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1 美洲鲥的人工繁殖及胚胎发育的研究 1,3, 2,3, 3, 1,3 (1.,, ; 2., ; 3., ) 摘要 : 2007~2009 年, 利用深井水及设有钢架保温大棚的土池成功进行了美洲鲥 (Alosa sapidissima) 的亲鱼培育与人工繁殖的研究, 同时观察了美洲鲥的胚胎发育过程 结果表明 : 2 龄美洲鲥在池塘中经专池培育并采用激素 + 不饱和脂肪酸 + 维生素 E 投喂 水流刺激等培育措施使雌雄鱼的性腺成熟率达 60%~80% 性腺成熟的亲鱼经生态调控促使产卵或人工催产繁殖, 生态调控促使产卵中水温保持在 16~23, 池水始终保持流动状态, 50 对美洲鲥亲鱼自 4 月中下旬至 5 月底陆续产卵, 共收集鱼卵 9.0 万粒, 平均受精率 10%, 孵化率 70%~80%; 人工催产试验中, 采用 LHRH-A 2 + 鱼类催产助剂 LHRH-A 2 +HCG+DOM+ 鱼类催产助剂和 LHRH-A 2 +HCG+ 鱼类催产助剂 3 种催产剂配伍, 背鳍基部两针注射法, 催产率 20%~100%, 获卵 万粒, 受精率 0~21.5%, 孵化率 0~70% 美洲鲥受精卵呈卵圆形, 卵膜径为 (4.03±0.25)mm, 根据胚胎的外形与内部主要特征, 胚胎发育分为 7 个生理阶段 30 个具体发育时期, 在水温 (20±1) 下, 历时约 71 h40 min 完成整个胚胎发育过程 关键词 : 美洲鲥 (Alosa sapidissima); 人工繁殖 ; 胚胎发育中图分类号 : S961 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : (2012) (Alosa sapidissima) (Clupeomorpha) (Clupeiformes) (Clupeidae)(Alosa), [1],,,, (Macrura reevesii),, 2003, [2-7] ; [8-11],,,, ,, , 1 材料与方法 1.1 亲鱼培育条件, m 2,, 4 m, ( 1), 1.2 亲鱼来源与培育 2 900~1 300 g, 3~5 /m 3 ;, ( : , : : (2012BAD26B05); ( )(2009JBFA01) :, (1979-),,,,, : ,;,,, Marine Sciences / Vol. 36, No. 7 /

2 , ) 2.5% E0.3% (LHRH-A 2, ), 2%~5%, (7:0016:00) HCG()DOM() ( : (Thyroxine Sodium, T4)(Dexamethasone), ), 1 ( 5.0 m 4.0 m 1.5 m ), 12~16 h, [12], 3 d (Hydrolab Quanta), (20±1), 6.0 mg/l, ph (7.8±0.3) 1 Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of Alosa sapidissima cultivation pond 1.3 生态控制产卵 30 d,, l : 1, 30 m15 m3 m,, 50, 4~7 m 3 /h,, 16~23, 50~100 lx, 10~15 m 3 /h 1.4 人工催产 产卵及孵化 ( 2),, 1 : 1, LHRH-A2() 2 Ⅳ Fig. 2 The development of Alosa sapidissima ovary at late IV phase 1.5 取样与观察, 20, XTL-3400, Digital camera for 表 1 两针注射法的催产药物及剂量 Tab. 1 Oxytotins and their dosages of two needle injections LHRH-A 2 (µg/kg) DOM (mg/kg) HCG (IU/kg) (mg/kg) LHRH-A 2 (µg/kg) DOM (mg/kg) HCG (IU/kg) (mg/kg) (h) / 2012 / 36 / 7

3 microscope300,, 50%, 80 mg/l (MS-222) 2 结果 2.1 产卵效果,,, 10~15 m 3 /h, , 9.0, 10%, 70%~80% 4 10, 4, 77, 20%~100%, 10.57, 0~21.5%, 0~70%, 2 3 (LHRH-A 2 + LHRH-A 2 + DOM+LHRH-A 2 + HCG+ ), LHRH-A 2 + DOM+ ;, () 14~19 表 2 美洲鲥人工繁殖情况表 Tab. 2 Data of artificial propagation of American Shad () () (h) () (%) (%) (%) ~ ~ ~ ~30 6 6~ ~ ~ ~ ~30 5 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~30 5 4~ 成熟卵,, (3.09±0.08)mm,, 20 min,, (4.03±0.25)mm,, 2.3 胚胎发育 ( 图 3), 30 ( 3), 7, 71 h40 min ( 3-1~3-2) 40 min,,, ( 3-3~3-9) 1 h30 min,,,, 2 ; 2 h, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4 ; 2 h25 min 3 8, 8, ; 16 ; h20 min,,, ( 3-10~3-11) 7 h20 min,,,,, ; 2 h10 min,,,,, Marine Sciences / Vol. 36, No. 7 /

