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Life About 2008 年春季 Spring 2008 生命之延 放輕腳步保護脆弱的地球 Treading lightly on a fragile world WWF-Canon / Martin Harvey HK$28.00

forlife 大自然的夥伴 Partners James Lam 本會感謝以下贊助商對環境保育的鼎力支持 WWF Hong Kong thanks the following supporters for their commitment to conservation.

行政總裁的話 CEO s message 目錄 Contents 致親愛的讀者 : 我想在此與大家分享一下 本會自上期 生命之延 出版以來發生的幾項大事 首先 廣東省海豐及 福建省漳江口的濕地巳被劃為 拉姆薩爾濕地 印 證本會的保育工作取得了重大成就 相信大家都 有留意本刊早前的報道 承蒙 豐銀行的慷慨捐 助 本會得以協助培訓當地的濕地管理人員及向 當地學生推行教育項目 並開展公眾意識推廣活 動 以激發社區對保育的支持 在本會與中國政府的通力合作下 濕地管理項目取得 了成果 三塊分別位於海豐 漳江口及另一地區的濕地更於 2 月的 世界濕地日 被 列為 拉姆薩爾濕地 此外 賽馬會 豐世界自然 香港 基金會海下灣海洋生物中心已於 1 月 19 日 正式開幕 海下灣海洋生物中心已成為香港及區內領先的海洋教室 學校對參觀活動 的反應非常踴躍 本會的社區教育與行動參與部同事設計了多個既刺激又有趣的教育 項目 以引起學生對環保的興趣 在 拯救海洋大行動 我們促請政府將海岸公園 列為禁捕區 禁止任何商業捕魚活動 而中心的成立亦有助於計劃的推行 我們邀請 了郊野公園及海岸公園委員會成員參觀海洋生物中心 並向他們講解闢建禁捕區的建 議 在乘坐玻璃底船觀賞珊瑚時 其中一人的評語竟是 沒有看到魚 值得令人深思 相信大家在閱讀本刊時 都會發現本會正不斷勇往直前 迎接未來的挑戰 如果 沒有你們 我們決不會取得這些成果 衷心感謝各位的支持 行政總裁 龐毅理 快訊 WWF news...4 人物專訪 WWF People...10 地球上的生態足印 Your footprint, our planet...12 全力以赴 保護森林 Fighting for our forests...15 放輕腳步 減少碳足印 Some small steps to lighten our carbon footprint...18 扭轉滅絕的厄運 Turning the tide on extinction...22 響應 2008 國際珊瑚礁年 簽署 SOS 拯救海洋大行動 請願書 SOS Petition marks 2008 International Year of the Reef...26 高飛展翅 再現生機 Flights of Life...28 Dear Readers, Since our last edition several major events have occurred in the life of WWF Hong Kong. First and foremost was the designation of two wetland Ramsar sites at Haifeng and Zhangjiangkou in Guangdong and Fuijian provinces respectively. Readers will be aware of these sites from previous issues of About Life where WWF, with the generous support of HSBC, established training programmes for resident wetland managers, educational programmes for local students and public awareness endeavours to gain citizen support for this conservation objective. All the parts of the wetlands programme worked well together with the Government of the People s Republic of China designating the sites and one other on International Wetlands Day in February. Secondly, the official opening of the Jockey Club HSBC WWF Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre was held on 19 January. It is poised to be the foremost marine educational facility in Hong Kong and the region. The demand for school tours has greatly exceeded our capacity to deliver programmes, which while not surprising, is gratifying. The CEPA team has created interesting and exciting educational programmes to gain students interest. The Centre is an effective part of our SOS Campaign, particularly as we are pressing the Government to declare Hong Kong s marine parks as reserves where fishing on a commercial basis will not be permitted. We invited members of the Country and Marine Parks Board to visit the Centre where we had an opportunity to present our case for no-take zones. The highlight was a tour of the coral reefs using the glassbottomed boat. One of the members remarked, But there are no fish! As you will read from this issue, WWF Hong Kong is moving forward and the future is exciting as well as challenging. We could not achieve these positive outcomes without your support. Eric Bohm CEO 實踐環保企業 Corporations going green...30 全球首座 零碳 城市 One Planet s city of life...31 環保貼士 Green tips...32 會員專區 Membership corner...33 如有任何意見 請電郵 aboutlife@wwf.org.hk For comments, email aboutlife@wwf.org.hk. 世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF Hong Kong 香港灣仔軒尼詩道一號熙信大廈 10 樓 1002 室 Suite 1002, Asian House, 1 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: (852) 2526 1011 傳真 Fax: (852) 2845 2734 電郵 Email: wwf@wwf.org.hk 網頁 Website: http://www.wwf.org.hk 25% 版權 2008 本會保留所有版權 Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. 印刷 Printing: 精雅印刷有限公司 Printed by Elegance Printing Company Limited 此印刷品以 FSC 認證紙張和含植物油油墨印製 包含再造物料 產品組源自良好管理的森林 受控的來源及再循環木材或纖維 This magazine is printed on FSC certified paper, containing recycled materials and using vegetable oil-based inks.

快訊 WWF news 擴大保護區範圍 protection 硬礁 Hardy Reef 北部 NORTHERN TERRITORY 俯瞰位於澳洲大堡礁及珊瑚海的硬礁 Hardy Reef, aerial view. Great Barrier Reef & Coral Sea, Australia. 瑚海 The Coral Sea 這兒的 物種豐富多樣 同時孕育著一些全 球所剩無幾的健康海洋生物種群 包括 雙髻鯊以至魔鬼魚 這些物種在世界其 他地方都正遭過度捕撈 然而 我們卻不能因此鬆懈下來 愈 來愈多漁船闖進珊瑚海的珊瑚礁 進行 非法捕撈活動 以滿足人類對魚翅持續 上升的需求 而事實上 在許多地方不 少物種的數目已較 1950 年代銳減了接近 90% 雙髻鯊便是其中之一 因此 世界自然基金會已促請澳洲政 府 將延綿數百萬平方公里的原始珊瑚礁 的四分之三劃為保護區 如大堡礁一樣受 到保護 屆時此範圍將列作珊瑚海海岸公 園 Coral Sea Marine Park 並成為全 球最大的海洋保護區 更將是無數海洋生 物的天堂和安樂窩 為那些棲息於全球少 數天然海洋生境 但仍面對非法捕撈威脅 的海洋生物 提供保護 世界自然基金會現呼籲政府及早行 動 加強對最原始的珊瑚礁生態系統的保 護 避免海洋環境繼續惡化 珊 4 About Life Spring 2008 T 西澳大利亞州 WESTERN AUSTRALIA he Coral Sea: preciously diverse and home to some of the healthiest marine populations remaining in the world, from hammerhead sharks to manta rays, many of which have already been overfished in other parts of the world. But that s no reason to sit back and relax; the Coral Sea s reefs are increasingly being targeted by illegal fishing boats to meet the growing demand for shark fins. In fact, global populations of species such as the hammerhead shark have plummeted catastrophically by almost 90 percent in some areas since the 1950s. That s why WWF has called on the Australian government to put three-quarters of a million kilometres of largely pristine ocean 南澳大利亞州 SOUTH AUSTRALIA 昆士蘭州 QUEENSLAND 新南威爾士州 NEW SOUTH WALES 維多利亞 VICTORIA 塔斯曼尼亞 TAZMANIA reefs under the same protective umbrella as the Great Barrier Reef. This would set its boundaries as the Coral Sea Marine Park, the world s largest marine reserve and sanctuary, and a safe haven for countless marine creatures currently being poached in one of the last few examples of an unspoiled marine habitat. WWF s call for protection highlights an urgent need to increase protection for one of the most pristine coral reef ecosystems, before it is too late. WWF-Canon / Jürgen Freund; map by Emilio Rivera III Extending the zone of

保護自然 改善環境 著名靈長類動物學家珍古德 Jane Goodall 博士於 2007 年 11 月 25 日到訪米埔自然保護區 利用自然 保護區內優美的自然環境 啟發大眾積 極改善環境 當日 博士亦與 60 名年 青人 一同進行本會配合其 根與芽 Roots and Shoots 計劃而設計的 多項保育意識推廣活動 Making a difference 我們可從自然保護區看到 人類為環 境所帶來的正面改變 在米埔內 珍古 德博士協助中學生清除屬本港入侵物種 的攀緣植物 而小學生亦走進保護區 在大自然下寫生 繪畫出蜻蜓和其他所 見物種的美態 珍古德博士是首位發現黑猩猩懂得製 造工具的科學家 她舉行世界巡迴演講途 經本港 便藉此機會到訪米埔自然保護區 讓她不但可一睹聞名已久的黑臉琵鷺 並 得以忙裡偷閒 享受大自然 C elebrated primatologist Jane Goodall visited the Mai Po Nature Reserve on 25 November 2007, using the reserve s idyllic surroundings to inspire ecological empowerment and involve a group of 60 children in a series of awareness activities organised by the WWF for Goodall s Roots and Shoots programme. The reserve demonstrated the positive differences that human efforts can make, as Goodall helped secondary school students tear out climber plants, an invasive species in Hong Kong. Primary students drew inspiration from the setting to draw pictures of dragonflies and other species they had seen. Goodall, who was the first scientist to spot tool-making in chimpanzees, was stopping over in Hong Kong as part of a worldwide tour. The time she spent in the reserve also offered Goodall, who was seen admiring black-faced spoonbills, a chance to take a quiet break from her exhausting travel itinerary. 珍古德博士在世界巡迴演講期間到訪米埔 Goodall visited Mai Po as part of a worldwide tour. Bena Smith 小朋友向珍古德博士展示 T 設計 Children showing Goodall their tee-shirt designs. Spring 2008 About Life 5

快訊 WWF news 近距離體驗自然生態 WWF Hong Kong 為了讓參觀人士可近距離觀賞野生 動物的自然生態 本會特別興建 了一條全長 600 米的新木橋 接駁現時 位於米埔邊境禁區外的浮橋 以穿過潮 間帶紅樹林 通往較深入后海灣泥灘的 新觀鳥屋 興建木橋工程的大部分支出由一名不 願透露姓名的贊助人支付 而其餘資金則 T 來自地產商長江實業 集團 有限公司及 本會每年舉辦的香港觀鳥大賽所籌得的款 項 走到木橋上 大眾可更近距離觀賞壯 觀的候鳥遷徙景象 而新觀鳥屋亦可同時 容納多達 30 名觀鳥人士 讓他們能飽覽數 以萬計棲息於后海灣的遷徙水鳥的生態 新的觀鳥屋能讓我們進一步認識和明白泥 灘生態系統及系統所扶養的多元化物種 WWF Hong Kong 6 About Life Spring 2008 here s nothing like observing an animal right up close in its natural habitat to really appreciate its way of existence. That s why a new 600-metre boardwalk has been built at the Mai Po Nature Reserve, extending the existing structure through the inter-tidal mangrove to a new floating hide further out on the Deep Bay mudflats. Most of the boardwalk was paid for by an anonymous donor. Contributions also came from property company Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, and donors of WWF s annual Big Bird Race fundraising event. It gives visitors a firsthand glimpse into natural spectacles like magnificent seasonal bird migrations and the bird hide allows 30 birdwatchers at a time to view a plethora of water birds on their stopovers in Deep Bay during migration. The newlyimproved viewing area will also enhance the understanding and appreciation of the mudflat system and the rich web of life it supports.

