Abstract: 摘要 Improving Project Net Present Value (NPV) through optimized processes and technology During the past year, the oil industry has experienc

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1 Improving Project NPV through Optimized Processes and Technology 通过施工流程优化和技术革新提高项 目净现值 Brian Huston 布赖恩 休斯敦 Asia Pacific Technology Manager, 哈里伯顿亚太区技术经理 September 17, 2015

2 Abstract: 摘要 Improving Project Net Present Value (NPV) through optimized processes and technology During the past year, the oil industry has experienced a level of market uncertainty not seen since the 1980 s. Latest forecasts expected that we will be dealing with the difficult pricing environment for the next several years. In this climate, we can begin to rebuild the industry into a faster, stronger and more competitive machine. In addition to running leaner companies, everyone will be required to optimize operations in order to run the most efficient business possible. We will be discussing current conditions, as well as introducing several technologies and customized processes that enable operators to realize the full value of their assets in this presentation. 通过施工流程优化和技术革新提高项目净现值 在过去的一年多时间里, 石油工业经历了自上世纪 80 年代以来不确定性最大的一个时期 目前的低油价局面在持续, 甚至在未来几年我们可能都要面对一个相对困难的石油价格环境 我们现在需要开始重建石油工业, 使这部 机器 更快 更强 更具竞争力. 除了节约运营成本, 我们每个人都需要优化作业模式, 提高商业效率 这里我们会和大家讨论当前的业内形势, 同时介绍几种新技术和为客户量身定制的新作业流程, 这些都会帮助客户全面评估他们的油气资源 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2

3 Challenges 挑战 Current oil/gas market and forecast in depressed market Strategies during the downturn: Technologies to reduce subsurface uncertainty Operations to improve surface efficiency Processes to improve profitability Summary 低油价时期的应对策略 低油价时期的应对策略 总结 新技术降低储层认识的不确定性 量身定制作业模式提高地面效率 优化施工流程提高利润率 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3

4 Global Oil Market 全球石油市场 Short Term: 1-3 years Over Supply 供应过剩 Contracting Global Demand 全球需求减缓 Oil Surplus (2.7 mbod) 石油产量剩余 Long term Global Population rise (9Bn 2040) 全球人口增长九十亿到 2040 年 Increased Urbanisation 城镇化程度提高 Increasing Middle Class 中产阶层的数量增长 Low Price 低价 Over Supply Lower Demand High Price 价格高 Population Increase Urbanisation Improved Lifestyle 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4

5 Unconventional Learnings from USA : Average Breakeven WTI price per shale play Documented high cost of unconventional plays (greater than breakeven) 数据显示非传统资源成本较高 ( 高于盈亏平衡 ) Average Breakeven WTI price per shale play Improving Economics of shale plays 提高页岩资源的收益 Source : Rystad Energy Q HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5

6 Study Return on Capital Employed: US Example 研究已占用资本回报 : 美国的例子 30% ROI > Cost of Capital 投资回报高于资本成本 48% ROI below Cost of Capital 投资回报率低于资本成本 22% Unprofitable projects 无利可图的项目 Why? 为什么呢? 23 Independent Shale Gas Operators 23 个独立页岩气运营商 1/3 of stages produce 75% of production 1/3 阶段产生 3/4 的生产 1/3 of stages produce 25% of production 1/3 阶段产生 1/4 的生产 1/3 of stages produce zero 1/3 阶段无产出 EOY-13 US$ 100/bbl 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6

7 Strategies for the current market OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY 工作效率 WELL PRODUCTIVITY 井的产能 = COST Per BOE (Production Unit Cost ) 单价 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7

8 Common Goals and Challenges 挑战 Common Goals Environmental Emission Targets 环保排放目标 Maximize return on investment 最大限度地提高投资回报率 Established Domestic Market 建立的国内市场 Energy Independence 能源独立 Challenges Extremely complex geology 极其复杂的地质结构 Project Economics 工程的经济收益 Supply Chain and supporting infrastructure 物流和基础设施 Technology Followers (like the rest of the world) 技术追随者 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8

9 Asset Lifecycle油气井生命周期 Exploration 勘探 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Completion 完井 Well Construction 固井 9 Production 生产

10 Optimized Asset Development油气田优化开发 - Workflow Exploration 勘探 Completion 完井 Well Construction 固井 Collaboration 协作 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Production 生产

