学习介绍Introduction to Studies

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1 华南理工大学来华留学生 学习指南 Handbook of Study at South China University of Technology for International Student

2 非学历项目 Non-credit Programme 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration..2 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 3 考试与结业 Examination and Graduation 中文授课类本科项目 Undergraduate Programme (Chinese-taught) 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration..7 纪律与考勤 Discipline and Attendance.9 学制 修读年限及费用 School System, Study Duration and Fees 10 课程修读 Course Selection..11 课程考核与成绩记载 Evaluation and Recording Methods 12 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status..14 毕业 结业与肄业 Graduation and Completion of Courses 20 学位授予 Degree Granting..21 英文授课类本科项目与国际预科 Undergraduate Programme (Full English-taught) & International Foundation 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 23 专业与课程 Major and Curriculum 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules.. 25 考核 Assessment.. 26 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 毕业与学位授予 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 研究生项目 Postgraduate Programme 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 32 专业与课程 Major and Curriculum 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules.. 34 课程考核 Assessment.. 35 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 毕业 结业与学位授予 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status...38 教务系统使用指导 User Guide of Student Study Portal 本科教务管理系统 Undergraduate Student Study Portal...43 国际学生服务管理平台 International Student Management Service Platform..45

3 非学历项目 Non-credit Programme 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 考试与结业 Examination and Graduation 1

4 一 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 1 新生应持来华有效签证和 录取通知书 按期到国际教育学院办理入学手续 因故不能按期入学者, 应以书面形式向学院请假, 请假时间一般不得超过两周 未经请假 请假未经批准或请假逾期者, 以旷课论处, 超过两周不报到者, 取消其入学资格 The new students should arrive at the school on time with a valid visa and their admission notice to register for enrollment. Students who are not able to arrive on time should submit written notice to request an approval of late arrival. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. Once enrolled, if student leave without permission or a period of absence exceeds the permitted leave time, the absence will be regarded as truancy. If students do not register within the first two weeks, they will no longer be allowed to enroll. 2 新生来华后需按照我校安排到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检 体检不合格者不予注册 不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者, 应立即离境, 一切费用自理 After arrival, incoming students should have a physical examination in the Guangdong Health Center for International Travelers. If the examination result is not satisfactory, enrollment will be revoked. Those who do not abide by the health standards instituted in Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine will be required to leave the country immediately at their own expense. 3 取得入学资格者, 由国际教育学院发给其留学生证 每学期开学时, 语言班留学生必须按规定时间到学院办理注册手续 ( 具体注册时间见学校开学通知 ) 因故不能如期注册者, 必须履行请假手续, 否则以旷课论处 Once enrolled in the language class, students will get international student cards from the School of International Education. At the beginning of each term, international students should register on time (students will be notified of each term s starting date). Those who cannot register as scheduled for any reason should request approval for a late arrival; otherwise the student s absence will be regarded as truancy. 4 对于未按时注册的学生, 将依据具体情况分别按病 事假或旷课等予以处理和记载 Students who cannot register on time will be followed up on and their absence recorded as sick leave, personal leave or truancy according to the student s situation. 5 语言班留学生在校学习期间, 每学期都必须按时交纳相关费用, 不按时交费者, 不予注册, 取消其入学资格 During the period of study, all fees stipulated by the university should be paid on time each term. Those who fail to pay on time will not be allowed to register or enroll. 6 开课前, 新生须参加分班测试, 方可进入相应班级学习, 如需换班, 须在开课后两周内 提出申请并填写 换班申请表, 经批准后方可换班 Before classes start, new students are required to attend the placement test to enter the 2

5 corresponding class. Students who need to change the class, should fill in Application Form for Language Student Class Change within two weeks after the commencement, and can only join in the new class with approval. 二 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 1 语言班留学生须按时参加教学计划规定的课程和学院 学校统一安排 组织的活动 语言班留学生上课实行考勤制度, 因故不能参加者, 须向国际教育学院请假 凡未经请假或请假逾期者, 一律以旷课论处 对旷课学生, 根据旷课时间多少 情节轻重, 给予批评教育, 直至纪律处分 一学期累计旷课超过 70 节 ( 含 70 节 ), 作退学处理, 不予发放任何学习证明 Students should attend relevant teaching curriculum and take part in activities as stipulated by the university or International School of Education. Students attendance rate will be assessed each semester. Those who cannot attend classes or other activities for any reason should request permission from the School of International Education. Students who leave without permission or take leave longer than a permitted duration, or those who are late for three times will be regarded as truants. Disciplinary measures will be implemented in accordance with the period of absence, the seriousness of the breach of regulation. If the student is absent for 70 or more classes in a term, they will not receive any study certificate. Upon receipt of truancy notice over three times in one semester and you have not improved, you will be expelled from the School. 2 学生生病 有事, 须履行请假手续 学生因回国 外出等原因请假, 必须填写 请假申请表, 并征得班主任的同意, 请假三天或以上者还须报主管副院长批准 准假后, 学生应通知任课老师, 否则自己承担后果 未经批准擅自离校或超假不回校以及不按时销假者按旷课论处 Students must get approval from the head teacher of each class if they are absent for personal or health reasons. Those who need to return to their country or travel outside the campus must submit an application form of temporary absence to the head teacher; those who ask for leave for 3 days or above should submit application to the office and get permission before leaving. If students leave without the School s permission or returns to school later than the permitted duration, they will be regarded as a truant. 3 语言班留学生享受我国传统节假日及学校的寒暑假 若逢留学生本国的重大节日, 语言班留学生可向留学生管理办公室申请放假 1 天 此类请假每年不得超过 2 次 International students can have time off for the usual allotted Chinese festivals, holidays, and summer and winter vacations. International language students can apply for one day s leave through the Student Affairs Office on the occasion of important holidays in their home countries. This will be permitted a maximum of twice a year. 三 考试与结业 Examination and Graduation 1 考核成绩评分, 以期末考核成绩为主, 参考考勤情况 期中考试和平时成绩 一般情况 考勤和平时成绩占 30%, 期中考核成绩占 30%, 期末成绩占 40% 3

6 Course results are made up of final exam scores, attendance, mid-term exam scores, etc. Generally attendance and daily performance scores count for 30%, mid-term exam scores count for 30%,the final exam scores count for 40% of the course results. 2 根据教学计划的总体安排, 语言班留学生应在规定时间参加课程考核, 不得无故缺考 凡擅自缺考 考核作弊的学生, 该课程成绩以零分计 考核作弊或协助作弊及其他违反考场纪律的学生, 视其情节轻重, 按有关规定, 给予警告直至开除学籍的纪律处分 Students who are absent without permission or are caught cheating during a test will not be assessed for their performance. A student who is caught cheating, caught helping others to cheat, or otherwise caught violating examination rules, will be subject to warnings or dismissal from the school. 3 因故不能参加考核者, 须提前至少一周以书面形式提出缓考申请, 经批准后方可缓考 A student who is unable to attend scheduled examinations for any reason should submit a request at least one week in advance to the Academic Affairs Office explaining the reason of absence. Approval is required for a student to take the deferred exams. 4 凡擅自缺考 考核作弊的学生, 该课程成绩以零分计 考核作弊或协助作弊及其它违反考场纪律的学生, 给予警告直至开除学籍的纪律处分 Students who are absent without permission or are caught cheating during a test will receive a zero for their performance. A student who is caught cheating, caught helping others to cheat, or otherwise caught violating testing procedure, will receive warnings and be punished accordingly. 5 语言班留学生缺课( 含旷课和请假 ) 累计超过某门课程学时数的 1/3, 取消该课程考核资格, 考核成绩按零分计 If a student is absent (including asking for leave) for 1/3 of the total periods in which that subject is held, the student will fail the course and cannot attend the exams, and the assessment result is graded as Zero. 6 语言班留学生学完本学期教学计划规定的课程, 经考核成绩合格, 准予升级 精读课和其它任一门科目总评成绩不及格者, 不予升级 After completing courses and passing exams for all subjects in a term, students may progress to the next level. Students who fail Comprehensive Chinese and another subject are graded as Fail for the subject and have to repeat all courses for this semester. 7 具有入学资格的语言班留学生, 修完教学计划规定的全部课程, 考试合格, 符合条件者, 将颁发语言生学习证明 After completing courses and passing exams for all subjects in a term, qualified language students 4

7 will be given language study certificates. 8 无学籍学生不予发放何形式的学习证明 Students who have no existing study records within the university will not be given any types of study certification. 9 语言班留学生对学校颁发的语言生学习证明应妥善保存, 如有遗失不再补发 若确属需要, 应由本人申请, 经国际教育学院审查后, 只出具就读证明 Students should retain the language study certificates received from the university. Lost certificates will not be replaced. Only a testimonial of study can be issued upon a student s request, once approval is granted by the School of International Education. 10 语言班留学生结业, 须于离校前一星期凭本人学生证到国际教育学院领取 离校手续表 办理离校相关手续 不办理离校手续而自行离校的学生, 不予发放其在校学习证明 学习成绩单等 After completion of studies, students should bring their student ID to the International Student Office to get a copy of the School Departure Process Form a week before leaving the university and then undergo departure procedure. Students who leave without performing these procedures will not be allowed to get the relevant university documents such as study certificate, study testimonials and transcripts. 5

8 中文授课类本科项目 Undergraduate Programme (Chinese-taught) 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 纪律与考勤 Discipline and Attendance 学制 修读年限及费用 School System, Study Duration and Fees 课程修读 Course Selection 课程考核与成绩记载 Evaluation and Recording Methods 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 毕业 结业与肄业 Graduation and Completion of Courses 学位授予 Degree Granting 6

