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2 创新和新产品开发管理 日期 / 语言 / 地点 : 2012 年 5 月 27 日 -30 日 / 英语授课配汉语交替翻译 / 上海 课程费用 : 人民币 31,800 元更多信息请访问 : 组织的生存和成功有赖于创新 在竞争日益激烈 变化异常迅速的中国市场环境下, 创新显得尤为重要 只有不断开发并提供面向客户的新产品和新服务, 才能使企业不断走向成功 然而, 对于创新及新产品开发流程的管理并非轻而易举之事 真正的挑战在于理解成功创新的主要概念, 并了解最佳实践及如何将其应用到组织中去 惟有如此, 才能确保面向客户的创新获得成功 1 目标 如何酝酿 开发并推出优秀的新产品? 本课程将探索有关方法, 帮助公司成功进行新产品开发管理 本课程旨在帮助学员理解新产品开发的主要概念 做法及其在公司实践中的应用 其中有许多概念将在针对中国企业的研究基础上予以阐释 对象 本课程面向高级经理人及在营销 制造 采购 新产品开发 工程 研发等部门负责新产品开发和营销的其他人员 受益 参加本课程的学员将 : 更好理解从模糊前端直到投放市场的整个创新流程 学习创意性思维, 以及评估 筛选产品新创意的最佳实践 学习产品团队协同工作的最佳原则与实践 体验绝妙的 客户之声 工具 学习成功企业扩大新产品成果的经验 学习管理负责新产品营销的销售队伍的方法 课程内容 新产品开发的重要性 - 创新的需求, 成功企业的经验 新产品成功或失败的原因 - 中国新产品案例 产品创新流程图 - 新产品开发的使命 愿景 战略和目标, 制成并实施新产品开发流程图 新产品开发 - 模糊前端, 例如 : 创造力 新创意的产生 评估和筛选 ; 开发流程 - 阶段 - 关卡流程 ; 加速投放市场, 以及泥泞后端 (MBE)- 投放市场流程 市场导向, 理解客户心声 - 中国案例 跨职能关系 - 研发与市场营销的关系 新产品开发的组织 竞争情报和标竿管理 - 新产品开发的最佳实践及对业绩的影响 新产品营销 - 销售队伍的作用及管理 ; 销售队伍对新产品的接受 ; 中美两国新产品销售之比较 ; 对中国市场新产品销售队伍进行有效管理的工具

3 of Innovation and Product Development Date / Language / Venue: May 27-30, 2012 / English with sequential Chinese interpretation / Shanghai Fee: RMB 31,800 For more information, please visit Organisations depend on innovation for their success and survival. In the increasingly competitive and rapidly changing Chinese market environment innovation takes on added importance. Simply put, to enhance the success of your company you must create and deliver customer-relevant new products and services. However, managing innovation and new product development processes is not easy - the real challenge is to understand the key concepts for successful innovation and knowing about best practices and how to integrate them into your organisation to ensure customer-relevant innovations. Objective How do you conceive, develop and launch superior new products? This programme will explore ways by which companies can manage new product development successfully. It is designed to provide you with an understanding of the key concepts and practices in new product development and how to use them in your company. Many of the concepts will be illustrated with evidence from research on companies in China. Who Should Attend This programme will be useful to senior managers and other personnel in marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, new product development, engineering, R&D who have responsibilities for new product development and marketing. Programme Benefits After completing this programme the participants will: Gain a better understanding of the innovation process from the Fuzzy Front End (FFE) through to market launch Learn the best practices of generating ideas, screening, and evaluating new product concepts Learn best practices and principles for product teaming Experience best of the voice of the customer tools Learn how successful companies enhance new product successes Learn how to manage the sales force for new product marketing Programme Coverage Importance of new product development - need for innovation, what successful companies do Why new products succeed and fail - the case of new products in China The product innovation charter - mission, vision, strategy, goals of new product development, creating and implementing a product innovation charter product development - the Fuzzy Front End (FFE) - e.g., creativity, concept generation, concept evaluation and selection, the development process - stage-gate processes, reducing time to market, and the Muddy Back End (MBE) - the market launch process Market orientation and understanding the voice of the customer - the case in China Cross-functional relationships - R&D-marketing relationships Organising for product development Competitive intelligence and benchmarking - best new product development practices and performance implications Marketing new product - the role and management of the sales force - adoption of new products by the sales force, comparison of new product selling in China and the U.S., tools for effective sales force management in new product launch in China 2

