2019 Volume V, No. I Established Hparat Panglai Journal 1

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2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. 1

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Advisers Dr. JJ Lum Dau (Ph.D, Shinawatra University, Bangkok) Wang Hkang Awng Editor-in-Chief B.D. Maran Managing Editor Kareng Tu Ja Deputy Editor Dumsa Lawt Awng Foreign Correspondence Anaw (Chiangmai) Nnau Brang Nan (Innau, Ap, India) Computer Section Sumlut Roi Seng Sumlut Bawk Hkawn Layout hte Design Gumring Zau Mai (Tanghpre) Website Master Hkangda Brang San Awng (California) Manager for Finance and Distribution Hkangda Hkam Nyoi Columnists All staff members of HPLN Contact Information Hparat Panglai Laika Naura Lawk - V, Munglai Mazup, Laiza Mare, Kachinland Email : hparatlaika@yahoo.com Website : www.h-panglai.com Ph : + 95947028138 hpe laning mi htaq, kruq lang shaprawq ai. (Buk 1 = Ks. 1500/-) HPARAT PANGLAI JOURNAL Htet Lah Mai Sai Matut Mahkai Lah Gaq Laning mi Ks 7500/- (Myen mungh postal Service nga ai shara ni) MALAWM NI 3 Editorial Mahkuh 5 Laili Laika hte Seng Ai Hpaji Ga Ni (Bum Shanghkawng) 6 A Jungle Boy Dreams for Peace (Dr. JJ. Lum Dau) 19 Ninghkong Jaiwa Sharin Hpong (Sakhkung Nsen) 24 Nawnglut Nawng (Plastic) 25 Madang Tsaw Tsaw Masan Sasa (Hkawp Pungwa) 26 Gawt Shagrawt Gasat Majan Sumlar (II WW, Japan Majan) Jinghpaw Mungh (Sut Suh Hkawn) 29 Amyusha Tsun Shaga Gar, Laika hpe N Malap Kau Gaq (Bum Shingnoi) 30 Cartoon 31 Ngai Hpaji Hkaja Wa Ai Assumption Dakkasu (Maraw Naw San) 33 Ningtawn Shagrau Hkam Lah (HPJR) 34 Kawq-lakai re ai Pungga Ja Li aq prat ndai wa (Nding Tawng Ra) 37 KIO/KIA Ningbaw Ningla Ni hte Dai Ni A Hpang Hkan Masha Ni (Maru Brang Kum, Jeyang IDPs) 41 Shachyen Shaga Hkat Ai Lam, Tsanggawk Kata Kaw Nna Hpang Ra Sai (Uma Shadang) 42 Laili Laika hte Myusha Shawnglam (Wunpawng Salum) 2

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. Editorial Mahkuh Laili laika bungli bungsi gaw, grai damlada laq ai amyusha gawgap, amyusha ngang grin bungli langai rai nga ai. Ndai htaq, shingni hpaji hparat ni mung, lawm nga ai. Shawa masha lawqlawq hteq, ginrawn shamawt ai bungli kaba mung, rai nga ai. Ndai yawshada lam hpe amyusha gawgap masing hku nna hkrang shawq, galaw sa wa ai bungli bungsi satlawat ni Kachin mungkan eh, req n nga shi nga ai. N mu shi nga ai. Req n woi galaw lu ai madang eh, nawq rai nga gaq ai. (HPJ) gaw, gumhpraw akyu ara (amyat) n tam ai sha, amyusha gawgap, rawtjat nganggrin yiq-ngam bungli bungsi ni hpe dangdi dangdep ai hku nna hkan madiq shadaw ya nga ai "Laika Ninghtan" shabawn rai nga ai. Deng-ninghkan, HPJ gaw, gara mungh masa hpung party hpe mung, bunghkan ya ai n nga ai zawn, amyusha gawgap, amyusha masa lam ni deq, shading sa wa ai re. Ndai yawshada lam deq shading ai majaw, "wanglu wanglang myit sawn shaprawq, shawq madun dan ai hkrang" (freedom of expression) hpe ningshawng jawq gaq ai. HPJ hpe hkap lah htih ya nga ai ni yawng hpe chyeju dum dat gaq ai. Lah htih ya ai ni nga ai majaw, anhte ni shakut shaprawq lu nga ai rai sai. Bai nna gamung laika hpan hkumsumhpar hpe ka bang ya nga ai ni hpe mung, chyeju n malap lu ai sha, hteplahti matsing ningting tawn nga gaq ai. Hparat Panglai Laika Naura masin salum kata eh, laika ningka mying jahpan rawng nga sai. Shawa dawqwa dawqtsa hpe laili laika hku nna akyu ara jawq ginlen ya nga ai ni, hkungga ging laq nga ai ni rai nga manit dai law! HPJ laika ninghtan htaq, hpaji lah hpar, kasi yu lah hpar, myit nchyan shawq lah hpar, sawk dinglik laika (research paper), mungh masa gamung, laili laika shingni hkumsumhpar ni hpe bang shabawn tawn tawn rai gaq ai. Bai nna hpaji machyoi ni, laili laika ninghkring ni, sawk dinglik ni (researchers), mungh masa lar kaba ni, jawngma ni, hpungwoi ni,... htaq htih zup ai mung, ndai HPJ naura pinra laikaman eh, rai nga ai. Yaq yang, Kachin amyusha ni chyawm lang nga ai Jinghpaw laika aq bailiq bailaq gawng kya lam ni hpe gan-koiyen ai hku nna laikasi ni hkan eh, "r, h, q" ni hpe nsen - "nem, tsaw, ngap" hku nna lah lang tawn gaq ai. Sanglang lam : (1). "r" hpe gaw, nsen mahkuh nem ai laikasi ni hkan, lang tawn ai. Gsd. "lar" (male); (2). "h" hpe nsen mahkuh tsaw ai laikasi ni hkan, shakap tawn ai, Gsd. "lah" (take); (3). "q" hpe gaw, nsen mahkuh nemngap ai laikasi ni hkan, bang tawn ai. Gsd. "laq" (lock, close). Kachin ni Jinghpaw laika eh, ndai lahtaq nah ayak ahkak ni hpe ayan hkrum ka-tut nga ai. Shiga nsen shapoi ai ni mung, grau nna amying ni hpe jaw hkra, n 3

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 lu tsun htih shaprawq nga maluq ai. Dumsa, jaiwa, hkringwa laikasi ni hpe rawq n lu htih shaprawq nga ai. Jinghpaw laika hteq, madang tsaw ai academic sawk dinglik hpaji laika lawqlawq ka na mung, yak-hkak nga ai. Gsd. Laiza-SMJH ni woiawn galaw ai "2 Lang na Wunpawng amyusha lam masan bawngban zuphpawng" (8-13, Nov., 2018) nah (1). "Kachin nhprang sutrai policy", (2). "Tinang lamuga tinang madu lu ai hte akyu jashawn jailang lu na lamuga policy" ka-rip ni hpe Myen laika hku sha, nawq ka shawq madun lu nga ai, re. Kachin dakkasu hpaji madang eh, ndai Jinghpaw laika madang hpe sharawt lah nna hpaji wuhkya hpe damlada lah ra sai. "Jinghpaw laika hteq, mai htih, mai ka nga ai le" ngu ai ni gaw, Jinghpaw laili laika hku nna academic research laikabuk kaba ni n ka yu shi ai ni, n buklik yu shi ai ni hkrai, rai nga ai. Jinghpaw Chyumlaika pyi kalangtaq jaw hkra, n lu htih ai ni lawq nga gaq ai. "Q, H, R" nsen mahkuh kumlar ni hpe Jinghpaw laika madang hkumtsup ngangkang wa ai aten du hkra, nawq gan lang tawn wa na gaq ai. HPJ hkap lah htih ai ni, laili laika ka bang ya nga ai ni hteq HPJ hpe myit lawm nga ya ai ni yawng gaw, "2019 shaning ningnan wunlih wun-gau shaman chyeju hpringtsup wa muq gaq" ngu agar kumhpaq kungdawn dat gaq ai law! Ngwipyaw hkam kaja nga muq gaq. B. D. Maran Editor-in-Chief LAILI LAIKA: Daini anhte jawm lang nga ai Jinghpaw laika gaw Mungkan hta tara shang ai laika rai nga sai. Raitim hkumtsup ai lam garai n nga ai. Ndai laika hpe amyu bawsang yawng mai hti mai ka lang na matu machyoi hpaji chye ai masha lata san la nhtawm ka lajang jinghkum la na hpe she myit ga. Kaga laksan n myit shapraw ra ai. Bawsang shagu kaw na laika ga-si, gangau ni shaw la nna ka lajang jinghkum la yang bawsang yawng mai hti mai ka lang ai Jinghpaw laika byin wa na hpe myit mada ai re. (Ginjaw Komiti, Wunpawng Mungdan Shanglawt Hpung, 2019 ning, February shata (5) ya, (59) lang na Mungshawa Shanglawt Rawtmalan Masat Ninghtoi hta Wunpawng Mungdan Shanglawt Hpung Ginjaw Komiti Tingnyang Up Du Daju Jum Nban La kaw nna mungchying sha ni hpang de shana shabra dat ai Rawtmalan Mungga.) 4

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. LAILI LAIKA HTE SENG AI HPAJI GA NI Bum Shanghkawng 1. Hpunru gaw hpun a matu ahkyak nga ai zawn, laili laika gaw, shinggyim masha ni a matu, ahkyak nga ai. 2. Hpunru gaw, dai hpun hpe galu kaba shangun nga ai hte maren, laili laika mung, dai amyusha ni hpe galu kaba shangun nga ai. 3. Kaning re ai hpaji raitim, ningnan daw e sha yak ai. Yak ai daw hpe laidi lu jang, hpaji chyinghka shi hkrai shi hpaw wa ai. 4. Laili laika hpe tsawra manu shadan chye ai wa gaw, amyu hpe mung tsawra ai wa rai nga ai. 5. Laika hpe majoi hkum hti kau. Laika hpe hti nna sumru u. Hpaji lu na ra ai. 6. Shat hpe hkru na matu hkum sha, asak hkrung na matu sha ra ai hte maren, laika hpe lagawn shabran hkum hti, akyu pru na matu hti u. 7. Ninghtu hpe lunghkrut hta garang yang she dai ai zawn, laika hpe hti yang sha hpaji Hparat lu la ai. 8. Laili laika, Manang kaja. 9. Masha gaw aten du jang, si wa ai. Raitim laika gaw galoi mung si ai n rai. 10. Laili laika ngu ai gaw, masha a salum kata na yu-ngwi kumla rai nga ai. 11. Aje alam re ai buhpun palawng hpe hpun u. Dingsa mat sai gyepdin hpe din u. Lu ai hte hte byin ai hku sha u. Raitim laika man na hpe hkum lahpawt dum. 12. Laika hpe chye nga ninglen n hti ai wa gaw, chyinhka nga tim n hpaw da ai nta hte bung nga ai. 13. Laika hti ai shaloi, ma ni zawn pyaw daw hkum hti, arawng ra nna hkum hti; tinang a prat hta akyu byin na matu hti u. 14. Laili laika madang nem ai gaw, amyusha ni gritnem nga ai kumla hpe madun nga ai. Amyu nem jang laili laika gaw shi chyu shi nem wa nna, laili laika madang tsaw wa jang, dai amyusha ni a nga sa madang mung tsaw wa na rai nga ai. 15. Mungkan a namchyim gaw, laili laika hte shingni rai nga ai. Laika n chye ai amyu gaw, mungkan a namchyim hpe n hkam sha lu ai majaw, hpum ai kaw na lasi mat wa na mara ai. 5

