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Chinese Text and Images: Kit Poon// Translation: Nevin Yip// Special Thanks: Canon, Prosecco DOC, Michèle Shah SRL Belluno Pordenone Udine Treviso Gorizia Vicenza Prosecco Padova Venezia 008

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We first visited Villa Sandi, a high end and scenery winery located at the foothill of Marca Trevigiana. Moretti Polegato family started wine making since 1622. The main building built in the 16th century had many famous visitors, including Napoleon I and sculptor Antonio Canova. The magnificent glass chandelier gave me a European grand feeling. Besides, it has a underground cellar that has 1.5km long! Very impressive. Although the winery locates in between DOC region Prosecco di Valdobbiadene and Mon-tello e Piave, it has 3 vineyards under DOC and DOCG. The best among is definitely La Rivetta which consists of 106.8 hectares, locating at the heart of Cartizze, in the most renowned region in Valdobbiadene. Vines are planted on clay slopes that full of calcium. With a unique micro-climate, the best Glera are used to make the flagship wine Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore di Cartizze La Rivetta. It has aromatic banana, tropical fruits and caramel. It was once chosen as one of the best Top10 Prosecco by Decanter, and it won the first place in our Cru Panel Tasting last year. Stefano Gava, winemaker of Villa Sandi contributed to the great success also: I deliberately do not put any yeast during the first fermentation and I store the grape juice at 0 C. Then I add yeast during the second fermentation, so as to keep the wine fresh and aromatic. I tasted 5 Prosecco and I was surprised with the IL FRESCO Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante, carrying lovely pineapple, banana and a balanced body. 行程第一站, 我們來到頂級酒莊 Villa Sandi, 一間位於 Marca Trevigiana 山腳下的美麗酒莊 Moretti Polegato 家族自 1622 年便開始葡萄酒業, 其 16 世紀文藝復興的主大樓, 從前是曾經接待多個貴族如拿破崙一世及雕塑家 Antonio Canova 等的別墅, 金碧輝煌的玻璃吊燈, 很有歐陸式的華麗感覺 ; 地下酒窖長達 1.5 公里, 足有三百年歷史, 參考價值尤如博物館一樣 雖然酒莊位於 Prosecco di Valdobbiadene 及 Mon-tello e Piave 之間的 DOC 地區, 卻分別於 DOC 及 DOCG 地區擁有三個葡萄園, 當中最好是 106.8 公頃的葡萄園 La Rivetta, 它位於 Cartizze 區的心臟地帶, 在 Valdobbiadene 最著名的地區 Santo Sefano 及 San Pietro di Barbozza 之間, 葡萄樹裁種在充滿鈣質的黏土山坡上, 加上獨有的微氣候, 就造上乘的 Glera, 用來酒莊的頂級酒釀如 Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore di Cartizze La Rivetta, 它帶芳香的香蕉 熱帶果及焦糖味, 曾被 Decanter 選為 Top10 Proseccos, 亦於本刊去年的試飲會中, 贏得冠軍 美味的秘密也靠釀酒師 Stefano Gava 的獨門技術, 他解釋 : 在第一次發酵, 我刻意不加入酵母, 只以零度陳放 ; 待第二次發酵才加入酵母, 令酒體保持清爽, 芳香無比 更驚喜的是, 到訪當日試了五款 Prosecco, 當中 DOC 出品如 IL FRESCO Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante 也是相當不錯, 帶清幽的菠蘿及香蕉味, 酒體平衡, 值得推介 Villa Sandi Via Erizzo, 112/B, 31035 Crocetta del Montello Treviso, Italie +39-0423-665033 Distributor in HK: Sino Vantage Asia Ltd. 2581 9101 011

People who love Italian wines must be familiar with Casa Vinicola Zonin, one of the biggest winery in Italy. It was founded in 1821, and now has come to the 7th generation and they have 11 wineries spreading through the whole Italy including Piemont and Tuscany. Owning 1,800 hectares of vineyard, they produce 42 million bottles annually. I visited Zonin Prosecco, which located in Gambellara. They have the largest Glera vineyard in Italy. Grapes are gently pressed after harvested. Like the one we tasted Prosecco DOC Cuvee 1821 Spumante Brut used 100% Glera. In the first fermentation, half of the juice were fermented at 18 C and the other half were stored at 0 C. After mixing and storing in stainless steel tanks for a month, the wine will have more persistent bubbles and expressive aromas. It gained the silver medal in Decanter World Wine Award 2012 and copper medal in IWSC 2012, brilliant. 愛意大利酒的, 大抵對意大利最大酒莊之一的 Casa Vinicola Zonin 絕不陌生 這個由第七代的 Gianni Zonin 接手的葡萄酒王國早於 1821 年開始, 至今已有 11 個酒莊分布意大利各地如 Piedmont Tuscany 等, 自家葡萄園佔地足有 1,800 公頃,2013 年年產量高達 4 千 2 百萬 今次造訪專門生產 Prosecco 的 Zonin Prosecco, 位於家族酒莊總部 Gambellara, 它擁有全意大利最大的 Glera 葡萄園, 葡萄收採後以輕柔的方式榨壓, 像試飲的 Prosecco DOC Cuvee 1821 Spumante Brut 便選用 100%Glera, 第一次發酵分別將一半葡萄汁以 18 度發酵, 另一半則以零度陳存, 然後混合在不誘鋼桶內一個月, 令氣泡持久, 果香馥郁, 令它先後取得 2012 年 Decanter World Wine Award 的銀獎及 2012 年 IWSC 的銅獎, 非常出色 Zonin Prosecco Via Borgolecco 9, Gambellara, Vicenza +39-0444-640111 012

