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ISSUE 16 OCTOBER 2014 Contents Admission Scores of FHSS Freshmen Still Highest at PolyU 香港理工大學 ( 理大 ) 醫療及社會科學院的課程一直為學生的首選課程, 學位競爭非常激烈, 新生們除有一顆以專業服務市民的赤子之心外, 能力與成績亦固然突出 今年, 醫療及社會科學院的課程名列全理大收生成績的頭五位, 五個課程分別為物理治療學 放射學 醫療化驗科學 職業治療學及眼科視光學 Undergraduate programmes at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have always been among the most preferred choices of HKAL or HKDSE students and competition for a place is usually fierce. This often results in our programmes attracting top students with good academic results and a dedicated heart. This year, the admission scores of freshmen on 5 FHSS programmes, namely Physiotherapy, Radiography, Medical Laboratory Science, Occupational Therapy and Optometry, ranked at the top of all programmes at PolyU. 02 03 04 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 16 新生成績 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 學院課程 ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES 實習交流 STUDENT PLACEMENTS & EXCHANGES 研究小組 RESEARCH GROUPS 科學研究 RESEARCH 國際獎項 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 理大獎項 POLYU AWARDS 學院會 FHSS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION 學院快訊 FACULTY NEWS 學系消息 DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES 研究資助 RESEARCH GRANTS

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Average HKDSE Scores for FHSS Programmes in 2014 學士學位課程 Degree Programme 入學成績計算方法 Admission Score Calculation Mechanism 最低分數 Minimum Score 最高分數 Maximum Score 2014 年平均入學成績 Average DSE Score Point Total 2014 應用社會科學系 Department of Applied Social Sciences 社會科學 廣泛學科 Social Sciences Broad Discipline 4 Core + 1 Best Elective 20 22 20.9 社會政策及行政學 Social Policy and Administration 4 Core + 1 Best Elective 22 24 22.6 社會工作學 Social Work 4 Core + 1 Best Elective 18 24 21.7 醫療科技及資訊學系 Department of Health Technology and Informatics 醫療化驗科學 Medical Laboratory Science Any Best 5 Subjects 27 32 28.6 放射學 Radiography Any Best 5 Subjects 26 33 28.7 康復治療科學系 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences 職業治療學 Occupational Therapy Any Best 5 Subjects 27 32 28.4 物理治療學 Physiotherapy Any Best 5 Subjects 27 34 30.2 護理學院 School of Nursing 精神健康護理學 Mental Health Nursing Chinese + English + Best 3 Subjects 21 28 23.1 護理學 Nursing Chinese + English + Best 3 Subjects 22 28 23.6 眼科視光學院 School of Optometry 眼科視光學 Optometry Any Best 5 Subjects 25 32 27.8 香港文憑考試分數計算 Calculation of HKDSE scores 以上分數只供參考之用 The above scores are for reference only. 5** - 7 分 points 5* - 6 分 points 5-5 分 points 4-4 分 points 3-3 分 points 2-2 分 points 1-1 分 point Unclassified - 0 分 point 查詢香港文憑考試學生的入學成績計算方法, 請瀏覽 For Admission Score Calculations for HKDSE Applicants, please visit 2

ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES Study at FHSS! 醫療及社會科學院提供多個不同的醫療社科課程, 其中一些學科更為全港獨有, 培育有承擔及有愛心的同學, 成為醫療及社會關懷的專才和領袖 如果你喜歡幫助別人, 熱愛生命, 歡迎你加入我們的行列, 將來以專業知識服務社會 FHSS offers several full-time bachelor s programmes in different health and applied social sciences disciplines to nurture committed, kind-hearted students to become caring and competent health and social care professionals and leaders. If you re interested in helping people, why not consider a career in health and human services by studying here? Some of the undergraduate degree programmes run by FHSS s constituent departments and schools are unique in Hong Kong. Here s a summary of what s on offer: 應用社會科學系社會科學廣泛學科社會政策及行政 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士學位課程社會工作 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士學位課程 Department of Applied Social Sciences Broad Discipline of Social Sciences BA(Hons) in Social Policy and Administration BA(Hons) in Social Work 醫療科技及資訊學系 醫療化驗科學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 放射學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 Department of Health Technology and Informatics BSc(Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science BSc(Hons) in Radiography 康復治療科學系 職業治療學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 物理治療學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences BSc(Hons) in Occupational Therapy BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy 護理學院 精神健康護理學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 護理學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 School of Nursing BSc(Hons) in Mental Health Nursing BSc(Hons) in Nursing 眼科視光學院 眼科視光學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學位課程 School of Optometry BSc(Hons) in Optometry > 3

STUDENT PLACEMENTS & EXCHANGES Reflections by Students 每年, 數百名醫療及社會科學院學生積極爭取機會, 透過參與不同的學生交流及實習計劃, 遠赴海外, 享受一個為期幾星期至幾個月的不一樣學習及生活經驗 學生除可於新環境中學習新知識外, 亦得到一個難得的機會, 四處觀光擴闊眼界, 感受不同的文化及認識新朋友, 幾位曾參與過計劃的同學與 健訊 分享他們的經歷 Every year, hundreds of FHSS students sign up for a student exchange or placement abroad to grab the chance of a lifetime of living and studying in a different country for a few weeks or a few months. Apart from being able to learn in a new educational or professional environment, it s also a marvellous opportunity for them to be able to sightsee and explore a new culture and make new friends. Some students who have gone overseas on an exchange or placement programme shared their thoughts with Health News. School of Nursing Mr Jacky Chan Tsz-ki 接待學院 : 日本埼玉縣立大學 Host institution: Saitama Prefectural University, Japan 參加這次交換生計劃的最大收獲, 就是能夠有機會在當地的日本家庭中寄宿, 他們不時分享人生經歷, 讓我從中得到許多生活大智慧, 也令我更加深了解日本本土文化和生活習慣 除此之外, 我從當地導師身上學習到專業的護理知識及理念, 令我立志要成為一位有責任感的護士 One of the greatest experiences of my exchange programme that I will treasure forever was the time I spent with a Japanese family. Every member of the family had an incredible story to tell and it made my cultural experience of Japan much richer. Moreover, I learned from the expertise of the local nurses, which made me even more determined to pursue a career in nursing when I got back to Hong Kong. School of Optometry Ms Grace Tseng 交流學院 : 加拿大滑鐵盧大學 Host institution: University of Waterloo, Canada 負笈海外作臨床實習, 一直是我夢寐以求的夢想 雖然只是逗留了短短四星期, 但也能體驗到眼科視光學的這個專業, 於加拿大如何被大眾廣泛認同, 我亦有機會親自為當地居民作眼睛檢查, 這不但實踐了我的專業, 也讓擴闊了我的視野 A clinical placement in Canada was a dream come true for me. The 4-week placement gave me a chance to observe and practise optometry in a country where the profession is more developed. The wide scope of practice in the optometric field in Canada has inspired me tremendously and broadened my horizons. Department of Health Technology and Informatics Mr Tse Kam-for 交流學院 : 新加坡南洋理工學院 國立大學醫院 Host institution: Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore; National University Hospital, Singapore 這趟到海外實習, 毫無疑問令我成長了不少 在新加坡實習的那段期間, 是我第一次嘗試獨立生活, 從日常生活中, 我學懂了如何自理及解決問題 很慶幸於實習期間認識到很多新朋友, 增強了溝通技巧 當地導師的悉心教導, 也讓我學習到不少放射學上的專業知識, 當然也感受到新加坡不同的風俗文化 Without a doubt, going on an exchange programme was a life-changing experience for me. A variety of factors came into play to make it memorable, from the people I met, the places I went to, and the freedom that came from living on my own for the first time. But, of course, being able to practise in Singapore definitely enhanced my practical knowledge and language and communication skills. I also acquired an in-depth understanding of my profession. 4