4 课程安排 第一天 第四天 上午 创新和新产品战略 上午 新产品营销 理解公司的创新和新产品开发战略 新产品开发的重要性 成功企业的经验 新产品成功或失败的原因 中国新产品案例 市场开发 品牌和包装决策 测试前的市场分析及营销测试 商业化与市场启动 启动前的规划 启动 启动后的跟踪及控制 下午 新产品开发流程图 新产品开发的使命 愿景 战略和目 下午 新产品销售队伍的管理 销售队伍对新产品的接受 中美 标, 编制并实施新产品开发流程图 两国新产品销售之比较 有效管理新产品销售队伍的工具 市场导向和理解客户心声 第二天上午下午第三天上午下午 新产品开发流程 模糊前端 (FFE) 如 : 创造力 产生新创意 新创意的评估和筛选 开发流程 - 阶段 - 关卡流程 加速投放市场 以及泥泞后端 (MBE)- 市场启动流程 标竿管理 新产品开发的最佳实践及对业绩的影响新产品开发的组织和人员管理 新产品开发的组织 奖赏与表彰 新产品团队流程管理 跨职能团队 研发 / 工程和营销之间的关系 创新和新产品开发管理课程全面地改变了我对创新的理解 创新是针对价值而不仅仅局限于产品 必须从客户端开始, 全面深刻地了解客户的难点 痛点, 并延伸到整个客户链上的相关各方, 同时关注客户在使用前 使用中和使用后的各种顾虑 这样的创新思维能在功能上和情感上为客户带来全新的价值 这些概念以及课程中讲到的创新管理的方法无疑能实际地指导我们今后的创新工作 李力总经理特维德 ( 上海 ) 信息科技有限公司 3

5 Programme Schedule Day 1 morning afternoon Day 2 morning afternoon Day 3 morning afternoon Innovation and Product Strategy Understanding innovation and new product development strategies of the firm Importance of new product development - what successful companies do Why new products succeed and fail - the case of new products in China The new product development charter - mission, vision, strategy, and goals of new product development, creating and implementing a new product development charter Market orientation and understanding the voice of the customer Product Development Process The Fuzzy Front End (FFE) - e.g., creativity, concept generation, concept evaluation and selection The development process - stage-gate processes, reducing time to market, and the Muddy Back End (MBE) - the market launch process Benchmarking - new product development best practices and performance implications Organising and People Issues in Product Development Organising for new product development Rewards and recognition Managing the new product team process Cross-functional teams R&D/engineering and marketing relationships Day 4 morning Marketing Products Market development - branding and packaging decisions, pre-test market analysis, and test marketing Commercialisation and launch - pre-launch planning implementation, launch and post-launch tracking and control afternoon Managing the sales force for new products - adoption of new products by the sales force, comparison of new product selling in China and the U.S., tools for effective sales force management in new product launch Professor has presented us a brand new perspective towards innovation. Besides product innovation, we can also think about value innovation! The primary focus shall always be given to customers so as to form an in-depth understanding of their puzzles, requirements as well as concerns arising before, in the middle of and after using the product. Meanwhile, attention shall also be extended to other stakeholders across the whole customer chain. With these innovative conceptions, we will be able to create unprecedented values for our customers and offer them totally new experience. With the practical skills of innovation management learnt from the course, we are sure to innovate in a more effective way in the future. Li Li General Manager Tweddle Group China 4

