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区 域 活 动 进 入 中 班 我 们 区 域 的 设 置 和 活 动 材 料 都 有 所 变 化, 同 时 也 吸 引 孩 子 们 积 极 的 参 与 学 习 操 作 区 的 新 材 料 他 们 最 喜 欢, 孩 子 们 用 立 方 块 进 行 推 理 操 作 用 扑 克 牌 进 行 接 龙 游


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基 督 教 培 英 中 心 園 地 培 英 中 心 動 向 地 址 :# Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. 電 話 : 傳 真 : 電 郵 網 址 :

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( ) 001 ( CIP) /. :, 2005 ISBN G CIP ( 2005 ) ( 147 : ) 787 mm1092mm




Sacred Writings 神聖的著作: Psalms 詩篇 (Hebrew: תהילים Tehillim, praises ) 希伯來 תהילים Tehillim, 讚美

The Sacred Writings are unique 神聖的著作是獨特的 1. Ketuvim were written or finally collected late in the post-kingdom (post exilic) period of Israel s history 1. 著作 Ketuvim 是在以色列歷史的 後王國時期 ( 被擄之後 ) 最終組合或著作的 a. Unlike the Law and the Prophets, they are not prophetic revelations of the God of Covenant a. 不像律法書或先知書, 它們不是盟約的神的預言啟示 b. They chronicle the human drama as God s covenant-breaking children discover a God of Mercy by His Hand of Providence b. 它們記載了人類的戲劇, 有關神 毀約的 子民找到了憐憫的神掌權的供應 c. The overall theme of the Sacred Writings is His mercies (hesed) endure forever c. 神聖的著作總括的主題是 祂的憐憫永遠長存 Psalms 詩篇 Proverbs 箴 Job 約伯記 Song of Songs 歌中之歌 Ketuvim 著作 Ruth 路得記 Lamentations 哀歌 Ecclesiastes 傳道書 Esther 以斯帖記 Daniel 但以理書 Ezra 以斯拉記 Nehemiah 尼希米記 I & II Chronicles 歷代志上 下

The Incarnation of the Logos re-evaluated the Sacred Writings as equal with LAW and Prophets 道成肉身使神聖的著作被重新評估 而與律法及先知書並列同等地位 2. Humanity seen in Christ as God purposed him from Creation 2. 在基督身上所見的人性是神起初造人的目的 a. Jesus as God/Man sanctifies the human drama and revealing that human emotions, joy, anger, questions, love and fears are part of a man created in the image of God a. 耶穌是神/人聖別了戲劇般的人生 並且啟示了人類的 感情 喜樂 憤怒 疑問 愛及恐懼 這些都是人照著 神的形象被造的一部分 b. The Writings tell the human drama of man s troubles, thoughts, fears caused by sin and then overturned by JHVH s redeeming and transforming Hesed b. 著作述說了人類的戲劇- 人因罪而來的困難 思想 恐懼 被耶和華的救贖和令人改變的憐憫所翻轉 基督在戲劇 的中 Christ

חכמה) The Ketuvim includes 3 books of Wisdom chok mä)and worship ש ח ה) shachah) in the OT 智慧書包括了三卷舊約裡有關智慧及讚美的書 3. Inspired ( God-breathed ) wisdom found in the heart of believers through walking with God 3. 藉著與神同行, 由 神的呼出 所啟發的智慧在信徒的心中產生 a. Job is a poem in which El Shaddai plucks the deep strings of faith and suffering in Job s heart to beautify His mercy a. 約伯記是詩, 在其中, 以利沙代撥動約伯心靈深處信心及受苦的心弦, 來加強祂憐憫的美麗 b. Psalms are a musical journal of worship and wisdom as JHVH strummed David s heart strings through all the ups and downs of the human life of faith b. 詩篇如音樂般的記載了敬拜及智慧 - 在大衛經歷了人生及信心的起起伏伏時, 耶和華特別的撥動了他的心弦 c. Proverbs reveals wisdom gleaned from JHVH s speaking into the hearing heart of Solomon c. 箴言啟示了智慧擷取了耶和華的言語, 進入了所羅門能 聽 的心裡