STUDENT PLACEMENTS & EXCHANGES Department of Rehabilitation Sciences School of Optometry Mr Lam Kong-shing 接待學院 : 瑞典卡羅琳學院胡丁厄醫院 Host institution: Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden Mr Jeff Tang 接待學院 : 澳洲墨爾本大學 Host institution: University of Melbourne, Australia 這次到瑞典交流的經驗十分難忘, 能夠與當地的教授及來自世界各地的同學們接觸, 吸收不同的知識, 擴闊無限視野 在瑞典有幸處理了多宗神經科復康治療的個案, 雖然治療過程十分複雜, 但這些新知識實在令我眼界大開, 亦有助我回港後於課堂的理解, 提高實踐能力 於交流中遇到的導師均十分專業, 也常常鼓勵我用多角度思考的方式解決難題, 很感激學系給予我這次珍貴的體驗 My experience in Sweden was incredible. Interacting with professors and classmates from all over the world opened my eyes as a global citizen and fostered my communication skills. I found working on different cases of neurological rehabilitation demanding and rigorous but also helpful in terms of knowledge and skills acquisition. The supervisors were very encouraging and supportive. I m so grateful for having these fantastic and memorable experiences during my university life. Department of Health Technology and Informatics Mr Herman Ma Man-hin 接待學院 : 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 Host institution: National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan 很感恩我能夠有機會到台灣參加交換學生計劃, 這次的經驗實在是畢生難忘, 能夠在一個跟香港完全不同的環境中, 應用及實踐所學的技能和知識, 絕對是難能可得 這不但大大提高我日後處理個案的信心, 也見識了不少新的醫療科技 我希望理大的師弟師妹也能捉緊每個海外學習的機會, 因為你所學到的, 一定會比你想像的多 I could say that I am blessed to have had the opportunity to apply and practise my knowledge in a completely different setting in Taiwan. The programme equipped me with many practical skills and knowledge for me to perform as a health professional in the future. I strongly recommend an exchange programme to all juniors because opportunities like this do not come twice. Department of Applied Social Sciences Mr Lai Wai-lun 接待學院 : 中國上海交通大學 Host institution: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 當上交流生, 我得到了想像以外的珍貴經驗 在上海的四個月, 雖然是我第一次離開家人, 但時間過得很快, 當中不但學習到有關專業範疇的知識, 更讓我有機會感受上海的獨特文化, 享用美食, 實在是一個十分難得的經歷 Being an exchange student is probably one of the most amazing moments that I ll cherish. My experience in Shanghai was unforgettable and really beyond what I had expected. I learned about my profession, culture, food, and many other things. The 4 months passed by quickly and it was the first time in my life that I had lived away from my family. All I can say is that I learned best through experience. 有機會以交換生身分到墨爾本大學實習, 日子不但過得很充實, 而得到的生活體驗亦讓我畢生受用 墨爾本大學位於城市的中心, 集文化 藝術 旅遊熱點於一身, 我放學後不時到處遊覽 由於整個培訓計劃是為修讀眼科視光學的學生而度身訂造, 加上由大學的老師親身教授, 實在令我獲益良多 在一個不同的文化環境中實習了多個星期, 令我大開眼界, 也喜歡上墨爾本這個城市 Being an exchange student at the University of Melbourne has been one of the most invaluable experiences of my time at PolyU. The location of Melbourne University puts it in the heart of history, art and travel in the city. The programme I was on was tailored for optometry and other types of health students. After weeks of immersion in a completely different culture, I feel like I truly studied abroad and truly connected with Melbourne. HEALTH NEWS 5

RESEARCH GROUPS HEALED Holds Extending the Healthspan: The Role of Diet and Exercise Symposium 西非爆發伊波拉病毒感染疫情, 由於病毒具極強傳染性, 死亡率高, 患者人數急升, 情況令全世界憂慮 然而, 許多疾病如癌症 糖尿病 心血管病 慢性呼吸道疾病等, 雖然沒有傳染性, 但會續漸蠶食患者的健康 非傳染性疾病為全球 63% 死亡人口的殺手, 於香港, 七成五 65 歲以上的長者身患至少一種非傳染性疾病 HEALED 研究小組於 7 月 9 日舉行第二屆研討會, 由多位講者分享飲食及運動如何影響人類的健康質素 研究小組邀請到澳洲墨爾本大學非傳染性疾病控制主席 Brian Oldenburg 教授, 擔任研討會的主講嘉賓 Oldenburg 教授指出, 當多於一種疾病共存於人體時, 疾病間會出現相互增強的情況, 激化病症為身體帶來的負面影響 Oldenburg 教授認為, 於鼓勵各人要自理身體的同時, 社會的經濟 文化 環境 政治情況亦需要有所改善, 從而改變大眾的生活習慣 醫療系統的不完善是社會難以處理慢性疾病的元兇, 然而改革醫療系統亦未必能徹底改善情況 由於低至中收入國家的醫療資源普遍較為缺乏, 研究人員透過分析不同地方於推行非傳染性疾病預防項目的大眾接受程度 成效 規模及可持續性幾方面得到無窮啟發空間 中國安徽省疾病預控制中心健康教育所所長仲學鋒博士指出, 中國每年的死亡人口中有 85% 是死於非傳染性疾病 政府已製訂一個為期四年, 針對非傳染性疾病的防備及醫治 醫療改革 煙草管制及市民鹽攝取量的計劃, 並會向市民大眾推廣不同健康活動 仲博士早前亦以德國的模式為藍本, 評核安徽省內一個小型防備心血管疾病計劃的成效 負責統籌 HEALED 研究小組的理大醫療科技及資訊學系生物醫學講座教授彭雅思教授表示, 衰老及非感染性疾病源於氧化壓力 ( 來自 游離基 及其他形態的活性氧化物種 ), 以及身體內發生的炎症 定期吸收足夠的抗氧化植物生化素 ( 包括維他命 礦物質及其他有益元素 ), 能減少氧化壓力及炎症, 緩和衰老及非傳染性疾病的出現 彭教授指出, 進食過量抗氧化健康補充劑有機會引致中毒, 而人體的防禦基制會令身體無法吸收天然食物中含有的抗氧化物 雖然暫時科學界仍未能確定攝取適量抗氧化物如何影響健康的分子基制, 但有研究指出抗氧化物能直接於細胞上起抗氧化作用, 並能逆轉炎症 另外的可能性包括抗氧化物能間接細胞保護, 加強身體氧化還元平衡中的抑制氧化功能, 又或者改變大腸的代謝過程 於研討會中, 多位博士研究生及 HEALED 研究小組成員亦發表口頭報告 理大眼科視光學院副教授紀家樹博士表示, 散光情況十分普遍, 但其成因及發展過程一直成謎 紀博士及其團隊發現讓小雞佩戴鏡片可誘導散光的發展, 而特定的負球性透鏡可有效造成不同度數的散光 醫療科技及資訊學系助理教授李泳怡博士分享其於心血管病範疇上的研究, 指出新發明的超聲波心臟輸出監察儀, 可偵測到病人四個決定血壓情況的關鍵指數, 包括心輸出量 心搏量 系統性血管阻力及心跳, 醫護人員可透過這些指數更掌握病人的身體狀況, 從而調整治療計劃, 提升高血壓患者的康復果效 理大保健處羅思敏醫生早前於校內進行有關琵琶音樂於舒緩長期痛症的研究, 並探討琵琶音樂對於減輕壓力 舒緩抑鬱及緊張情緒的功用 羅醫生發現, 琵琶音樂能有效改善研究對象的緊張情緒及幫助止痛, 更指出於研究期後, 近三份二參與實驗組的研究對象仍繼續自發地聆聽琵琶音樂, 顯示這項治療的可持續性 中風病人較容易跌倒引致嚴重骨折, 理大康復治療科學系彭耀忠教授的團隊發現, 病人受中風影響引起半身痲痺, 受影響之半身的脛骨與沒有受影響之半身的大小相約, 但痲痺半身的脛骨外面皮層骨較薄, 內裡的骨骼礦物質密度則較低 痲痺脛骨中段的骨力量指數 (BSI) 與肌肉力量有關, 而近腳踝部份的脛骨骨力量指數則與該處的血管有關 彭教授指出, 研究人員可透過為病人設計不同的運動, 提升肌肉力量與血管健康, 從而改善病人的骨骼健康 6

