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87 1 1 2 1 2 2,600 27 32 10 50 1978 1985 1987 WTO 2003 10 1 2003 9 25 WTO

88 1978 50 1949 1966-1976 1978 1998 1985 1993 1996 1,032 608 424 740 419 321 2,600 27 32 10 50 70

89 1979 1985 1987 1986 1991 12 21 34 1997 125 18 8 1978 1997 280 150 2002 12 31 1,369 1999 120 2000 296 2001 730

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91 500 100 E-Mail B 100 150 100 C D E F A 1. 25 2. 4 1 4 30

92 3. B C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

93 WHO 3 30 1997 12 654 381 1999 775 446 329 1981

94 1997 650 750 full-time part-time


96 23 2001 WTO 3 5 WTO 10 2003 8 2003 10 1 10 9 2003 9 25 WTO

97 600 WTO, WTO 18 20 70.4 16.8 34 73 1 2.7 5.6,

98 双 2002 72 16. 86.10.22 17. 86.11.12 18. 87.3.31 19. 90.02.03 1. 鋳 2001 2. 2002 4 3. 21. 92.03.18 2001 4. 22. 92.10.19 1996 20. 91.02.10 5. 23. 92.10.16 1998 6. 1999 7. 2000 8. 2000 9. 10. 2002 11. 101 2003 12. WTO 2003 13. 1996 39 8 14. 2000 15. WTO

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106 1982

107 A briefing research studying the phenomenon why Taiwan students pursue for Chinese medicine college degrees in Mainland China Sun,Mao-feng 1, Huang,Kuo-ching 1, Jaung-Geng Lin 2 1 Chang Gung memorial traditional Chinese medicine hospital 2 Graduate school of Chinese medicine, China Medical University ABSTRACT The Chinese medicine and pharmaceutics has developed greatly as Mainland China s market opened. For the time being, in medical system, there are more than 2600 traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and 270 thousands beds. In educational system, there are 32 professional colleges with 100 thousands more students and almost 50 occupational schools. Even in general universities and western medical schools, there are additional departments for Chinese medicine. These Chinese medicine colleges have not accepted Taiwanese students until 1978,when the government decided to open for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao students but only for graduate level. As for college level, schools start enrollment activities in 1985 and have the first Taiwan students registered in 1987. According to government statistics, there are 4000 more lawful students from Taiwan, mostly studying Chinese medicine. This research gathers reference information from official institutions and launches fieldworks, focus groups surveys with Taiwan students. The findings show the differences between local students and Taiwan students in many aspects, such as admission criterion, tuition fee, waved political classes, part-time graduate programs etc. Besides, we find the motives of studying in mainland vary a lot, from self-career planning, employment market demand, peer influence, to personal interest or family expectations and so on. As both sides across strait join World Trade Organization (WTO), our Chinese medicine education system face more competition from Mainland China, which can attract more Taiwan students by deregulation policy. The research also finds that students pursue for mainland s degree mostly because their choices, not because rejected by Taiwan s schools, which is common phenomenon in early years. Furthermore, more students start studying Chinese medicine from undergraduate period instead of graduate stages. Act of People Republic of China (PRC) Chinese medicine came into effect on 1 st Oct, 2003 and World Union Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine held assembly on 25 th Sept. 2003. Now PRC government is enacting professional laws and standardizing practical rules, which cause impact on Taiwan s education system and need to be watching closely. In addition, they make use of the craze of foreigners toward Chinese acupuncture and train them become acupuncture practitioners, which makes acupuncture a universal medical technique. Through the medium of acupuncture, the Chinese medicine becomes more popular and competitive exporting discipline after joining WTO, that offers good lessons for our education system. Key word Chinese medicine education, degree obtained in mainland, China Taiwanese students