Tonight 今晚 : Psalms 詩篇 תהילים : 希伯來名 Hebrew Tehillim = Praises = 讚美

Psalms: Background and setting 詩篇 : 背景及環境 1. The book is called Tehillim (Heb. lit.= shinings forth ) meaning praises as we extol God s majesty, glory and goodness. 1. 這卷書稱為 透希爾林 ( 希伯來文 = 發出亮光 ) 意表 讚美, 也就是我們高舉神的宏偉 榮耀和美善 2. Our word Psalms comes from Gk. psalmoi meaning a striking or plucking a string 2. 我們稱為 詩篇 是源自於希臘文的 psalmoi ( 撒羅米 ), 意思就是 敲擊或撥動一根弦

Psalms: Background and setting 詩篇 : 背景及環境 3. 150 Psalms are collected into 5 books written over 600 yrs. (Orthodox 151) 3. 150 篇詩篇被組合為 5 卷書, 花了 600 年完成 ( 東正教的記載是 151 篇 ) 4. Some Psalms are attributed to an author: David with 73; Moses 2; Asaph 12; sons of Korah 12; Solomon 2; Ethan (Ezrahite) 1; Heman (Ezrahite) 1; the rest have no known author 4. 有些詩篇是源自於某位作者 : 大衛 73 篇 ; 摩西 2 篇 ; 亞薩 12 篇 ; 可拉的後裔 12 篇 ; 所羅門 2 篇 ; 以坦 ( 以斯拉支派 ) 1 篇 ; 希門 ( 以斯拉人 ) 1 篇 ; 其他的作者無從考證

Psalms: Background and setting 詩篇 : 背景及環境 5. Many have superscriptions from ancient times which give the context of the occasion when the Psalm was written 5. 當詩篇被著作時, 許多作者有古時的題詞記載, 那些提供了場合的背景及其連帶的關係 6. Some superscriptions are musical directions regarding instruments, style or a familiar tune 6. 有些古時的文字記載是有關樂器 風格或熟悉曲調的音樂指導

Psalms: Background and setting 7. Examples of some superscriptions: 7. 一些背景文字記載的例子 詩篇 : 背景及環境 - 13 maskil (lit. in He.= understanding); - 13 次 maskil ( 希伯來文意 = 明白 ) - 6 miktam (lit. in He.= engraved); - 6 次 miktam ( 希伯來文意 = 雕刻 ) - 2 Shoshannim(lit. in He.= Lillies); - 2 次 Shoshannim ( 希伯來文意 = 百合花 ) - 3 gittith (lit. in He.= wine press); - 3 次 gittith ( 希伯來文意 = 酒醡 ) - 1 shiggian (lit. in He.= loud crying) - 1 次 shiggian ( 希伯來文意 = 嚎啕大哭 )

Psalms: Importance: Spiritual mirror 詩篇 : 重要性 : 屬靈的鏡子 In the Psalms we look into the heart of all the saints, and we seem to gaze into fair, beautiful gardens, and into Heaven itself, where bloom the sweet, refreshing, gladdening flowers of happy and holy thoughts about God and all His benefits 在詩篇裡, 我們看見了所有聖徒的內心, 我們彷彿能凝視並進入公義 美麗的花園, 也進入天堂本身, 在那裡開著關於神以及祂帶來所有好處的快樂及聖潔思想的甜蜜 清新及令人喜悅的花朵 Martin Luther 馬丁路德

Psalms: Importance: Spiritual mirror 詩篇 : 重要性 : 屬靈的鏡子 This book I want to call An anatomy of all parts of the soul ; for no man can find in himself a single feeling which is not somewhere expressed in this mirror of the soul. Nay, all griefs, sorrows, fears, doubts, hopes, cares, anxietiesin short, all the tumultuous agitations of mind where a man can be tossed- the Holy Ghost has here represented to the life 我要稱這卷書為 靈魂各部分的剖析書 ; 因為沒有人 單單的在這卷靈魂的鏡子裡只找到一個跟自己有關的 感覺 不, 所有的悲痛 憂傷 恐懼 疑惑 盼望 牽掛 焦慮 - 簡而言之, 所有可以攪動思想可以使人 被拋擲的事 - 聖靈在這裡就替生命作了代表 John Calvin 約翰加爾文

Psalms: Spiritual Importance: David 詩篇 : 屬靈的重要性 : 大衛 Psalms, the very vehicle of Israel s worship and even our Christian psalter and worship are the inspired invention of David s heart 詩篇是以色列敬拜的管道, 甚至基督徒的詩歌及敬拜也是被大衛從心裡啟示的所發表的 2Sam. 23.1-2 Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse declares, the man who was raised on high declares, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue. 撒下 23:1-2 以下是 衛末了的話 耶西的兒 衛得居 位, 是雅各神所膏的, 作以 列的美歌者說, 耶和華的靈藉著我說, 他的話在我 中