海洋教室正式開幕 WWF s sea life lessons 本會人員與贊助機構代表一同參與中心的開幕儀式 WWF Hong Kong officials and sponsors officially open the centre. 豐世界自然 香港 基金會海 賽馬會 下灣海洋生物中心現已開幕 成為亞 Jan Keung / WWF Hong Kong Jan Keung / WWF Hong Kong 中心內的珊瑚雕塑 Coral sculpture in the centre. sia s first classroom on the sea at the Jockey Club HSBC WWF Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre has been opened by WWF Hong Kong. The centre, which offers an exciting view into a diverse collection of marine life, is situated in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, located at the north of the Sai Kung West Country Park. Its impressive walkway forms an educational bridge between land and sea and showcases over 60 coral and 120 fish species. The centre arranges hands-on educational programmes that are highly creative and offer a real life experience of the ocean world. We are entering an era of discovery learning, says Eric Bohm, CEO of WWF Hong Kong. This centre is strategically placed to provide Hong Kong students with a truly unique learning experience. WWF Hong Kong 洲首個 海上教室 這座海洋生物中心 位於西貢西郊野公園北端的海下灣海岸公 園內 讓參觀人士觀賞富饒的海洋生物 這座海上中心以行人天橋與陸地連 接 讓參觀人士有機會欣賞超過 60 種珊 瑚及 120 種魚類 學習海洋保育的知識 中心亦舉辦多項別具創意的親身考察教學 活動 藉以體驗奇妙的海洋世界 世界自然基金會香港分會行政總裁龐 毅理先生表示 我們已進入一個以探求 學習為主的年代 而中心的有利位置讓香 港學生可體驗一個獨特的學習過程 A 多用途活動室 Multi-function room at the centre. Spring 2008 About Life 7

快訊 WWF news 12 月在印尼峇 聯合國氣候會議於去年 里島舉行 世界自然基金會香港分 會氣候項目主管宋利民亦有出席會議 該 會為近年來最重要的環境高峰會之一 雲 集全球各國的環境部部長 他們在聯合 國新一輪的氣候會議中 討論有關氣候 變化的問題 會上 各國代表訂立減排 目標 計劃在 2020 年前將溫室氣體排放 量 減少至較 1990 年水平少 25 至 40% 在為期 15 日的會議中 有代表引述跨政 府間氣候變化專家小組的第四次評估報告 的結果 指出全球溫室氣體排放最遲須在 2020 年前開始減少 才能使全球氣溫維 持在工業革命前水平相比高出不多於攝氏 兩度 亦提到全球每年有兩成的溫室氣體 是由於砍伐森林所引致 儘管會議已為各國訂立減少全球溫室 氣體排放的新框架協議定出路線圖 以取 代將於 2012 年屆滿的 京都議定書 但 仍未就具體減排目標達成共識 各國代表 將加緊協商 務求在 2009 年的限期前 定 出後 京都議定書 的新框架協議細節 於 2012 年後實行的協議內容將包括工業 化國家的新減排目標 以及新的框架協議 根據新的協議 中國 包括香港 印度 及巴西等國家亦會採取減排措施 峇 里 各國領導齊集尋求氣候變化解決方案 LEADERS MAP SOLUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE T he Indonesian island of Bali became the setting for one of the most important environmental summits in decades. Liam Salter, Head of WWF Hong Kong s Climate Programme, was present as the world s environment ministers gathered in December for the latest round of UN climate negotiations in Bali to talk about climate change. While they were there, they mapped out plans to cut emissions by 25 to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 in developed countries. During the 15-day meeting, they referred to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change s 4th Assessment Report, which said that global emissions have to start declining no later than 2020 to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels. It was also acknowledged that 20 percent of the world s annual emissions came from deforestation. Although the summit resulted in the mapping out of a process for bringing all countries into a new framework for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, they were unable to agree on a suitable level of emissions targets. The countries will now enter an intensive negotiation process to decide the details of the post-kyoto framework with the deadline set at the end of 2009. The post-2012 deal will include new emissions targets for industrialised countries and a new framework under which countries such as China (and therefore Hong Kong), India and Brazil will also take action. WWF-Canon / Andrew Kerr 8 About Life Spring 2008

新拉姆薩爾濕地誕生 New Ramsar sites 位於中國內地沿岸的海豐及漳江口濕 地自然保護區已獲列為國際重要的 拉姆薩爾濕地 本會為此感到欣喜 拉姆薩爾公約 由多國政府聯手制定 為濕地保育訂立國際標準 本會亦積極參 與海豐及漳江口保護區的保育工作 以使 該兩個保護區符合標準 廣東省的海豐濕地由海豐自然保護區 管理局負責管理 近年來不但在該地再度 發現鵜鶘及其他瀕危物種的蹤跡 並記錄 到約 100 隻黑臉琵鷺 而全球而言 該鳥 種的數量僅有 1800 隻 至於漳江口自然保 護區 則扶養了福建省內最大的紅樹林 designated WWF is pleased to announce that its partnerships in Haifeng and Zhangjiangkou, two coastal wetland nature reserves in mainland China, have been designated as Ramsar sites, recognising their global importance. The Ramsar Convention is the name of an intergovernmental treaty that has set international standards for wetland conservation and WWF was keen to get Haifeng and Zhangjiangkou to meet these standards. Haifeng, in Guangdong, is under the aegis of the Haifeng Nature Reserve Management Bureau. In recent years, it has seen the return of pelicans and other endangered species. Around 100 black-faced spoonbills, out of a global population of 1,800, have been spotted at Haifeng. As for Zhangjiangkou, it is home to the largest natural mangrove forest in the Fujian province. 海豐濕地取得成功 反映在生態與經濟價值之間取得平衡是可行的 那裡主要扶養了蝦和蠔等水產 The site, which raises mainly shrimp and oyster, is used to demonstrate the possibility of balancing ecological value and economic value. WWF Hong Kong Spring 2008 About Life 9

人物專訪 WWF People 認識本會人員 林偉基, 本會的網頁統籌, 於 2004 年加入本會 他負責管理本會網站及提供支援工作, 亦透過電子通訊及其他網站等網上媒體, 推廣本會的保育訊息 林偉基熱衷潛水及海底攝影, 亦喜歡周遊列國, 並因此開始關注地球環境, 他說 : 遊歷的地方愈多, 我便愈懂得欣賞自然和環境的奇妙 我們有責任保護環境, 讓下一代亦能體會大自然之美 他相信要在經濟發展與環境保護之間取得平衡, 是現時香港遇到的最大障礙 他希望香港市民少用膠袋, 政府亦應盡快徵收膠袋稅, 他說 : 少用膠袋不但對環境有正面的影響, 亦是大家都可做到的事 在個人方面, 林偉基表示會透過選用慳電膽 不將電器留在備用狀態, 以及盡量使用公共交通工具, 以減少碳足印 他認為港人都關注環境問題, 但真正為保護環境而付諸行動的卻不多 香港人不要只顧著工作, 應多到郊外走走, 學習欣賞自然美態, 為保護環境出一分力 Adam Minu, WWF Hong Kong s webmaster, joined the organisation in 2004. He maintains and provides support to the WWF Hong Kong website. He also helps promote the WWF conservation message through online media such as enewsletters and third-party websites. He is an avid scuba diver and underwater photographer. He says he became concerned about the state of the earth s environment when he started travelling around the world. The more I travel, the more I appreciate the wonderful things that nature and the environment give us. I think it s our obligation to save the environment for future generations. Minu also believes that balancing economic development with protection of the environment is the biggest challenge facing Hong Kong today. He d also like to see people in Hong Kong reduce the use of plastic bags and perhaps have the government impose a tax on such bags. It s a simple and easy way for everyone to contribute and the impact to the environment is huge, Minu says. On a personal level, Minu says he is working to reduce his footprint by using energy saving light bulbs and by turning off the standby modes on his electrical appliances and by using public transportation. He believes Hong Kong people are aware of the problems the environment faces, but their actions are minimal. I think Hong Kong people should spend less time in the office and go to the countryside more often. Hopefully they will learn to appreciate the beauty of nature and do things to protect our environment. 林偉基網頁統籌 Adam Minu, Webmaster 戚瑛育, 本會的華南濕地項目主任, 曾於 2005 年效力本會, 其後於 2007 年再次加入 她在香港大學修讀環境生命科學系, 並決定從事保育的工作, 為什麼? 她說 : 我希望為地球上的生物, 創造更美好的生活環境 戚瑛育認為, 保護香港環境的最大障礙並非要提高市民的環保意識, 而是要他們採取實際行動 她說 : 政府必須就管制空氣 水質或固體廢物的污染訂立政策, 以盡快處理本港的環境問題 為緩解發展帶來的壓力, 亦有需要制定相應措施, 鼓勵社會各界人士一同參與環保 其後她補充說 : 關注環境生態的人愈來愈多, 與十年前相比, 現時市民更重視環境問題, 並更積極參與環保活動 戚瑛育相信, 市民如要真正改變現況, 他們需 反思自己日常的習慣, 思考社會鼓吹的生活模式是否正確, 把自己認為是對的生活態度實踐出來 Polly Chik, WWF Hong Kong s South China Wetlands Project Officer, first joined the group in 2005 and rejoined in 2007. She studied Environmental Life Science at the University of Hong Kong and then decided to step into the field of conservation. Why? I want to help make it a better world for all creatures to live in, she says. Chik feels that the biggest environmental obstacle facing Hong Kong is not that public awareness needs to be raised, but that people need to take real action. To quickly address Hong Kong s environmental problems, the government policy on pollution control, be it air or water or solid waste, has to be set up, Chik says. To alleviate development pressures, mechanisms to engage the public in a wider extent have to be developed. More people are beginning to show concern about the environment they are living in, she adds. They become concerned about the environmental issues, compared with a decade ago, and that their participation is more proactive now. Chik believes that for Hong Kong people to really make a difference, they need to rethink critically whether what they have been doing, and what they are encouraged to do, is right or wrong. Take steps to achieve what they think is right. 戚瑛育華南濕地項目主任 Polly Chik, South China Wetlands Project Officer 10 About Life Spring 2008

