IN FOCUS TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE A Lifelong Journey to Maximise Potential Every year, one in 150 children is diagnosed to have autism. The number

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AUTISM LINKS Newsletter of the Autism Association (Singapore) APRIL 2018 MCI (P) 015/07/2017 TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN FOCUS Introduction The Autism Association (Singapore) has launched a fundraising campaign to raise S$25 million over the next three years for the establishment of the Eden Endowment Fund. The Story So Far Since the formation of the Association in 1992, it has impacted more than 1,000 individuals with autism. Through its programmes and services, it has provided education, vocational and life skills training for students and adult clients with moderate to severe autism, aged two to their 30s. During these 25 years, the Association has been a front-runner in advocating for awareness and understanding of autism, and promotion of community involvement and support for individuals with autism as well as their families. However, as its students and adult clients grow older, the Association is challenged to meet the rising costs of continued education and skills training to maximise its beneficiaries potential. Announced during the Association s 25th Anniversary on 23 September 2017, the fund will allow the Association to continue offering services on a sustainable basis to those who need help the most adults with moderate to severe autism. Eden Activity Club (Social and Leisure Programme) offers a variety of autism-friendly and interesting activities that can be adjusted to each individual s level of support needs. Gardening in the Housing and Development Board residential flats is a form of Community Living Skills of the Day Activity Programme.

IN FOCUS TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE A Lifelong Journey to Maximise Potential Every year, one in 150 children is diagnosed to have autism. The numbers are increasing due to greater awareness and better diagnosis. With no known cause or cure, autism is a life-long condition. When children with moderate to severe autism grow into adults, they require continued support in their journey of lifelong learning. Unfortunately, Day Activity Centres (DACs) for individuals with moderate to severe autism are costly and resource-intensive to operate. Yet, with continued intervention, adults with autism can learn to be more independent, or even partake in assisted employment. Ms Denise Phua, AA(S) s Board Member and Eden School s Supervisor: Children with autism grow up to become adults with autism. The need to stand by them and ensure that they continue to develop and learn does not go away when formal schooling is over. Story 1: Towards greater independence Lu Yong Cheng, a charming and soft-spoken adult with moderate to severe autism who attends the Day Activity Programme at Eden Centre for Adults (Hougang) is an example. Yong Cheng has learnt to complete routine tasks like toileting and showering, with minimal assistance. He is also able to wash up after his meal and perform simple household tasks such as folding clothes and cleaning. All these capabilities help to lighten the worries of his father who is his sole caregiver. Day Activity Programme serving the adult clients with moderate to severe autism like Yong Cheng, are grounded in the principles of meaningfulness, dignity and independence. Story 2: I can cook Lau Chun Seng graduated from Eden School in 2015. The school prepared him in work readiness skills and transition to work. Chun Seng and his mother Mdm Chan Mee Fong were selected for the first mother-child pilot for the Noodles for Good micro business model, an initiative by the Central Singapore Community Development Council and Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) with Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant. Mdm Chan plays an important role as Chun Seng s natural coach, and they are now operating a food kiosk in the Catholic High School canteen. Choon Seng and his mother pairing together to run their noodle kiosk. Story 3: The Budding Farmer Amit