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 A JUNGLE BOY DREAMS FOR PEACE ( တ င ပၚသ လ ရ ႕ င မ ခ မ ရ အ ပ မက ) Dr. JJ Lum Dau was born in a small I village, Nawng Heng consisted with 14 house hold in the northern Shan State and my name is James Lum Dau. Most of villagers are earning their living by farming opium and majority of villagers become drug addicts. One day, a 5-month old baby was crying helplessly. Members of the family become worry that the baby might have stomach act and try to find for some medicine. The father of the baby said no need to worry about the baby and started puffing the opium pipe. The smoke circling around the baby for a few minutes and then the baby stops crying, but joyfully kicking and boxing in the air. PROUD TO BECOME A BUFFALO BOY : There have no school in the village, all villagers believe in animist and economically they are very poor. When I was 3 years old, I was very proud to ride on the back of buffalo behind my elder brother every day. All 6 villagers are Maru and they can speak only Maru language. When I was 6, my father passed away and after 2 years my mother passed away again. One day, a man shouted me, Hey! James, do you know that you are the most stupid boy in this village, because you don t have parents and no one teach you anything and then walked away. I feel as if his voice had been ringing in my ears continuously. I decided to kill him and sharpened my sword every day. After sometimes, I saw myself that I cannot do anything to kill that man and realized that I don t know anything even I don t know how to cook for myself and confessed that I have been such a stupid boy and decided to go as far as possible to search for knowledge. I have no parents, when I die no one will regret. But I have never go out of our village. FIRST TIME GO OUT FROM THE VILLAGE: Remember that some villagers usually go out to Kutkai market to sell fruits from their garden. I followed them for a half day walk to arrive Kutkai market. It was the longest journey I ever made in my life. When I arrived Kutkai, I was so amazed to see a big road and saw a man riding bicycle, but I didn t know it was a bicycle. I wonder, how the man can ride on such thing instead of ridding buffalo. Well, it was the most amazing experience in my life and it changed my life quickly to get along with my environment. I learn to speak Jing paw, gradually different languages such as LaShip, Aziz, Burmese bit by bit and English. I didn t use even a penny when I travel from Nawng Heng to Kutkai. Finally, I found myself that I have been travelled to at least 50 countries around the world, particularly supported by strong decision coupled with creative idea and the assistance of appropriate surrounding. Especially, I always thank and gratitude to the man who condemned me as the

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. most stupid boy in the village which indirectly drive me out from the village. If not because of him, I should never go out from Nawng Heng. One day, I went back to Nawng Heng to pay respect and gratitude to him. I learned that he passed away for a long time ago. At least I pay respect to him at his graveyard for brought me up without border indirectly one step after another. ACCOMPLISH HIGH SCHOOL : When I graduate from high school, I read the book, How to Win Friends & Influence People, By Dale Carnegie, translated by U Nu, in Burmese version. Firstly, a strange idea comes into my mind to learn more about someone who oppose me in order to win over him. I become soldier in Burma Army. When Ne Win overthrew U Nu government in 1962, I assigned at the Burmese Socialist Program Party (BSPP), and learned something new. Later, I went to Thailand on foot and hardly elevate the level of my education and become a member of Bangkok Toastmasters Club where I learn the basic knowledge of dealing with the people through, Better Listening, Better thinking and Better Speaking. After a dozen years, I receive Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award from Toastmasters International Headquarters. WORLD AN-TI COM- MUNIST LEAGUE CON- FERENCE, MOSCOW : Later, the majority people regarded Communists as the enemy of them. I want to learn the reason why! and deal with Burmese Communist Party (BCP) leader, Thakin Ba Thein Tin, and finally, travel one step after another up to Beijing and Moscow. Finally, I realized that Russian didn t like Communism, but Russian become the first Communist country in the world and again, Russian was the first World Anti-Communist League Conference held in Moscow among Communist countries at President Hotel in 1994 where I also participated this conference and made presentation on behalf of the Kachin people. (Presentation) : Honorable Chairman, Leaders from all over the world, Ladies and Gentlemen; It is a great honor and privilege for me to meet the Leaders of World Freedom Fighters who have strived for many years to bring about peace in the world. It is also a great honor to be in Moscow to see the great nations of the Russian people who have changed the course of history by securing peace and freedom in their region. I am encouraged by the dedication and the endless efforts of the leaders of freedom fighters to establish lasting peace in this world, and I believe that the theme of the conference, Global Quest for Peace, Cooperation & Prosperity correctly reflects the current objectives of our global politics, in accordance with this theme, I trust that the leaders of freedom fighters who have been striving for world peace, will join together to bring about peace to countries that are still suffering internal or external conflicts, by intervening in these conflicts through a system of mediation and consultations, to achieve peace between all warring factions in the world, and to make our world a safer place for all of us to live in. After Burma gained independence in 1948, U Nu become Burma s first elected Prime Minister. However, U Nu ignored the basic rights of the individual ethnic mi- 7

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 nority races, resulting in various ethnic groups rising up in armed revolt against his government. In response to this conflict, U Nu entrusted the reins of government to Gen. Ne Win, first time in 1958 and again in 1962. U Nu s method resulted in a protracted civil war throughout the nation during the past over 40 years. The warring revolutionary forces in Burma, seek the same goals as that of the government. The revolutionary forces seek to dispose the government, to achieve peace and prosperity for the people of Burma. The government seeks to eliminate the revolutionary forces, to enable it to also establish peace and prosperity for the people of Burma. In the meantime, the 40-year civil war rages on unabated without winner, resulting in the people serious suffering for such long years and the country being systematically reduced to one of the lease developed nations in the world. In a similar manner, there has been many such instance in the history of the world, where reliance having been placed on a military solution to achieve lasting peace, failed miserable and it was changed to a new method which is being pursued in the world today, is all the warring parties to bury their differences, forgive and learn to live in peace and harmony with each other and live in, as the war zones of yesterday are gradually being transformed into today s economic zones, and the people of the world is now increasingly enjoying the shade of the umbrella of peace and prosperity. Gradually, Burma s ruling military junta, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) is striving in its quest for peace in Burma. We the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) have always embraced the stance that, only peaceful negotiations can achieve a lasting solution to the armed uprising in Burma and KIO has approached SLORC to commence peace talks. Due to the SLORC S acceptance of such approaches, KIO and the SLORC held several meetings for peaceful solution. After a lengthy period of negotiations, we achieved a cease-fire agreement on the 24th February 1994. Since then, KIO and the SLORC jointly cooperate and joined in the gradual reconstruction of the nation which has been devastated by decades of civil war. In the quest for peace in Burma, in the case that all revolutionary and political parties who have not entered into peace negotiations with the SLORC, to take into account the progressive changes in today s world towards the securing of global peace, and to practice the elements of understanding and forgiveness, in order that the shades of the umbrella of peace and prosperity may once again descend on peace Burma, will be one more step towards the achievement of global quest for peace, cooperation and prosperity. In conclusion, I would like to request that the World Leaders who are in attendance at this conference, assist in the acceleration of the peace process in Burma, either individually, or as a group, advising urging and assisting in the achievement of peace in Burma, will secure peace for all future generations of the Burmese people, and at the same time, secure peace in this region of the world. Thank you. WORLD MUSLIM CON- GRESS CONFERENCE : I learn that Muslims and Christians have conflicts in some areas despite of Koran and Bible are based on 8

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. similar concepts. However, I regard Muslims as brotherhood in human societies. Finally, I was able to attend World Muslim Congress Conference held in Karachi in 1987 where I learned, Muslims are purely intended to restore peace in the world. In the same year, I also attended a conference held by 13 groups of Mujahedeen conference held in the desert in Afghanistan attended by around 140,000 from 13 groups of Mujahedeen. Their mean objective is, to bring peace by cooperation among the people of all Afghanistan. One of the 13th group s leader, Mr. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said, Although we Afghanistan are well known as the highest opium producer in the world, we are planning to eradicate drugs through unity among all Afghanistan people to upgrade the level of our living society in due course. Gradually, I become realize that, we need to learn how to accept our own mistakes, and adept it to reach our aims and objectives. I believe that we human beings need collective efforts in our entire life with creative thinking and action to restore peace and eliminate drugs in this world as deem necessary though open mind. Up to this date, my highest gratitude goes to a man who condemned me as the most stupid boy in the village and needless to say, the second person is, U Nu, who translated How to win friends and influence people from English to Burmese versions. Without them, I should have never realized my own misstate to go out from Nawng Heng village to outside world. THE MOMENTUM OF JOURNEY FROM BANG- KOK TO OUTSIDE WORLD : Since I become member of Bangkok Toastmasters Club, the privilege of the club introduces me to attend MBA course at Birmingham University and accomplished it while I was 60 as people say, Never too old to learn. On the other hand, I try to expand the circle of human relations to build up peace among different organizations. The background of such activities create to enlarge the relation of human s behavior. Gradually, I become understand the value of relationships that bind between human societies become more meaningful in finding the way by the spirit that obtain from the art of Toast mastering. 50 th ANNIVERSARY OF UN CONFERENCE : Once there was Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, and The Developing Work of the World League for Freedom and Democracy Conference held in New York during July 27-30, 1995. I was assigned to delivery speech on behalf of the Kachinland Chapter. (Presentation) : On this auspicious day of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, the opportunity given to me, to present the situation in Myanmar to the world leaders who strive for world peace, is a greatly appreciated. First of all, I wish to express the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, whose release on July 10, 1995 topped news headlines the world over, announced her intention to continue political dialogue with the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). She said, the aim of the SLORC is to return the power to the people. This is exactly our aim as well and that SLORC Chairman Gen. Than Shwe stated that he would like me to help achieve peace 9

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 and stability in the nation. I intended to help SLORC in every way so that we can return power to the people. This is not only my intention. It is the intention of all who want democracy, and it is obviously the intention of SLORC. There is no hostility between me and SLORC. What we need is a spiritual and intellectual reconciliation. In observing the current situation in Myanmar, it can be seen that western governments are scrutinizing human rights and democracy issues, and taking action against (SLORC), but the businessmen from these nations and neighboring countries are dealing with SLORC in various undertakings, which are of mutual interest and mutual benefit to both of them. The result of such engagement stemming from different convictions, is seen to be far greater for those who base their engagement on mutual benefits, thereby resulting in SLORC s continuing prosperity. If we look at the democracy situation, most of the western countries have enjoyed independence for hundreds and thousands of years, and they have established democratic systems of government for a large number of years. In such system, starting from the children and the people have been taught the essence of democracy and human rights, resulting in their appreciation and the valuing of principles of democracy and human rights, which they all regards as sacrosanct. For this reason, the democratic system of government is able to govern smoothly, with no opposition its system of government. For this reason, and due to the close co-operation of a few nations that valued peace and the concepts of democracy. The situation in Myanmar is that, for many years until today the country has been ravaged by a civil war the continues unabated, and for this reason the establishment of democracy and human rights would in a theoretical sense have lead Myanmar towards peace and prosperity, but in a practical sense this will be difficult to achieve. For this reason, the perception of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) is that, to achieve democracy, human rights and equal rights and equal opportunities for the ethnic nationalities, the various revolutionary force should join together and step by step seek to achieve the following propositions through negotiations with SLORC. 1. National reconciliation, 2. Cessation of the civil war in Myanmar, 3. Co-operation in jointly securing peace, national reconstruction and development, trade and commerce. Such close co-operation would lead to mutual trust and confidence. The various successes flowing from such cooperation would also gradually lead to the instilling of trust and confidence in the people. 4. Only after the successful outcome of the above, negotiations should continue in respect of political solutions, the establishment of democracy, human rights, and the equal rights and equal opportunities of the ethnic nationalities. The KIO has previously attempted to jointly carry out the above, but due to pre-conditions placed by various organizations and alliances on such negotiations, KIO was unable to secure a joint consensus or agreement to participate together in such negotiations. It was 10

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. for this reason and for their convictions, the KIO decided to negotiate separately, and they commenced their negotiations with SLORC on numerous occasions commencing from 1993. These negotiations and close co-operation resulted in cease-fire agreement being entered into on the 24 February 1994 with SLORC. Following the cease-fire agreement, the KIO closely co-operated with SLORC in resettling refugees in the development of the Kachin State, and other matters all of which has also resulted in confidence building on both sides, through such close co-operation and friendship. The said cease-fire agreement has also resulted in SLORC releasing KIO prisoners of war, and arrangements are being made for the release of the remaining prisoners of war, in the near future. Last year and recently KIO issued statement twice expressing that SLORC, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the ethnic groups jointly work together as KIO believes that this is the time for all concerned people join hands and focus along one common direction for the betterment of the nation. The people of the world who against narcotic drugs, are aware that Myanmar is the second largest opium producing country after Afghanistan in the world. Some of the world s nations and some international organizations, spend billions of dollars annually to combat the flow of heroin, only to be faced with opium producing countries like Myanmar yearly increasing it opium production. The observations of the KIO in respect of this dilemma is that, the policy makes who dictate the policy on the combating of the flow of heroin, appear to be only establishing dictating policies that are incapable of being practically carried out of enforced. Due to the addiction of opium/banned the cultivation of opium, and vigorously enforcing such ban in all the areas under the administrative control. In 1992, these areas were completely devoid of all opium cultivation. It was only due to the practical application of this policy, that the cultivation of opium was eradicated. But as opium was being cultivate outside the areas of the KIOs administrative control, effective measures taken to ban opium/heroin consumption and the sale and purchase of the drug, has not been totally effective. As we all aware, human being are killing by drugs more than that have killed by conventional wars. Thus, I humbly wish to request to the international community to invest by their knowledge and ability to save the life of dying people with your intrinsic ability. Thank you. (REMARK: The authorities of UN conference briefed what have done by UN during 50 years in the past. Drugs eradication project spent trillions dollars without success.) (Presentation) : THE 24TH WORLD LEAGUE FOR FREEROM AND DEMOCRACY CON- FERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, AUGUST 9-12, 1992 Freedom fighters of this world have been striving for freedom and democracy for several decades and now, with the rapid changes in the world following the so called New world Order, we see the immediate results of such long term efforts in many aspects, one of which is the acceptance and the establishment of freedom and democracy by some of former totalitarian states in 11

