T a b l e o f 6. 报 名 的 更 改 1 7. 报 名 的 取 消 和 返 款 16 四 考 试 准 备 和 考 试 规 则 /16 1. 考 试 内 容 准 备 16 2. 考 试 用 品 的 准 备 16 3. 准 考 证 的 准 备 16 4. 了 解 考 试 形 式 17.

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目 录 BULLETIN OF YCT TEST Table of Contents 中 小 学 生 汉 语 考 试 考 生 手 册 ( 中 文 版 ) 一 YCT 考 试 常 见 问 题 解 答 /3 1.YCT2013 年 有 几 次? 3 2.YCT 考 试 在 哪 里 举 办? 在 哪 些 日 期 举 办? 3 3. 参 加 YCT 考 试, 怎 么 报 名? 3 4. 应 该 参 加 哪 个 级 别 的 YCT 考 试? 3.YCT 考 试 各 级 别 的 报 名 费 用 是 多 少? 4 6.YCT 考 试 是 以 什 么 形 式 进 行 的? 4 7. 考 试 当 天 需 要 携 带 哪 些 东 西? 4 8. 口 语 考 试 是 由 主 考 老 师 现 场 提 问 当 场 打 分 吗? 4 9. 总 分 达 到 合 格 线 是 否 代 表 考 试 成 绩 合 格? 4 10. 考 试 结 束 后, 如 何 查 询 成 绩? 如 何 获 得 成 绩 报 告? 4 二 中 小 学 生 汉 语 考 试 介 绍 / 1. 中 小 学 生 汉 语 考 试 简 介 2.YCT 的 等 级 3.YCT 的 试 题 结 构 与 考 试 内 容 4.YCT 考 试 适 用 考 生 11 三 考 试 报 名 和 交 费 /11 1.2013 年 考 试 日 期 11 2. 报 名 方 式 与 考 试 交 费 12 3. 照 片 要 求 12 4. 准 考 证 13. 信 息 输 入 错 误 的 纠 正 1

T a b l e o f 6. 报 名 的 更 改 1 7. 报 名 的 取 消 和 返 款 16 四 考 试 准 备 和 考 试 规 则 /16 1. 考 试 内 容 准 备 16 2. 考 试 用 品 的 准 备 16 3. 准 考 证 的 准 备 16 4. 了 解 考 试 形 式 17. 考 场 规 则 和 考 试 规 则 17 6. 考 试 异 常 18 7. 特 殊 考 生 18 8. 考 生 缺 考 18 9. 违 规 与 处 罚 19 五 考 试 成 绩 与 成 绩 报 告 /19 1.YCT 分 数 体 系 19 2. 考 试 成 绩 的 使 用 19 3. 成 绩 查 询 与 成 绩 报 告 19



BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 中小学生汉语考试 考生手册 中文版 YCT考试报名 http://www.chinesetest.cn 1

参 加 YCT 考 试 导 读 报 名 登 录 www.chinesetest.cn 选 择 考 点 / 时 间 / 科 目, 或 联 系 考 点 报 名 P11-12 交 费 联 系 考 点 查 询 费 用 标 准 并 交 费 开 通 网 上 支 付 考 点, 可 直 接 网 上 缴 费 P12 登 录 www.chinesetest.cn 打 印 准 考 证 ; 获 得 准 考 证 P13-14 或 联 系 考 点 领 取 准 考 证 参 加 考 试 了 解 考 试 规 则, 准 备 好 考 试 用 品, 按 时 参 加 考 试 P16-18 查 询 成 绩 考 试 后 30 天 登 录 www.chinesetest.cn, 输 入 18 位 准 考 证 号 码 和 姓 名 查 询 P16-18 成 绩 报 告 考 试 结 束 后 1-2 个 月 联 系 考 点 领 取 P19

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 一 YCT考试常见问题解答 1.YCT考试2013年有几次 2013年共举办YCT考试4次 考试分别在3月 月 8月和11月举办 其中月和8月 考生可以选择参加口语考试 2.在哪里可以参加YCT考试 可以在汉语考试服务网 www.chinesetest.cn 考点信息 中查询YCT考点和举 办YCT考试的日期 3.参加YCT考试 怎么报名 YCT考试有网上报名和考点报名两种方式 网上报名的网址为 www. chinesetest.cn,按照网站说明填写信息可完成报名 考点现场报名可联系所选考点了 4.应该参加哪个级别的考试 可以对照下面表格中的参考信息选择报考 也可以向了解YCT考试的汉语教师咨询 学时 词汇量 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语 掌握80个最常用词语和相 3个月 关语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语 掌握10个最常用词语和相 一个学期 半学年 关语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语 掌握300个最常用词语和相 两个学期 一学年 关语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语 掌握600个最常用词语和相 两个学期以上 关语法知识 适合级别 适合参加YCT一级考试 适合参加YCT二级考试 适合参加YCT三级考试 适合参加YCT四级考试.YCT考试各级别的报名费用是多少 考试报名费因世界各国货币汇率不同 具体需向当地考点查询 3 考试常见问题解答 YCT 解报名要求和方式

考生手册 6.YCT考试是以什么形式进行的 YCT1-4级是纸笔考试 考生将听力 阅读和书写部分的答案用2B铅笔填写到答题卡 上 考场内的所有考生同时开始 同时结束 YCT口试 初级 中级 是将考生对各个试 题的口语回答录制到录音设备里 考场内所有考生同时开始作答 录制到各自独立的录 音设备中 同时结束考试 7.考试当天需要携带哪些东西 考试当天 考生只能携带准考证 两支以上2B铅笔和橡皮到考试座位上 其他物品 应该放在主 监考老师指定的地方 不可以随身携带 如果是参加计算机网络考试的考 生 考试当天只需携带准考证参加考试 8.口语考试是由主考老师现场提问 当场打分吗 考试常见问题解答 YCT 不是的 口语考试采用现场录音的形式 考场内的考生按照监考人员的安排 使用 各自独立的录音设备同时进行录音 录音结果将由汉考国际统一评分 9.总分达到合格线是否代表考试成绩合格 是的 YCT考试没有单项分数要求 只要总分达到合格线就代表考试成绩合格 10.考试结束后 如何查询成绩 如何获得成绩报告 考试结束后一个月 考生可以登录汉语考试服务网 www.chinesetest.cn 查询成 绩或向报名考点查询 通过网上查询成绩时 一定要按照准考证上的信息准确地输入18 位准考证号和姓名进行查询 参加了YCT考试的考生 不论成绩是否合格 均可在考试结 束后1-2个月到参加考试的考点领取成绩报告 4