4 3 Fig. 3 Embryonic development of Alosa sapidissima 3-1.; 3-2.; ; ; ; ; ; ; 3-9.; ; 3-11.; 3-12.; 3-13.; 3-14.; 3-15.; ; 3-17.; 3-18.; 3-19.; 3-20.; 3-21.; 3-22.;3-23.; 3-24.; 3-25.; 3-26.; ; 3-28.; 3-29.; fertilized egg; 3-2.blastodisc forming; cell stage; cell stage; cell stage; cell stage; cell stage; cell stage; 3-9.morula; 3-10.high blastula; 3-11.low blastula; 3-12.Early gastrula; mid gastrula; 3-14.late gastrula; neural embryo formation; embryo body stage; appearance of myomere; 3-18.optic capsule stage; 3-19.olfactory blank appearance; 3-20.tail-bud stage; 3-21.crystal stage; 3-22.rudiment of tail fin; 3-23.otocyst stage; 3-24.heart-beating stage; 3-25.muscular contraction; appearance of anus; appearance of statolith; embryos running; 3-29.appearance of eyeball pigment; embryos hatching ( 3-12~3-14) 9 h30 min,,,,, 2/5 3/5, 10 h32 min,,,,,, ; 12 h20 min, 4/5,, ( 3-15~3-16), 13 h10 min,,,,,,, 15 h40 min,,,, ( 3-17~3-29) 17 h45 min,, 4,,,, ; 92 / 2012 / 36 / 7

5 表 3 美洲鲥胚胎发育过程 Tab. 3 Embryonic development schedule of Alosa sapidissima (201) 20 min min h30 min h h25 min h50 min h15 min h45 min h20 min h40 min h20 min h30 min h32 min h20 min h52 min h40 min h45 min h24 min h10 min h22 min h45 min h50 min h10 min h22 min h10 min h45 min h55 min h10 min h20 min h40 min 3-30, ; 26 h45 min,, ;,,,, ; 40 h20 min,, 23,, 100~130 /min 48 h10 min,,,, 2, 2, 62 h10 min, ; 68 h20 min, ( 3-30),,, ; 69 h50 min,,, 71 h40 min, 50% 3 讨论 3.1 美洲鲥亲鱼性腺的成熟度 卵质量对受精和胚胎发育的影响,, 12~17 [13], 14~19, [13] [6],,, [14] [15] (Carassius auratus) (Cyprinus carpio)(megalobrama terminalis), 3 :,, ;,,,,,, ,,,, ;, 2008, ;, [16], ; [17],,, [18] Marine Sciences / Vol. 36, No. 7 /

6 3.2 美洲鲥人工催产和生态控制产卵特性 3 [19], ;,,, (GTH),, ;,, LHRH-A 2 + DOM+ ;, [17],,,,,, ;,,, (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) [20] (Trachidermus fasciatus) [21], 10%, 70%~80%, 14~19, 3.3 美洲鲥胚胎发育特点,,, (Lethrinus nebulosus) [22],,, [23-28],, 4 表 4 美洲鲥和中国鲥鱼胚胎 初孵仔鱼的比较 Tab. 4 Comparison of Alosa sapidissima embryonic and larval with Macrura reevesii [23,24] ~ ~3.18 mm 0.69~0.95 mm 3.59~4.16 mm 1.37~2.20 mm 6.75 mm 2.75 mm 71 h40 min 17 h,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,, 1,,,,,, ;,,, [29] [1] Whitehead P J P. FAO Species Catalogue[M]. Rome: United Nations Development Programme, [2] DB32/T , [S]. [3]. (Alosa sapidissima) [D]. :, [4],. [J]., 2009, 6: [5],. [J]. 94 / 2012 / 36 / 7