Psalms: Spiritual Importance: David 詩篇 : 屬靈的重要性 : 大衛 - Ps. 45.1-2 David was the singer, but the Holy Spirit was the composer of the music - 詩篇 45:1-2 大衛是唱歌的人, 但聖靈是音樂的作曲家 - His heart overflowed with a good theme; - 他的心中滿溢著美好的主題 he addressed his verses to JHVH; 他表達的對象是耶和華 his tongue was the pen of a ready writer 他的舌頭是快手筆 Never was a King more human, more devoted, more willing to be stripped bare revealing all his faults, fears, sins; more desirous of giving all glory to JHVH as an unabashed worship before the Lord, - 從來沒有一個王比他更富有人性 更投入 更願意被暴露盡淨來顯示他的錯誤 恐懼 罪惡 ; 當他毫不掩飾的在神前敬拜時, 他就更渴望的將所有的榮耀都歸給耶和華

Psalms: Spiritual Importance: Jesus 1. Of the 283 direct quotes from OT in NT, 116 are from Psalms 1. 在新約裡的 283 個直接引用的舊約經文裡, 有 116 個是引用於詩篇 詩篇 : 屬靈的重要性 : 耶穌 2. Jesus can be seen throughout the Psalms: 2. 可以看見耶穌貫穿在整個的詩篇裡 - 33 psalms are prophetic, messianic songs about Jesus - 有 33 篇詩篇是關乎耶穌的, 帶有預言性的彌賽亞詩歌 - Many prayers and testimonies in Psalms were later prayed by Jesus either in word or spirit - 在詩篇裡的許多禱告及見證後來成了耶穌在靈裡或在話語裡的禱告 - Many of Psalm s human sentiments, solitude, faith, cryings, trust were expressed by Jesus - 許多在詩篇裡的孤獨 信心 哭泣 信任的人類情感是被耶穌來表達了

Psalms: Spiritual Importance: Jesus 詩篇 : 屬靈的重要性 : 耶穌 3. Many of David s daily journal psalms give us clues of the musings and worship of the Son of David alone on a mountainside 3. 在許多大衛的詩篇 日記 裡給我們線索來看見在山邊的大衛之子單獨的沈思及敬拜 4. We get the greatest window into the humanity and faith of Jesus the Son of Man by reading Psalms 4. 我們藉著讀詩篇而得到一個大窗口能進入人子耶穌的人性及信心

Psalms: Five Sections Overview 詩篇 : 五組縱覽

Psalms: Book One: Corresponds to Genesis 詩篇 : 卷一 : 對應於創世記 1. Psalms 1-41: all are in the spirit of David 1. 詩篇 1-41 篇 : 都來自於大衛的靈裡 2. Genesis reveals the Will of God: 2. 創世記啟示了神的旨意 - Psa 1 - Godly man blessed by God 詩 1 - 屬神的人被神祝福 - Psa 2 - The Anointed man of God given a throne over the Nations 詩 2 - 被膏的 屬神的人被賜予管理列國的權柄 - Psa 8 - Man s glory and significance 詩 8 - 人的榮耀及意義 - Psa 22 - Son of Man s suffering on Cross 詩 22 - 人子在〸字架上的受苦

Psalms: Book One: Corresponds to Genesis 詩篇 : 卷一 : 對應於創世記 - Psa 23 - Son of Man as the Good Shepherd 詩 22 - 人子是好牧人 - Psa 24 - Messiah s Coming to Zion 詩 24- 彌賽亞來到了錫安 - Psa 27 - David s heart desire for the House of God 詩 27- 大衛的心為著神的家而有的盼望 Final Doxology: Psa. 41.13 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen. 最終的三一頌 : 詩 41:13 耶和華以 列的神 是應當稱頌的, 從亙古直到永遠 阿們 阿們

