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大學圖書館系統 University Library System 設備及服務 SUPPORT FACILITIES AND SERVICES (1) 圖書館設備香港中文大學圖書館是東南亞地區其中一所主要的學術研究型圖書館, 其豐富及全面的紙本 線上及特藏資源吸引着學生及學者 圖書館包含大學圖書館及六所分館 : 崇基學院的牟路思怡圖書館 新亞書院的錢穆圖書館 聯合書院的胡忠多媒體圖書館 位於沙田教學醫院內的李炳醫學圖書館 建築學圖書館及利國偉法律圖書館 圖書館藏有逾二百六十萬冊紙本書籍 四百萬電子書 逾十四萬種期刊及八百四十三種數據庫 每年的進館人次約二百五十萬 館藏反映香港中文大學的雙語及多元文化環境 讀者可透過網址 使用電子館藏及檢索圖書館資源 ( 檢索易 ) 讀者也可以在任何一所圖書館借閱書籍 圖書館是 港書網 成員, 學生可以借閱其他七所大學圖書館的館藏書籍 圖書館為讀者提供 發性的學習空間及設施, 設有四千多個座位 為照顧不同讀者的需要, 圖書館分別設有寧靜的個人研習間以至充滿活力的 進學園 協作空間 所有圖書館均設有完備的電腦設施及無線網絡 大學圖書館為滿足研究生及研究者的需要, 特別設有研究共享空間及個人研習間 大學圖書館內的 進學園 及建築學圖書館於學期中提供 24/7 的研習空間, 李炳醫學圖書館的 24/7 研習空間更是全年開放 除流動服務團隊外, 圖書館員透過電郵 電話及面晤提供專業支援, 及在每個學年初為新生舉辦圖書館輔導 幫助學生找尋 使用和更有效地應用所需資訊的工作坊更是全年無間 現時, 所有圖書館的資訊指引及消息均可在圖書館網頁上找到 親身或透過網上使用圖書館服務是成功修讀大學課程的重要一環 我們期待並歡迎您使用圖書館服務! (2) 圖書館開放時間大學圖書館 崇基圖書館 新亞圖書館 聯合胡忠多媒體圖書館及利國偉法律圖書館星期一至五上午八時二十分至晚上十時星期六上午八時二十分至晚上七時星期日下午一時至晚上七時 大學圖書館 進學園 及伍何曼原樓學習共享空間 IX C IX C 1

學期中每週七天, 每天二十四小時開放予中文大學教職員及學生使用 建築學圖書館星期一至五上午七時三十分至晚上十時星期六上午七時三十分至晚上十時星期日暫停服務每週七天, 每天二十四小時開放予建築學院教職員及學生使用 館員當值時間為星期一至五上午十一時至晚上七時 李炳醫學圖書館每週七天, 每天二十四小時開放 服務時間 / 書庫開放時間 : 星期一至五 上午九時至晚上七時 星期六 上午九時至下午四時三十分 星期日 暫停服務 * 位於美國銀行中心的法律學院法律資源中心開放時間為星期一至五上午八時四十五分至晚上九時三十分, 星期六上午九時至下午六時, 星期日及公眾假期停止開放 任何開放時間之更改將於各館之入口處及圖書館網頁公佈 (1) Library Facilities The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library is one of the major academic research libraries in East Asia, attracting students and scholars to its rich and extensive print, online and special collections. It comprises the University Library and six other Libraries the Elisabeth Luce Moore Library at Chung Chi College, the Ch ien Mu Library at New Asia College, the Wu Chung Multimedia Library at United College, the Li Ping Medical Library at the teaching hospital in Shatin, the Architecture Library and the Lee Quo Wei Law Library. With over 2.6 million print volumes, 4 million online books, more than 140,000 journal subscriptions and 843 databases, the Library welcomes around 2.5 million visits per year. Collections reflect The Chinese University of Hong Kong s bilingual and multicultural environment. Access to the electronic collections and searching of library resources (LibrarySearch) is from our website at Books can be borrowed from any of the libraries, and as part of Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) students can also use books from the seven other university libraries in Hong Kong. The Library offers inspirational facilities, with over 4,000 study spaces across its buildings. It caters for all, from silent individual study to the vibrant Learning Garden collaborative area. There are extensive PC facilities and WiFi is enabled throughout the libraries. The University Library also accommodates the needs of post-graduates and researchers, with a Research Commons and individual study room. During the semester 24/7 study space is available in the Learning Garden at the University Library, the Architecture Library and all year round at the Li Ping Medical Library. In addition to a roving help team, librarians offer specialist support in person, via email or phone, and library orientation sessions are organised for new students at the beginning of each academic year. Workshops are held throughout the year, so that students can find, use and apply the information they need effectively. Information guides and news about all of the Libraries