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 二 中小学生汉语考试介绍 1.中小学生汉语考试简介 中小学生汉语考试 YCT 是为鼓励汉语非第一语言的中小学生学习汉语 培养 提 高汉语能力而设计的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试 考查汉语非第一语言的中小学生在 日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力 2.YCT的等级 YCT分为笔试和口试两部分 笔试和口试是相互独立的 笔试包括YCT 一级 YCT 二级 YCT 三级 YCT 四级 口试包括YCT 初级 和YCT 中级 口语考试采用录音形式 汉语的能力 通过YCT 二级 的考生可以理解并使用一些非常简单的汉语词语和句子 满足的交 际需求 通过YCT 三级 的考生可以用汉语就熟悉的日常话题进行简单而直接的交流 达到 初级汉语优等水平 通过YCT 四级 的考生可以运用汉语完成生活 学习中的基本交际任务 在中国旅 游时 可应对遇到的大部分交际任务 3.YCT的试题结构与考试内容 中小学生汉语考试介绍 通过YCT 一级 的考生可以理解并使用最常用的汉语词语和句子 具备进一步学习

考生手册 YCT 一级 共3题 分听力 阅读两部分 考试内容 一 听力 试题数量 个 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 20 填写答题卡 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 二 阅读 共计 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 / 1 3 考试时间 分钟 约10 3 17 约30 的试题结构与考试内容 YCT 全部考试约3分钟 含考生填写个人信息时间分钟 考试内容 1 听力 第一部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的词语与试卷中的图片是 否一致 第二部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的短语选出试卷中相应图 片 第三部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的句子与试卷中图片是否 一致 第四部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的对话选出试卷中相应 图片 2 阅读 第一部分 共题 每题提供一张图片和一个词语 考生要判断是否一致 第二部分 共题 每题提供一个句子 试卷上有多张图片 考生根据句子内容选出对应 的图片 第三部分 共题 每题提供一张图片和一个不完整的对话 试卷上共有6个选项 要求考生选出答案 试卷上的试题都加注了拼音 6

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST YCT 二级 共40题 分听力 阅读两部分 考试内容 一 听力 试题数量 个 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 考试时间 分钟 20 填写答题卡 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 二 阅读 共计 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 / 20 40 约1 3 27 约4 考试内容 1 听力 第一部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的短语与试卷中的图片是 否一致 第二部分 共题 每题听两遍 每要求考生根据听到的句子选出试卷中相应图 片 第三部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的对话选出试卷中相应图 片 第四部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的问话选出试卷中的正确回 答 2 阅读 第一部分 共题 每题提供一张图片和一个短语 考生要判断是否一致 第二部分 共题 每题提供一个对话 试卷上有多张图片 考生根据对话内容选出 对应的图片 第三部分 共题 提供个问句和个回答 考生要找出对应关系 第四部分 共题 每题提供一个不完整的对话 试卷上共有6个选项 要求考生选出答案 试卷上的试题都加注了拼音 7 的试题结构与考试内容 YCT 全部考试约0分钟 含考生填写个人信息时间分钟

考生手册 YCT 三级 共60题 分听力和阅读两部分 考试内容 一 听力 试题数量 个 第一部分 10 第二部分 10 第三部分 10 第四部分 3 填写答题卡 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 二 阅读 共计 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 10 / 2 60 考试时间 分钟 约20 30 约 的试题结构与考试内容 YCT 全部考试约60分钟 含考生填写个人信息时间分钟 考试内容 1 听力 第一部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的句子与试卷中图片是 否一致 第二部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的对话选出试卷中相应 图片 第三部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的问话选出试卷中的正 确回答 第四部分 共题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的对话和提问选出试卷中 的正确回答 2 阅读 第一部分 共题 每题提供一个对话 试卷上有多张图片 考生根据对话内容选出 对应的图片 第二部分 共题 每题提供一张图片和3个句子选项 考生要选出对应图片的一项 第三部分 共题 每题都是一个问句和3个回答选项 要求考生选出答案 第四部分 共10题 每题提供一个对话 对话中有一个空格 要求考生从3个选项中选词填空 试卷上的试题都加注了拼音 8

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST YCT 四级 共80题 分听力 阅读和书写三部分 考试内容 一 听力 试题数量 个 第一部分 10 第二部分 10 第三部分 10 第四部分 10 40 填写答题卡 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 二 阅读 共计 第二部分 10 第三部分 10 第四部分 第一部分 第二部分 / 约30 30 30 10 1 80 约80 全部考试约8分钟 含考生填写个人信息时间分钟 考试内容 1 听力 第一部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的对话与试卷中图片是 否一致 第二部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生从听到的三句话中选出与试卷中 图片相符的一句 第三部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生根据听到的对话和提问选出试卷 中的正确回答 第四部分 共10题 每题听两遍 每题要求考生判断听到的一段话与试卷中句子 是否一致 2 阅读 第一部分 共题 每题提供一张图片和3个句子选项 考生要选出对应图片的一项 第二部分 共10题 提供20个句子 每10个一组 考生要找出对应关系 第三部分 共10题 每题提供一个对话 对话中有一个空格 要求考生从3个选项中选词填空 共10题 每题提供一个对话 对话中有一个空格 要求考生从3个选项中选词填空 9 的试题结构与考试内容 YCT 三 书写 第一部分 考试时间 分钟

考生手册 第四部分 共题 每题提供一段文字和一个问题 要求考生从3个选项中选出答案 3 书写 1-4级 第一部分 共题 每题提供多个词语 要求考生将这些词语连成一个句子 第二部分 共题 每题提供一个带空格的句子 要求考生在空格上写出正确的汉字 YCT口试 初级 分三部分 共2题 考试内容 试题数量 个 考试时间 分钟 第一部分 听后重复 1 6 第二部分 听后回答 2 第三部分 看图说话 4 2 12 共计 的试题结构与考试内容 YCT 全部考试约19分钟 含第三部分的准备时间7分钟 考试内容 第一部分 共1题 每题播放一个句子 考生听后重复一次 第二部分 共题 每题播放一个问题 考生听后做简短回答 第三部分 共题 每题提供一张图片 考生结合图片说两到三个句子 YCT口试 中级 分三部分 共14题 考试内容 试题数量 个 考试时间 分钟 第一部分 听后重复 10 第二部分 看图说话 2 3 第三部分 回答问题 共计 2 3 14 11 全部考试约21分钟 含第二部分和第三部分的准备时间10分钟 考试内容 第一部分 共10题 每题播放一个句子 考生听后重复一次 第二部分 共2题 每题提供一张图片 考生结合图片说一段话 第三部分 共2题 试卷上提供两个问题 加拼音 考生回答问题 10

