Table of Content Preface Scope Normative reference Terms and definitions Residue definition Maximum residue l

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ICS 65.100 G 25 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 2763 2014 Replacing GB 2763 2012 National food safety standard-- Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food Issued on 2014-03-20 Implement on 2014-08-01 Released by: Naitional Health and Family Planning Commission Ministry of Agriculture

Table of Content Preface... 1 1 Scope... 3 2 Normative reference... 3 3 Terms and definitions... 10 3.1 Residue definition... 10 3.2 Maximum residue limit (MRL)... 11 3.3 Extraneous maximum residue limit (EMRL)... 11 3.4 Acceptable daily intake (ADI)... 11 4 Technical requirements... 11 4.1 2, 4-D and 2, 4-D Na... 11 4.2 2, 4-D butylate... 12 4.3 MCPA (sodium)... 12 4.4 Abamectin... 13 4.5 Chlormequat... 14 4.6 Ethametsulfuron... 14 4.7 Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate... 15 4.8 Picloram... 15 4.9 Paraquat... 15 4.10 Chlorothalonil... 16 4.11 Azinphos-methyl... 17 4.12 Fenthion... 18 4.13 Fenbutatin oxide... 19 4.14 Dichlofluanid... 20 4.15 Tribenuron-methyl... 21 4.16 Benomyl... 21 4.17 Fenothiocarb... 21 4.18 Benzoximate... 21 4.19 Difenoconazole... 22 4.20 Mefenacet... 23 4.21 Benalaxyl... 24 4.22 Zoxamide... 24 4.23 Fenamiphos... 24 4.24 Fenpropidin... 25 4.25 Pyriproxyfen... 25 4.26 Pyraflufen-ethyl... 26 4.27 Imidacloprid... 26 4.28 Diflufenican... 27 4.29 Fluazifop and fluazifop-p-butyl... 27 I

4.30 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl... 28 4.31 Pymetrozine... 28 4.32 Pyraclostrobin... 28 4.33 Bensulfuron-methyl... 29 4.34 Pretilachlor... 29 4.35 Propiconazol... 30 4.36 Prothioconazole... 30 4.37 Benfuracarb... 31 4.38 Oxadiargyl... 31 4.39 Flumioxazin... 32 4.40 Propineb... 32 4.41 Profenofos... 32 4.42 Glufosinate-ammonium... 33 4.43 Benazolin-ethyl... 33 4.44 Glyphosate... 34 4.45 Chlorfenapyr... 34 4.46 Tebufenozide... 35 4.47 Diflubenzuron... 36 4.48 Kasugamycin... 37 4.49 Pyridaben... 37 4.50 Amobam... 37 4.51 Metriam... 38 4.52 Mancozeb... 38 4.53 Zineb... 39 4.54 Semiamitraz and semiamitraz chloride... 40 4.55 Canamide... 40 4.56 Monosulfuron... 40 4.57 Phenthoate... 41 4.58 Isoprothiolane... 41 4.59 Fenoxanil... 41 4.60 Trichlorfon... 41 4.61 Propanil... 42 4.62 Diquat... 43 4.63 Diuron... 43 4.64 Dichlorvos... 44 4.65 Fenaminosulf... 45 4.66 Anilazine... 45 4.67 Dinocap... 45 4.68 Edifenphos... 46 4.69 Fonofos... 46 4.70 Butachlor... 47 4.71 Fenpropimorph... 47 4.72 Carbosulfan... 48 4.73 Diafenthiuron... 49 II

4.74 Flufiprole... 49 4.75 Coumoxystrobin... 49 4.76 Acetamiprid... 50 4.77 Boscalid... 50 4.78 Picoxystrobin... 51 4.79 Chlorpyrifos... 51 4.80 Parathion... 52 4.81 Dodine... 53 4.82 Carbendazim... 53 4.83 Spinosad... 55 4.84 Paclobutrazol... 56 4.85 Oxadiazon... 57 4.86 Hymexazol... 57 4.87 Oxaziclomefone... 58 4.88 Oxadixyl... 58 4.89 Famoxadone... 58 4.90 Diphenylamine... 59 4.91 Pendimethalin... 59 4.92 Clopyralid... 60 4.93 Quinclorac... 60 4.94 Diazinon... 60 4.95 Dithianon... 62 4.96 Flutriafol... 62 4.97 Rimsulfuron... 62 4.98 Phosalone... 63 4.99 Tau-fluvalinate... 63 4.100 Flubendiamide... 64 4.101 Teflubenzuron... 64 4.102 Haloxyfop... 65 4.103 Flucetosulfuron... 65 4.104 Haloxyfop-methyl and haloxyfop-p-methyl... 65 4.105 Fluopicolide... 66 4.106 Fipronil... 66 4.107 Flufenoxuron... 67 4.108 Fluazinam... 67 4.109 Sulfoxaflor... 67 4.110 Flonicamid... 68 4.111 Chlorfluazuron... 68 4.112 Flusilazole... 69 4.113 Epoxiconazole... 70 4.114 Fomesafen... 70 4.115 Ttriflumizole... 70 4.116 Trifluralin... 71 4.117 Hexaflumuron... 71 III

4.118 Cyfluthrin and beta-cyfluthrin... 71 4.119 Flumorph... 72 4.120 Flucythrinate... 72 4.121 Flumiclorac... 73 4.122 Flutolanil... 74 4.123 Novaluron... 74 4.124 Flucarbazone-sodium... 75 4.125 Procymidone... 75 4.126 Thiram... 76 4.127 Ziram... 76 4.128 Fludioxonil... 76 4.129 Thiobencarb... 77 4.130 Molinate... 77 4.131 Diclofop-methyl... 77 4.132 Cyclosulfamuron... 77 4.133 Cyproconazole... 78 4.134 Hexazinone... 78 4.135 Fenhexamid... 78 4.136 Pyriftalid... 79 4.137 Sulcotrione... 79 4.138 Hexaconazole... 80 4.139 Emamectin benzoate... 80 4.140 Methamidophos... 81 4.141 Phorate... 81 4.142 Tolylfluanid... 82 4.143 Alachlor... 83 4.144 Metsulfuron-methyl... 84 4.145 Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium... 84 4.146 Chlorpyrifos-methyl... 84 4.147 Parathion-methyl... 85 4.148 Mesosulfuron-methyl... 85 4.149 Tolclofos-methyl... 86 4.150 Phosfolan-methyl... 86 4.151 Thiophanate-methyl... 87 4.152 Pirimiphos-methyl... 87 4.153 Isofenphos-methyl... 88 4.154 Methiocarb... 89 4.155 Imazapic... 90 4.156 Carbaryl... 90 4.157 Fenpropathrin... 91 4.158 Metalaxyl and metalaxyl-m... 92 4.159 Bifenox... 93 4.160 Methoxyfenozide... 93 4.161 Imazamox... 94 IV

