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2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , 2174, 7014 %, % 4, 1961, ,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2

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目 錄 實 施 計 畫 1 專 題 演 講 因 應 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 學 校 本 位 課 程 的 整 體 布 局 A-1 推 動 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 相 關 配 套 措 施 A-10 分 組 研 討 法 規 研 修 B-1 課 程 教


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職 場 競 爭 力 3 原 則 擬 定 工 作 清 單 做 好 時 間 管 理 想 要 做 好 時 間 管 理, 規 劃 工 作 清 單 是 否 真 有 效 果? 此 外, 如 何 有 效 的 規 劃 工 作 清 單, 確 保 自 己 都 能 確 實 執 行, 但 又 同 時 保 有 彈 性, 除


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國立體育大學 100 學年度教育學程甄試考試試題語文能力測驗 ( 本試題共 7 頁 ) 注意 : 1. 答案一律寫在答案卷上, 否則不予計分 2. 請核對試卷 准考證號碼與座位號碼三者是否相符 3. 試卷 彌封處 不得汚損 破壞 4. 行動電話或呼叫器等通訊器材不得隨身攜帶, 並且關機 ( 共計 100 分 ) 國語文 ( 每題 2 分, 共 50 分 ) 1. 下列各句, 沒有錯字的是哪一句? (A) 陳老伯平日急功好義, 是鎮上的大善人 (B) 人在浩瀚的宇宙中, 只不過如滄海一栗而已 (C) 傍晚時分, 天空彩霞片片, 景色極為悠美, 遠方倦鳥歸巢, 大地一片祥和景象 (D) 汽車在蜿蜒的山路上奔馳, 不但霧氣籠罩, 兩邊又是峭壁懸崖, 真是驚險萬分 2. 以下文句 的讀音, 何者錯誤? (A) 水 獺, 讀作 ㄊㄚˋ, 音同 踏 (B) 舐犢 情深, 讀作 ㄕˋㄉㄨˊ, 音同 士讀 (C) 窳 民, 讀作 ㄍㄨㄚ, 音同 聒 (D) 壼闈, 讀作 ㄎㄨㄣˇㄨㄟˊ, 音同 捆為 3. 下面所舉文詞, 何者解釋無法互通? (A) 光景 與 境況 (B) 攻擊 與 攻訐 (C) 帖服 與 服貼 (D) 原因 與 緣故 4. 孟子. 公孫丑 上篇 : 自反而縮, 雖千萬人, 吾往矣 自反而縮 的意思是什麼? (A) 自己反省覺得理直而不懼 (B) 自覺理虧不免畏縮 (C) 回想以往做事過於畏縮 (D) 自己覺得害怕畏懼 5. 以下何者不適用於畢業贈言的題辭用語? (A) 朝乾夕惕 (B) 士必弘毅 (C) 鑄史鎔經 (D) 達己達人 1

6. 對於量詞的使用, 下列何者用法正確? (A) 新年到了, 大家喜歡在門口貼一張對聯 (B) 我一些累了, 我們休息一下吧! (C) 那是她剛買的兩副新手套 (D) 有好一點兒問題, 他一個人是解決不了 7. 下列是曹操的 短歌行, 請選出正確的排序 : ( 甲 ) 海不厭深 ( 乙 ) 山不厭高 ( 丙 ) 天下歸心 ( 丁 ) 周公吐哺 (A) 甲乙丙丁 (B) 乙甲丁丙 (C) 丙乙丁甲 (D) 丁丙乙甲 8. 在五代詞家中, 被尊為 花間鼻祖 的詞人是 (A) 李煜 (B) 孫光憲 (C) 韋莊 (D) 溫庭筠 9. 關於古典小說的敘述, 何者錯誤? (A) 喻世明言 警世通言 醒世恆言 的作者是明代的凌濛初 (B) 曹雪芹的 紅樓夢 又名 石頭記 (C) 元稹的 鶯鶯傳 又名 會真記, 寫張生和崔鶯鶯的愛情故事 (D) 世說新語 是魏晉南北朝的志人小說 10. 閱讀下文, 判斷何者是它的寓意主旨? 二十多年下來, 回頭一看, 三兩株散文的青菜, 葉黃又有蟲蛀, 唉! 也許一陣寒霜就全枯萎了 一兩朵小說的花, 既不鮮麗也不名貴, 也許只要一場豪雨, 就使之凋零 再有那幾棵細小瘦弱的史學樹, 只怕輕度颱風就可以使之連根拔起 ( 丘秀芷 走自己的路 ) (A) 鄉下人, 喜歡拓荒 (B) 一路走來無論成果如何, 總是堅持的走下去 (C) 惟恐無法繼續從事寫作 (D) 慶幸自己有不少作品 11. 張曉風 地毯的那一端 : 我的心像一座噴泉, 在陽光下湧溢著七彩的水珠兒 句中使用什麼修辭方法? (A) 轉化 (B) 映襯 (C) 譬喻 (D) 雙關 2