9 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 第一条凡申请进入学校全日制本科学习的留学生, 应符合以下基本条件 : ( 一 ) 申请者须提供有效的汉语水平考试 (HSK) 合格证书, 理工科达到汉语水平考试 (HSK) 四级 180 分 ( 含 180 分 ) 及以上, 人文社科类和艺术类达到汉语水平考试 (HSK) 五级 180 分 ( 含 180 分 ) 及以上 ; ( 二 ) 申请者须具有相当于中国高级中学的学历 ; ( 三 ) 提供学校当年招生简章规定的有关材料, 经国际教育学院 拟就读学院 国际交流与合作处审核, 学校主管领导审批, 并报上级主管部门批准后, 方可入学 如学生入学时提交的申请材料被其他相关机构证明存在不实信息或故意隐瞒重要信息, 将视情节轻重给予处分, 直至开除学籍 凡属弄虚作假 徇私舞弊取得学籍者, 不论何时发现, 一经查实, 即取消入学资格或学籍 Entry Requirements International students who apply for full-time undergraduate programmes should meet the following basic entry requirements: a. Degree applicants should provide valid HSK certificates: HSK Band 4 of 180 or above for Science and/or Engineering studies; HSK Band 5 of 180 or above for Arts, Literature, Economics and/or Management studies. b. Degree applicants should provide equivalent high school diploma. Documentation Degree applicants should submit the documents required by SCUT as stated in the International Student Prospectus. After review and approval by SIE, Home School and the International Office, the student can be admitted to study in SCUT. If an applicant knowingly submits documents that prove to be false or forged, or if the applicant submitted documents that omit or cover up important facts, a. the application will be rejected, and b. if these deficiencies are discovered after acceptance or enrolment, the student will be expelled from the university or punished based on the severity faults they committed. 第二条经正式录取的留学生新生, 应持来华学习签证 (X1 签证 X2 签证 ) JW202 或 JW201 录取通知书 和本人护照按学校有关要求和规定的期限到国际教育学院办理入学手续 因故不能按期报到者, 应及时以书面形式并附上有关证明向国际教育学院请假, 请假时间一般不得超过两周 未经请假或请假逾期者, 除因不可抗力等正当事由外, 视为放弃入学资格 On-Time Arrival Accepted applicants should register on time with X1 or X2 (study) visa, JW202 or JW201, and the admission letter in School of International Education at SCUT. Those who fail to arrive on 7

10 time should submit a written notice of request for approval. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. Those leaves without permission or the period of absence exceeds the permitted time, except for legitimate reasons such as a major critical event, enrollment will be revoked. 第三条留学生新生来华后需按照学校安排, 到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检, 体检不合格者不予注册, 取消入学资格 不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者, 应立 即离境, 一切费用自理 Health Checks New students should undertake required physical examination according to the campus s schedule at the Guangdong Health Center for International Travelers. Where this health check is unsatisfactory, the student visa and enrollment will be revoked. Those who do not meet the health standards instituted in the Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine are required to leave the country immediately at their own expense. 第四条留学生新生入学后, 学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定对其资格进行复查, 复查合格者予以注册, 取得学籍 取得学籍的留学生新生, 由国际教育学院发放留学生证 每学期开学时, 留学生应持本人留学生证按时到国际教育学院与就读学院办理注册手续, 缴清本学年学费和住宿费的留学生予以注册 ( 留学生注册后, 方有资格参加学校教学计划安排的所有活动 ) 因故不能如期到校注册者, 须提前请假并办理暂缓注册手续, 否则以旷课论处 对无故不按时注册者 ( 包括无故不缴费注册 请假逾期 休学或保留学籍期满应复学者等 ), 逾期两周以内, 给予严重警告至留校察看处分 ; 逾期超过两周, 视为放弃学籍, 予以退学处理 第五条凡因休学 保留学籍或其他原因离校的留学生, 未经学校批准, 不得复学注册 Registration The School of International Education will issue student cards to enrolled students. At the beginning of each semester, students are required to register at the School of International Education and pay all school fees, and then register at the School responsible for their selected course of study. Only registered students are eligible to attend university activities. Those who are unable to register on time must get permission for late registration, otherwise they will be considered as truant. The following disciplinary actions will be taken for those who register late without permission. For those who are late for registration within two weeks, the student will be given a serious warning and put on probation from the university. For those who are late for registration more than two weeks, the student will be expelled from the university. [Similar disciplinary action will be taken for those students who do not pay fees on time, who overstay on their approved leave, and who are late in applying for resumption of schooling, etc.] 8

11 Schedule of Disciplinary Actions for Non-Compliance with this Regulation First non-compliance Second non-compliance Third non-compliance Additional non-compliances The student will be given a letter of reprimand from the school and must also submit a written reason for the non-compliance, and should submit a personal statement. [Failure to submit a statement within two weeks of the date of the letter of reprimand will be considered an additional non-compliance *.] The student will be given a serious warning, and must also submit a written reason for the non-compliance, and should submit a personal statement. The student will be condemned on student record and must also submit a written reason for the non-compliance, and should submit a personal statement. Punishments ranging from probation to expulsion from the university Students who leave the university due to suspension, retaining student status or other reasons are required to apply for resumption of schooling; otherwise they are barred from resuming studies and attending classes. 纪律与考勤 Discipline and Attendance 第六条留学生应遵守中华人民共和国的法律法规和政策以及学校的各项规章制度 留学生违反中华人民共和国法律法规和政策, 交由有关部门进行处理 ; 违反学校规章制度, 按有关规定进行处理, 并知照留学生所在国驻华使领馆 第七条留学生应按时参加学校教学计划规定的课程和学校与国际教育学院统一安排 组织的活动 留学生上课 实习等实行考勤制 因故不能参加者, 应事先请假并获得批准 未经批准缺席或请假逾期者, 视为旷课, 旷课学时以考勤记录为准 ( 连续旷课以天计算, 旷课一天按 5 学时计算 ) 对旷课的留学生, 根据旷课时间多少 情节轻重, 给予批评教育 纪律处分直至开除学籍处分 一学期累计旷课超过 ( 含 )70 学时者, 给予开除学籍处分, 不予发放任何学习证明 第八条留学生一般不准请事假, 若有特殊情况需请事假者, 请假时间最长不得超过两周 ; 留学生因病请假需持有医院开具的证明, 请假时间最长不超过一个月 留学生请假时间在三天以内由本人申请, 经班主任批准并报就读学院备案 ; 请假时间在三天以上 ( 含三天 ) 的, 须填写国际教育学院出具的请假申请表, 经就读学院同意, 报国际教育学院主管教学副院长批准 请假期满要按时销假 9

12 未经批准擅自离校或超假连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动者, 除因不可抗力等正当事由外, 予以退学处理 第九条留学生享受我国传统节假日及学校的寒暑假 若逢留学生本国的重大节日, 留学生可向国际教育学院及就读学院申请休假一天 此类休假每年不得超过两次 International students should abide by the laws of China and the regulations of the university. International students who violate the laws of China will be turned over to the relevant institutions to face specific punishment. For breaking the regulations of the university, international students will be punished accordingly and the School will also inform their embassy. Students should attend and take part in activities as required by the university and the School of International Education. Attendance in classes and fieldwork will be checked. Those who cannot attend lessons or other activities for any reason should ask for prior permission to be absent Students who leave without permission or take leave longer than a permitted leave time will be marked as truant. One day s truancy is considered equal to five periods. A punishment ranging from a reprimand to disciplinary measure and expulsion will be given to the truant in proportion to the amount of truancy. Those who are absent for 70 or more periods in one semester will be expelled from the university and not receive a study certificate. Personal leave will not be allowed except under special circumstances. Duration of personal leave is generally limited to a maximum of two weeks. Students who require a medical leave should provide hospital records. Duration of medical leave is generally limited to a maximum of one month. For leave of three days or fewer, approval must be obtained from personal school. For leave of three days or more, students should get permission from Home School and SIE with the application form provided by SIE. Approval must be obtained before the commencement of leave. Those who take leave without permission or returns to school later than the permitted period without attending classes and/or fieldwork for over two weeks will be ordered to quit school. Students should report back from leave on time. International students follow the official schedule for public holiday in China and university scheduled holidays as local students. International students can apply for one day s leave at their School of study and at the School of International Education on the occasion of official holidays of home countries. This type of leave is applicable for a maximum two days per year. 学制 修读年限及费用 School System, Study Duration and Fees 第十条学校实行学分制, 本科基本学制为四年 ( 部分专业为五年 ), 每学年分为两个学期 第十一条以基本学制为基础, 具有学校全日制本科学籍的留学生, 在校最长年限 ( 含休学 ) 为所在专业基本学制加两年 ( 不含服兵役时间 ) 未能在基本学制年限内修满学分, 且未达退学处理的留学生可申请延长在校学习时间, 申请者应在第八学期结束前办理延长 10

13 在校学习时间手续 ( 申请延长学习时间不得超过专业基本学制两年 ) 经批准者原则上安排在同专业的下一年级跟班学习, 并须交纳学校规定的学费及其他有关费用 第十二条留学生在校学习期间, 每学年交纳学费及其他有关费用的标准, 均以其入学时规定交纳的数额为准 未按时交纳学校规定的费用者, 不予注册, 自动取消学籍 The university operates on a credit system. Bachelor s degree programmes typically study for four years while the study periods of specific majors are five years. Each academic year is distributed into two semesters. There is a two year maximum extension (including any period of deferment, but not including any period of military services) beyond the regular duration of study for full-time international undergraduate students. Students are permitted to extend the total length of study for no more than two years. The application of extension for study period should be submitted before the end of the eighth semester of a student s study program. Where students cease study in a course and are granted an extension to complete their program, those students will restart that course at the past level. They pay all school fees as required for that repeated courses. During the period of study, all fees required by the university should be paid on time in each academic year. The required fees are based on charging standards established on the year of enrollment. Those who fail to pay on time will not be allowed to register or enroll and will be regard as having ceased enrolment. 课程修读 Course Selection 第十三条留学生应按学校规定, 修读一定的全校性通识教育课程 学校在校园网统一公布通识教育课程的开课信息, 供留学生选修 ( 一 ) 留学生须满足相应专业的毕业通识教育课程总学分要求 ( 具体见各专业综合培养计划 ) ( 二 ) 国际教育学院为留学生增设汉语类 中国文化类的通识教育课程 其中, 留学生须修读中国文化概况课程, 该课程学分作为通识教育课程学分 ( 三 ) 留学生须在规定的时间办理选课手续, 选课不成功的学生, 不得参加课程修读及考核 ; 经选定的课程, 一般不得变动 如因特殊情况需退选 改选的, 需按时在教务系统中办理退选 改选手续, 逾期不予办理 ( 四 ) 选修人数不足 15 人的课程, 一般不予开课 第十四条留学生可免修下列课程 : 政治理论和思想品德课程 军事理论 军训 体育 公益劳动以及大学英语 若学有余力的留学生对上述课程有兴趣, 也可申请选修, 经考核合格可获得相应的学分, 课程学分不计入毕业要求的最低必修学分 International students must obtain a specified amount of credits for optional courses as required. The optional courses can be registered on the university student portal. a. Students are required to obtain enough credits of general optional courses according to the 11