WWF People 薛綺雯教授, 世界自然基金會香港分會理事, 於 90 年代中開始參與本會工作, 而海洋生物學家的工作亦喚起了她對環境的關注 她說 : 我了解到自己所關注的動物正陷入困境, 所以必須為此出一分力 薛綺雯一直進行有關珊瑚礁魚類及漁業資源的研究工作, 透過研究及教育, 了解及保護魚類品種及漁業資源 她表示 : 我亦嘗試制訂完善可行的管理及保育方案 我在本地及世界其他國家, 均有進行瀕危及易危動物品種的保護及研究工作 她認為保護香港環境的最大障礙是 政府對環境問題欠缺承擔 她說 : 政府沒有先見之明, 也不甚了解保育與發展並非對立的概念 我們必須明白, 魚類數量日漸減少, 漁業亦會隨之衰竭 薛綺雯相信, 香港需要保護生存受到威脅的海洋物種 成立全面禁捕的海岸保護區, 以及大幅改善過度捕魚的情況 在個人方面, 她會盡量將廢物回收, 並盡可能減少乘搭飛機, 也不會進食受威脅的品種 她亦認為港人可在保護環境方面扮演更重要的角色 我認為大家都要成為一個更負責任的消費者, 這是改變商界作業操守最有效的方法之一 可惜, 我們並沒有好好利用這個條件 Professor Yvonne Sadovy, Trustee of WWF Hong Kong, has been involved with the organisation since the mid-1990s and says that her work as a marine biologist made her concerned for the environment. I came to learn that the animals I cared about were in trouble so I had to do something about it, Sadovy says. In her present position, she studies the fishes and fisheries of coral reefs and works to understand and preserve species and fisheries through research and education. I also try to develop sound and practical management and conservation solutions. I work both internationally and locally on exploited and vulnerable species. She believes that the biggest environmental obstacle facing Hong Kong is a lack of political commitment to environmental issues. There is no vision and little understanding that conservation and development do not have to be enemies. After all, losing fish also means losing fisheries, she says. Sadovy believes Hong Kong needs to protect its threatened marine species, introduce fully protected marine areas to Hong Kong and significantly reduce over-fishing. On a personal level she is recycling more, trying to avoid airplane trips and she doesn t eat any species that are threatened. She also believes Hong Kong people can play a bigger role in protecting the environment. I think we could all be more responsible consumers. It is one of the most powerful tools we have to change the practices of companies and businesses, and we don t use it nearly enough. 薛綺雯教授世界自然基金會香港分會理事 Professor Yvonne Sadovy, Trustee of WWF Hong Kong 黃麗媚, 市場推廣及基金籌募部高級經理, 於 2003 年加入本會 旅遊讓她體驗自然美景, 並驅使她保護地球的環境 她嘗試鼓勵市民及機構為保護環境作出實際行動, 但要改變人們的心態絕非容易 在個人方面, 她會乘坐公共交通工具 盡可能選購本地出產的食物及關掉留在備用狀態的電器, 以減少碳足印 她認為香港人的環保意識已有所提升 : 現時, 市民對氣候變化問題更表關注, 因為大家都注意到冬天的時間愈來愈短了 Josephine Wong is the Senior Manager of Corporate Marketing and Fundraising who joined WWF Hong Kong in 2003. Travelling also brought her into contact with the environment and that has driven her desire to protect the environment. She tries to influence people and organisations to take concrete actions to protect the environment, but says it s not easy to change peoples mindsets. On a personal level, she uses public transport to help the environment and buys local food if possible as well as turning off the standby modes of electrical appliances. She believes Hong Kong people are making progress and yes, people are more concerned about climate change. We all aware our winter is getting shorter, she said. 黃麗媚市場推廣及基金籌募部高級經理 Josephine Wong, Senior Manager of Corporate Marketing and Fundraising Spring 2008 About Life 11

封面故事 Cover story 地球上的 生態足印 Your footprint, our planet 為何與我息息相關 天 然資源消耗 我們的城市每天都耗用大量資源 而 與其他富裕城市一樣 香港高樓大廈林 立 形成一堵堵高牆 將我們與大自然隔 絕 大家或者以為 要到海灘或郊野公園 舒展身心的時候 才能接觸到大自然 但 事實上 我們的日常生活與自然生態有著 不可分割的關係 香港被譽為 購物天堂 商品種類繁 多 款式包羅萬有 百貨公司既有著名的 世界品牌 超市也不乏各式環球食品 讓 我們輕易購買到來自世界各地的產品 然 而 正當大家選購各式食品 不時轉換新 款手袋和電子產品的時候 又有多少人意 識到這種消費模式 需要消耗大量地球資 源 才得以維持 試想想家中 幾乎所有電器都是靠化 石燃料推動 扭開水龍頭源源不絕的潔淨 食水 可能來自水源日漸枯竭的華南地區 木製傢具的材料 可能是砍伐自未經管理 的森林 而我們愛吃的海鮮 其實大部分 均為在世界各地捕撈所得的野生海洋生物 除此以外 我們所產生的廢物和污 染 仍以溫室氣體 有毒廢料或固體廢物 的形式 存在於地球某個角落 在此列出以上種種情況 並不是想你愧 疚 而是希望大家能了解人類行為對自然 環境以至地球的影響 如果各人都能盡一 Loss of natural habitats and species There is no doubt that the world is 12 About Life Spring 2008 分力 即使是生活上的小改善 但只要凝 聚千百萬人的力量 齊心協力 影響便會 很大了 O ur consumption of nature Why does it matter to me? Our city has a ravenous appetite for consumption. Like many wealthy cities of the world, the towering concrete around us has become a veil separating us from the natural world. It is easy to forget that our very way of life is still intricately tied to the natural cycle now facing its sixth great extinction of animals and plants (the last one was 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs became extinct). It is caused by human actions habitat destruction (especially the clearing of tropical forests), hunting and, increasingly, climate change. In the last 400 years 83 mammals, 113 birds, 288 other animals and 650 plants have become extinct. But nearly all of

WWF-Canon / Martin Harvey of life, permeating far deeper than occasional visits to beaches and country parks for pleasure. Hong Kong offers a seemingly endless choice of ready-made conveniences. From imported designer goods in department stores to supermarkets laden with food from all over the world, it seems that we have the world at our doorstep. We tend to overlook how much of the earth s precious resources are actually needed to provide the food we buy every day, or the handbags and electronic gadgets we change every other month. Just think about your own home. Almost all of your electrical appliances will be powered by fossil fuel; clean water from the tap probably comes dwindling supplies in southern China, your wooden furniture could come from the clearance of un-managed forests, and the seafood we love is still mostly obtained by hunting wild populations in the world s oceans. If that wasn t enough, the waste and pollution we create remains trapped somewhere on this planet, in the form of greenhouse gases, toxic waste, or solid rubbish destined for landfill. We don t tell you this to make you feel guilty. It really is difficult to keep abreast of how our actions influence the natural world, and ultimately our planet. We do tell you this because even small positive changes in your behaviour can have a massive impact when multiplied by thousands or tens of thousands of people. these have occurred in the last century... the best estimates are that as the world s climate changes rapidly and the remaining tropical forests are cleared, about half of all the world s existing species will be extinct by 2100. Clive Pointing, A New Green History of the World The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilisations 地球的最大威脅 氣候變化 Climate Change the biggest threat 前, 地球環境正面臨最嚴重的威目脅, 就是氣候變化 全球暖化及過度伐木, 導致氣候出現變化, 並對環境造成多方面的影響, 而海平面上升就是其中之一, 但究竟影響有多嚴重, 又或會在何時發生, 我們仍然所知不多 跨政府間氣候變化專家小組指出, 到了 2080 年代, 每年將會有數以百萬計的人遭受水災 英國環境局可持續發展組 (The Environmental Agency Sustainable Development Unit) 於 2001 年表示 : 以前嚴重洪災平均百年一遇, 但現時每 10 年或 20 年便會出現水災 洪水季節可能 Climate change caused by global warming and deforestation the most serious environmental threat facing life on Earth is finally here. Climate change will result in sea levels rising, just one of many impacts. How much, or when, is less well understood. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, millions of people will be hit by flooding every year due to sea-level rise by the 2080s. The Environment Agency Sustainable Development Unit said in 2001: Major floods that have only happened before say, every 100 years on average, may now start to happen every 10 or 20 years. The flood season may become longer and there will be flooding in places where there has never been any before. Here in Hong Kong, sea levels have risen 0.12 metres in the past 50 years. Hong Kong is particularly vulnerable to sea level rises during periods where tropical storms force water towards the coast in the form of swells. Statistics also show that temperatures in Hong Kong 持續更長時間, 一些不曾發生水災的地區亦將會面臨災害 至於香港方面, 在過去 50 年海平面已上升了 0.12 米 颱風吹襲期間, 海浪拍向岸邊, 影響沿岸地區, 令我們深切感受到水位上升對香港的影響 資料數據亦顯示, 香港氣溫的上升速度, 甚至較全球平均速度為快 天文台預測到了 2020 年, 香港將再也沒有冬天 ( 即氣溫低於 12 度的日子 ) 此外, 根據香港理工大學一項研究顯示, 若平均氣溫上升 3 度, 爆發瘧疾等致命傳染病的機會即增加接近 20% have been rising even more rapidly than the global average. The Hong Kong Observatory predicts we will witness the disappearance of winter (days with temperature under 12 C) in Hong Kong by 2020. A 3 C rise in mean temperatures could also increase the epidemic potential of fatal diseases, such as malaria, by nearly 20 percent, according to a study by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. WWF-Canon / Chris Martin Bahr Spring 2008 About Life 13

封面故事 Cover story 什麼是 生態足印 生態足印是一項資源管理工具 它計算人 類使用現有技術 生產所需的資源和吸納 廢物時 所需要的土地和水域面積 人類 使用自然資源以維持生活 而我們的一舉 一動 都會對地球的生態系統造成影響 現時人類的生態足印 較地球再生的 資源多出 23% 即代表地球需要一年零兩 個月的時間 才可再生出人類於一年間耗 用的資源 Global Footprint Network 何不坐言起行 減少生態足印 每一個人都會留下生態足印 我們所吃 所買或所用的全部東西 皆會對自然環境 造成影響 只要留意在衣食住行及日常生活習慣 中耗用的資源 便可計算出個人的生態足 印 身處城市的鋼筋森林之中 令我們難 以察覺人類與大自然其實是息息相關的 即使北極熊感覺到北極圈的氣溫愈來愈 高 也不知如何展開行動 救救地球 同 樣地 面臨生存威脅的鯨魚也不會要求得 到更多保護 只有人類 地球上的萬物之 靈 才能拯救地球上成億上萬的物種 因 此 我們要為全球 60 億的人 還有其他數 以百萬計的物種 肩負起保護環境的責任 為什麼我們要關注發生於數百萬哩以外 的物種滅絕問題 因為 只有人類 才能 保護地球及所有棲息在內的生物 作為地 球的管家 我們必須盡力解決自己製造出 來的問題 現在一切將由你決定 你的每 個行動 每個選擇 都可協助改善地球的 未來 進一步了解有關生態足印的問題 並與本會一同努力 作出正面改變 立即 踏出第一步 讓地球能朝著可持續未來發 展 What is an Ecological Footprint? The Ecological Footprint is a resource management tool that measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes 14 About Life Spring 2008 WWF / Zig Koch 世界自然基金會一直在全球各地積極 推廣自然資源的可持續使用 而每兩年出 版一次的 生生不息地球報告 都會計算 全球的生態足印 以作為人類對地球所造 成影響的指標 我們現時的足印是 1961 年 的三倍 而在 1986 年 全球消耗資源的速 度更已超過地球資源再生的速度 若希望 我們奇妙的地球能繼續扶養人類及各種動 植物的生活 就要出一分力去扭轉現狀 請登入網址 www.panda.org 閱覽 生 生不息地球報告 2006 under prevailing technology. In order to live, we consume what nature offers. Every action impacts the planet s ecosystems. Today, humanity s Ecological Footprint is over 23 percent larger than what the planet can regenerate. In other words, it now takes more than one year and two months for the Earth to regenerate what we use in a single year. Global Footprint Network WWF works globally towards sustainable consumption of natural resources. We produce a Living Planet Report (which calculates the world s ecological footprint) every two years as a measure of our impact on the planet. Our footprint on the planet has tripled since 1961, and in 1986 we crossed the line where global consumption started to exceed the planet s ability to regenerate. This trend must be reversed if our amazing planet is going to continue to support human, plant and animal populations at current levels. For a copy of the Living Planet Report 2006, please visit www.panda.org. Reduce your footprint now Each and every one of us has an ecological footprint. Everything we eat, everything we buy, everything we consume, has an impact on the natural world. You can measure your ecological footprint by looking at the things you eat and buy, the way you travel, and any part of your lifestyle that results in wasteful consumption. The great wall of concrete that divides city and country has made it hard for us to see that we are inter-dependent. We humans are the only species that can save the millions of other species. A polar bear sweating in the Arctic does not know how to call for actions to save the planet; neither does a threatened whale know how to ask for more protection. We have a responsibility to the other 6 billion of our species, and to the millions of other species that share our planet, to act more responsibly. Why should I care about the extinction of a species hundred miles away from me? Simply put, the human species is the only species that can protect the planet and all of its inhabitants. We must be good custodians of the planet and work to solve the problems mankind created. Every action and every change we make today can have a positive impact on the planets future. Check out our latest footprint stories and make the change with WWF. You can bring about positive change by taking the first steps towards sustainability.