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 4.YCT考试适用考生 中小学生 第一语言非汉语的考生均可参加考试 学 时 词汇量 适合级别 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语3个月 掌握80个最常用词语和相关 适合参加YCT一级考试 语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语一个 学期 半学年 掌握10个最常用词语和相 适合参加YCT二级考试 关语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语两个 学期 一学年 掌握300个最常用词语和相 适合参加YCT三级考试 关语法知识 每周2-3课时进度学习汉语两个 学期以上 掌握600个最常用词语和相 适合参加YCT四级考试 关语法知识 1.2013年考试日期 2013年共有4次YCT考试 具体时间安排如下 考试日期 考 试 报名截止日期 纸笔考试 网络考试 成绩公布日期 3月23日 星期六 笔试 2月24日 3月13日 4月23日 月2日 星期六 笔试+口试 4月28日 月1日 6月2日 8月24日 星期六 笔试 7月28日 8月14日 9月24日 11月16日 星期六 笔试+口试 10月20日 11月6日 12月16日 注意 成绩公布日期仅供参考 如遇考试资料返回延误等特殊情况 成绩公布日期会 相应顺延 详情请关注汉语考试服务网发布的公告 2.报名方式与考试交费 YCT考试有网上报名和考点报名两种方式 11 考试报名和交费 三 考试报名和交费

考生手册 网上报名 1 登录汉语考试服务网 www.chinesetest.cn 并注册用户 2 选择考试形式 纸笔考试或计算机网络考试 考点和考试日期 3 填写个人信息 在信息确认无误后提交 4 交纳考试费 报名完成 考点报名 直接到YCT考点进行报名和交费 注意 1.报名截止前未交费的考生 其报名会自动取消 2.中小学生汉语考试分为纸笔考试和网络考试两种形式 考生根据自身情况选择不同 考试形式进行报名 3.考生在报名前请通过汉语考试服务网查询或通过考点了解考点考试形式 考试报名和交费 3.照片要求 参加YCT各级别笔试的考生 不需要提供照片 参加YCT各级别口语考试的考生 需要提供标准证件照 1 照片样式要求 示意如下 -- 容易识别的本人近期照片 不允许戴帽 子 头巾 发带 墨镜 -- 黑白或彩色照片均可 以白色背景为佳 -- 要求显示考生正面 -- 照片中显示考生头部和肩的上部 2 如果考生提供电子照片: 电子照片文件规格 -- 格式 JPG/JPEG -- 文件大小 100KB以下 上传电子照片 12

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 考生登录到报名网站后 按照网站的报名引导上传电子照片 照片会出现在考生的 准考证和成绩报告上 在报名网站上传电子照片的考生不再需要准备纸质照片 注意 考生不能在报名网站上传电子照片的 也可以使用移动存储设备 U盘 移 动硬盘等 将电子照片送到报名考点 寻求考点工作人员的帮助 3)如果考生提供纸质照片 纸质照片的规格 -- 数量 2张 -- 大小 40mm 30mm (标准两寸) -- 照片背面注明 考生姓名和准考证号 未能提供电子照片的考生 请按照上面的要求准备纸质照片2张 交给负责报名的考 点工作人员 考生完成报名并交纳考试费用以后 可以在考前一周登录汉语考试服务网打印准考 证 或者到报名的考点领取准考证 准考证是考生参加考试时进入考场的证明 考生应妥善保管 查询成绩 领取成绩 报告和补办成绩报告也需使用准考证 准考证上的内容包括考生姓名 国籍 性别 证件类型和号码 考试科目 考试时 间 考点名称 考试地点 考场须知等 准考证样式如下 13 考试报名和交费 4.准考证

考生手册 考试报名和交费 注意 考生收到准考证后请仔细检查准考证上各项信息是否准确无误 14

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST.信息输入错误的纠正 如果考生发现个人信息中有以下错误 姓名拼写错误 国籍信息错误 性别信息错误 照片错误 报名截止前 考生可以上网自行纠正或联系考点代为纠正 报名截止后直到考试当天 考生只能联系考点代为纠正 不收取费用 考试结束后 不再接受纠正申请 *姓名拼写错误仅指信息输入过程中明显的失误 差异较大的姓名修改须参照 变 更个人信息 的规定进行 汉考国际有权认定和拒绝差异较大的姓名纠正申请 *信息更新后 请重新打印准考证或联系考点领取新的准考证 在完成报名并交纳报名费以后 考生可以通过汉语考试服务网或联系考点对报名进 行更改 1 变更的内容 更改个人信息和考试日期 已经预定的考试地点 考点 和报考的考试科目 级 别 不能更改 2 变更考试日期的范围 可以更改为报名的考点当年度举办的任何一次相同科目 级别 的考试 如果报名 的考点没有满足考生要求的选择 包括日期 科目 座位等 考生可以选择放弃变更 或申请取消报名 3 变更的时限与费用 ① 报名截止日期前 含截止日期当天 考生在此期间申请变更 不收取费用 如 果考生已经打印了准考证 变更个人信息后要重新打印 ② 报名截止日期后至考试前10天 含第10天 考生在此期间申请变更 须事先 交纳金额为考试费30%的更改手续费 ③ 考试前10天以内 不再接受变更申请 1 考试报名和交费 6.报名的更改

考生手册 注意 考试地点 考点 和报考的考试科目 级别 不能更改 7.报名的取消和返款 未交费考生 在报名截止后其报名将被自动取消 已交费的考生如取消报名 需按照以下规定办理 ① 报名截止日期前 含截止日期当天 考生登录汉语考试服务网自行提交取消申 请或联系考点代为申请 可以按照考点指定的方式获得全额考试费退还 ② 报名截止日期后至考试前10天 含第10天 考生在此期间登录汉语考试服 务网或 联 系 考 点 申 请 取 消 报 名 可 以 按 照 考 点 指 定 的 方 式 获 得 全 额 考 试 费 0 % 的 退还 ③ 考试前10天以内 不再接受取消申请 也不再退还考试费 考试准备和考试规则 注意 已获得批准的返款会在当次考试结束后60天内 由考点返还给考生本人 如因返款发生银行手续费等额外费用 将从应退款中扣除 四 考试准备和考试规则 1.考试内容准备 考生可以通过阅读 新中小学生汉语考试大纲 了解YCT考试要求的水平 考试 内容 书中有YCT介绍 YCT样题 样题答案和YCT词汇一览表 并配有听力考试样题光 盘 考生可以阅读 中小学生汉语考试真题集 模拟练习各级别的YCT考试 考生也可 以登录汉语考试服务网进行在线模拟考试 2.考试用品的准备 参加纸笔考试的考生 考试当天要携带准考证 2B铅笔和橡皮 参加计算机网络考 试的考生 考试当天只需携带准考证 网络考试通过鼠标和键盘作答 未携带准考证的考生 监考老师可以拒绝考生入场 3.了解考试形式 1 YCT1-4级考试 16