are available on the Library website. Using a library in person or on the web is a key factor in success at University. We look forward to welcoming you to the Library! (2) Library Opening Hours University Library, Chung Chi College Library, New Asia College Library, United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library and Lee Quo Wei Law Library Mondays Fridays 8:20 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturdays 8:20 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sundays 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Learning Garden at the University Library and Learning Commons at the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building Open 24/7 during semesters for staff and students of the University only. Architecture Library Mondays Fridays 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturdays 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sundays No Services Opens 24/7 for staff and students of the School of Architecture only. Staffed hours are 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays. Li Ping Medical Library Opens 24/7 Staffed Services/ Book Stacks: Mondays Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sundays No Services * The Legal Resources Centre of the Faculty of Law in the Bank of America Tower building opens 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and closes on Sundays and public holidays. Any changes in schedule will be posted at the entrances to the libraries, and on the Library Homepage. IX C 2 IX C 3

六樓 資訊科技服務處 Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) 資訊科技服務處提供全面的資訊科技建設和服務, 並把資訊科技融入大學生活的每個層面 1. 資訊科技設備 用戶區及學習共享空間用戶區 ( 碧秋樓一樓 ) 及學習共享空間 ( 伍何曼原樓六樓 ) 均設有電腦 影音及列印設備以提供列印 掃描及影印服務 同時亦設有多用途空間予同學進行小組討論或個人學習 2. MyCUHK 大學一站式服務平台 MyCUHK, 一站式的服務平台, 提供個人化的頁面進入中大學生信息系統 (CUSIS) 大學行政系統 電郵服務 圖書館服務以及各種網上服務和校園資訊 透過 CUSIS, 同學可以管理個人項目 選課 查看成績 列印成績單 網上提交各種申請 ( 例如申請到海外交流申請或申請學生資助及獎學金 ) 以及網上繳款等等 3. 網絡連接校園主幹網絡以萬兆或千兆位元乙太網高速連接中大所有課室 宿舍 教學和行政大樓 校園內, 同學亦可在圖書館 課室 學生餐廳 學生宿舍和校內大部分學生活動室和室內或室外公共空間享用 Wi-Fi 服務 另外, 宿舍內設有網絡端口連接校園網絡和互聯網 校園外, 同學可通過網絡供應商提供的寬頻服務連接中大虛擬私人網絡, 以接入校園網絡 根據大學與網絡供應商簽訂的伙伴計劃, 已註冊該服務的同學可在全港不同地方及眾多海外大學的無線寬頻熱點享用免費 Wi-Fi 4. 網上教學系統及工具 資訊科技服務處提供各類系統及工具, 方便同學網上學習 教學人員可透過中大網上教學系統建立課程網站, 供同學獲取筆記 遞交功課 參與課外討論及進行網上測驗等 其他教學系統及工具包括 CUHK on itunes U 以及課程錄製系統 5. 信息安全 根據大學軟件授權計劃, 每位中大同學可免費安裝防毒軟件以保護其個人電腦 同學應學習應用資訊科技的良好習慣及保護個人資料的方法 6. Office 365 雲端服務 同學可透過 Office 365 享用一系列的雲端服務, 包括 50GB 電子郵箱 1TB 雲端硬碟及免費安裝 Microsoft Office, 方便同學學習時使用 7. 更多資訊 網頁 : Facebook: 網上服務台 : 於辦公時間內聯絡 : 服務台 : 用戶區 ( 碧秋樓一樓 ) 及學習共享空間 ( 伍何曼原樓 ) 熱線 :3943 8845 The ITSC provides a comprehensive range of IT infrastructure and services, and integrates information technology into almost every facet of university life. 1. IT Facilities User Areas and Learning Commons The User Areas (1/F, Pi Ch iu Building) and Leaning Commons (6/F, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building) are both equipped with computers, audio visual facilities and multi-functional printers to provide printing, scanning and photocopying services. They also have functional spaces to facilitate students private and collaborative work. 2. MyCUHK - University Portal MyCUHK, the one-stop University portal, offers personalized access to the Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS), University administrative system, cloud e-mail service, library services, a wide