14 undergraduate study program. b. Additional optional courses will be offered by SIE as follows: Scientific Chinese (intermediate), Scientific Chinese (advanced), Chinese Culture, Intercultural Communication, Applied Writing, etc. International students must take Chinese Culture and obtain the credit as general optional credit. c. Students must register for courses on university student portal each semester. Those without successful registration cannot attend the courses and final exams. The registered courses cannot be changed normally. Those who seek to change or withdraw from a course, must submit the application on university student portal by the deadline indicated, or no request will be considered after that deadline. d. Optional courses with fewer than 15 registrants will not be offered. e. Students who fail to attend classes without approval are marked as truant. Students experiencing difficulty with their studies may ask for permission for extension from homeschool and SIE. The total length of extension is no more than two years beyond the regular length of studies. International students are allowed to be exempt from the following courses: Cultivation of Ideological Morality and Basic Laws, Introduction to Maoism and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Outline of Modern Chinese History, Basic Principles of Marxism, Current Affairs and Policy, Practice Teaching of Marxist Theory, Contemporary World Economy and Politics,, Military Theory, Military Practice, Physical Education, Life Skills, and College English. If international students wish to study these courses, they can take them as optional courses after approval. Course credit will be given upon passing the course examination. Course credit will not be included in the minimum credits of graduation requirement. 课程考核与成绩记载 Evaluation and Recording Methods 第十五条留学生须参加学校综合培养计划规定的课程学习和考核, 考核成绩记入成绩登记表, 并归入留学生本人档案 第十六条留学生应按规定参加各种考核, 考核分考试和考查两种 必修课程首次考核不合格者, 可以参加由开课学院安排的课程重考, 重考仍不合格或未经批准擅自不参加考核者, 只能参加重修 ( 一 ) 留学生重考报名安排在注册报到后一周开始, 报名时间一般为三天, 错过报名时间者不得再报名重考, 只能重修 重考只接受开设给相应年级上一学期的考试科目, 其他年级或专业的学生不得报名重考, 非本年级上一学期的考试科目, 只能重修 重考课程不能申请缓考 ( 二 ) 留学生重修须本人提出申请, 在规定时间内办理相关手续, 安排在本专业或相近专业下一年级相同课程跟班进行 重修课程不得申请免修 缓考, 不能参加重考 留学生在校期间每门课程最多只能参加一次重修 12

15 第十七条留学生因故不能参加考核, 应在考核前向就读学院提出书面申请 ( 因病应附医院证明 ), 经就读学院主管教学副院长批准, 报国际教育学院教务管理办公室备案, 方可缓考 缓考时间根据学校规定另行安排, 登记成绩时, 注 缓考 字样 第十八条留学生不能按时参加综合培养计划规定课程学习的, 应申请缓修, 未经批准的学生缺交某门课程作业的次数累计超过总数的 1/3 或缺课累计超过某门课程学时数 1/3, 取消该课程考核资格, 并须重修该课程 一学期被取消考核资格或无故缺考累计达三门者, 给予退学警告处理 ; 各学期累计四门 ( 次 ) 及以上课程被取消考核资格或无故缺考者, 予以退学处理 第十九条留学生在前六个学期所获得的学分应达到主修专业前六学期所要求修读学分的 3/4, 方可参加毕业论文 ( 设计 ) 环节 第二十条留学生擅自缺考 在课程考核中严重违反考核纪律或者作弊的, 该门课程考核成绩计零分, 不能取得该课程学分, 成绩登记表上注 缺考 或 作弊 字样, 不得参加重考, 只能重修 第二十一条考核作弊或协助作弊及其他违反考场纪律的学生, 视其情节轻重, 按照学校有关规定, 给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分 International students must take part in course learning and examinations according to undergraduate study program. The results will be recorded and placed in student personal files. Students who fail the compulsory courses at the first time should register and attend the makeup exam at the beginning of the next semester. Students should retake the course if they fail the makeup exam or if they are absent for the makeup exam without permission. Registration for makeup exams will be arranged in the first week of each semester and lasts for three days. Any students who miss the registration should retake the failed course in full. Only students who took the course in the previous semester are accepted for attending a makeup exam. Students in different grades or programme are not allowed to register for makeup exam. Those should register to retake the full course. International students should apply for retaking any course. Once approved, students can register at the school during the first two weeks of the commencement of the semester; and study in the same programme or similar programme of lower grade. For students taking makeup exams or retaking courses, no exemptions or delays in taking the final exam may be applied for, nor are they eligible for any future makeup exam in that course. Student evaluation consists of examinations and assessment of course performance, which the students are required to join accordingly. Otherwise, the students must submit an application for postponement to the Home School with reason and supported documents. Only with approval by the dean of the Home School and a record in the Academic Affairs Office of SIE, can this procedure go into effect. The school will reschedule the examination and the result will be marked as postponed. Students who have not submitted coursework for more than 1/3 of total coursework required or are absent for 1/3 of the total course periods, cannot participate in the course examination and have to retake the full course. An expulsion warning will be given to students whose exam 13

16 eligibility has been cancelled or who miss final exams for no valid reasons more than 3 courses in one semester. Students who have had their exam eligibility cancelled, or who miss final exams without valid reasons more than four times, will be expelled from the university. Students must obtain 75% of the total credits normally allocated for the first six semesters before being permitted to commence graduation thesis writing or project design. Students who are absent without permission or are caught cheating during an exam will be marked as ZERO for the subject without any credits. The cheating will be noted on a student s record. They are eligible for any future makeup exam in that course. Students who break the exam rules or cheat in exams will have any grades awarded in those exams invalidated and will be recorded as a failure. In addition students will receive warnings or certain other disciplinary measures according to the regulations of the university. 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 第二十二条留学生一般应当在被录取的学校和专业完成学业, 但有下列情形之一, 可申请转专业 转学 : ( 一 ) 对学校其他某一专业有特长, 并能提供充足的佐证材料, 转专业 转学后更能发挥其特长者 ; ( 二 ) 入学后发现某种疾病或生理缺陷, 经学校指定的二级甲等或以上医院检查证明, 不能在原专业学习, 但尚能在本校或其他高等学校别的专业学习者 ; ( 三 ) 经学校认可, 留学生确有某种特殊困难或非本人原因, 不转专业或不转学则无法继续学习者 第二十六条留学生有下列情形之一者, 不得转专业 : ( 一 ) 留学生新生入学未满一学年者 ; ( 二 ) 由低学历层次转高学历层次者 ; ( 三 ) 第六学期及以后的留学生 ; ( 四 ) 享受中国政府奖学金的留学生不允许转入英文授课专业 ; ( 五 ) 正在休学的留学生 ; ( 六 ) 应予退学的留学生 ; ( 七 ) 有学校处分记录者 ; ( 八 ) 在校期间已进行了一次转专业的留学生 ; ( 九 ) 其他无正当理由者 第二十三条留学生转专业 转学均由留学生本人向国际教育学院和就读学院申请 按下列办法办理 : ( 一 ) 留学生在本校范围内转专业, 经就读学院同意, 拟转入学院审核同意, 按留学生审批程序进行 ; 享受中国政府奖学金的留学生还须由原奖学金推荐机构 ( 如驻华使领馆 ) 及国家留学基金管理委员会批准 ; ( 二 ) 留学生转专业手续, 非国际教育学院专业留学生转到其他非国际教育学院专业, 14

17 需要在第二个学期末提出申请, 经批准从第三个学期开始新的专业学习 非国际教育学院专业留学生转到国际教育学院专业, 新生须在正式上课三周内申请, 申请通过后可在当学期转入新专业学习 ; 在校生须在每年 6 月提出申请, 申请通过后在下学期转入新专业学习 ( 三 ) 转入其他学校者, 经两校同意 ; 享受中国政府奖学金的留学生还须由原奖学金推荐机构 ( 如驻华使领馆 ) 及国家留学基金管理委员会批准 ; ( 四 ) 留学生转学的手续, 上半年应在 5 月底前申请, 下半年应在 11 月底前申请, 其他时间一般不予申请 ( 五 ) 任何转专业申请需符合学校各专业留学生录取标准 Students who wish to change the major and/or transfer to another university may do so under the following conditions: a. Students who possess special skills or knowledge and can better meet their goals by changing their major or place of study; b. Students who suffer an ailment or physical defect which deters studies in their major but would not impede studies in another major or school; c. Students of a special case acknowledged by the university who cannot carry on their studies without changing their major or university. Students in the following categories will not be allowed to change their major: a. Students in their first year of school; b. Students who intend to change from a lower level to a higher level degree programme. c. Students at the university who are already in their six semester of studies or further in their majors; d. Students funded by Chinese government are not allowed to change to English-taught programme; e. Students who are in the period of suspension of schooling; f. Students who have already been excluded from SCUT; g. Students who were given any disciplinary punishment by the university; h. Students who have already change a major; i. Other unreasonable reasons. Students who wish to change their major, or university should request for approval from the Home School and SIE, and adhere to the following guidelines: a. Students who wish to change to another major within the university should get approval from both their Home School and the school in which they intend to study. International students on Chinese government scholarships must also get approval from the China Scholarship Council and their country s embassy. b. Those who are majoring in non-sie programmes and intend to change to another programme (except for SIE), need to apply at the end of the second semester of the first year and start new a new study programme from the first semester of the second year. 15