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 试卷结构 参阅本手册 YCT的试题结构和考试内容 部分了解考试的题型 结构 时间等 纸笔考试的组织形式 考场内的考生按照监考人员的安排同时进行考试 听力部分由考场统一播放 考生结合试卷上印刷的内容作答 其它部分考试内容都 印刷在试卷上 考生一律在答题卡上作答 考生在考前应了解和练习答题卡的使用方法 答题卡样例及填写指导参见本手册 附录 注意 考生答题卡通过阅读设备自动处理 考生应使用2B铅笔填写答题卡 答 题卡上用于填涂答案的横道一定要画得粗一些 重一些 否则阅读设备难以识别 凡 因考生没有按规定填写答卷 其成绩受到影响 责任由考生自负 考生登录网考系统后 根据屏幕上显示的 倒计时 时间准备考试 所有考生同时开考 听力部分为独立音频播放 考生结合屏幕上显示的内容作答 其它部分考试内容均 显示在电脑屏幕上 考生通过鼠标 键盘作答 考试过程由网考系统自动计时 2 YCT口语考试 YCT口语考试各级别均为考生口语作答 现场录音的形式 考场内考生按照监考人员 的安排同时进行考试 YCT口语考试由考场统一播放录音内容 考生结合试卷上印刷的内容 采用现场录音 形式作答 考场内 口语考生按照监考人员的安排 使用各自独立的录音设备同时进行录音 考生作答的声音不要过小 以正常说话音量或稍大为宜 考场内其他考生的作答声音不 会影响汉考国际对考生口语水平的判定 4.考场规则和考试规则 1 入场要求 考生须在考试开始前半小时达到指定考场 YCT1-4级考试 听力考试开始前 迟到的考生可进入考场参加考试 听力考试开始 17 考试准备和考试规则 网络考试的操作方式

考生手册 后 迟到的考生须等听力考试结束后才可进入考场参加阅读考试 所误时间不补 阅读 考试开始后 迟到的考生不得进入考场参加考试 YCT口语考试 录音开始前 迟到的考生可进入考场参加考试 所误时间不补 录音 开始后 迟到的考生不得进入考场参加考试 2 座位要求 考生须坐在指定的座位上 考生无权自行选择座位 3 物品要求 除准考证 2B铅笔 橡皮和不发声计时器外 其它物品一律放在监考人员指定位置 4 考试规则 考生不得在考试座位上饮食 不得提前打开试卷 跨区答题 不能撕扯 更换 抄录试卷内容 不能把试卷和答 卷带出考场或有其它违规 作弊 不听从考官指令等行为 考试准备和考试规则 注意 考生若违反考场规定 主考官有权拒绝考生继续考试 或将其行为记录在 考场记录中 由考试主办机构给予警告或取消考试资格等处罚.考试异常 1 由于考场管理失误造成考生受到不公平待遇 例如 考试时间不足 考卷损 坏 考试设备损坏等 如果经现场主考解决纠正后 仍不能使考生完成考试 汉考国 际将尽快安排考生免费重新参加一次YCT考试 汉考国际和考点不承担任何间接损失和 补偿 2 由于不可抗力 例如 自然灾害 意外事故 迫使考试无法如期举行或无法顺 利完成 汉考国际将尽快安排考生重新考试 或全额退回考试费用 但不承担任何间接 损失和补偿 6.特殊考生 汉考国际可以为符合YCT考试能力要求 同时具有一定的身体障碍的特殊考生提供相 关的考试服务 此类报考必须事先联系汉考国际和选择的考点进行安排 18

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 7.考生缺考 如果考试当天考生因个人原因没有参加考试 汉考国际不负责给考生重新安排考 试 考试费不予退还 8.违规与处罚 汉考国际要维持YCT考试的公平与客观 保证真实准确地反映每位考生的汉语水平 如果任何考生存在作弊行为 例如 替考 抄袭 考试过程中夹带或偷看相关材料以及 其它不听从考官指令等行为 汉考国际有权取消作弊考生的考试成绩 五 考试成绩与成绩报告 1.YCT分数体系 YCT 一级 分听力和阅读两个部分 满分为200分 两部分各占100分 总分120分 YCT 二级 分听力和阅读两个部分 满分为200分 两部分各占100分 总分120分 为合格 YCT 三级 分听力和阅读两个部分 满分为200分 两部分各占100分 总分120分 为合格 YCT 四级 分听力 阅读和书写三个部分 满分为300分 三部分各占100分 总 分180分为格 YCT 初级 满分100分 总分60分为合格 YCT 中级 满分100分 总分60分为合格 考试总分超过合格线即为合格 无单项最低分要求 2.考试成绩的使用 1 可为考生了解 提高自己的汉语能力提供参考依据 2 可为学校的汉语教学提供参考依据 3 可为相关汉语教学单位 培训机构评价教学或培训成效提供参考依据 4 可为考生参加HSK考试提供参考依据 3.成绩查询与成绩报告 考试结束后约一个月 考生可以登录汉语考试服务网 www.chinesetest.cn 根 19 考试成绩与成绩报告 为合格

考生手册 据准考证上的信息输入准考证号码和姓名查询成绩 YCT成绩报告在考后1-2个月由考试主办单位寄往各考点 考生可凭准考证到报名考 点领取 考点保留成绩报告的时间为两年 若考生在考试结束后两年内未领取 考试主办单 位和考点不再保留 考试成绩与成绩报告 20

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST Bulletin of YCT Test (English Version) Website of Registration http://www.chinesetest.cn 21

YCT Manual for Test Takers Test Registration Register online at www.chinesetesting.cn or at one of the test centers P3-36 Paying Test Fee Contact test centers to pay the test fee or pay the fee online if applicable P3 Collecting Test Admission Ticket Print your YCT Admission Ticket at www.chinesetesting.cn or collect it from a test cente P37-38 Taking the Exam Learn about the test regulations, prepare test articles and proceed to take the test P41-44 Score Enquiry Find out your score online at www.chinesetesting. cn 30 days after the test using your 18-digit Admission Ticket number and your name. P4 Score Report Collect the Score Report at test center within two month after the test date. P4

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST I. Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Concerning The YCT 1.How Many Times Will The YCT Be Held In 2013? YCT test will be held in March, May, August and November in 2013, a total of 4 times. Test takers could take oral test at May and November. 2.Where Is The YCT Held? On Which Dates? Test takers may check YCT test centers and test dates by referring to test center 3.How Can I Register For The YCT? Test takers may either register online or register at a test centers for the YCT. For online registration, test takers should log in at www.chinesetest.cn and fill out related information as per the instructions on the website. To register for the YCT at a test center, test takers may contact the test center they have chosen to learn of registration requirements and methods. 4.Which Level Of The YCT Test Should I Take? Test takers may refer to the reference information in the following form to decide which level of YCT test to take, or consult Chinese teachers who are familiar with the YCT. Total Time of Study Vocabulary Appropriate Level 3 months of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Has a command of 80 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level I A semester (half an academic year) of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Has a command of 10 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level II Two semesters (an academic year) of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Has a command of 300 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level III 23 Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Concerning The YCT on www.chinesetest.cn.

