(randomized (odds ratio,or) 95%I controlled trial,rt);,, 16, I 2 <50%, ;,,, P<0.05 I 2 >50% 1.1.2,, (oculocardiac reflex,or) 1.2 PubMed oc

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2 JCAM. June,2012,Vol. 28,NO. 6 膝 关 节 创 伤 性 滑 膜 炎 是 急 性 创 伤 或 慢 性 劳 损 所 致 的 关 节 滑 膜 的 无 菌 性 炎 症, 发 病 率 达 2% ~ 3% [1], 为 骨 伤 科 临 床 的 常 见 病 多 发 病 近 年 来




<4D F736F F D203031A5F4BAFBB747A277BC76C554A46BA9CABE72BE70A677A5FEA65DAFC02E646F63>

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2 结 果 409 例 报 告 中, 男 性 249 例 (60.88%), 女 性 160 例 (39.12%), 男 女 比 例 1.6:1; 年 龄 最 小 的 仅 1 天, 年 龄 最 大 的 84 岁 其 中,14 岁 以 下 儿 童 患 者 360 例, 占 88.02% ( 表 1)

< F63756D656E D2D796E2DB9A4D7F72D31C6DABFAF2D31D6D0D2BDD2A9CFD6B4FABBAF2D C4EA2DB5DA31C6DA2D30302DB7E2C3E6CDC6BDE9A3A D31A3A92E6D6469>

米 诺 地 尔 酊 联 合 复 方 甘 草 酸 苷 治 疗 斑 秃 疗 效 评 价 及 对 血 清 TNF-α TGF-β1 和 IL-12 的 影 响 陈 玉 华 1039 Keywords group was significantly lower than the research group


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13 6 13 3 The Journal of Evidence-ased Medicine Jun. 13 Vol.13 No.3 Meta 刘华, 阮林, 刘叶 ( 广西医科大学附属肿瘤医院麻醉科, 南宁 530021) [ ] PubMed ochrane EMASE (M) (VIP), 12 2, ochrane Handbook 5.0.1, RevMan 5.0 Meta 9, 840, 414, 426 Meta :,,,, [ ] / ; / ; ; Meta [ ] R614 [ ] A DOI:10.3969 / j.issn.1671-5144.13.03.012 Desflurane versus Sevoflurane in Pediatric Anesthesia: A Meta Analysis LIU Hua, RUAN Lin, LIU Ye (Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, hina) Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy and adverse reactions of Desflurane versus Sevoflurane in pediatric anesthesia recovery. Methods We searched PubMed, the ochrane Library, EMASE, hinese iomedical Database (from establishment to February 12) for randomized controlled trials (RTs) about the efficacy and adverse reactions of Desflurane versus Sevoflurane in pediatric anesthesia recovery. Meta-analysis was conducted by RevMan 5.0 software. Result Nine RTs involving 840 patients were included. The result showed that the early recovery time was shorter in group of Desflurane. There were no significant differences in the postoperative recovery time, postoperative agitation and vomiting (PONV), severe pain and oculocardiac reflect (OR) between two groups. onclusion The limited current evidence shows that the effect of Desflurane is faster than Sevoflurane in early recovery time. The incidence of PONV of Desflurane is higher than Sevoflurane. Key words: Desflurane; Sevoflurane; pediatric anesthesia; meta-analysis Meta [1],, [ ] 广西自然科学基金资助项目 ( 桂科自 07280) [ ] 刘华 (1982-), 女, 河南商丘人, 在读硕士研究生, 研究方向为吸入麻醉 [ ] 阮林, Tel:0771-5333550; E-mail:1535943930 @qq.com

1 1.1 1.1.1 (randomized (odds ratio,or) 95%I controlled trial,rt);,, 16, I 2 <50%, ;,,, P<0.05 I 2 >50% 1.1.2,, (oculocardiac reflex,or) 1.2 PubMed ochrane EMASE (M) 159, 81 (VIP),, 9 12 2 desflurane sevoflurane pediatric anesthesia randomized controlled trial ; / [2,5,8] [2,5-8] /,5,, 9 1.3 1.3.1 2 [3-4,7-9], 2, 2.3 Meta 3 2.3.1,, 6 [2,5-7,9-10], :,, [2,6,9-10] 1 4, ;2 (P<0.05,I 2 >50%),, [WMD ;3 95%I -3.92(-6.25,-1.59),P<0.05], OR 1.3.2 ochrane 5.0.1 (,I 2 =0%),, [WMD 95%I :1 (, -2.55 (-3.32, -1.78),P <0.05],, );2 ;3 ( 2);3 [6-7,9],,, A ; (,I 2 =0%),,, ; [WMD 95%I -3.00,, (-3.66,-2.35),P<0.05],,. Meta 167 1.4 ochrane RevMan 5.0 Meta (weighted mean difference,wmd), 95% (confidence interval,i), 2 2.1 246,, [2-10] 1 2.2 9 3 9,4 [2,5-6,10],5 ( 1);2 [6,9], ( 2); 2

168 13 13 3 1 ( ) Demirbilek 04a [2] 30 30 5.2±1.4 5.0±1.6 Demirbilek 04b [2] 30 30 5.3±1.5 5.0±1.4 + + Isik 06 [3] 40 40 8.3±3.13 8.8±3.09 3 Ghoi 09a [4] Ghoi 09b [4] 34 33 35 35 4.7±1.8 5.3±1.8 4.9±2.1 5.2±1.9 + + 4 + + 4 Welborn 1996 [5] ohen 02 [6] Valley 03 [7] Oh 07 [8] ao 07 [9] Mayer 06 [10] 50 24 114 19 50 24 19 2±1.4 4.21±1.3 3.6±3.2 7.1 8.2±3.3 4.1±1.59 3±1.8 3.87±1.4 3.0±2.9 6.9 8.5±3.0 4.2±1.98 + + 4 13 1, 2, 3, 4 2 ITT Demirbilek 04 [2] Isik 06 [3] Ghoi 09 [4] Welborn 1996 [5] ohen 02 [6] Valley 03 [7] Oh 07 [8] ao 07 [9] Mayer 06 [10] 1 Meta [2,5], (P<0.05,I 2 >50%), (),, 2 [WMD 95% I -4.25 (-6.19, -2.31),P < 2.3.2 0.05], ( 3); ohen 5 [6], [2,5-7,10] Valley [7]

,. Meta 169 2 Meta 3 Meta, (,I 2 =0%), ();Welborn [5],, (P> [WMD 95% I -1.93 (-5.83, -1.98),P > 0.05);5 [2,5-7,10] 0.05], 4

170 13 13 3 4 Meta 2.3.3 7 95%I 1.04(0.66,1.62),], 6 [2-3,5-7,9-10] [2,5-7] 4, 3 (,I 2 =10%),, [OR 6, 95%I 2.11(1.19,3.76), P<0.05],, 4 ;7 [2-3,5-7,9-10], 3 (,I 2 =0%),, [OR 95%I 1.18(0.74,1.88),]; 2 (0.42) (0.67) ( 6) [2,6], (P>, 0.05,I 2 =0%), : [OR 95%I 0.92(0.53,1.60),], 5 2.3.4 (OR), [OR /, / [13],, [4,8] [14] 2 OR, (,I 2 =0%), /

,. Meta 171 5 ( ) Meta 6 (OR) Meta

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