range of online services and campus information. Through CUSIS, students can manage personal particulars, enroll courses, view official grades, print transcripts, submit applications online (e.g. outgoing exchange applications, financial aid and scholarship application), make online payment, etc. 3. Network Connection The entire campus, including classrooms, student hostels, teaching blocks, academic and administrative buildings, is connected to the University Campus Backbone Network via high-speed 10 Gigabit or Gigabit Ethernet links. Meanwhile, students can enjoy Wi-Fi service in libraries, classrooms, student IX C 4 IX C 5

canteens, student hostels and most of the student common rooms and indoor or outdoor communal areas on campus. Student residents can also access the campus network and the Internet through network ports that are available in student hostels. When off campus, students can connect to the campus network through commercial broadband service providers using a virtual private network (VPN) connection. Under a partnership programme, registered users can enjoy free Wi-Fi Internet access at hotspots throughout Hong Kong and at many overseas universities. 4. elearning Systems and Tools Various systems and tools are offered by ITSC to enrich online learning experience of students at the University. Teaching staff can set up course websites on CUHK elearning System for students to access online learning materials, submit assignments, participate in class discussions, take quizzes online etc. Other systems and tools used to support teaching include CUHK on itunes U and Lecture Recording System. 5. Information Security Under the University Software License Programme, each CUHK student is entitled to a free copy of anti-virus software for their computer protection. Students are also encouraged to learn good IT practices to safeguard personal information and sensitive data. 6. Cloud Service- Office 365 Student can enjoy cloud services under Office 365, which provides a range of collaboration tools to facilitate your study. It includes a 50GB mailbox, 1TB cloud storage and free installation of Microsoft Office applications. 7. Further Information Webpage: Facebook: Online Service Desk: During office hours: Service Desk at User Areas (1/F, Pi Ch iu Building) and Learning Commons (6/F, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building) Hotline: 3943 8845 保健處 University Health Service 大學保健處為全日制學生 職員及其家屬提供醫療 牙科及健康促進服務 醫療團隊包括八位醫生 五位牙醫及其他醫療專職人員 診所設有小手術室 配藥室 化驗所及物理治療室, 提供基層醫療及牙科服務 嚴重病患或有需要者會轉介專科醫生或醫院接受治療 健康教育組定期舉行講座 學生活動 健康教育活動及疫苗注射計劃 牙科部提供牙病預防 診治及補齒服務 服務可透過電話 互聯網或親臨預約 除牙科服務收取費用外, 保健處提供的一般醫療服務均是免費 醫療服務預約電話 : 3943 6439 諮詢電話 : 3943 6422 網上預約 : 保健處網頁 : 牙科預約 / 諮詢電話 : 3943 6412 無論在任何時間遇上急症或意外, 應往沙田威爾斯親王醫院或其他醫院管理局轄下醫院急症室接受診治 召救護車可電 999 The University Health Service provides on-campus medical, dental and health promotion services to full-time students and staff members and their dependants. Our medical team includes eight physicians, five dental surgeons and other allied health professionals. The health clinic is equipped with a minor operating theatre, a dispensary, a medical laboratory and a physiotherapy unit to provide primary medical and dental care services. For specific or more serious medical conditions, the clinic can arrange referrals to specialists. The Health Education Unit organizes regular talks, student activities, awareness campaigns, and vaccination programmes. The Dental Unit provides both preventive and curative services, as well as dental prostheses. Appointments can be made via telephone, Internet or in person. Medical services are IX C 6 IX C 7