考生手册 More than two semesters (an academic year) of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Has a command of 600 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level IV.How Much Are YCT Registration Fees For Different Levels? The test fee varies from country to country due to different exchange rates. For more details, please consult local test centers. Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Concerning The YCT 6.What Is The Format Of The YCT? YCT Level I-IV are all paper-based tests. Test takers should fill in the Answer Sheet with a 2B pencil indicating the answers to questions in the listening, reading and writing sections. All test takers in all test rooms should start and end the test simultaneously. For the YCT Speaking Test (Beginner and Intermediate Levels), test takers speeches will be recorded with recording devices. All test takers in all test rooms will start and end the test simultaneously, recording their answers with their individual, separate recording devices. 7.What Should Test takers Bring To The Test Center On The Test Date? On the test day, test takers can only carry their Test Admission Ticket, two or more 2B pencils and an eraser to their respective seats. Other articles should be put in the place designated by the test examiner and proctor, and should not be with test takers. If test takers choose Internet-based test, only the Test Admission Ticket could be carried. 8.Will Test takers Be Able To Receive Their Scores After Answering The Test Examiners' Questions In The Speaking Test? No. The speaking test will use on-site recording. Test takers in the test rooms will simultaneously use their respective recording devices to record their speeches and the 24

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST recordings will be graded uniformly by Chinese Testing International. 9.Does Receiving A Score That Meets The Minimum Score Requirements Mean You Pass The Test? Yes. There is no specific score requirement for any single section of the YCT. Therefore, a total score meeting the minimum score requirementsstands for a pass on the test. Report? One month after taking the test, test takers can log onto the Chinese Testing Service website at www.chinesetest.cn or inquire at the test centers where they registered for the test. When looking up scores online, test takers should type in their 18-digit Test Admission Ticket number and the name on their Test Admission Ticket. Test takers who have attended the YCT, whether they passed the test or not, may contact the test center where they took the test for their score report within two month after the test date. 2 Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Concerning The YCT 10.How Can Test takers Inquire About Scores And Get The Score

考生手册 II. About The YCT 1.A Brief Introduction To The YCT The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized Chinese language test which is directed at examining non-native primary and secondary school students ability to apply Chinese language in their studies and daily lives. 2.YCT LEVELS YCT consists of two independent parts: written test and oral test. The written test is made up of four levels from YCT-Level 1 to YCT -Level 4. The oral test includes YCT-Speaking(Basic) and YCT-Speaking (Intermediate), and test takers on-site performance will be recorded. About The YCT Test takers who have passed YCT Level I are able to understand and use commonly used Chinese words and sentences, and areable to pursue further study of Chinese. Test takers who have passed YCT Level II are able to understand and use some simple Chinese words and sentences, and are able to meet communication demands in specific situations. Test takers who have passed YCT Level III are able to use Chinese to conduct simple and direct communication on daily topics they are familiar with and meet the excellence level for Chinese beginners. Test takers who have passed YCT Level IV are able to use Chinese to accomplish basic communication tasks in life and study.when travelling in China, they can handle most the communication tasks they encounter. 3.YCT Question Structure And Test Content YCT (Level I) is made up of listening and reading sections.it contains 3 test questions. 26

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST Section I.Listening Number of items Part I Part II Part III Part IV 20 Duration (Min) About 10 Fill out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for the listening section on the Answer Sheet) II.Reading Part II Part III / 1 3 17 About 30 The test will last for 3 minutes in total (including minutes fortest takers to fill in their personal information) Test Content: 1 Listening Part I contains items. Test takers will listen to the item spoken twice. Each item is a Chinese word. There is a picture of it on the test paper, and test takers should judge if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. Part II contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a phrase. Three pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she heard. Part III contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a sentence. There is a picture of it on the test paper, and test takers should judge if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. Part IV contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue. Three pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she heard. 2 Reading Part I contains items. For each item, a picture and a Chinese word are given and test 27 YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content Total Part I 3

考生手册 takers should judge if they correspond with each other. Part II contains items. For each item, one sentence and several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the picture corresponding with the content of the sentence. Part III contains items. For each item, a picture and an incomplete dialogue are given. Test takers should select the best answer from the 6 options given on the test paper. Pinyin is given for all the items on the test paper. YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content YCT (Level II) is made up of listening and reading sections. It contains 40 test items. Section I.Listening Number of items Part I Part II Part III Part IV 20 Fill out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for the listening section on the Answer Sheet) II.Reading Total Part I Part II Part III Part IV / 20 40 Duration (Min) About 1 3 27 About 4 Thetest will last for 0 minutes in total (including minutes for test takers to fill in their personal information). Test Content: 1 Listening Part I contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a phrase. There is a related picture on the test paper, and test takers should decide if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. Part II contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a 28

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST sentence. Several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she has heard. Part III contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue. Three pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she heard. Part IV contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item includes a question and three options for the answer. The three options are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/ she heard. Part I contains items. For each item, a picture and a phrase are given and test takers should judge if they correspond with each other. Part II contains items. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the picture corresponding with the content of the dialogue. Part III contains items. questions and answers are given and test takers should find out how they match-up. Part IV contains items. For each item, an incomplete dialogue is given and test takers should select the best answer from the 6 options provided on the test paper. Pinyin is given for all the items on the test paper. YCT (Level III) is made up of listening and reading sections. It contains 60 test items. 29 YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content 2 Reading

考生手册 Section I.Listening Number of items Part I 10 Part II 10 Part III 10 Part IV 3 Duration (Min) About 20 Fill out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for the listening section on the Answer Sheet) YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test C ont ent II.Reading Total Part I Part II Part III Part IV 10 / 2 60 30 About The test will last for 60 minutes in total (including minutes for test takers to fill in their personal information). Test Content: 1 Listening Part I contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a sentence. There is a related picture it on the test paper, and test takers should judge if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. Part II contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue. Several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she heard. Part III contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item includes a question and three options for the answer. The three options are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she heard. Part IV contains items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue and a third person will ask a question based on the dialogue. 3 options are offered on the test paper and test takers should select an answer based on what he/ she heard. 30

