, therefore, there are several examinations held by each province. Those who pass the exam can also practice Chinese medicine. According to the broad estimation of Chinese medicine committee of health bureau, there are several thousands students from Taiwan studying Chinese medicine in Mainland China, even including Western medicine doctors in the medical centers. It has become a trend to receive Chinese medicine education in Mainland China. Even some advertisements for deputy of entrance of Chinese medicine schools can be seen in the medical journals published in Taiwan. Since there is no recognition of school academic record of Mainland China so far in Taiwan, there are still some difficulties 725

for those studying there to receive the license. However, they are easily recognized by the government of Mainland China, U.S and other European countries. Since there is still a possibility of the recognition, great influence of the Chinese medicine environment in Taiwan is expected. The purpose of this research is to understand the learning conditions, effect and careers of those studying in Mainland China as a consultative materials for the government. Through personal visitation, this research includes official data and statistics of educational system, academic credits, quality of teachers of each schools and numbers of students from Taiwan. Besides, questionnaires and news reports are also included to present a complete, thorough analysis of Chinese medicine education and the practicability of the recognition of the academic record in Mainland. Keywords recognition of Chinese medicine school academic record, Chinese medicine education, educational system of Chinese medicine in Mainland China 25 29 29 726

25 29 29 2001 2001 2.0 4.2 2001 3,852 10,040 ( ) 264 727

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( ) 2.2 4.5 85.6.15 9 36 95 85.7.17 7 85.8.8 95 107 85.9.8 7 95 85.12.26 8 729

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50. 87.3.4 2 51. 87.3.6 10 52. 87.3.7 3 53. 87.3.13 1 54. 87.3.24 9 55. 87.3.24 9 56. 87.3.25 7 57. 87.3.31 6 58. 87.3.26 10 59. 87.4.14 9 60. 87.5.11 10 61. 87.5.24 10 62. 87.6.12 1 63. 87.6.12 4 64. 87.6.13 2 65. 87.6.13 13 66. 87.6.14 6 67. 87.6.16 9 68. 87.6.16 13 756