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 the world. These changes are the world have not effected Burma, as Burma continues to retain its label as the country with the worst human rights violations in the world. The ruling State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) also continues to rank amongst the most repressive and the least accountable governments in the world. SLORC s appalling human rights record warranting such label and ranking is well documented by the people of Burma, and organizations such as Amnesty International and other human rights organizations in the world. The people of Burma continue to flee from systematic atrocities committed against them by the brutal SLORC military regime, and today there are over 270,000 Burmese Muslim refugees in Bangladesh, almost 100,000 refugees in Thailand and some 30,000 refugees in India and China. Inside Burma, an estimated three million civilians are displaced and destitute, following the destruction of their homes in cities, town and villages for security and other reasons beneficial to the SLORC military regime. World leaders continue to publicly and privately call for the safe return of the refugees with the assistance of the UNHCR; the release of all political prisoners including the Noble Peace Prize winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the transfer of power to the elected representatives of the people, but to no avail as all such requests are totally ignored by the SLORC. Many countries are concerned with the events in Burma, especially the United States, some EU Countries, Australia, New Zealand, India and Japan. The Norwegian government has gone further by officially recognizing the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB), the provisional government and by providing it with broadcasting facilities in Oslo since the 19 July, 1992. The United States is now the only country imposing economic sanctions against SLORC, it organizes joint diplomatic demarches in Rangoon in protest against SLORC s repressive rule, it seeks to secure an international arms embargo on Burma, and to prevent international financial institutions lending to Burma, establishing new bilateral assistance, and by mobilizing concentrated action for the passing of appropriate resolutions on Burma in the United Nations. On the 23 June 1992, SLORC held its first meeting on the National Convention in Rangoon. Missing from the meeting were the dissident opposition leaders and the leaders of the ethnic minorities who are in armed conflict with the SLORC military regime. SLORC has announced that the ethnic minorities are now welcome to attend the convention, on condition that they totally and unconditionally surrender to SLORC, before they are permitted to attend the convention. In reply the opposition groups and the ethnic minorities have proposed the following : 1. That the SLORC immediately and unconditionally declare a nation-wide ceasefire. 2. That Martial Law be immediately lifted. 3. The international observers from foreign governments, or UN representatives including the foreign media be permitted to attend at the dialogue for peaceful settlement. 12

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. These proposals were rejected by SLORC, and the convention meetings now continue, with those elected members of the people who pose no threat to SLORC, or we are prepared to continue with SLORC s sham convention out of fear or personal gain to themselves. Burma is now internationally recognized as the world s largest heroin producer, and it is observed that the drug is destroying its own people and the people of the world. The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) has totally eradicated opium cultivation and heroin production in all its controlled areas since 1991. The SLORC on the other hand has actively encouraged the people in areas under its control to cultivate and produce the drug, resulting in the overall production of heroin increasing every year. The theme of this important conference UNITE TO EXPAND THE FRON- TIER OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCARCY is perfectly designed to encourage collective action to be taken, in our goal for freedom and democracy for the world. Let us hope that by uniting to expand the frontiers of freedom and democracy, all mankind may within a short period of time enjoy the fruits of freedom and democracy, which we all enjoy and take for granted. Thank you. (Presentation) : REPORT ON MYANMAR CHAP- TER, WLFD-APLFD 2015 CONFERENCE MARIT- IM PROARTE HOTEL, BERLIN, GERMANY, 17-20 MAY 2015 Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen; It is a great honor for me to present the report on Myanmar Chapter. After Indo-china war, Southeast Asia region became peace except Myanmar. In 2010 General Thein Sein became the President of a civilian elected government to restore peace and democracy in Myanmar. But there was only one person suited to introduced democracy to the country, and this was Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. But she was under house arrest and Thein Sein released her. When she started to talk about democracy reforms, Thein Sein strongly supported her. Thein Sein s support for her on democracy reforms resulted in the people and the ethnic armed groups supporting his government in return. Aung San Suu Kyi went to western countries and became the voice of democracy of Myanmar. Thein Sein followed and strongly supported her. The outside world welcome Thein Sein as a reformer, and they lifted economic section imposed by them. The momentum on promoting democracy was so fast. Thein Sein promised to amend the 2008 constitution and to conduct free and fair elections in 2015. He said Aung San Suu Kyi can be president after the election, and he promised that a conference bigger than the Panglong conference to introduce a federal system in the country. The civilians believe that free and fair elections will take place in 2015, and they have formed political parties to take part in the coming elections. Most armed groups also believed in Thein Sein s promises, and they have individually signed ceasefire agreements. Foreign investors have rushed in and invested billions of dollar in Myanmar, and Thein Sein became Chairman of ASE- AN unopposed. 13

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Thein Sein now curbs the growth of democracy, and does not allow it to grow beyond his planned limitations on democracy reforms. Aung San Suu Kyi was tactfully maneuvered into becoming a member of parliament to work quietly under the 2008 constitution. The constitution will only be amended after a new government is formed. She can become president after the amendment of constitution. Thein Sein said that the present government is already under a federal system, as each state is ruled by its own Prime Minister under self-determination. The military has a leading role in politics, and remains a necessary part of the transition. These remarks have made all concerned people unhappy. Aung San Suu Kyi is striving with the people to amend the 2008 constitution. The students are demanding their rights and seeks changes to the educational system. Ethnic armed groups realized that they have been cheated and started fighting fiercely more than before. Foreign investors are started worrying about their investments. Neighboring countries are worrying about the security of border trade. In order to shift the concentration away from the deteriorating human rights and the political situation, Thein Sein has extensively broadcasted and published that it has signed a nationwide ceasefire with ethic armed groups. This achievement is declared at a time when the fighting continues with ethnic armed groups, and the people are witnesses to these and other lies and contradictions. The reforms once declared to be irreversible are now being referred to as being stalled. The un-democratic 2008 constitution remains in force and un-amended. The military continues its control over defense, internal affairs and border areas. It has 25% of the seats in parliament, and a vote on any proposed amendment to the constitution. Up to this date the military government has never honored to their own promises. Thus, the people of Myanmar widely believe that, (1) When the 2008 constitution has amended and, (2) the government honored to their own promises, then the people of Myanmar will gain democracy, human rights and equal opportunities, and a federal system to achieve lasting peace in the country. The world leaders who are gathered here cherish peace, justice and democracy for all mankind. I strongly request you to share your experiences and ideas on how to solve the problems in Myanmar today. So that the people of Myanmar will regain their long lost human dignity and have the privilege to associate equally with all nations around the world. Thank you. (Presentation) : REPORT ON MYANMAR CHAP- TER WLFD-APLFD 2010 CONFERENCE SHER- ATON INCHEON HO- TEL, INCHEON, KOREA JUNE 7-11 June 2010 Distinguished Leaders of World Freedom Loving People; It is indeed a great privilege and honor to present a short report on Myanmar at this important conference. The theme of the conference New Challenges for Advances in Freedom and Democracy coincides with the challenges we face in Myanmar today under a new constitution, leading to general elections. Two constitutions have come into existence in Myanmar since we gained inde- 14

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. pendence from the British in 1948, and both constitutions were abolished by the military junta. Under such circumstances one cannot hope for justice and human rights to prevail in the country. Burmese and ethic nationalities in desperation took up arms to fight the government to secure their basic human rights, which would otherwise be guaranteed by a constriction. A general election took place in 1990, but the junta declined to relinquish power to the winners. In the absence of national reconciliation, wars have been waged politically and militarily ever since, with everyone being the losers. The greatest losers were the civilians. Following the announcement of the elections, the junta took steps to enforce a new strategy to bring all armed groups which had cease-fire agreements with the junta into a Border Guard Force (BGF) under its direct authority and control before the elections. Smaller cease-fire groups had little choice but to accept the demands of the junta, and were forced to transform into a BGF under its direct control. The bigger cease-fire groups resisted on the grounds that it would only agree to be transformed when peace, justice and democracy are restored in the country. A standoff now exists with threats of enforced military action against them on failure to transform into a BGF by certain deadlines. The cease-fire agreements did not include a transformation into BGF. Most of armed groups agreed to cease-fires with the junta, to solve the country s problem by political means through national reconciliation. The junta has ignored the pleas for national reconciliation, which is long overdue in Myanmar. Ladies and Gentlemen, you have rich experiences in solving various problems around the world. Today, we desperately need your guidance and help in urgently restoring freedom and democracy in Myanmar. On behalf of the freedom loving people in Myanmar, we urge and deplore you all to help us achieve our goals of restoring, peace, justice and democracy which had been nonexistent in the past history in Myanmar. We believe that with your help and assistance the people of Myanmar will the privilege to associate equally with all nations around the world in peace and harmony. Thank you. (Presentation) : REPORT ON KACHINLAND CHAPTER THE 29th WORLD LEAGUE FOR FREEDOM AND DE- MOCRACY CONFER- ENCE WASHNGTON D.C., SEPTEMBER 16-19, 1997 On this auspicious day of the 29th World League for Freedom and Democracy conference, I, as a representative of ethnic Kachin people of the Union of Myanmar, greatly appreciate the privilege and honor to present the situation in the Union of Myanmar to the world leaders who are striving for world peace. Commencing in 1993, KIO conducted negotiations with the SLORC on numerous occasions. These negotiations resulted in a cease-fire agreement being entered into on the 24 February 1994 with SLORC. Following the ceasefire agreement, close cooperation and friendship has achieved the resettling of refugees, and the beginning of the development process in Kachin State., along with all other matters as well. Similarly, most of other ethnic nationality insurgent organizations 15

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 have entered ceasefire with the SLORC. Naturally, where there is civil war, there can be no human rights, peace and democracy. Only a nationwide ceasefire will lead to the peace conditions necessarily to allow the nation to develop further. Today, the situation in Myanmar and Cambodia are quite similar in terms of the political struggle among different groups. Under such circumstances, it is extremely important that only appropriate advice and support from the outside world will restore peace to these warring neighboring countries rather than introducing a new high-tech democratic process. Recently, ASEAN, the grouping of neighboring Southeast Asian countries granted Myanmar membership. It was because all the neighboring countries have good intentions for harmony and peaceful co-existence. They also want to bring about the same level of economic development in the region. ASEAN leaders deserve recognition for providing constructive assistance and adopting a broad minded attitude. Ladies and Gentlemen; in attendance at this conference today, are various leaders from all over the world who desire world peace, and who are prepared to personally work towards the achievement of peace and security in the world. In the sense of world peace, Myanmar forms an integral part of such global strategy. We call upon you to support and to advise us in achieving peace in Myanmar as well as the whole region. Firstly, we will need your support on the establishment of talks leading to a nationwide ceasefire in Myanmar. The final step in this process will be nationwide peace talks, which will include leaders of all political parties and revolutionary forces in good faith. If the international community assist us in this regard, we believe that Myanmar will, within a certain period of time achieve a secure peace for all future generations of Myanmar. At the same time, a secure peace in this region will take us one step closer to achieving the goal of world peace. Thank you. BRIFTED BY OLUSE- GUN OBASANJO, NI- GERIA PRESIDENT/ CHAIRMAN OF AFRI- CAN UNION AT HIS RESIDENCE IN LAGOS, 15-5 2014 : After briefing the topic on Sudan matter, the President allowed his Guests to ask if any questions they may have! I took this opportunity and asked, Thank you Your Excellency, we know that the majority population in Nigeria are Muslims and you are Christian. Kindly tell us, how the people elected you as their President? Thanks for your question. My leader Gen. Sani Abacha committed human violation on the people and I remind him to avoid from doing such behavior. He put me into the jail for 15 years. Since that day, I read Koran and Bible in detail in the prison. Finally, I become realize that both Muslims and Christians did not read their books to understand the real value of its essence deeply. More importantly, the link between Muslims and Christians are lack of better listening and better thinking. But, both sides focus on better speaking and conflicts between them become larger. 16