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 2 Reading Part I contains items. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the picture corresponding with the content of the dialogue. Part II contains items. For each item, a picture and three sentences are given on the test paper and test takers should select the sentence corresponding with the content of the picture. Part III contains items. Each item includes a question and three options for the answer and test takers should select the correct answer. should select the best Chinese word from the three options given to complete the sentence. Pinyin is given for all items on the test paper. YCT (Level IV) test is made up of listening, reading and writing sections. It contains 80 items. Section I.Listening Number of items Part I 10 Part II 10 Part III 10 Part IV 10 40 Fill out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for the listening section on the Answer Sheet) II.Reading III. Writing Total Part I Part II 10 Part III 10 Part IV Part I Part II / 30 About 30 30 10 80 31 Duration (Min) About 80 YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test C ont ent Part IV contains 10 items. For each item, one dialogue is given with a blank. Test takers

考生手册 Thetest will last for 8 minutes in total (including minutes for test takers to fill in their personal information). Test Content: 1 Listening Part I contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue. A picture will be given on the test paper and test takers should judge if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. Part II contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item includes YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content three sentences. A picture is given on the test paper and test takers should select the sentence corresponding with the picture based on what he/she heard. Part III contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a dialogue and a third person will ask a question based on the dialogue. 3 options are offered on the test paper and test takers should select an answer based on what he/ she heard. Part IV contains 10 items. Test takers will listen to each item twice. Each item is a short paragraph. A sentence (with pinyin) is given on the test paper and test takers should judge if the sentence is right or wrong based on what he/she heard. 2 Reading Part I contains items. For each item, a picture and three sentences are given on the test paper and test takers should select the sentence corresponding with the content of the picture. Part II contains 10 items. 20 sentences are given, 10 per group, and test takers should find out how they match-up. Part III contains 10 items. For each item one dialogue is given with a blank. Test takers should select the best Chinese word from the three options given to complete the sentence. Part IV contains items. For each item, a paragraph and a question are given and test takers should select the best answer from the three options given. 32

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 3 Writing Part I contains items. For each item, several Chinese words are given and test takers is required to write a sentence using these words. Part II contains items. For each item, a sentence with a blank is given and test takers is required to fill in the blank with the right Chinese characters. The YCT Speaking Test (Basic Level) is comprised of three parts, containing 2 items in total. Number of Items Duration (Min) Part I Listen and Repeat 1 6 Part II Listen and Answer 2 Part III Describe the Picture 4 2 12 Total The duration of the test is 19 minutes in total (including 7 minutes for preparation for Part III). Test Content: Part I contains 1 items. For each item, test takers will listen to a sentence and should repeat it after listening. Part II contains items. For each item, test takers will listen to a question and should give a brief reply after listening. Part III contains items. For each item, a picture is given and test takers should say two to three sentences about the picture. The YCT Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) is comprised of three parts, containing 14 items in total. 33 YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content Section

考生手册 Section Number of Items Duration (Min) Part I Listen and Repeat 10 Part II Describe the Picture 2 3 Part III Answer the Questions 2 3 14 11 Total The duration of the test is 21 minutes in total (including 10 minutes for preparation for Part II and Part III). YCT Qu es tio n Structure and Test Content Test Content: Part I contains 10 items. For each item test takers will listen to a sentence and should repeat it after listening. Part II contains 2 items. For each item a picture is given and test takers should say a paragraph based on the picture. Part III contains 2 items. Two questions (with pinyin) are given on the test paper and test takers should answer the questions. 4.YCT Eligibility Criteria Both primary and middle school students and non-native Chinese speakers are eligible to attend the YCT. Total Time of Study Vocabulary Appropriate Level 3 months of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Has a command of 80 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level I A semester (half an academic year) of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Hasa command of 10 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level II Two semesters (an academic year) of Chinese study for 2-3 hours each week Hasa command of 300 commonly used words and related grammar patterns YCT Level III More than two semesters (an Hasa command of 600 academic year) of Chinese study commonly used words and for 2-3 hours each week related grammar patterns YCT Level IV 34

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST III. Test Registration And Payment 1.2013 Test Dates A total of 4 YCT tests will be held in 2013. The detailed schedule is as follows: Deadline for Registration Test Dates Tests Paper- andpencil Test Internetbased Test Date of Results Announced Sat Written Test 24th Feb 13th Mar 23rd Apr 2th May Sat Written Test + Oral Test 28th Apr 1th May 2th Jun 24th Aug Sat Written Test 28th Jul 14th Aug 24th Sep 16th Nov Sat Written Test + Oral Test 20th Oct 6th Nov 16th Dec Note: The date of results announced are for reference only. Results announced dates may be deferred due to delays in returning the test papers. 2.YCT Registration And Payment Methods This are two methods for registration: online or at local test centers. Online Registration 1 Log onto at http://www.chinesetest.cn and sign up; 2 Selecting test format (ibt or PBT),test center and test date; 3 Fill in your personal information for registration, and submit it after confirming all information is correct; 4 Pay the test fee; Complete your registration. Registration at Test Centers Go directly to a YCT test centers for registration and payment of the test fee. 3 Test Registration And Payment 23rd Mar

考生手册 Note: 1.Without successful payment of the test fee by the registration deadline, registration will be automatically cancelled. 2. YCT Test includes a paper-based test and an Internet-based test. Test takers can apply for different formats based on their own conditions. 3. Before registration, test takers shall learn about the test format of the test center by visiting the Chinese Testing Service Website or through the test center. 3.Requirements for Photos Test takers of YCT paper-based tests Level 1-4 are not required to submit photos; Test Registration And Payment Test takers of YCT speaking tests are required to submit standard ID photos. 1 Requirements of Photos Sample: -- A recent bareheaded photo of test takers without a hat, turban, hair band or sunglasses; -- A black and white photo or color photo, preferably with a white background; -- with a clear, frontal view of the face of test takers; -- showing the head and the upper part of the shoulders of test takers 2 If test takers provides a digital photo: Specifications for the digital photo file: -- Format: JPG/JPEG -- File size: below 100KB Uploading the digital photo: After logging into the registration website, test takers may upload his/her digital photo according to the instructions, and the photo will be shown on test takers Test Admission Ticket and Score Report. Test taker who upload a digital photo do not need to prepare a hardcopy of the photo. 36

