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Message from the Chief Editor 01 News and features Best way to eat 15 Food story 19 Good taste 30 DIY Eating at home


Useful Expressions 1 1 foie gras 1 This French restaurant is famous for their desserts. foie gras. rabbit stew. 2 It's considered the best restaurant in town. the most popular 3 They serve proper French cuisine. authentic

Unit 1 Dining Out 8 9 This French restaurant is famous for their desserts. 2 2 4 What are your dinner hours? 5 Does your restaurant have a dress code? enforce 6 Do you have vegetarian dishes? 7 How much is your dinner set? 8 Do you have a cover charge? service

Conversation 1 Making a reservation 7 A. Which restaurant do you recommend? Kimberly is taking her business associates to dinner. Listen to the conversation between her secretary Walter and the restaurant staff regarding the reservation. Kimberley Walter Kimberley Walter Walter. I'm treating 1 Mr. Simpson and his team members from NCG to dinner tomorrow night. Where do you think I should take them? Well, Mr. Simpson has very good taste in wine, and NCG is one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a decent 2 French restaurant. That's a good idea. Which one do you recommend? Chez Madame Bois? Or Les Parisians. They're both listed in this year's "Gourmet Magazine" for having the most authentic 3 French cuisine in town. But I heard that Les Parisians has a better wine selection 4. Kimberley We'll go to Les Parisians. Could you book a table for four at 7 pm? Walter Sure.

Unit 1 Dining Out 14 15 NCG? NCG? Chez Madame Bois? Les Parisian? Les Parisians Les Parisians? 1 treat [triːt] (v.) 2 decent ['diːsənt] (a.) 3 authentic [ɔː'ɵentɪk] (a.) 4 selection [sə'le ən] (n.)

Conversation 2 What do you recommend? 11 A. Perhaps you d like to start with a bottle of champagne? Today is Archie and Rosemary's wedding anniversary. They decided to celebrate the big day by having a candle light dinner in a French restaurant. They are now looking at the menu and deciding what they want to order. Their waiter is offering suggestions. Archie Waiter Archie Rosemary Waiter (To the waiter) Today is our anniversary. We'd like to celebrate. What do you recommend? Congratulations! Perhaps you would like to start with a bottle of champagne and some appetizers 1? That's a good idea. (To Rosemary) What do you think, dear? Champagne will be great. Could you also bring us some caviar 2 and truffles? Sure. I'll be back with your champagne and appetizers. 1 appetizer ['æpə taɪzɚ] (n.) 2 caviar (n.)

Unit 1 Dining Out 22 23 General rules for choosing wine for your meal () () Caviar () ()

Wine 01 Understanding wine categories Vin de Table de France ( Vin ) Best Wine Temperatures Red wine 18 C Light and young red 12-16 C Rose wine 8-10 C Sweet white wine 6-8 C Dry white wine 10-12 C Champagne 6-8 C Appellation d'origine Controlee AOC Regulated Wine of Origin Vin delimite de qualite superieure VDQS AOC Vins de Pays Wines of the country Glasses (stemmed glasses) ( ) 02 The body" of wines body (light-bodies) (medium-bodied) (full-bodied) (tannin) (acidity)

03 All kinds of wines Unit 1 Dining Out 30 31 Beaujolais Rioja Pinot Noir (from the United States) ( ) Burgundy Chianti Classico Bordeaux Merlot (from the United States) ( ) Zinfandel Cabernet Sauvignon (from the United States or Australia) ( ) Syrah, Shiraz Pinot Grigio Riesling Champagne and other dry sparkling wines Chenin Blanc French Chablis Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Gris Gewurztraminer Chardonnay

European Cuisines French Cuisine Appetizers Vegetables with dips caviar foie gras duck liver truffle fruit cocktail oysters seafood cocktail escargots snails nuts, dried fruit, and olives deli meat canapés with spread

Unit 1 Dining Out 32 33 Entrées salmon scallops asparagus quiches salad nicoise Soups chicken liver paste onion soup seafood soup leek and potato soup cream mushroom soup