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. He was in the prison for 3 years and digest both Koran and Bible and greatly gratitude to his leader who put him in the jail. If not, he should have never understood the real essence of Koran and Bible. However, very unfortunately, his leader Gen. Sani Abacha past away in 3 years and he was released from the prison. He visited to Muslim leaders and advise them to select a good leader among Muslim people who will able to lead the people without bias to any side. He approached to Muslim leaders and listen to them with great attention without exposing his idea. He only listening and thinking with his utmost efforts without speaking. Finally, all Muslim leaders see that, he can become the most qualified leaders among Muslim and Christian people in Nigeria. Finally, he becomes the president of Nigeria without performing any lobby work in the country. I presumed that he is a member of a toastmaster club, or at least he should have digested the art of Toast mastering. The latest conference was attended the 2018 APLFD Round Table Meeting at Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur during 8-10 December 2018. Presentation on Myanmar Chapter was presented by, JJ Lum Dau (Jen Lomethong) as shown below. (Presentation) : Honorable Leaders of Freedom Loving People, Ladies and Gentlemen; It is the knowledge of all who are presenting here today that after the Indochina war, ten nations including the Myanmar regime formed ASEAN countries have achieved peace except Myanmar. The leaders of ASEAN countries tried to solve the problem in the form of within their own family. In particular, the leaders of Malaysia have recognized that Myanmar is a close neighboring country. They have thus tried with their utmost efforts to help Myanmar, based upon the international spirit of brotherhood. Likewise, the powerful countries from the East and the West have tried to solve the problems of Myanmar without success. Eventually, the UN Security Council also had to step in as the international crises of the country have become globalized. But in response, the Myanmar government has always said that they have done nothing wrong and not necessary to obey the decisions of the UN Security Council. Rather, they are only dealing with law and order issues in their own country as they have the duty to do. It is necessary to understand the root cause of conflict in Myanmar, Tracing back to eleven centuries, King Anawratha ordered to his soldiers to eliminate all ethnic nationalities or to assimilate them into Bamar s culture, saying that it was the only means to have peace in the Kingdom. Anawratha was the first era of the Burmese King to order for elimination ethnic people in the history. And followed by the second era of King Bayinnong, the third era of King Alongphaya, and so on, had practiced the same policy of cleansing ethnic people in order to have peace in the Kingdom, as a result ethnic groups such as Pyu, Kanyan, Teth etc. in the Kingdom were eventually completely eliminated. However, when the Burmese Kingdom had fallen into the British suzerainty in 1885, the ethnic elimination policy was disrupted for a while, as the Burman have no power to carry out the policy of 17

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Burmese Kingdom. But after Burma gained independence from the British Colonial Rule in 1948, the new Burmese Military Dictator Gen. Ne Win resumed again the ethnic elimination policy which was handed down to his subordinates by King Anawratha. It is the witness of the whole world now that the old ethnic nationalities as mentioned above in those days of Burmese Kingdom no longer exist today. In addition, the world has clearer witness of the ethnic elimination in the latest era of Military Dictator Senior Gen. Than Shwe of today. The policy of ethnic annihilation is therefore, the root cause of conflict and nothing will be needed to explain how the Burmese military has been eliminating the ethnic nationalities and driving them out from their own homeland and vacated places are occupying by his followers. All these nefarious acts of Burmese dictators cannot be hidden in the face of the world in this modern day. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is Head of State and yet she is under the 2008 Constitution and which restricts her from fully exercising her power. She needs our combined support to accelerate her intrinsic ability to restore peace in the country. Let us hope that one day, if the right support is given to her from the outside appropriately, it will lead her to accomplish her dream for all in one. Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of APLFD Myanmar Chapter, we would like to fervently appeal all freedom loving people to help the ethnic nationalities of Myanmar become free from tyrannical rule. In the globalized world of today, people, politics and countries are all closely intertwined. As we all know, this is the basis of all human societies in the world. Thank you. Previously, I have mentioned that, I accomplished MBA from Birmingham University while I was 60 under the leading admintration of Professor, Dr. P.J. Cadle, Course Director by obtaining marks (71, 78, 70, 65, 80, 70, 76, 64). Furthermore, I firmly made up my mind to accomplish PhD degree from Shinawatra University before 80 to prove that, Never Too Old To Learn. I am going on the 4th Academic year, provided scholarship by the University. On this Greetings Season, I am conveying my best wishes to the Concerned Persons with the Shinawatra University that, May All Mighty God bring Success and Happiness to you. Meanwhile, I am going to accomplish Thesis on Drug Eradication Topic. Questions come from several people, the reason I chose this topic. In fact, the flowers of poppies are so lovely and yet the ingredient of such attractive flowers turn to be poison for human from born to death, which I have witnessed all the way in my life. It becomes extremely important to jointly fight drugs by finding appropriate method for win win conclusion for all, by joining all. REMARK : Beside these presentations, I have attended other conferences as well. Such as: Atlanta, Brussels, Bangkok, Brunei, Brisbane, Bali, Copenhagen, Dallas, Guam, Hawaii, Incheon, Melbourne, Manila, Portland, Phnompenh, Saigon, Santiago, Sydney, Soul, Taipei, Tokyo, Vancouver etc. 18

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. NINGHKONG JAIWA SHARIN HPONG 宁空斋瓦之乡近日举办景颇族文化培训 (Sakhkung Jinghpaw Nsen Wuisin Pinra Shiga) Sakhkung Nsen (Ka/dem ai: Alat Gun Ong 作者 : 孙志荣 ) Yinkyang ginwang go htunghking hkringhtong hpaji htat ai buga re, 2018 ning shata 11 hte shata 12 hta, Yinkyang ginwang htunghking hpung ni Hkashang gat mare ko hkinjong dumsa, jaiwa, naushong naupa hpaji sharin lai wa sai. Ndai lahkong lang na sharin hpong hpe htunghking hpaji grau htum ai Shadan krung ga e masat nna Shadan krung htunghking wang ko galo ma ai. 2018 ning shata 11 nhtoi 13-16 ya hta Yinkyang ginwang ting na hkinjong dumsa 180 jan Shadan krung htunghking wang numshang lajo shara ko wa du zup nna hkinjong dumsa hpaji sharin hkaja ma ai. Nhtoi 13 ya shani go Yinkyang ginwang ting na hkinjong dumsa ni du hkum zup nna Hka-shang ginwang do gat mare asuya zuphpong gok ko so ginron zuphpong shong hpo galo ma ai. Zuphpong Yikyang ginwang htungking hpung ningbo salang wa Du Lahpai No ko nna anhte amyu sha ni a htunghking hkringhtong hpe atsom jom sharum jahkrup bongban ra 19

nna lang yu wa ai htunging hkringhtong maka kumla ni, lamang ni, ya na prat hta mat wa ai maka kumla htunghking lamang ni, htunghking ningpot n nga ai majoi madu mara rai galo aship lang shadam shamong mat wa ai mabyin ginlam ni hpe langai hpang langai, ga shadon kasi ni madi madun nna tsun dan mat wa, htunghking wudang ni, hkinri ni, ai, moi jiwoi lahtak hta galo lang yu wa ai hkringhtong hkan nna yong langai hku myitmang ahkrum rai jom galo matut ginlen lang mat wa ra ai nga hpaji jo satsam u ai, Yinkyang ginwang htunghking salang Nogu Brang Nu go lai wa sai 2010 ning hta Shadan krung e 20 Sakhkung ting na htunghking salang ni hkrumzup nna hpo hpong ai htunghking hpong hta sharum jahkrup masat da ai htunghking lamang ni hpe hti dan u ai. Sakhkung mungdo Myithkrum shi laika dap na sara gaba Gareng Dingga Tang go amyu sha ni a moi ko numbon numla lamang ni, si poi htunghking lamang re ni hpe tsun shachyan dan, ganing rai bai galo sharum jahkrup nna langai hku galo sa wa na hpaji jo rai u ai. Htunghking hpung nong e htunghking mu gun hpung up ningtau Labok No go hkalum mungga shaga u ai.

yong nna jung ra ai lam tsun ai hte maren, wudang hpe moi na htunghking hkringhtong ko nan shachyo nna tinang maga man yong ai hku nna jom na hku jom myit hkrum da lu sai. Jinghpo Wunpong amyu sha ni yong ndai hku nna jung galomat wa ga, moi ko nna daini du hkra mung ndai hku hkringhtong nga ai lam jom tsun myit hkrum da masai. Shanhte ni jom myit hkrum ai lam go: Gumgun masha wudang hpe Nga nrung runghkri sai, yom htum sinda ga re ai hpe Zup hping hpe Shadan krung htunghking hpung ningtau salang Maru Brang Tong woi on ai. Ndai lang na sharin hpong hta shong ningnan e hkinri hte wudang hpe shong sharum jahkrup shabung lang mat wa na hku jom jahkrup mat wa yang, gumgun masha wudang ka ai hte jung ai hpaji hpe du sa ai hkinjong dumsa ni, kaga wuji wukam hkye ai salang ni yong hpe langai hpang langai tsun shangun yang, shanhte ni tsun mat wa ai hpe madat mat wa yang, dumsa gaba lahkong hte kaga salang lahkong shanhte 4 hta lai, wudang hpe tinang a nta maga man 21

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 wudang ka ai, dai wudang a shingdu maga marung rong ai de dumseng sumla maka ka na, dai nga wuloi sat ya ai shaloi mung, nta maga de nna wudang hte man hkrum di dun sat ya na, sat ya ngut ai hpang nga bo hpe mung man maga tinang nta de man yong nna shakap ai. Shingrai, dai wudang mung tinang maga man yong ai majo nga bo hpe mung tinang maga man yong nna kap ai, hpa majo nga yang, lajo laya galo ai hpang, aji anat ni dai wudang ka ai sa mu nna ndai nta ni hpe go ndai gumgun masha ni bau sin makop nga ai ngu sa mu hkrit nna n htang mat ai da, wudang hkrang nta hpe makop ai hku nta de man yong jung da ai, gumgun gumhpai ni shanhte hpe nong ya ai hkungga a nsoi nsa hpe shanhte la mat wa sai, nong ya ai Nga bo mung wudang zon tinang a dum nta de man yong nna dum nta hpe makop nga na hku nga bo hpe wudang hte rau nta de man yong, wudang a man maga shakap da ai, wudang hte nga rung mung anhte hpang man yong nna bau sin makop nga ai. Nta ko kap ai nga bo hpa majo shinggan maga man yong nna kap a ni nga yang, nta ndo shinggan de man yong ai majo nga bo mung shinggan de man yong ai, aji anat hpe hkap jahkrit nga ai da. 22

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. nang ngai n nga ai, amyu lakying n ginghka ai, makam masham n ginghka ai yong jom sharin hka ja sa wa ra ai lam tsun hko dan u ai. Shingrai ndai hpong hta manau jaiwa hpaji ni hte naushong naupa hpaji ni hpe ta tut sharin ya ai lam galo lai wa sai. Jaiwa gaba Dingga Gong, jaiwa gaba La-jong Ong, jaiwa gaba Du Zau Seng, Jaiwa gaba Lajong Ong gaji ndai marai 4 hte maushong sara gaba Maran Hka, Gumtung Tu, Maru Mai, Nogu Brang Nu ni hpe mungdo atsang de tang shon nna kaga hkinjong dumsa jaiawa ni, naushong naupa sara ni hpe go ginwang tsang tang shon na hku mung lajang mat wa sai. Shata 12 nhtoi 17 ko nna 21 ya hta mung Yinkyang ginwang htunghking hpung ni jaiwa hkringhtong hpaji hte naushong naupa hpaji sharin ai lam hpe Shadan krung manau wang ko galo ma ai. Ndai sharin hpong hta mungdo de nna du sa ai hkringhtong hpaji matut gonhkang dap na sara Kung Zi Lin go, ganing di nna mare buga na htunghking hkringhtong matut sara lata masat mat wa na hpaji ni tsun yan dan ai, Sara gaba Jau Den Ze go ndai lang mungdo hte ginwang tsang ko tang shon na jaiwa dumsa gaba, naushong naupa sara gaba ni a lam hpe tsun dan u ai, Yinkyang ginwang htunghking hpung salang Nogu Brang Nu go Yinkyang ginwang htunghking hpung ni bungli yo shada lam hte ya galo sa wa ai ginlam ni hpe tsun dan u ai, Mungdo de nna du sa ai sara gaba Gareng Dingga Tang go daini anhte myu sha ni a jaiwa dumsa ga ni hta amyu a labau lara hkumzup ai, amyu a ga namnak rong ai ga ningsa ni hkum ai, anhte amyu sha ni, 23