12. 但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟 語出何人? (A) 蘇軾 (B) 杜甫 (C) 李白 (D) 歐陽脩 13. 子曰 : 志士仁人, 無求生以害仁, 有殺身以成仁 是指 志士仁人 應該 (A) 永不後悔 (B) 以身殉道 (C) 朝聞道, 夕死可以 (D) 明知不可為而為 14. 荀子. 勸學 : 蓬生麻中, 不扶而直 ; 白沙在涅, 與之俱黑 說明 為學 的過程哪個條件很重要? (A) 同儕 (B) 教師 (C) 環境 (D) 教材 15. 下列成語的解釋, 何者錯誤? (A) 一蹴可幾 : 形容很容易, 就可以完成事情 (B) 中饋猶虛 : 指男子尚未娶妻 (C) 抱薪救火 : 比喻做事方法錯誤, 不但無益, 反而有害 (D) 椿萱並茂 : 比喻彼此意見相合 16. 莊子. 養生主 的 庖丁解牛 是屬於 (A) 寓言 (B) 小說 (C) 應用文 (D) 遊記 17. 對於成語的用法, 以下何者為誤? (A) 汗牛充棟 : 形容建築物很多 (B) 青梅竹馬 : 用於異性之間 (C) 好整以暇 : 指忙亂中卻表現從容貌 (D) 黛綠年華 : 形容女子的青春時代 18. 漢書藝文志. 諸子略序 : 諸子十家, 可觀者九家而已 所謂 九家 是十家中除去哪一家? (A) 農家 (B) 雜家 (C) 小說家 (D) 縱橫家 3

19. 下列語句的出處, 何者正確? (A) 滿招損, 謙受益 語出 禮記 (B) 信言不美, 美言不信 語出 老子 (C) 逝者如斯, 不舍晝夜 語出 大學 (D) 天行健, 君子以自強不息 語出 莊子 20. 中國文字的造字法, 有六書 : 象形 指事 會意 形聲 轉注 假借 下列組合何者有誤? (A) 上 下 是指事 (B) 刀 門 是象形 (C) 吠 鳴 是形聲 (D) 武 信 是會意 21. 以下文句, 何者是 頂真 的修辭法? (A) 輕輕的我走了, 正如我輕輕的來 (B) 不是閒人閒不得, 閒人不是等閒人 (C) 一分耕耘, 一分收穫 (D) 夏蟲也為我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康橋 22. 關於 詩經 的敘述, 哪個錯誤? (A) 以四言詩為主 (B) 又稱 詩三百 (C) 在 四庫全書 中歸屬 集部 (D) 屬於平民文學 23. 寄信給老師, 信封上收件人名字後面的 敬語, 應該使用哪一個? (A) 道啟 (B) 台啟 (C) 安啟 (D) 大啟 24. 下列文句 的字音, 何者正確? (A) 不 揣 淺陋, 揣 : ㄉㄨㄢ (B) 因 噎 廢食, 噎 : ㄧㄝˋ (C) 言簡意 賅, 賅 : ㄏㄞˋ (D) 韜 光養晦, 韜 : ㄊㄠ 25. 陶淵明 五柳先生傳 : 好讀書, 不求甚解 每有會意, 便欣然忘食 其中 好讀書, 不求甚解 是指 : (A) 喜歡讀書, 但不求瞭解 (B) 喜歡讀書, 但觀其大意 (C) 喜歡讀書, 但常常無法瞭解 (D) 認真讀書, 一定要徹底瞭解 4