專題 Feature WWF-Canon / WWF-Switzerland/A. della Bella 全力以赴 保護森林 Fighting for our forests 森林與我們的日常生活息息相關 由紙張 傢具以至其他木製品 通通都源自森林 然 而 我們卻正肆意濫伐林木 忘記這種天然資源在地球的生態系統扮演的重要角色 Forests are part of our everyday lives, from paper to furniture and other wood products. However, by abusing the planet s wood reserves, we are forgetting the vital role that trees and plants play in the planet s ecosystem. 供應與需求 消費者對木材及紙張的殷切需求 加劇了 世界各地的砍伐林木活動 我們對這些產 品的需求龐大 令森林遭過度砍伐 更導 致全球木材的枯竭 為應付這些需求 我 們在全球各地採購更多木材 森林亦因此 面臨重大危機 根據本會的資料顯示 每年有 1,400 萬公頃的天然森林被砍伐 事實上 在 過去 50 年間 全球已有一半的森林被摧 毀 而在未來 50 年的前景亦不甚樂觀 傳遞護林訊息 雖然森林面臨嚴峻危機 但情況尚未絕 望 只要透過改變消費模式及推行負責任 的採購政策 仍可望扭轉劣勢 本會的木材項目主任李莉表示 隨 著全球對林木砍伐 問題日益關注 人 們亦意識到問題 的嚴重性 並因而 改變消費模式 她 說 大部分消費者 的環保意識不斷提 高 為迎合此 市場趨勢的需求 中國等地的生產商亦推 出各款環保產品 李莉亦指出 就以英國為例 該國 政府已制定政策 推廣負責任的消費模 式 而這些行動對改善環境亦見成效 她 解釋道 透過實行各項政策 鼓勵生產 商以自妥善管理的森林採購所得的木材 製造產品 令這行業作出轉變 並已採 取多項措施 務求讓可持續發展的標準 維持在最高水平 在本會的參與下 非牟利機構林業管 理公會 FSC 於 1992 年成立 以確保 市場提供環保木材及紙製品選擇 下次在 購物時 如看見產品上附有 FSC 標誌 即 代表生產商所用的原材料乃來自按可持續 模式管理的森林 森林佔全球天然資源的 30% 扶養著 地球上三分一的已知物種 而這些都與人 類的生活息息相關 因此我們必須以負責 任的態度 慎用木材這種珍貴資源 Supply and demand A great deal of the world s deforestation is driven by the increasing consumer demand for wood and paper. Our penchant for these products has created a need for excessive logging, which is depleting forests around the globe. And as more and more timber is sourced on all continents, forests are struggling to keep up with the demand. According to WWF, 14 million hectares of natural forest are being stripped each year. In fact, over the past 50 years the planet has lost half of its forests, and the prospects for the next 50 years aren t looking very promising. Spreading the word Things might be looking bleak for our forests, but there are also signs of hope not only in changing consumer patterns, but also through the implementation of responsible purchasing policies. According to Lily Lee, WWF Spring 2008 About Life 15

專題 Feature Hong Kong s Timber Conservation Officer, raising global awareness on issues of deforestation can awaken people s consciousness and transform consumer patterns. Most consumers are now becoming aware of environmental issues, says Lily, so manufacturers in places like China are trying to meet the demands of this market trend. Lily cites places such as the UK, where government policies have been formulated to encourage responsible purchasing, to prove that these actions can actually make a difference. These policies have changed the industry by making manufacturers source wood products from wellmanaged forests, explains Lily, and measures have been taken to keep standards of sustainability at their highest. Non-profit organisations such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which was created in 1992 in part by WWF, have made environmentally-friendly wood and paper products readily available on the market. These products are identified in shops by the FSC logo, which means that the company using the logo has sourced its wood from a sustainable forest. Forests make up 30 percent of the world s natural resources and house one-third of its known species. They connect to our lives in more ways than one and we need to make sure that we respect them by responsibly managing our timber consumption. 林業管理公會 FSC 獲得 FSC 認證的產品 代表其符合了 以下三大條件 森林按可持續原則管 理 保留地方特色 以及在銷售最終 產品時實踐可持續貿易 目前 FSC 標誌在全球已漸見普遍 中國現有超過 300 個由 FSC 管理的森 林 而在世界其他地區的數目亦正不斷 增加 全球森林貿易網絡 GFTN GFTN 是由本會建立的貿易網絡 目的是帶領在供應鏈上以負責任方式採購紙張及木製品 的買家及生產商 攜手消除非法砍伐和推廣可持續森林管理 據本會資料顯示 GFTN 會 員機構錄得每年森林產品貿易總額超過 420 億美元 並訂立了 168 項 FSC 產品貿易協議 The Global Forest Trade Network (GFTN) The GFTN is a trade network created by WWF. It attempts to unite responsible buyers and producers for sourcing paper and wooden products along the supply chain with the common goal of wiping out illegal logging and making the sustainable management of forests a priority. According to WWF, GFTN companies have annual forest product sales of US$42 billion a year and take part in 168 trading deals with FSC products. WWF-Canon / A. Christy Williams The Forest Stewardship Council The FSC label means three major things in terms of certification: that the forest is managed in sustainable way; that the indigenous cultures that live off it are respected; and that it practices sustainable trade at the sales end. The FSC label is becoming more and more visible on a global scale. There are, at present, over 300 FSCmanaged forests in China and a growing number in other parts of the world. 長於婆羅洲北端茂密的熱帶雨林 是位於馬來西亞婆羅洲的沙巴 亦是當地特有品種婆羅洲侏儒象的棲息之地 Dense forest landscape of the northeast tip of Borneo, in the Malaysian state of Sabah, the habitat of the endemic Bornean Pygmy elephant. 16 About Life Spring 2008

改善環境 由我做起 B&Q梁永康 香港店總經理梁永康表 示 FSC 產品已成為該店 的重要產品系列 B&Q 為 Kingfisher 旗下 的附屬公司 產品所用木材均採購自俄羅 斯及東歐部分地區 經 FSC 認證的可持續 森林 梁永康解釋說 B&Q 於 1993 年 開始出售 FSC 認證產品 當時公司訂下木 材採購政策 並開始向獲得產銷監管鏈認 證 chain of custody certification 的供應 商採購木材 他亦強調此舉是將保護環 境放在首位 其次才是盈利 在香港 B&Q 提供的 FSC 認證產品 主要包括地板及園藝傢俬 梁永康說 雖 然自 FSC 木材產品獲得的盈利並不及非 FSC 產品 但 B&Q 仍會迎合環保產品的 潮流 積極推廣 FSC 產品 現時顧客仍以 顏色 款式及功用為主要考慮因素 材料 是否符合環保還是其次 因此這項工作絕 非輕易 梁永康夢想有朝一日 市面上出售 的產品均有 FSC 認證 並希望 FSC 木 製產品逐漸增長的市場佔有率 能改變 消費者的選擇 並提高大眾的環保意識 他說 如果能為下一代締造更美好的環 境 我們願意放棄部分利潤 畢竟地球 環境比利潤更為重要 B&Q 自家品牌的戶外木傢俬擁有 FSC 認證 B&Q s outdoor furniture is made from FSC-certified timber. B&Q WWF-Canon / Michel Gunther B&Q 梁永康 B&Q 香港店總經理 Oliver Leung, General Store Manager of B&Q. Making a difference: O Oliver Leung, B&Q liver Leung is the general store manager of B&Q Hong Kong. FSC products have become an integral part of his product line as B&Q, a subsidiary of Kingfisher, sources FSC timber from sustainable forests in Russia and parts of Eastern Europe. B&Q has been selling FSC products since 1993, Oliver explains, when it formulated a timber policy and began buying from vendors with chain of custody certification. Oliver also stresses that this move was part of a decision to put principles before profit. B&Q s line of FSC products consists mainly of flooring and garden furniture in Hong Kong. The mark up isn t as great as non FSC timber, Oliver says, but B&Q markets FSC products as part of an environmental product drive. This is proving to be difficult, though, as consumers tend to put colour, design and functionality before the environmental integrity of the material. Oliver Leung, who dreams of a market that is 100 percent FSC one day, hopes that as FSC wood products gain a bigger market presence, they will do something to influence consumer tastes and awareness. I m willing to sacrifice some of my profit margin if it means working towards a brighter future, he says. Our environment is more important than profit. WWF CARPO/Peter Ngea B&Q Spring 2008 About Life 17

專題 Feature 放輕腳步 減少碳足印 Some small steps to lighten our 每輛在路上行駕的汽車 每架在天空翱翔的飛機 每盞亮著的電燈 都會消耗化 石燃料 並不斷侵害地球環境的健康 Every car on the road, every plane in the air and every light switch turned on uses fossil fuels that chip away at the future of a healthy environment for our planet. 你的一小步 地球的一大步 我們生活所用的能源 主要依靠燃燒化 石燃料 但在能源生產過程中會釋出溫 室氣體 導致氣候出現變化 並最終會 對動物 海洋生物及人類的生境造成致 命的影響 因此 為了保護生活所需的 天然資源 我們就必須積極減少在自然 環境的生態足印 如果每個人都能盡一分力量 合力減 18 About Life Spring 2008 少碳足印 便可產生重大影響力 扭轉 現時氣候變化的趨勢 減碳小秘訣 二氧化碳的排放量每日都在創新高 這種 氣體會阻隔大氣層 使地球出現溫室效 應 令氣溫上升 引致溫室效應的元兇 除了汽車和飛機這些排放大量二氧化碳的 交通工具外 其實很多生活常用的產品 都會透過用電釋出二氧化碳 例如 在晚 上毋須使用液晶體顯示器時 應關掉電 源 避免留在備用狀態 每年便可減少二 氧化碳排放量 0.2 噸 將五個鎢絲燈泡換 作慳電膽 每年亦可少排 0.5 噸二氧化碳 多買本地種植的蔬果 少買外地進口水果 或過季蔬菜 因為漫長的運送過程會製造 許多二氧化碳 購買進口食品 無疑將間 接令氣候變化問題惡化