18 Those who are majoring in non-sie programmes and who intend to change to programmes offered by SIE, for new students, must submit an application in the first three weeks of the first semester. Once approved, they can transfer into the new majors and commence studies in the first semester. For current students, they have to apply by the last working day of June. Once approved, they can transfer into new majors in the next semester. c. Students who wish to transfer to another university should get approval from both universities. International students on Chinese government scholarships must also get approval from the China Scholarship Council and their country s embassy. d. The procedures should be processed by the end of May for the first half of each year; and by the end of November for the second half of each year; and will not be processed after that. e. Any applicant of major-changed should meet entry requirement of the applied major. 第二十四条留学生有下列情况之一者, 应作休学处理 : ( 一 ) 留学生经三级甲等或以上医院确认疾病需治疗或休养 ; ( 二 ) 根据考勤, 一学期缺课超过该学期总学时 1/3 者 ; ( 三 ) 因某种特殊原因, 本人申请或学校认为必须休学者 第二十五条留学生休学一般以一年为期, 可申请连续休学, 但累计不得超过两年 第二十六条留学生休学办理流程 : ( 一 ) 留学生本人填写 华南理工大学留学生休 复 退 转学等申请表 ( 因病休学需有医院签署的意见, 其他原因需附证明材料 ), 经就读学院和国际教育学院审核批准, 方可休学 ; ( 二 ) 休学留学生须在递交 华南理工大学留学生休 复 退 转学等申请表 之日起两周内办理离校手续 ; 留学生未办离校手续且不参加培养计划内教学活动的, 以旷课计, 累计超过 70 学时, 给予退学处理 ; ( 三 ) 留学生休学期间, 不可参与学校一切教学活动, 如参与, 所修得的学分一律无效 ; ( 四 ) 因病休学的留学生, 应办理相关离校手续并建议回国疗养 ; 其他原因休学的留学生也须办理相关离校手续 ; ( 五 ) 享受中国政府奖学金的留学生休学期间不能享受公费医疗, 不能享受奖学金 ; ( 六 ) 留学生休学期间, 保留学籍, 不享受在校学生待遇 ; 保留学籍期满不办理复学手续者, 取消学籍 ; ( 七 ) 留学生休学回国, 一切费用自理 第二十七条留学生休学期满复学流程 : ( 一 ) 应于学期开学后两周内持有关证件, 向国际教育学院申请复学并提交 华南理工大学留学生休 复 退 转学等申请表 ; ( 二 ) 因病休学的留学生, 申请复学时须由所在国公立医院诊断, 证明恢复健康, 并经中国三级甲等或以上医院复查合格, 方可申请复学 ; 无医院证明或复查不合格者不能办理复学手续 ; ( 三 ) 休学期间, 如有严重违法乱纪行为者, 取消复学资格, 并按退学处理 ; 16

19 ( 四 ) 复学后, 编入原专业的下一年级跟班学习 Students in the following categories should leave the school, including student accommodation, but may retain their student status: a. Students who were diagnosed in a certified hospital with an illness which causes them to miss 1/3 or more of their total course periods in a semester and have approval for these absences; b. Students who have absences of 1/3 or more of their total course periods in a term; c. Students who for some acknowledged reason have personally applied for leave or are otherwise thought better off taking leave. International students may generally ask for suspension for one year. With school approval, students may leave the university for up to two continuous years. Total leave time may not exceed two years. Students who intend to suspend their study should adhere to the following guidelines: a. Students with permission to leave the university should fill out and submit the application form for suspension, withdrawal and transfer. Students who leave due to illness should also submit a certified hospital analysis of their illness. Once approval is obtained from both the head of Home School and SIE, the students will receive notification granting their leave from the university without losing student status. b. Students must complete all leaving procedures within two weeks after submitting the application. Students who do not complete the procedures for leave but are not attending regular classes and/or filed work are considered truant. c. During the period of suspension, students are not allowed to participate in classes or examinations. International students on Chinese government scholarships cannot get free medical treatment in China or other scholarship funds during their leave period. d. Students on leave for illness should return to home countries for recuperation. e. Free medical service and scholarship will be discontinued during the period of suspension. f. The university will retain student status for those who are in the period of suspension, but will not provide student welfare for them. Those who do not apply for resumption of schooling on time will be regarded as having dropped out and student status will be terminated. g. Terminated students return to home countries at their own expense. International students who wish to resume their interrupted studies should go through the following procedures: a. When a period of leave, study postponement, or study record retaining is coming to an end, students should apply to the university to resume their studies with the necessary documents at least two weeks prior to the coming semester. b. Students must submit certified medical examination documents confirming their health when they apply to resume their studies. Only after receiving these documents, the university will 17

20 allow students to resume their studies and restore their study records. c. Students who violate the law and discipline during the period of suspension will be not allowed to resume study. d. Students who have resumed study will be placed in the class level appropriate to the completion of entry level requirements. 第二十八条留学生完成本学年教学计划规定的课程, 经考核成绩合格, 准予升级 第二十九条除本细则其它条款所列退学或开除学籍的情况外, 学生有下列情形之一者, 应予退学 : ( 一 ) 留校察看期间, 受退学警告 ; ( 二 ) 无论何种原因, 连续三次或累计四次被退学警告 ; ( 三 ) 因病连续休学两年期满, 经体检复查身体不合格 ; ( 四 ) 经三级甲等或以上医院确诊, 患有精神病 癫痫 麻疯病及其他严重传染病等疾病, 或者意外伤残无法在学校继续学习 ; ( 五 ) 本人申请退学 ; ( 六 ) 超过最长修读年限 ; ( 七 ) 其他须给予退学或开除学籍的情形 第三十条申请退学学生, 向国际教育学院提出申请, 并附相关证明材料 ( 因病退学需有医院签署的意见 ), 经就读学院和国际教育学院审核批准后, 报教务处备案 第三十一条对留学生的退学处理, 由国际教育学院院长会议研究决定, 报学校审批 对退学的留学生, 由国际教育学院出具退学决定书并由留学生管理办公室以书面谈话形式告知本人 因特殊情况无法联系本人的, 自发布公告之日起 15 天后, 即视为送达 第三十二条留学生退学办理流程 : ( 一 ) 被退学处理或开除学籍的学生, 应在收到正式退学通知后两周内, 办理离校手续 逾期不办理或擅自离校者, 按学校有关规定处理 享受中国政府奖学金的留学生自收到退学通知之日起取消奖学金, 不再享受中国政府奖学金生的一切待遇 ; ( 二 ) 经诊断为精神病等不符合体检标准的疾病 ( 包括意外致残 ) 者, 由留学生所在国驻华使领馆 学生家长或抚养人负责领回 ; ( 三 ) 自动退学和被退学处理的留学生由学校发给学习证明, 学习时间满一年者发给肄业证书 ; ( 四 ) 开除学籍的留学生只发学习证明, 不发给肄业证书 ; ( 五 ) 未经学校批准, 擅自离校的留学生不发给肄业证书和学习证明 ; ( 六 ) 自动退学 作退学处理和被开除学籍的学生, 不退还任何费用 第三十三条留学生对退学处理有异议的, 在本人接到退学决定书之日起 5 个工作日内, 可向国际教育学院留学生管理办公室提出申诉 The student who has completed all courses and passed all examinations for the year in accordance with their major can advance to the next level of their undergraduate study program. Besides the afore-mentioned regulations regarding expulsion, students in the following categories will have their enrollment terminated and/or be expelled from the university: 18

21 a. Students who receive the expulsion warning when they have been put on probation; b. The expulsion warning given three times in succession or four times in total; c. Students who are ill for over two semesters and are diagnosed as not qualified for study; d. Students who are diagnosed with mental disorder, epilepsy, leprosy or other infectious diseases, or injured and are disabled so that they cannot carry on regular studies; e. Students who apply to leave the university themselves; f. Students whose period of study exceeds the maximum length of study; g. Students who fail to follow university regulations should be dropped out of university or expelled. The students who apply for dropout must complete the appropriate application form. This includes, but not limited to, those applying for leave supported by a hospital diagnostic report. This application must be approved by the Home School and SIE, and will be recorded by Academic Affairs Section. The punishment decision to be issued will be considered and authorized by a SIE deans meeting. Those who are ordered to cease studies will be provided formal written notice by SIE. Due to special circumstances, those who cannot be informed personally will be deemed to be informed after the fifteenth days of the announcement. Students who are expelled from the university must adhere to the following guidelines: a. Students expelled or dismissed from the university are required to leave within two weeks. International students will have their scholarships revoked, effective the day they receive their dismissal notice. b. Students diagnosed with mental disorders and/or illnesses which are not acceptable under Chinese health and quarantine regulations will be delivered to their country s embassy/consulate or to their parents/guardians. c. Students who dropout by themselves or are ordered to quit will be given a certificate stating that they have withdrawn from their studies. Those who have studied at the university for more than one year will be given a certificate testifying to their completed studies up to that time. d. Students who are expelled from the university will be given a certificate stating that they have withdrawn from their studies only and will not receive a certificate testifying to their completed amount of studies. e. Students who leave the university without permission will not be given any type of statement or certification. f. No fees will be refunded to students are expelled from the university or leave with or without prior SIE approval. In case a student has any demurral to the disposal decision, the students can reserve the right to lodge a formal complaint to International Students Affairs Office of SIE in five days after notification letter received in person. 19

22 毕业 结业与肄业 Graduation and Completion of Courses 第三十四条具有学籍的留学生, 凡修读年限已达到或超过基本学制者, 由国际教育学院按其主修专业综合培养计划的要求进行毕业资格审查, 并报教务处复核 毕业资格审查时间为每年六月份 第三十五条留学生在学校规定年限内, 修完综合培养计划规定课程, 并取得相应的学分, 达到毕业要求, 准予毕业, 学校将颁发毕业证书 第三十六条经毕业资格审查, 不合格课程学分数超过 8 学分 ( 含 8 学分 ) 的留学生, 不具备毕 ( 结 ) 业资格, 其中, 已达到最长在校时间的学生作肄业处理 ; 未达到最长在校时间的留学生, 可申请延长在校学习时间, 经批准者应在延长学期开学规定的时间内, 进行注册并缴费 经批准延长在校学习时间者, 所修课程经考核合格, 并取得所修学分后, 予以颁发毕业证书, 毕业时间按颁发证书日期填写 ; 未获得批准或逾期未提出申请者按退学处理 第三十七条留学生结业或毕业, 须在离校前一周凭本人学生证到国际教育学院领取 离校通知单, 办理离校手续 不办理离校手续而离校的留学生, 学校将不负责提供其在校的学习证明 学习成绩单及毕 ( 结 ) 业证书等材料 第三十八条毕业生对学校所发证书 ( 毕业 学位和肄业证书 ) 应妥善保存, 如有遗失或损毁不再补发 如确属需要, 应由本人申请, 经国际教育学院审查核实后, 报广东省教育厅和国家留学基金委批准, 方可出具相应的证明书 所出具的证明书与原证书具有同等效力 According to undergraduate study program, students who have reached or exceed the regular study period will have graduates s qualification examination which is conducted by School of International Education and reviewed by Academic Affairs Section on June. International students with regular study period who complete their course plan and receive all required credits will be allowed to graduate and receive graduation certificates. Students with failed in a graduate qualification examination will not be allowed to graduate, they are treated as follows: a. Those students who have exceeded the maximum length of study, they will be categorized as non-completion of the programme, b. Those students who have not yet reached the maximum length of study are allowed to apply for an extension of the study period. Upon approval, students should register on time and pay all fees as required. If students pass all courses and get the credits, students could then receive the graduation certificate. Graduating students should bring their student ID to SIE to get a copy of the University Departure Process Form at least one week before leaving the university. Students must undergo all the procedures as listed on the form before leaving the university. Students who do not carry 20