4.162 Fenbuconazole... 94 4.163 Myclobutanil... 95 4.164 Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl... 95 4.165 Dimethenamid-P... 96 4.166 Monocrotophos... 97 4.167 Pirimicarb... 97 4.168 Carbofuran... 99 4.169 Captan...100 4.170 Quizalofop and quizalofop-p-ethyl...100 4.171 Oxine-copper...101 4.172 Quinalphos...101 4.173 Fenazaquin...102 4.174 Quinoxyfen...102 4.175 Dimethoate...102 4.176 Bifenazate...104 4.177 Bifenthrin...105 4.178 Bitertanol...106 4.179 Phosphamidon...107 4.180 Aluminium phosphide...107 4.181 Megnesium phosphide...108 4.182 Hydrogen phosphide...108 4.183 2-phenylphenol...109 4.184 Endosulfan...109 4.185 Phosfolan...110 4.186 Thiodicarb...110 4.187 Sulfuryl fluoride...111 4.188 Cadusafos...111 4.189 Spirotetramat...112 4.190 Spirodiclofen...113 4.191 Chlortoluron...113 4.192 Aminopyralid...113 4.193 Chlorpropham...114 4.194 Fenarimol...114 4.195 Halosulfuron-methyl...115 4.196 Forchlorfenuron...115 4.197 Chlorantraniliprole...115 4.198 Lvdingjunzhi...116 4.199 Fluroxypyr and fluroxypyr-mepthyl)...117 4.200 Cyhalothrin and lambda-cyhalothrin)...117 4.201 Chloropicrin...119 4.202 Chlorsulfuron...119 4.203 Permethrin...120 4.204 Chlorimuron-ethyl...122 4.205 Cypermethrin and beta-cypermethrin...122 V

4.206 Imidaclothiz...125 4.207 Dicloran...125 4.208 Isazofos...125 4.209 Malathion...126 4.210 Dicamba...128 4.211 Prochloraz and prochloraz-manganese chloride complex)...128 4.212 Imazaquin...129 4.213 Imazethapyr...130 4.214 Cinosulfuron...130 4.215 Etofenprox...130 4.216 Kresoxim-methyl...131 4.217 Orthosulfamuron...131 4.218 Azoxystrobin...132 4.219 Cyprodinil...132 4.220 Pyrimethanil...133 4.221 Bentazone...134 4.222 Methomyl...134 4.223 Folpet...135 4.224 Blasticidin-S...135 4.225 Ethoprophos...136 4.226 Mepronil...137 4.227 Cyromazine...137 4.228 Chlorbenzuron...137 4.229 1-naphthylacetic acid and sodium 1-naphthalacitic acid...138 4.230 Ningnanmycin...138 4.231 Demeton...138 4.232 Dimepiperate...139 4.233 Triforine...139 4.234 Metribuzin...140 4.235 Cyanazine...140 4.236 Cyhalofop-butyl...141 4.237 Cyazofamid...141 4.238 Fenvalerate and esfenvalerate...141 4.239 Clodinafop-propargyl...142 4.240 Propargite...143 4.241 Lactofen...143 4.242 Thidiazuron...144 4.243 Thiacloprid...144 4.244 Thiamethoxam...145 4.245 Thifensulfuron-methyl...145 4.246 Thifluzamide...146 4.247 Dimethipin...146 4.248 Thiabendazole...146 4.249 Hexythiazox...147 VI

4.250 Henziothiazolinone...148 4.251 Buprofezin...148 4.252 Fosthiazate...149 4.253 Zinc-thiazole...149 4.254 Fentin hydroxide...149 4.255 Acifluorfen...149 4.256 Tricyclazole...150 4.257 Dicofol...150 4.258 Tetradifon...150 4.259 Fosetyl-aluminium...151 4.260 Cyhexatin...151 4.261 Triadimenol...151 4.262 Triazophos...152 4.263 Triadimefon...153 4.264 Azocyclotin...154 4.265 Amitrole...154 4.266 Thiosultap-monosodium...155 4.267 Thiocyclam...155 4.268 Chlordimeform...155 4.269 Bisultap thiosultap-disodium...156 4.270 Triflumuron...156 4.271 Cartap...157 4.272 Fenitrothion...157 4.273 Methidathion...158 4.274 Oxamyl...159 4.275 Bioresmethrin...159 4.276 Florasulam...159 4.277 [iminoctadinetris (albesilate)]...160 4.278 Amitraz...160 4.279 Mandipropamid...161 4.280 Propamocarband propamocarb hydrochloride...161 4.281 Cymoxanil...162 4.282 Isocarbophos...162 4.283 Metaldehyde...163 4.284 Fthalide phthalide...163 4.285 Tecnazene...164 4.286 Clofentezine...164 4.287 Terbufos...164 4.288 Aldicarb...165 4.289 Desmedipham...166 4.290 Phenmedipham...166 4.291 Metam-sodium...167 4.292 Carboxin...167 4.293 Trifloxystrobin...167 VII

4.294 Quintozene...168 4.295 Penconazole...169 4.296 Tebuconazole...169 4.297 Simetryn...171 4.298 Simazine...171 4.299 Clethodim...171 4.300 Nitenpyram...172 4.301 Sethoxydim...172 4.302 Xiwojunan...173 4.303 Dimethomorph...173 4.304 Diniconazole...174 4.305 Amidosulfuron...174 4.306 Mesotrione...175 4.307 Phoxim...175 4.308 Bromoxynil...176 4.309 Methyl bromide...176 4.310 Bromothalonil...177 4.311 Bromopropylate...177 4.312 Deltamethrin...178 4.313 Vamidothion...179 4.314 Phosmet...180 4.315 Ooxydemeton-methyl...181 4.316 Imibenconazole...181 4.317 Nicotine...182 4.318 Nicosulfuron...182 4.319 Omethoate...182 4.320 Triallate...183 4.321 Difenzoquat...183 4.322 Ivermectin...183 4.323 Acetochlor...184 4.324 Ethiprole...184 4.325 Spinetoram...184 4.326 Ethion...185 4.327 Etoxazole...185 4.328 Diethofencarb...185 4.329 Ethirimol...186 4.330 Fluoroglycofen-ethyl...186 4.331 Ethylicin...186 4.332 Vinclozolin...186 4.333 Ethephon...187 4.334 Acephate...188 4.335 Ethoxyquin...189 4.336 Oxyfluorfen...189 4.337 Ethoxysulfuron...189 VIII