WWF Hong Kong 你的碳足印有多少? 我們日常生活中許多的活動, 都會引致氣候變化, 但要我們完全停止這些活動, 卻似乎不大可行 現在, 你只要採取行動, 便可為可持續發展的世界出一分力 你可透過網站, 例如本會的 www.climateers.org, 找出自己的碳足印, 計算在每日生活中排放的二氧化碳量 不妨花幾分鐘的時間, 計算一下你的賬單金額 所乘坐交通工具的碳排放量 耗用電量及淋浴時間, 即可發現只要在生活中作出小改變, 便能對地球環境帶來大改善 WWF Hong Kong One small step for you, one giant step for the planet Our dependence on fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases and cause climate change will ultimately have a lethal impact on animal, marine and human habitats. That s why we must reduce our footprint on our environment if we want to preserve the natural resources on which we so depend. And if each and every one of us makes a small effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we can together make a huge impact and change the path today s current climate is set on. Clues for you to reduce carbon CO 2 emissions, which insulate the atmosphere, are reaching record levels every day, causing the planet to overheat. But it s not just the big emitters like cars and planes that are responsible many of the products we use everyday emit CO 2, through the electricity they use. For example, completely switching off your LCD monitor instead of leaving it on standby at night cuts as much as 0.2 tonnes every year. Replacing five incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent ones cuts another half a tonne per year. And next time you buy an exotic fruit or an out-of-season vegetable in place of a local one, think about the road that led it to you by buying food that has had to travel many miles to reach you, you are actually contributing to climate change in an indirect but very real way. What s your carbon footprint? Many of the things that contribute towards climate change have become so interwoven in our daily lives that it seems impossible to remove them. But you can start making a difference by taking tiny steps towards sustainability. Work out your carbon footprint by using websites such as www. climateers.org to calculate how much the little things you do everyday create a release of CO 2 into the air. Just a few minutes adding up the cost of your bills, emissions from the transport you use, the electricity you use and how long you spend in the shower will make you discover that just small changes could make a huge impact on a global scale. Spring 2008 About Life 19

專題 Feature 改善環境 由我做起 世界自然基金會香港分會財政及行政部幹事白菲菲 Making a difference: Fei Fei Barnes, WWF Hong Kong s Director of Finance & Administration 白菲菲透過積極減少能源消耗及浪 費 培養出更環保的生活習慣 家 本會財政及行政部幹事白菲菲 Fei Fei Barnes, WWF Hong Kong s Director of Finance & Administration. 抵銷碳排放量 二氧化碳排放問題日益嚴重 而低碳生活 就是解決這危機的最佳方法 但由於現代 的生活方式使然 要達到零排放量的目標 又談何容易 雖然減少碳排放量的最為有 效方法為 治本 但若然未能做到 亦可 嘗試透過購買碳排放權 實踐抵銷碳排放 住長洲的菲菲證明了社會的浪費惡習 是 使地球上碳足印增大的元兇 菲菲在小屋的天台上 種植了香草 蔬菜及花卉等植物 她亦留意到島上居民 會利用各種傳統方法善用資源 例如以洗 米水淋花 又或曬製鹹魚和菜乾 減少浪 費 她亦因此得到啟發 菲菲喜於周末划艇 藉著這項 最環保 的運動 近距離欣賞香港海洋環境的美態 經常身處海上 令她深深感受到氣候變化 的影響 更成為她積極求變的推動力 她 深信每個人都應盡一分力 以減少對地球 環境的影響 而她亦身體力行 例如在刷 牙時不會長開水喉 並關掉電器電源 避免 電器留在備用狀態 若她在公餘時乘坐飛 機 亦會購買碳排放權以抵消排放 本會 已為所有出外公幹的員工購買碳排放權 菲菲表示 解決氣候變化問題 並無 單一的方法 但只要每個人都更關注環境 所面臨的危機 並因此改變生活模式 便 可協助改善氣候變化問題 的目標 以補償我們在日常生活中對環境 的破壞 藉著購買碳排放權 為可再生能 源項目等符合環保原則的計劃提供資助 以 減少碳排放量 確保向信譽良好的機構購 買碳排放權 並應及早行動 減少碳排放 量 否則在問題出現後才作補救已是太遲 WWF Canon / Hartmut Jungius 20 About Life Spring 2008 F ei Fei Barnes has taken steps towards a greener lifestyle by massively reducing her levels of energy and waste. Fei Fei, who lives on the outlying island of Cheung Chau, demonstrates how a throw-away society is responsible for the giant carbon footprint being made on our environment. Fei Fei is passionate about growing her own herbs, vegetables and flowers on her modest rooftop apartment. Living there has enlightened her through the observation of how islanders use traditional methods of not wasting things by, for example, watering plants with water used to rinse rice, or by drying fish and vegetables for future use. Carbon offsetting Living a low-impact lifestyle is the best way to deal with the worsening situation of carbon emissions, but with modern life the way it is, zero emissions seem hard to achieve. Although carbon reduction at source is the recommended choice, where it is not available carbon offsetting is a way to compensate for the damage we do to the environment every day by paying for ways to make up for environmental damage. This is in the form of credits that fund environmentally sound projects such as renewable energy projects that help reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Make sure you you completely trust the source selling you these credits, and where possible, make sure that you are reducing your output from the very beginning rather than just compensating for it later.

Ocean kayaking is a typical weekend activity for Fei Fei, as it is about the greenest sports activity you can do as well as an opportunity to observe Hong Kong s marine environment firsthand. Personally observing climate changes on a regular basis is a big motivator for change. Fei Fei strongly believes that everyone should do their bit to reduce the impact of their living habits and she tries to follow that philosophy with measures such as not running the tap when cleaning her teeth, not leaving appliances on standby and offsetting her carbon emissions for personal air travel. (WWF Hong Kong already offsets air travel carbon emissions for all official travel). There is no one single solution to climate change, says Fei Fei, but everyone can make a positive difference by becoming more conscious of what is at stake and amending their lifestyles accordingly, she said. WWF Hong Kong 廢物處理香港約 13% 的溫室氣體來自堆填區 把垃圾回收再造, 可有助減少碳足印 World of waste About 13 percent of Hong Kong s greenhouse gases come from landfills. Recycle your rubbish and you will also be helping to reduce your carbon footprint. WWF-Canon / Roger LeGuen Spring 2008 About Life 21

專題 Feature 扭轉 Turning the tide on 滅絕的厄運 一些簡單的日常小習慣 可助海洋生態得到大大改善 A few simple lifestyle choices could make a big difference for marine life. 你可有想過選擇吃什麼種類的海鮮 均 可能對無數的海洋物種帶來影響 嚴 重的甚至令海洋生態崩潰? 現在我們只要 改變一些習慣 便可把情況扭轉過來 最後的捕獵場所 我們所吃的食物 其實都在影響著環境 為獲得海鮮產品 人類在海洋肆意捕 撈 令這片遼闊的水域 成為地球上唯 一仍然進行大規模捕獵行動的場所 香港人嗜吃海鮮 對海鮮的需求龐 大 提供這種美食的餐館經常其門如 市 而港人更為全球最大的海鮮消費者 之一 平均而言 香港每人每年吃掉約 61 公斤的海鮮 而這些被炮製成桌上佳 餚的海鮮 一直都由本港歷史悠久的漁 業供應 然而 正當大家品嚐這些佳餚時 海 洋生態亦因此受到影響 如果希望未來能 繼續享用到美味的海鮮 就要確保只食用 來自可持續發展漁業的海鮮 影響深遠 在過去 50 年 過度捕撈及不受限制的 22 About Life Spring 2008 底拖網捕魚活動 不但對海床生境造 成破壞 更使香港的海洋生態面臨重 大災難 由於本地有很多海洋生物種 群遭過度捕撈 不少食肆更因此須作 外求 從外地進口海鮮產品 以滿 足食客的需求 這往往令海洋物種飽 受偷捕及未受規管的捕魚活動所威脅 例如 每年在世界各地進口買賣的 魚翅約有 10,000 噸 但到目前為止 仍 未有捕鯊業獲公認為可持續發展 而 被列入世界自然保護聯盟 IUCN 紅 色名錄的 547 種鯊魚中 有 20% 已面 臨絕種威脅 情況實在令人憂慮 然而 除了鯊魚之外 我們亦應避 免進食其他瀕危的魚類 包括東南亞 的野生老鼠斑 杉斑及蘇眉 以及來 自世界各地的金獅魚及劍魚 雖然海洋深不可測 看來好像遙不 可及 但我們亦須加以關注 並坐言 起行 確保所食用的魚類及海鮮 均 以符合可持續發展原則及經妥善管理 的方式捕撈 在超級市場選購貼有海 洋管理委員會 MSC 標誌的產品 又 或向餐館詢問海鮮的來源這些簡單的 舉動 便可助改變全球海洋生態系統 的命運 明智抉擇 本會的綠色海鮮項目推廣主任林潔珩表 示 我們每個人只要盡一分力 便可改 變狀況 我們希望大家了解所吃的海鮮 是從何處來 以及是否以可持續的方式 生產 她補充說 : 如果我們提出這些 疑問 便可直接影響供應商 令他們改 變作業方式 並選購採用不破壞海洋生 態環境的方法生產的海鮮 要清楚了解海鮮的來源 其中一個 方法便是直接向食肆查詢 又或看看產 品有否貼上 MSC 的認證標誌 MSC 為 可持續發展漁業訂下環保標準 而符合 這些標準的漁業將可在產品上印上 MSC 標誌 MSC 認證的海鮮產品現已在, ThreeSixty 及 city super 超市有售 為負 責任的消費者提供更多環保選擇 改善海洋環境 不妨從了解食物的來 源開始 這不但可拯救海洋生態系統免 受破壞 同時我們也可繼續品嚐至愛的 美味海鮮 一舉兩得