RESEARCH GROUPS Ebola has hit the headlines because of its infectious and high mortality nature. Yet chronic non-infectious or non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and chronic respiratory diseases, which progress and debilitate slowly over years and are often preventable, are the biggest killers of all, causing 63% of deaths worldwide annually. In Hong Kong, 75% of people aged 65 years or above suffer from 1 or more NCDs. On 9 July on campus, PolyU s interdisciplinary HEALED Research Group held its second symposium, themed Extending the Healthspan: The Role of Diet and Exercise. Keynote speaker Prof Brian Oldenburg, Chair of Noncommunicable Disease Control at the University of Melbourne, said there is a need to address syndemics, or the existence of 2 or more diseases in a person that interact synergistically to exacerbate the negative health consequences of 1 or more of the diseases. While acknowledging that people must take more responsibility for their own health, he urged different sectors of society to improve the prevailing socio-economic, cultural, environmental and political circumstances to help them change their behaviour. Prof Oldenburg opined that health care systems are a large part of the problem why NCDs are not being tackled successfully but that they can only be a small part of the solution. He said much could be learned from developing countries as well as from developed societies, particularly in evaluating NCD prevention programmes for acceptability, efficacy, scalability and sustainability, because low- and middle-income countries have poorer health care resources. Dr Zhong Xuefeng, Director of the Institute of Health Education at Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said NCDs cause 85% of deaths in China every year. She outlined the country s 2012-15 plan for NCD prevention and treatment, health care reforms, tobacco control and salt consumption initiatives, and campaigns promoting a healthy lifestyle. She also evaluated a small-scale CVD prevention programme in Anhui that was adapted from a Dutch model. Prof Iris Benzie, HEALED group coordinator and Chair Professor of Biomedical Science at PolyU s Department of Health Technology and Informatics (HTI), said ageing and NCDs result from increased oxidative stress (from free radicals and non-radical forms of reactive oxygen species) and inflammation in the body and could be hindered if oxidative stress and inflammation are reduced by regular and sufficient intake of antioxidant phytochemicals (vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances). There is evidence that ingesting too much of an antioxidant via supplements could be toxic, while the human body cannot absorb all ingested antioxidants in natural foods and beverages, possibly as an evolved safety mechanism. She said the exact molecular mechanisms by which an adequate intake of antioxidants work in the body to produce health benefits are unclear, but a few possibilities include direct antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, indirect induction of the body s cells to adapt stronger cytoprotectively to a mild pro-oxidant shift in the body s redox balance, and metabolic processes in the colon. Some PhD students and a few HEALED group members also gave short oral presentations. Dr Kee Chea-su, Associate Professor at PolyU s School of Optometry, said although astigmatism is a common refractive error, its cause and mechanisms are unknown. His team s study showed that astigmatism could be induced in chicks by spectacle lens or diffuser treatment, with cylindrical lenses of specific orientations producing astigmatisms that compensated for the imposed orientation and magnitude. For detecting and monitoring CVDs, HTI Assistant Professor Dr Shara Lee said doctors and patients could benefit from a newly developed Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor that can provide simple and non-invasive measurement of the 4 main haemodynamic factors that determine blood pressure: cardiac output, stroke volume, systemic vascular resistance, and heart rate. The individualised profile can help to optimise hypertension treatment. Dr Dana Lo, Senior Medical Officer at PolyU s University Health Service, described her team s study of the effect of Chinese pipa music on ethnic Chinese subjects from PolyU for relieving their chronic non-malignant pain and related symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety, and their use of painkillers. Significant decreases in anxiety and analgesic use were found, and two-thirds of the experimental group had voluntarily listened to the pipa CD for weeks after their mandatory listening sessions had finished, suggesting possible sustainability of the therapy. Chronic stroke survivors have a high risk for falls and life-threatening fractures. Prof Marco Pang of PolyU s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences said his team found patients tibia on their impaired or paretic side was of the same size as that of the unaffected side, but the paretic tibias outer cortical bone was thinner and the inner bone mineral density was lower. The bone strength index (BSI) at the middle of the paretic tibias, where many muscle attachments are, was more associated with muscle strength, while the paretic tibias BSI near the ankle was more related to the health of blood vessels there. He said that since muscle strength and vascular health could be modified, they could be explored for creating more effective exercises for improving patients bone health. HEALTH NEWS 7

