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107 學年度核心課程解剖學進度表 ( 甲班 ) 物治系 職治系 護理系教室 : 基 201

Textbook: (1) Human Anatomy. MARIEB et al. (2016) 8 th ed. Pearson Edu., Inc. (2) Principles of Human Anatomy. G. J. Tortoraand M.T. Nielsen (2016) 14 th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 台灣代理 : 偉明圖書 台灣代理 : 合記書局

由於 201 教室空間座位有限, 選修課程同學請至乙班 301 教室上課

Anatomy Gross anatomy Systemic anatomy Regional anatomy Surface anatomy Microscopic anatomy Histology 組織學 Development anatomy Embryology 胚胎學 Pathological anatomy Pathology 病理學 Radiographic anatomy Surgical anatomy

Body Systems: Integumentary system ( 皮膚系統 )

Skeletal system ( 骨骼系統 )

Muscular system ( 肌肉系統 )

Cardiovascular system ( 心血管系統 )

Lymphatic system ( 淋巴系統 )

Nervous system ( 神經系統 )

Endocrine system ( 內分泌系統 )

Respiratory system ( 呼吸系統 )

Digestive system ( 消化系統 )

Urinary system ( 泌尿系統 )

Reproductive system ( 生殖系統 ) Male Female

Gross Anatomy Axial region Cephalic (head) Frontal Orbital Nasal Oral Mental Cervical (neck) Thoracic Axillary Sternal Mammary Abdominal Umbilical Pelvic Inguinal (groin) Pubic (genital) Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Appendicular region Upper limb Acromial Brachial (arm) Antecubital Antebrachial (forearm) Carpal (wrist) Manus (hand) Pollex Palmar Digital Lower limb Coxal (hip) Femoral (thigh) Patellar Crural (leg) Fibular or peroneal Pedal (foot) Tarsal (ankle) Metatarsal Digital (a) Anterior/Ventral Hallux

Orientation 方位 上 ( 頭顱 ) 下 ( 尾部 ) 前 ( 腹部 ) 後 ( 背部 )

內側 外側 近端 遠端 表淺 深層 同側 對側

Body Planes: Transverse plane ( 水平切面 ) Frontal or Coronal plane ( 冠狀切面 ) Sagittal plane ( 矢狀切面 ) Midsagittal plane ( 正中矢狀切面 ) Cross plane ( 橫狀切面 ) Oblique plane ( 斜切面 ) Longitudinal plane ( 縱切面 )

V. Body Cavities:

V. Body Cavities: Dorsal body cavity: Cranial cavity 顱腔 Spinal (vertebral) canal 脊髓 ( 脊椎 ) 管 Ventral body cavity: Thoracic cavity 胸腔 Abdominal cavity 腹腔 Pelvic cavity 骨盆腔 Dorsal body cavity Cranial cavity (contains brain Vertebral cavity (contains spinal cord) Thoracic cavity (contains heart and lungs) Diaphragm Abdominal cavity (contains digestive viscera) Dorsal body cavity Ventral body cavity (a) Lateral view Pelvic cavity (contains urinary bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum)

V. Body Cavities: Cranial cavity Dorsal body cavity Ventral body cavity Thoracic cavity (contains heart and lungs) Vertebral cavity Superior mediastinum Pleural cavity Diaphragm Pericardial cavity within the mediastinum Abdominal cavity (contains digestive viscera) Pelvic cavity (contains urinary bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum) (b) Anterior view Abdominopelvic cavity Ventral body cavity (thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities)

Thoracic cavity 胸腔 Mediastinum 縱膈 Pericardial cavity 心包腔 Pleural cavity 胸膜腔

Outer balloon wall (comparable to parietal serosa) Air (comparable to serous cavity) Inner balloon wall (comparable to visceral serosa) Abdominal cavity 腹腔 Peritoneal cavity 腹膜腔 Visceral peritoneum 腹膜 Anterior Visceral (serosa) peritoneum Liver Parietal peritoneum (serosa) Peritoneal cavity (with serous fluid) Stomach Kidney (retroperitoneal) Posterior Wall of body trunk