Perlae Naonis Millesimato Prosecco DOC Brut Drink Responsibly is the motto of San Simone, a winery located to the West of Friuli Grave. Founded in 1915, they deeply believe that nature can produce great wine itself. Anna Brisotto, the fourth generation, has launched Green Project in 2009. The project has a series measures including the use of nitrogen fertilizers, lower production, and cultivate biodiversity like habitants for squirrels and insects. They believe these measures can reduce the damage to environment, and lead to a sustainable development. From vine to wine, all processes are under Anna s control, so she knows every detail of her wines. This time we enjoyed Live Cooking beside vineyard, tasting Perlae Naonis Millesimato Prosecco DOC Brut. It had gentle rose and citrus aromas, which mixed perfectly with the beautiful scenery. Prosecco is not just a wine, but a catalyst to joy. Besides, Anna designs the bottle herself, what a shinning golden bottle! 一句 Drink Responsibly, 徐徐道出位於 Friuli Grave 區西邊的酒莊 San Simone 的釀酒立場 酒莊 1915 年成立至今, 世世代代都深信大自 然能造就好酒, 直至第四代的 Anna Brisotto 接手, 於 2009 年進一步推 出 Green Project, 一系列對環境的措施如限制使用含氮肥料 低產 量的葡萄裁培, 甚至特意提供昆蟲及松鼠的棲息地等, 務求減低對環境 的傷害, 以達至可持續發展 ; 加上酒莊由裁種葡萄 釀酒 儲酒及陳釀 等全都在酒莊內進行, 令 Anna 更易掌握每一個造細節 今次我們在葡萄 園旁, 一邊享受 Live Cooking 美食, 一邊品嚐 Perlae Naonis Millesimato Prosecco DOC Brut, 淡淡玫瑰花 柑橘氣息, 正好與眼前藍天白雲及微 熱的天氣不謀而合 如果說 Prosecco 是一支佳釀, 不如說它是讓氣氛更 昇華的好伴侶, 帶給人一種莫名的興奮! 順帶一題,Anna 還親自設計酒 樽, 金色酒樽讓人愛不惜手! San Simone Via Prata, 30 33080 - Porcia +39 0434-578633 013

Fidora Viticoltori di Venezia has just gained the gold medal in New York International Wine Competition. Fidora family has realized that wine is not just about sensation, but taking good care of vines and soil in order to produce great wine. Therefore, all wines are fully organic. Locating in Padova, Veneto, it fully reflects the terroir of Venezia. Fidora Viticoltori di Venezia 剛得到 New York International Wine Competition 金獎,Fidora 家族早於 1974 年開始意識到, 葡萄酒不單講求完美的味覺, 而應著眼對土地的照料以生產更好的葡萄, 才能持續釀出佳釀, 於是全線推出有機葡萄酒 酒莊位於 Veneto 的 Padova, 其葡萄酒能完全反映 Venezia 的土釀 氣候等, 是感受當地 Terroir 的選擇 Cantina La Salute Via Salute, 8-31047 Ponte di Piave, Treviso +39-0422-759298 Website: Cantina La Salute was founded in 1969, formed by 11 winemakers who have cooperated for 40 years. Cantina La Salute located in between Venice Lagoon and Treviso, fertile vineyard alongside Zenson and Fagare rivers. Their wines are quite nice, like Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante Extra Dry Cuvee Ventuno 2013 has just won awards in International Wine Competition Vinitaly 2014. Cantina La Salute 成立於 1969 年, 由 11 個合作了四十多年釀酒師合作組成 ; 地利位置優勢, 位於威尼斯潟湖 (Venice Lagoon) 與 Treviso 之間的肥沃土地之上, 葡萄園分布於 Zenson Fagare 等沿河位置 ; 出產的 Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante Extra Dry Cuvee Ventuno 2013 剛得到 International Wine Competition Vinitaly 2014 獎項 Cantina La Salute Via Salute, 8-31047 Ponte di Piave, Treviso +39-0422-759298 014 006