RESEARCH Behavioural Management Training Helps Parents with ADHD Children 患有專注力失調 / 過度活躍症 (ADHD) 的兒童普遍活動量過多, 行為較為衝動, 注意力難以集中 根據資料顯示, 全球約有 3%-7% 的兒童被診斷為 ADHD 患者, 而男童患者的人數比女童患者為多 男童患者趨向出現過度活躍的特徵, 而女童患者則較常出現專注力失調的情況 香港有超過 40,000 名兒童被評估為 ADHD 患者, 男童比例較女童多五倍, 而現時 ADHD 的治療方法包括行為治療或 / 及藥物治療 要照顧患有 ADHD 小朋友的家長, 需要付出更多時間及耐性, 感到身心俱疲, 而一個具成效的家長支援計劃, 可以為家長舒緩壓力之同時, 更能幫助他們積極陪伴子女成長 香港小童群益會自 2009 年起, 於屬下 9 個服務單位正式推行 專注力失調 / 過度活躍症兒童家長訓練小組, 旨在協助家長了解 ADHD 兒童的特徵和需要, 協助他們改善處理兒童行為問題的技巧 為評估訓練小組對於家長及其 ADHD 子女的成效, 理大應用社會科學系副教授區美蘭博士及香港小童群益會合作, 針對其中七個服務單位於 2011 至 2013 年期間, 為五歲至 12 歲 ADHD 兒童的家長而設的訓練小組, 收集活動推行前 推行後及活動完結兩個月後的研究資料, 從而作出全面的質性及量性評估, 並於 3 月 29 日進行新聞發佈會 研究發現, 於小組推展之前, 大部份受訪家長均認為 ADHD 子女專注力低, 難以集中, 而接近九成家長表示照顧 ADHD 孩子消耗大量時間和精力 而根據小組活動完結後所收集的資料顯示, 大部份家長均認同培訓課程能有效減低兒童困擾行為的出現頻率, 而這些正面果效更能持續至課程完結後 區博士分析, 訓練課程有效地幫助家長調整自己對患有 ADHD 子女的心態及期望, 讓他們學習到處理 ADHD 兒童的管教技巧, 是要多給予正面鼓勵, 避免負面責罵 此外, 訓練課程亦加深家長與子女的互相了解, 建立信任及接納, 從而帶動兒童行為的改變 區博士表示 : 是次研究肯定了家長訓練課程的效用, 近年被評估為 ADHD 的兒童有所增加, 希望政府可投放更多資源, 協助發展更有效的服務以支援 ADHD 的兒童及其家庭, 提升服務的質量 When a schoolchild is always impulsive, disruptive or easily distracted, he or she could be suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Between 3-7% of children worldwide may have it, and more boys than girls are diagnosed with it, with boys tending to be hyperactive while girls tend to show a deficiency in attention. In Hong Kong, there are over 40,000 children who have ADHD, of whom there are 5 times more boys than girls. Children with ADHD can be helped through training or medication or both, but their ADHD often causes a great strain on their parents. Could they be helped to cope as well as support their children s development? The Boys and Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA), an NGO, has been providing behavioural management training to parents of ADHD children since 2009 in 9 service centres to help them understand the characteristics and needs of children with ADHD and to improve their skills in dealing with their children s behavioural problems. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training on the parents and their ADHD children, who were aged 5-12 years old, BGCA and Dr Alma Au, Associate Professor at PolyU s Department of Applied Social Sciences, jointly conducted a qualitative and quantitative study of the parent training groups in 7 service centres from 2011-13 pre-intervention, post-intervention, and at a follow-up session 2 months later. They disseminated their findings at a press conference at PolyU on 29 March this year. They found that almost all of the ADHD children had trouble concentrating and being attentive before the 8-session training programme and nearly 90% of the parents indicated they spent a lot of time and energy taking care of their ADHD children. After the programme, the majority of the parents indicated that the training helped them to reduce the frequency of their children s distractive and disruptive behaviour. At the follow-up session, the parents felt what they had learned was still effective. Analysis showed the programme helped the parents to adjust their expectations of their ADHD children and equipped them with parenting skills that used positive encouragement rather than negative rebukes. The programme fostered understanding, acceptance and trust between the parents and the children, and helped the children to improve their behaviour. This study proves that the training helps children with ADHD and their parents. In recent years, more children have been identified as having ADHD, so the government should allocate more funding to provide suitable services for them and their parents, Dr Au said. 8

INTERNATIONAL AWARDS PolyU Health Academics Win Gold and Silver at Prestigious Geneva Inventions Exhibition 醫療及社會科學院鼓勵科研人員積極進行科研項目, 本學院學者的創新發明在不同的國際比賽中亦屢獲殊榮 今年五月在瑞士日內瓦舉行的第 42 屆國際發明展中, 康復治療科學系副教授郭霞博士, 以及護理學院副教授蔡及時博士, 憑其嶄新的發明勇奪三個獎項 郭霞博士及其團隊發明的 微吸盤彈性黏貼織物 的防水彈性黏貼榮獲金獎, 而由蔡及時博士帶領團隊研發的 為職業治療中的自理訓練而開發的觸感仿真平台 的復康概念獲頒發特別獎及銀獎 相信各位都嘗試過, 當要脫下保護傷口的膠布或膠貼時, 往往因為膠布黏力太強而要忍受痛楚, 而本來沒有受傷的皮膚亦有機會變得紅腫, 痛上加痛 相反, 若患者要長期使用復康膠貼固定變形或受傷的肢體部位時, 很多時膠貼的黏貼力卻又不足, 經常脫落 康復治療科學系郭霞博士由八爪魚身上得到靈感, 帶領團隊與香港紡織及成衣研究中心合作, 研發出一款名為 微吸盤彈性黏貼織物 的防水彈性黏貼 該黏貼具有高黏力之同時卻又不會損傷皮膚, 更能輕易除下進行清潔, 適合長時期重複使用, 並能將器材緊緊固定於皮膚上, 於不同醫療護理方案上都能大派用場 郭博士研發的黏貼以附有微型吸盤的彈性聚合物為材料, 透過物理學上分子間的作用力, 令黏貼能緊緊固定在皮膚或器材之同時, 亦能輕易脫除, 適合應用於不同情況 進行康復訓練時往往需要投放大量人手及資源, 以保障治療師及病人的安全 護理學院蔡及時博士有見及此, 特別利用虛礙實境技術研發一套觸感仿真平台, 幫助上肢受傷的病人進行恢復自理能力的康復訓練 蔡博士及其團隊研發的訓練模擬系統由兩組觸感仿真儀器所組成, 每組儀器均連接到電腦 顯示屏及抗音器, 讓使用者感受到不同程度的力覺反饋, 再配合視覺及聲效, 加強模擬訓練的真實性 而為配合不同的訓練方案, 觸感仿真儀器可換上筆型及不同日常用品形狀的把柄, 幫助病人鍛練及恢復其寫字 繪畫 切食物 倒水及鎖門的能力, 系統日後亦可配合其他模擬程式進行其他訓練 Scholars from our faculty continue to win awards for their work, the latest being at the esteemed 42nd International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, this April, during which Dr Guo Xia, Associate Professor at PolyU s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and her team won a gold medal for their Rehabilitation Adhesive Tape Inspired by Octopus Suckers, and Dr Thomas Choi, Associate Professor at PolyU s School of Nursing, and his team were bestowed with a special award and a silver medal for their Haptic Platform for Self-Care Training in Occupational Therapy. Removing a plaster or other medical adhesive sheet is not only painful but can actually damage healthy skin. For people who have to restrict the range of motion of their deformed or injured limb for weeks or months for healing, many of the rehabilitation adhesive sheets available have just the opposite problem: to not damage the skin, the adhesive sheets are sometimes not adhesive enough. Dr Guo s invention solves this problem and more. Inspired by octopus suckers, she and her team from PolyU and the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel have created a tape that is sticky enough and yet won t damage skin and can be cleaned daily with water and reused for a month. The tape can also attach a device to the skin. Consisting of a silicone polymer with micro-suckers, the tape adheres when pressed by way of negative air pressure since air is squeezed out of the micro-suckers. This makes the tape easy and painless to put on and peel off. Rehabilitation can also be very manpower intensive and therefore costly because of the need to ensure safety. Just as Dr Guo s reusable tape is cost effective, so too is Dr Choi s virtual-reality platform for self-care training. People with upper-limb disabilities usually train by using the real objects under the close supervision and presence of their occupational therapist. However, this can be dangerous for the patients and time-consuming for the therapist in terms of preparing, supervising and cleaning up. To address this, Dr Choi s team devised a training simulator comprising two haptic devices linked to a computer, monitor and speakers to provide realistic force, visual and sound feedback. Each haptic device can be fitted with a pen-like or custom 3D-printed handle shaped like the real object. The platform facilitates training in hand-writing, drawing, cutting food, pouring liquid from a jug into a cup, and locking and unlocking a door with a key, and has the potential to be expanded for other applications. HEALTH NEWS 9