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 NAWNGLUT NAWNG Palastic Indawgyi ngu Nawnglut dai Labau maumwi gumhkawng ai N chye ai di hta shadu Di dam jahku hpring sai lu Kahtawng sumshi garan sha Gaida yan nu hpe ngam da Gaida yan nu n sha ai Nat ni sadi sa jaw sai Manap jau jau rawt hprawng ai Sumdoi nhtang she hta hpai Lahkam htawt dek ga gyi nang Kahtawng yawng gaw lut hprang hprang Kahtawng sumshi yawng gyi lut Gaida jan mung hprawng n ngut Hprawng n jin na matan ai Sumdoi nhtang jun hkrup sai Dai shara kaw dai ni du Kawa nhtang tu hpe mu Kahtawng sumshi buga yawng Dai ni mu nga Nawnglut Nawng Gaida yan nu hpe ngam da = gaida yan nu hpe n chye ai di n jaw sha ai Matan ai = gumgun gumhpai hpe lajin laroi ga tsun ai. 24

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. MADANG TSAW TSAW MASAN SA SA Hkawp Pungwa Madang tsaw ai ga, masan sa ai ga tsun shaga lu na matu lawu na ga hkaw ga yan ni hpe sumru yu na ga saw nngai. 1. (a) Wawn yawng ai. (Wawn ntsa masha lawm ai.) (b) Wawn tsawt ai. (Wawn ntsa masha n lawm ai.) 2. (a) Sumri rit ai. (sumri galu ai.) (b) Sumri hkri ai. (Shingnoi jinghpa hkri ai. Sumri kadun ai) 3. (a) Mam mu ai. (Nhkyi hte mam htingkyang kau di la ai.) (b) Mam dan ai. (Nhkyau hte mam pawt kaw dan la ai.) 4. (a) Chyinghkrang ban baw ai. (Bai htawt hkai na matu) (b) Tsing magang ai. (Yi tsing magang ai.) 5. (a) Hpaji hparat hkaja ai. (b) Zau Doi gaw hka ja sa ai. 6. (a) Hkawn Ji gaw, hkawnji re. (b) Asak 13, 14, 15, 16 ning amyu shayi ni hpe hkawnji ngu ai. 7. (a) Ja San yan Ja Seng gaw, jasan jaseng lit la na ma ai. (b) Ji Grawng gaw, jigrawng a majaw hkali bu ai. 8. (a) N-gumla mare kaw salang N-gum La ngu ai wa nga ai. (b) Kawahka mare na kawa hka grai mu ai. 9. (a) Jan mai ai. (b) Shata jan mai ai. 10. (a) U mun pun ai. (b) Wa mun hkren ai. Nam maling, yi shari ni hkan tu ai sha hpa hpunlap ni hpe namlaw namlap ngu ai. Sha na matu di la ai hpang gaw simaw simai ngu nna, shadu jahkut ngut ai hpang gaw shatmaw shatmai nga ma ai law. 25

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Gawt Shagrawt Gasat Majan Sumlar (II WW, Japan Majan) Jinghpaw mungh Sut Suh Hkawn Two spans of the Burma-Siam Railroad Bridge at Kanchanaburi, approximately 75 miles West of Bangkok, lie in the water as a result of bombing by B-24's of the 7th bomb Group. (NA) 1340th AAF Base Unit convoy, China, 15 June 1945. (NA) Delhi Meeting Means Danger For Japan - Movietone news clip. Plan of the Maymyo Rail Road Yards from the "Air Objective Folders by Target Area: Burma: North area". (NA) 26

2019 Volume V, No. I OSS Detachment 101 in Burma, ca 1943-1945. (NA) #734 Established 2015. Co-pilot, Flight Sergeant F Wright, at the controls of Sunderland aircraft DP180 of 230 Squadron Royal Air Force operating in Burma. The aircraft was one of two on Operation River conducted between May and July 1944. The two aircraft operated from Bramaphutra River to Lake lndawgi in Burma to bring out wounded members from the Chindit's, ca June 1944. (AWM) "China - March of Marines" - Movietone Newsclip dated January 1938. B-29's in flight over China, ca March 1945. (NA) Supplying the Burma Front By Air - Movietone news clip. OSS Detachment 101 in Burma, ca 1943-1945. (NA) #733 27

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Supplying the Burma Front By Air - Movietone news clip. Extracted from "Thunderbolts in action on the Arakan and Mandalay Fronts." (AWM) Cavite Marines, c 1931-33. Courtesy of the Pusel family collection Source: China Marines website Courtesy of Susan Webb Hirvela Robinson from her father Wesley Doane Webb who served with OSS Detachment 101 as a radio operator. 28 Hpang nah lang bai matut na : HPJ

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. AMYUSHA TSUN SHAGA GAR, LAIKA HPE N MALAP KAU GAQ Bum Shingnoi Dainih, anhte Jinghpaw amyusha ni, maigan masha dawqwa dawtsa lapran eh, matep matap agat atsat sha rai nga gaq tim, ti-nang aq htunghking agar hpe manu shadan ra nga sai. Htawnghpang eh, "Ngai gaw Jinghpaw rai nngai; raitim, Jinghpaw tsun shaga gar n chye mat sai" ngu ai satlawat masa n byin wa muq gaq. Ti-nang gar hpe tinang nan, tsun shaga ra mat sai. Bai nna anhte Jinghpaw ni Myen gar n matep shalawm yang, Jinghpaw gar n lu tsun shakreq matwa ai zawn hkrai, rai nga sagaq ai. Sawq shagah laika (gsd. hkung-ran hpawng, lasu su hpawng,...) zawn re laika ni htaq, Jinghpaw hteq Myen laika gayau ka dah ai rai yang, Myen laika hku nna shawng, shawq htih lah nga maluq ai. Ndai gaw, asan sha, rai nga ai. N kam yang, hkan san sagawn yu tim, mai nga ai. Dai aq mabyin lachyum eh, Jinghpaw laili laika gawngkya (ra rawng) ai lachyum nan, rai nga sai. Dumsa-jaiwa gamung hpe Jinghpaw laika hku nna mahkuh tuphkrak n ka lu ai majaw, mi nah rawq n lu htih shaprawq nga ai. Dai majaw, ginru ginsa maubung lachyum chye na mung, yak nga maluq ai. Jinghpaw Chyum laika n htih yu shi ai wa htih yang, bailiq bailaq ngu nna njaw njah htih ai zawn, byin shajang nga ai. Jinghpaw ni gaw hpa hteq, bung aq tah? ngu yang, "Hkuwawt hpawq dah tim, asan hkren mu mada ai pat eh, wa adawt daulaq pyen kri shakut taw nga ai jiqnu" zawn byin nga gaq ai. Kachin ningbaw ninglar ni gaw, mahkuh kumlar n bang ra ai; n chye yang garhtai buk laika hkan, bai wa hpawq yu muq gaq" daq. Sawq shagah hkungran laika langai sha, htih na mahkau garhtai buk kaba snr (soft file) bai wa tam hpawq hkra rai, kadai aten n jawq na maq ai nhten! Ngangkang ai, pratlep ai "Tibeto-burman agar tsun shaga ai amyu ni aq laika ni yawng hkan (Indian Script mi rairai, Roman Script mi rairai) mahkuh kumlar lawm shajang nga maluq ai. Dik nna madiq madun gaq ngu yang, Azi, Maru laika ni hkan, mahkuh kumlar ka lang nga maluq ai. Myen laika ni hkan mung, dai kumlar ni hpe mu lu nga ai, re. Ndai hpe dum ra ai. "Dum na gaw n dum, n dum na gaw bai dum" ngu ai bawq sheq, rai mat sam ang sai nhten! 29

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Miwa mungh nga Jinghpawsu ni mung, Miwa gar hkrai tsun manuh nga mat sai. Laika mung, Miwa laika hkrai grau kungkyang chye nga maluq ai. Miwa mungh masha ni gaw, Miwa laika, Miwa gar ni gaw chye ra ai. Raitim, tinang kashu kasha ni gaw, tinang aq gar ni n chye tsun shaga mat nga shajang sai. Jinghpaw laika gaw, hkum tsun saq. Jinghpawsu masha kaba ni pyi, Jinghpaw laika chye ai ni shau laq nga ai. Miwa mungh eh, Jinghpaw laika hpe dakkasu madang sheq, Jinghpaw laika ningpawt ninghpang sharin wa nga maluq ai. Mare kahtawng ni hkan, Jinghpaw laika sharin jawng ni n nga ai daram rai nga ai. Kanu kawa yan gaw, Jinghpawsu rai nga ninglen, kashu kasha ni bai rai yang, tinang gar n chye tsun shaga sai ni lawq nga maluq ai. Mying ni mung, Miwa hku hkrai, shamying shaga mat shajang nga ai. Jinghpaw "gar, laika" gaw, moi kawq nna yawng chyawm lang nga ai "zupra agar, laika" (common language, literature) rai wa sagaq ai. Yaq mung, dai masa satlawat hku nna lang nga gaq ai, re. Ndai ni yawng gaw, Jinghpaw amyu maka kumlar (national identity) ni hkrai, rai nga ai. Ndai maka kumlar ni langai hpang langai sip mat maq wa yang, Kachin rawtmalan shamu shamawt hpe mung, hpa bawq palih hteq, bai shachyup shabawn sana law? "Myu tsawq myit" (national spirit) marai gaw, "amyusha gar, laika, htunghking,..." ni hteq, hkriq dun matut nga ai, re. (Bum Shingnoi gaw, 1947 Feb. 12 yaq Panglong munghpawm mungga makyit eh, taq masat mahkret lawm ai Duwa Labang Grawng aq kasha rai nga ai; HPJ) Cartoon Federal?!.. Awmdawm?.. င မ ခ မ ရ ပန တ င ဆ သ ႔ ကစ မလ.. န မလ.. NCA 30

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. Ngai Hpaji Hkaja Wa ai Assumption Dakkasu Maraw Naw San Assumption University of Thailand gaw maigan mungdan ni kaw nna jawngma (International Students) ni hpe Thai Mungdan kata hpaji ginlen na ahkang shawng ningnan lu ai dakkasu rai nga ai. Ndai zawn, maigan amyu baw ni hpaji hkaja la nga ai Assumption Dakkasu a lam hpe ndai laika ngau hta kadun dawk shachyen da ai lam rai sai. Assumption Dakkasu hte seng nna ganghkau hkringdat http://www.au.edu hta dam lada ai hku matut hti hkaja la mai nga ai. Shingdu Labau Kadun Amyu baw shagu hpe mungkan machyoi hpaji hparat ni ginlen ya lu na matu ngu ai myit shingran hte Assumption Dakkasu hpe 1969 ning laman, The Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel ngu ai Catholic ninghtan hpung kaw nna Bangkok muklum hta hpaw hpang wa sai. Assumption Dakkasu hpe woi awn nga ai The Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel gaw, Thai mungdan kata hta nga ai hkawlik jawng 15 hpe 1901 daram kaw nna yu hpareng nga ai ninghtan hpung mung rai nga ai. Hkristan htung lailen, makam hta ningpawt tawn nna janmau gup la sai ni yawng gaw, machyoi hpaji hparat hte wuhpung wuhpawng hta apnawng dawjau chye ai ni byin tai hkra mungkan shara shagu na hpaji munu ni hpaji ginlen ya nga ai dakkasu rai nga ai. Amyu baw n bung ai, htung, makam hte shinggyim hkrang hta hkan nna lachyen lahka ai lam n nga ai sha, Non-Discrimination Policy hpe tek jum da let yawng mayawng hpe Assumption Dakkasu hta ndut ndang hpaji hkaja na ahkang jaw da nga ai. 31