7 , 2004, 6: 8. [6],,,. [J]., 2006, 13(5): [7],. [J]., 2006, 4: [8] Domermuth R B, Reed R J. Food of juvenile American shad, Alosa sapidissima,juvenile blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, and pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, in the Connecticut River below Holyoke Dam, Massachusetts [J]. Estuaries and Coasts,1980,3(1): [9] Chittenden M E. Salinity tolerance of young American Shad, Alosa sapidissima[j]. Chesapeake Science, 1973, 14(3): [10] Bilkovic D M, Olney J E, Hershner C H. Spawning of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers, Virginia) [J]. Fishery Bulletin, 2002, 100(3): [11] Hendricks M L, Hoopes R l, Arnold D A, et al.homing of hatchery-reared American shad to the Lehigh River, a tributary to the Delaware River) [J]. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2002, 22: [12],. [P]. : ZL [13] Stevens D E, Miller L W. Distribution of sturgeon larvae in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system[j]. California Fish and Game, 1970, 56(2): [14],,,. [J]., 2009, 31(1): [15]. [J]., 1960, 7(12): [16],,,. [J]., 2008, 35(5): [17],. [M]. :, 2000, [18]. 魨 [J]., 2004, 26(2): [19]. (Coilia nasus) [D]. :, [20],,,. [J]., 2005,29(6): [21],,,. (Trachidermus fasciatus)[j]. (), 2004, 43(2): [22],,,. [J]., 2005, 19(10): [23],,. [J]., 1987, 11(1): [24],,,. [J]., 1964, 1: [25] Wei G, Huang L, Chen Y, et al. Observation on the embryonic development of Pseudobagrus nitidus[j]. Journal of Southwest China Normal University(National Science), 2002, 27(4): [26],,,. [J]., 2003, 10(6): [27],,,. [J]., 2006, 13(5): [28],,,. 鮈 [J]. 2008, 15(3): [29] Higgs D M, Plachta D T, Rollo A K, et al. Development of ultrasound detection in American shad (Alosa sapidissima)[j]. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2004, 207: Marine Sciences / Vol. 36, No. 7 /

8 Artificial propagation and embryonic development of American Shad, Alosa sapidissima XU Gang-chun 1,3, ZHANG Cheng-xiang 2,3, ZHENG Jin-liang 3, GU Ruo-bo 1,3 (1. Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fisheries and Germplasm Resources Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi , China; 2. Spread Station of Aquiculture Technology of Jiangyin, Jiangyin , China; 3. Research Center for the Yangtze River Rare Fish Conservation, Jiangyin , China) Received: Feb., 9, 2011 Key words: Alosa sapidissima; artificial propagation; embryo development Abstract: From 2007 to 2009, preliminary success was achieved in Alosa sapidissima artificial breeding and reproduction by using phreatic water and earthen ponds with arch-steel shelters. Here we describe the complete embryonic development of A. sapidissima in detail. The results showed that the maturation rate of gonad in two-year-old male and female A. sapidissima could reached 60%~80% by feeding of hormone, unsaturated fatty acid and vitamin E as well as water flow stimulation in special rearing ponds. The reproduction of sexually mature fish could be conducted by ecological control or artificial insemination. The temperature of continuous-flow water was maintained at 16~23 C under ecological condition. From the middle ten days of April to the last ten-day period of May, a total of fish eggs were harvested from 50 fish with the average fertility rate of 10% and the hatching rate of 70%~80%. Additionally, sexually mature fish were artificially induced to release gameters by intramuscular injection of LHRH-A2 and induced hormone or LHRH-A2, HCG, DOM, and induced hormone, or LHRH-A2, HCG and induced hormone. A total of eggs were obtained, and the fertility rate and hatching rate were 0~21.5% and 0~70%, respectively. Fully mature eggs were perfectly spherical and egg diameter was 4.03±0.25 mm. In the present study, embryonic development can be divided into seven periods and thirty stages. The incubation period for Alosa sapidissima was 71 h and 40 min at a water temperature of 20ºC. ± 1ºC. ( 本文编辑 : 谭雪静 ) 96 / 2012 / 36 / 7

Microsoft Word - 10张呈祥_new_.doc

Microsoft Word - 10张呈祥_new_.doc 17 6 Vol.17 No.6 2010 11 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China November 2010 1, 张呈祥 3, 徐钢春 2, 3 2,, 徐跑 3, 郑金良 3, 顾若波 2, 3 (1., 214431; 2., 24081; 3., 214431) 摘要 : (Alosa sapidissima) : (20±1), (6.75 0.60)

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