4.338 Propisochlor...190 4.339 Metolachlor and s-metolachlor)...190 4.340 Isoproturon...191 4.341 Isoprocarb...191 4.342 Iprobenfos...191 4.343 Clomazone...192 4.344 Iprodione...192 4.345 Imazalil...192 4.346 Maleic hydrazide...193 4.347 Azadirachtin...193 4.348 Indoxacarb...194 4.349 Coumaphos...194 4.350 Ametryn...195 4.351 Atrazine...195 4.352 Rotenone...195 4.353 Piperonyl butoxide...196 4.354 Sulfotep...197 4.355 Butralin...197 4.356 Fenobucarb...198 4.357 Carfentrazone-ethyl...198 4.358 Tolfenpyrad...198 4.359 Fenpyroximate...199 4.360 Flumetsulam...199 4.361 Pyraoxystrobin...199 4.362 Aldrin...199 4.363 DDT...200 4.364 Dieldrin...202 4.365 Camphechlor...203 4.366 Lindane...204 4.367 HCB...204 4.368 Chlordane...205 4.369 Mirex...206 4.370 Heptachlor...207 4.371 Endrin...208 Informative Appendix A...210 Informative Appendix B...216 Informative Appendix C...225 IX

Preface This standard is formulated pursuant to rules provided in the GB/T 1.1 (Directives for standardization) This standard replaces the GB 2763-2012 *, and differ from the GB 2763-2012 in the following sapects: Verified and changed the definition of three pesticides (benomyl, fipronil, and nitenpyram), and ADI of nine pesticides, including MCPA (sodium); Added 65 pesticide nmaes; Added 1,357 MRL of pesticdes; Added 15 testing method standards, and removed one testing method standard; Amended the Informative Annex A; specified food categories and parts to be tested; added 66 food names, including Triticale; * Note: implementation of the GB 2763-2012 annulled the following standards: GB 2763-2005 Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food; GB 2763-2005 Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food First Modification; Section 4.3.3 (MRL of Pesticides) in GB 2715-2005 Hygienic Standard of Cereals; GB 25193-2010 MRL of 12 Pesticides (Including Chlorothalonil) in Foods; GB 26130-2010 MRL of 54 Pesticides (including paraquat) in Foods; GB 28260-2011 MRL of 85 Pesticides (including abamectin) in Foods; NY 660-2003 Maximum Residue Limits Of Carbaryl, Carbosulfan,Carbendazim,Propoxur and Pirimicarb in Tea; NY 661-2003 MRL of Cyfluthrin and Flucythrinate in Tea; NY 662-2003 Maxiumum Residue Limits Of Alachlor,Carbonfuran,Chlorothalonil, Fenamiphos and Metolachlor in Peanuts; NY 773-2004 Maximum Residue Limits for Acetamiprid in Fruits; NY 774-2004 Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Leafy Vegetable; NY 775-2004 Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Corn; NY 831-2004 MRL of Benzoximate, Buprofezin, Cypermethrin, Fenothiocarb, Fenpropathrin, Fenpyroximate, and Teflubenzuron in Citrus; 1

NY 1500-2007 MRl of Pesticides in Agricultural Products; NY 1500-2008 MRL of 20 Pesticides (including methamidophos) in Vegetables and Fruits; NY 1500-2009 MRl of Pesticides in Agricultural Products. 2

Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foods 1 Scope This standard regulates the 3,650 maximum residue limits of 387 pesticides including 2,4-D, etc. in food. The standard applies to the food related to residue limits. The food categories and evaluation parts (Appendix A) is used to define the application scope of the pesticides maximum residue limits, which applies only to this standard. For instance, the maximum residue limit of a pesticide is applicable for a certain food category, all the food in this category will be applicable to this MRL, except special provisions 2 Normative reference The reference files in this standard is essential to the application of the standard. For dated references, only the dated versions apply to this standard. For not dated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies in this standard. GB/T 5009.19 Determination of organochlorine pesticide multiresidues in foods GB/T 5009.20 Determination of organophosphorous pesticide residues in foods GB/T 5009.21 Determination of carbaryl residues in cereals, oils and vegetables GB/T 5009.36 Analytical methods for hygienic standard of grain GB/T 5009.102 Determination of phoxim pesticide residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.103 Determination of methamidophos and acephate pesticide residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.104 Determination of carbamate pesticide residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.105 Determination of chlorothalonil residues in cucumber GB/T 5009.107 Determination of diazinon residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.110 Determination of cypermethrin,fenvalerate and deltamethrin residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.113 Determination of thiocyclam residues in rice GB/T 5009.114 Determination of bisultap residues in rice 3

GB/T 5009.115 Determination of tricyclazole residues in rice GB/T 5009.126 Determination of triadmefon residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.129 Determination of ethoxyquin residues in fruits GB/T 5009.130 Determination of fomesafen residues in soybeans and cereals GB/T 5009.131 Determination of phosmet residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.132 Determination of atrazine residues in foods GB/T 5009.133 Determination of chlorotoluron residues in grains GB/T 5009.134 Determination of molinate residues in rice GB/T 5009.135 Determination of chlorbenzuron residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.136 Determination of quintozene residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.142 Determination of fluazifop-butyl and its acid residues in vegetable food GB/T 5009.143 Determination of amitraz residues in vegetables,fruits,edible oil GB/T 5009.144 Determination of isofenphos-methyl residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.145 Determination of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide multiresidues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.146 Determination of organochlorines and pyrethroid pesticide multiresidues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.147 Determination of diflubenzuron residues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.155 Determination of isoprothiolane residues in rice GB/T 5009.160 Determination of semianitraz residues in fruits GB/T 5009.162 Determination of organochlorine pesticide and pyrethroid pesticide multiresidues in animal original foods GB/T 5009.164 Determination of butachlor residues in rice GB/T 5009.165 Determination of 2, 4-D butylate residues in grains GB/T 5009.172 Determination of trifluralin residues in soybean, peanut, soybean oil, peanut oil GB/T 5009.174 Determination of metolachlor residues in peanut and soybean GB/T 5009.175 Determination of 2, 4-D in grains and vegetables GB/T 5009.176 Determination of dicofol residues in tea, fruits, edible evgetable oils GB/T 5009.177 Determination of propanil residues in rice 4