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST Note: If the test taker is unable to upload his/her photo in adigital format, he/she can store his/her photo on a mobile storage device (USB flash drive or mobile hard disk drive) and bring it to the registration test center for assistance. 3 If test takers provides a non-digital photo: Specifications of the non-digital photo: --Quantity: 2 -- Size: 40mm 30mm (standard 2-inch) -- The following information must be written on the back of the photo: test taker s name and Test Admission Ticket number. according to the above requirements and submit them to the staff of the test center during registration. 4.Test Admission Ticket After completing registration and paying the test fee, test takers can log on the Chinese Testing Service website to print his/her Test Admission Ticket or collect it at the registration test center one week before the test date. Test takers is required to show his/her Test Admission Ticket when entering the test room. He/she should keep the Ticket as it shall be shown when test takers collects the Score Report, enquire about the test scores or apply for additional Score Reports. The contents of the Test Admission Ticket include test taker s name, nationality, gender, ID certificate type and number, test subjects, test date, test center, test location, test room information, etc. The following is a sample: 37 Test Registration And Payment Test takers who fails to provide a digital photo should prepare two non-digital photos

考生手册 Test Registration And Payment Note: After receiving the Test Admission Ticket, the test taker should carefully check the ticket for any errors. 38

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST.Correction of Input Errors For minor errors in test registration: Before the deadline for test registration, test takers can make modifications online or request the test center to make modifications. After the deadline for test registration up until the day of the test, test takers can only make modifications by requesting them through the test center (no fees will be charged for this service). After the test, no modifications can be made. Minor input errors include: Misspelled Name Incorrect Nationality Incorrect Photo * Misspelled name refers to incorrect name information due to input errors. Significant changes to name information should be made in accordance with the rules in Modification of Registration Information. If Chinese Testing International considers a modification to be a significant change, it has the right to reject such modifications. *After changing his/her information, test takers needs to reprint his/her Test Admission Ticket or contact the test center to request a new ticket. 6.Modification of Registration Information If payment has been made, test takers can modify he/she information by logging on the Chinese Testing Service website or by contacting test center 1 Modify Information Modification of test registration information refers to changing personal information and/ or choosing a new test date. However, please notice that the registration test center and the test subject (level) cannot be changed. 2 Test Date Modification Test takers can choose another test of the same subject (level) held at the same test center where he/she has registered. If the date, subject or seat does not meet test takers 39 Test Registration And Payment Incorrect Gender

考生手册 requirements, he/she may cancel the modification or cancel the test registration. 3 Deadline and Fees for Modification ① Before the deadline for test registration (including the day of the deadline): test takers can apply for any modification free of charge. If test takers has printed the Test Admission Ticket, he/she will have to print a new Test Admission Ticket after changing his/her personal information. ② After the deadline for test registration up until 10 days before the test (including the 10th day):if modifications are made during this period, test takers will be required to pay a service fee equal to 30% of the test fee. ③ Within 10 days of the test date: no modification will be permitted. Test Registration And Payment Note: The registered test location (test center) and the test subject (level) cannot be changed. 7.Registration Cancellation And Refund If test takers has not paid the test fee by the deadline, his/her test registration will be automatically canceled. If test takers has paid the test fee, cancelation should be accomplished in accordance with regulations prescribed by Chinese Testing International. ① Before the deadline for test registration (including the day of the deadline): Test takers can cancel his/her test registration either online or by contacting the test center; and test takers is eligible for a full refund in the manner prescribed by the test center. ② After the deadline for test registration up until 10 days before the test date (including the 10th day): Test takers can cancel his/her test registration either online or by contacting the test center; and test takers is eligible for a 0% refund in the manner prescribed by the test center. ③ Less than 10 days before the test: no cancelation can be made and no refunds will be provided. Note: Approved refunds will be returned by the test center to test takers within 60 days after the test date. If additional fees arise out of the transfer of the funds, the fees will be deducted from the refund. 40

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST IV.Preparation For The Test And Test Regulations 1.Preparation For The Test For information on the various levels and content of the YCT, test takers may refer to the New YCT Syllabus. The syllabus contains an introduction to the test, sample questions and answers, as well as the YCT glossary. It comes with a disk containing sample listening comprehension questions. Test takers can read the Collection of the YCT Real Test Papers to take practice tests of each level of the YCT. Test takers can also take practice tests on the Chinese Testing website. For the paper-based test, test takers must carry his/her Test Admission Ticket, 2B pencils and an eraser to the test room on the test date. For Internet-based test, only the Test Admission Ticket could be carried. If test takers does not carry his/her Test Admission Ticket, the test examiner may refuse to let him/her in the test room. 3.Testing Methods 1 YCT (Levels I-IV) Test Structures Please refer to YCT question structure and test content in this guide to learn more about the different structures of questions and test durations. Paper-based Test Methods Test takers shall answer questions based on the instructions of the test examiner. In the listening comprehension section, test takers will hear audio recordings, which will be followed by corresponding questions on the test paper. In other sections, the questions only appear on the test paper. Test takers should fill in all the answers on the Answer Sheet. For a sample Answer Sheet and instructions on filling out the Answer Sheet, please refer to the annex of this guide. 41 Preparation For The Test And Test Regulations 2.Articles Carried for the Test

考生手册 Note: The Answer Sheet will be automatically graded by machines, so please make sure your answers are marked clearly and filled in completely. If a test taker score is lower as a result of not following instructions, test takers will take the consequences. Internet-based Test Methods After logging on the internet-based test system, test takers shall prepare the test based on the countdown counter shown on the screen. Test takers will begin the Preparation For The Test And Test Regulations test at the same time. For the listening part, there is an independent audio playing. Test takers shall answer the questions based on what is displayed on the screen. Question answering via mouse and keyboard. The test time is kept by the ibt system automatically. 2 Speaking Test In the YCT speaking tests of all levels, test takers shall provide their answers aloud. All answers will be recorded. All test takers will take the test simultaneously, following the instructions of the test examiner. During the speaking test, an audio recording will be played with the questions on the test paper. Test takers answers will be recorded. In the test room, following the instructions of the test examiner, test takers will record their answers simultaneously with their respective recording devices. When answering questions, they should ensure that their voice is as loud as or a little louder than during normal conversation so that other test takers voices in the same test room will not affect China Testing International s assessment of test takers language speaking abilities. 4.Test Room Regulations and Test Regulations 1 Requirements for Admission Test takers should arrive at the test room half an hour before the test is scheduled to begin. 42