11 Optimised Unconventional workflow: Improving NPV of asset Collaboration - Making better decisions, giving better results. 协作 才能做出更好的决策得到更好的结果 Improved Subsurface insight from Seismic to stimulation 全面的改进从震测探勘到压裂工序的地质认识 Turning well data into an optimised field development plan 将井下数据转化为一个优化的油田开发方案 Focusing on Lowering BOE / unit cost 着眼于降低单位生产成本 RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WELL PLANNING AND PLACEMENT 11 COMPLEX FRAC MODEL/ COMPLETION DESIGN PRODUCTION MATCHING/ OPTIMIZE MODEL

12 Integrated Asset Evaluation 油气资源综合评价 Common Environment 正常商业环境 DRILLING 钻井 STIMULATION 增产 Geoscience 地球科学 Earth Model 地质建模 Drilling 钻井 Stimulation 增产 Reservoir 油藏 PRODUCTION 生产 ECONOMICS 经济评价 Reduction in cycle time by 80% 开发周期降低 80% Higher initial production rates by 35% 初始产量提高 35% Improved EUR by 124% 最终采收率提高 124% Reduce costs per BOE by 40% 油气当量成本降低 40% 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12

13 Workflow Project Results Consistency Earth Model Generation 地质模型生成 Surgical Well Placement 精确定位 Optimized Fracture Design 优化压裂设计 Enhanced EUR 增加预计最终采收率 Consistent Well Delivery 提高交井的一致性 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13

14 Technology Advancement Wireline Deployed Coring Established large diameter Rotary Side wall coring technology ROCK and FLUIDS retained at downhole Conditions True OGIP measurement 由电缆部署取样 成熟的大口径旋转侧壁取样技术 岩石和液体样本保持在井下环境 真实的测量原始天然气地质储量 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14

15 Technology Advancement Inter-stage Diversion Increased reservoir higher production per lb of proppant placed Improved cluster efficiency Enhanced compartmentalization of primary plug-and-perf (PNP) and sleeve completions Refracturing / Recomplete 层内分流 增加与油气层的接触 让每磅支撑剂带了更高产量 提高层簇的效率 提高分段射孔和套筒完井的断块复杂程度 再度压裂和再度完井 Marcellus: 83% increase in EUR Woodford: 46% higher production 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15

16 FracInsight SM 压裂甜点选择 Utilises Horizontal well data to optimise Frac stages Production Index 生产指数 Frac Index 压裂指数 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 Improved perforation efficiency 提高射孔效率 More consistency ( 更好的一致性 ) Reduced Screen-outs ( 减少脱沙 ) Reduction in 2/3 underperforming stages ( 减少三分之二低产出的层面 )

17 Diagnostics: FracTrac Microseismic Fracture Mapping Service 微地震裂缝监测 Real-time monitoring 实时监测 : Height 缝高 / length 缝长 Azimuth 方位 Symmetry 对称性 Growth 裂缝延伸 vs time 时间 Allows real-time fracture optimization 可以实时优化调整方案 FiberWatch 光纤监测 Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) 分布式温度监测 Digital Acoustic Survey (DAS) 数字化声波监测 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17

18 Illusion Frac Plugs 可溶式压裂桥塞 Self-Removing Technology 材料自移除技术 Proven design with the latest technology Plugs made from advanced dissolvable metal and dissolvable rubber materials Large ID (1.30-in.) allows immediate flowback and well cleanup Short compact design aids in pumpdown efficiency Upon complete dissolution provides full wellbore ID for future operations Interventional Completions when used with Rapid Ball Dissolving ball technology 已在现场应用的最新技术 材料选取高级可溶金属和橡胶 大通径, 便于压后立即返排 紧凑设计, 有利于有效泵入井下 可完全溶解, 为将来作业留下全井筒 可再介入的完井工艺, 配合哈里伯顿可溶球, 可实现进一步作业 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18

19 Targeting missed pay Re-Fracs 挖掘老井潜能, 重复压裂 ACTIVATESM Refracturing Service 重复压裂工艺 1. Screen candidate wells 1. 筛选目标井 2. Design refrac treatment 2. 量身定制重复压裂工艺 3. Execute 3. 现场作业实施 4. Diagnose 4. 效果诊断 Activate SM Results : 在已经实施ACTIVATE工艺的盆地 客户 可得到如下收获: 每口井最终采收率提高80% 相比钻新井, 油气当量投入成本节约66% 80% increase in EUR 66% Reduced Cost BOE over new drills 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19

20 Questions? 谢谢, 请多指教 2014 HALLIBURTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20

Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代

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