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Hkridun lam Assumption Dakkasu gaw USA zawn re mungdan kaba na dakkasu ni hte sha n-ga, kaga Mungkan Mungdan kaba ni hta nga ai dakkasu jawng ni hte ngangkang ai hkridun lam nga ai hte maren, maigan mungdan 75 kaw nna amyu baw law law hpaji hkaja nga ai ginra mung rai nga ai. Ndai masa hta, jawngma mun lahkawng daram gaw, Assumption Dakkasu hta tinang sharawng awng ai sharin lamang ni hpe shakut shaja let hkaja nga ma nna, shaning shagu jawngma hkying masum grup-yin daram hpe janmau shagrau ya lu nga ai. Hpaji matut hpungjat mayu ai Assumption Dakkasu jawng yu ni hpe maigan mungdan shagu na dakkasu ni kaw nna alum ala hkap la nga ai hte maren, bungli jaw mayu ai sut hpaga hpung (Company) ni mung law la ai aten rai nga ai. Sharin Lamang hta Madung Jai Lang ai Ga/Laika Thai jawngma ni a matu laksan jaw ya ai sharin lamang ni hta lai nna, Maigan Mungdan shara shagu kaw nna du sa ai jawngma ni a hkaja lamang ni hta gaw English ga/laika hpe madung jailang ai. Thai ga/laika hpe chye mayu ai Maigan jawngma ni a matu chyawm gaw dakkasu kata laksan hkaja la mai ai sharin lamang ni nga ai. Raitim, Assumption Dakkasu de sa du ai maigan jawngma yawng mayawng hpe Thai ga/laika n chye n mai ngu nna atik anang sharin ya, tsun shaga shangun ai lam n nga ai. English ga/laika hte chye matut mahkai tsun shaga lu ai amyu baw kadai mung wanglu wanglang hpaji hkaja la mai ai ginra rai nga ai. Tsun mayu ai gaw, Truly International University rai ai lam hpe htawng madun dan ai nan rai sai. Ngai Hkam la lu ai Janmau Ndai zawn, Thai mungdan kata mungkan hpaji masa hpe woi awn lawm nga ai Assumption Dakkasu hta ngai mung 2016 ning kaw nna, amyu ga/laika sharin ladat hte seng ai hpaji hkaja na ahkang lu wa sai. Karai Kasang jaw ya ai atsam, magam dap kata na hpushawng hpuba, nawku hpung shawa ni hte dum nta masha ni a madi shadaw garum ya ai hte maren 2018 ning hta Master of Arts in English Language Teaching (M.A ELT) janmau hpe gup la lu wa sai. Assumption Dakkasu hta na janmau gup la lu wa sai Wunpawng amyusha ni mung law law rai nga sai hpe chye lu ai. Raitim, 2010 ning a shawngdaw ni hta jawng yu mat wa sai hpushawng hpuba ni a amying hte shanhte gup la lu wa sai janmau ni hpe tup hkrak n chye lu ai majaw, dep hkap ai daram ngai hte arau amyusha hpaji lam hta apnawng nga ai myitrum ni hpe madung tang madun ai rai sai. Dai ni gaw; 1. Dr. Lahpai Hkun Seng (Educational Leadership, Ph.D) 2. Srk. Nnye La Raw (Educational Administration, M.Ed) 3. Srnk. Lasang Htu Hkawng (Educational Administration, M.Ed) 4. Srk. HpaugyiTu Lum (Educational Administration, M.Ed) 5. Srk. Lazing Zau Seng (Educational Administration, M.Ed) 6. Srk. Mashaw Lawt Aung (Educational Administration, M.Ed) 32

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. 7. Srnk. Lahpai Nang Htang (Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed) 8. Srn. Mading Bawm Nam (Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed) 9. Sr. Lahtaw Zau Jum (Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed) 10. Srn. Lahtaw Seng Mai (Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed) 11. Sr. Langjaw Dim Htung (Business, MBA) 12. Srn. Hprawmai Htang San (Counseling Psychology, MSCP) 13. Sr. Hpaudang Aung Gam (Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed) 14. Srn. Lahpai Kai Nan (English Language Teaching, MA.ELT) hte rai ma ai. Assumption Dakkasu jawng yu ai yawng mayawng gaw, sharin la lu ai machyoi hpaji ni hte amyusha gawgap lam rai nga ai hpaji masa hta madi wadaw n-gun tai lu nga sai. NINGTAWN SHAGRAU HKAM LAH Shadang Seng Tu Ja (HPJR) Jinghpaw mungdaw Hkamja Dap kaw nna woi awn galaw ai, 2018 ning, Mungkan, hkamjan atsam hkrat, kap bra ana, ninghkap nhtoi masat shani a masat dingsat Laika Hkachyi ka shingjawng lamang hte Hkrangpan sama shingjawng lamang galaw ai. Dai lamang hta Myitkyina mare kaba, Lahtaq Tsang Jawng, No. (10), Tsang Jahku Jawngma rai nga ai, Slg. Hkawng Lum hteq Jan Nhka Ja Mai yan aq kasha Shadang Seng Tu Ja shang lawm shingjawng ai. Dai shingjawng lamang kawq Lahtaq Tsang Madang Hkrangpan sama shingjawng ai kawq, Madang Masat Langai hku nna ningtawn shagrau kumhpaq hkam lah lu ai. 33

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Kawq-lakai re ai PUNGGA JA LI aq prat ndai Nding Tawng Ra ( ည န ၾက ရ မ HLD) Shawng daw nah matut : Dinghku shang ai hte kash kasha shaprat ai lam 1970 July 2 ya hta moi na Maran Sabaw Hkum hpe la ai Marip n-gang Pri Htam, dai hpang Ning Yang Naw e la ai N-gang Jamai a hkang hkan let Marip Nding Tawng Ra hte Man Hkring Hpungup Rev. Wu Naw La a lata e hkungran la sai. 1971 April 11 ya hta shadang sha alat Pungga Sinwa Awng hpe shangai sai. 1973 ning Aprail 2 ya hta shayi sha alat Pungga Ja Ing hpe shangai sai. 1976 ning July 21 ya hta Pungg Hkun Naw hte La Raw marun bai shangai sai. 1979 ning, September shata Pungga Tu Shan hpe shangai ai, raitim shata sanit hta n nga mat sai. Shing-rai ya sara Ja Li gaw kasha mali hte kashu jahku a kaji rai sai. Sasana de shang lawm wa ai lam 1956 ning kaw 1960 ning du hkra Sham Kyaw Jawng C. E hku nna Tamu buga hpung rai nga ai Zahkung mung, Bamwaw mung, Bangli mung, Mading mung, Galau mung ni chyam hkra sakse hkam lai wa sai. Dai ten hta sara shi nan gaw nta de nat jaw naw rai nga tim myit rawt ai hte Lachik ga, Law Waw ga ni atsawm sha lu ga ai majaw sasana atsawm sha galaw lu ai. 1960 ning Rev. Latau Naw, Rev. Kumle ni kaw hkan nang nna, Mayan, Namti, Loili yang, Nam Sheng, Gauri, Kamaing, Chyahkrau, Kapmaw, Hpkan, La Mawng ga, Hkang mung, Ungdun bum, Laisai ga du hkra kabu gara shiga hkaw tsun ai hpung hta lawm lai wa sai. 1960 ning Myen mung Hkalup Hpung Ginjaw masing Rev. Peter Hla woi awn ai Hkristan dinghku sharin hpawng hpe Manhkring buga hpung e shawng na lang galaw ai kaw sharin la lawm sai. 1964 ning April hta galaw ai Myen mung Hkristan dinghku sharin hpawng de sa sharin lawm lai wa sai. 1966 ning April 10-16 ya hta Tawngyi e galaw ai BBCEU kaw nna BBYF de gale na Myen mung Hkalup hpung ramma hpawng kaba de sa lawm lai wa sai, 1973 ning August hta Mandaly e galaw ai Hkristan laika ka sara ni a sharin hpawng hta Mandaly e galaw ai Hkristan laika ka sara ni a sharin hpawng hta sa lawm lai wa sai. 1982 ning Februay e Pegu kaw galaw ai Copea ngu ai masha uhpawng tsang hpe maram ai ta-tut hpaji sharin ai hta lawm lai wa sai. 1983 ning Yangong e galaw ai chyum gale hpaji (bible translation work shop) sa lawm sai. 34

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. Hpung magam gun wa ai lam Manhkring buga hpung Njangdung lawk kaw nna shata mi lap hkun kumhpa jaw nna 1964 ning March shata kaw nna Njangdung lawk a hpung woi lit hkam hku shatsam sai hte maren, Njangdung lawk a nawku program jum ai gaw 1993 ning September 1 ya hpung bungli kaw nna hkringsa mat ai ten du hkra rai yang shaning 29 ning Njangdung mare hpung, Njangdung buga hpung tai ai shani du hkra galaw sai. 1966 ning hta Nawng Nang Chyum jawng hpaw hpang ai shaloi, shawng na jawngma hpung kaw sharin lawm sai.raitm machyi tsi rung rawng mat ai majaw shata 3 hpang hkrat mat nna jawng kaw na jaw ai jawng pru masat laikapa dumhprut kau sai. Raitimung, 1969 March shata kaw nna Njangdung buga hpung a hpungwoi hku bai wa shang galaw nga yang 1972 March shata 26 ya hta Tang Hpre buga hpung e ang ai Myitkyina Ginwang kasa hpawng hta hpung-up lata mara hkam la sai. K.B.C Mung shawa sasana hta shang lawm ai lam 1. Jaw masat myit sharawt ai lam, 1976 ning majoi shingra jaw masat myit sharawt hpung hku nna Sumpra bum ginwang, Putao Ginwang, Nog Ginwang Gat Htu ga, Gum Len ga, Rap Baw ga, Hku Htang ga Ngalang ga, Da hte Hpat walawng, Hpt He Chyai Walawng, Chyahti Hkrang Walawng, Mali Nmai Walawng hproi yang shata 3 tup hkawm sa sai. 1977 ning jaw masat myit sharawt hku nna Myitkyina Ginwang, Sama Ginwang, Waimaw Ginwang, Htingnai Ginwang, Manmaw Ginwang, ni hta lawm ai buga hpung mare kahtawng chyam hkra hkawm sa sai. 2. 3/300 sasana hku nna Myitkyina dabang hte Sama dabang, Mali Nmai dabang ni a Amu Madu tai let 3/300 sasana apnawng ai manang ni hpe woi awn let dai dabang ni hte seng ai buga hpung mare kahtawng hkan na hkalup hpung nta shagu hta shang nna akyu hpyi ya ai lam galaw lai wa sai. Dai mare ni hta 3/300 kabu gara shi ga hte seng ai hkrang shala ai lam, hkaw tsun ai lam, sharin ya ai lam hte shawa gangbang hkaw tsun hpawng ni hpe 3/300 Ginjaw ni hta galaw lai wa sai. 3. 3/300 sasana ngut mat ai hpang Dawjau sasana 6 ning, shangang shakang sasana sharin hpawng ni hpe buga hpung shagu hkan shang lawm lai wa sai. - Jaw masat myit sharawt - 3/300 ning sasana - Dawjau sasana - Shangang shakang sasana - Kaga ginwang hte buga hpung ni a shaga hkrum ai majaw hkawm sa hkaw tsun sharin ya ai lam gaw Ginwang hku nna Kyengdung hte Sam mung Ginwang sha ndu yu sai kaga Ginwang yawng de sa du sharin hkawm yu sai. Shawng de na Myitkyina Ginwang kata na buga hpung mare ni hpe tsun ga nga yang Sinboo, Sadung, Htawlang, Htawgaw buga hpung ni hta kaga buga hpung hte maren yawng hkan du hkawm hproi nna mungga hkaw tsun sharin ai lam galaw lai wa sai. K.B.C Ginwang rapdaw sasana hta shang lawm ai lam 1981 ning kaw nna 1986 ning du hkra K.B.C rapdaw staff kaw laili laika dap hpa-awn hku shanglawm lai wa sai. 1985 ning kaw na 1992 ning du hkra Nawng Nang Chyum College kaw garum sara hku lai wa sai. Ka da ai Laika buk ni 1. Dinghku nhtoi 2. Nang n chye ai nang 3. Nye lam sharin la mu 4. Yesu Hkristu sharin ya ai masa lam 5. Hkristan jasat hte dinghku 6. Karai ma shinggyim sha 35