POLYU AWARDS Interview with Dr Shirley Ngai, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences 今年理大醫療及社會科學院所頒發的學院特設傑出表現 / 成就教學獎, 由康復治療科學系助理教授魏佩菁博士獲得 而為嘉許更多教學表現優秀的同事, 醫療及社會科學院於去年起增設學院優秀教學獎, 今年的個人得獎者為應用社會科學系助理教授 David Herold 博士 醫療科技及資訊學系助理教授羅嘉慧博士, 以及康復治療科學系臨床導師劉穎琳女士, 而由康復治療科學系副教授曾偉男博士帶領教授 人體解剖學 科目的團隊則獲得團體獎 魏佩菁博士與理大及康復治療科學系有深厚的淵源, 她於理大完成物理治療學本科生及研究生課程, 於 2012 年更重投母校, 任教於康復治療科學系, 今年更憑卓越的教學表現, 獲得學院特設傑出表現 / 成就教學獎 魏博士說 : 我能夠成為康復治療科學系的教員, 並得到大學頒授教學獎項, 實在要感謝學系多年來的栽培和同事的支持 當我還是學生時, 老師很著重培養我們自我解決問題的能力, 並鼓勵我們要積極發問, 現在我也是用同一套方法教導學生 魏博士認為從學生的發問中, 老師能更掌握他們的學習進度, 從而微調教學方式及內容要點, 她表示 : 我會從學生的觀點出發, 為他們度身製訂適合有用的教材, 而為加深他們對教學內容的理解, 我更會親自製作錄像教材 魏博士指出, 一位好老師的教學模式及內容必須能夠切合不同學生的需要, 她現在的學生包括本科生及碩士生, 甚至非本地學生, 她會定訂不同的教案及授課方式, 以配合不同程度及背景的學生 魏博士教導學生不要懼怕失敗及錯誤, 鼓勵他們於課堂及實習課中要勇於嘗試 她說 : 每個人總會犯錯, 但最重要是要從錯誤中學習 我鼓勵學生於課堂中不斷進行治療相關的練習 如果學生有更多親身練習的機會, 就能明白到病人於接受不同的治療時的感受及反應, 這些經驗有助他們成為一個自信與能力兼備的物理治療師 This year, PolyU s Faculty/School Award for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching (FHSS) went to Dr Shirley Ngai, Assistant Professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS). And to recognise other faculty members who have also done exemplarily well in teaching over the past year, FHSS bestowed its Faculty Teaching Prizes to Dr David Herold, Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Social Sciences; Dr Helen Law, Assistant Professor at the Department of Health Technology and Informatics; Ms Rufina Lau, RS Clinical Associate; and the teaching team for the Human Anatomy subject led by Dr William Tsang, RS Associate Professor. Dr Shirley Ngai has an exceptionally strong link with PolyU and RS. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in physiotherapy here. She rejoined RS as a faculty member in 2012 and has now landed a PolyU award for her excellent teaching. My long ties with RS prepared me well to become a teacher and I must give credit to my department for the award. My sincere thanks to the department and my colleagues! said Dr Ngai. When I studied here, I greatly benefitted from RS s tradition of encouraging students to ask questions and facilitating active learning. I now use the same approach for my own students, she explained. Dr Ngai said that through her students questions, she can better gauge their study progress and fine-tune her teaching focus accordingly. I tailor-make teaching materials from the students perspective and I produce teaching videos to help them gain the most from their studies, she added. The ability to cater to a diversity of students is another key factor cited by Dr Ngai for a good teacher. I have students from different tertiary education levels and backgrounds, and non-local students. I adopt different delivery methods for different students, she elaborated. Dr Ngai encourages students to not be afraid of making mistakes either in the classroom or practical classes. It is human to err, but the most important thing is to learn from your mistakes. I allow my students to have a lot of tries during my lessons, she said. When they ve gained more hands-on experience, they learn how clients will likely feel and react when they use different treatment methods on them. I truly believe that after gaining as much hands-on practice as possible, students can expect to become capable and confident physiotherapists, she added. 10

