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1 The Multicultural Art Education and Its Implication of I-LAN International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival



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6 The Multicultural Art Education and Its Implication of I-LAN International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to explore the multicultural art education and its implication of I-LAN International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival. The festival up to now has been held for six times. It really shows an example of multicultural art education. The aboriginal children, especially Atayal boys and girls, feel this educational implication deeply. This study used a qualitative research method. First of all, according to the relevant literature, the writer built up an analysis frame. Secondly, according to the study purpose, the writer established the interview schedule. Finally, according to the relevant theory and interview result, the writer concluded five points as followed. 1The aboriginal children strengthened their cultural identify in the training process. 2The aboriginal children not only broadened their international view but also strengthened their self-confidence after participating in the festival. 3 The festival showed its implication of multicultural art education in playing, exhibition and cultural exchanging activities. 4The festival influenced and helped the art education of elementary schools in the training process and classes. 5If the festival popularizes summer dance camp, establishes the festival museum, builds up teaching data, encourages children's folklore and folkgame DIY, it would strengthen deeper multicultural art education function. Keyword: children's folklore and folkgame, I-LAN International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival, cultural identify, multiculturalism, art education, Folkgame Kids Have Fun III

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10 .87 Fun Fun DIY VII


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13 Fun 105 Fun. 105 Fun X

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16 Mcfee1995: 3 1

17 2

18 3

19 .. (in-depth interview) 4

20 focus group interview Fun Fun SARS Fun 5

21 / / / / 6

22 SARS Fun Fun 7

23 Kindler, 1994: 54 Geertz (multi) manydiverse (culture) Mason, 1995: 24 multiculturalism universal conception of value recognizing differentiated conception of value (National Coalition for Cultural Pluralism ) 8

24 Grant & Sleeter1989a: 144 (multicultural education) (cross-cultural) 9

25 I-LAN International Children s Folklore and Folkgame Festival 10

26 (multiculturalism) (gender)(race)(class) Geertz (multi) many diverse (culture) Mason, 1995: 24 (universal conception of value) 11

27 (differentiated conception of value) cultural pluralism (identity) cultural diversity Broin, 1993: 301 National Coalition for Cultural Pluralism Grant & Sleeter1989a: 144 cultural pluralism multiculturalism cultural pluralism Mallick1997: cultural pluralism multiculturalism cultural pluralism 12

28 cross-cultural Banks1994: 19 (Banks, 1995: 3) Banks, 1994: 3 Parekh Banks, 1994: 4 13

29 e. g., Banks, 1989; Berry, 1979; Duncan, 1986; Grant & Sleeter, 1989b; Lynch, 1983; Smith, 1994; Tetreault, 1989; Tiedt & Tiedt, 1990 Gay1997: 514 National Council of Teachers of English (Wilkinson & Kido, 1997) Mcfee, 1998: 101 Seminar1998: 9 14

30 590 R.L.AndersonJ.R.BlauE.Dissanayake Getty 15

31 Collins Sandell 1992: 8 Zimmerman Zimmerman1991: 9 Feldman 1996: 36 socialization acculturation Ament1998: 56 Clark1998: 6 16

32 Eisner play play of a game 17

33 ... CIOFF

34 19

35 Lopburi's Folk game The Whanganui-a-Tara Maori Culture Group 20

36 21

37 e-life 22

38 DIY 23

39 24

40 John Locke Immanuel Kant (Schiller) 25

41 PiagetVygotskyBrunerDanskyWeirWolfgangPellegrini Connolly IQ problem solving creativity Eisner Mcfee1998: 109 Catrecas & Edwards EisnerMcfee Informal Learning 26

42 tambura Samul Nori 27

43 Lowenfeld 28

44 Hamer2000: FAIE Folk Arts in Education/Folk Arts in Schools movement DIY Lancastery1990: 93 Goldman, 1991:

45 30

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63 Fun complete observer 48

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102 2003 SARS SARS Fun Fun Fun Fun SARS Fun Fun SARS Fun Fun 87

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104 Fun Fun Fun Show High Fun Fun 89

105 Fun Fun Fun Juraj Hammar DIY DIY DIY 90

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115 4-28 Juraj Hammar 100

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118 Fun SARS Fun Fun Fun Fun Yoshihiro Banba Aquio Nishida Yasuo Hikone Minoru Takahasi 103