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST YCT (Levels I-IV)Test: If a test taker is late and the listening test has not begun, test takers can enter the test room and take the test; if a test taker is late and the listening test has already begun, test takers needs to wait until the listening test ends, and then enter the test room to take the reading test (please note that no additional time will be given). If a test taker is late and the reading test has already begun, test takers will not be allowed to take the test. Speaking Test: If a test taker is late and the recording has not begun, test takers can enter the test room and take the test (please note that no additional time will be given); to take the test. 2 Requirements for Seating Each test taker must sit at the designated seat, and has no right to choose a seat. 3 Requirements for Articles Only valid a Test Admission Ticket, 2B pencils and silent clock can be put on the desk. All other articles must be stored at the location specified by the test examiner. 4 Test Regulations Test takers is not allowed to take food or soft drinks during the test; Test takers shall not open the test paper beforehand, answer questions in a different sections, tear, change, or copy the contents of the test paper, take the test paper or the Answer Sheet out of the test room, cheat or disobey the test examiner. Note: If the test takerviolates test regulations, the test examiner can terminate his/her test, or keep a record of the test taker s behavior. Based on the record, the organizer of the test will issue a warning, disqualify the test taker or carry out other administrative punishments..unusual Circumstances While Taking The Test 1 If test takers is subjected to unfair treatment due to bad management such as insufficient test time, damage to the test paper or test facilities in the test room, and situation cannot be rectified by the test examiner, resulting in test takers failure to complete the test, Chinese Testing International will arrange a re-test for test takers 43 Preparation For The Test And Test Regulations if a test taker is late and the recording has already begun, test takers will not be allowed

考生手册 for free as soon as possible. However, Chinese Testing International and the test center shall not make compensation for any indirect losses. 2 If the test cannot be conducted or completed as planned due to force majeure such as natural disasters and accidents, Chinese Testing International will organize a re-test for test takers as soon as possible or provide a full refund, but shall not make compensation for any indirect losses. 6.Test-Takers with Special Needs Preparation For The Test And Test Regulations Special services can be offered to test takers with certain disabilities whose Chinese language abilities meet YCT standards. These test takers should contact Chinese Testing International and the test centers they choose in advance so that arrangements can be made. 7.Absence From The Test If test takers is absent from the test on the test date due to personal reasons, Chinese Testing International will not be responsible for arranging a re-test for test takers, and the test fee shall not be refunded. 8.Violation and Punishment Chinese Testing International must ensure the fairness and objectiveness of YCT tests, and make sure that the test accurately reflects test takers abilities in Chinese language. If any test taker cheat by hiring a proxy to take the test, plagiarizing, bringing notes to the test room, steal glances at relevant material or disobeying reasonable directions given by the test examiner during the test, Chinese Testing International has the right to invalidate test takers score. 44

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST V.Test Score and Score Report 1.YCT Scoring System YCT (Level I) consists of two sections: listening and reading. The full score of the test is 200 points, with each section accounting for 100 points. A total score of 120 or above will be deemed as passing for the test. YCT (Level II) consists of two sections: listening and reading. The full score of the test is 200 points, with each section accounting for 100 points. A total score of 120 or above will be deemed as passing for the test. YCT (Level III) consists of two sections: listening and reading. The full score of the test is 200 points, with each section accounting for 100 points. A total score of 120 or above YCT (Level IV) consists of three sections: listening, reading and writing. The full score of the test is 200 points, with each section accounting for 100 points. A total score of 180 or above will be deemed as passingfor the test. YCT (Basic Level) has a total possible score of 100 points. A total score of 60 or above will be deemed as passing for the test. YCT (Intermediate Level) has a total possible score of 100 points. A total score of 60 or above will be deemed as passing for the test. A total score meeting the minimum score requirements line will be deemed as passingfor the test. There are no minimum score requirements for a single section. 2.Usage of the Test Score 1.A reference for test takers to show and improve his/her Chinese abilities; 2.A reference for schools concerning their Chinese teaching; 3.A reference for Chinese teaching institutions and language training agencies regarding their assessment of Chinese teaching or language training effects; 4.A reference for test takers for his/her attending HSK tests. 4 T es t Score and Score Rep ort will be deemed as passing for the test.

考生手册 3.Score Enquiry And Score Report One month after taking the test, test takers can log on the Chinese Testing Service website at www.chinesetest.cn, and type in his/her Test Admission Ticket number and name to look up his/her score. Within two month after the test, the test organizer will send the YCT Score Reports to the test centers. Test takers can get his/her Score Report by showing his/her Test Admission Ticket to the test center. Test centers will keep the Score Reports for a period of two years. If test takers does not collect his/her score report within that period, the organizer and the test center will discard it. T es t Score and Score Rep ort 46

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 附 录 (Annex) Test Score and Score Report YCT考试报名 http://www.chinesetest.cn 47

考 生 手 册 1. 答 题 卡 样 式 及 填 写 指 导 Sample Answer Sheets and Related Instructions YCT( 二 级 ) 答 题 卡 样 张 Sample YCT (Level II) Answer Sheet 答 题 卡 样 式 及 填 写 指 导 48

BULLETIN OF YCT TEST 答题卡填写指导 答题卡考生信息填涂部分内容包含 姓名 考生序号 考点代码 年龄和性别 考 生可以根据YCT准考证上的信息逐一填写 在填写考生序号时 应先把相应数字写在每行左侧的空格内 然后在右侧相应的数 字上画一横道 横道要画成[ ]这样 回答问题时 应该在表示正确答案的字母上画上横 道 横道画成[ ]这样 ① 姓 名 考生证件上的姓名 需按照考生报名时提供的有效证件上的姓名填 写 且有效证件上的姓名必须与YCT准考证上登记的证件姓名完全一致 ② 考生序号 18位准考证号的后位 ③ 考点代码 每一个考点都有一个唯一的7位数字代码 可以在本手册附录中查 ④ 年 龄 根据考生实际情况填涂 ⑤ 性 别 根据考生实际情况填涂 Instructions for Filling Out the Answer Sheet The test taker is required to provide the following information on the Answer Sheet: name, test taker sequence number, test center code, age and gender. The test taker can fill in information based on his/her YCT Test Admission Ticket. When filling in test taker sequence number, the test taker should first write the numbers in the boxes to the left, and then mark corresponding number to the right with a bar. The bar should look like this: [ ]. When answering questions, the test taker should mark the right choice with a bar. The bar should also look like this: [ ]. ① Name: The test taker should fill in his/her name as shown on his/her valid ID certificate. The name on the valid ID certificate should be exactly the same as the name on the YCT Test Admission Ticket. ② Test Taker Sequence Number: The last digits of the 18-digit Test Admission Ticket number. ③ Test Center Code: Every test center is assigned a unique 7-digit code. The Test taker can either find them in this manual or consult the test examiner when taking the test. ④ Name: The test taker should fill in this information truthfully. ⑤ Gender: The test taker should fill in this information truthfully. 49 答题卡样式及填写指导 询 或者在考场向监考人员询问