GB/T 5009.180 Determination of oxadiazon residues in cereals and peanuts GB/T 5009.184 Determination of buprofezin in cereals and vegetables GB/T 5009.200 Determination of difenzoquat residues in wheat GB/T 5009.201 Determination of diniconazole residues in pear GB/T 5009.218 Determination of multi pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables GB/T 5009.219 Determination of the residues of chlorcholine chloride in cereals GB/T 5009.220 Determination of the residues of anilazine in cereals GB/T 5009.221 Determination of the residues of diquat in cereals GB/T 14553 Cereal, fruit and vegetable quality - Determination of Organophosphorus pesticides -Gas chromatography GB/T 14929.2 Method for determination of aldicarb residues in peanut cottonseed oil and peanut oil GB/T 19611 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of maleic hydrazide residues - UV Spectrophotometer Method GB/T 19648 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method GB/T 19649 Method for determination of 475 pesticides and related chemicals residues in grains - GC-MS method GB/T 20769 Determination of 450 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - LC-MS-MS method GB/T 20770 Determination of 372 pesticides and related chemicals residues in grains - LC-MS-MS method GB/T 22243 Determination of residue limits of fluroxypyr in rice, vegetable and fruit GB/T 22968 Determination of ivermectin,abamectin,doramectin and eprinomectin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method GB/T 23204 Determination of 519 pesticides and related chemicals residues in tea. GC-MS method GB/T 23205 Determination of 448 pesticides and related chemicals residues in tea - LC-MS-MS method GB/T 23206 Determination of 512 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruit juice vegetable juice and fruit wine - LC-MS-MS method 5

GB/T 23210 rmination of 511 pesticides and related chemicals residues in milk and milk powder -GC-MS GB/T 23216 Determination of 503 pesticides and related chemicals residues in mushrooms - GC-MS GB/T 23376 Determination of pesticides residues in tea - GC/MS method GB/T 23379 Determination of imidacloprid residues in fruits,vegetables and teas - HPLCHPLC GB/T 23380 Determination of carbendazim residues in fruits and vegetables HPLC GB/T 23584 Determination of acetamiprid residue in fruits and vegetables Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry GB/T 23750 Determination of Glyphosate residues in plant products-gc-ms method GB/T 23816 Method for determination of triazine herbicide residues in soybean GB/T 23818 Determination of imidazolinone herbicide residues in soybean GB/T 25222 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of phosphide residues in grain - Spectrophotometric method NY/T 761 Pesticide multiresidue sceen methods for determination of organophosphorus pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, pyrethroid pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits NY/T 1016 Determination of ethephon residues in fruits and vegetables - gas chromatogram method NY/T 1096 Determination of glyphosate residues in food NY/T 1275 Determination of Imidacloprid Residual in Vegetables and Fruits NY/T 1277 Determination of Iprodione Residues in Vegetables by HPLC NY/T 1379 Multi-residue Determination of 334 Pesticides in Vegetable by GC/MS and LC/MS NY/T 1434 Multi-residue Determination of 2 4 - D and Other 12 Herbicides in Vegetable by LC/MS NY/T 1453 Determination of 16 pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables by LC - MS/MS NY/T 1455 Determination of myclobutanil residue in fruits by gas chromatogram NY/T 1456 Determination of prochloraz residue in fruits by gas chromatography NY/T 1616 Determination of Nine sulfonylurea herbicides residues in soils by LC-MS NY/T 1652 Determination of propargite residues in vegetables and fruits - GC NY/T 1679 Determination of carbamate pesticide residues in vegetable foods by LC - MS/MS NY/T 1680 Determination of carbendazim and other 3 benzimidazoles in vegetable and fruit by HPLC 6

NY/T 1720 Determination of seven benzoylurea pesticides residues in fruits and vegetables by HPLC NY/T 1722 Determination of anilazine residue in vegetables by HPLC NY/T 1725 Determination of cyromazine residue in vegetables by HPLC SN 0139 Method for determination of dithiocarbamate residues in grain for export SN 0150 Method for determination of axocyclotinresidue in fruit for export SN 0157 Method for determination of dithiocarbamate residue in fruit for export SN 0192 Method for determination of bromopropylateresidues in fruits for export SN 0209 Method for determination of phoxim residues in grains for export SN 0279 Method for the determination of amitrazresidues in fruits for export SN 0287 Method for the determination of ethoxyquinresidues in fruits for Export - Liquid chromatography SN 0340 Method for the determination of paraquat residues in cereals vegetables for export - UV-spectrophotometric method SN 0345 Method for the determination of dimehyporesidues in vegetables for export SN 0346 Method for the determination of α-naphthylacetic acid residues in vegetables for export: SN 0492 Method for the determination of thiobencarb residues in cereals for export SN 0499 Method for the determination of chlorothalonil residues in fruits and vegetables for export SN 0500 Method for the determination of dodine residues in fruits for export SN 0522 Method for the determination of terbufos residues in cereals for export SN 0584 Method for the determination of vinclozolin residues in cereals and oil seeds for export SN 0585 Method for the determination of acephate residues in cereals and oil seeds for export SN 0592 Method for the determination of fenbutatin oxide residues in cereals and oil seeds for export SN 0597 Method for the determination of o-phenylphenol and its sodium salt residues in fruits for export SN 0649 Method for the determination of methyl bromide residues in cereals for export SN 0654 Method for the determination of captan residues in fruits for export SN 0685 Method for the determination of propamocarb residues inf cereals for export 7

SN 0687 Method for the determination of diclofop-methyl residues in cereals and oil seeds for export SN 0695 Method for the determination of triforine residues in cereals for export SN 0701 Method for the determination of phosphamidon residues in cereals for export SN/T 0134 Determination of pesticide residues of 12 kinds carbamates including oxamyl in foods for import and export LC-MS/MS method SN/T 0292 Determination of bentazon residues in cereals for import and export SN/T 0351 Determination of ethoprophos residues in foods for import and export SN/T 0519 Determination of propiconazole residue in food for import and export SN/T 0711 Method for the determination of total residues of ethylene bisdithiocarbamate pesticides in tea for export SN/T 0712 Determination of 11 herbicide resdues in cereals and soybean for import and export. GC-MS method SN/T 1017.5 Method for the determination of quinclorac residues in cereals and oil seeds for export SN/T 1017.8 Determination of imidacloprid residues in cereals for import and export SN/T 1114 Determination of diniconazole residues in fruits for import and export: SN/T 1114-2002 Determination of diniconazole residues in fruits for import and export SN/T 1117 Determination of multiple pyrethroid residues in food for import and export - Gas chromatography method SN/T 1477 Inspection of paclobutrazol residues in food for import and export SN/T 1541 Inspection of the total residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in tea for export SN/T 1605 Inspection of cyanazin fluometuron atrazine propanil and linuron residues in products of plant origin for import and export - HPLC SN/T 1606 Inspection of phenoxy acid herbicides residues in products of plant origin for import and export - gc SN/T 1737.2 Determination of herbicides residues-part 2:Determination of diphenyl ether herbicides residues in cereal and oilseed by GC/MS method SN/T 1739 Determination of organophosphrous pesticides residues in cereals and oil seeds for import and export-gas chromatography mass spectrometry method 8