6 课程主任 Programme Director 鸿翥吉马中欧国际工商学院市场营销学和创新管理学教授营销与创新中心主任 Kwaku Atuahene-Gima Professor of Marketing and Innovation, Director of Centre of Marketing and Innovation, CEIBS 教育背景 : 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学, 创新管理与营销学博士学位澳大利亚新南威尔士大学, 市场营销学硕士学位加纳大学, 工商管理学理学学士学位 ( 荣誉 ) 教学 / 研究领域 : 鸿翥吉马教授是中欧国际工商学院的市场营销学和创新管理学教授, 同时也担任该校市场和创新研究中心主任 在此之前, 他曾在香港城市大学担任市场营销学和创新管理学教授, 并曾担任该校管理学系主任, 他还是该校创新管理和组织变革中心的创办人和主任 他还曾是许多大学的访问教授, 包括博科尼大学, 新南威尔士大学, 代尔夫特工业大学, 新加坡管理大学 他在 Aston 商学院市场兼职市场营销学系主任, 也在曼汉姆商学院任创新管理学客座教授 他也曾执教于昆士兰科技大学和伍伦贡大学以及担任中国人民大学的荣誉教授 他的教学和研究主要集中在帮助企业在以下领域得到改进和提升 :R&D 顾客中心管理, 企业的创新竞争力, 市场导向和创新管理, 新产品开发, 和市场营销战略的发展和运用 学术成就 : 鸿翥吉马教授在创新管理领域的研究成果发表在众多著名的国际期刊上, 如 市场营销期刊 产品创新管理期刊 管理学会期 5 刊 管理学 组织科学 战略管理学期刊 国际营销学期刊 商业研究期刊 研究技术管理 技术管理国际期刊 等 他的研究成果曾两次在美国市场营销协会教育者研讨会上获得享有很高声望的 最佳论文 奖, 并因其优秀的质量以及对知识领域的杰出贡献而被授予卓越文献奖 他是 市场营销期刊 产品创新管理期刊 泛澳大利亚市场营销期刊 和 国际商业关键视角 的编委 他还曾为多个在欧洲和美国召开的专业研讨会担任以新产品开发为主题的分会场主席 他近期以其在顶级学术刊物 产品创新管理杂志 上发表的大量研究报告, 被评为世界创新管理领域最多产学者的第四名 企业经验 : 鸿翥吉马教授曾为许多公司提供营销及创新管理咨询服务和 / 或开设培训课程, 如瑞银集团金融服务部 飞利浦 通用汽车 惠氏 香港残疾人协会 香港生产力促进局 权智 新兴光学 宏利国际控股等 他曾是香港工业创新奖评委会评委, 并一直是香港服务业联邦年会以及中国国际创新论坛年会的主题演讲者 在开始学术生涯之前, 鸿翥吉马教授曾在惠康 ( 澳大利亚 ) 有限公司任职多年, 担任制药行业产品开发 市场营销和材料管理等部门的高层管理人员 Educational Background: Ph.D. in Innovation and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Australia Master of Commerce in Marketing, University of South Wales, Australia B.S. (Honours) in Business Administration, University of Ghana Teaching/Research Interests: Professor Atuahene-Gima is Professor of Marketing and Innovation at CEIBS, where he is also the Director of the Center for Marketing & Innovation. He was formerly Professor of Innovation and Marketing, head of the Department of, founder and Director of the Centre for Innovation and Organisational Change at the City University of Hong Kong. He has been visiting professor at several universities including the University of Bocconi, University of South Wales, and Delft University of Technology, Singapore University, held a part-time Chair of Marketing at Aston Business School and is currently Adjunct Professor of Innovation, Mannheim Business School. His teaching and research focus on assisting firms to improve in the following key areas: excel in customer-centric R&D management, build innovation as an organisational competency, develop and sustain market-oriented capability, manage new product development processes, and develop and implement innovative marketing strategies. Academic Achievements: Professor Atuahene-Gima s work has been published in leading international journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation, Academy of Journal, Science, Organisation Science, Strategic Journal, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Research Technology, International Journal of Technology, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Research Technology, International Journal of Technology, and others. His research work has won prestigious Best Paper Awards at the American Marketing Association Educators Conferences, appeared in the Best Paper proceedings of the Academy of, and received a Citation of Excellence for Highest Quality and for outstanding contribution to knowledge by Annbar. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation, Australasian Marketing Journal, Critical Perspectives on International Business. He has been track chair for new product development at several professional conferences in Europe and the U.S. He was recognised recently by research published in the Journal of Product Innovation as the world's 4th most prolific researcher in the field. Corporate Experience: Professor Atuahene-Gima has consulted and/or conducted marketing and innovation management training programmes and workshops for companies such as UBS Financial Services, Philips, General Motors, Wyeth, Hong Kong Society for the Handicapped, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Group Sense, Sunhing Millennium, Manulife and others. He was a member of the Judging Panel for the Hong Kong Awards for Industry - Innovation. He has been a keynote speaker at the annual gathering of the Hong Kong Coalition of Services Industries and the Chinese International Invention and Innovation Symposium. Prior to academia he held executive positions in product development, distribution, marketing and materials management in the pharmaceutical industry with Welcome (Australia) Ltd. for several years.

