ZhangJiang High Tech Zone

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1 张江国家自主创新示范区 Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone 2016 年 7 月 July, 2016

2 活力张江 Vitality of Zhangjiang 开放创新的先导区 A leading district of open innovation 创新创业的活跃区 An active district of innovation and entrepreneurship 科技金融的结合区 A district combining technology and finance 区域经济的增长极 A growth pole of the regional economy 先行先试的试验田 A testing-ground for leading implementation trials

3 智慧张江 Intelligence of Zhangjiang 人才高地 Talentscenter 成果高地 Achievementscenter 平台高地 An excellent platform

4 人文张江 Culture of Zhangjiang 思想交锋之所 A place for ideological confrontation 孕育起航之地 A place where the success begins 兴业宜居之城 A city of prosperity and livability

5 张江历史 History of Zhangjiang 上海张江高新区, 原名上海高新区 1991 年 3 月, 国务院批准漕河泾新兴技术产业开发区为全国首批国家高新区之一 ; 自 1992 年, 上海陆续将知识经济集聚的区域纳入上海市级高新区范围, 先后成立张江高科技园 金桥园等高科技园区 ; 高新区从 1 园 2 园 6 园, 到目前的 22 园, 总面积 531 平方公里, 覆盖全市所有区县 2006 年, 国务院批准上海各高科技园整体更名为 上海张江高新区 2011 年 1 月, 国务院批复同意支持上海张江高新技术产业开发区建设国家自主创新示范区, 赋予张江深化改革 先行先试使命, 张江进入新的历史发展时期

6 张江历史 History of Zhangjiang ZJ Innopark was previously known as 'Shanghai Hi-tech Park'. In March 1991, the State Council approved Cao hejing Hi-tech Park to become one of the first national hi-tech parks; from 1992, Shanghai incorporated regions with economy and knowledge basis into Shanghai s municipal hi-tech parks and successively establishing Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, Jinqiao Park and so on. Developed in succession of park1, park2, park6 and the latest park 22, Shanghai Hi-tech Park was renamed as ZJ Innopark in the approval of the State council in 2006, and took an overall area of 531km 2, covering all the districts and counties of Shanghai. In 2011, the State Council responded to the proposal of building Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as SHIPs ) in ZJ Innopark. Zhangjiang entered into a new historical development period with the mission of deepening the reformation and piloting in practice.


8 张江使命 Mission of Zhangjiang 张江以创新驱动发展 经济转型升级为己任, 着力营造良好的创新创业环境, 进一步激发全社会的创新创业活力, 面向全球集聚高端人才 先行先试各项改革措施, 是上海创新发展的重要引擎 全国创新改革先导区以及上海建设具有全球影响力科技创新中心的核心载体

9 张江使命 Mission of Zhangjiang Zhangjiang promotes development through innovation and takes economic transformation as its own responsibility. Focusing on creating a favorable innovative and entrepreneurial environment and further stimulating the innovative and entrepreneurial vitality of society at large, Zhangjiang gathers high-end talents from all over the world and takes the initiative to execute various reform measures, making it an important engine for Shanghai s innovative development, a national pilot district of innovation and reform, and a core carrier for Shanghai to construct an internationally influential science & technology center.

10 张江现状 Zhangjiang at Present 张江示范区一区二十二园 汇聚 7 万余家创新型企业 ; 拥有 1400 多个研发机构,300 余个公共服务平台,44 所高校,700 余家世界 500 强企业 跨国公司研发中心和地区总部 ; 拥有院士 169 人, 国家千人 586 人, 海归 留学生 外籍专家 4.5 万, 已成为中国创新资源最密集的区域之一, 发挥着集聚 示范 引领 辐射的巨大作用 2015 年示范区总收入 3.58 万亿元, 出口创汇 亿美元, 实缴税费 亿元, 净利润 亿元, 分别同比增长 6.6% 7.2 % 7.0 % 和 9.3%

11 张江现状 Zhangjiang at Present With 22 parks, SHIPs gathers more than 70,000 innovative enterprises, more than1,400 R&D organizations, more than 300 public service platforms, 44 colleges, and the R&D centers and regional headquarters of world top 500 enterprises and over 700 transnational companies; it also possesses 169 academicians, 586 elites from the State s 'Recruitment Program of Global Experts' and 45,000 talents including overseas returnees, exchange students and foreign experts. With these resources, SHIPs plays a collective, leading, demonstrative and radiating role as one of the regions in China with the greatest concentration of innovative resources. The Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone earned 3.58 trillion yuan in revenue in The zone earned $ billion of foreign exchange through exports, spent billion yuan on taxes and ended the year with a net profit of billion yuan, up, 6.6 percent, 7.2 percent and 9.3 percent from the previous year, respectively.