23 out these procedures will be refused release of study certificates, transcripts, and/or degree certificates. Students who have graduated should retain graduation diplomas, degree certificates, and/or study record received from the university. Lost certificates will not be replaced. Only a testimonial of study can be issued upon a student s request, once approval is granted by the School of International Education, Bureau of Education and the China Scholarship Council. The testimonial of study is a formal University document and carries the same authority as the original diploma/degree certificate. 学位授予 Degree Granting 第三十九条留学生学士学位授予的相关规定参照 华南理工大学全日制本科毕业生学士学位授予实施细则 ( 华南工教 号 ) 执行 第四十条留学生有下列情形之一者, 不得授予学士学位 : ( 一 ) 在校期间受过留校察看处分 ( 不计察看时间长短 ), 且未被撤销者 ; ( 二 ) 作肄业处理的留学生 Graduates are awarded the bachelor degree in accordance with the Regulations on Awarding Undergraduate Degrees of South China University of Technology (Hua Nan Gong Jiao [2010] No. 74) Graduating students in the following categories will not be awarded bachelor degree: a. Students who have been put on probation within the university and have not rectified the issue; b. Students who are dismissed from the university upon for non-completion of their courses. 21

24 英文授课类本科项目与国际预科 Undergraduate Programme (English-taught) & International Foundation 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 专业与课程 Major and Curriculum 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 考核 Assessment 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 毕业与学位授予 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 22

25 一 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 1 经正式录取的本校新生持来华学习签证(X1 签证 ) JW202 或 JW201 录取通知书 和本人护照按规定时间到国际教育学院办理入学手续 因故不能按期报到者, 应以书面形式向国际教育学院请假, 请假时间一般不得超过两周 未经请假或请假逾期者, 除因不可抗力等正当事由外, 视为放弃入学资格 New students should register on time with their own X1 (study) visa, JW202 or JW201, and the Admission Letter. Students who fail to arrive on time should submit a written notice of request for approval. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. If a student leaves without permission or the period of absence exceeds the permitted time, except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure, enrollment will be revoked. 2 新生来华后须按照我校安排到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检, 体检不合格者不予注册 不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者, 应立即离境, 一切费用自理 New students should have a physical examination approved by the Guangdong Health Center for International Travelers. Anyone who does not pass the physical examination will be refused admission. Students who do not meet the health standards instituted in Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine will be required to leave the country immediately at their own expense. 3 新生来华后需要在到达居住地的 24 小时内到当地派出所办理暂住证 New students should go to the local police station for a temporary residence permit within 24 hours after they arrive in China. 4 取得学籍者, 由国际教育学院发放其留学生证 每学期开学时, 本科留学生须按时到国际教育学院办理注册 交费手续, 并到就读学院报到 注册后, 才有资格参加学校教学计划安排的所有活动 因故不能按期注册者, 必须履行请假手续, 否则以旷课论处 对无故不按时注册者, 逾期两周以内者, 给予严重警告至留校察看处分, 逾期超过两周者, 给予退学处分 The School of International Education will issue student cards to enrolled international students. At the beginning of each semester, international students are required to register at the School of International Education and pay all school fees, and then register at the school of study. Only registered students are eligible to attend university activities. Any student who is unable to register on time must get permission for late registration or otherwise will be considered truant. The following disciplinary actions will be taken for those who register late without permission. For those who are late for registration within two weeks, the student will be given a serious warning and probation from the university. For those who are late for registration more than two weeks, the student will be expelled from the university. 23

26 First time Second time Third time Additional times The student will be given a letter of reprimand from the school and must also submit a written reason for committing the offense, and should submit a personal statement. Serious warning The student will be condemned on their record. Punishments ranging from probation to expulsion from the university 5 对于未按时注册的本科留学生, 要分别按病 事假或旷课 违纪等予以处理和记载 Students who cannot register on time will be recorded as sick leave, personal leave, absent, or school rule violation accordingly. 6 凡因休学 保留学籍或其它原因离校的学生, 未经学校批准, 不得复学注册 Students who leave the university due to suspension, retaining student status or other reasons must seek for official permission from university before resuming interrupted studies. 二 专业及课程 Major and Curriculum 1 培养计划 Curriculum: 培养计划是教学的总体实施方案, 是安排教学 组织教学活动的基本依据 主要内容有 : 标准学制 学位授予 学分要求 教育活动周数分配 必修课安排 选修课安排 实践教学安排等 Curriculum is the overall plan for teaching and the basis of organizing teaching activities, including schooling year system, degree granting, credits requirement, arrangement of week activities, arrangement of compulsory, optional courses and practical assessment. 2 课程性质 (1) 必修课 : 指学生必须修读的课程, 主要分为公共必修课和专业必修课 (2) 选修课 : 指加强和深化学生学科基础和专业知识的课程, 或有利于学生发展特点和爱好, 形成特长的课程 学生可在满足学分要求的基础上按实际情况选修 (3) 免修课 : 指学生曾修读并通过考核的 在培养计划内的课程, 主要包括基础汉语 汉语口语 中国文化概况等中国语言文化类课程 学生应在学期开学的头两周内向教务管理办公室提交书面申请, 并参加免修考试, 成绩达 75 分以上者, 经学院审批同意后可免修相应课程 免修考试成绩作为该课程考核成绩 (4) 实践考核 : 包括毕业论文 ( 设计 ) 专业实习 社会实践等 2. Course types (1) Compulsory courses: general compulsory courses and major compulsory courses, which students must take. 24

27 (2) Optional courses: courses with the aim to enhance basic knowledge or develop students specialty. Students can choose by themselves based on the credit requirement. (3) Exemption for courses: If students have learned and passed the courses required in the curriculum, they could ask for exemption for courses such as Basic Chinese, Speaking Chinese, Chinese Culture, etc. In the first two weeks of each semester, written application should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office. Those who achieve 75 or more in the exemption exam are approved for the exemption. The score of exemption exam is taken as the result of the course. (4) Practical assessment: graduation project or dissertation, internship and social activities. 3 学制 学分要求 Requirements of duration and credit 全英文授课本科基本学制为四年, 在校最长年限 ( 含休学 ) 为基本学制加两年 学分制是用学分来计算学生学习量的教学管理制度 学生修满规定量的学分并达到学校规定的其他要求后即可毕业 课程的学分数根据每门课程的课时数确定 The regular schooling system is four years. The maximum length of study is six years. The credit system is a system to judge how much a student has learnt. Students can graduate after achieving enough credits as required in the curriculum. Credit is based on the teaching hours of each course. 三 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 1 留学生须按时参加教学计划规定的课程和学校与学院统一安排 组织的活动 留学生上课 实习等都实行考勤 因故不能参加者, 必须请假 凡未经请假或请假逾期者, 一律以旷课论, 旷课 1 天按 5 学时计 对旷课学生, 根据旷课时间多少 情节轻重, 给予批评教育, 纪律处分直至开除学籍处分 一学期累计旷课超过 70 节 ( 含 70 节 ), 作退学处理, 不予发放任何学习证明 Students should attend and take part in activities as required by the university and the School of International Education. Attendance in classes and fieldwork will be checked. Those who fail to attend lessons or other activities for any reason should ask for permission. Students who leave without permission or take leave longer than a permitted leave time will be marked as truant. One day s truancy is considered equal to five periods. A punishment ranging from a reprimand to disciplinary measure and expulsion will be given to the truant in correlation with the amount of truancy. If students are absent for 70 or more lessons in one semester, they will not receive a study certificate. 2 在校学生一般不准请事假, 若有特殊情况必须请事假, 最长不得超过两周 留学生请假, 3 天以内由就读学院审批 ;3 天及以上, 须填写我院的请假申请表, 获就读学院及我院批准 未经批准擅自离校达到两周或以上, 或超假连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动者, 予以退 25

28 学处理 Personal leaving will not be allowed except under special circumstances. Duration of leave is generally limited to a maximum of two weeks. For leave of three days or fewer, approval must be obtained from the relevant school. For leave of three days or more, students should get permission from relevant school and the School of International Education (SIE) with the application form provided by SIE. Approval must be obtained before leaving. If a student leaves without permission for over 2 weeks or returns to school later than the permitted period without attending classes and/or fieldwork for over 2 weeks, the student will be expelled from the university. 3 留学生享受我国传统节假日及学校的寒暑假 若逢留学生本国的重大节日, 留学生可向国际教育学院及就读学院申请休假 1 天 此类休假每年不得超过 2 次 International students follow the same schedule for Chinese festivals, holidays, and summer and winter break as local students. International students can apply for one day s leave at the relevant school and SIE on the occasion of important holidays of their home countries. This type of leave is applicable for a maximum of twice a year. 四 考核 Assessment 1 成绩评定 : 一般按考勤 平时成绩 ( 作业 测验 实践考核等 ) 期中考试成绩及期末考试成绩综合计算 各任课老师根据课程的实际情况拟定各项目在总评成绩中的实际比例 Course results are generally made up of attendance, any other test scores or other grades, midterm exam and final exam scores. Teachers can decide the different ratios of all these items in accordance of the actual situation. 2 考试要求 : 学生缺课累计超过某门课程学时数 1/3, 取消该课程考核资格, 考核成绩按零分计, 该课程必须重考或重修 If a student is absent from more than 1/3 of the total periods in which that subject is held, the student will fail the course, cannot sit for the exams, and will be required to take the course again. 3 重考 : 首考不及格者, 或因故未能参加首考者, 经本人申请, 学院批准, 可参加重考 重考一般安排在下一学期开学后第一个月内进行 Students who fail an exam can apply for resit exam. Resit exams are arranged in the first month of next semester. 4 重修 : 凡在首次考试中未经准假而擅自缺考者或重考仍不及格者, 必须重修 ; 单独开设的实验课 课程设计和实习不及格者, 必须重修 Students should repeat a course if they is absent from exams without permission. Students who fail an experiment course, a project, or the internship must do it again. 26

