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1 silencetaiwan@yahoo.com.tw 1 hypertext Ted Nelson 1965 Association for Computing Machinery George Landow 1997: : George Landow critical theory Jacques Derrida la grammatologie Literary Machine Roland Barthe ideal text Julia Kristeva intertextuality Landow, 1997 Mark Slouka cyberspace Michael Joyce Afternoon Stuart Moulthrope Victory Garden Robert Coover Sven Birkert The Gutenberg Elegies Jorge Luis Borges 3 Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari A Thousand Plateaus

2 2 norm [ ] 2001/11/18; [ ]2001/12/15

3 3 Manuel Castells The Rise of the Network Society hyperlink 4 local Turkle, 1995: global village 7 4 David Harvey time-space compression Harvey, MUD Multi-user dungeon 6 Turkle A tale of Two Aesthetics MS-DOS MS-DOS IBM 7 the global village Marshall McLuhan Benedict Anderson the imagined community

4 4 8 Ted Nelson Xanadu 9 Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( ) virtual reality real life Jorge Luis Borges Jacques Derrida Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari Anti-Oedipus A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Jean Baudrillard implosion Jacques Lacan ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork Xanadu

5 5 norm The Aleph Vannevar Bush Memex Tim Berners-Lee WWW Michael Benedikt

6 Michael Heim Babel Library of Babel The Garden of Forking Paths Scheherazade


8 8 the vikings C Z A J. Hillis Miller Black Holes in the Internet Galaxy: New Trends in Literary Study in the United States Ferdinand de Saussure Saussure (1966). Course in General Linguistics, New York: McGraw-Hill, p

9 9 Eva Meyer Babel concatenation

10 10 Stéphane Mallarmé ce qui a lieu, c est le lieu hypertext hyperlink path trace

11 uncharted land surfing hybrid subject A B C William Mitchell City of Bits 11

12 geocode 3. cyborg George Landow Cyborg Manfred Clynes Nathan Kline 1994 A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s cyborg Mitchell 1995: City Of Bits

13 13 Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology Tom Meyer Stuart Moulthrop Landow, 1997: Richard Rorty rhizome Deleuze & Guattari, 1987 Michel Foucault Sigmund Freud death drive repetition complusion pleasure principle primal scene memory trace trauma entropy 13 13

14 14 the body without organs plane of immanence Deleuze & Guattari, Cleo Odzer Virtual Spaces: Sex and the Cyber Citizen

15 15 Odzer, fort da transcendental signifier mirror stage symbolic order sliding 14 Turkle 1995: 13 Doug copy oringial

16 16 of the signified beneath the signifier dissemination alternating operation requiring it to leave its place Lacan, 1988: Richard A. Lanham The Electronic Word master narrative cache

17 17 CPU ID Odzer,

18 18 1. Disneyland effect 2. artificial crocodile effect Turkle, 1995: Simulacres et Simulation Walt Disney Mark Slouka War of the Worlds: Cyberspace and the High-Tech Assault on Reality

19 Fredric Jameson schizophrenia the I the me Kevin Lynch The Image of the City cognitive mapping

20 20 Jameson, 1991 copy original 16 download random access memory digital homeless PONAs people of no account William Gibson Margaret Wertheim The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to the Internet Hans Moravec Mind Children Count Zero

21 T virtual community illusioneer imagicians MOO The ecstasy of communication Baudrillard, 1988: real time


23 23 George Orwell Big Brother 18 Joseph Weizenbaum Turkle, 1995: Nighteen Eighty-Four

24 Esther Dyson 2.0 Release 2.0: A Design for Living in the Digital Age TRUSTe P3 1998

25 25 Baudrillard, Jean. (1983) Simulations. New York: Semiotext(e). Baudrillard, Jean. (1988) The Ecstasy of Communication, in Bernard & Caroline Schutze (trans.) New York: Semiotext(e). Baudrillard, Jean. (1995) 24(7): Baudrillard, Jean. (1998) Birkets, Sven. (1994). The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age. Boston: Faber and Faber. Borges, Jorge Luis. (1990) Borges, Jorge Luis. (1993) Borges, Jorge Luis. (1999) Boundas, Constantin V. (ed.) (1993). The Deleuze Reader. New York: Columbia University Press. Castells, Manuel. (1998) Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix. (1983). Anti-Oedipus. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Derrida, Jacques. (1992) Eva Meyer 3: Dyson, Esther. (1998) 2.0

26 26 Haraway, Donna. (1994). A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s, in Steven Seidman (ed.) The Postmodern Turn: New Perspectives on Social Theory. Cambridge University Press. Harvey, David. (1990). Between Space and Time: Reflection on the Graphical Imagination, in Annals of the Associationof American Geographers 80(3): Jameson, Fredric. (1991). The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, in Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press, p Jameson, Fredric. (1998) Postmodernism and Consumer Society Jordon, Tim. (2001) Lacan, Jacques. (1988). Seminar on the Purloined Letter, in John P. Muller & William J. Richardson (eds.) The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida and Psychoanalytic Reading. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Landow, George P. (1994). Hyper/Text/Theory. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Landow, George P. (1997). Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore and Lodon: The John Hopkins University Press. McLuhan, Marshall & Bruce R. Powers. (1989). The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21 st Century. New York: Oxford University Press. Miller, Hillis. (1995) 24(1): 72-89

27 27 Mitchell, William J. (1995). City of Bits: Space, Place, and rhe Infobahn. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Mitchell, William J. (1998). Odzer, Cleo. (1997). Virtual Spaces: Sex and the Cyber Citizen. New York: Berkley Books. Odzer, Cleo. (1998) Orwell, George. (1994) Saussure, Ferdinand de. (1966). Course in General Linguistics, New York: McGraw-Hill. Schwartz, Evan I. (1999) Webonomics Slouka, Mark. (1995). War of the Worlds: Cyberspace and the High-Tech Assault on Reality. New York: BasicBooks. Slouka, Mark. (1998) Turkle, Sherry. (1995). Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster. Turkle, Sherry. (1998) Wertheim, Margaret. (1999) (2001) ( (1998) 26(8): 8-31 (1997)

28 28 The Forking Paths Garden of Hypertext: The Nomadic Netizens of A Thousand Plateaus in Postmodern Age Mei-chi Yu Humanities Research Center, National Science Council ABSTRACT Cyberspace, recognized as the post-millennial Canaan, the borderless electronic library, the sites in which people develop their community feelings, or the paths of the new global village where people tread and wander, brings liberation to the existing structures of space, power, and politics, as well as creates a blurred zone where virtual reality and real life mix, which have been emergent issues for people immersed in the digital ocean. In this essay, I intend to describe the characteristics of hypertext and cyberspace by analyzing Jorge Luis Borges fictions and appropriating Jacque Derrida s spatial/architectural theories. If network is characterized by certain nomadic and emancipating desire adopted to violate the boundary; if simulation and virtual reality has eroded our real life; if the form of hyperlink is probably more approximate to human unconsciousness, simulation to a high degree has invaded reality. Pragmatic measures such as technological blocking and ethical rules, however, are far from effective to prevent Cybercrime. Instead, commercial institution, restraint rules developed by communities, network education and Cyberlaw enaction might be better ways for us, netizens of the digital land, to build a network landscape of freedom and equality instead of reproducing another ascendancy in a form of state apparatus. Keywords hypertext, cyberspace, techno-christianity, network ethics, nomadic netizens, identity


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