12 成果高地 Achievementscenter 张江着力打造具有世界影响力的新兴产业集群 重点发展包括以芯片研制 智能制造 转化医学 健康管理服务等为增长点的智慧经济, 以高端医疗设备 个性化医疗 智能健康穿戴为增长点的健康经济, 以新能源 新能源汽车 新材料 智能微电网等为增长点的绿色经济, 以电子商务 互联网金融 文化教育平台 大宗商品交易等为增长点的平台经济等 张江示范区大力发展现代服务业和科技文化融合产业, 涌现出一批国际领先的重大创新成果和享誉全球的知名品牌, 已成为极具市场竞争力和辐射全球的新兴产业高地

13 成果高地 Achievementscenter Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone has been continuing its transformation into a vibrant cluster for emerging industries that is able to exert global world influence. The innovation demonstration zone is focused on developing various sectors, including intelligent economy (chip development, intelligent manufacturing, translational medicine and health management services), healthcare economy (high-end medical equipment, personalized medicine, wearable smart health devices), green economy (new energy, new energy vehicles, smart micro power grid) as well as platform economy (platforms for e-commerce, internet finance, commodity trading, culture and education). The zone is also vigorously developing the modern service industry as well as those that combine culture with science and technology, and has already produced a batch of world-leading innovations and famous brands.

14 人才高地 Talentscenter 张江示范区的覆盖范围 531 平方公里, 上海市知识经济密集区域 80% 在张江,80% 的高技术产业在张江,80% 以上的高端人才在张江 张江示范区长期坚持国际化发展战略, 区域内约 130 万从业技术人员中, 海归 留学生 外籍专家总量 4.5 万 ; 在上海工作的 176 名两院院士和 626 名中央千人计划人才中分别有 172 和 586 人在张江工作, 分别占全市的 97.7% 93.6% 夯实 1+3 人才服务体系 以张江示范区人才网为载体, 构建人才服务网络 开展人才服务平台建设试点 重点领域人才实训基地建设试点和人才培养产学研联合实验室建设试点工作 推进 人才 20 条 政策落地 上海科创中心建设 12 条创新政策在示范区的先行先试, 落实外国留学生在上海就业的创新政策 深化 人才 + 项目 的高端人才集聚机制 发掘创新项目, 组织产业运作, 构建特色基地, 发展众创空间等新型创业服务载体

15 人才高地 Talentscenter With a total of 531 square kilometers coverage, Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone accounts for 80 percent of the city s knowledge economy output, 80 percent of the hi-tech industry and 80 percent of high-level talents. Zhangjiang demonstration zone has always adhered to the international development strategy, and it has about 1.3 million technical personnel, and among them, are foreign professionals and professionals with overseas study or working background. A total of 172 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 586 professionals under the country s 1000 Talents Plan now work in Zhangjiang. Zhangjiang demonstration zone has continued to strengthen the building of its talents service system and has created a talents service pilot platform, constructed key fields talents training base and joint laboratories that connect academic knowledge with industry experience. It has also unveiled favorable policies to encourage overseas students to work in the city.

16 示范引领辐射带动 Leading and Driving Regional Development 张江积极响应并服务国家战略, 探索建立了跨区域 跨行政区划的联动发展机制 ; 张江始终坚持开放创新和国际化发展战略, 着力打造国际化循环 全球化配置的创新创业生态系统, 先后在美国 德国 新加坡 比利时 日本 以色等数十个地区设立了园区 研发中心和海外人才预孵化基地

17 示范引领辐射带动 Leading and Driving Regional Development Zhangjiang demonstration zone is responding positively to the national development strategy and has established cross-regional and cross-administrative cooperative development mechanisms. Zhangjiang has always adhered to the open innovation and international development strategy and will continue to strive to build a global innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem. It has already successively established industry parks, R&D centers and overseas talent incubation bases in the United States, Germany, Singapore, Belgium, Japan and Israel.

