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目 錄 壹 目 的... 1 一 計 畫 背 景... 1 二 計 畫 目 的... 1 三 預 期 效 應... 2 貳 過 程... 3 一 計 畫 期 程... 3 二 學 生 活 動 安 排 時 程... 3 三 活 動 檢 核 表... 4 四 組 織 與 分 工... 5 五 活 動 行

99 學年度班群總介紹 第 370 期 班群總導 陳怡靜 G45 班群總導 陳怡靜(河馬) A 家 惠如 家浩 T 格 宜蓁 小 霖 怡 家 M 璇 均 蓁 雴 家 數學領域 珈玲 國燈 英領域 Kent

2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的


Miss Porter s School Chinese Language Language Placement Test Novice/Intermediate- low Name Grade next year (please circle) 9th 10th 11th 12th Language Level you hope to take at Porter s (please circle) Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Chinese 3 other: Approximate time it took to complete this test Test administered by Proctor signature Date IMPORTANT: Please read this information carefully. For this test to give us accurate information you must take it by yourself and without the help of class notes, a textbook or a dictionary. Your answers on this placement test will help us find the appropriate Chinese level for you here at Miss Porter s School. Please complete it to the best of your ability. The different sections on this test cover vocabulary and grammatical structures from several levels of difficulty and therefore it is expected that there will be questions for which you do not know the answer. When you do not know the answers just move on and continue with the next question or section. PLEASE COMPLETE: Your current school name Your current language class/level The name of your current Chinese textbook What type of characters have you learned? Traditional Simplified How long have you been studying Chinese? What is your current grade in Chinese? You are earning that grade with (please circle) great effort average effort low effort Is there any other information you would like to share with us about your experience in Chinese?

Novice/Intermediate level placement test Miss Porter s School 一 Reading 阅读 A. Read the passage and answer the questions. (True/False) 12 points 小张的哥哥叫张天明, 今年二十一岁是大学生, 他有很多朋友 他喜欢打球 看电视, 也喜欢看书 他现在学日文, 常常跟他的日本朋友去吃日本饭, 看日本电影 周末他常常和小张打球, 有时候他们也去中国饭馆吃饭 因为下个星期天是张天明的生日, 所以小张想请哥哥去看一个很有意思的外国电影 ( )1. Little Zhang s brother is very popular in school. ( )2. Little Zhang s brother is high school student. ( )3. Little Zhang often plays ball with his brother. ( )4. Little Zhang is going to pay for the dinner. ( )5. Little Zhang s brother is going to treat him to see a movie. ( )6. Little Zhang is learning Japanese. B. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions: 6 points (Li You is nearsighted.) 王朋 : 李友, 那张照片是你的吗? 李友 : 是 这是我爸爸, 这是我妈妈 王朋 : 这个女孩子是谁? 李友 : 是我 (looking at the picture again more carefully) 不是, 不是, 这不是我 王朋 : 她是你姐姐吗? 李友 : 也不是 她是我爸爸的妹妹 Questions (Multiple Choice): ( )1. Which of the following is correct? A. Li You was looking at someone else s photo but mistook it for her own. B. Li You is looking at her own photo. C. Li You was looking at her sister s photo.

D. Li You was looking at her own photo but mistook it for her sister s. ( )2. The girl in the picture turns out to be: A. Li You s younger sister. B. Li You s older sister. C. Mr. Li s younger sister. D. Mrs. Li s older sister. ( )3. Who is not in the picture? A. Li You s younger sister B. Li You s Aunt C. Li You s father D. Li You s mother 二. Translate the following passage into English 24 points 昨天是小王的生日, 小王请了小高 小张 和王朋三个同学去他家吃饭 他们七点钟吃晚饭 小王家很大, 也很漂亮 小王的爸爸是医生, 他的妈妈是老师 小王的妈妈认识小张的妈妈, 因为小张的妈妈也是老师, 她们都在小王的学校工作 小王的爸爸昨天很忙, 九点才回家吃晚饭 王朋和小张一起喝可乐 唱歌 看电视 小高 王朋和小王的爸爸 妈妈一起喝茶 聊天 小高 小张和王朋十一点才回家 3

三 Writing and Grammar 写作与语法 A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese characters( 汉字 ): 36 points 1. We got acquainted with Little Gao s older sister at library. 2. Tomorrow afternoon I have two classes. I won t be free until after three-thirty. 3. If it s convenient for you, I will go to your office at 4pm. Is that all right? 4. Little Bai, are you free this weekend? I would like to invite you to dance. 5. Let me introduce you. This is my lawyer. 6. Miss Zhang is not Chinese. Nor am I. 7. Would you like to have some coffee? 8. Neither of my parents are not American. 4

9. Not all of my teachers are Chinese. 10. What do your parents do? 11. You don t feel like going to the library. Then let s go to the movies. How s that sound? 12. How many photos of your mom do you have? I have one. 四 According to the pictures and answer the following questions in Chinese characters( 汉字 ) and complete sentences. 10 points 美国大学中文老师 李家生 Tel: 812-569-7346 Business card 5

Answer in Chinese 1.Whose business card is this? 2. Please write his telephone number in Chinese. 3. Where does he work? 4. 这个人姓什么? 叫什么名字? 5. 他是做什么的? 五 Please write down the following characters radical and the meaning of the radical. 20 points character Radical of the character Meaning of the radcial 1. 没 2. 照 3. 张 4. 谁 5. 吗 六 Write down each radical and its pinyin. 26 points Character/ pinyin Character/ pinyin 1. water 2. hand 3. speech 4. fire 6

5. wood 6. son 7. female: 8. knife woman 9. mouth 10. heart 七 Apply your knowledge of spelling rules: 10 Points a. i+a => b. i+ou=> c. x+ü+eng=> h. sh+ u+ei=> g. ü+en=> 7