29 五 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 1 毕业论文: 属于必修, 一般安排在大四进行 毕业论文写作包括安排指导教师 选题 列提纲 拟订初稿 定稿 评阅及答辩等阶段 The writing of dissertation, which is compulsory, generally begins in the 4th year. It includes stages as follows: supervisor selection, choosing topics, outlining, drafts submission, final paper, reviewing and defense. 2 答辩: 答辩工作一般由指导教师及导师成员组共同组织完成 答辩成绩是论文总评成绩的组成部分 Oral defense is organized by module supervisors. Score of the defense makes major contribution to the dissertation. 3 成绩评定 : 一般按 优秀 良好 中等 及格 不及格 计分 The mark is ranked as Excellent Good Average Passed Failed. 六 毕业与学位授予 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 1 留学生按照培养计划学完规定的课程, 取得规定的学分, 准予毕业, 发给毕业证书 符合学士学位授予相关规定者, 授予学士学位 International students who complete all courses with enough credits as required by the curriculum can graduate and are granted the graduation certificate. Students who have met the requirements for a Bachelor s degree will be awarded a Bachelor degree. 2 未符合毕业资格的学生按以下处理 : (1) 毕业论文 毕业实习不及格者, 一年内可向国际教育学院申请补做毕业论文, 及格者获发毕业证书, 仍算原届毕业生 (2) 课程不及格者, 一年内可向国际教育学院申请重修, 经考核合格后, 获发毕业证书 (3) 在校时间已达到最长修读年限的留学生, 不享第 2 3 条规定 2. Students who couldn t graduate will be treated as follows: (1)Students who fail dissertation, graduation projects, or internship can apply for the makeup assessments within one year. If students pass, students will be allowed to graduation. (2) Students who fail the repeat courses and the final makeup exams can apply to repeat the courses within one year. If students pass, students will be granted graduation. (3) The 2 nd and 3 rd rules are not valid for those who exceed the maximum length of study duration. 七 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 1 转专业 : 学生在读期间, 一般不可转专业 Students are generally not allowed to change majors. 27

30 2 转学 : 由两校同意, 政府奖学金留学生还须由其大使馆及国家留学基金管理委员会同意批准 Change of university: Students who wish to change universities must be accepted by SCUT and the other university. For CSC students, it s only valid with the approval of student s embassy and the Chinese Scholarship Council. 3 休学 : 包括下列情况之一者, 应予休学 : (1) 因病经二级甲等以上医院诊断须停课治疗 休养占一学期总学时 1/3 以上者 ; (2) 根据考勤, 一学期请假缺课超过该学期总学时 1/3 者 ; (3) 因某种特殊原因, 本人申请或学校认为必须休学者 3. Students in the following categories should leave the school but may retain their student status: (1) Students who have been diagnosed in a certified hospital with an illness which causes them to miss 1/3 or more of their total course periods in a semester; (2) Students who have excused absences of 1/3 or more of their total course periods in a term; (3) Students who for some acknowledged reason have personally applied for leave or are otherwise thought better off taking leave. 4 留学生休学一般以一年为期 ( 因病经学校批准, 在最长修读年限内, 可连续休学两年 ), 累计不得超过两年 International students may generally ask for suspension for one year. With school approval, ill students may leave the university for up to one continuous year. Total leave time may not exceed two years. 5 留学生休学的有关问题, 按照下列规定办理 : (1) 凡因病或其它原因获准休学者应由留学生本人填写 华南理工大学留学生休 复 退 转学等申请表 ( 附证明材料, 因病休学 退学须有医院签署的意见 ), 经就读学院和国际教育学院审核, 由国际教育学院报主管校长审批, 发给休学证明, 方可休学 休学留学生必须在接到休学通知之日起两周内办理离校手续, 否则作自动退学处理 ; 学生未办离校手续又不参加培养计划的活动以旷课计处 休学期间不得擅自跟班上课和参加考核 (2) 因病休学的留学生, 建议回国疗养 (3) 由我国政府资助的奖学金留学生休学期间不能享受公费医疗, 不能享受奖学金 (4) 留学生休学回国, 一切费用自理 5. Students who plan to suspend their study should bear the following in mind: (1) International students with permission to leave the university for illness or for other reasons should fill out and submit the application form for suspending, quitting and transferring. Students who leave due to illness should also submit a certified hospital analysis of their illness. Once approval is obtained from both the Head of their school and SIE, the student will receive notification granting their leave from the university without losing their student status. Students 28

31 must complete all leaving procedures within two weeks after receiving this notification; otherwise they will be regarded as having voluntarily surrendered their student status. Students who do not complete the leaving procedures and do not attend regular classes and/or fieldwork are considered truant. During students period of leave from the university, they may not participate in classes or examinations. (2) International students on leave for illness should return to their home countries for recuperation. (3) International students on Chinese government scholarships cannot get free medical treatment at SCUT or other scholarship funds during their leave period. (4) International students return to their home countries at their own expense. 6 留学生因其它特殊原因需中途休学, 经本人申请, 学校批准, 可保留学籍一年, 不享受在校学习学生待遇 保留学籍期满不办理复学手续者, 取消学籍 International students who stop their studies but have not correctly followed proper leaving procedure will have their study records kept at the university for one year. Students who do not request to resume studying within the year will have their records removed. 7 留学生复学按下列规定办理 : (1) 学生休学 保留学籍期满, 应于开学报到时持有关证件, 向学校申请复学 (2) 因伤病休学的学生, 申请复学时必须由所在国公立医院诊断, 证明恢复健康, 并经中国二级甲等医院复查合格, 方可复学 (3) 休学 保留学籍期间, 如有严重违法乱纪行为者, 应取消复学资格 (4) 复学后, 原则上编入原专业的下一年级学习 (5) 凡休学 保留学籍或其它原因离校的学生, 未经批准, 不得复学注册 7. International students who wish to resume their interrupted studies should go through the following procedures: (1) When a period of leave, study postponement, or study record retaining is coming to an end, students should apply to the university to resume their studies with the necessary documents prior to the beginning of the coming term. (2) Students must submit certified physical examination documents confirming their health when they apply to resume their studies. Only after receiving these documents will the university allow students to resume their studies and restore their study records. (3) Students who are on leave, have stopped their studies, or have left school without canceling their study records will have their eligibility to resume studies revoked if they has broken the law during their time away from the university. (4) Once students have resumed studies, they will be placed in the appropriate class below their previous major class. 8 退学: 学生有下列情况之一者, 应予退学 : (1) 在校学习时间累计超过专业基本学制两年者 ; 29

32 (2) 休学期满不办复学手续者 ; (3) 因病休学期满, 经二级甲等以上医院复查不合格者 ; (4) 因病不能学习, 但不办理休学, 且在一学年内缺课超过总学时 1/3 者 ; (5) 经过二级甲等以上医院确诊, 患有精神病 癫痫 麻疯及其它严重传染病, 不适宜在校学习者 ; (6) 意外伤残不能坚持正常学习者 ; (7) 本人申请退学, 经说服教育无效者 8. Students in the following situation will be subject to dismissal from the university: (1) Students whose period of study exceeds two years beyond the expected period of study; (2) Students who do not follow the necessary procedures for resuming interrupted studies; (3) Students who are ill for an extended period of time; (4) Students who have missed more than 1/3 of their total course periods in a year due to illness; (5) Students who are diagnosed with mental disorder, epilepsy, leprosy, etc.; (6) Students who are injured or disabled such that they cannot carry on normal studies; (7) Students who apply to leave the university themselves. 30

33 研究生项目 Postgraduate Programme 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 专业与课程 Major and Curriculum 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 考核 Assessment 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 毕业 结业与学位授予 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 31

34 一 入学与注册 Enrollment and Registration 1 经正式录取的本校新生持来华学习签证(X1 签证 ) JW202 或 JW201 录取通知书 和本人护照按规定时间到国际教育学院办理入学手续 因故不能按期报到者, 应以书面形式向国际教育学院请假, 请假时间一般不得超过两周 未经请假或请假逾期者, 除因不可抗力等正当事由外, 视为放弃入学资格 New students should register on time with their own X1 (study) visa, JW202 or JW201, and the Admission Letter. Students who fail to arrive on time should submit a written notice of request for approval. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. If a student leaves without permission or the period of absence exceeds the permitted time, except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure, enrollment will be revoked. 2 新生来华后须按照我校安排到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检, 体检不合格者不予注册 不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者, 应立即离境, 一切费用自理 New students should have a physical examination approved by the Guangdong Health Center for International Travelers. Anyone who does not pass the physical examination will be refused admission. Students who do not meet the health standards instituted in Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine will be required to leave the country immediately at their own expense. 3 新生来华后需要在到达居住地的 24 小时内到当地派出所办理暂住证 New students should go to the local police station for a temporary residence permit within 24 hours after they arrive in China. 4 取得学籍者, 由国际教育学院发放其留学生证 每学期开学时, 本科留学生须按时到国际教育学院办理注册 交费手续, 并到就读学院报到 注册后, 才有资格参加学校教学计划安排的所有活动 因故不能按期注册者, 必须履行请假手续, 否则以旷课论处 对无故不按时注册者, 逾期两周以内者, 给予严重警告至留校察看处分, 逾期超过两周者, 给予退学处分 The School of International Education will issue student cards to enrolled international students. At the beginning of each semester, international students are required to register at the School of International Education and pay all school fees, and then register at the school of study. Only registered students are eligible to attend university activities. Any student who is unable to register on time must get permission for late registration or otherwise will be considered truant. The following disciplinary actions will be taken for those who register late without permission. For those who are late for registration within two weeks, the student will be given a serious warning and probation from the university. For those who are late for registration more than two weeks, the student will be expelled from the university. 32