WWF-Canon / Cat Holloway The seafood you eat can affect the lives of countless species that have seen their ecosystems collapse. Changing just a few habits could turn that around. The last hunting ground What we eat could have an impact on the environment. But when it comes to seafood, the planet s vast expanses of water are the last environment where hunting is still carried out on an enormous scale. Our unending appetite for delicious seafood means that Hong Kong has one of the most vibrant restaurant scenes in the world. We each consume around 61 kilograms of seafood per year on average and the produce that creates the various sumptuous dishes has long been supplied by a fishing industry that s rooted in the local culture. But we need to be aware that eating these delicious meals affects marine life. We should consume them only if they come from sustainable sources if we want to continue enjoying them in the future. menus. Others include wild caught high-finned groupers, camouflage groupers and humphead wrasse from Southeast Asia, orange roughies and swordfish from all over the world. As distant as the ocean depths may seem to us, we must start to make a difference, starting with making sure that the fish and seafood we eat comes from sustainable, well managed sources. By looking for labels in the supermarket and asking the right questions in restaurants, we can make a real difference to the destiny of marine ecosystems all over the world. Making the right choice According to Elbe Lam, WWF s Project Officer for Sustainable Seafood, making a difference starts with each and every one of us. We want people to find out where their seafood comes from and whether or not it was produced in a sustainable way, says Lam. When we start asking these kinds of questions, we are sending a message to the suppliers to change their ways and choose seafood that has been produced in an environmentally friendly way. One way to find out is to simply ask your restaurateur where the fish on the menu comes from. Or, look for the approval of The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The MSC sets environmental standards for sustainable fishery and allows fisheries that are meeting these standards to use its logo. Available in ThreeSixty and city super supermarkets, MSC products now make responsible seafood choices possible. Making a difference starts with understanding where our food comes from. We can save our marine ecosystems and continue to enjoy the delicious meals we love! Deep impact Over the past 50 years, overfishing and uncontrolled bottom trawling, in which nets damage the seafloor habitat, has wreaked large-scale havoc on marine life in Hong Kong. And because many of our local underwater populations have been decimated, restaurateurs now have to look towards the global fisheries resources to meet culinary demands, which means that they are in peril from poaching and unregulated fishing. This translates into some pretty disturbing facts: for example, an estimated 10,000 tonnes of shark fins are traded around the world each year. There are no widely accepted sustainable shark fisheries and 20 percent of the 547 species of shark on the Red List of the World Conservation Union are threatened with extinction. But sharks are not the only fish we should avoid on Hong Kong WWF-Canon / Jürgen Freund Spring 2008 About Life 23

專題 Feature THE FALL OF THE BLUEFIN TUNA WWF-Canon / Michel Gunther 在日本出售的生吞拿魚塊 Raw tuna on sale in Japan. 藍鰭吞拿魚命運坎坷 最近 香港一間日本餐廳出售藍鰭吞拿 魚的菜色 吸引不少愛吃壽司的人大排 長龍 但你可知道 這種味道鮮美的魚 類正陷入重大危機 由南大洋 大西洋 以至地中海的藍鰭吞拿魚的繁殖速度 根 本無法應付買家的需求 而事實上 來 自南大洋的藍鰭吞拿魚現已被視為極危 品種 不少科學家要求將藍鰭吞拿魚的每年 捕撈量限額定為 15,000 噸 但於 2008 年國際吞拿魚管理組織仍容許買賣達 29,500 噸的藍鰭吞拿魚 然而 只要需 求仍然存在 就會有人設法作出供應 所 以我們最好還是停止食用藍鰭吞拿魚這 極危品種 並選擇食用按可持續發展原 則管理的魚類 例如獲得 MSC 認證的長 鰭金槍魚 我們期待在不久將來香港將 有 MSC 長鰭金槍魚出售 The recent sale of Bluefin tuna dishes in a Japanese restaurant in Hong Kong made sushi lovers line up in anticipation, but those who know the facts were aghast. The Bluefin tuna is a delicacy, but its populations from the Southern Ocean to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean have not regenerated enough to meet the demand of its buyers. In fact Bluefin tuna from the Southern Ocean is currently considered to be critically endangered. Scientists are demanding that there must be a 15,000 tonne ceiling on catches, but the international tuna management body still allowed 29,500 tonnes be traded in 2008. The fact is, as long as there is demand, someone will try to supply, so the decision must come from us to stop eating this critically endangered species and turn our attention to more sustainably managed options, such as Albacore tuna, which is MSC certified and we hope that will be available in Hong Kong in the near future. 海鮮選擇指引 WWF S SEAFOOD GUIDE 24 About Life Spring 2008 WWF has released a seafood guide that helps Hong Kong make ethical seafood choices. It groups more than 60 of the most popular seafood species in Hong Kong into three categories, using a traffic light system: red means Avoid, for fish that are over-exploited, caught or farmed in an ecologically unfriendly way. For fishes under the Amber - Think Twice category, mean that their fishing, farming method, or fisheries management still have some issues. An increase in demand could affect their sustainability, and green is for fish that are Recommended, so that you know what fish you can eat without Patrick Ho 本會已推出海鮮選擇指引 協助香港市 民作出符合道德的海鮮選擇 這選擇 指引包括超過 60 種香港常見的海鮮品 種 並如交通燈的系統般分為三類 以 紅色代表 避免 類別 這些產品遭過 分捕撈 或以不符合保護生態系統的方 式捕撈或養殖 黃色代表 想清楚 類 別 這個類別海鮮的捕魚 養殖方式或 漁業管理方式仍然存在問題 而需求增 加亦會影響其可持續性 綠色則代表 建 議 類別 讓大家了解食用哪些海鮮品 種不會破壞海洋生態 指引的訊息其實很簡單 不要進食海 鮮選擇指引內的紅色 避免 品種 你 可登入本會網站 下載本會的海鮮選擇 指引 看過選擇指引後 記著將這個重 要的保育訊息宣揚開去 只要我們每個 人小心作出選擇 都可為環境帶來正面 影響 捕撈自澳洲的東星斑 屬本會海鮮選擇指引的 建議食用 類別 Wild caught Leopard Coral Trout from Australia is recommended species in WWF seafood guide. harming the oceans. The message is simple don t eat anything from the WWF Seafood Guide Red List! You can download the WWF Seafood Guide from the WWF website. And once you have read it, be sure to spread the word. As long as everyone is aware of the options they have, we can make a real difference.

改善環境 由我做起 風采中學校長曹啟樂 Making a difference: Tso Kai Lok, principal of Elegantia College 上水的風采中學率先向學生提供環保 海鮮午餐盒 成為學界的環保先鋒 WWF Hong Kong 在校長曹啟樂的帶領下 該中學開創先 河 讓學生可享用環保海鮮午膳 這些海 鮮都是選自本會海鮮選擇指引內的綠色 建議 類別 專修社會學科的曹校長 在過去 10 年一直嘗試將環保意識納入學校課程 他說 : 我們相信學生應當關注海鮮的可 持續生產 以及海洋環境和海洋生物的 生境 學校亦透過教育 讓他們認識生 態系統及全球過度捕魚問題 特別是有 關拖網捕撈的資料 曹校長在課堂教育中注入不少環保元 素 他表示 學校舉辦的部分活動 目 的就是培養學生的環保意識 他亦深明 教育是推動改革的重要媒介 而重點就是 灌輸正確的環保概念 曹校長亦希望藉著 與本會等環保機構合作 讓學生身體力 行 實踐環保 風采中學校長曹啟樂 Mr Tso, principal of Elegantia College. E legantia College in Sheung Shui has placed itself at the cutting edge of ecoawareness, by being the first school in Hong Kong to offer its students a lunchbox that includes sustainable seafood. The lunchbox, consisting of seafood from the green category of WWF s Seafood Guide, was introduced to the school thanks to the pioneering initiatives of principal Tso Kai Lok. Tso s field of expertise is sociology, and he has been trying to make environmental awareness part of the school curriculum for the past 10 years. We believe that students should be aware of the sustainability of seafood, as well as the environment and habitats of marine life, says Tso. We teach them about ecosystems and problems of over-fishing in the world, especially in relation to trawling. Tso has given environmentalism an important place in the classroom. Part of our activities involved getting students to care about their own living environment, he says. He understands that education can be an important agent for change if it teaches green ideas. And part of Tso s vision to get students practically involved includes working with organisations like WWF. WWF Hong Kong 學生在風采中學享用環保海鮮午膳 Sustainable Seafood lunch event at Elegantia College. Spring 2008 About Life 25

專題 Feature 響應 2008 國際珊瑚礁年 SOS Petition 簽署 SOS marks 2008 拯救海洋大行動 International 請願書 Year of the Reef H opefully, you have already signed the WWF Hong Kong SOS Save our Seas petition. The campaign was launched in 2004 as part of an effort to protect local marine biodiversity and urged the government to make 10 percent of Hong Kong s waters no take zones, where sea life could be given a chance to replenish its population. If you missed it the first time around, here s your chance to sign it again: for the 2008 International Year of the Reef, WWF is renewing its call to save Hong Kong s diminishing marine populations with a re-launch of the petition. 我 們希望你已簽署了本會的 SOS 拯救海洋大行動 請願書 這項活動於 2004 年首次推出 目 的是要保護本地海洋的生物 多樣性 並促請政府將 10% 的本港水域闢建為 禁捕區 令海洋生物數 目能夠得以回升 如果你錯過了首次的 簽署行動 現在就是你 表示支持保育海洋生態 的好時機 適逢今年是 2008 國際珊瑚礁年 本會再 度發起請願行動 以再一次喚 起市民對拯救面臨崩潰的香港 海洋生態的關注 在今年 本會的拯救海洋大行動有三大目標 THIS YEAR S WWF SOS PETITION HAS THREE MAIN GOALS: 禁止在現有的海岸公園內進行捕魚活 動 讓這些海岸公園能真真正正地保 護海洋生物 成為魚類的庇護所 將 10% 的本港水域闢建為 禁捕區 禁 止捕魚活動及其他人為騷擾 讓魚類數目 得以回升 令蓬勃的海洋生態再重現眼前 停止現時捕魚活動未受規管的狀況 在海 洋生態系統崩潰之前 設立商業漁船發牌 制度 訂立漁獲限制 Stop fishing in our existing Marine Parks, turning them into real sanctuaries that can truly protect marine life Operate 10 percent of our waters as no-take zones, banning fishing and other disturbance, so fish stocks can recover and thrive once again Stop uncontrolled fishing, by licensing all commercial fishing boats and setting catch quotas before the ecosystem collapses 闢建 禁捕區 不但可使魚類數量 回升 亦可令漁業恢復生機 源 以確保下一代能繼續擁有物種富 饒的海洋 parks into no take zones - visit wwf.org.hk/sos now and sign our SOS petition for 2008. The ocean belongs to us all, and so does the responsibility for us all to protect it and leave the sea with life for our future generations. 請登入 wwf.org.hk/sos 簽 署 SOS 拯救海洋大行動 請願 書 支持本會促請政府馬上行動 將 現有的海岸公園劃為 禁捕區 海洋是屬於全人類的 因此 我們都有責任去保護這片珍貴資 26 About Life Spring 2008 N o take zones will revive the fishing industry by replenishing fish stocks. Help WWF urge the government to make our marine