generally free of charge, whereas the Dental Unit charges a nominal fee. Medical Clinic Appointments: 3943 6439 Enquiries: 3943 6422 Internet booking: UHS Homepage: Dental Unit Appointments / Enquiries: 3943 6412 In case of emergencies, members of the University should seek prompt treatment at the Accident and Emergency Department of Prince of Wales Hospital in Shatin or any Hospital Authority hospitals. To call an ambulance, please dial 999. 大學其他設施 Other Facilities in the University (1) 學生宿舍 大學的學生宿舍合共提供約九千七百零九個宿位 適用於本科生 : (i) 崇基學院 : 一千四百五十九個 (ii) 新亞書院 : 一千一百八十六個 (iii) 聯合書院 : 一千二百八十八個 (iv) 逸夫書院 : 一千二百一十一個 (v) 晨興書院 : 三百個 (vi) 善衡書院 : 六百個 (vii) 敬文書院 : 三百零二個 (viii) 伍宜孫書院 : 六百零四個 (ix) 和聲書院 : 六百四十個 (x) 國際生舍堂 : 五百九十九個 ( 包括崇基學院 新亞書院 聯合書院 逸夫 書院 伍宜孫書院及和聲書院 ) (xi) 醫學院的何善衡夫人醫科生宿舍 ( 位於該院的教習醫院 - 沙田威爾斯親王醫院, 及供臨牀期醫科學生住宿 ): 三百零四個 適用於研究生 : (i) 研究生宿舍 : 一千一百個 (ii) 國際生舍堂 : 一百一十六個 (2) 體育設施本校一向甚為注重學生的健康, 鼓勵學生參加各類體育活動, 不遺餘力 校內的體育設備亦不斷增加, 現在全校共有運動場兩個 體育館五個 游泳池一個 網球場十二個和壁球場六個 夏鼎基運動場設有四百米全天候跑道供師生使用, 並設有足球場一個 射箭練習場一個 射箭練習籠兩個及攀石牆 全校最大型並配備最多器械的健身室座落於夏鼎基運動場跑道旁 嶺南運動場則有全天候緩跑徑 足球場一個 籃球場六個 手球場兩個和排球場一個, 兩座運動場均設有蓋觀眾看台及夜間照明系統 四個室內體育館 ( 新亞體育館 聯合體育館 逸夫書院室內體育及多功能館和楊明標室內體育中心 ) 均設有羽毛球場 籃球場及排球場, 體育館附近並設有乒乓球室及舞蹈室和健身室 逸夫書院更有一個室外籃球場 此外, 崇基學院的龐萬倫學生中心內設有多用途球場, 開放予同學參與籃球和羽毛球等康體活動, 同學亦可使用中心內的健身室及適合舞蹈及武術活動的多用途活動室 水上活動中心位於吐露港旁, 可供職員 學生及校友使用 IX C 8 IX C 9

(3) 藝術行政主任辦公室邵逸夫堂經理同時兼任大學藝術行政主任, 除策辦文化藝術節目之外, 亦負責推廣校内藝術活動, 並特別為同學提供藝術教育的機會, 以促進藝術及德育的全人發展 自二零零九年始, 辦公室推行 學生文化大使 計劃, 資助學生欣賞文化藝術活動, 並設平台讓學生分享藝術經驗 ; 辦公室更不時邀請藝術家 / 評論家主講文化專題 另外, 定期舉辦 中大文化徑 導遊團, 讓校内外人士探尋大學校園人文風景 為了推動校園文化藝術氣氛, 辦公室每月出版 藝津, 報導校內文化藝術活動 請瀏覽藝術行政主任辦公室網頁 : 了解詳情 (4) 邵逸夫堂設備完善 符合專業舞台規格之邵逸夫堂可容納觀眾 1,438 人, 為校內最大及舞台設施至齊備的表演場地, 並駐有專業及具經驗的前 後台工作人員, 為理想的文娛活動中心 校內的典禮 集會 講座 考試 展覽 音樂 戲劇 舞蹈和電影欣賞等活動均可在此舉行 如有需要, 更可作臨時小劇場安排 歡迎租用, 舉辦文化活動, 有關詳情請瀏覽邵逸夫堂網頁 : (1) Student Hostels The University provides approximately 9,709 hostel places for students. For undergraduate students: (i) Chung Chi College: 1,459 (ii) New Asia College : 1,186 (iii) United College: 1,288 (iv) Shaw College: 1,211 (v) Morningside College: 300 (vi) S.H. Ho College: 600 (vii) C.W. Chu College: 302 (viii) Wu Yee Sun College: 604 (ix) Lee Woo Sing College: 640 (x) International House: 599 (for six Colleges: Chung Chi, New Asia, United, Shaw, Wu Yee Sun and Lee Woo Sing) (xi) Madam S.H. Ho Hostel operated by the Faculty of Medicine: 304 (for medical students at the Prince of Wales Hospital, the teaching hospital of the Faculty, in Shatin) For postgraduate students: (i) Postgraduate Halls: 1,100 (ii) International House: 116 tennis courts and six squash courts. The Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field provides a 400-metre all-weather track for students and staff. It also provides one soccer pitch, one archery practice field, two archery shooting cages and a sports climbing wall. A largest and best-equipped fitness room is also located in the sports centre and next to the track. The Lingnan Stadium Sports Field provides an all-weather jogging track, one soccer pitch, six basketball courts, two handball courts and one volleyball court. Both sports fields provide covered