Singh graduated from Eden School in 2016, and currently secured employment as Junior Urban Farmer in Edible Garden City Pte Ltd. Amit is a cheerful and happy boy, whose family is involved with the continued care and support to help him in managing his behaviours commonly associated with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. As a result, Amit is able to perform simple housework at his and his grandmother s house. Amit s good work habit is fully illustrated during the sowing time. Autism Association (Singapore): The Association was set up through the initiative of a group of parents in August 1992. It became a charity under the Charities Act in January 1995. In July 1997, the Association was admitted as a member of the National Council of Social Service and granted the Institutions of a Public Character status allowing it to issue tax-exempt receipts for public donations. The Association is dedicated to serving individuals with autism and helping them lead meaningful and quality lives through its programmes and services at Eden Children s Centres, Eden Schools, Eden Centres for Adults, Eden Activity Club and Eden for Life. Patron: Ho Ching Board of Management: Chairman : Ho Swee Huat Vice Charman : Mohamed Jamil Bin Mohamed Amin Honorary Secretary : Lim Yue Khim Honorary Treasurer : Jason Low Hui Huang Board Members: Denise Phua Lay Peng Tan Buck Chye Joanne Wee Chu-Yian 2 Chong Teik Yean Loh Wai Mooi Ang Hwee Koon : It is published thrice yearly by the Autism Association (Singapore) at 101 Bukit Batok West Ave 3 #01-01 Singapore 659168. Opinions expressed in this publication may not necessarily reflect the official views of the Association. Editorial Team: Christy Wong Jenny Ng Jesse Sie Joshua Jieu Krish Phua Mia Choong Paula Teo Sarayanan s/o Mariappa Tutie Noorsiah Bte Alui Proofreader: Ng Lee Keng Translator: Lin Feng Design and Print: Art n Craft Printing Pte Ltd

TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN FOCUS Future Proofing Your Investments Besides governmental funding, the Association has to find another way to raise funds to keep its DACs running. Hence, the Eden Endowment Fund was launched as a pro-active step towards meeting long-term operational sustainability and financial support for the programmes and services, serving the adult clients with moderate to severe autism. Through the Eden Endowment Fund, future gifts received by the Association will be protected as the Fund generates interest and returns from some low-risk investment projects which are approved by the Board of Management, where they will be channeled to specific purposes. In fact, this is one of the goals of the Eden Endowment Fund - to secure a sustainable future and defray part of the increasing operating cost. As Ms Ho Ching, the Patron of AA(S) highlighted in her speech at the 25th Anniversary Appreciation Lunch: The AA(S) continues to focus on those who require a lot more support. Service for this group, especially the adults, are not only very challenging, but also very costly. They depend hugely on government support and the generosity of companies and caring individuals. Mr Ho Swee Huat, Chairman of AA(S): Our Association s focus is to serve those with moderate to severe autism and their families. As autism is a lifelong disbility, they need help throughout their lives. Towards a Lifelong Learning Journey The donation drive for the Eden Endowment Fund is an ambitious and yet meaningful undertaking. However, the Association cannot do it alone. The beneficiaries need help from the public to build a sustainable, secure future in their lifelong journey of learning. How you can support and participate in this campaign: Make an online donation at your convenience through the online donation portals at Work with your company to help raise funds to support the campaigne 迈向可持续性的未来 IN FOCUS 介绍 新加坡自闭症协会 (AA(S)) 发起了一个筹款活动, 希望在未来 3 年内筹集 2 千 5 百万新元, 以建立忆恩基金 筹款活动是于 2017 年 9 月 23 日, 在协会 25 周年庆典之际宣布的 该基金将使协会能够为最需要帮助的中度及重度自闭症人士提供可持续性的服务 闭症的认识和理解 推动社区的参与 并为自闭症人士及其家庭提供支持 然而, 随着年龄的增长, 学生和成年自闭症人士需要持续性的教育和技能培训, 以尽可能发挥他们的潜力, 协会也因此面临着成本上升的压力 发挥最大潜力的终身学习之旅 每一年,150 个孩童中就有 1 个被诊断为自闭症 诊断率上升的原因是由于大众对自闭症认识的提高以及诊断技术的进步 迄今为止协会自 1992 年成立以来, 已帮助超过 1000 名自闭症人士 通过自身的计划和服务, 协会为 2 岁至 30 多岁的中度及重度自闭症人士提供了教育 职业和生活技能培训 在这 25 年期间, 协会一直扮演领跑者的角色, 致力于提高人们对自 3 由于自闭症的起因和治愈方法尚不明确, 自闭症目前还是一种终身需要面对的状况 中度及重度自闭症孩童长大成人后, 仍然需要长期的支持以帮助他们终身学习 不幸的是, 为中度及重度人士提供服务的日间活动中心运营成本高昂, 资源紧张 然而, 在继续干预努力下, 成年自闭症人士能够变得更加独立, 甚至能参与辅导就业