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 7. Shan hpyi laika ni a. Jaiwa laika b. Hkringwa laikabuk 1 c. Hkringwa laikabuk 2 d. Lanyi laika e. Maumwi laika f. Hkang hpoi, poilung, majan laika ni. Hpung magam na hkringsa mat ai lam A. 1980 ning kaw nna shi gaw sinda chyat ana hte pu kaw htibi kap ai ana lu mat ai majaw shi a matu ningshung ta e sinda chyat, kahtet ta e kan machyi, rai nna hpung zuphpawng ni, sharin hpawng ni, mu gun manaw manang ni hte kanawn mazum lam ni ningra mat wa nna masha kaga ni sha ai baw lu sha ni n lu sha mat wa ai. Manang ni zawn kasang kalang n lu hkawm sa mat wa ai a majaw, makam masham n-gun yawm, gawngkya ai lam ni nga wa ai. Dai re ai majaw hpung-up sara ni hta rawng ang ai wenyi atsam hte sari sadang arawn alai ni n hpring wa sai hpe shi dum ai majaw shi hku shi sasana apnawng ai kaw na hkringsa mat nu ai rai. Shi hkringsa mat sai lam hpe hpung komiti shawn ai laika hpe 1993 ning, Augst hta shawn ai rai nna buga hpung kongsi kaw 1993 September shata praw 1 ya hta hkap la ya sai majaw, hpung-up bungli kaw na tsepkawp hkringsa mat sai. B. Lahta de tsun lai mat wa sai hkum hkrang hta byin ai machyi makaw an ahkya ni a majaw hpung-up sara galaw nga yang tang n du na rai nna, hpung masha ni mung machyi wa na tai ai majaw mung, machyi ai wa nan mung bungli hte rai jang n lu sadi ai lam ni a majaw grau hkam sha galu na lam tai ai majaw, tsi tsi lajang la na ten hte bansa na rai mat ai. Dai majaw hkum hkrang n hkam kaja ai hku nna hkringsa mat sai. C. 1985 ning kaw nna chyum jawng de Wunpawng Jinghpaw ni a Karai hpaji hte seng nna dang lu ai daram sharin na matu ahkang lu ai hte maren sharin mat wa yu yang galaw ra ai bungli Karai hpaji masa grai dam lada ai hpe mu mada wa nu ai. Dai lam ni hpe 1983 ning August shata 12 ya hta sara jan hte rau Jawng-up Sara Kaba Gumse kaw sa nna tang dan nu ai. Sara Kaba Gumse kaw nna nang aten tup galaw u, byin hkra galaw u hpung-up bungli gaw ya Chyum jawng pru na grai nga ai, ndai bungli gaw yawng galaw lu na yak ai nga nna tsun ai. Dai hte maren Rev. Ja Kashain Naw Awn mung Sara Ja Li machyi ai shi na yang atsawm sha tsi lajang ra ai, shi gale kala byin yang amyu ting hkra na nga nna tsun ai nga, kaga masha langai mi Sara Ja Li hpe bai tsun dan ai. Jinghpaw salang nkau mi mung ndai bungli atsawm sha shakut galaw u n-gun sa jaw ma ai. Dai hku rai yang ndai bungli gaw shi galaw ra sai nga hkam la nu ai, hkam la sai hte maren galaw ga nga yang hpung-up bungli hta kapyawn nna galaw na matu n mai byin ai, bungli lahkawng yan grai kyin ai baw hkrai rai nga ai. Bai htap htuk ai lam mung n nga ai, Jinghpaw Karai masa gaw Jaiwa dumsa ni kaw na la ra ai majaw malu masha hkum ai, nat jaw salang ni hte nat jaw hpawng ni hta jawm galaw ra ai. Dai hta kaga Jinghpaw Karai masa sawk tam dabang hpe shata pru Mungna daru de htawt kau dat ai majaw mung Njangdung buga hpung kaw nna htawt mat ra ai. Lahta de na lam kaba masum a majaw hpung bungli kaw na hkring ra mat ai raitim ahkang hpyi ai hku rai yang lu na lam n nga ai majaw tinang hkrai tinang hkringsa mat ai rai. Ngut Sai. HPJ 36

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. KIO/KIA NINGBAW NINGLA NI hte DAI NI A HPANG HKAN MASHA NI Maru Brang Kum (Jeyang IDPs) Wuhpung wuhpawng langai mi na woi-awn ai, Ningbaw Ningla ni hte hpang hkan na masha ni gaw, hkumhkrang langai, myitmang langai hte shada tsawra mahkri shawn magyep kap hkat ra nga ai. Hkristan chyumlaika na Yesu tsun ai ga shadawn langai mi hta, ngai hpang maga n nga ai wa gaw, gumlau maga de rai nga ai, ngai hte kahkyin gumdin n rai ai wa gaw ayai aya rai nga ai Mungkan pinra shinggyim masha tai ai ten ladaw hta, mungkan kaw na tawt lai wa ai hpang, htani htana asak hkyehkrang la ai hkrum lu na matu, myit malai majing lu nna wuhpung wuhpawng hta, tatut shang lawm gun hpai apnawng dawjau ra nga ga ai. Rai n si mat yang, Karai Kasang hpan da ya ai, mungkan mungdan hta asak hkrung nga pra ai ten hta mung, tara rap-ra tengman dinghpring ai, shinggyim ahkaw ahkang hpring tsup ai mungdan hta nga lu na matu wuhpung wuhpawng langai ngai hta shanglawm nna woi-awn ningbaw ningla ni a hpang hkan kaja tai ai mungchying sha ni tai ra ga ai. Daini anhte shanu machyu nga ai, ndai mungdan hta, lusut lusu ai. Masha n-gun law ai. Laknak n-gun kaba ai. Hpaji hparat kungkyang chye chyoi ai ningbaw ningla ni woi-awn ai wuhpung kaba kaw nna, tinang amyu shadip jahpang mungdan, gumrawng gumtsa shanglawt lu ai mungdan hpe dip sha, roi sha hkrum nga ai. Dai kaw nna lawt mat wa lu hkra, masha n law ai amyu ni laknak n lu, n law ai amyu ni asai salu salat hte sihkrung sihtan jamjau shoihpa hkrum nna magwi hte bainam (snr) jingling u kasha hte magwi majan byin ai hpa, gasat hkat nga ai ten rai nga mali ai. 37

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 Daini ning re ai ten ladaw hta, nang, ngai anhte ni lata la na shinggyim ahkaw ahkang lu ai hkrai re majaw, lata la nna tinang lata la ai maga de, jan rap, hkrak rap rai nna tsap ra sai. Walang n mai gale ai, hpatsip n mai tai ai. Lagaw hpe chyen chyen lakrang nna n mai tsap ai. Maga mi de zeng rai tsap nna tinang man ang ai bungli hpe kangka gun hpai sa wa ra ai. Jingling U shangun ai bungli hta, Uhka mung shi dangdi lu ai atsam hte bungli gun sai. Machyi, jinu mung shi gun hpai ang ai bungli gun hpai sai. Ashu mung shi gun hpai ang ai bungli gun hpai sai. Shahten yawng woiawn ai wa a ga hpe kangka gun hpai ai majaw, magwi hpe gasat dang lu masai. Ndai mabyin hpe yu yang, woi-awn ai wa (snr) woiawn ai ni hpaji daw ai lam jaw ra ai hte hkan nang hkan sa ai ni htep lahti hkan nang hkan sa let, hpang hkan kaja tai ra nga ai. Lu ai lagaw lahkawng hpe lakrang nna tsap na ten n rai sai. Magwi hpe kam nna tinang amyu hpe yu kaji ai ni gaw hpang jahtum e n-gun ja ai magwi hte rau kaya hkrum myiman sum na lam sha nga ai. Anhte yawng hkum hkrum tatut lam langai mi hpe naw bai jawm yu yu ga. Ndai laika ka ai wa gaw npawt ndung hkren tatut shanglawm let byin yu mu yu sai re yaw. 1968-1978 ning laman e, mungdan kaba langai mi a karum madi shadaw ai hkam la let, hpyen n-gun laknak n-gun grai kaba ai hte Myen mung KummunitPati ngu ai pru wa ai ten, anhte a hpyendap hpyenla ni gaw laknak nga yang, hpai hkrawk hpaihkrak sha hpai labu palawng jeje rai, tsi, shakrat hte mawng matsan mayan re ten re ai. Hpyen wa a laknak nampan ni hpe sharawng kam kaba nna KIO. KIA ngu ai hpe yu kaji nna Karai makam n nga ai Kummunit hpung de yan shang nna aw law lai wa yu sai. Ngai hpe mung Ndau Krang ngu ai Du Kaba wa a hpyenla ni (15.5.1971) ya shana yuptung hkying 11:30 Pm hta tinang nta nhku kaw na sanat madi nna woi mat wa ai. Mung Ya Pa ngu ai kaw nhtoi 20 ya dang sharen da ai shaloi, KIO. KIA hte n gap hkat ai myit gan hkrum ai ten re majaw, dai ten woi-awn ai Ninghtawn Du 2 kaw na aja awa hkan tsun ai hte angwi apyaw bai dat dat ya sai. Makam masham lam hpe jahkrit ai lam rai nga ai. Ndai Myen mung Kummunit ni gaw ningnan daw hta jagumhpraw n-gun laknak n-gun hte grai hkik hkam awngdawng ai zawn rai timung, Karai makam n lawm ai re majaw hte, mungshawa madi shadaw ai lam hkrat mat wa ai hpang Karai makam lawm ai KIO. KIA ningbaw ningla ni woi-awn ai lam galu kaba wa sai. Shaning 10 ning laman Kummunit ni shang chyinglau lai mat wa ai shingnyip shingna dam gaw daini du hkra machyi chyinghkraw galu hkamsha ai zawn rai nga ai. Kummunit ni grau mahta nna uphkang lai mat wa ai shara hkan na mungshawa, Hka Lup Hpung masha ni gaw daini du hkra tsa chyaru shadu, tsa chyaru hpaga ga ai, tsa chyaru lu ai lam gaw, sut masa galaw ai she re ngu nna hka lup hpung npawt kaw na uphkang n dang ai laklai shai ai Hka Lup Hpung zawn hkamsha sai. Anhte kamhpa nga ai ningbaw ningla KIO. KIA ni mung, hpyendu, hpyenla ni law law mung Kummunit ana ( ရ ဂ ) kap la nna Karai n nga ai hku nga lai wa ai ten law law rai sai. Dai hta n ga tsa chyaru gaw, sut masa she re gumhpraw lu ra ai, tsa chyaru gaw moi na Jiwoi Jiwa htunghking lu sha re nga nna daini du hkra lu sha ai ning re ai lam naw hkamsha nga ga ai n rai ni? Shanhte a hpang hkan ai mungchying sha ngu na nawku ai hpung masha ni mung makam masham n-gun yawm mat sai. KIO. 38

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. KIA up ai ginra ni hta Karai hpe shingdu kayin nna, laban shani she rau ai, laban shani she masha hkum ai nga nna laban shani shagu, hpawng chyawm nhtoi, rung dung nhtoi, mu tsun nhtoi tai mat wa ai re. Law malawng mu gun masha ni kawa la ni gaw laban shani laban nawku sa ai baw n rai sai. Tsa lu ai nhtoi masha gyit, mu tsun jawat hkat ai nhtoi she tai mat sai. Daini du hkra hkristan kawa la ni laban nawku n chye sa mat ai. Hpa baw nawku hpawng nga tim kanu num ni hkrai hpawng ai num hpawng hkrai rai mat sai. Bai nna anhte a ningbaw ningla ni (mying gaw n tsun sai) anhte Dap Ba 4 ginra Dap Dung 2 Dap Up Du Kaba wa woi-awn let, Gyu Htang Kahtawng na, Nat Myihtoi, Hpaute Naw ngu ai wa hpe shaga tawn nhtawm, myihtoi shayu ai. Nga 2 htau sha hkra, nat jaw poi woi galaw yu sai. Karai hpe shingdu kayin nna nat hpe kam lakhpoi hkanhpa kam re ai ten nga lai wa sai. Ya myi mu tatut byin lai mat wa ai mabyin langai mi naw tsun jat naw yaw. Kahtawng mying gaw n tsun sai. 1971 ning, December shata hta bum ntsa kaw dap jung ai Myen hpyen ni gaw mare ningbaw wa hpe shaga ai shaloi, mare ningbaw wa myenga n chye ai majaw, nang hpung up wa naw lung u nga mare ningbaw hte mare masha ni yawng, shadut tik tik rai masai. Hpung up wa kade ningdang timung mare salang ni grai pawt wa ai hte kaning n di nna lung wa sai. Dai bum lam kaw Kummunit ni hkam tawn ai bawm hta 1.1.71 ya shani kapaw si mat sai. Kaja wa nga yang Kummunit shingkang ja ai ten re majaw mung rai, dai mare kahtawng hta nawku hpung kayau kaya law law jawm nga ai shara re ai. Kummunit ni hte pawng nna dai hpung up wa hpe gyam sat kau ai lam byin lai wa sai. Hpung up wa a moi mang hpe laika ka ai wa sa woi makoi mayang ai. Daini shi a lupding lup-ra hpe dai buga nawku hpung ni ngang kang gaw sharawt nna labau bungli galaw da masai. Mahkrum madup ndai lam ni hpe ngai dingla wa naw tsun hkai dan na yaw. Tawng marang mi Kummunit shingkang ja wa ai ten, tinang amyusha KIO. KIA a hpang hkan masha nkau mi gaw moi na maumwi hta na ga ai, mare ting nga hkwi sa yang kanu n tsawm ai lu ai jahkrai ma wa, kanu tsawm ni hpe nga hkwi ya kau ai maumwi the maren KIO. KIA hpe shingdu kayin nna tsawmhtap hkikhkam ai Kummunit ni a hpang hkan shut kau ai mabyin re. Kummunit ka-up lai wa ai ginra na masha ni yawng chye ai. Ngai dingla wa ya hkyak hkyak byin masa lam langai mi naw tsun na. Ngai tsun shut nna mara shagun mayu ai masha nga yang ngai hkrai mara hkam la na nngai. Chyurum sha ni myu lakung 7 nga ai hta na, Jinghpaw Wunpawng ngu ai gasi hpe n hkap la mayu, n ra sharawng ai majaw nga nna, lakung 7 kawn pru nna n-gun ja ai hkikhkam tsawmhtap chye chyang ai ni kaw n-gun gang nna tinang mungdaw mungdan gaw gap la sana. KIO. KIA ahpang hkan masha nkam tai shakre wa ai ni nga wa ai zawn rai nga ai lama na nga mayu wa yang sadi la ga chyurum tai lu ai hta she myit dik arawng la ga. Myit malai lu mu dai n rai yang, hpang jahtum e madu rawng nga ai, htingbut htingra dum nta tam shamat na, n tsawm tim, n chye tim, matsan tim, chyuruma lakung 7 hte gaw, KIO. KIA a hpang hkan masha she tai ga. Bai nna mungkan a byin masa gashadawn langai mi hpe naw yu yu ga. (Teng byin masa) Mungkan hta, mungdan lu ai hpang hkrat ai ngu lu ai, American Mungdan gawgap la lu ai gaw 1780 ning daram hta, Karai hpe kamsham manoi manat, akyu hpyi nna myit 39