Founded in 1962, Paladin was established by Valentino Paladin. He family owns 4 wineries, including Bosco del Merlo, Vescine. Run by the third generation: Carlo, Lucia and Roberto. Paladin situates between Veneto and Friuli, having 100 hectares of vineyard on Calcium clay so grapes have abundant minerality. The best seller Prosecco DOC Millesimato Extra Dry gives you fresh citrus and gentle floral. 1962 年由 Valentino Paladin 創立的 Paladin, 家族共有四酒莊, 包括 Bosco del Merlo 及 Vescine 等, 如今由第三代的 Carlo Lucia 及 Roberto 管理 Paladin 位於 Veneto 與 Friuli 之間,100 公頃葡萄園植在鈣質黏土上, 為葡萄帶來獨有的礦物味, 像最招牌的 Prosecco DOC Millesimato Extra Dry 帶有清爽的柑橘及幽幽花香 Paladin Annone Veneto, Venezia +39 0422 768 167 School of Enology and Viticulture of Conegliano was founded in 1876, and about 90% Italian oenologists were graduated there. Renowned The Vine and Wine Academy founder, Prof. Luigi Manzoni and Arturo Marescalchi were students there. The institute provides courses of viniculture and oenology. Besides, the institute itself produces its own wine. Some day if you pass by, have a try. School of Enology and Viticulture of Conegliano 是意大利不可多得的葡萄酒學校, 意大利 9 成釀酒專家 (oenologist) 均畢業於此,1876 年建校, 國際知名導師包括 The Vine and Wine Academy 創辦人 Prof. Luigi Manzoni 及 Arturo Marescalchi 等, 提供葡萄栽培 釀造學等課程, 學校亦有釀製自家葡萄酒, 旅客來到最好是到試酒室品嚐一番 015

East Meets West Fine Wines // 3975 3351// $200 Made with Glera, Verdiso and Pinot Bianco, the bubbles are persistent and lively. The aromas of apple and floral are lovely and fresh. East Meets West Fine Wines // 3975 3351// $158 The aromas of fruits like peach, green apple and ripe pear are very expressive. Easy palate and balanced body. 以 Glera Verdiso 及 Pinot Bianco 三 種葡萄釀成, 氣泡持久有活力, 富野 花及蘋果香氣, 舒爽怡人 散發著富層次的果香, 有白桃 青蘋 果及成熟啤梨氣息, 簡單易入口, 酒 體平衡 East Meets West Fine Wines // 3975 3351// $270 Grape are Cartizze vineyard, just as same as grand cru as in Bourgogne. The aromas of apple and peach is mature, while palate is balanced with acidity and sweetness, along with petal at the end. 葡萄產自相等於布艮第特級田的 Cartizze 的葡萄園, 展現出濃香的蘋果 及香桃氣息, 酸甜比例洽當, 末段有 優雅的花香 East Meets West Fine Wines // 3975 3351// $130 Charming pinkish, smooth palate with tastes of rose, lychee, citrus. Fresh and balance, pairing with seafood will be fine. 呈迷人粉紅色, 味道柔順, 帶著一點 點玫瑰花 荔枝 柑橘, 口感清爽平 衡, 可佐吃海鮮 016

Abbelio Wines // 3170 8458 // $165 As in the name, the production is at 0 C so as to keep the opulent fruitiness like apple, banana. Medium body, generally is delicate. Metropolitan Wine Cellar Ltd.// 2512 2093// $158 Peach and apple aromas are mature, along with lively acidity and lasting finishing of brioches. Having food with apricots are nice. 故名思意, 在多個釀造過程中以零度釀製酒液, 以保留葡萄馥郁的果香, 如蘋果 香蕉等, 中度酒體, 整體尚算細緻 帶成熟的香桃及蘋果味, 酸度清爽活 潑, 餘韻悠長帶奶油蛋卷味道, 適合 佐以果仁 You can smell elegant floral, citrus and melon in the refreshing wine. Moderate acidity, pair it with slightly salty food will be excellent as the wine is relatively light. 在輕盈清爽的酒體中, 嗅到幽幽的花 香 柑橘及蜜瓜香氣, 酸度適中 由 於酒釀偏輕身, 配橄欖或微鹹食物也 可 Metropolitan Wine Cellar Ltd.// 2512 2093// $138 Advantage Asia Pacific Ltd.// 2499 1110// $148 Rounded mouth-feel and a clear layer. Nice aromas of apple and wisteria. Pairing with fish, lobster and scallop can lift the freshness. 口感圓潤, 先是蘋果及紫藤的香氣, 結構層次分明, 配上魚類 龍蝦及帶 子, 可起提鮮之效 017