SN/T 1740 Determination of clofentezine residues in foods for import and export-gc/ms SN/T 1741 Determination of alachlor residues in foods for import and export GC/MS SN/T 1923 Determination of glyphosate residues in food for import and export - HPLC-MS/MS method SN/T 1967 Determination of iprobenfos residues in food for import and export SN/T 1969 Determination of bifenthrin residue in food for import and export-gc-ms method SN/T 1973 Determination of abamectin residues in food for import and export-hplc-ms/ms method SN/T 1975 Determinaiton of difenoconazole residue in food for import and export-gc-ms method SN/T 1976 Determination of azoxystrobin residues in fruit and vegetable for import and export-gc method SN/T 1977 Determination of fenpyroximate residues in fruit and vegetable for import and export-hplc method SN/T 1982 Determination of fipronil residues in food for import and export-gc-ms method SN/T 1983 Determination of flumioxazin residues in food for import and export-gc-ms method SN/T 1986 Determination of chlorfenapyr residues in food for import and export SN/T 1990 Determination of azocyclotin and cyhexatin residues in food for import and export-gc-ms method SN/T 2095 Determination of chlorfluazuron residues in vegetables for import and export - HPLC SN/T 2114 Determination of abamectin residues in fruit and vegetable for import and export - LC method SN/T 2147 Determination of cadusafos residues in food for import and export SN/T 2149 Determination of benoxacor, anilofos, allidochlor 110 pesticides residues in foodstuffs for import and export - GC-MS Method SN/T 2150 Determination of residues of aldoxycarb, pyraclostrobin, azoxystrobin 65 pesticides in foodstuffs for import and export - LC-MS/MS method SN/T 2151 Determination of pesticides residue of 28 kinds of including bioresmethrin, acinathrin, bifenthrin in food import and export - GC-MS method SN/T 2152 Determination of hexaflumuron residue in food for import and export - HPLC-MS/MS 9

method SN/T 2158 Determination of chlorpyrifos residue in foods for import and export SN/T 2212 Determination of bensulfuron methyl residues in cereals for import and export - Liquid chromatography SN/T 2228 Determination of 31 acid pesticide residues in foods for import and export - GC-MS method SN/T 2232 Determination of triadimenol residue in foods for import and export - GC-MS method SN/T 2233 Determination of fenpropathrin residue in food for import and export SN/T 2234 Determination of profenofos residue in food for import and export - GC and GC-MS method SN/T 2236 Determination of flusilazole residues in food for import and export - GC-MS method SN/T 2320 Determination of chlorthalonil, dichlofluanid, tolylfluanid, captan, folpet, captafol and deltamethrin residues in food for import and export GC-MS method SN/T 2322 of cetochlor residue in foods for import and export SN/T 2324 Determination of 33 organophosphrous pesticides residues (butamifos, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl et al infoodstuffs) for import and export SN/T 2325 Determination of 45 pesticides residues including azimsulfron, bensulfron-methyl, cinousulfron et al in foods for import and export - HPLC-MS/MS method SN/T 2397 Method for determination of Nicotine in foods for import and export SN/T 2432 Determination of pyridaben residues in food for import and export SN/T 2433 Determination of clodinafop propargyl residues in food for import and export SN/T 2459 Determination of flumiclorac-pentyl residues in food for import and export. GC-MS method SN/T 2560 Determination of carbamate pesticide residues in food for import and export - LC-MS method YC/T 180 Tobacco and tobacco products-determination of camphechlor residues-gc method 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions below apply to this standard. 3.1 Residue definition 10

Any particular substance in food, agricultural products and animal feed due to the use of pesticides, including the pesticide derivatives which is considered to have toxicological significance, such as pesticide conversion products, metabolites, reaction products and impurities, etc. 3.2 Maximum residue limit (MRL) The statutory maximum concentration of pesticide residues that allowed in the internal or surface of food or agricultural products, expressed as the milligrams of pesticide residues per kilogram of food or agricultural products (mg/kg). 3.3 Extraneous maximum residue limit (EMRL) Although some persistent residual pesticides have been prohibited, they ll presence in the environment for a long time, which is in the formation of residues in food once again. Develop the residue limits in food in order to control contamination of these kinds of pesticide residues on food. Expressed as the milligrams of pesticide residues per kilogram of food or agricultural products (mg/kg). 3.4 Acceptable daily intake (ADI) The estimated amount that human lifetime daily intake of a substance but without creating detected health hazards. Expressed by the amount of intake per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg). 4 Technical requirements 4.1 2, 4-D and 2, 4-D Na 4.1.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.1.2 ADI: 0.01 mg/kg bw. 4.1.3 Residue definition: 2, 4-D. 4.1.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 1. Table 1 Cereals Oil seed and oil Vegetables Wheat 2 Rye 2 Corn 0.05 Fresh maize 0.1 Sorghum 0.01 Soybean 0.01 Celery cabbage 0.2 Tomato 0.5 11

Fruit Eggplant 0.1 Chili 0.1 Potato 0.2 Cactus 0.05 Citrus fruit 1 Pome fruit 0.01 Stone fruit 0.05 Berries and other small fruits 0.1 Nuts 0.2 Sugar crop Sugarcane 0.05 Edible fungi Mushroom (fresh) 0.1 GB 2763 2014 4.1.5 Testing method: Cereals (with the exception of sorghum), vegetables, and edible fungi shall be tested by methods provided in tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.175; testing of sorghum, oil seed and oil, fruits, nuts, and sugar crops shall refer to methods provided in NY/T 1434. 4.2 2, 4-D butylate 4.2.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.2.2 ADI: 0.01 mg/kg bw. 4.2.3 Residue definition: 2, 4-D butylate. 4.2.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 2. Table 2 Cereals Corn 0.05 4.2.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.165, GB/T 5009.175. 4.3 MCPA (sodium) 4.3.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.3.2 ADI: 0.1 mg/kg bw. 4.3.3 Residue definition: MCPA. 4.3.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 3. Table 3 Cereals Fruit Sugar crop Brown rice 0.05 Corn 0.05 Citrus 0.1 Sugarcane 0.05 12

4.3.5 Testing method: testing of grain, sugar crops shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 2228; fruits shall be tested by methods provided in by methods provided in GB/T 20769. 4.4 Abamectin 4.4.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.4.2 ADI: 0.002 mg/kg bw. 4.4.3 Residue definition: (total of B1a and B1b). 4.4.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 4. Table 4 Cereals Brown rice 0.02 Oil seed and oil Cotton seed 0.01 Vegetables Leek 0.05 Head cabbage 0.05 Broccoli 0.5 Spinach 0.05 Ordinary cabbage 0.05 Lettuce 0.05 Celery 0.05 Celery cabbage 0.05 Tomato 0.02 Sweet pepper 0.02 Cucumber 0.02 Squash 0.01 Cowpea 0.05 Kidney bean 0.1 Radish 0.01 Potato 0.01 Fruit Citrus fruit (with the exception of citrus) 0.01 Citrus 0.02 Apple 0.02 Pear 0.02 Strawberry 0.02 Melons 0.01 Nuts Beverages Almond 0.01 Walnut 0.01 Hop 0.1 13