Spring 2008 About Life 27

專題 Feature 高飛展翅, 再現生機 Flights of Life 在遷徙歇息地點發現的黑臉琵鷺數目有所增加, 為挽救其他瀕危物種帶來希望 The increasing stopovers of the black-faced spoonbill offer a glimmer of hope for other endangered species. 稀有罕見現時, 黑臉琵鷺的蹤影已難得一見, 但只要到香港米埔自然保護區新建的觀鳥屋及木橋, 不但有機會一睹這種候鳥的風采, 更可觀賞牠們季節性遷徙的獨特景象 黑臉琵鷺每年都要橫越亞洲, 作長途的遷徙, 然而牠們用作歇息的生境不斷受到破壞, 幸而情況已有所改善, 黑臉琵鷺的數目已逐漸回升 庇護之地黑臉琵鷺的生境受到多方破壞, 令這種在中國備受關注的雀鳥在遷徙時, 面對重重障礙 估計現時全球黑臉琵鷺的數量僅超過 2,000 隻, 牠們在遷徙時, 都會在亞洲多個地方歇息 幸而, 到米埔自然保護區 海豐及漳江口濕地等自然保護區, 作中途休息的黑臉琵鷺的數目正不斷增加, 反映這鳥種的數量有回升趨勢 這些自然保護區 的管理得到改善, 加上妥善保護的泥灘和寧靜的自然生境, 吸引黑臉琵鷺選擇這些地方, 作為遷徙路線上的中途歇息地, 亦令這瀕危鳥種的生存前景更為樂觀 飛出陰霾一直以來, 黑臉琵鷺只會在沿岸地區進行繁殖, 包括南北韓與華北偏遠地區之間的休戰區一帶荒地 然而, 近年來黑臉琵鷺的曝光率已有所增多, 更成為中國各個濕地的雀鳥明星 於 2008 年 1 月, 在廣東的海豐自然保護區就發現了接近 100 隻的黑臉琵鷺, 而於 2007 至 08 年度米埔錄得超過 300 頭黑臉琵鷺, 數目連續第三個冬季衝破 300 大關, 創下新紀錄 盡一分力量本會華南濕地項目經理文賢繼表示, 黑臉 於米埔發現一隻受傷的黑臉琵鷺 BFS was found injured in Mai Po. 琵鷺的數目持續上升, 主要由於中國政府與地方社區更緊密的合作 例如本會在福建省閩江河口與當地社區合作推行保育項目, 而在該地亦發現 123 頭黑臉琵鷺 文賢繼說 : 由此可見, 通過與當地社區合作, 保育項目成效更加顯著 現時估計黑臉琵鷺的數量以每年 5 至 10% 的比率回升, 並已恢復至 15 年前的水平 黑臉琵鷺的狀況, 為挽救其他瀕危物種帶來希望, 只要我們同心合力, 便可助這些物種扭轉厄運, 重現生機 Bena Smith / WWF Hong Kong 28 About Life Spring 2008

Rare bird It s not easy to spot the black-faced spoonbill nowadays. However, the newly-erected bird hide and boardwalk at Hong Kong s Mai Po Nature Reserve not only offers the unique opportunity to have a glimpse at its seasonal migration, but also the chance to witness proof of its existence. But next time you see one, remember that it is not only stopping over on its lengthy journey across Asia, but also on its long flight to recovery. Angus Lau Under our wing The black-faced spoonbill s stopovers have become the barometers of a dire situation for an iconic bird of China, which has had its habitat damaged in more ways than one. There are estimated to be just over 2,000 black-faced spoonbills in the world today, with migratory stopovers all across Asia. Fortunately, increasing stopovers at reserves like the Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Haifeng and Zhangjiangkou wetlands have been 早前 一隻黑臉琵鷺因誤吞魚鉤而受 傷 幸好經過治療及照料後 現已 完全康復 逃過厄運 於 2008 年 1 月 10 日 本會在米埔自 然保護區內一個魚池發現一隻身體虛弱及 營養不足的黑臉琵鷺 牠的翅膀因被魚線 所纏而受傷 傷鳥其後送交嘉道理農場暨 植物園 經過七星期的悉心照料 牠已康 復過來 並放歸自然 重返鳥群 本會保護區主任施百納解釋 這是 在本港發現第四隻因魚鉤及魚線所傷的 黑臉琵鷺 首兩隻黑臉琵鷺因誤吞魚鉤 死亡 而第三隻則因傷勢過重 而要切 除左翅 我們非常高興 今次這隻黑臉 琵鷺並沒有因此死亡 且能康復過來 Stepping out of the shadows Confined to coastal areas, for decades the black-faced spoonbill has bred in tranquil seclusion in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea and remote areas of northeastern China. But they are appearing less shy these days and in fact, black-faced spoonbills are making celebrity guest appearances at wetlands all across China. Nearly 100 of them were spotted at the Haifeng Nature Reserve in Guangdong in January 2008, and for the third successive winter period, over 300 were seen at Mai Po in 2007/08. A helping hand According to WWF Hong Kong s South China Wetlands Manager Xianji Wen, greater cooperation between the Chinese government and locals have been a great contributing factor to the renewal of the black-faced spoonbill s population. For example, 123 black-faced spoonbills were seen in the Minjiang Estuary of Fujian in China, where WWF has set up conservation programmes that involve the local people. This proves that the involvement of the local community has made a real difference, says Xianji Wen. It is now estimated that blackfaced spoonbills are repopulating at a rate of 5-10 percent a year, with figures that go back 15 years. The black-faced spoonbill offers a real message of hope this species has come to symbolise how endangered creatures can turn the tide on extinction and how human efforts really can make a difference. RETURNING TO THE FLOCK I n what could be considered as a symbol of victory against extinction, one black-faced spoonbill that had been injured swallowing a fishing hook has been nursed back to health. The injured bird was found weak and malnourished in a pond of the Mai Po Nature Reserve on 10 January, 2008. It had also damaged its wing after getting caught in a fishing line. But after seven weeks of constant care and attention from the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic 黑臉琵鷺已完全康復 重返自然 When recovered BFS was released to the nature in Mai Po. WWF Hong Kong 重投鳥群懷抱 something of an indicator that populations are recovering. These reserves with their improved management, appropriately measured mudflats and tranquil habitats have created attractive conditions for black-faced spoonbills to stop over on migratory flight paths as well as an optimistic outlook for the survival of the species. Garden, the bird was able to return to its flock in one piece. This is the fourth known black-faced spoonbill that has been injured by fishing hooks and lines in Hong Kong, explains Bena Smith, Reserve Officer of WWF Hong Kong. The first two spoonbills died as a result of hook ingestion and the third suffered severe injury to the left wing and required wing amputation. We are extremely glad that this one has survived and recovered well from its injuries. Spring 2008 About Life 29

合作夥伴 Partnership 實踐環保企業 Corporations going green 瑞銀在海嘯後全力支持建立綠色學校 Green School supported by UBS after the tsunami. 近年環保問題漸受全球及本港企業關 注 並意識到實行支持可持續發展 的政策 可為企業帶來裨益 現在已有 超過 100 間企業與本會攜手合作推行各 種措施 以助保護地球環境 於 1 月 瑞銀與本會合作採取環保措 施 向其亞洲地區員工推行教育項目 以 提升區內對環境問題的關注 並全力支 持實行有關環境可持續發展的企業政策 目前 與本會合作推動環保的企業超過 100 間 而作為其中一家合作企業 瑞銀 亦創立了環境管理系統 EMS 以減低 集團全球業務運作對環境的影響 包括 推出一連串的員工培訓項目 瑞銀集團亞太區主席暨首席執行官 譚信樂 Rory Tapner 表示 透過推 行良好的環保政策 不但有助提升公司 作為負責任企業公民的形象 亦可增強 我們吸納及留聘人才的能力 瑞銀已承諾在 2012 年前 將其碳排 放量較 2004 年減少 40% 公司自 1999 年起成為道瓊斯可持續發展指數的成分 公司 並是 FTSE4Good 指數的成員之 一 該指數旨在計量全球企業在推動環 境可持續發展的表現 自氣候領導指數 於 2004 年創立以來 瑞銀一直是其成員 之一 氣候領導指數是針對就氣候變化 資訊作出全面披露的 金融時報 全球 500 大企業 除了致力減少集團業務產生的二氧 化碳排放量 耗紙量及廢物外 瑞銀亦 正實施關於環保及社會事務的集團指 30 About Life Spring 2008 引 並會訂立行業指引 監管在容易對 環境及社會造成影響行業的營商方式 C orporations around the world and in Hong Kong are increasingly realising that caring for the environment and implementing sustainable corporate policies are good business practices. More than 100 corporations have joined with WWF Hong Kong to implement initiatives that will help protect the environment in which we live. In January, UBS joined forces with WWF Hong Kong in an initiative to educate UBS employees throughout the Asia Pacific region to raise awareness of conservation issues in the region, and to support the company s corporate policy on environmental sustainability. One of more than 100 companies to work with WWF Hong Kong, UBS has created an Environmental Management System (EMS), which includes a series of employee training programmes, to mitigate the effect of its global in-house operations on the environment. The implementation of sound environmental policies serves not only to enhance our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen but also to strengthen our ability to attract and retain talent, said Rory Tapner, Chairman and CEO of UBS in Asia Pacific. UBS has undertaken to reduce its carbon emissions from 2004 levels by 40 percent, by 2012. The firm has been a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability indices since 1999 and is a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index which measures the environmental sustainability of global companies. UBS has been a member of the Climate Leadership Index since its launch in 2004. The index comprises FT500 companies with comprehensive climatechange disclosure practices. In addition to seeking to reduce group-wide CO2 emissions, paper consumption and waste, UBS is implementing groupwide guidelines that incorporate environmental and social issues and to develop sector guidelines for doing business in environmentally and sociallysensitive industry sectors. UBS 瑞銀與本會合作推動環境可持續發展 UBS and WWF cooperate on environmental sustainability