FHSS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Lit21 Lit21 Pledges to Light Up Students Spirits 今年的醫療及社會科學院會內閣名為 Lit21, 大家明白箇中含意嗎? 學院會主席洪家昇分享說 : 我們今屆內閣由 11 位來自不同學系及學院的同學組成, Lit 三個英文字分別代表愛 (Love) 無限(Infinity) 信任(Trust), 而 21 這數字當然是代表我們是第 21 屆院會 我們希望透過不同活動, 鼓勵醫療及社會科學院的同學多關心留意身邊的人和事, 加強彼此專業之間的合作和信任, 宣揚大愛精神, 憑著各位的小宇宙, 於現在與未來都能學以致用, 發揮無限可能 每年醫療及社會科學院會的內閣成員都憑着心中那團熾熱的火, 犧牲私人時間籌備不同的活動 主席洪家昇表示 : 我們希望舉辦一些與往年不同, 令同學們眼前一亮的新活動 除了每年都會舉辦的迎新營及週年晚宴外, 學院會亦計劃於明年五月舉行健康週, 於校園內向各位師生宣揚健康訊息 家昇說 : 香港人工作緊張, 往往忽略了平衡生活, 我們作為醫療及社會科學院的學生, 希望透過健康週這個活動, 提醒理大學生及職員多留意身心健康, 以及處理工作及學習壓力的技巧, 以正面的態度迎接不同的挑戰 我們屆時會舉辦攤位遊戲及不同的活動, 以輕鬆手法宣傳身心健康的重要性 與此同時, 負責籌備活動的同學們亦能發揮所長, 運用所學的專業知識, 回饋學校 為加強與畢業生的聯繫,Lit21 正構思於畢業禮期間舉行活動, 一方面祝賀師兄師姐們順利畢業外, 另一方面也希望各畢業生與理大及學院保持緊密聯繫 於籌備一連串精彩活動之餘,Lit21 也希望透過不同宣傳平台鼓勵師生的參與 家昇說 : 我們留意到理大近年十分注重使用社交媒體與社會不同層面的人士保持聯繫, 因此我們也設立了屬於 Lit21 的 Facebook 專頁, 作為活動宣傳的重要渠道 我們相信透過社交媒體, 除可拉近會員間的距離外, 也能作為跟社會大眾保持緊密聯繫的一扇門 Lit21 is the name of the 21st FHSS Students Association (FHSSSA) cabinet formed by 11 young, energetic individuals from different FHSS constituent departments and schools. We called ourselves Lit21 because we want to show the Love, Infinity and Trust within FHSS students, said Mr Hung Ka-sing, President of Lit21. Every year, a group of dedicated students volunteer to take up the responsibilities of running FHSSSA, devoting their precious spare time to plan activities and events for the benefit and enjoyment of all FHSS students. We want to do something new, something special this year, said Mr Hung. Apart from annual events like the o camp, o night, and annual ball, Lit21 is planning to host a health week in collaboration with FHSS in February 2015. FHSS students train to become health and social care professionals. Besides getting the chance to serve the general public during and after our studies, we also want to disseminate the message of good health to the PolyU community. The health week will focus on the mental health and stress management of PolyU students and staff. Different kiosks will be set up and different activities will be held on this theme, he explained. The other highlights planned by Lit21 for this year centre on fostering closer ties with FHSS graduates. We re planning some activities around PolyU s Congregation that, on the one hand, congratulate our fellow faculty-mates on their achievement and, on the other, invite them to keep in touch with the students association and the faculty, said Mr Hung. Despite so many exciting events, a good and effective communication channel to encourage participation is the key to success of the activities. We re aware that PolyU is using social media to reach more internal and external stakeholders, and we re in line with that. We ve created a Facebook page to act as a communication platform for all people interested about FHSS, Mr Hung added. We believe that through the effective use of social media, we will not only connect better with our members, but we will also be opening up FHSS to the general public. HEALTH NEWS 11

FACULTY NEWS FHSS Delegates Visit Scandinavian Universities 配合香港特區政府積極與北歐國家推動技術轉移和實踐研發成果, 醫療及社會科學院院長葉健雄教授於 5 月 19 日至 29 日期間, 率領來自轄下學系及學院教員組成的代表團遠赴北歐, 參觀多間著名大學 代表團此行目的, 旨在與所參觀的大學及屬下相關學院, 於科研發展以及師生交流方面建立夥伴合作關係 代表團是次走訪了多個國家及高等學院, 包括瑞典的馬爾默大學 隆德大學及卡羅琳斯卡醫學院, 以及挪威的卑爾根大學學院 護理學院的代表更前赴丹麥哥本哈根城市大學學院, 與該校的護理學院教員會面, 隨後並前往參觀芬蘭的諾維亞應用科技大學 院長葉教授於此行中, 與瑞典馬爾默大學健康及社會學院院長 Tapio Salonen 教授簽訂合作協議, 雙方同意於科研合作以及師生交流上緊密配合 於 2013 年 11 月,Salonen 教授亦曾與其團隊參觀理大 此次北歐之行收穫甚豐, 代表團透過多次與不同院校負責人深入的會議討論, 明白到彼此的研究興趣和教學模式, 有助訂立將來的合作方向 In line with the Hong Kong government s wish to step up efforts to promote technology transfer and the realisation of research and development with Nordic countries, Prof Maurice Yap, Dean of FHSS, led a delegation of colleagues from constituent departments and schools to visit several renowned universities in Scandinavia on 19-29 May. The main goals of the trip were to strengthen collaboration in areas like research and promote student and staff exchange between FHSS and the corresponding faculties of the institutions. The FHSS delegates had a very busy schedule. They visited Malmö University, Lund University and Karolinska Institute in Sweden, as well as Bergen University College in Norway. Colleagues from our School of Nursing also visited the Institute of Nursing at Metropolitan University College in Denmark, and Novia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. Prof Yap signed an agreement with Prof Tapio Salonen, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Society of Malmö University, with the aim of fostering a stronger relationship in research collaboration and staff and student exchange between the two universities. In November 2013, Prof Salonen had led a delegation from Malmö University to PolyU. The members of FHSS s delegation said they found the trip to be very useful and fruitful, with the discussions with their counterparts helping them to better understand their respective research interests and strengths and ways of teaching. 12

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES Four FHSS Students Win Innovation and Technology Scholarships 2014 香港青年協會聯同創新科技署設立創新科技獎學金計劃, 頒授予在本地大學主修有關科學 工程及醫科學系, 而成績突出的學生, 以鼓勵及栽培他們對科技的熱忱, 將來以知識及經驗貢獻社會 今年大會共挑選了 25 位得獎學生, 當中有四位為理大醫療及社會科學院同學, 他們分別為 : Four outstanding students from FHSS were among the 25 recipients of the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2014 at its awards ceremony on 16 April. Organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and supported by Hong Kong s Innovation and Technology Commission, the scheme provides special training opportunities to local high-achievers on a tertiary education programme in a science, technology, medicine or health discipline to help them further their interest and development in the related industries and contribute to society in the future. The FHSS students are: 每位得獎者獲得大會頒發 15 萬港元獎學金, 以資助他們於海外或內地進修, 並為學生提供實習機會 導師計劃, 以及服務項目計劃 恭喜四位得獎同學, 亦恭賀另外三位其他學系的理大學生 Each scholarship worth up to HK$150,000 enables the student to undergo mentorship, attend an attachment programme in mainland China or abroad and local internships, as well as take part in service projects. Congratulations to our students as well as to the other 3 recipients from PolyU! Give Blood and Save Lives at New On-Campus Blood Donor Centre! 護理學院每年與醫院管理局香港紅十字會輸血服務中心合作, 於校園舉行流動捐血服務, 得到理大師生熱烈響應支持 為進一步加強合作, 護理學院於其轄下的結合保健診所內設立理大校園捐血中心, 為學生 職員, 以及大眾市民提供捐血服務, 幫助更多有需要人士 位於理大校園的捐血中心除為捐血人士提供一個便利的捐血點外, 亦是護理學院的重要學術交流平台 學院學生不但得到實踐社區基層醫療護理的學習機會, 而科研人員亦可進行不同研究, 教學相長, 實習研究兼備 香港紅十字會輸血服務中心於九月中旬起, 開展新一輪針對大學生的捐血運動, 以 要型就要捐血 為口號, 吸引更多大學生加入成為 新血, 坐言起行, 立即行動, 鼓勵你身邊的朋友加入成為捐血人士! 理大校園捐血中心位於理大 A 座鍾士元樓地下 AG507 的結合保健診所內, 服務時間為星期一至五早上 11 時至下午 6 時 ( 星期六 日及公眾假期休息 ) Blood donation week has been a regular feature of PolyU life for many years, courtesy of the goodwill and hard work of PolyU s School of Nursing (SN) and the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) of the Hospital Authority. SN and BTS have now taken their collaboration a step further by opening a blood donor centre on campus at SN s Integrative Health Clinic on 1 September to offer a permanent venue for members of the large PolyU community and the general public to help save even more lives by being able to donate blood all year round. The blood donor centre could also benefit society in other ways too, by serving as another learning platform for future nursing professionals currently studying at SN to experience another side of primary health care in the community as well as offering research possibilities for faculty members. Since mid-september, BTS has started a new round of blood donation drives at other higher education institutions with the slogan Be cool. Be a blood donor. So inspire your friends by doing something really special by donating blood regularly! The blood donor centre is located inside SN s Integrative Health Clinic at Room AG057, Core A, and is open from Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm except for public holidays. HEALTH NEWS 13