Condiment Dried chilli 0.2 Pepper 0.05 GB 2763 2014 4.4.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1973; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1973; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in by methods provided in SN/T 1973, SN/T 2114; testing of nuts, beverages, and condiment shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 2114. 4.5 Chlormequat 4.5.1 Major purpose of use: plant growth regulator. 4.5.2 ADI: 0.05 mg/kg bw. 4.5.3 Residue definition: Chlormequat cation, expressed as chloride compound. 4.5.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 5. Table 5 Cereals Wheat 5 Barley 2 Oats 10 Rye 3 Triticale 3 Corn 5 Rye flour 3 Whole rye flour 4 Oil seed and oil Rapeseed 5 Crude rapeseed oil 0.1 Cotton seed 0.5 4.5.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.219; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.219. 4.6 Ethametsulfuron 4.6.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.6.2 ADI: 0.2 mg/kg bw. 4.6.3 Residue definition: Ethametsulfuron. 4.6.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 6. Table 6 Oil seed and oil Rape seed 0.02 4.6.5 Testing method: Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in NY/T 1616. 14

4.7 Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate 4.7.1 Major purpose of use: plant growth regulator. 4.7.2 ADI: 0.023 mg/kg bw. 4.7.3 Residue definition: Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate. 4.7.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 7. Table 7 4.8 Picloram Cereals Vegetables Corn 0.2 * Ordinary cabbage 0.05 * Celery cabbage 0.2 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. 4.8.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.8.2 ADI: 0.3 mg/kg bw. 4.8.3 Residue definition: Picloram. 4.8.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 8. Table 8 4.9 Paraquat Oil seed and oil Rape seed 0.1 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. 4.9.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.9.2 ADI: 0.005 mg/kg bw. 4.9.3 Residue definition: Paraquat cation, expressed as dichloro paraquat. 4.9.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 9. Table 9 Cereals Corn 0.1 Sorghum 0.03 Coarse cereals 0.5 Wheat flour 0.5 Oil seed and oil Rapeseed oil 0.05 Cotton seed 0.2 Soybean 0.5 Sunflower seed 2 Vegetables 15

Bulb vegetables 0.05 Brassica vegetables 0.05 Leaf vegetables 0.05 Solanaceous vegetables 0.05 Gourd vegetables 0.05 Leguminous vegetables 0.05 Stem vegetable 0.05 Root, tuber and tuberous rooted vegetables 0.05 Aquatic vegetables 0.05 Sprout vegetables 0.05 Other vegetables 0.05 Fruit Citrus fruit (with the exception of citrus) 0.02 Citrus 0.2 Pome fruit (with the exception of apples) 0.01 Apple 0.05 Stone fruit 0.01 Berries and other small fruits 0.01 Olive 0.1 Tropical and sub-tropical fruits inedible peel (with the exception of bananas) 0.01 Banana 0.02 Melons 0.02 Nuts 0.05 Beverages Hop 0.1 GB 2763 2014 4.9.5 Testing method: Cereals, vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in SN 0340; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in SN 0340; Nuts, beverages shall be tested by methods provided in SN 0340. 4.10 Chlorothalonil 4.10.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4.10.2 ADI: 0.02 mg/kg bw. 4.10.3 Residue definition: Chlorothalonil. 4.10.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 10. Table 10 Cereals Rice 0.2 Wheat 0.1 Fresh maize 5 Mung bean 0.2 16

Oil seed and oil Vegetables Fruit Adsuki bean 0.2 Soybean 0.2 Peanut 0.05 Spinach 5 Ordinary cabbage 5 Lettuce 5 Celery cabbage 5 Tomato 5 Eggplant 5 Chili 5 Cucumber 5 Squash 5 Loofah 5 Pumpkin 5 Citrus 1 Apple 1 Pear 1 Grape 0.5 Water melon 5 Sweet melon 5 Edible fungi Mushroom (fresh) 5 GB 2763 2014 4.10.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 2320; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 2320; Vegetables, fruit, edible fungi shall be tested by methods provided in NY/T 761, SN 0499, GB/T 5009.105. 4.11 Azinphos-methyl 4.11.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.11.2 ADI: 0.03 mg/kg bw. 4.11.3 Residue definition: Azinphos-methyl. 4.11.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 11. Table 11 Oil seed and oil Soybean 0.05 Cotton seed 0.2 Vegetables Vegetables (with the exception of the separately listed) 0.5 Broccoli 1 17

Tomato 1 Sweet pepper 1 Cucumber 0.2 Potato 0.05 Fruit Fruit (with the exception of the separately listed) 1 Apple 2 Pear 2 Peach 2 Cherry 2 Nectarine 2 Prune 2 Dried prune 2 Blueberry 5 Cranberry 0.1 Water melon 0.2 Sweet melons 0.2 Nuts Sugar crop Almond 0.05 Carya cathayensis 0.3 Sugarcane 0.2 Condiment Condiment (with the exception of the separately listed) 0.5 Dried chilli 10 GB 2763 2014 4.11.5 Testing method: testing of oil seed and oil, Potato, nuts, sugar crops, and condiment shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 1739; Vegetables (with the exception of potatos), fruits shall be tested by methods provided in by methods provided in NY/T 761. 4.12 Fenthion 4.12.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.12.2 ADI: 0.007 mg/kg bw. 4.12.3 Residue definition: The sum of fenthion and its oxygen analogues (sulfoxide, sulfone compound), expressed as fenthion. 4.12.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 12. Table 12 Cereals Oil seed and oil Rice 0.05 Wheat 0.05 18

Edible vegetable oil 0.01 Virgin olive oil 1 Vegetables Bulb vegetables 0.05 Brassica vegetables 0.05 Leaf vegetables 0.05 Solanaceous vegetables 0.05 Gourd vegetables 0.05 Leguminous vegetables 0.05 Stem vegetable 0.05 Root, tuber and tuberous rooted vegetables 0.05 Aquatic vegetables 0.05 Sprout vegetables 0.05 Other vegetables 0.05 Fruit Citrus fruit 0.05 Pome fruit 0.05 Stone fruit (with the exception of cherry) 0.05 Cherry 2 Berries and other small fruits 0.05 Tropical and sub-tropical fruits (with the exception of olive) 0.05 Olive 1 Melons 0.05 GB 2763 2014 4.12.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.145; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.145; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in NY/T 761, GB/T 19648. 4.13 Fenbutatin oxide 4.13.1 Major purpose of use: Acaricide. 4.13.2 ADI: 0.03 mg/kg bw. 4.13.3 Residue definition: Fenbutatin oxide. 4.13.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 13. Table 13 Vegetables Fruit Tomato 1 Cucumber 0.5 Citrus 1 Preserved citrus 25 Lemon 5 19