英語文 ( 每題 2 分, 共 50 分 ) A. It is important to understand that obesity is not just an uncomfortable condition of the body. Obesity can cause serious health problems. Many people are not _(1)_ of these problems, so they do not try to prevent the problems before they appear. This is unfortunate, since prevention is possible, _(2)_ difficult. Of course, losing weight is very difficult. Changing a lifestyle is hard and often painful. _(3)_ so, the results of obesity are _(4)_. 1. (a) aware (b) precise (c) reliable (d) accurate 2. (a) extremely (b) whatever (c) though (d) while 3. (a) Nevertheless (b) Even (c) Although (d) But 4. (a) more worse (b) much bad (c) much worse (d) very worse B. To be obese means to have too much fat on the body. Obese people are not just _(6)_. Such people are likely to suffer health problems because of their weight. (7)The precise cause of obesity is not clear. However, it is clear that obesity is a problem in most developed countries. One study _(8)_ that about 55% of people in the United States are obese. People need to understand what obesity is and how to tell if _(9)_ are obese, so that they can change their condition. 5. According to the passage, which one of the following statements is TRUE? (a) The reason for obesity is eating too much. (b) More than two thirds American people are obese and look very fat. (c) Obesity is a problem in every developed country. (d) Too much amount of body fat is an indication of obesity. 6. (a) weight loss (b) overweight (c) weightlifting (d) weight training 7. The precise cause of obesity is not clear. ( 中文意義 ) (a) 肥胖的真正原因並不清楚 (c) 運動可以預防肥胖的發生 (b) 運動與減肥發生的關係並不清楚 (d) 並不明確瞭解所有因素 8. (a) exchanged (b) estimated (c) accumulated (d) escalated 9. (a) they themselves (b) we ourselves (c) you yourself (d) you yourselves C. Every culture has (12) superstitions. Some people believe them more than others. Even in our modern technological society, superstitions still hold a powerful influence. Most people seem to outgrow them. But how many people continue to believe (or at least act like they believe) these superstitions as adults? A survey _(13)_ for the journal American Demographics by the research firm Market Facts found some surprising results. In modern America where superstitions are seen as nothing more than the beliefs of a weak mind, 44 percent of the people surveyed still admitted they were superstitious. The other 56 percent _(14)_ to be only optimistically superstitious, meaning they were more willing to believe superstitions relating to good luck over ones related to bad luck. For example, 12 percent of those who said they were not really superstitious confessed to knocking on wood for good luck. And 9 percent confessed they would pick up a penny on the street for good luck. A further 9 percent of non-believers also said they would pick a four-leaf-clover for luck if they found one. And some still believed _(15)_ kissing under the mistletoe for luck. 10. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about superstitions? (a) In a modern technological society, people are still more or less superstitious. (b) More than half of American respondents are more willing to believe superstitions relating to good luck. 5

(c) About one tenth of American respondents confessed that they would knock on wood for good luck. (d) About one tenth of American respondents are non-believers of superstitions. 11. Which of the following is a good-luck tradition followed by non-believers in American society? (a) Kissing under the mistletoe. (b) Knocking on the wood. (c) Picking up a four-leaf-clover. (d) All of the above. 12. Superstitions. ( 中文意義 ) (a) 超偶 (b) 超級運動賽事 (c) 超級球星 (d) 迷信 13. (a) complemented (b) produced (c) supervised (d) conducted 14. (a) claimed (b) pronounced (c) authorized (d) nominated 15. (a) of (b) in (c) at (d) on D. Respondents to a 2001 survey by the Harris Poll, a U.S. market research and consulting firm, named doctors, teachers, and scientists as the three (20)most prestigious professions from a list of seventeen. The three least prestigious jobs were banker, accountant, and businessperson. What are the most prestigious professions in your country? What are the least prestigious? Why do you think people respect certain professions over others? Linda: I think teachers get a lot of prestige because it is such a difficult job. Mike: Politicians don t get any respect in my country. People think they are dishonest. Amy: I think nurses deserve more respect because they work so hard. 10% 16. Which of the following is NOT one of the least prestigious professions in the Harris Poll? (a) Scientists. (b) Accountants. (c) Businessmen. (d) Bankers. 17. According to Mike, politicians seldom earn respect in his country because. (a) they are decent people. (b) they are not honest enough. (c) they always have scandals. (d) they are very rich people. 18. Which of the following statement is TRUE? (a) The survey was done by the Harris Poll in 2001. (b) The Harris Poll is one of the respondents to a 2001 survey. (c) In Asia, teachers and nurses are respected by bankers and politicians. (d) No one respect politicians in Linda s country. 19. How many professions are included in the survey? (a) 3. (b) 7. (c) 17. (d) 70. 20. Most prestigious professions ( 中文意義 ) (a) 最出名的教授 (b) 最受歡迎的行業 (c) 最差勁的教授 (d) 最富聲望的職業 E. Academics and practitioners have analyzed and criticized U.S. management education for more than half a century (e.g., Gordon & Howell, 1959; Porter & McKibbin, 1988; Pfeffer & Fong, 2002). University administrators have responded with revised and new curricula offerings and teaching methods. These responses _(21)_ improve students ability to thrive as business people and societal members. One curricular gap that has received significant attention is the insufficient emphasis on the societal and ethical dimensions of business decision making. _(22)_ the corporate scandals of the past decade, it is easy to understand why recently revised AACSB accreditation standards contain a renewed emphasis on (23)the teaching of social responsibility (AACSB International, 2004). 6

21. (a) are intended to (b) intends to (c) intending to (d) that intend to 22. (a) Although (b) Given (c) If (d) However, 23. The teaching of social responsibility. ( 中文意義 ) (a) 社會責任教學 (b) 教授社會科學 (c) 學習運動教學 (d) 責任教學制度 24. Analysts and critics on US management education include. (a) Gordon and Howell (b) University administrators (c) AACSB International (d) All of the above 25. Which of the following statements is TRUE? (a) University administrators are now helping academics and practitioners to criticize corporate scandals. (b) Very few people in our society pay heed to the ethical dimensions of management education. (c) The teaching of social responsibility has received significant attention in American society. (d) All of the above. 7

標準答案國語文 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 英文 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 8