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AP ( 大学先修课程 ) AP 是为全世界高中提供的一套高水平的学术课程, 让有能力并且积极上进的高中学生能在高中期间有机会学习大学程度的课程 AP 课程让学生在申请大学时能脱颖而出, 而且通过 AP 课程的学习, 学生也有机会获得大学学分, 以及优先选课, 或者两者皆得 参加 AP 课程学习以其

The Advanced Placement Program (AP ) The Advanced Placement Program is a rigorous academic program administered by secondary schools worldwide to give

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STAND OUT CHOOSE AP 00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_EngChi_PR.indd 1 8/7/15 4:11 PM

The Advanced Placement Program (AP ) The Advanced Placement Program is a rigorous academic program administered by secondary schools worldwide to give motivated students like you the opportunity to take university-level courses while still in secondary school. AP courses help you stand out in the university admission process, and AP Exams offer the opportunity to earn university credit, advanced placement, or both. Taking AP courses and the standardized, end-of-course AP Exams sends a powerful message to universities around the world that you are willing to accept academic challenges. In an AP classroom, the focus is not on memorizing facts and figures. Instead, you will engage in intense discussions, solve problems collaboratively, think critically and creatively, approach key topics from multiple perspectives, and learn to write clearly and persuasively all skills you ll need to succeed at a university and the 21st-century workplace. In 2014, more than 2.3 million students at over 19,000 schools in 180 countries took 4.2 million AP Exams and sent scores to more than 4,000 universities in more than 60 countries. One of the best standard predictors of academic success at Harvard is performance on Advanced Placement Examinations. William R. Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard University

Facts about AP Studies consistently show that students who take an AP course and who receive a score of 3 or higher on an AP Exam usually have greater academic success at a university and higher university graduation rates than their non-ap peers. AP Exams assess concepts and skills necessary for success at the university level. Students can take and benefit from just one individual AP course or from multiple AP courses and exams. Internationally mobile students can take AP courses and exams at schools around the world. The AP curriculum mirrors a college curriculum; you re learning the same amount of course work, the same level of difficulty on the exams, receiving a college education at a high school level, which really helped me gain a better understanding of what I should expect going on to higher education. Reshma Erukulla, Rutgers University

AP Courses and Exams While the AP Program offers 36 AP courses and exams, individual schools determine which subjects to offer.* ARTS Art History Music Theory Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Comparative Government and Politics European History Human Geography Macroeconomics Microeconomics Psychology United States Government and Politics United States History World History Biology Chemistry SCIENCES Environmental Science Physics 1 Physics 2 Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Physics C: Mechanics AP classes were another way to expand on my love of learning and have a better understanding for different subjects and really push myself even more. Julia Watkins, Davidson College

ENGLISH English Language and Composition English Literature and Composition MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Calculus AB Calculus BC Computer Science A Statistics Computer Science Principles (starting in 2016) WORLD LANGUAGES Chinese Language and Culture French Language and Culture German Language and Culture Italian Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture Latin Spanish Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture *AP courses and exams in schools in China: China s Ministry of Education requires secondary schools to receive permission from relevant municipal education authorities to administer foreign academic programs such as AP. You can download Course Descriptions for each subject at

What s the difference between AP and university-prep or honors courses? Many schools have created valuable honors courses for their students, but AP courses and exams are aligned with and equivalent to core introductory courses at universities, and are designed by teams of American and international university professors who work alongside expert secondary school teachers. Unlike most university-prep and honors courses, university faculty participate in the scoring of the standardized exam students take at the end of the AP course, helping verify that students have mastered university-level content and skills. Who designs the AP courses and exams? AP courses and exams are developed by committees of university professors and experienced AP teachers. The AP committees are composed of leaders in their fields who bring cutting-edge content knowledge and expert teaching practices to the development of AP courses. AP committee members currently teach at dozens of America s top colleges and universities, including: Cornell University Swarthmore College Harvard University University of Pennsylvania Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Virginia Northwestern University Williams College

Why Choose AP? AP offers many benefits: It helps you stand out in the university admission process, enables you to earn university credit and placement, and saves you time and money. What can I do with university credit or placement? Increase your options University credit or placement can allow you to move into upper-level courses sooner, earn a double major or a combined B.A./M.A. program more quickly, and gain time to study and travel abroad or complete an internship. By taking AP courses, in turn I freed up time in my schedule to take electives and eventually take on a double major. Brianna Pomatico, New York University Save money If you earn a qualifying score on an AP Exam, you can receive credit for the equivalent course at thousands of colleges and universities. With tuition at prestigious U.S. universities around $40,000 per year, and with exchange rates continuing to fluctuate, think of what you could save by using AP credits to make sure you graduate on time. Many students and parents appreciate the value of AP in making an overseas education more affordable.

