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1979 1996 2010

Abstract The Chinese government has fulfilled the policy of revolution opening since 1979, and it has taken outside economy and region incline course to fulfill the programming development with southern, middle, and western three-route region. The Chinese government has given the programming development to keep the initiative in its own hands to attract foreign capital, technology, and enterprise management experiences. Such a development has made Chinese economy grow up rapidly, and set up a political economic environment of socialism which has been filled with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese government has carried out the policy of the ninth five-year national development program prospect goal suggestion in 1996. The policy indicates that Shanghai is the nuclear window which can be the connection between China and the world and plans to build Shanghai to be the center of international economy, trade, finance and shipping. Thus, Shanghai has started a diversely development that can attract international enterprises investment largely. In the demand of market institution, the process of being developed has faced a serious problem that is a lack of enough enterprise management elites. Education funds and resources, total amounts of high colleges and equipments have shown up the imbalance of the Chinese government. In order to achieve the goal of training professional elites, the Chinese government takes building nation with technology education as a main policy and distance education as a main artifice, and uses communication channel as network and television to train enterprise management elites of fast, effort-saving, excellent, and few amount to make development of human resource in China, which can grow up with Chinese economy at the same time. Shanghai long-distance education group belongs to Shanghai City Government. It is the first long-distance institute allowed by China National Council to set up with grouping. It expands Chinese education resources, merges Shanghai Television University, Shanghai Education TV Company, Shanghai Electric Education Institute, Shanghai Television Secondary Training School, and Shanghai Calculator Assessment Application Office to set up the large information platform, and uses the entire development of Shin-shi Harbor in Shanghai City to provide with the service of elites-training in all kinds of fields, and improve the competitive ability of internationalization after participating in WTO by the way.

The thesis takes qualitative research of grounded theory to combine with document probe, personal participation, deep interview, and induces the practical development situation of prospect, mission, goal, and strategy of research objects with open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The thesis also probes deeply the regulation and market-opening policy of the Chinese government, the evaluation of putting in education market with enterprise resources, vertical and horizontal revolution of internal organization, motivation of learning, position of marketing, institution of competition, effect of internationalization, and potential of development, contrasts with the relationship between dependent and dependent variables to prove those issues near the real situation, and predicts the prospective trend. The thesis is practical and marketable. Besides probing China long-distance education of training enterprise management elites, the thesis also expects to provide Taiwan s enterprises with some related criterions of investing in China and economic competition and cooperation between Taiwan and China. Moreover, the thesis finds out Chinese electric learning and the market opportunity of electronic commerce. It will be good for integrating the resources between Taiwan and China and it will create a peaceful and prosperous environment. Key words long-distance education China Shanghai Grounded theory regulation deregulation

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30-39 22.6% 29189 100% 25 50.6 26-29 21.4%

Professors & Associate Professors 118 17% Assistant Teachers 131 19% lectures 443 64% :Assistant teachers 36 8% Lectures 263 59% Professors & Associate Professors 147 33%

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1. (1996) 2 171-172 2. (1996) 10 27 3. (2001) 2001 4. (2001) 2001 5. (2000) 10 9 6. (1998) 1 11-14 7. (1999) 1999 6 21 4 8. (2001) 2001 2 45-48 9. (1995) 10. 2001 1 11. 2000.11.28 12. 2000.7.24 13. 2000.11.7 14. (1996) 15. (2001) 4440 16. (1999) 1999 6 18 17. (1998) 21 http://www.cernet.edu.cn 18. (1996) 19. (2000) 2-3 20. (1997) CD-ROM 1997 4 11-13 21. (1996) 22. (2001) 2001 2 33-36 23. (1997) 3 5-11 24. (2001) 98 2001.7.1 25. (2000) 2000.6.15

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