IN FOCUS 迈向可持续性的未来 故事 1: 迈向更独立的未来 卢勇成是个可爱并且说话柔和的成年自闭症患者 他参加了忆恩成人中心 ( 后港 ) 的日间活动课程 在课程中, 勇成学会了一些日常生活技能, 能够在最小程度的协助下自己上厕所 冲凉 他也能够在饭后漱洗, 并完成简单的家务如折叠衣服和打扫 所有这些技能有助于减轻他的父亲, 也是唯一的看护者的负担 故事 3: 处萌芽的农民 Amit Singh 在 2016 年从忆恩学校毕业, 并在 Edible Garden City Pte Ltd 成为一名初级都市农夫 Amit 是一个开朗快乐的男孩 他的家人一直给予他不间断的照顾和支持, 并帮助 Amit 妥善管理他的自闭症谱系障碍普遍相关的行为 结果,Amit 能够在他自己和祖母家里完成简单的家务 日间活动计划的原则扎根于意义 尊严和独立, 为像勇成患有中度到重度 故事 2: 我会下厨了 自闭症的成人客户服务 刘俊程 2015 年毕业于忆恩学校 学校为他安排了工作准备技能学习, 以让他为开始工作做好准备 俊程和他的妈妈陈美凤女士被选为 爱心面条 微型企业模式的首批母子搭档, 该活动由新加坡中区社区发展理事会 新加坡自闭症资源中心和四川豆花联合发起 陈女士自然而然扮演了一个重要角色, 成为俊程的教练 他们现在在公教中学食堂开了一个美食档口 未来能为你今天的投入作证明 Amit 开心的迎接新的工作日! 除了政府的资金支持, 新加坡自闭症协会还需寻找其它筹集资金的方式以维持日间活动中心的运作 忆恩基金作为一项具有前瞻性的措施, 着眼于保证日间活动中心的长期可持续性运作, 对中心的活动和服务提供财政支持, 以服务中度和重度自闭症人士 协会通过忆恩基金收到的未来捐赠将在基金名下保管, 基金产生的利息及经董事批准的低风险投资项目的回报, 将用于指定用途 这正是忆恩基金的一项目标 - 保障未来运作的可持续性, 以及抵消一部分上涨的运营成本 正如协会的赞助人何晶女士在 25 周年庆感恩午宴上所说 : 协会继续关注那些需要更多支持的人士 这群人, 尤其是成年人所需要的服务, 不但非常有挑战性, 也很昂贵 他们非常需要政府的支持, 以及公司和个人的慷慨解囊 迈向终身学习之旅忆恩基金筹款活动是雄心勃勃 而富有意义的 然而仅仅有自闭症协会的努力是不够的 受益者们需要普罗大众的帮助下来建立一个可持续性的 有保障的未来终身学习之旅 俊程和他的妈妈一起经营一个面摊, 学会如何自力更生 4 如何支持和加入筹款活动 : 在您方便的时候通过以下网址进行在线捐款 和您的公司合作以支持筹款活动

ACTIVITIES & VOLUNTEERISM EVENTS New Launched Programme - Eden for Life Eden for Life is a new initiative of Autism Association (Singapore) that was launched in January 2018. This pilot service is part of a Life Style Planning Programme created to assist families in developing Quality of Life plans for their family member(s) with autism. The service aims to fill the service support gap for adults with autism when other options are not ideal. It also aims to empower and equip families to develop and implement their own programme and activity plans that incorporates home and community-based activities. Support is provided in the form of life-style planning, sourcing for services, coaching, consultancy and on-site assistance. The intensity and duration of this support is flexible based on the adult client s and their family s needs. This initiative expands the Association s variety of Services for Adults with autism. The other two services are the Eden Centre for Adults (Day Activity Programme) and Eden Activity Club (Social and Leisure Programme). The activities under these Services for Adults are centred around the following domains: Personal Health and Fitness Skills Daily Living Skills Vocational Work Skills Social Interaction Skills Community Living Skills Leisure and Recreational Skills Ernie is a client who has benefitted from this service of Eden for Life. During the initial on-site consultation, a list suitable activity service providers was drawn up, which led to the planning of a customised weekly schedule to meet Ernie s autism needs. The planned weekly schedule provided Ernie access to activities of the Day Activity Programme, Social and Leisure Programme, in addition to home-based intervention sessions. Ernie (middle) and his fitness instructors at the gym in the Enabling Village. Eden Activity Club Drumming and Yoga The Eden Activity Club (EAC) is constantly evaluating potential new items to add to its portfolio. The aim is to expand the variety of programmes offered to the members. The combination of drumming and yoga may seem unusual. But this is exactly the distinctiveness of Drum Prodigy Singapore - a Social Enterprise that provides arts education and wellness programmes for mixed abilities. Their health-drumming programme was introduced in 2007, specifically targeting at the special needs population in Singapore. It is now being offered to 16 special education and mainstream schools. After the trial session in December 2017 which was received favourably by the members, the EAC scheduled a 10-week package. Each session comprises a half-hour of yoga and a fullhour of drumming. Based on the participation level and displayed enjoyment, the activity looks set to become one of the EAC s staple offerings. 5 EAC members enjoying their drumming session at Drum Prodigy Singapore.