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES PolyU Students Participate in 5th Congress of Asia Physical Therapy Student Association 五位康復治療科學系主修物理治療學學生於 8 月 2 日至 4 日, 代表香港出席在泰國曼谷朱拉隆功大學舉行的第五屆亞洲物理治療學生會年會 亞洲物理治療學生會由台灣一群熱心推動物理治療專業發展的學生所創立, 旨在加強區內修讀物理治療學學生之間的合作交流, 透過不同的活動擴闊彼此眼界, 冀能建立更完善的教與學環境, 增強區內物理治療學學生於國際社會上的競爭力 除香港外, 其他成員國家 / 地方包括印尼 日本 馬來西亞 緬甸 菲律賓 新加坡 南韓 台灣及泰國 今年年會以如何透過物理治療讓長者安享晚年生活為主題, 大會舉辦多場由著名物理治療學學者及研究人員主講的研討會及課堂, 並由學生代表進行專題發表, 分享其代表國家 / 地區的物理治療相關政策 服務及於老人醫學範疇上的教學情況 大會亦舉辦不同的工作坊, 以及文化交流和觀光活動 物理治療學二年級學生許慧慧為其中一位香港代表, 她表示 : 很榮幸可以出席今年於泰國舉行的年會, 透過不同的活動, 我們了解到現時物理治療學於香港的老人醫學上所擔當的角色, 並讓我們思考我們作為專業的一份子, 如何可以進一步透過物理治療這專業, 應付人口老化問題 Five physiotherapy students from PolyU s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences represented Hong Kong at the 5th Congress of the Asia Physical Therapy Student Association (APTSA), which was held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, on 2-4 August. APTSA was initiated by Taiwan physiotherapy students with the goals of promoting cooperation and interaction between physiotherapy students in Asia, expanding their horizons, and improving the environment for physiotherapy education and the international competitiveness of physiotherapy students in the region. Besides Hong Kong, the other members of APTSA are Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. The theme of this year s congress was Successful Ageing. Students were treated to informative seminars and lectures hosted by distinguished scholars and researchers from the field of physiotherapy. Student representatives also delivered presentations related to their member country s or territory s physiotherapy-related government policies, physiotherapy services, and education on geriatrics. Workshops, a cultural exchange gathering, and a tour of Bangkok were also held for participants. Miss Nadia Hui, a Year 2 Physiotherapy student, was one of Hong Kong s representatives. The congress served as a benchmark for us to look at where Hong Kong stands in the area of geriatrics and how good we are, as future physiotherapy professionals, at preparing ourselves for the changing demographics of society, she reflected. Everyone Can Exercise at World Physical Therapy Day 2014 香港物理治療學會 香港物理治療關注組及理大學康復治療科學系合作, 於 9 月 5 日舉行資訊娛樂兼備的活動, 以響應世界物理治療日 2014 活動以 Fit To Exercise 為主題, 鼓勵所有社會人士定期運動, 保持身心健康 參觀人士於攤位接受身體檢查, 並由物理治療師及物理治療學學生分析, 給予專業意見, 讓他們知道如何選擇適合個人身體狀況的運動 世界物理治療聯盟將每年 9 月 8 日定為世界物理治療日, 鼓勵世界各地的物理治療師舉辦不同形式的活動, 加強社會人士對物理治療專業的了解, 並強調物理治療於保持個人健康及自主生活上的重要性 With the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association and Hong Kong Physiotherapy Concern, PolyU s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences jointly organised a fun-filled day of games and information on campus on 5 September to celebrate World Physical Therapy Day 2014. They chose the theme Fit to Exercise to emphasise that everyone, regardless of their age or shape, is fit to do some sort of exercise regularly. Visitors received health evaluations and advice from physiotherapists and physiotherapy students on how they could improve their health through physical activity. The World Confederation for Physical Therapy designates 8 September each year as World Physical Therapy Day and encourages physiotherapists worldwide to organise events to raise public awareness about the important contribution physiotherapy makes to people s well-being and independence. 14