Psalms: Book 2: Corresponds to Exodus 詩篇 : 卷二 : 對應於出埃及記 1. Psalms 42-72: 8 psalms of the sons of Korah set the tone with longings for Deliverance 1. 詩篇 42-72: 八篇可拉後裔的詩為了渴慕得拯救而定調 2. From Korah s tragic rebel history has come a longing for God s deliverance and to be door keepers in His House 2. 從可拉背叛的悲劇歷史帶來了神的拯救因而使他們成了看守祂的殿的人 - Psa 42, 43 - As a deer pants why is my soul cast down and far from the Presence of God - 詩篇 42,43- 我的 切慕你, 如鹿切慕溪 我的 哪, 你為何憂悶? 為何在我裡 煩躁? - Psa 45 - The marriage of the Messiah prophesied and described for by David - 詩篇 45- 藉著 衛帶來的預 及形容了彌賽亞的婚宴 - Psa 46 - God is our refuge and strength; a very present help in trouble - 詩篇 46- 神是我們的避難所 是我們的 量 是我們在患難中 隨時的幫助

Psalms: Book 2: Corresponds to Exodus 詩篇 : 卷二 : 對應於出埃及記 - Psa 48 - Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in Zion - 詩篇 48 - 耶和華本為 在他的聖山上 ( 錫安 ), 該受 讚美 - Psa 51 - The penitential psalm of David after Uriah and Bathsheba - 詩篇 51 - 大衛懺悔的詩 - 在對烏利亞及拔示巴的罪發生之後 - Psa 63 - My soul thirsts for the living God - 詩篇 63 - 我的心切慕一位活的神 Final Doxology: Psa. 72.18-20 Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who alone works wonders. And blessed be His glorious name forever; And may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen. Psa. 72.20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. 最終的三一頌 : 詩篇 72:18-20 獨 奇事的耶和華以 列的神, 是應當稱頌的 他榮耀的名, 也當稱頌, 直到永遠 願他的榮耀, 充滿全地 阿們 阿們 耶西的兒 衛的祈禱完畢

Psalms: Book 3: Corresponds to Leviticus 詩篇 : 卷三 : 對應於利未記 1. Psalms 73-89: these feature 11 psalms of the sons of Asaph on holiness in the Temple of God 1. 詩篇 73-89: 這 11 篇亞薩的詩的特點著重於神的殿的聖潔 2. Asaph was a seer as well as chief musician of David and his sons carried his burden for God s Holiness and Justice 2. 亞薩是先見也是大衛及他兒子手下的首席音樂家, 負責帶出他對於神聖潔及公義的負擔 - Psa 73 - My soul almost slipped until I went into the House of God; then I saw their end - 詩篇 73 - 我的腳險些滑跌 等我進了神的聖所, 思想他們的結局 - Psa 74 - O God, why have you rejected us? - 詩篇 74 - 神阿! 你為何永遠丟棄我們呢? - Psa 79 - O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance and Temple - 詩篇 79 - 神阿! 外邦 進入你的產業, 污穢你的聖殿

Psalms: Book 3: Corresponds to Leviticus 詩篇 : 卷三 : 對應於利未記 - Psa 80 - O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. - 詩篇 80 - 神阿, 求你使我們回轉 ( 復興 ), 使你的臉發光, 我們便要得救 - Psa 81 - A call to repentance and worship according to the statute of Israel - 詩篇 81 - 呼召基於以色列的法規而有的悔改及敬拜 - Psa 84 - How lovely are Your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord - 詩篇 84 - 萬軍之耶和華阿, 你的居所何等可愛! 我羨慕渴想耶和華的院宇 Final Doxology: Psa. 89.52 Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and Amen. 最終的三一頌 :- 詩篇 89:52 耶和華是應當稱頌的, 直到永遠 阿們! 阿們!

Psalms: Book 4: Corresponds to Numbers 詩篇 : 卷四 : 對應於民數記 1. Psalms 90-106: psalms of sojourning through the wilderness with God and His children 1. 詩篇 90-106: 這是神和祂的子民經歷曠野的詩 2. Ps 90 and 91 begin this section as Moses reflects upon God our home and refuge 2. 詩篇 90 及 91: 當摩西回想到神就是我們的家 我們的避難所時, 就開始了這一段 - Psa. 90.1 Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. - 詩篇 90:1 主阿, 你世世代代作我們的居所 - Psa. 91.1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. - 詩篇 91:1 住在至 者隱密處的, 必住在全能者的蔭下

Psalms: Book 4: Corresponds to Numbers 詩篇 : 卷四 : 對應於民數記 - Psa 92 - A psalm for Sabbath worship - 詩篇 92- 這是一個安息日敬拜的詩 - Psa 93-100 Enthronement Psalms of Worship - 詩篇 93-100 這是敬拜讚美神坐寶座的詩 - Psa 103 & 104 - Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy Name - 詩篇 103-104 我的 哪! 你要稱頌耶和華 凡在我裡 的, 也要稱頌他的聖名 Final Doxology: Psa. 106.48 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting. And let all the people say, Amen. Praise the Lord! 最終的三一頌 : 詩篇 106:48 耶和華以 列的神, 是應當稱頌的, 從亙古直到永遠 願眾民都說, 阿們! 你們要讚美耶和華!