Pummelo 5 Orange 5 Pome fruits (with the exception of apple and pear) 5 Apple 5 Pear 5 Cherry 10 Peach 7 Prune 3 Dried prune 10 Grape 5 Raisin 20 Strawberry 10 Banana 10 Nuts Almond 0.5 Carya cathayensis 0.5 Walnut 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.13.5 Testing method: testing of Vegetables, fruit, and nuts shall refer to methods provided in SN 0592. 4.14 Dichlofluanid 4.14.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4.14.2 ADI: 0.3 mg/kg bw. 4.14.3 Residue definition: Dichlofluanid. 4.14.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 14. Table 14 Vegetables Fruit Onion 0.1 Lettuce 10 Tomato 2 Chili 2 Cucumber 5 Potato 0.1 Apple 5 Pear 5 Peach 5 Current (black, red, white) 15 Raspberry 7 Gooseberry (red, black) 15 Grape 15 Strawberry 10 20

Condiment Dried chilli 20 4.14.5 Testing method: testing of Vegetables, fruits, and condiment shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 2320. 4.15 Tribenuron-methyl 4.15.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.15.2 ADI: 0.01 mg/kg bw. 4.15.3 Residue definition: Tribenuron-methyl. 4.15.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 15. Table 15 Cereals Wheat 0.05 4.15.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 2325. 4.16 Benomyl 4.16.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4.16.2 ADI: 0.1 mg/kg bw. 4.16.3 Residue definition: The sum of Benomyl and carbendazim, expressed as carbendazim. 4.16.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 16. Table 16 Fruit *The MRL is the temporary limit. Citrus 5 * Pear 3 * 4.16.5 Testing method: fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 23380, NY/T 1680. 4.17 Fenothiocarb 4.17.1 Major purpose of use: Acaricide. 4.17.2 ADI: 0.0075 mg/kg bw. 4.17.3 Residue definition: Fenothiocarb. 4.17.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 17. Table 17 Fruit *The MRL is the temporary limit. Citrus 0.5 * 4.17.5 Testing method: fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648. 4.18 Benzoximate 4.18.1 Major purpose of use: Acaricide. 21

4.18.2 ADI: 0.15 mg/kg bw. 4.18.3 Residue definition: Benzoximate. 4.18.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 18. Table 18 Fruit *The MRL is the temporary limit. Citrus 0.3 * 4.18.5 Testing method: fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20769. 4.19 Difenoconazole 4.19.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide 4.19.2 ADI: 0.01 mg/kg bw. 4.19.3 Residue definition: Difenoconazole. 4.19.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 19. Table 19 Cereals Brown rice 0.5 Wheat 0.1 Oil seed and oil Rape seed 0.05 Soybean 0.05 Peanut 0.2 Sunflower seed 0.02 Vegetables Garlic 0.2 Scallion 0.3 Head cabbage 0.2 Brussels sprouts 0.2 Sprouting broccoli 0.5 Broccoli 0.2 Stem and leaf lettuce 2 Cabbage lettuce 2 Celery cabbage 1 Tomato 0.5 Cucumber 1 Edible podded pea 0.7 Asparagus 0.03 Carrot 0.2 Celeriac 0.5 Potato 0.02 Fruit GB 2763 2014 22

Citrus 0.2 Pome fruits (with the exceptance of apple and pear) 0.5 Apple 0.5 Pear 0.5 Prune 0.2 Dried prune 0.2 Peach 0.5 Nectarine 0.5 Cherry 0.2 Passion fruit 0.05 Olive 2 Litchi 0.5 Mango 0.07 Banana 1 Papaya 0.2 Water melon 0.1 Nuts 0.03 Sugar crop Beverages Medicinal plant Sugar beet 0.2 Tea 10 Ginseng 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.19.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19649; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1975; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1975, GB/T 5009.218, GB/T 19648; testing of tea shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 1975, GB/T 5009.218, GB/T 19648; testing of nuts, sugar crops, and medicinal plant shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 1975, GB/T 5009.218, GB/T 19648. 4.20 Mefenacet 4.20.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.20.2 ADI: 0.007mg/kg bw. 4.20.3 Residue definition: Mefenacet. 4.20.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 20. Table 20 Cereals Brown rice 0.05 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. 4.20.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19649, GB/T 20770, SN/T 0712. 23

4.21 Benalaxyl 4.21.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide 4.21.2 ADI: 0.07 mg/kg bw 4.21.3 Residue definition: Benalaxyl 4.21.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 21. Table 21 Vegetables Fruit Onion 0.02 Cabbage lettuce 1 Tomato 0.2 Potato 0.02 Grape 0.3 Water melon 0.1 Sweet melons 0.3 4.21.5 Testing method: vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648, GB/T 20769. 4.22 Zoxamide 4.221 Major purpose of use: fungicide 4.22.2 ADI: 0.5 mg/kg bw 4.22.3 Residue definition: Zoxamide 4.22.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 22. Table 22 Vegetables Fruit Tomato 2 Gourd vegetables 2 Potato 0.02 Grape 5 Raisin 15 Melons 2 4.22.5 Testing method: Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648, GB/T 20769. 4.23 Fenamiphos 4.23.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.23.2 ADI: 0.0008 mg/kg bw. 4.23.3 Residue definition: The sum of Fenamiphos and its oxygen analogue (sulfoxide, sulphone), expressed as Fenamiphos. 24

4.23.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 23. Table 23 Oil seed and oil Peanut 0.05 Peanut oil 0.05 Vegetables Bulb vegetables 0.02 Brassica vegetables 0.02 Leaf vegetables 0.02 Solanaceous vegetables 0.02 Gourd vegetables 0.02 Leguminous vegetables 0.02 Stem vegetable 0.02 Root, tuber and tuberous rooted vegetables 0.02 Aquatic vegetables 0.02 Sprout vegetables 0.02 Other vegetables 0.02 Fruit Pome fruit 0.02 Citrus fruit 0.02 Stone fruit 0.02 Berries and other small fruits 0.02 Tropical and sub-tropical fruits 0.02 Melons 0.02 GB 2763 2014 4.23.5 Testing method: Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.145, GB/T 19648. 4.24 Fenpropidin 4.24.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4.24.2 ADI: 0.02mg/kg bw. 4.24.3 Residue definition: Fenpropidin. 4.24.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 24. Table 24 Cereals Wheat 1 4.24.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770. 4.25 Pyriproxyfen 4.25.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.25.2 ADI: 0.1 mg/kg bw. 25