spectator stands and flood-light facilities. Each of the four indoor gymnasia (New Asia College Gymnasium, United College Gymnasium, Shaw College Indoor Multi-Purpose Sports Hall and Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre) houses badminton courts, basketball court and volleyball court. Table tennis room, dance studio and fitness room are located near to each gymnasium. On the Shaw College campus, there is one outdoor basketball court. At Pommerenke Student Centre in Chung Chi College, a multi-purpose hall is open for students to participate in sports activities such as basketball and badminton. Students can also use the fitness room and the multi-purpose room, which is ideal for dancing and martial art activities. The Water Sports Centre is located on the Tolo Harbour shoreline and is open for staff, students and alumni. (3) Office of the Arts Administrator The Office of the Arts Administrator is responsible for presenting and organising arts programmes, promoting and coordinating campus-wide arts activities, and providing educational opportunities in the arts for students holistic development. Since 2009, the Office has launched a Student Cultural Ambassador Scheme to provide subsidies for students to watch performances and a platform to share their arts experiences. The Office also invites artists and critics to give talks on cultural issues from time to time. Furthermore, CU Culture Trail Guided Tours are regularly held for students and the public to re-discover the beautiful landscape of the campus and the spirit of the University. In order to enhance the arts and cultural atmosphere of the University campus, the Office publishes a monthly Chinese University arts calendar Embark to promote arts and cultural activities on campus. For more information of the Office of the Arts Administrator, please visit the website: (4) The Sir Run Run Shaw Hall With a seating capacity of 1,438 and experienced housing and backstage staff, the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall is the biggest and professionally-equipped theatre in the University suitable for holding ceremonies, assemblies, meetings, lectures and examinations, and for staging concerts, drama and dance performances, film shows and exhibitions. Temporary studio setting is possible on request. Booking for cultural activities is welcomed. For further information, please visit the Hall s website: (2) Sports Facilities In order to promote students health and fitness, the University provides a variety of sports facilities, including two sports fields, five gymnasia, one swimming pool, twelve IX C 10 IX C 11

教育學院設施 Facilities in the Faculty of Education 教育學院位於中大崇基校園的何添樓, 樓高七層, 除用作行政部門及講師辦公室外, 亦設有多間特別室, 作課堂及活動用途, 介紹如下 : (1) 多用途教室 B5 室 是一個多用途的文娛活動中心, 全場中央電腦控制, 提供 Wi-Fi 無線上網服務, 如用作講座或上課場地, 可容納近百人, 另可作典禮 展覽 記者招待會或學生活動之用 室內視聽器材完備, 場中內置電腦的升降講壇, 可因應不同講者的高度隨意升降, 講壇內設有中央電腦控制系統可遙控各種視聽器材, 包括 1 部高清投射機, 1 部標清投射機及 3 部液晶體顯示屏 ; 壁上更設有三個大型電動銀幕, 可作不同媒體投射 (2) 演講廳 B6 室 設有 220 個座位, 提供 Wi-Fi 無線上網服務及中央電腦控制之先進影音器材, 並配備 2 部標清投射機,3 個投射屏及講壇電腦以協助教學 此演講廳除可作上課用途外, 更經常舉行講座 論壇及學生活動 (3) 資訊科技實驗室本院共有四個資訊科技實驗室, 供教育學院學生上課及自學使用 (a) 一號實驗室 何添樓 M1 備有個人電腦五十多台 各機均與多款鐳射印表機 ( 黑白及彩色 ) 連接, 並提供一系列工具軟件作文書處理 繪圖 統計及多媒體製作等用途, 部份電腦更裝備數碼多媒體系統如影像壓縮卡 及掃瞄器等, 可供學員學習製作音樂或多媒體教材 室內並設有互動電子白版 中央遙控教學系統 Wi-Fi 無線上網服務及各種視聽設備, 可供上課及舉行工作坊用途 (b) 二號實驗室 何添樓 107 室 為一設備先進的聰慧型課室, 主要供語文科目使用 室內設有二十多個工作站, 