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6 3 Vol. 6 No. 3 2015 3 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Mar., 2015 * 杨心宇 (, 100068) 摘要 : 目的, 方法, 结果 360, 360, 355, 98.61% ; - 结论,,,, 关键词 : ; ; Research report on the training needs of inspection personnel from food enterprises and institutions in Beijing city YANG Xin-Yu * (Beijing Light Industry Technician Institute, Beijing 100068, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the education background, professional situation, the situation of holding professional qualification certificate, relevant food inspection positions in need of training and training needs of food inspection personnel from food enterprises in Beijing. Methods This research was carried out among the related food enterprises, and conducted in the form of business visit, questionnaire survey and exchange conference. Results In this research, a total of 360 questionnaires were sent out to 360 units, and 355 valid ones were retrieved with answering rate 98.61%. The trainings required by food inspection more focused on the physical and chemical testing, microbial detection, instrument analysis, etc. The training needs from companies focused on food safety and quality control, instrument analysis, microbiological training and the practice on rapid detector, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography instrument, etc. Conclusion It was found that most of the food inspection personnel held high degree and good study background, but they were still far from the professional knowledge, relevant skills and professional qualification needed for food inspection, and furthermore the rate of holding work permit was low. So the needs for above aspect of training were strong and urgent. KEY WORDS: testing personnel of food enterprises; training needs; research report * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: YANG Xi-Yu, Lecturer, Beijing Light Industry Polytechnic College, No.63, Majiabu Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 100068, China. E-mail:

3 : 1045 1 引言,,, 2 研究内容与方法 2.1 调研目的,,, [1-5] 2.2 研究内容, : [6-9] 2.3 调研实施, 1 表 1 食品企事业单位调研对象 Table 1 Research object of food enterprises 325 5 30 360 :,,, : ( ) ( ) 360,, 360, 360, 355, 98.61% 3 企业调研数据分析 3.1 被调查企事业单位情况 355, 1 Fig. 1 1 Composition of enterprises and institutions been investigated 3.2 企业自检人员基本情况 3.2.1 学历构成,, 78%,,, 3.2.2 所学专业情况, 50%,, 3.2.3 岗位情况 68%

1046 6,,,, 78%,,,,, 3.2.4 职业资格证书持有情况, 51%,, 7% 3%,,,,, 3.3 食品企事业单位用人需求情况 16%, 2,,,,,, Fig. 2 2 Relevant positions required for related training in food inspection 3.4 企业对自检人员的培训需求情况 3.4.1 专业知识的培训需求 3,, 3.3 Fig. 3 3 The statistics of professional knowledge training needs

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1048 6 Fig. 5 5 The statistics of instrument and equipment training needs Fig. 6 6 The statistics of professional quality training needs

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