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monitoring. In the case of isolation it has played a role in the physical and mental health recovery. However it is short of analysis of drug abuse inducement and treatments and interventions on the correction of drug addiction which lays hidden risks of relapse. Therefore it calls for a reform shifting from Compulsory Isolated Drug Detoxification to Education and Drug Rehabilitation. SURVEY REPORT Institutional Termination Analysis of the Termination Mechanism of Social Organization Taking Emergency Organization as an Example Zhang Yini 199 Abstract The termination of social organization is a new research field. The present social organization research pays more attention to the traditional organization and neglects the emergency organization which is one kind of the task-oriented organization as well as pays more attention to the sustainable development of the social organizations and ignores the termination and ending mechanism of social organization. Based on qualitative interviews this paper studies the institutional factors and their influences of the termination on social organization by analyzing the termination process of an emergency organization. The research shows that the termination of social organization requires three kinds of institutional factors orientation adaptation and development path. Finally this paper attempts to explore the research field of social organization and expounds the significance of There is termination but no destination. BOOK REVIEW The Social Consequences of Globalization and a Methodology Turn A Review on Chinese Globalization A Profile of People-Based Global Connections in China Tian Feng 217 The Measure of Social Development in the Context of Civilization Comparison A Review on The Measure of Civilization How Social Development Decides the Fate of Nations Liu Zhengying 225 246