What s the difference between credit and placement? Colleges and universities determine their own policies regarding AP Exam scores: Some award credit for qualifying AP Exam scores. This means you actually earn points toward your university degree. Others award advanced placement. This means you can skip introductory courses, enter higher-level classes, and/or fulfill general education requirements. Many colleges and universities offer both credit and placement. Depending on the institution, students can use qualifying AP Exam scores to: Graduate in three or three-and-a-half years. Enter upper-level courses. Fulfill a foreign language requirement. For me, the primary driver behind AP is this notion of academic rigor and the consistency of that rigor and of the curriculum. Randy Deike, Vice President of Enrollment Management, New York University

Why should I take the AP Exam if I m not looking to earn credit or placement? Even if earning university credit or placement isn t your goal, you can still benefit from taking the AP Exams. Stand out in the admission process Everyone wants to get into the university of their choice. Those who make it take the most challenging courses. AP Exams provide universities with additional information about your ability to succeed in university-level study. Earn academic scholarships or awards Some of the most competitive scholarship awards consider your AP Exam scores. Many universities also use AP Exam scores to place students into honors classes. The AP Program offers several AP Scholar Awards to recognize students who have demonstrated university-level achievement through AP courses and exams. For more information, visit: [AP] really gave me a leg up, not only with my mental preparation for my classes but I was already able to be eligible for priority registration and various other perks that my peers were not able to enjoy. Vrushab Gowda, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Experience a university-level test The intensity of university exams catches far too many first year students by surprise. Regardless of the score you achieve, the experience of preparing for and taking the AP Exams will put you a step ahead, and give you a clear understanding of what you need to succeed on a university exam. What if my AP Exam scores do not qualify for credit or placement? Universities consider your overall AP experience, not just exam scores. Universities will look at AP courses on your transcript when evaluating your admission application and deciding scholarships and awards. Plus, the experience you gain from taking a university-level course taught in English in secondary school will help you adjust more quickly and with less stress when you begin attending a university especially if studying outside your country.

Respected and Recognized Worldwide AP is recognized as a highly desirable academic credential internationally. More than 600 universities in more than 60 countries outside the United States recognize AP for credit, placement, and/or admission purposes. So, regardless of whether you take an AP Exam in California, Cameroon, Canada, China, Chennai, or Colombia, in the eyes of an experienced admission officer or university faculty, success on an AP Exam and strong AP course grades demonstrate mastery of university-level concepts and skills within a particular discipline. AP is recognized countrywide in countries such as Austria, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. In Canada, every university grants advanced placement and/or credit for AP. In the UK, most institutions utilize AP in admission (including Oxford, Cambridge, and London School of Economics). In Latin America and the Caribbean, AP is recognized in more than 130 universities in 26 countries. In the U.S., most four-year colleges and universities grant advanced placement, credit, or both for successful scores on AP Exams, and 85 percent of selective institutions report that a student s AP experience favorably impacts admission decisions. 00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_EngChi_PR.indd 10 8/7/15 4:11 PM

How can I find universities that recognize AP and their AP policies? To check AP policies at U.S. colleges and universities, visit To check AP policies at universities outside the U.S., visit AP is all about outcomes. The first outcome has to do with getting into a university. AP is a clear sign that students pursue rigorous courses and [have] strong intention[s] of being well prepared for university studies. In addition to admissions, a student can also get credit with the results on their Advanced Placement Examinations. Philip Ballinger, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Director of Admissions, University of Washington

How Do I Enroll in AP Courses? AP courses are only offered at accredited secondary schools as part of the high school curriculum. If your school is interested in starting an AP program, please contact for information. In China, AP Exams are administered at authorized test centers in various cities. Students need to register with their school s AP Coordinator for AP Exams. To learn more about AP subjects offered in China and test center locations, please visit: Contact AP The College Board 250 Vesey Street New York, NY, 10281 United States of America Tel: 001-212-713-8293 2015 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. 00161_010

00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_EngChi_PR.indd 24 8/7/15 4:11 PM 脱颖而出 选择 AP 00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_Chinese_PR.indd 1 8/7/15 3:44 PM

AP ( 大学先修课程 ) AP 是为全世界高中提供的一套高水平的学术课程, 让有能力并且积极上进的高中学生能在高中期间有机会学习大学程度的课程 AP 课程让学生在申请大学时能脱颖而出, 而且通过 AP 课程的学习, 学生也有机会获得大学学分, 以及优先选课, 或者两者皆得的机会 参加 AP 课程学习以其课程结束后的标准化考试可以向全世界的大学证明你是一个愿意接受学术挑战的学生 在 AP 课堂里, 重点不是在于记忆事实和数字, 而是让学生参与热烈的讨论, 互相合作解决问题, 评判性和创造性地思考问题, 从多角度去学习重要课题, 并且学会条理清晰并有说服力的写作方法 这些都是在大学学习期间, 乃至 21 世纪全球化的社会中取得成功所必备的能力 仅 2014 年, 全世界 180 多个国家 19,000 多所学校的超过 230 万学生参加了 420 多万次的 AP 考试, 并把成绩寄送给了 60 多个国家的 4,000 多所大学 在 AP 考试中的表现是在哈佛学习成功的最好预测标准 - 威廉姆 菲兹斯蒙斯, 哈佛大学招生级奖学金办公室主任