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 hkrum mangrum kahkyin gumdin ai hte asak dubaw law law arang bang nna gawgap la lu ai. American mungdan a lam hpe yu yu ga. Shanhte hpe woi-awn ai ningbaw ningla ni gaw Karai hpe hkrit hkungga makam kri dung ai ni rai ma ai. Dai ni gaw: 1. Gorge Washington (1789-1797) 2. John Adame (1797-1801) 3. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) Ndai mungdan gawgap ai kaji kawa ni gaw Karai hpe kamsham hkrit hkungga nna tinggyeng akyu shagawm kau nna ruyak jamjau hkam let, mungdan shawng woi gawgap ai ni re. Shanhte jai lang ai American Dolor hta nan, Karai Kasang anhte hte rau nga ai ngu ai gasi shakap tawn ai. Shanhte gaw, Karai the rau re majaw, galu kaba lawan ai. Mungkan gara mungdan mung shi hpe machye machyang lam lu sut lu su lam hpyen laknak n-gun atsam lam shingjawng gwi ai n nga ai. Dai hte maren, daini hkyak hkyak gumsan magam tai wa ai, John Trump gaw shi hte gumsan magam shingjawng manang wa dang na hkrak rai nga sai kaw nna, American mungchying sha ni myit yu na, ga hkaw mi tsun shapraw dat ai dai gaw; Ngai American mungdan a gumsan magam tai wa jang, hkawhkam nta hpraw htingnu de Karai hte rau shang wa na nngai. American mungdan gaw Karai ra ai hku she rai u ga ngu ai ga hkaw langai mi hte sindan pa atsawm sha dang mat wa ai rai nga ai, anhte yawng chye ai. Shanhte a ningbaw ningla ni Karai hpe kamsham let kangka sadi dung ai zawn hpang hkan mungchying sha ni yanwg, madat mara kyu hpyi kangka sadi dung yang she, mungdan lu madu ai amyu tai wa lu ma ai, kasi kaja tai lu ma ai. Gadim KIO. KIA Ningbaw Ningla ni mung Ningbaw Kaba, Salang Kaba, Du Kaba tai ai ni kaw nna tsang hte tsang, buga, kahtawng, daw lawk woi-awn ningbaw ningla ni kaw du hkra, makam kri dung ai, tengman dinghpring kangka sanseng, nanghpam lu sha koi gam sadi dung ai ni rai yang, shanhte a hpang hkan ai rudi masha ni hte mungdan sha ni anhte yawng mung, nang hpam mayam kawn lawt nna makam kri dung ai dinghpring kangka sadi dung ai, myu hte mungdan hpe kaja wa tsawra ai, mungchying sha ni tai ra na ga ai. Moi kalang mi, Sama Duwa langai mi myit shut yang, amyu masha yawng ndai daram hkam sha ra ai. Masin n si maroi n ni hpa nan rai nga ga ai. Daini na lang mung anhte yawng marai langai mi shut dat yang, yawng hkam sha ra na rai ga ai. Dai majaw Rawtmalan majan ndai latsa ning mi du yang du KIO. KIA ningbaw ningla ni myit n shut ai zawn, shi a hpang hkan ai ni langai mi mung n mai shut sai ngu 40

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. SHACHYEN SHAGA HKAT AI LAM TSANGGAWK KATA KAW NNA HPANG RA SAI Uma Shadang Shachyen shaga hkat ai lam gaw anhte Chyurum Wunpawng Amyu ni hta laklai ai htunghking ningli langai mi rai nga mali ai. Shachyen shaga ai lam hta mayu da-ma kahpu kanau ngu dikru jung masa daw chyap hkat ai lam mung naw nga mali ai. Shing-re ai htunghking ningli maka kumla ni hta shada da magyep kap makyit mahkai hkat ai lam ni nga nga ai re. Dai majaw anhte Chyurum Wunpawng amyu ni gaw kade e mi garan kau ginhka kau tim ndai zawn re ai 'mayu da-ma kahpu kanau' ngu ai htunghking ni hte shabawn da ai amyu ni re majaw, daw hkat ra, hku hkat ra ai amyu ni rai nga ga ai. Ndai zawn re ai htunghking ningli a lam ni hpe jawng kaw tsang kata kaw nna sharin hpang ra sai ngu mu mada lu ai. Hpa majaw nga yang ya prat kaba ai ni pyi shachyen shaga ai lam shada da daw hkat ai lam hta ra rawng gawngkya ai lam ni nga ai hpe mu mada lu ai. Jawng tsang gawk kata shachyen shaga lam hpe gara hku sharin hpang na ta? nga yang, ma ni sharin ai shaloi shaga mying ; ------ ----------. htinggaw mying ; ------------. rusai mying ; ------------------. bawsang mying ; --------------. amyu mying ; ----------------- ni ginhka chye hkra sharin ya ra ai. Shaga mying ngu ai hta tinang hpe kanu kawa ni shamying ai Ma Gam rai yang. Brang Awng/Brang Shawng/Gam Awng/Hpan Awng zawn re ni hpe ngu ai rai nna, htinggaw mying ngu ai gaw tinang nta masha ni galaw lu galaw sha ai arawn alai hta hkan nna, tsun shaga ai hta hkan nna, nga shara dinghput hting-ra hta hkan nna, kanbau bungli amyu myu hta hkan nna lu la shamying la ai mying ni hpe ngu ai re ai. Rusai mying ngu ai gaw tinang a aru arat ni rusai bawpa ni hpe ngu ai. Rusai ngu ai hta Lahpai rusai, Lahtaw rusai, Labang rusai, Marip rusai, Maran rusai, Nhkum rusai, Magawng rusai ngu ai ni gaw rusai rai sai. Bawsang ngu ai gaw anhte Wunpawng amyu kata e lawm nga ai Nung, Rawang, Azi (Zawa), Maru (Loavo), Lashi (Lachik), Lisu, Jinghpaw ni a mying ni gaw bawsang ni rai sai. Dai hte maren amyu mying ngu ai gaw anhte hta rai yang Wunpawng amyu, kaga ni rai yang Miwa amyu, Sam amyu, Kala amyu, Kayin amyu, Japan amyu, Korea amyu zawn re ni hpe amyu mying ngu ai re. Shing-re ai hpe daini anhte kanu kawa myit-su ni hte ramma ni malawng maga shachyen hkat ai hpe madat yu yang ladat n jaw taw ai lam ni law law nga ai hpe mu mada lu ai. Shachyen shaga ai shaloi nkau mi gaw ngai gaw Nhkum anyu re. Lahpai amyu re. Lahtaw amyu re. Labang amyu re. Maran 41

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 amyu re. Marip amyu re nga ai lam gaw shut ai re. Ndai ni gaw rusai she re hpe chye ginhka ra ga ai. Bai nna nkau rai jang anhte Lahpai bawsang. Nhkum bawsang. Lahtaw bawsang. Maran bawsang. Marip bawsang nga tsun ai ni mung she nga nga ai. Amyu hte bawsang n chye ginhka ai. Htinggaw mying hte rusai mying n chye ginhka ai. Ya prat rai jang mi moi kaji kawa ni shamying hkrat wa ai tinang htinggaw mying ni hpe n kam shamying wa ai. Shaprai kau mayu ai lam ni nga wa ai zawn re ai ni gaw tinang a htinggaw mying hpe nyet kau ai shamat kau mayu ai myit rawng sai lai ladat ni gaw tinang a amyu hpe shamat kau na maka kumla ni re ngu mu mada lu ai. LAILI LAIKA hte MYUSHA SHAWNG LAM No. (1) Lang Na Laili Laika Hkaw-tsun Hpawng Galaw Ai Lam. Wunpawng Salum.(L.Z) Laiza Muklum Sinpraw Majoi Manau Gawknu hta, Ninghtoi;- 23-2-2019 ya shani, jahpawt hkying (9:00 Dai majaw ndai re ai lam ni n byin na matu amyu nganggrin nga na matu, htunghking ningli ni mung matut makawp maga chye wa na matu gaw ma ni hpe jawng kaw tsang gawk kata kaw nna sharin hpang ginlen la ra sai ngu mu mada lu nngai rai. Laili Laika hte Myusha Shawnglam ga-baw hpe mahtaq nna, No.(1) Lang Na Laili Laika Hkaw-tsun Hpawng hte Laika Buk shachyen ai lamang hpe galaw ai lam nga sai. Ndai hpawng lamang gaw, anhte Wunpawng ginra hta kalang mi mung n galaw yu ai magamm bungli hpawng lamang rai nna; shawng ningnan ndai hpawng lamang hpe, Ningshawng Laika-dum kaw na, woi-awn ladat shaw nhtawm; litla galaw shabyin dat ai hpawng lamang rai nna; Myitkyina Gindai Research Institute, Htunghking hte Laili Laika Mgam Dap, Hparat Panglai 42

2019 Volume V, No. I Established 2015. Letters and Option hte seng na tsun sanglang dan ai lam galaw ai. Sara Lapyaw Hkawng Ze kaw nna, Sawk dinglik labau laika, Kachin Review Laika buk hte seng na tsun sanglang nhtawm, Sara-num Sumlut Bawk Hkawn kaw nna; Hparat Panglai Journal hte seng na tsun shachyen sanglang dan ai lam hpe galaw ai. Ginjaw Htunghking hte Laili Laika Magam Dap kawn, Laili Laika Hkawtsun Hpawng hpe madi shadaw ai hku nna, Kachin Research Society Publication dip shaprawq ai, Laikabuk ginhpan 11 (buk yawng 500) hpe du sa ai shawa dawtsa yawng hpe kumhpa garan jaw ai lam galaw sai. Laika-dum, Laiza Muklum Upahkang Rung ni rau mahkri shawn let, galaw ai hpawng lamang rai nga ai. Hkaw-tsun hpawng galaw ai a yaw shada lam gaw, Wunpawng Kachin Amyusha ni laika hpe grau na myit machyu jung sa-wa lu na matu, Laika hti ai a namchyim akyu hpe chyena wa nna; lam shagu myit sawn sumru ai lam hta kungkyang hkumtsup wa lu na matu, Grau na Ramma ni laika hti n-gun kaba wa lu na matu yaw shada let, galaw ai lam rai nga ai. Hkaw-tsun hpawng hta, Sara Lahpai Naw Seng Karai Kasang kaw hpawng a matu kyu hpyi ap ya ai. Ginjaw Hpaji Dap Amu madu, Sara Kaba Marip Naw Htoi (Higher Education Director) kaw nna, Hpawnghpaw shatsam mungga shaga ai. Ningka Sara, Sara Kaba Kareng Bawm Awn (Nang Shayi) hku nna, Laika hti ai amyu ni gaw, galu kaba ma ai; Galu kaba ai Amyu ni gaw, laika hti ma ai ngu ai lashum ga-baw hte, du sa ai shawa ni hpe n-gun jaw la ai. Sara Nbrang Peter Awng Myu San kaw nna, Laws, Saw shaga da ai hte maren; du sa wa ai, makam masham de na, Hpungwoi Sara ni, sumtsan de na Sara ni, Magam Dap, Makan Dap shara shagu de na Magam Gun Hpu-awn Du Salang ni, Hpaji Dap de na Hpaji Du ni, Jawng Sara/num ni, Wunkat shagu de na Wunkat Jawngma ni, Mare buga de na Mungchying Mungshawa Kanu Kawa ni, Ramma ni hte Jawng shagu de na Jawngma ni yawng, marai (700) jan sa du shanglawm madat hkamla ai hte a-ngwi apyaw galaw awngdang la lu saga ai. 43

Established 2015. Volume V, No. I 2019 44