7 创新和新产品开发管理课程非常实用, 一些工具和概念可以直接应用到工作 中去, 同时拓展了思路, 改变了一部分传统的思维方式 岳琳 市场部副总监 上海家化联合股份有限公司 日期 / 语言 / 地点 2012 年 5 月 27 日 -30 日 / 英语授课配汉语交替翻译 / 上海 ( 上海市浦东红枫路 699 号中欧国际工商学院 ) 申请程序申请者可以通过以下方式申请课程 : 在线申请 请登陆中欧高层经理培训课程网站 选定您想要申请的课程, 点击在线申请即可进行课程申请 您也可以致电中欧客户服务小组索取课程申请表, 填写完整之后传真 电子邮件或邮寄至中欧客户服务小组即可完成课程申请 课程申请必须在开课前 20 日前完成 所有申请根据先后顺序进行审核, 席位以中欧最终确认为准 开课前 20 日内收到的申请视具体情况而定 如需咨询详情, 请联络我院设于上海 北京和深圳的客户服务小组 收费整个课程费用人民币 31,800 元, 包括学费 案例使用费 午餐费 资料费 文具费 其他相关材料费, 以及口译和笔译费用 ( 如有需要 ) 课程费用应在开课前 15 日前全部缴清 开课前 15 日内提出申请时需立即付费 撤销席位开课前 15 日 ( 含第 15 日 ) 之前取消课程, 将退还全部学费, 因为退款所发生的费用由学员 / 学员企业承担 在开课前 15 日之内取消课程, 将收取应付学费总额的 20 开课后, 学员因任何原因自行退出学习, 学费概不退还 * 我院保留对课程信息 ( 包括价格 日期 地点 师资 课程安排和其他细节等 ) 进行调整的权利 联系我们客户服务小组中欧国际工商学院高层经理培训部上海市浦东新区红枫路 699 号邮编 : 电话 :(86 21) /5197 传真 :(86 21) 电子邮件 :exed@ceibs.edu 网址 : 客户服务小组中欧国际工商学院北京校园北京市海淀区东北旺西路 8 号中关村软件园 20 号楼邮编 : 电话 :(86 10) 传真 :(86 10) 电子邮件 :exed@ceibs.edu 客户服务小组中欧国际工商学院深圳代表处深圳市福田中心区益田路 6003 号荣超商务中心 A 座 8 层邮编 : 电话 :(86 755) 传真 :(86 755) 电子邮件 :exed@ceibs.edu 中欧 EDP 在新浪微博 中欧 EDP 在腾讯微博 6