关于 AP 研究多次证明, 参加过 AP 课程学习并在 AP 考试中获得 3 分以上的学生, 与没有学过 AP 的学生相比, 通常在大学学习中有更大成就, 也有更高的大学毕业成功率 AP 考试考核的是大学学习获得成功所必需的大学程度的知识和技能 学生无论选择一门或者多门 AP 课程及考试, 都能从中获益 国际留学生可以在全世界不同的学校学习 AP 课程并参加考试 AP 课程按照大学程度课程设计 ; 你学习同样的课程内容, 参加同样难度的考试, 在高中就已经接受大学教育, 这一点让我更好的理解到我在进入高等教育后应该有什么样的期待 - 热什玛 伊汝库啦, 罗格斯大学学生

AP 课程及考试 AP 总共有 36 门课程及考试, 各个学校可自行决定要开设的科目 * 艺术类历史及社会科学类科学类 艺术史音乐史工作室艺术 : 素描工作室艺术 : 二维设计工作室艺术 : 三维设计 比较政府与政治欧洲历史人文地理宏观经济学微观经济学心理学美国政府与政治美国历史世界历史 生物化学环境科学物理 1 物理 2 物理 C: 电磁学物理 C: 机械学 AP 课程是另一种扩展我对学习的热爱的方式, 也让我对不同学科有了更好的认识, 并真正地让我更大限度发掘自己 - 朱丽亚 瓦金斯, 戴维森大学学生

英语类数学类及计算机科学世界语言类 英语语言及写作 英语文学及写作 微积分 AB 微积分 BC 计算机科学 A 统计学 2016 年推出计算机科学原理 中国语言及文化法国语言及文化德国语言及文化日本语言及文化拉丁文西班牙语及文化西班牙文学及文化 * 中国境内高中开设 AP 课程和考试 : 中国教育部规定高级中学必须获得地方教育部门批准后才能参加像 AP 此类的国际课程及考试 每一个科目的课程大纲可以在以下网站下载

AP 和大学预科课程或高级课程有什么不同? 很多学校为学生开设了一些高级课程班, 不过 AP 课程是与大学的核心基础课程接轨, 因此相当于大学课程, 而且它是一套由美国及国际知名大学教授和高中专家教师团队一起设计的课程体系 与其它大学预科及高级课程不同的是, AP 课程学习结束后学生们参加的标准化 AP 考试的阅卷工作也有大学教授的参与, 以审核学生是否掌握了大学程度的知识和能力 AP 课程和考试是谁设计的? AP 课程和考试由资深大学教授和高中 AP 教师组成的学科委员会共同研发 AP 的学科委员会成员都是该学科领域的专家, 他们将最新的学科内容, 和他们优秀的专业教学经验融入了 AP 课程的开发中 AP 学科委员会成员来自目前美国最优秀的大学的教授, 其中包括 : 康奈尔大学 Cornell University 哈佛大学 Harvard University 麻省理工学院 MIT 西北大学 Northwestern University 宾西法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania 斯沃斯莫大学 Swarthmore College 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia 威廉姆斯学院 Williams College

为什么选择 AP? AP 有很多优势 : 它帮助学生在大学录取过程中脱颖而出, 让学生能有机会过程取大学学分和优先选课, 能节省时间和学费 我拿到大学的学分有什么用? 增加你的选择面 大学学分或优先选课可以让你更快进入高级课程的学习, 更快获得双学位或本科硕士连读学位, 而且可以留出时间去海外留学和旅行或参加实习 选择了 AP 课程之后, 我在大学里有了更多时间学习选修课并最终修完了双学位 - 布莲娜 珀玛缇可, 纽约大学学生 节省学费 如果你的 AP 考试成绩达到标准, 你可以获得上千所大学同等课程的学分 一些美国著名高校一年的学费在 4 万美元左右, 外汇兑换率继续上下波动, 试想你用 AP 成绩所获得的学分将可以为你省下多少学费, 并使你能尽快毕业 很多学生和家长都看上 AP 能降低出国留学费用的这一价值