35 First time Second time Third time Additional times The student will be given a letter of reprimand from the school and must also submit a written reason for committing the offense, and should submit a personal statement. Serious warning The student will be condemned on their record. Punishments ranging from probation to expulsion from the university 5 对于未按时注册的本科留学生, 要分别按病 事假或旷课 违纪等予以处理和记载 Students who cannot register on time will be recorded as sick leave, personal leave, absent, or school rule violation accordingly. 6 凡因休学 保留学籍或其它原因离校的学生, 未经学校批准, 不得复学注册 Students who leave the university due to suspension, retaining student status or other reasons must seek for official permission from university before resuming interrupted studies. 二 专业及课程 Major and Curriculum 1 培养计划 Curriculum: 研究生入学后, 应在导师指导下, 在两周内制订好研究生培养计划 培养计划经导师同意后执行 培养计划一式四份, 研究生本人 导师 学院及研究生院各存一份 After registration, postgraduates should submit their study plan in two weeks, as directed and admitted by the supervisor. The plan should be typed in quadruplicate, kept by the student, supervisor, School of International Education and School of Postgraduate Study (?). 2 课程设置 Curriculums: 硕博留学生所修课程及应修学分数遵照研究生培养方案和培养计划执行 硕博留学生可免修英语课和政治理论课, 其 6 个学分由国际教育学院开设的汉语文化类选修课程 ( 科技汉语 ( 高 ) 中国概况 跨文化交际等) 替代 传播学 ( 汉语国际教育与传播 ) 硕士专业的免修课程学分在其专业的培养方案已经安排替代课程, 无需参与汉语文化类选修课程 硕博留学生的第一外语是汉语, 汉语是学位公共课程 Postgraduate students must take part in all courses and examinations as regulated by personal school s study plan. The results will be recorded and placed on file. The curriculum and compulsory courses are arranged based on the project being developed and the education program for international students. Postgraduate students are exempt from taking the courses of Scientific Socialist Theory and Practice as well as English Language. The six credits will be replaced by additional optional courses offered by SIE: Scientific Chinese (II), Introduction to China, Intercultural Communication, etc. The study plan of MA Communication (Chinese International Education and Communication) programme has contained the above courses. Chinese language is 33

36 the predominant language of study of the postgraduate degree curriculum. 3 学分要求 Credits: 硕士研究生的课程总学分不少于 25 学分 一般情况下, 必修课 ( 分为公共课 基础理论课及专业基础课 ) 总学分不少于 15 学分, 基础理论课及专业基础课不少于 9 学分, 请以各专业培养计划的实际学分要求执行 博士研究生应完成包括培养方案中所有的必修课及部分选修课, 以获得相应学分 The total number of credits of a postgraduate should be no less than 25. In most cases, it includes 15 or more from compulsory courses (public courses, basic theory and professional courses) and 9 or more from basic theory and professional course. Students should complete all credit requirements according to their curriculum. Ph.D. students should finish all compulsory courses and part of the elective courses in the study plan for credits. 三 考勤与纪律 Attendance and Rules 1 硕博留学生如不能按时参加教学计划规定和学校统一组织的活动, 应当事先由本人提交书面申请并经导师同意后, 向所在学院及国际教育学院请假并获得批准, 方可准假 ; 除急病或紧急事故外, 不得事后补办请假手续 凡未请假或请假未经批准或请假虽经批准但逾期未归者, 按旷课论处 对旷课者, 视其情节轻重, 给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分 Students should attend class and take part in activities as stipulated by the university and its teaching curriculum. Those who cannot attend classes or other activities for any reason should request permission for leave from relevant school and SIE in advance. Absences will not be excused after the fact except for acknowledged illnesses or emergencies. Students who are absent without permission or who take leave longer than a permitted leave time will be regarded as truant. Truancy will be met with warnings or other disciplinary measures. 2 硕博留学生请假审批办法如下: (1) 因病请假硕博留学生请病假必须持医院开具的诊断证明书办理有关手续 请假时间在一周以内者经导师批准, 并报就读学院和国际教育学院备案 ; 一周以上者经导师和就读学院同意后, 报国际教育学院批准 (2) 因事请假硕博留学生请事假须持相关证明办理有关手续 请假时间在一周以内者经导师批准, 报就读学院和国际教育学院备案 ; 一周以上者经导师 就读学院同意后, 报国际教育学院批准 2. The procedure for requesting permission for leave is as follows: (1) Leave due to illness Students requiring leave due to illness should have a certified hospital diagnosis of their illness. 34

37 For leave of one week or less, approval is only needed from the supervisor, and then notification should be given to both the personal school and School of International Education for their records. For leave of more than one week, students must get approval from their supervisors and school and then request permission from the School of International Education. (2) Leave for personal reasons Students are generally not permitted personal leave except for special circumstances. Those requesting personal leave should submit all related documents. For leave of one week or less, approval from the supervisor is needed, and notification should be given to the School of International Education and the school of study for record. For leave of more than one week, students must get approval from their supervisor, the school of study and the School of International Education. 3 请假期满第二天内到学院报到销假 未经批准而擅自离校 逾期不返校以及不按时销假者以旷课论处 有特殊原因需续假者, 需重新办理请假手续 在一学期内请假累计达 3 周以上者应当休学 Once an approved period of leave has ended, a student should report back to their school on the next day to report their return to the university. Students who leave without permission or take leave longer than a permitted leave time will be regarded as truant. A student who needs to extend their leave time must apply for permission from all the relevant departments. If students are absent from a total of the equivalent of three weeks of class or more in a term, they will be expelled from the university. 4 硕博留学生假期回国, 不得提前离校, 并应按规定准时返校, 逾期不返校者以旷课论处 ; 其它时间离校均应办理请假手续 Students are not permitted to leave for holidays early, and they must return to school on time following a vacation period. Students who wish to take leave from school at any time during the school term must follow designated leave procedures. 5 硕博留学生享受我国法定传统节假日及学校的寒暑假 若逢硕博留学生本国的重大节日, 可向国际教育学院及就读学院申请放假 1 天 此类请假每年不得超过 2 次 International students can have time off for the usual allotted Chinese festivals, holidays, and summer and winter vacations. International language students can apply for one day s leave through the School of International Education on the occasion of important holidays in their home countries. This will be permitted a maximum of twice a year. 四 考核 Assessment ( 一 ) 硕士生考试 :Exams for postgraduates 1 课程考核是检查学生课程学习情况的主要依据, 凡培养计划规定的课程或经办理选修手续的课程均需通过考核 35

38 Course assessment is the basis to evaluate students studies. Students should pass all courses required in the curriculum and the selective ones. 2 研究生课程必须进行考核, 成绩及格取得学分, 不及格必须重修并考核 Postgraduate students must take and pass course assessments in order to get the credits. If students fail, they should retake the course and assessment. 3 经主讲教师同意, 报研究生院培养办公室备案, 研究生可以不参加听课, 直接参加某门课程的考试 ; 未经同意不听课者, 按 旷课 处理, 同一门课旷课五次, 取消其考试资格 研究生在入学前两年内修完的研究生课程, 经研究生院培养办公室审查, 可以免修该课程, 登记成绩, 计算学分 进修期限内的补考成绩不予确认 With approval from the lecturer and being recorded by the School of Postgraduates, postgraduates can take an exam directly without auditing the course. Students who do not attend classes without official permission are regarded as truant. If students are absent for 5 sessions of a course, they are not allowed to take the exam. Results of courses that students completed two years before enrollment can be recorded and counted as credits upon approval by the School of Postgraduate. Results of makeup exams taken in scholar program will not be accepted. 4 研究生因故不能按时参加课程考核, 应在课程考核前一周办理缓考手续 申请缓考应由研究生本人提出书面报告, 经主讲教师和导师同意, 公共课报研究生院审批 ; 专业课由本学院主管领导审批并报研究生院备案 The student who cannot attend scheduled examinations for any reason should submit a request at least one week in advance explaining the reason of absence. Students should apply in written form and be admitted by the course lecturer, supervisor. For general courses, it should be approved by the School of Postgraduates; for major-specialty courses, it should be approved by the related school and be recorded by the School of Postgraduates. 5 硕士生学位课程考试不及格, 可申请重修 If students fail an exam, they can apply for retake the course. ( 二 ) 博士生课程考试 :Exams for Ph.D. Students 1 博士生必须通过课程考试, 成绩合格, 方可参加博士学位 ( 毕业 ) 论文答辩 Ph.D. students must take and pass course assessments in order to get the credits to be able to defend their thesis. 2 课程考试, 应按培养计划规定的时间进行, 可以采用笔试和口试的方式, 也可以采用专 题论文的方式进行 36

39 Course assessment should be taken in due time in written/oral test or thesis. 3 博士生必修课程考试不及格, 不得重修, 按 华南理工大学研究生管理规定 处理 If Ph.D. students fail an exam of a compulsory course, they are not allow retaking the course and will be treated according to relevant regulations. 五 学位论文及答辩 Dissertation and Oral Defense 1 留学生按培养计划完成全部学习任务, 提交学位论文, 并且硕士生在学时间不少于两年, 博士生在学时间不少于三年 According to the curriculum, students should finish all their studies and dissertation. Students of Masters level should study for at least two years while Ph.D. students for at least three years. 2 完成学位论文 经论文预答辩会 论文评审和学位论文答辩以确定论文的学术水平 论文答辩成绩按通过 不通过两级计分 The dissertation is assessed with Pass or Failed according to its performance in pre-defense, dissertation assessment and defense. 3 学位申请人通过学位论文答辩, 经学位评定分委员会审议通过报学位评定委员会批准, 可授予相应学位 After passing the defense and approved by the evaluation committees, a degree can be obtained. 六 毕业 结业与肄业 Graduation and Conferring of Degree 1 硕博留学生按培养计划的规定, 完成课程学习和必修环节, 成绩合格, 完成学位 ( 毕业 ) 论文并通过答辩的, 准予毕业并发给毕业证书 Students who have completed all degree courses and requirements, passed all exams, completed dissertation, and succeeded in the defense will receive graduation certificates. 2 硕博留学生通过培养计划规定的学习, 但学位 ( 毕业 ) 论文答辩未通过者, 准予结业, 发给结业证书 结业硕博留学生经学位论文答辩委员会同意, 可在一年内修改论文, 向学校申请补答辩一次 补答辩通过者换发毕业证书 ; 补答辩仍未通过者, 以后不得再补答辩 结业留学博士研究生中尚未取得硕士学位而达到硕士学位水平者, 可授予硕士学位, 并发给硕士研究生毕业证书 Students who have completed all required coursework but have failed in their thesis defense will be given a certificate only recognizing completion of their courses. Candidates who fail in their thesis defense may modify their thesis and apply for a second thesis defense with the approval of the thesis committee. Students who succeed in the second defense 37

