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BIBLID 0254-4466(2003)21:1 pp. 1-22 21 1 92 6 1 descrip- * 1 1991 1999 23 134 1999.3 251-310 1

2 21 1 tiveclassificatory 2 3 4 2 FFBe FBy Ffather FBeFather s elder Brother FBy Father s younger Brother F Robin Fox, Kinship and Marriage (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967), pp. 187, 200-201. 1990 5 Morgan 3 8 1983 144 4 2 Robin Fox, p. 241. Fox

3 274179302331 2192 5 6 19, 20 7 B1 B11 A1 A6 8 descent 5 1988 6 111957 35 7 1982 8 41980 33 1968 27

4 21 1 A6 1 1 A1 9 2 B1 2 3 B2 8 4 3 5 A2 8 4 6 B3 7 A3 8 B4 5 9 B5 10 A4 6 11 B6 12 7 13 B7 14 A5 8 8 15 B8 16 9 17 18 9 19 B9 10 20 B10 3 21 B11 22 A6 11 23 A7 12 24 B12 25 A8 13 26 B13 27 A9 14 28 A10 15 29 A11 16 30 A12 17 31

5 P P 1 P 2 P 3 P n P n P 1 P 2 P 3 P 2 P 1 P 0 9 9 8 28-32 1 1983 5 39 10-111964 99 369 370 1956 384 8 30 370 161989 42

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7 13 11, 32 11, 26 13, 32 13 6 16013 23716 1988 940 1965 8 2739 941-942 8 2743 35, 5

8 21 1 syntagmatic associative 14 wait act er or ress waiter actor waitress actress child 13931 14 Ferdinand de Saussure Jonathan Culler 1992 42 40 paradigmatic 1996 170 syntagmatique

9 15 14313 139312833 2804 21065 536 529 16 11438678 14034 15 1993 77-84 16 1 1979 332 677 1989 198

10 21 1 marking theory 17 All men are created equal. men men men unmarkedmarked women men women 210652784 17 Prague School Trubetzkoy, Jakobson 1930 Greenberg Chomsky Halle John Lyons ed., New Horizons in Linguistics (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1975), pp. 17, 277-278 2 111-113

11 21727 21793 21793 18 22264 18 161989 159

12 21 1 19 1506 20 19 1975 439-441 20 6 34

13 3, 53 18, 21 13, 38 21 12, 24 22 20023 21 21987 103 1989 23 22 1979 301

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15 2926 23 13, 42 24 4, 47 14257 25 23 1 304 24 16 25 101959 93-96

16 21 1 26 27 30390 16238168162927 2345 422209612642 28 26 6 27 17 1982 3 28 1959 382

17 29 3250 3255 34133 29 27 4

18 21 1 328310405 1373226 5906217343284 11400 79 30 31 33692 36511 30 1994 185-187 19 438 31 6 31936 130

19 36511 32 32 721996 5 18 Claude Lévi-Strauss 1977 29-34

20 21 1

21 On the Father and Son in the Shang Dynasty Lin Chao Abstract During the Shang dynasty, the term for father ( fu ) was classificatory, referring not only to one s own father but also to all one s father s brothers. Likewise, the term zi could refer to one s brothers sons. Concomitant with such a father-son relationship was the Shang system of descent and inheritance, in which direct and lateral lines were not distinguished. According to the Book of History, between the sixth to the tenth generation, the royal Shang house experienced succession disputes nine times, with brothers and sons struggling against one another for the throne. Thus the Shang king of the eleventh generation decided to end the traditional system and undertook reforms. He first granted the title Di to the deceased kings who had enthroned sons. From the title Di, the royal house had developed the concept of di, i.e., direct (descent) and established a contrast with the concept of jie, i.e., lateral (descent). The Shang people also gave new meaning to the word kao, and turned it into a descriptive kinship term (able to distinguish direct and lateral lines) for father (deceased only). It took three generations and five kings to complete the reform. As a result, the descent and inheritance (succession) systems of the royal Shang no longer vacillated between brothers and sons. In comparison with the term fu, the term zi is harder to comprehend. * Lin Chao is a visiting professor in the Graduate Institute of Chinese Literature at Chinese Culture University.

22 21 1 This is because at the time the word was coined, the values for distinguishing between direct and lateral, male and female, son and daughter, young and adult were not given. Thus it is necessary to examine the word s syntagmatic as well as paradigmatic relationships with other words at different levels of language including at least the word, the morpheme, and the formant levels. The author takes the words zi and nü in a binary relation, for example, and discusses whether and when the word zi refers to an adult or a youngster, a male or a female, a son or a daughter. The author also analyzes zi s direct or lateral values in relations to the term duozi or jiezi, and zi s recognition and naming procedures, zi s seniority arrangement, lord and servant relations, and zi s becoming an honorable appellation as well as a title of rank for the feudal lords. Indeed, the changes in zi s referents enhanced the word s significance. Keywords: Shang dynasty, father, son, lineage rules, kinship terminology