学分和优先选课有什么不同? 不同的大学对于如何使用 AP 考试成绩有他们自己的规定 : 有些大学允许用符合标准的 AP 考试成绩兑换学分 这意味着你高中的学习就可以为大学本科毕业挣得学分了 有些大学用 AP 成绩来决定优先选课 这意味着你可以跳过基础课, 直接学习更高级课程, 并达到毕业的一般教育要求 有了 AP 成绩, 很多大学既给学分, 又允许优先选课 根据学校不同, 学生可以用达到学校要求的 AP 成绩 : 争取 3 年至 3 年半毕业 跳过初级课直接进入高级课程学习 满足必修外语课的要求 [AP] 真的让我提前起步, 不仅使我对大学课程在心理上有了准备, 而且让我能在大学里注册选课时有优势, 以及给了我其它一些别的学生没有的优势 - 凡汝莎布 高哒, 北卡大学夏洛特分校

如果我不需要换取学分或优先选课, 为什么选择 AP 呢? 即使你的目标不在于换取大学学分和优先选课, 你仍然可以从 AP 考试中获益 在大学录取过程中脱颖而出 每个学生都希望能进入自己选择的大学 能成功达到升学目的的学生在高中阶段要尽量选择有挑战性的课程 AP 考试向大学提供另一层的含义, 即你具备在大学学习中获得成功的能力 获得学术奖学金或奖项 一些竞争最大的奖学金都以 AP 考试成绩作参照 很多大学用学生的 AP 考试成绩来决定让哪些学生进入高级班 AP 提供几种不同的优秀 AP 学生奖项, 以认可在 AP 课程及考试中表现出大学水平成绩的优秀学生 更多关于这些奖项的信息可在以下网页查到 体验大学水平的考试 大学考试的强度让太多的大一学生都非常震惊 无论你的 AP 考试成绩如何, 准备和参加 AP 考试的经验都让你能领先一步, 清楚地了解在大学考试中取得好成绩需要做好什么准备 如果我的 AP 考试成绩没有达到获取学分或优先选课的要求呢? 大学会考虑你整体的 AP 学习经历, 而不仅仅是考试分数 大学在评估你的申请和考虑给予奖学金或奖项时, 会看你成绩单上的 AP 课程学习经历 此外, 参加 AP 课程也让你拥有在高中阶段学习用英文授课的大学程度课程的经历, 这将帮助你进入大学以后能尽快地适应, 也会减小你的压力, 特别是对出国留学的学生

00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_EngChi_PR.indd 15 8/7/15 4:11 PM 世界范围的认可和尊重 AP是一个在国际上获得广泛接受的学术经历 除美国本土以外 有60多 个国家的600多所大学都承认AP并用于给予学分 优先选课或用作录取 参考 因此 无论你是在加州 喀麦隆 加拿大 中国 或哥伦比亚参加AP考 试 在有经验的大学招生官员的眼里 AP考试的优秀分数和AP课程学习 的优秀成绩都证明了你在该科目掌握了大学程度的知识和技能 AP在澳大利亚 德国 挪威 丹麦 瑞士以及荷兰等国都受到全国认可 加拿大的每一所大学都使用AP来决定优先选课和给予学分 英国的大部分大学 包括牛津 剑桥 伦敦经济学院 在做录取决定时都采 用AP做参考 在拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区 AP在26个国家的130多所大学得到承认 美国大部分的四年制大学用AP考试成绩给予考虑优先选课 获取学分 或 者两者皆有 85%要求较高的大学都表示他们在做录取决定时对有AP学习 经验的学生有一定地优先考虑 00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_Chinese_PR.indd 10-11

00161_010_Choose_AP_Bilingual_Brochure_EngChi_PR.indd 14 8/7/15 4:11 PM 如何寻找承认AP的大学以及各学校的相关政策 查询美国大学的AP政策 查询美国以外大学的AP政策 AP全部在于结果 第一个结果表现在学生能升入大学 AP学习清楚地表示学生 追求高标准课程的学习 有为大学学习做好准备的意愿 除了在升学录取中的 作用以外 学生也能用AP考试的成绩来换取大学学分 -飞利浦 巴陵尔 华盛顿大学招生处助理副主任 8/7/15 3:44 PM

如何进入 AP 课程学习? AP 课程仅在提供高中学历教育的学校开设, 作为高中课程的一部分 如果您就读的高中希望开设 AP 课程, 可以联系 中国境内的 AP 考试在不同城市的 AP 授权考点举行 学生需要通过本校的 AP 项目管理员报名参加 AP 考试 要了解更多关于中国开设的 AP 科目和考点信息, 请访问网站 : 联系 AP 大学理事会 The College Board 250 Vesey Street New York, NY, 10281 Email: 电话 :001-212-713-8293 ( 美国境内 ) 950-4037-7739 ( 中国直拨 ) 2015 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. 00161_010