18 助力京津冀协同发展国家战略 -- 共建上海张江张家口高新技术产业园 Supporting the Development of the Jingjinji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) National Development Strategy by Building the Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Industry Park in Zhangjiakou 张江示范区积极响应京津冀协同发展战略, 支持河北省张家口市建设 上海张江张家口高新技术产业园 园区总规划面积 25.4 平方公里, 重点面向新一代信息产业 新能源和节能环保 智能制造 医疗健康 冰雪运动装备五大产业, 着力打造全国独树一帜的 生态科技创新 产业发展高地和生态科技谷 创新活力城 目前, 占地 150 亩 总建筑面积 21 万平方米的一期工程已建成投入运营, 首批 28 个重点项目已入驻园区

19 助力京津冀协同发展国家战略 -- 共建上海张江张家口高新技术产业园 Supporting the Development of the Jingjinji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) National Development Strategy by Building the Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Industry Park in Zhangjiakou In response to the national development strategy, Zhangjiang demonstration zone has set up the Zhangjiang-Zhangjiakou High-Tech Industry Park in Hebei province. With a planned area of 25.4 square kilometers, the Zhangjiakou park focuses on the development of industries for new generation information industry, energy saving, environmental protection, intelligent manufacturing, healthcare and winter sports equipment. The first phase of the project, which covers 210,000 square meters, has already commenced. There are currently 28 key projects in this phase.

20 服务 一带一路 国家战略 -- 推动兰白科技创新试验区建设 Serving the Belt and Road Initiative by Promoting the Construction of Lanbai Science and Technology Innovation Pilot Zone 张江示范区积极响应国家科技部号召, 重点聚焦生物医药和能源两大产业, 充分发挥市场力量, 探索建立了 基金 + 基地 的合作建园新模式, 并通过建立 张江兰白科技创新改革试验区技术转移中心 以及 园区企业孵化器 等为抓手, 促进兰白试验区成果转化, 营造良好的创新创业环境, 并以点带面推动兰白试验区建设, 为兰白试验区成为丝绸之路经济带科技创新驱动发展的 发动机 加油站 中继站 注入新的发展动力 ; 为发达地区支持西部地区探索创新驱动发展新模式积累经验 形成示范

21 服务 一带一路 国家战略 -- 推动兰白科技创新试验区建设 Serving the Belt and Road Initiative by Promoting the Construction of Lanbai Science and Technology Innovation Pilot Zone Following the introduction of the country's Belt and Road Initiative, Zhangjiang demonstration zone has joined in the construction of the Lanbai Science and Technology Innovation Pilot Zone in Gansu province. Focusing on the biomedicine and energy industries, the Zhangjiang demonstration zone has established a technology transfer center and an enterprise incubator in the Lanbai zone so as to promote the research results transformation and create a favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. Zhangjiang is playing a crucial role in the development of Lanbai and is also a role model for developed regions to support innovative development in the underdeveloped western regions of China.

22 打造中美科技合作国际示范园区 -- 建设上海张江波士顿园 Building Demonstration Zone of Sino-US Science and Technology Cooperation: Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park 上海市张江高新区管委会与美中合作发展委员会 美国新英格兰高等教育委员会合作建立的 上海张江波士顿企业园 于 2016 年 2 月在麻州州政府正式开园 张江波士顿园以推进中美科技创新共同发展为主旨, 致力于为中美企业提供全方位 全链条的优质服务, 为中美企业的交流合作创造良好的条件 张江波士顿园将集聚大学 企业 研发机构 孵化机构和服务机构等创新资源, 重点构建 7 大平台 : 中美创新资本服务和市场对接平台 中美创新智慧和新兴产业培育和孵化平台 中美创新企业国际拓展和合作发展平台 中美创新成果转化和交易平台 中美创新技术研发和交流平台 中美尖端科技领域联合创新平台 中美创新人才培养和交流平台 ; 着力打造 6 大中心 : 生命科学和生物医药技术创新中心 医疗健康技术创新中心 人工智能技术创新中心 半导体及集成电路技术创新中心 网络信息技术创新中心 新能源和环保技术创新中心

23 打造中美科技合作国际示范园区 -- 建设上海张江波士顿园 Building Demonstration Zone of Sino-US Science and Technology Cooperation: Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park In February 2016, the Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park was jointly launched by the management committee of the Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone and the US-China Partnership Committee in Boston, Massachusetts. With an aim of promoting Sino-US science and technology innovation and development, the park works to provide comprehensive and wholechain services, creating a good environment for the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises from the two countries. The park will gather innovative resources from universities, enterprises, R&D institutes, incubators and service agencies to build seven major platforms and form an innovation cluster that integrates R&D, incubation, industry, services, trade and finance. The seven platforms include those for capital services and market connection, smart and new industries, international development and cooperation of enterprises, transforming and trading scientific and technological achievements, technology R&D and exchange, joint innovation in frontier fields, and the training and the exchange of creative talent.