EVENTS ACTIVITIES & VOLUNTEERISM A Success Story of School-Home Collaboration Muhammad Noraidil Syawal Bin Herman joined Eden School in January 2016. He is the third child in a family of four kids. His father works as a delivery driver and his mother is a housewife. Noraidil s elder brother, aged 11, is also a student at Eden School. Noraidil was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of five. His parents found it a struggle initially, having to cope with a second child with autism. However, with close support from family members and school, the parents have weathered the difficult period, and are now much more equipped to support their children s learning. When Noraidil first attended school, he was echolalic and unable to initiate a simple conversation. It would take some time for him to process and respond to questions posed to him. His vocabulary was limited to a few common English and Malay words. He had poor eye contact, and would withdraw and disengage easily into his own world. Over the past few years, Noraidil has made remarkable progress. He is now more sociable and keenly aware of his environment. He even loves dancing with his classmates and friends. He is able to approach and address the teachers by their names when requesting for help. This is a significant improvement. In the past, Noraidil would remain at his seat and cry if his needs or wants were not met or understood. Posing happily for the camera. Noraidil will continue his journey at Eden School to pick up relevant skills for daily living, community access and vocational training. With the close school-home collaboration that consistently implements developmental plans, Noraidil is bound to become more self-determined and able to enjoy an improved quality of life. Posing happily for the camera. Doing worksheets independently in class. Jungle Wildlife Exploration at Singapore Zoo At Eden Children s Centre (Clementi), the first semester theme-based curriculum was Animals. The teachers organised two outings on 6 and 7 March 2018 to the Singapore Zoo for two different groups of children. The children saw the Southeast Asia animals such as Malayan tapir, babirusa and the white tiger. Some of the kids even excitedly roared at the tiger. The young ones and their parents were given a schedule that guided them through the preplanned route and activities. Rainforest Kidzworld was the last destination where everyone had a yummy lunch. Some children continued playing at the wet playground or exploring more about farm animals. Matching animal stickers on the worksheets after visiting the different animals. An enjoyment to see how the hippos could tiptoe in water. 6 Such excursions gave the children meaningful opportunities to extend learning beyond classrooms and to practise skills in the real world.

ACTIVITIES & VOLUNTEERISM EVENTS Outing with Ambassador Elvin Ng at Merlion Park An outing was organised by the Autism Association (Singapore) s Ambassador, Mr Elvin Ng and his fan club, Elvinology, for the clients of Eden Centre for Adults (Clementi) on 26 January 2018. Fourteen clients together with Elvin, his fan club volunteers and the centre s coaches, headed to the Merlion Park area for the activity. After walking for about an hour, the group stopped at the scenic Merlion Park and Marina Bay areas for a series of photo-taking. From the preparation of goodie bags to the interactions with the clients, the fan club volunteers had certainly materialised a meaningful outing. Our client (2nd from left) with Elvin and the volunteers. A fun-filled outing with Elvin Ng, Mediacorp s artiste and his fan club volunteers. Annual Accountability Address 2017 The Annual Accountability Address (AAA) 2017 of Autism Association (Singapore) (AA(S)) was held on 23 February 2018. All the staff as well as members of AA(S) and Eden School Boards gathered at the Eden School s multi-purpose hall to attend the evening event. The objectives of the in-house event were to highlight the achievements, progresses and foci of the various programmes and services. Welcome speech by Mr Ho Swee Huat, AA(S) s Chairman. Ms Denise Phua (AA(S) s Borad member and Eden School s Supervisor) thanked the staff for their remarkable passion. As a tradition posing for the Eden Family photo. 7

EVENTS ACTIVITIES & VOLUNTEERISM Themed Learning Journey: Transport The children at Eden Children s Centre (Simei) went on a learning journey that featured one of the all-time favourite themes: transport. The entourage of children, parents and teachers boarded MRT trains to the Gardens by the Bay on two separate trips on 6 and 9 March 2018. The children found enjoyment, laughter and learning. Above it all, they encountered kind people who extended assistance along the way. Free one-way shuttle bus rides were offered by Gardens by the Bay whose staff also presented ice cream and colourful pens to the children. All the train and shuttle bus rides might have been short, but they were all memorable and positive learning experiences for the young ones. Parent guiding child to tap the ez-link card. Experiencing the ride. Food Hygiene Training at Dignity Kitchen Hygiene is always a key concern at the Eden Centres for Adults. With an increasing number of clients involved in meal preparation and food handling, it is important that both clients and coaches receive some formal training on the safe handling and preparation of food. Thus, in February 2018, two coaches and six clients attended the Basic Food Hygiene and Safety Bridging Programme at Dignity Kitchen. Sponsored by SG Enable and Skills Future Credit, the five-day programme combined classroom-style teaching with hands-on experience to guide the participants through the different aspects of safe food handling. With a different recipe to work on each day, the participants were exposed to the proper ways to wash hands, handle and store food, dispose of trash and keep the work area clean. Eligible participants are able to progress to the next course which is the WSQ (Workforce Skills Qualifications) Follow Food & Beverage Safety and Hygiene Policies and Procedures. 8 Participants making pizza dough under the supervision of instructors from Dignity Kitchen.