全球話題 Global Impact WWF / Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud 全球首座 零碳 城市 本會與阿布達比政府合作 打造全球 首座零碳 零廢物的無車城市 馬斯達爾城 Masdar City Masdar 在阿拉伯語有 來源 的意思 本會將在這座佔地 6 平方公里的城市 推 行 One Planet Living 項目 建造理想 的居住環境 作為可持續發展的典範 One Planet Living 項目乃由本會與 環保顧問公司 BioRegional 合作推行 而 建造 馬斯達爾城 就是要將可持續發 展的概念具體地實踐出來 這座城市將 利用光伏板生產百分百可再生的集光型 太陽能 並將推行 零廢物 計劃 將 99% 的廢物循環再造 城內只容許低排放車輛行駛 以達到 運輸系統可持續發展的目標 此外 該 城亦訂下多項計劃 包括開設有機食品 店 使用可持續發展的輸水系統 推行 公平貿易及興建保留地方特色的建築 物 並會盡力保育生境及野生動物 而 另一重點工作 就是按照國際勞工標 準 訂立公平的工資及工作環境 馬斯達爾城的模型於 2008 年 1 月 21 日 在阿布達比舉行的世界未來能源 高峰會上首度曝光 而建造工程亦已進 行得如火如荼 本會的 One Planet Living 項目幹 事 Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud 表示 : 憑藉嶄 新的環保意念 阿布達比將可成為全球 可再生能源的重要發展基地 馬斯達爾城的模型 Model of Masdar city. One Planet s city of life WWF has cooperated with the government of Abu Dhabi to make the world s first carbonneutral, waste-free, car-free city. Masdar City, which is six square kilometers, is launching WWF s One Planet Living programme. The aim is to nurture ecologically sound living places that serve as models of sustainability. The One Planet Living programme is being done in cooperation with an environmental consultancy called BioRegional, and Masdar City has been built to exemplify this healthy development. Electricity will be supplied using photovoltaic panels that produce concentrated solar power, making it 100 percent renewable. Plans for zero waste will start with a 99 percent diversion of waste from landfills. 綠色巨龍 GREEN DRAGONS 中 C 國城市可持續發展 推動低碳生活 中國內地城市上海及保定已加入本 會的低碳城市發展項目 支持內地的環保 發展 低碳城市發展項目透過在重點城 市 引入具能源效益的建築物 產品及可 再生能源 樹立低碳城市發展的典範 中 國經濟蓬勃發展 隨之而來是急速的都市 化 但生態環境卻需為此付出沉重的代 價 推行低碳城市發展項目的目的是在發 展經濟的同時 盡量減少對環境的損害 世界自然基金會中國分會項目戰略總 監李琳博士指出 : 城市是中國經濟發展 的重要一環 但現時很多城市都面對能源 效益不高 環境質素下降等種種挑戰 低 碳城市項目透過在可持續發展的研究 找 出可供國內其他城市學習的模式 hina s sustainable cities are pushing the boundaries of low-carbon living. The Chinese cities of Shanghai and Baoding have joined a greener side of the mainland s development by joining WWF in a low-carbon development programme. The Low-Carbon City Initiative aims to lead China by example with the introduction of energy efficient buildings, products, and renewable energy. China s soaring growth has made its cities mushroom overnight but the price of such a rapid rise is Sustainable transport is to be achieved by low-emission vehicles. There are also plans for organic food outlets, sustainable water systems, fair trade, and architecture that integrates local values. Habitats and wildlife will be conserved as best as possible. There are plans to make fair wages and working conditions, as defined by international labour standards, a priority. A model of Masdar City was unveiled on January 21, 2008 at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, and construction is already underway. Today Abu Dhabi is embarking on a journey to become the global capital of the renewable energy revolution. said Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, Director of WWF s One Planet Living initiative. ecological degradation. The LowCarbon City Initiative attempts to tease apart development and degradation. Cities are an important segment of China s economic development but many face the challenges of low energy efficiency and degraded environmental quality, said Dr Li Lin, Head of Conservation Strategies at WWF-China. The Low-Carbon City initiative is about finding a sustainable development mode for China s urban areas. Spring 2008 About Life 31

環保貼士 Green tips 揭開環保新一頁 TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF 紙張已成為日常生活中不可缺少的必 需品 它不單種類繁多 而且用途 P aper has become an integral part of our daily lives. It s a dynamic, diverse material from which we take great pleasure. However, whenever we pick up a magazine, newspaper or a book, it is easy to forget that the material it is made from might once have been part of an intricate web of animals, trees, and soil. Indeed, paper products originate for the most part from forests. Forests, both tropical and boreal, are known to be the lungs of the world and are vitally important 收集廢紙以循環再造 Municipal waste paper to be recycled. in the regulation of our climate. In fact just one acre of forest can absorb up to six tons of carbon dioxide while producing four tons of oxygen. And that s why we need to pay attention to how we use this natural resource. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has made it easier for us to identify the connection between the original source material and its finished products. FSC label raises consumers awareness about whether or not those forests were managed responsibly and in a sustainable way. And not only does the FSC reduce the impact we have on the planet, it also actively manages forests to protect their biodiversity. So next time you are looking for something to read, write or print on, look for recycled paper, or paper that shows the FSC label. Whether you are making sure you don t have a negative impact, or indeed actually encouraging conservation, you ll be doing just one little thing that makes a big difference to the planet. WWF / Kjell-Arne Larsson 廣泛 為我們的生活增添不少樂趣 然 而 當我們閱讀報章 雜誌或書本時 卻 很容易忘記它們的原材料 紙張 是源 自森林 這個由動物 樹木及泥土組成 的複雜生態網絡 其實 大部分的紙製 品都是利用森林的資源製成 不管是熱 帶還是北方的森林 都發揮了地球 肺 部 的功用 對調節氣候起著重要作用 一公畝的森林 就可吸取達六噸的二氧 化碳 同時釋放四噸氧氣 因此 我們 要多加注意自己使用紙張的習慣 林業管理公會 FSC 讓我們更了解 原材料與紙製品的關係 FSC 的認證標 誌 令消費者更關注到森林是否以負責 任及可持續的方式進行管理 FSC 不但 協助我們減低對環境的影響 並透過積 極管理森林 保護森林的生物多樣性 因此 下次當你要閱讀 書寫或列印 文件時 請選用再造紙或印有 FSC 標誌 的紙張 無論你是想減少對環境的負面影 響 抑或是推動環保 只要作出小小的行 動 便可大大改善地球環境 何樂而不為 從日常習慣保護地球 減少使用 廢物利用及循環再造 HABITS THAT HELP THE PLANET: REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE 從簡單的生活習慣著手 減低對森林的影響 例如避免使用不必要的紙張 以免造成浪費 不妨試試這些方法 為保護森林踏出第一步 Simple everyday choices can minimise your impact on forests. For example, every piece of paper you use doesn t necessarily become waste. Try these alternatives to help turn over a new leaf: 紙餐巾及 紙手巾 Napkins and towels 以可清洗再用的布餐巾 代替用完即棄的紙餐巾 以避免浪費 Prevent waste by using a cloth napkin that you can wash and reuse instead of a paper napkin that you throw away after you ve finished using it. 信封 Envelopes 衛生紙 最好選用無漂白 用後廢料含量高的衛生紙 The best option is to use bleach-free paper that s made Toilet paper from the best quality post-consumer waste. 書寫紙及 影印紙 Writing and photocopying 不要隨便扔掉舊紙張 可在紙張空白的背面列印其他非重要文件 或做筆記 Once you have used a piece of paper, don t dispose of it print other, less formal documents on the other side, or use it for note taking. 節日的裝飾品可留待下年再用 不要在只用過一次後 便 紙製裝飾品 把它們丟掉 舊的賀卡亦是製作簡單裝飾品的上佳材料 Paper Festive decorations can be brought out again next decorations year rather than throwing them away after one use. Make simple decorations from festive cards. 善用紙張的兩面 此外 使用留言板 便不需使用筆記本或紙張了 記事本 Take notes on the other side of a used piece of paper. Notepads And a reusable message board will do away with the need for notepads or paper. 包裝紙 何不循環再用禮物的包裝紙 用來包禮物送給其他人? Wrapping Why not reuse the wrapping paper of a gift that someone paper has sent to you by sending it to someone else? 內部傳閱及郵寄對外文件時 均可使用舊信封 郵寄信件 給親友時 亦可以標貼覆蓋原有的地址 循環再用舊信封 Reuse envelopes for internal and external circulation at work, or put a label over your address to reuse envelopes sent to your friends and family. 包裝 Packaging 雖然精美的包裝可令消費者的購買意欲大增 但也會造 成大量浪費 你應把紙盒 紙袋 咭紙包裝及其他紙製 品投進廢紙回收箱 循環再造 They attract us to buy our groceries, but they create a huge amount of waste. Make sure you recycle your cereal cartons, paper bags, cardboard packaging and other paper products in paper recycling bins. 當然在購物時 還要留意FSC的標誌 確保所購買的紙張是來自按可持續原則管理的森林 And of course, always look out for the FSC label to make sure you are buying the most sustainable paper available. 32 About Life Spring 2008

會員專區 Membership corner 親愛的會員 : 相信大家都注意到, 近日物價上漲, 影響到我們每一個人, 而本會亦不例外 本會需要資金的支持, 才能繼續推行長遠的自然保育工作, 但現時通脹問題卻為項目運作帶來影響 如果資金不足, 這些項目有可能需要延緩, 甚至中止! 為協助保護地球環境, 本會現呼籲會員提高捐助金額, 讓本會具備足夠資金, 推動各項環境與教育的工作 你捐助的一分一毫, 都可為地球環境帶來改善 Dear Members: You may be aware that inflation affects every one of us, and WWF is no exception. Our long- term work to conserve the natural world requires funding we can count on and inflation is influencing our projects they could be slowed down or even stopped without enough funds in place! We would like you to consider upgrading your level of giving to help protect our planet because we need to ensure we have sufficient funding for our environmental and educational programmes as every dollar counts and you can really make a difference to our world. 請立即行動, 你的慷慨捐助, 能為我們生活的地球締造更美好的未來 姓名 : 會員編號 : 是! 我將於 2008 年月日開始額外捐款 港幣 50 元港幣 100 元港幣 150 元 其他金額 ( 請註明 ) 港幣 元 Please take action TODAY as your generous donations will help sustain the world in which we live. Name: Membership No.: Yes, I d like to make extra donation on top of my current donations effective from d m, 2008: HK$50 HK$100 HK$150 Other donation amount (please specify) HK$ 信用咭號碼 : 持咭人姓名 : 信用咭有效期至 : 持咭人簽署 : ( 至少兩個月內有效 ) Credit card no.: Cardholder name: Card expiry date: Cardholder s signature: (should be effective for the next two months) 此外, 我們亦鼓勵會員閱讀 生命之延 的 PDF 電子版, 以助本會減少天然資源耗用及節省行政開支 你亦可登入本會網站, 重溫 生命之延 的所有以往期號 如欲更改收取會員雜誌的方式, 你可 : 致電服務電線 2526-1011( 選擇語言後按 3,1,2,0), 直接與捐款事務部的同事聯絡, 或填寫以下表格或以電郵通知我們 :member@wwf.org.hk 是, 我希望由下期開始收取 生命之延 的 PDF 電子版本 會員編號 : 電郵地址 : 感謝大家的支持 Also, please note that we are encouraging members to view the About Life magazine in the PDF electronic format so that we can cut down the consumption of natural resources as well as some administrative costs. Using the PDF format means you can also view all the previous issues of About Life on our website. To change your method of receiving the magazine, you can: Call our Hotline at 2526-1011 (choose the language, then press 3, 1, 2, 0) to directly talk to our donor services staff, fill in the form below or notify us via email: member@wwf.org.hk Yes, I d like to change my magazine subscription to the online PDF format effective from next issue. membership no.: email address: Thank you. 羅沛筠捐款事務部經理世界自然基金會香港分會 請傳真 :2845 2734 或寄往 : 香港灣仔軒尼斯道一號熙信大廈 10 樓 1002 室 Janette Lo Donor Services Manager WWF Hong Kong Please Fax back: 2845 2734 or Mail: Suite 1002, Asian House, 1 Hennessy Road, Wan chai, Hong Kong. Spring 2008 About Life 33

傳遞生機勃勃的訊息 Spread the word Life about 本會需要你支持, 共同創造可持續發展的未來 其實在日常生活中, 你可用各種方法來對抗氣候變化 保護地球海洋及停止砍伐森林 請聯絡本會, 齊來為改善環境出一分力 WWF Hong Kong needs your help to promote a sustainable future for all living things. There are many ways you can play a role in helping to curb climate change, protect the earth s oceans and stop global deforestation. Contact WWF Hong Kong to start making a difference today. 世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF Hong Kong 香港灣仔軒尼詩道一號熙信大廈 10 樓 1002 室 Suite 1002, Asian House, 1 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: (852) 2526 1011 傳真 Fax: (852) 2845 2734 電郵 Email: wwf@wwf.org.hk 網頁 Website: http://www.wwf.org.hk Photo: WWF-Canon / Cat Holloway 34 About Life Spring 2008