Psalms: Book 5: Corresponds to Deuteronomy 詩篇 : 卷五 : 對應於申命記 1. Psalms 107-150: psalms of praise recalling God s faithfulness in bringing Israel into Zion 1. 詩篇 107-150: 讚美的詩篇 - 回想神帶領以色列民進入錫安的信實 2. Ps 107 is the testimony of the redeemed who have met the Hesed of JHVH 2. 詩篇 107 是被贖的人的見證, 他們曾經經歷了神的憐憫 - Psa 110 - The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand Messianic psalm of Kingdom Enthronement 詩篇 110- 耶和華對我主說 : 你坐在我的右邊 這是跟彌賽亞有關的 在國度裡坐寶座的詩 - Psa 113-118 - Hallel Psalms Psalms sung at Jewish feasts 詩篇 113-118 讚美詩 - 這些是在猶太人的節慶時唱的詩

Psalms: Book 5: Corresponds to Deuteronomy 詩篇 : 卷五 : 對應於申命記 - Psa 119 - Acrostic psalm with each section starting with same letter in alphabetical order all done in praise of Word of God 詩篇 119 - 離合詩 : 每一個階段順著字母的順序以那個字母作句子的開始, 所有的內容都是讚美神 - Psa 120-134 - Psalms of Ascent as pilgrims walked to Jerusalem recounting their spiritual pilgrimage 詩篇 120-134 - 上行詩 : 當朝聖者走到耶路撒冷朝聖時, 他們邊走邊唱, 來數算他們的屬靈進程 - Psa 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 - Hallelu Jah! Praise the Lord psalms required of every living being, instrument 詩篇 146 147 148 150- 哈利路亞 - 有關讚美主的詩, 需要每個唱的人及樂器的參與 Final Doxology: Psa. 150.6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! 最終的敬拜 : 詩篇 150:6 凡有氣息的 都要讚美耶和華 你們要讚美耶和華

Psalms: Plucking human heart strings completes the Universe 詩篇 : 撥動了人類的心弦使宇宙得完全 1. In book one we learn that man s life, wisdom and heart affections are kept healthy as we keep our eyes focused upon the worthship of the Lord 1. 在卷一裡, 我們學到 : 只要我們定睛注視在對於神的 敬拜 中, 人的生命 智慧及內心的感情就會被保守健康 2. In book two man s basic longings (Korah) for redemption (Exodus) and acceptance are satisfied as we offer frequent sacrifices of praise unto our Redeemer which seals the redemption 2. 在卷二裡, 當我們時常獻上讚美的祭給我們的救主時, 祂會將我們的救恩封上印記, 人類對於救贖 ( 出埃及 ) 及被接納的二個基本渴慕 ( 像可拉的後裔 ) 就可以得到滿足

Psalms: Plucking human heart strings completes the Universe 詩篇 : 撥動了人類的心弦使宇宙得完全 3. In book three we learn from Asaph that the House of God is the place we find our delight in God quickened by His Presence and our spirit s appetite increased by singing of the beauty of the Lord 3. 在卷三裡, 我們從亞薩學到了 : 神的家是我們能找到神的喜悅的地方, 祂的同在鼓舞我們, 唱出神的美麗, 增加了我們屬靈的胃口

Psalms: Plucking human heart strings completes the Universe 詩篇 : 撥動了人類的心弦使宇宙得完全 4. In book four we discover as we sing and praise our God that His Spirit is walking among us through the wilderness of this life 4. 在卷四裡, 我們發現了, 在經歷生命的曠野時, 當我們向我們的神讚美及唱歌時, 祂的靈就在我們中間運行 5. In book five we discover God s love is sweeter than honey as we delight ourselves in the meditation and study of His Word 5. 在卷五裡, 我們發現了當我們喜悅在默想及讀主的話時, 神的愛會比蜜更甜

Old Covenant Next time 下次 : Proverbs 箴 : Hebrew 希伯來名 :,מ ש ל י Míshlê Shlomo