TEN THINGS EVERY CHILD WITH AUTISM WISHES YOU KNEW 每个自闭症孩子希望你知道的十件事 BOOK CLIP Author 作者 Ellen Notbohm Year of Publication 出版年份 2005 ISBN 国际标准书号 1-932565-30-2 Ellen Notbohm s books have informed, inspired and delighted millions of readers worldwide in more than 20 languages. Her award-winning Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew has been one of the autism community s most beloved book for more than a decade. In this book, Ellen shares her personal experiences as a parent of a child with autism. She emphasises that autism is only one aspect of character and it should not define who a child will be. As a child is still unfolding, we have yet to know the true capabilities and talents. Ellen brilliantly outlines the challenges that children with autism face. She discusses the 10 important aspects such as sensory issues, being a concrete thinker and social interactional difficulties - which are likely to be overlooked. This book is valuable, easy to read and helpful for parents, teachers and people working with children with autism. Ellen s uplifting and inspiring writing will benefit anyone who wants to understand more about children with autism, and see autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Ellen Notbohm 的书被翻译成 20 多种语言, 为全世界上百万的读者带来了知识 激励和快乐 她的获奖作品 每个自闭症孩子希望你知道的十件事, 十多年来一直是自闭症社区最受欢迎的书 在这本书中,Ellen 分享了她作为一个自闭症孩子家长的经验 她强调自闭症只是孩子个性的一方面, 不应当成为判定孩子将来的标准 我们并不知道一个处于成长过程中的孩子的真实能力和天赋 Ellen 清楚地列举了自闭症孩子所面临的挑战 她讨论了 10 个重要的方面如 : 感官系统的问题 具体的思维方式 社交互动方面的障碍 这些问题往往被忽视 对于家长 老师 以及相关工作者来说, 本书是有价值 有帮助 以及易读的 Ellen 的文字积极向上, 鼓舞人心 任何读者, 如果想对自闭症孩童有更多了解, 并将自闭症看成是一种不同的能力而非障碍, 都将从此书中受益 TEN THINGS EVERY CHILD WITH AUTISM WISHES YOU KNEW 每个自闭症孩子希望你知道的十件事 SHARE A TIP According to the author, Ellen Notbohm, these are the 10 things that every child with autism wishes you to know: 1. I am the first and foremost a child. I have autism. I am not primarily autistic. 2. My sensory perceptions are disordered. 3. Please remember to distinguish between won t (I choose not to) and can t (I am not able to). 4. I am a concrete thinker. This means I interpret language very literally. 5. Please be patient with my limited vocabulary. 6. Because language is so difficult for me, I am very visually oriented. 7. Please focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can t do. 8. Help me with social interactions. 9. Try to identify what triggers my meltdowns. 10. If you are a family member, please love me unconditionally. And finally, three words: Patience. Patience. Patience. 9 根据作者 Ellen Notbohm 认为, 每个自闭症孩子都希望你能知道这十件事 : 1. 首先, 我是个孩子 其次, 我有自闭症 所以 自闭 并不是我最主要的特征 2. 我的感官知觉系统失调 3. 请区别 不愿 ( 我不愿意 ) 和 不能 ( 我做不到 ) 4. 我是个具体思考者, 也就是说, 我按照字面的意思来理解语言 5. 请对我有限的词汇量保持耐心 6. 由于语言对我来说是困难, 因此我的思维方式十分图像化 7. 请将重点放在我能做什么, 而非我不能做什么 8. 在社交互动时, 我需要帮助 9. 试着找出 ( 并避免 ) 那些会导致我情绪失控的源头 10. 作为家庭成员, 请你无条件地爱我 最后三句 : 耐心 耐心 耐心

INTERVIEW GETTING TO KNOW OUR STAFF CLEMENT PRAKASH When and why I joined AA(S): I have always had the interest and passion to work with people with special needs. So, in March 2015, I decided to join Autism Association (Singapore) as a Coach at the Day Activity Centre - Eden Centre for Adults (Hougang). What I like best about working at AA(S): What I like best are the interactions with the clients. I learn a lot from them in the process. Watching their day-to-day lives improve and receiving positive feedback from the parents about their children s progress are the most heartening forms of encouragement and reward. Motto or personal mantra: What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. This is a quote I heard of when I was