8 of Innovation and Product Development is a highly applicable programme. Some tools and concepts could be directly applied in real cases. Another benefit of the programme, in addition to broadening our horizon, is that it has brought some changes to our traditional mindset. Yue Lin Deputy Director of Marketing Department Shanghai Jahwa United Co., Ltd. Date / Language / Venue May 27-30, 2012 / English with sequential Chinese Interpretation / Shanghai (CEIBS Shanghai campus, 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong, Shanghai). Admissions Procedures Applicants can apply for the programme as follows: Online application: Please visit the CEIBS Executive Education website select the programme you want to take, and click Apply Now to apply for the programme; or Please call the CEIBS Customer Service Team for a printed Application Form, then fill in the form and send it to the CEIBS Customer Service Team by fax, or mail. Contact Information Customer Service Team Executive Education Department China Europe International Business School 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong Shanghai, , P.R.C. Tel: (86 21) / 5197 Fax: (86 21) exed@ceibs.edu Website: Applications are requested 20 days before the programme start date. Applications are reviewed as they arrive and admissions are subject to the final confirmation of CEIBS. Any applications received after that date will be considered on a space-available basis. For more information, please contact our customer service team in Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen. Fee The cost of the programme is RMB31,800, which includes tuition, case licensing fees, lunches, stationery, other course materials, and interpretation and translation fees if required. The full fee must be paid no later than 15 days before the start of the programme. Applications made within 15 days of the start of a programme require immediate payment. Cancellations Any cancellation made 15 days or more prior to the programme start date is eligible for a full refund of programme fees paid. However, the expenses arising therefrom shall be for the account of the applicant or his/her employer. Any cancellation made less than 15 days prior to the programme start date shall be subject to a fee of 20 percent of total programme fees. After the programme starts, no fees shall be refunded for participants who withdraw from the programme for any reason. Customer Service Team CEIBS Beijing Campus No.20, Zhongguancun Software Park, 8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, , P.R.C. Tel: (86 10) Fax: (86 10) exed@ceibs.edu Customer Service Team CEIBS Shenzhen Representative Office 8F, RongChao Business Centre Block A, 6003 Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, , P.R.C. Tel: (86 755) Fax: (86 755) exed@ceibs.edu 7 * CEIBS reserves the right to amend information on this programme including price, date, location, faculty, daily schedule and other details.

9 如需具体了解中欧国际工商学院高层经理培训课程, 请在所需要了解的课程名前打勾 跨国经营 中欧 - 英士 (INSEAD) 国际商学新院合作中国企业欧洲经营之道在华经营之道 高级管理 打造创新型企业 : 激发 管理新和成就创新 ( 模块制 ) 中欧 - 哈佛商学院 -IESE 商学院合作全球 CEO 课程 ( 模块制 ) 中国 CEO 领导力课程 : 领导力巅峰之旅 ( 模块制 ) 中欧 - 哈佛商学院 - 清华经管学院合作高级经理人课程 ( 模块制 ) 总经理课程 ( 模块制 ) 首席营销官课程 ( 模块制 ) 中欧 - 伦敦商学院合作首席财务官课程 ( 模块制 ) 医院院长领导力发展课程 ( 模 公司治理中欧 - 沃顿商学院合作公司治理和董事会课程综合管理管理文凭课程 ( 模块制 ) 管理发展课程 ( 模块制 ) 战略新数字经济时代的战略反思未来大趋势 : 前瞻性思考企业并购与整合博弈论实践 : 如何更有效地竞争与合作? 发展组织能力, 推动战略实施战略实施领导艺术新积极领导力高绩效与可持续领导力 领导艺术与管理教练课程女性领导力课程谈判和决策战略谈判课程谈判和决策管理组织与管理新驾驭变革 : 提升组织效能与活力新管理心理学实践 : 用心管理新人才管理课程 EVA 与绩效管理人力资源管理 : 心理 人性 文化人力资源管理市场营销新数字营销 : 营销的未来趋势创建客户导向型组织市场创建课程 关键客户管理战略销售队伍管理企业品牌的创建与管理市场营销战略与规划创新和新产品开发管理财务私募股权基金课程战略投资决策管理非财务经理的财务课程决策者的财务报表解析课程决策者的管理会计运营管理卓越服务管理供应链管理 公益项目 新 新生代创业领袖成长营 ( 模块新制 ) 块制 ) 领导艺术与变革管理 姓名 ( 先生 / 女士 ) 职务 公司 地址 省 / 国家 办公电话 / 手机 传真 电子邮件 填完此表后, 将其邮寄或传真至我院 8

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Microsoft Word - 02汪文政ok.doc 康 寧 學 報 10:25-40(2008) 25 中 國 大 陸 福 建 省 台 資 專 科 診 所 成 功 經 營 管 理 的 關 鍵 核 心 能 力 * 汪 文 政 ** 賴 俊 穎 摘 要 中 國 大 陸 自 1979 年 改 革 開 放 以 來, 台 資 企 業 開 始 前 往 大 陸 投 資 經 營 各 項 產 業, 隨 著 台 資 企 業 在 大 陸 蓬 勃 發 展, 吸 引 一 群

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