各有電腦及數碼語言學習系統, 可由中央工作台遙控, 作線上多媒體式教學 評核 分組討論 廣播之用 ; 另備有各種視聽系統 等離子顯示屏等 此室除可供課堂使用外, 亦可舉辦多媒體工作坊 (c) 三號實驗室 信和樓 614 室 為一高度互動性教室, 主要供多媒體課程使用 室內備有個人電腦四十多台, 及各種數碼多媒體系統 影音設備等 實驗室內提供一系列工具軟件作文書處理 繪圖 網站製作及多媒體教材製作等使用 室內之中央遙控教學系統與各種視聽系統互相配合, 支援不同教學活動 (d) 四號實驗室 信和樓 618 室 為語言實驗室, 主要供語文科目使用, 共計二十六個工作站, 各配備已聯網的電腦 所有工作站皆連接至一數碼語言學習系統, 作線上多媒體式教學 評核 分組討論 廣播之用及製作不同的數碼音效格式 室內牆身 天花及傢俱均安裝了完善的吸音設備, 配上先進的電腦中央控制影音系統及三台等離子顯示屏, 提供一個優秀的語文學習及測試環境 (4) 理科教學教室 G2,G3,G4 室 備有物理 化學 生物及綜合自然科學等之教學實驗設備, 室內並設有教學電腦 影音及投射設備 (5) 數學科教室 G5 室 場中備有教學電腦 影音 投射設備 實物視像輸出台 幻燈片視像輸出台 各科儀器 教具及教材 (6) 輔導實驗室 102-103 室 實驗室內設有一個研討區 數個個別輔導室及一個中央錄像控制室 全室以休閒式設計, 供輔導教學及訓練學生輔諮方法之用 研討區設有錄影機 電視機 投射機及兩台遙控攝像機, 個別輔導室則設有獨立攝像機連接到中央控制室, 方便訓練及研習用途 另外, 本院教育科技部亦置有各種視聽器材, 可供講師作授課用途或學員製作教材之 用 這些設備包括 : (1) 手提電腦 (11) 高速卡帶複製機 (2) 手提多媒體投射機 (12) 手提無線擴音機 (3) 高映機 (13) 鐳射唱片機 (4) 幻燈片放影機 (14) 錄像機 (5) 幻燈片視像輸出台 (15) 電視機 (6) 有線及無線話筒 (16) 數碼攝錄機 (7) 數碼錄音機 (17) 錄音系統 (8) 卡帶錄音機 (18) 視像剪輯系統 ( 線性及非線性 ) (9) 三腳架 (19) 實物視像輸出台 (10) 數碼相機 (20) 視像光碟機 The Faculty of Education is located within the Ho Tim Building on the University s Chung Chi campus. This seven-storied building houses offices for administrative units and lecturers, and has several special rooms for lecture and function purposes. They are: (1) Multi-purpose room (Room B5) This is a multi-purpose function room for holding lectures, ceremonies, exhibitions, press conferences and activities. It can hold an audience of around 100, and is well-equipped with advanced audio-visual equipment, a built-in computer at lectern and Wi-Fi service. The height adjustable lectern is suitable for different speakers. It is installed with a computerized central control system for all audio-visual equipment like high definition projector, standard definition projector, 3 LCD display panels, etc. There are totally three large motorized screens which allow for projection from different IX C 12 IX C 13

media. (2) Auditorium (Room B6) This is a large theatre with a seating capacity of 220 and Wi-Fi service available. It is installed with advanced audio-visual equipment operated through a computerized central control system. The auditorium also has 2 standard definition LCD projectors, 3 projection screens and a built-in computer at lectern to support teaching. The auditorium is suitable for lecture, symposium and activity purposes. (3) I.T. Laboratories The Faculty has four IT laboratories for class and self-learning purposes: (a) I.T. Laboratory No. 1 (Room M1 of Ho Tim Building) It is a large user area that holds more than 50 PCs. The computers are connected with various kinds of laser printers (plain and colour), and equipped with a list of software tools for word processing, graphics, statistics and multimedia production. Some are incorporated with digital multimedia systems like video capture card, and scanner. Students may use the computer equipment for producing music or multimedia teaching materials. This laboratory is also equipped with an interactive electronic board, a remote computer supervisory system, Wi-Fi service and various kinds of audio-visual equipment. It facilitates class and workshop purposes. (b) I.T. Laboratory No. 2 (Room 107 of Ho Tim Building) It is an intelligent multimedia language learning laboratory with 24 stations, each equipped with computer that can be centrally controlled via the teacher s station. The equipment and multimedia interface