4.25.3 Residue definition: Pyriproxyfen. 4.25.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 25. Table 25 Oil seed and oil and oil Vegetables Fruit Cotton seed 0.05 Crude cotton seed oil 0.01 Cotton seed oil 0.01 Tomato 1 Citrus fruit 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.25.5 Testing method: Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648. 4.26 Pyraflufen-ethyl 4.26.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.26.2 ADI: 0.2 mg/kg bw. 4.26.3 Residue definition: Pyraflufen-ethyl. 4.26.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 26. Table 26 Cereals Fruit Wheat 0.03 Apple 0.03 4.26.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19649; fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648, NY/T 1379. 4.27 Imidacloprid 4.27.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.27.2 ADI: 0.06 mg/kg bw. 4.27.3 Residue definition: Imidacloprid. 4.27.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 27. Table 27 Cereals Brown rice 0.05 Wheat 0.05 Corn 0.05 Fresh maize 0.05 Oil seed and oil Cotton seed 0.5 26

Vegetables Fruit Sugar crop Beverages Leek 1 Head cabbage 1 Celery 5 Celery cabbage 0.2 Tomato 1 Eggplant 1 Cucumber 1 Zucchini 0.5 Radish 0.5 Citrus 1 Apple 0.5 Pear 0.5 Sugarcane 0.2 Tea 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.27.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1017.8, GB/T 20770; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 1017.8, GB/T 20770; Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 23379, GB/T 20769, NY/T 1275; testing of sugar crops and tea shall refer to methods provided in GB/T 23379. 4.28 Diflufenican 4.28.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.28.2 ADI: 0.2 mg/kg bw. 4.28.3 Residue definition: Diflufenican. 4.28.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 28. Table 28 Cereals Wheat 0.05 4.28.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 0712. 4.29 Fluazifop and fluazifop-p-butyl 4.29.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.29.2 ADI: 0.0074 mg/kg bw. 4.29.3 Residue definition: The sum of Fluazifop and Fluazifop acid (its metabolite), expressed as Fluazifop. 4.29.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 29. Table 29 Oil seed and oil 27

Sugar crop Cotton seed 0.1 Soybean 0.5 Peanut 0.1 Sugar beet 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.29.5 Testing method: Oil seed and oil, sugar crops shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 5009.142. 4.30 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 4.30.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.30.2 ADI: 0.043 mg/kg bw. 4.30.3 Residue definition: Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl. 4.30.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 30. Table 30 Cereals Brown rice 0.1 4.30.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 2325. 4.31 Pymetrozine 4.31.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.31.2 ADI: 0.03 mg/kg bw 4.31.3 Residue definition: pymetrozine 4.31.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 31. Table 31 Cereals Brown rice 0.1 Wheat 0.02 Oil seed and oil Cotton seed 0.1 Vegetables Head cabbage 0.2 4.31.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770; Oil seed and oil, vegetables shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770. 4.32 Pyraclostrobin 4.32.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide 4.32.2 ADI: 0.03mg/kg bw 4.32.3 Residue definition: Pyraclostrobin 4.32.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 32. Table 32 28

Oil seed and oil Vegetables Fruit Peanut 0.05 Head cabbage 0.5 Celery cabbage 5 Cucumber 0.5 Chili 0.5 Potato 0.02 Apple 0.5 Grape 2 Litchi 0.05 Mango 0.05 Banana 0.02 Water melon 0.5 Sweet melon 0.5 GB 2763 2014 4.32.5 Testing method: Vegetables, fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 19648, GB/T 20769; Oil seed and oil shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770. 4.33 Bensulfuron-methyl 4.33.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.33.2 ADI: 0.2 mg/kg bw. 4.33.3 Residue definition: Bensulfuron-methyl. 4.33.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 33. Table 33 Cereals Rice 0.05 Brown rice 0.05 Wheat 0.02 4.33.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 2212, SN/T 2325. 4.34 Pretilachlor 4.34.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.34.2 ADI: 0.018 mg/kg bw. 4.34.3 Residue definition: Pretilachlor. 4.34.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 34. Table 34 Cereals Rice 0.1 Wheat 0.05 4.34.5 Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in SN/T 0712. 29

4.35 Propiconazol 4.35.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4.35.2 ADI: 0.07 mg/kg bw. 4.35.3 Residue definition: Propiconazol. 4.35.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 35. Table 35 Cereals Brown rice 0.1 Wheat 0.05 Barley 0.2 Rye 0.02 Triticale 0.02 Oil seed and oil Rape seed 0.02 Soybean 0.2 Peanut 0.1 Vegetables Fruit Sugar crop Nuts Beverages Cactus 0.05 Apple 0.1 Cranberry 0.3 Banana 1 Pineapple 0.02 Sugarcane 0.02 Sugar beet 0.02 Carya cathayensis 0.02 Coffee bean 0.02 4.35.5Testing method: Cereals shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20770, GB/T 19649; testing of oil seed and oil, sugar crops, beverages, and nuts shall refer to methods provided in SN/T 0519; vegetables and fruits shall be tested by methods provided in GB/T 20769, GB/T 19648. 4.36 Prothioconazole 4.36.1 Major purpose of use: fungicide. 4. 36.2 ADI: 0.05 mg/kg bw. 4. 36.3 Residue definition: desulfurized metabolite of prothioconazole, expressed as prothioconazole. 4. 36.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 36. Table 36 Cereals 30

Oil seed and oil Sugar crop 4.37 Benfuracarb Wheat 0.1 * Barley 0.2 * Oats 0.05 * Rye 0.05 * Triticale 0.05 * Coarse cereals 1 * Rape seed 0.1 * Soybean 1 * Peanut 0.02 * Sugar beet 0.3 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. 4.37.1 Major purpose of use: pesticide. 4.37.2 ADI: 0.01 mg/kg bw. 4.37.3 Residue definition: Benfuracarb. 4.37.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 37. Table 37 Cereals 4.38 Oxadiargyl Rice 0.2 * Brown rice 0.2 * Oil seed and oil Cotton seed 0.5 * Cotton seed oil 0.05 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. 4.38.1 Major purpose of use: Herbicide. 4.38.2 ADI: 0.008 mg/kg bw. 4.38.3 Residue definition: Oxadiargyl. 4.38.4 Maximum residue limit: Shall comply with provisions in the Table 38. Table 38 Cereals Vegetables Brown rice 0.02 * *The MRL is the temporary limit. Potato 0.02 * 31