young. It always reminds me that whenever we think we are facing a dead-end situation in life, it might just mean that it is an opportunity for us to grow stronger, although we may not be able to see it in that moment. and the recovery stages taught me that life cannot be taken for granted, and that it is important to be always thankful for what we have. When I applied for a position with AA(S), I did not have much background in the area of autism. It is totally unrelated to my previous job. But I knew that I have always wanted to work with people who have special needs. When the position was finally offered to me, I would say it was one of the best moments of my life. What I am proud of: I am able to have a positive outlook in life and take whatever situations that arise in my stride. I am glad that the positivity is a key factor that has kept me going. The top three highlights of my life: When I was in secondary school, I loved playing chess. But there was no chess club. I then sought assistance from some teachers and other students who had the same interest to start a chess club. I went on to represent the school in the open category national chess tournaments. I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 25. It was a sudden blow to me. However, going through chemotherapy treatment Clement (left) and his client Joshua Cai. GRATITUDE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DONORS (NOVEMBER 2017 TO MARCH 2018) Company / Event ($500 and above) Individual Donors ($500 and above) SGX Bull Charge 2017 $388,011.59 Courts Charity 2017 $202,269.00 HCS Engineering Pte Ltd $50,000.00 Beach Road Hotel (1886) Ltd $32,040.00 PAP Community Foundation $30,000.00 Seatown Holding International Pte Ltd $20,000.00 The Community Foundation of Singapore $20,000.00 L oreal Singapore Pte Ltd $17,509.16 ICAP Management Services Pte Ltd $10,000.00 Hoe Kee Hardware Pte Ltd $5,000.00 National University of Singapore $3,202.69 Deli Hub Catering Pte Ltd $2,000.00 Patrick Kan & Co $2,000.00 Powen Engineering Pte Ltd $2,000.00 Cactoz Pte Ltd $1,000.00 Expats Furniture Rental Pte Ltd $1,000.00 Jae Auto Pte Ltd $1,000.00 Santa Lucia Asset Management Pte Ltd $1,000.00 Schurter (S) Pte Ltd $1,000.00 SG Caring Heart Limited $1,000.00 Sun Holdings Ltd $1,000.00 JUMP Productions $600.00 Business News (Asia) LLP $500.00 Lesun Auto Parts Pte Ltd $500.00 Tan Eng Sun $12,500.00 Dean Low Yan Wah $10,000.00 Choo Chong Boo $5,050.00 Tan Kwang Hwee $5,000.00 Wong Yu Hui $5,000.00 Yoong Ming Chye Lionel $5,000.00 Nigel Wong Hai Tor $3,000.00 Quhan Arunasalam $3,000.00 Toh Xiuqi $2,300.00 Chua Siew Lay Freda $2,000.00 Huan Lay Cheng $2,000.00 Suriyiacala Jennifer Marie $2,000.00 Teo Choon Peng Bernard $2,000.00 Toh Xiuqi $2,000.00 Wong Cheng Poh Nicholas $2,000.00 Chiang Zhan Xiang $1,900.00 Tan Tai Heng $1,600.00 Joseph Ong Seng Hong $1,590.00 Lee Hui Yun $1,500.00 Phua Tiong Eng $1,200.00 Chettiar Prabhakar Vaithilingam $1,100.00 Tan Lee Koon Jessie $1,100.00 Chu Po Man Claudia $1,050.00 Ang Hooi Fung $1,000.00 Cheng Jin Tong $1,000.00 Cheryl Lee Xueling $1,000.00 10 Heng Yeow Khing $1,000.00 Ho Jun Keong $1,000.00 Joel Goh Kwang Soon $1,000.00 Koh Kok Ong $1,000.00 Low Chui Heng $1,000.00 Low Kim Sun $1,000.00 Sun Tao $1,000.00 Tan Siong Tee $1,000.00 Tay Su-Wen Deborah $1,000.00 Teo Ser Luck $1,000.00 Yeoh Soon Hwa $1,000.00 Soh Chee Yong $810.00 Schmidt Stefan $800.00 Chen Kim Yew $780.00 Tan Wee Meng $750.00 Huan Ah Lek $700.00 Lee Soon Yang Lionnel $600.00 Ng Jasin $600.00 Choong Sook Teng $500.00 Goh Wei Choo Sharon $500.00 Hu Yan $500.00 Lim Yu Book $500.00 Neo Siew Khim $500.00