facilitate on-line teaching, assessment, discussion and broadcast purposes. A list of audio-visual systems and plasma displays are also available to use. The laboratory is frequently used for language and computer classes, and multimedia workshops. (c) I.T. Laboratory No. 3 (Room 614 of Sino Building) It is a laboratory integrated with highly interactive multimedia resources, and mainly used for multimedia-based curriculum. It holds over 40 PCs, various digital multimedia systems and audio-visual equipment. The computers are equipped with a list of software tools for word processing, graphics, homepage and multimedia production. The laboratory is also installed a remote computer supervisory system and various kinds of audio-visual equipment that support different kinds of teaching and learning activities. (d) I.T. Laboratory No. 4 (Room 618 of Sino Building) It is a language laboratory furnished with advanced digital language system and multimedia equipment for language teaching and learning. There are 26 workstations, each installed with computer connected with the Internet. All workstations are also hooked up to a digital language learning system that is easy to use. The equipment facilitates on-line teaching, assessment, discussion, broadcast purposes and is capable to produce various digital audio formats. The whole room, together with all furniture therein, is treated with high-quality acoustic insulation fabrics. Thanks to a list of advanced central control audio-visual equipment and 3 plasma displays, the laboratory provides an excellent environment for language learning and testing. Biology and Integrated Science. Each laboratory is installed with built-in computer, audio-visual equipment like LCD projector, video and disc player, etc. (5) Mathematics Room (Room G5) This room is equipped with built-in computer, AV system for video and disc, Visualizer and slide-to-video converter, different sorts of teaching tools, kits and equipment. (6) Counselling Laboratory (Room 102-103) This is a laboratory with a leisurely setting, designated for counselling classes and for students to perform practicum on individual and group counselling. It comprises a discussion area, several individual counselling rooms and a main control room. The discussion area is equipped with video recorders, televisions, projectors and two remote-control video camcorders. Each individual counselling room is also installed with a video camcorder connected to the main control room, facilitating the purpose of training and learning. In addition to these, the Faculty s Education Technology Unit has various kinds of audio-visual equipment for loan purpose. (1) Notebook Computer (2) Portable Multimedia Projector (3) Overhead Projector (4) Slide Projector (5) Slide-to-Video Converter (6) Wired and Wireless Microphones (7) Digital Audio Recorder (8) Portable Audio Cassette Recorder (9) Tripod (10) Digital Still Camera (11) High-speed Audio Cassette Duplicator (12) Portable Wireless Mic Amplifier (13) Portable CD Player (14) Video Cassette Recorder (VHS) (15) Television (16) Digital Video Camcorder (17) Audio Production System (18) Video Editing System (Linear / Non-linear) (19) Visualizer (20) DVD Player (4) Science Rooms (Rooms G2, G3, G4) They are equipped with apparatus and facilities for subjects of Physics, Chemistry, IX C 14 IX C 15