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES 1st International Conference on Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Landscaping Jointly Organised by School of Nursing 香港有四成土地是郊野公園用地, 然而由於大部份人口皆集中居住於市區, 市民大眾鮮有機會接觸大自然, 悠閒地欣賞花卉樹木 其實園藝是一項具有治療效用的活動, 無論是栽種打理有生命的花草樹木, 還是製作絲花插花藝術, 都能為參與者的精神心理帶來正面影響 護理學院耆年護理中心聯同香港園藝治療協會, 於 6 月 27 及 28 日在理大賽馬會綜藝館主辦第一屆園藝治療及治療性園景設計國際研討會, 邀請多位講者分享園藝治療的最新發展 是次研討會以 園藝治療及治療性園景設計促進身 心 靈的健康 為題, 旨在向本港及海外與會者介紹園藝治療的理論及應用, 並由多位來自美國 台灣 南韓及香港的講者分享最新的研究結果, 剖析不同性質的園藝活動如何對社會及不同群組的生理及心理健康帶來治療果效 是次研討會吸引到超過 360 位人士出席, 當中包括醫療及社會服務界人員 學者 學生 園藝專家和治療師 為期兩日的研討會活動包括講課 海報發表 園藝工具展覽及互動工作坊, 參與工作坊的人士嘗試製作樹葉拓印 乾花壓花心意卡及香草包, 讓他們親身感受不同園藝治療方法的應用及效用 園藝治療於香港是一項嶄新的治療方法, 出席人士透過研討會了解到園藝治療及治療性園景的最新發展, 以及掌握到如何為不同對象如長者 學生 家人 傷健人士 認知障礙人士 精神病患者 戒毒人士及臨終病人等, 設計適切的園藝治療活動 研討會由國際護理榮譽學會香港分會及亞太園藝治療協會共同協辦, 理大活齡學院 香港園景師學會及香港高等科技教育學院為支持機構 於研討會圓滿結束前, 更舉行了大中華園藝治療網絡的成立儀式 Despite 40% of Hong Kong s land being country parks, most residents live in densely populated urban areas and experience nature only passively, whether they visit a country park or a local park on the weekend or occasionally glance at streetside trees, flowers or plants while commuting. Yet actively growing or tending to plants and flowers, whether alive or dried, indoors or outdoors, can bring health and well-being benefits to many people. It was this recognition of flower power that spurred the Centre of Gerontological Nursing at PolyU s School of Nursing to organise the 1st International Conference on Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Landscaping on 27-28 June at PolyU s on-campus Jockey Club Auditorium with the Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture. Themed Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Landscaping for Health and Well-Being, the conference aimed to introduce the theory and applications of horticultural therapy and therapeutic landscaping to more people in Hong Kong and overseas and to disseminate research findings on the social, physical and mental health outcomes of evidence-based practices in horticultural therapy and therapeutic landscaping for different types of target groups in different settings. Speakers from the US, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong shared their insights with more than 360 health and human services professionals, scholars, students, and horticultural experts and therapists from Hong Kong and abroad. The 2-day event comprised lectures, poster presentations, and an exhibition featuring adaptive tools from different countries. Workshops on leaf pounding and making dried and pressed flower cards and herb bags were also put on as demonstrations of a few types of horticultural therapy. The conference attendees learned about the latest studies on developments in therapeutic landscaping and in horticultural therapy, which is a relatively new profession in Hong Kong, as well as on the design and effects of different horticultural therapy programmes and facilities on different target populations. They included the elderly, schoolchildren, family members, people with physical impairments, people with cognitive impairments, people with mental illness, drug users in rehabilitation, and people who are terminally ill. The conference was co-organised by Pi Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International s Honor Society of Nursing and the Asia Pacific Association of Therapeutic Horticulture. PolyU s Institute of Active Ageing was among the supporting organisations, along with the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Vocational Training Council s Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong. The last day of the conference also saw the inauguration ceremony of the Greater China Horticultural Therapy Network. HEALTH NEWS 15

RESEARCH GRANTS Research Proposals Win Funding from UGC and Government 多位醫療及社會科學院研究人員獲大學教育資助委員會研究資助局, 以及香港特別行政區政府食物及衞生局撥款資助進行研究, 詳情如下 : An array of research proposals by FHSS scholars have recently secured funding from competitive schemes run by the University Grants Committee and the Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong government. Well done to them! 2014/15 ( ) General Research Fund 2014/15 (Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee) Dept Principal Investigator Project Title APSS APSS HTI RS RS RS RS SN SN SN SN SO Dr CHEN Juan Dr Sylvia CHEN Xiaohua Prof YIP Shea-ping Prof Gladys CHEING Lai-ying Prof Marco PANG Yiu-chung Dr Roy CHEUNG Tsz-hei Dr Nicola MOK Wai-kuen Prof CHIEN Wai-tong Dr Regina LEE Lai-tong Dr MAK Yim-wah Dr John YUEN Wai-man Dr KEE Chea-su Seeking help for mental health problems in Hong Kong: the influence of family Psychological ramifications of global orientation in the multicultural society In-depth investigation of a myopia susceptibility gene (VIPR2) to identify common causal variants Promotion of ulcer healing by restoring normal concentrations of oxyhaemoglobin of wound and effective control of diabetic foot oedema The muscle-bone unit in people after chronic stroke: relationship to muscle contraction characteristics, spasticity and influence of vibration frequency Effects of auditory and visual biofeedback on the learning mechanism, cross-modal flexibility, motor performance, and attentional cost during retraining of human gait Control of trunk muscle accompanying postural perturbation in people with chronic low back pain A randomised controlled trial of problem-solving-based bibliotherapy programme for family caregivers of people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders Effectiveness of school-based weight management programme for overweight and obese students with mild intellectual disability in a special school: a randomised controlled trial Individual, acceptance and commitment therapy in smoking cessation for people with schizophrenia: a randomised controlled trial Using orthotopic MB49/C57 mice model to delineate the prophylactic activity of Ganoderma lucidum in bladder transitional cell carcinoma Experimentally induced astigmatism: its effect on myopia development, and its neurobiological basis 2014/15 ( ) Early Career Scheme 2014/15 (Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee) Dept Principal Investigator Project Title APSS APSS RS RS SO Dr LU Huijing Dr Cecilia MA Man-sze Dr Benson LAU Wui-man Dr Tamis PIN Wai-mun Dr Thomas LAM Chuen Deceiving yourself to better deceive high- compared to low-status others Predictors and outcomes of exposure to online pornographic material in early Chinese adolescents: a longitudinal study Is adult neurogenesis involved in innate fear extinction? Clinimetric properties of 2-minute walk test in children between 6 and 12 years of age Comprehensive proteomic profiling and quantitation of normal and lens-induced myopic chick vitreous using the next generation gel-free mass spectrometry 2013/14 ( ) Health and Medical Research Fund 2013/14 (Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government) Dept Principal Investigator Project Title HTI RS RS SN SN SN SO SO SO SO Dr Parco SIU Ming-fai Dr Kenneth FONG Nai-kuen Dr William TSANG Wai-nam Prof CHIEN Wai-tong Dr Regina LEE Lai-tong Dr Shirley CHING Siu-yin Prof Carly LAM Siu-yin Prof TO Chi-ho Dr Allen CHEONG Ming-yan Dr Henry CHAN Ho-lung Efficacy of tai chi training to alleviate insomnia in older adults: a randomised controlled trial The effects of mirror therapy with bilateral arm training for hemiplegic upper extremity motor functions in clients with chronic stroke A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of sitting tai chi on balance control in non-ambulatory older adults with chronic diseases Testing the psychometric properties of a Chinese version of dementia management strategies scale among family caregivers in Hong Kong An evaluation of a simplified 5-step hand hygiene intervention programme for students with mild grade intellectual disability in a special school Adoption of health-promoting lifestyle among Chinese breast and colorectal cancer survivors during the first 5 years after completion of treatment Understanding the binocular mechanism to treat childhood amblyopia beyond the critical period of visual cortex development Short-term choroidal response to optical defocus in normal and myopic children Can entertaining action-video games enhance dynamic visual functions and improve balance? Cone rescue in retinitis pigmentosa by the treatment of Lycium barbarum 16 APSS: Department of Applied Social Sciences HTI: Department of Health Technology and Informatics RS: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences SN: School of Nursing SO: School of Optometry