Abdominal cavity 腹腔區間 Abdominal Quadrants Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ)

Abdominal cavity 腹腔區間 Right hypochondriac region Right lumbar region Right iliac (inguinal) region Epigastric region Umbilical region Hypogastric (pubic) region Left hypochondriac region Left lumbar region Left iliac (inguinal) region Liver Gallbladder Ascending colon of large intestine Small intestine Cecum Appendix Diaphragm Spleen Stomach Transverse colon of large intestine Descending colon of large intestine Initial part of sigmoid colon Urinary bladder (b) Anterior view of the nine regions showing the superficial organs (a) Nine regions delineated by four planes

Medical Imaging: Radiography

Medical Imaging: Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) 數位減影血管攝影

Medical Imaging: Computed tomography (CT) 電腦斷層掃瞄

Medical Imaging: Sonography ( 超音波 )

Medical Imaging: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 核磁共振攝影 ( 磁振造影 )

Medical Imaging: Positron emission tomography (PET) 正子斷層掃描

General Histology Epithelial tissue 上皮組織 covering Connective tissue 結締組織 support Muscle tissue 肌肉組織 movement Nervous tissue 神經組織 control

Epithelial tissues 上皮組織

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 a. Tight junction 緊密接合 b. Adherens junction 黏連接合 c. Desmosome 鍵結體 e. Gap junction 溝通接合 d. Hemidesmosome 半鍵結體

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 a. Tight junction 緊密接合 BBB : blood brain barrier BTB : blood testis barrier

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 b. Adherens junction 黏連接合 Cardiomyocyte 心肌細胞

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 c. Desmosome 鍵結體 Skin: epidermis 外表皮

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 e. Gap junction 溝通接合 細胞訊息傳遞 : 鈣離子 Ca ++ Cardiomyocyte 心肌細胞

Cell Junctions 細胞接合 d. Hemidesmosome 半鍵結體

Classification of epithelial tissue (I) Cell layers simple 單層 stratified 複層 pseudostratified 偽多層 Shape squamous cuboid columnar cuboid columnar transitional 變移性 45

Classification of epithelial tissue (II) Presence of apical surface modifications: cornified(keratinizied) 角質化 or non-cornified Cilia : ciliated 纖毛化 or non-ciliated Microvilli 微絨毛 : Striated border -intestine Brush border - kidney (proximal tubule) Stereocilia 靜纖毛 : long microvilli epididymis 副睪 (ductus deferens 輸精管 ) 46

Simple squamous epithelium 單層扁平 ( 麟狀 ) 上皮 : Endothelium 血管內皮, mesothelium 腹膜中皮

Simple cuboidal epithelium 單層立方狀上皮 Intralobular duct of Pancreas 胰臟葉內小管

Nonciliated simple columnar epithelium 非纖毛柱狀上皮 Intestinal villi 小腸絨毛上皮

Ciliated simple columnar epithelium 纖毛柱狀上皮 Uterine tube (Oviduct) 輸卵管上皮

Stratified squamous epithelium 複層扁平上皮 Skin epidermis 皮膚表皮 ; 食道 陰道上皮 Cornified/ non-cornified

Stratified cuboidal epithelium 複層立方上皮 Ducts of Esophageal gland 食道腺管道上皮

Stratified columnar epithelium 複層柱狀上皮 Ducts of Esophageal gland 食道腺管道上皮

Transitional epithelium 變移性上皮 Urinary bladder 膀胱, Ureter 輸尿管上皮

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 偽多層柱狀上皮 Trachea 氣管上皮

Glandular epithelium 腺體上皮 endocrine glands 內分泌腺 : 甲狀腺 腎上腺 exocrine gland 外分泌腺 : 汗腺 消化腺