119 DIY 10:00~12:00 14:00~18:00 DIY DIY Fun Fun 104

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128 DIY Fun Fun Fun Fun Juraj Hammar Juraj Hammar Juraj Hammar 113

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139 DIY DIY DIY 124

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153 Fun 138

154 DIY DIY Juraj Hammar 139

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159 http// http// 144

160 http// http// Fun Klugman, E Smilansky, S. Klugman, E.Smilansky, S.Ed.1999.Children s play and learning: Perspectives and policy implications Klugman, E Smilansky, S. Klugman, E.Smilansky, S.Ed.1999.Children s 145

161 play and learning: Perspectives and policy implications. Johnson, J.D., Christie, J.F. & Yawkey, T.D.1992.Play and early childhood development. 堃 146

162 147

163 Ament, E. A. (1998). Using Feminist Perspectives in Art Education. Art Education, 51 (5), Banks, J.A. (1994). An Introduction to Multicultural Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Press. Banks, J. A. (1995). Multicultural Education: Historical Development, Dimensions, and Practice. In Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, ed. James Banks and Cherry McGee Banks. New York: MacMillan, Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (eds.). (1989). Multicultural Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Press. Berry, G. L. (1979). The Multicultural principle: Meaning From Seven Cardinal Principle of 1918 and in Hass, G. (ed), Curriculum Planning: A New Approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Broin, V. (1993). Integrating Critical Analysis: Philosophy with Multicultural and Gender Focus. Teaching-Philosophy, Clark, R. (1998). Doors and Mirrors in Art Education: Constructing the Postmodernist Classroom. Art Education, 51 (6), Collins, G., Sandell, R. (1992). The Politics of Multicultural Art Education. Art Education, 45 (6), Duncan, C. (1986). Multicultural Education. New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul lnc. Feldman, E.B. (1996). Philosophy of Art Education. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Gay, G. (1997). Multicultural Curriculum and Instruction, in International Symposium on Multicultural Education: Theories and Practices. Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University,

164 Goldman, M. (1991). Dead White Guys. Teaching-Philosophy, Je 91, Grant, C. A., & Sleeter, C. E. (1989a). Turning on Learning: Five Approaches to Multicultural Teaching Plans for Race, Class, Gender, and Disability. New York: Merrill. Grant, C. A., & Sleeter, C. E. (1989b). Race, Class, Gender, Exceptionality, and Educational Reform, in Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (eds.), Multicultural Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Hamer, L. (2000). Folklore in schools and multicultural education: toward institutionalizing no institutional knowledge. Journal of American Folklore, 113 (447), Kindler, A. M. (1994). Children and the Culture of a Multicultural Society. Art Education, 47 (4), Lancaster, J. (1990). Art in the Primary School. London; New York: Routledge. Lynch, J. (1983). The Multicultural Curriculum. London: Batsford Academic and Educational. Mason, R. (1995). International Perspectives on Multicultural Art Education, in Ju-I Yuan (ed.), International Symposium on Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Visual Art Education. Taipei: National Taipei Teachers College, Mallick, K. (1997). Cultural Diversity and Education, in National Taiwan Normal University (ed.), International Symposium on Multicultural Education: Theories and Practices. Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University, Mcfee, J.K. (1995). Interdisciplinary and International Trends in Multi-cultural Art Education, in Ju-I Yuan (ed.), International Symposium on Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Visual Art Education. Taipei: National Taipei Teachers College, 149

165 1-22. Mcfee, J.K. (1998). Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education, Virginia: The National Art Education Association, Seminar, P. S. (1998). Society, Art, and Education. in McFee, J. k, Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education, Virginia: The National Art Education Association, Smith, P. (1994). Multicultural Issues: Dilemmas and Hopes. Art Education, 47 (4), Tetreault, M. K. T. (1989). Integrating Content about Women and Gender into the Curriculum, in Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (eds.), Multicultural Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Tiedt, P. L., & Tiedt, I. M. (1990). Multicultural Teaching: a Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Wilkinson, P.A. & Kido, E. (1997). Literature and cultural awareness: voice from the journey. Language Arts, 74, April. Zimmerman, E. (1991). Evaluation of Student Progress in Multicultural Art Programs. Social Studies/Social Science Education,

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