24 打造中美科技合作国际示范园区 -- 建设上海张江波士顿园 Building Demonstration Zone of Sino-US Science and Technology Cooperation: Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park Six innovation centers will also be built in the park, including a life sciences and biomedicine center, a medical treatment and health center, an artificial intelligence center, a semiconductor and integrated circuit center, a network information center and a new energy and environmental protection center.

25 构建科技创新人才服务新平台 -- 建立海外人才预孵化基地 Science and Technology Innovation Talents Service Platform: Build Overseas Talents Incubation Bases 为加强海外人才和高新技术的集聚, 张江示范区先后在美国硅谷 波士顿 旧金山, 以及新加坡 日本 英国 法国 德国 意大利 印度 以色列海法 巴西圣保罗等 11 个国家建成了 18 个海外人才孵化基地, 基本覆盖了全球公认的科技创新发达区域 该基地依托社会专业服务力量, 组成国内外服务机构 私募基金 投融资机构合作联盟, 整合人才 技术和资本等资源 ; 开设中国创新政策 IP 行业 市场 投资等课程, 为海外高层次人才提供前置服务 ; 组织推荐海外高层次人才的技术项目与投资机构或企业进行对接

26 构建科技创新人才服务新平台 -- 建立海外人才预孵化基地 Science and Technology Innovation Talents Service Platform: Build Overseas Talents Incubation Bases To attract more overseas talents and gather more high technology, Zhangjiang demonstration zone has established 18 overseas talents incubation bases in 11 countries, including the US, Singapore, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, India, Israel and Brazil. Many businesses and projects have since been introduced to Zhangjiang with the help of these incubators. Relying on social professional service power, cooperation mechanisms that consist of service institutions, private equity funds, investment and financing institutions at home and abroad were established so as to integrate talents, technology and capital. Courses about China s innovation policies, IP, industry, market and investment were also provided to overseas high-level talents. Zhangjiang has also organized activities that match-make overseas talents technology projects with investment institutions and enterprises.

27 促进中美协同创新 -- 上海张江示范区协同创新与国际互联硅谷平台 Promote Sino-US Cooperative Innovation: Shanghai Zhangjiang Cooperative Innovation and International Interconnection Silicon Valley Platform 该平台分别在张江与硅谷之间建立线上线下相结合的互联平台, 开展两地专家和企业家互动交流和技术项目的研讨 ; 为园区举办高端国际专题讲座, 组织新产品相互发布和两地研发机构 企业对接, 构建人才培养和人才 技术 资金引进来和走出去的国际合作平台, 成为张江与硅谷科技 人才 金融 文化交流的桥梁

28 促进中美协同创新 -- 上海张江示范区协同创新与国际互联硅谷平台 Promote Sino-US Cooperative Innovation: Shanghai Zhangjiang Cooperative Innovation and International Interconnection Silicon Valley Platform Interconnected platforms that combine online and offline services were established separately in Shanghai s Zhangjiang and US Silicon Valley, and they will carry out interactive exchanges and discussions on technology projects among the two countries experts and enterprises. Zhangjiang also organizes international seminars and new product releases, facilitates meetings for research and development institutions and enterprises, as well as builds international platforms for the introduction of talents, technology and funding.

29 明日张江 Future of Zhangjiang 上海张江高新区,2020 年, 张江将基本建成世界一流科技园区, 总收入达 6 万亿元人民币, 成为具有全球影响力的集科技创新 高端人才集聚 科技金融结合 技术展示交易于一身的创新高地, 成为代表中国参与国际高新技术产业竞争的民族品牌 重点建成一个综合性国家科学中心和若干重大创新功能型平台, 形成张江科技城 ; 建成一批承载成果转化 技术转移 万众创新的示范区域 ; 建成一批产学研用协同 龙头企业主导 创新生态良好的 四新 经济特色产业基地 ; 建成双自联动的国家级人才改革试验区, 形成创新创业人才的集聚高地 ; 建成一批海外孵化基地和科技园区, 形成走出去和引进来的国际合作载体

30 明日张江 Future of Zhangjiang The Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone is aiming to become a world class science park by 2020 that has a total revenue of six trillion yuan. It will serve as a hub for innovation that integrates a series of functions including science innovation, gathering of high-level talents, combination of science and finance, technology exhibition and trade. According to the plan, a comprehensive national science center and a number of key innovation platforms will be established and the Zhangjiang Science City will be formed. A number of demonstration areas with the functions of research results transformation, technology transferring and mass innovation, and a batch of featured industry bases will be established.

31 明日张江 Future of Zhangjiang A national level talents reform pilot zone will also be established to assemble talents for innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition, a batch of overseas incubation bases and science and technology parks will be established to facilitate the exchange of ideas.

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