Exocrine glands: 外分泌腺 Holocrine gland 全漿腺 : 皮脂腺 Merocrine gland 局部漿腺 : 唾液腺 Apocrine gland 頂漿腺 : 乳腺 * (Merocrine gland)

II. Connective tissues 結締組織 ECM: extracellular matrix 細胞外基質 Cells: Fibroblast 纖維母細胞 Macrophage 巨噬細胞 Plasma cell 漿細胞 Mast cell 巨大細胞 Adipocyte 脂肪細胞 Lymphocyte 淋巴細胞 Fibers: Collagen fiber 膠原纖維 Elastic fiber 彈性纖維 Reticular fiber 網狀纖維

Mesenchymal stem cells 間葉幹細胞 Fibroblast 纖維母細胞 : 製造組織纖維 (Collagen fiber; Elastic fiber ; Reticular fiber)

Macrophage 巨噬細胞 : 具吞噬作用清理壞死細胞或外來物

Plasma cell 漿細胞 : 來自 B 淋巴球 (B lymphocyte) Making antibodies!! 製造抗體

Mast cell 巨大細胞分泌 Histamine; Cytokines

Adipocyte 脂肪細胞

Lymphocyte 淋巴細胞

Tissues: Embryonic connective tissue 胚胎結締組織 ( 臍帶 ) Mesenchyme 間葉 fibroblast 纖維母細胞

Tissues: Embryonic connective tissue 胚胎結締組織 ( 臍帶 ) Mesenchyme 間葉 fibroblast 纖維母細胞

Loose connective tissue 疏鬆結締組織 1. Adipose tissue 脂肪組織 ( 皮下 心 腎旁 ) 2. Reticular connective tissue 網狀結締組織 ( 淋巴結 ) Cell and extracellular space > fiber

Loose connective tissue 疏鬆結締組織 1. Adipose tissue 脂肪組織 ( 皮下 心 腎旁 ) 2. Reticular connective tissue 網狀結締組織 ( 淋巴結 )

Fiber>Celland Dense connective tissue 緻密結締組織 extracellular space 1. Dense regular connective tissue 規則緻密結締組織 (Tendon 韌帶 ) 2. Dense irregular connective tissue 不規則緻密結締組織 (dermis 真皮 )

Elastic connective tissue 彈性結締組織 (Artery 動脈壁, Trachea)

Cartilage Hyaline cartilage 透明軟骨 ( 硬骨端 氣管 ) Chondroblast 軟骨母細胞 Chondrocyte 軟骨細胞 Fibrocartilage 纖維軟骨 Elastic cartilage 彈性軟骨

Cartilage Fibrocartilage 纖維軟骨 (Pubic symphysis 恥骨聯合 ; 椎間盤 ; 髕骨韌帶 )

Cartilage Elastic cartilage 彈性軟骨 (Epiglottis 會厭 ; 外耳殼 )

Bone (osseous) tissue Osteoblast 骨母細胞 Osteocyte 骨細胞 Osteoclast 蝕骨細胞

Blood Red blood cell ~ 7 μm White blood cells: lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil l, basophil, eosinophil

Muscle tissues Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌 ( 四肢 顏面 消化道上部 ) Cardiac muscle 心肌 ( 心臟 ) Smooth muscle 平滑肌 ( 腸胃 血管 內臟臟壁管道 )

Muscle tissues Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌 ( 四肢 顏面 消化道上部 ) Cardiac muscle 心肌 ( 心臟 ) Smooth muscle 平滑肌 ( 腸胃 血管 內臟臟壁管道 ) Intermediate junction + gap junction

Muscle tissues Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌 ( 四肢 顏面 消化道上部 ) Cardiac muscle 心肌 ( 心臟 ) Smooth muscle 平滑肌 ( 腸胃 血管 內臟臟壁管道 )

Nervous tissues Neuron 神經元 CNS 中樞神經, PNS 週邊神經 Supporting cell Glia 神經膠細胞 : Schwann cell 許旺氏細胞