FUND RAISING & DONATIONS GRATITUDE SGX Bull Charge Charity 2017 Through its annual SGX Bull Charge Charity events, SGX continued its efforts to give back to five Social Service Organisations including Autism Association (Singapore) (AA(S)) in 2017. AA(S) had a total of 40 participants in the charity run that took place in the evening of 17 November 2017 at the Singapore F1 Pit. An amount of $388,011.59 (after expenses) was raised for AA(S) towards the delivery of sustainable services to help the clients of Eden Centre for Adults (Hougang and Clementi). Mr Jason Low (5th from left), AA(S) s Honorary Treasurer together with other beneficiaries representatives, with Ms Ng Ling Ling (1st from right), Community Chest s Managing Director, and Ms Sim Ann (middle), Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry. AA(S) staff posing for a mark of completing the first one kilometer run! Ground Zero Volume 1 Ground Zero Volume 1, a dance competition for youth dance groups was hosted by JUMP District under the management of JUMP Productions, in partnership with three Social Service Organisations (SSOs) towards a fundraising cause on 25 November 2017. The prize money won by the three winner teams that represented each SSO was donated to the respective organisation. As one of the beneficiaries, AA(S) received $600 from the event. The champion dance! Mock cheque received by Mr Krish Phua (1st from right), AA(S) s Senior Manager, Corporate Services at the event. 11

GRATITUDE FUND RAISING & DONATIONS Courts Charity 2017 Courts Asia Limited successfully conducted its annual charity drive through a golf tournament and a themed charity party in November 2017. As one of the beneficiaries of the Court Charity 2017, Autism Association (Singapore) (AA(S)) had its Board s representatives, Mr Jamil Amin (Vice Chairman) and Mr Jason Low (Honorary Treasurer) attended the themed charity party at the Keppel Club on 18 November 2017. AA(S) received a total of $202,269 which was channeled to the Eden Endowment Fund to benefit the clients and students. Mr Jamil Amin (2nd from left), AA(S) s Vice Chairman and Mr Jesse Sie (1st from left), AA(S) s Manager, Corporate Services, together with other beneficiaries representatives received the mock cheques from Mr Terry O Connor (3rd from left), Courts Asia Limited s Group CEO on 13 February 2018. A Spectrum of Possibilities, an art piece painted by AA(S) s Ambassador, Mr Elvin Ng (Mediacorp s artiste) to raise fund at the charity party. Mr Elvin Ng spoke at the party to inspire support for the beneficiaries of AA(S) through the charity auction. From left: AA(S) representatives - Ms Paula Teo (Senior Manager, Programmes and Services), Mr Krish Phua (Senior Manager, Corporate Services), Mr Ho Swee Huat (Chairman), together with Raffles Hotel Singapore management - Mr Ronald Dooremalen (Hotel Manager), Ms Jesmine Hall (Director of Marketing Communications) and Mr Christian Westbeld (General Manager) at the celebratory lunch cum cheque presentation on 28 November 2017. 12 Singapore Sling Charity Drive In celebration of AccorHotel s 50th anniversary, a 50-day Singapore Sling Charity Drive was held by Raffles Hotel Singapore from October to November 2017 at its Bar and Billiard Room. The Singapore Sling is a cocktail that was created at the Raffles Hotel in 1915. For every Singapore Sling sold, $1 was channelled to Autism Association (Singapore). A total of $32,040 was garnered to help the clients of the Eden Centre for Adults (Hougang and Clementi).