40 will receive graduation diplomas. Those who fail the second time will not be allowed to try again. Doctorate candidates who do not fulfill the requirements of the doctorate but meet those of the master s may be awarded a master s degree. 3 符合学位授予条件者, 由学校颁发学位证书 Students who have met all degree requirements will be awarded the appropriate degree certificate. 七 学籍异动 Changes of Student Status 1 转学硕博留学生如确因专业不对口等原因, 可以申请转学 (1) 硕博留学生办理转学手续, 须由本人提出申请, 导师 就读学院 国际教育学院同意, 经研究生院审查, 报主管校长批准 (2) 硕博留学生转入其它学校者, 须经两校同意 ; 政府奖学金留学生还须由其大使馆及国家留学基金管理委员会批准 (3) 学生有下列情形之一, 不得转学 : 1 入学未满一学期者 ; 2 研究生二年级 ( 含二年级 ) 以上者 ; 3 应予以退学者 ; 4 无正当理由者 1. Transfer Postgraduate students generally should complete the course of study in the school in which they originally enrolled. If students cannot adapt themselves to the major study or continue their studies for a particular reason (such as illness or special difficulties), they may apply to transfer to another school or university. (1) Students intending to transfer should lodge an application, which needs approval by the relevant school, tutor, the postgraduates school and the specifically responsible president of the university. (2) If the student intends to transfer to another university, their transferring application must be approved by both universities. The students with government scholarship should also get the permission of the relevant embassy and China Scholarship Council. (3) Students in the following categories will not be allowed to transfer to another university: 1Students who have studied at the university for less than one term; 2Students who have studied at the university for more than one year; 3Students who are forced to leave the school; 4Students without valid reasons. 2 转专业 (1) 硕博留学生如有以下原因之一者, 可允许转专业 : 1 所学专业已作调整 ; 2 导师出国不归或调动工作, 且本专业无法调整安排 ; 3 经医院检查确认患有某种疾病或生理缺陷, 不宜在原专业学习, 但尚能在本校或其它培养单位的相近专业学习者 ; (2) 如确实因上述原因申请转专业者, 须按下列规定办理 : 38

41 在不同学科门类之间转专业, 需由学校学位评定委员会正副主席联名批准 ; 1 在同一学科门类内不同一级学科间转专业, 经国际教育学院审查, 研究生院审批后报主管校长批准 2 在一级学科内转专业, 经国际教育学院审查, 报研究生院批准 (3) 硕博留学生转专业, 如无转入专业相应的前一级学位, 需在导师安排下补修前一级学位的不少于 4 门专业主干课程 ( 学士学位 ) 或不少于 3 门专业必修课 ( 硕士学位 ), 并取得合格成绩, 方能参加研究生中期考核 (4) 转专业的硕博留学生在转入专业的课程学习和研究时间, 不得短于所在学科专业同期 ( 从转入时间算起 ) 的硕博留学生 因转专业而导致硕博留学生延长在校学习时间, 由此造成的相关费用由硕博留学生自筹解决 2. Changing majors (1)Postgraduate students who wish to change their major should be of one of the following cases: 1The arrangement of their original major of study has been altered; 2 Their supervisor has left their post or has not returned from abroad after a significant amount of time, and the situation cannot be readjusted or rearranged in the same major properly ; 3 The student suffers an ailment, physical defect, or other special cases which deter studies in their major but who would still be able to carry on studies in another major or school; (2)Students who meet one of these former conditions and wish to change majors should adhere to the following conditions: 1A student who wishes to change majors within the same school must get approval from both the president and the vice-president of the school s degree assessment committee. 2A student who wishes to change classes within the same major must get approval from both the School of International Education and the graduate school, and then apply to the head of their school. 3A student who wishes to change to a different major and school in the same discipline should get approval from the School of International Education and the graduate school. (3)Postgraduate students who have changed their major may undergo their postgraduate mid-studies assessment only after they have taken and passed at least four Bachelors level courses or three Master s level courses in that major under the guidance of their supervisor. (4)A student s period of study/research in a new major may not be shorter than that of their former major. If a student s period of study is prolonged due to a major transfer, any related excess fees are the responsibility of the student and/or their supervisor. 3 转导师导师因故无法继续指导 硕博留学生需转换导师的, 由硕博留学生本人提出申请, 陈述理由, 经转出 转入双方导师同意, 由就读学院主管领导批准, 报国际教育学院 研究生院备案 当硕博留学生与指导教师之间发生非学术性矛盾 ( 纠纷 ), 应由就读学院及时调解 若调解无效, 就读学院应提出解决建议或方案, 并报国际教育学院 研究生院和学校主管领导审批后执行 3. Changing supervisors If a situation arises in which an supervisor is unable to continue performing their mentoring role 39

42 adequately, then the students under that professor may request a new supervisor. Such students must submit an application stating the reasons for seeking a new supervisor, get the approval of both the original and proposed supervisor as well as the leaders of their school, and notify the School of International Education and the graduate school for their records. If personal disputes arise between a student and their supervisor, their school should serve as mediator in settling the conflict. If problems persist, the school should recommend a solution to solve the problem and then follow it after approval by the School of International Education and the leaders of the university. 4 休学与复学 Postponing and Resuming Studies 研究生因病或其它特殊情况, 可申请休学 硕博留学生有以下情形之一, 应当休学 : (1) 在一学期内请假或入医院治疗累计达 3 周以上者 ; (2) 经医院诊断为严重传染性疾病 ( 如肝炎 肺结核等 ) 者 ; (3) 因特殊原因需中断学业者 研究生休学期限一般为一学期, 特殊情况经同意可继续休学, 但休学时间累计不得超过两年 Students may apply for leave from their studies due to illness or other special reasons. Students in the following categories should take leave from school: (1) The student who requires hospital treatment for three or more weeks; (2) The student who has been diagnosed with a serious contagious illness (such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.); (3) The student who needs to discontinue their studies for some acknowledged reason. Leave time of postgraduate students is generally limited to one term. With the school approval, leave can be granted for longer periods, but the total leave time may not exceed two years. 5 退学 Dismissal from the University 硕博留学生有下列情况之一者, 应予以退学 : (1) 未经请假批准, 逾期两周未注册而又无正当事由者 ; (2) 在学校规定年限内 ( 含休学 ) 未完成学业者 ; (3) 休学期满, 在学校规定期限内未提出复学申请或者申请复学经复查不合格者 ; (4) 经考核认为不宜继续培养者, 或学位 ( 毕业 ) 论文工作明显表现出科研能力差的 ; (5) 经学校指定医院诊断, 患有精神病 癫痫病 麻疯 夜游症以及其它疾病或者意外伤残无法继续在校学习者 ; (6) 未经批准连续两周不参加学校规定的教学活动者 ; (7) 本人申请退学者 5. Students in the following categories will be subject to dismissal from the university: (1) Students who do not register within two weeks of the start of the term without valid excuse; (2) Students who do not complete their studies in the expected time period (leave time included); (3) Students who do not follow the necessary procedures and/or timetable for resuming interrupted studies or whose application to resume studies is rejected; (4) Students who are deemed unfit to continue their studies upon receiving poor assessment results or displaying weak aptitude for scientific research towards their thesis; 40

43 (5) Students who are injured or disabled such that they cannot carry on normal studies; (6) Students who do not attend classes and/or compulsory activities for two or more weeks without permission; (7) Students who apply to leave the university themselves. 41

44 学籍系统使用指导 User Guide of Student Study Portal 本科教务管理系统 Undergraduate Student Study Portal 国际学生服务管理平台 International Student Management Service Platform 42

45 一 本科教务管理系统 Undergraduate Student Study Portal 此系统开放为所有中文授课类专业本科生使用 ( 除汉语国际教育 越南 2+2 交换项目本科生 ) The portal is open to all international students within Chinese-medium undergraduate programme to use (except for students major in Chinese as a Foreign Language programme and Vietnamese exchange student programme). 1 登录 Login 打开华南理工大学本科教务管理系统网址 填写用户名 密码和验证码 ( 用户名为学号, 初始密码为护照号后六位 ), 选择 学生 后登录 Click in the website of Undergraduate Student Study Portal The username: Student number, the last six numbers of your passport number as the initial password, and verification code. After that, choose 学生 to login. 2 进入首页 Home Page 3 点击 网上选课 可以看到下拉列表进行选课, 点击学生选课, 可查看本学期已选的课程 ; 点击体育选课, 可进行本学期体育的选择 ; 点击校公选课, 可以选择本学期的校公选课 ; 点击重修或补修选课, 可以进行重修或补修的报名 ; 点击辅修报名, 可以选择辅修课程并进行报名 Select course in the drop-down list by clicking in 网上选课 button; choose 学生选课 to check your selected courses this semester; choose 校公选课 to check your public courses 43

46 selected this semester; choose 重修或补修选课 to apply for repeating a course; choose 辅修 报名 to apply for your minors. 4 每学期末, 学校将要求学生进行教学质量评价 点击 教学质量评价, 可以对该学期 所学课程进行评价 Click in 教学质量评价 to evaluate each course at the end of each semester. 5 点击信息维护, 可以查看个人信息以及进行密码的修改 Click in 信息维护 to check your personal information and change your initial password. 6 点击 信息查询, 选择个人学生课表, 可以查看该学期课程表 ; 选择 学生课程成绩, 可以查询该学期最新成绩 ; 选择 成绩查询, 选择对应的年度和学期, 可以查看学生所有的成绩 Select course in the drop-down list after clicking in 信息查询 button; choose 个人学生课表 to check your courses timetable for this semester; choose 学生课程成绩 to check your marks for this semesters; choose 成绩查询 to check all your marks according to semesters and years. 7 点击留言板, 可以在线上留言提问题, 教师会第一时间通过网上回复 Click in 留言板 to raise questions online where teachers will reply as soon as possible. 8 使用教务管理系统结束后, 可以通过点击右上方的 安全退出 退出系统 Click in 安全退出 to log off at the right corner of webpage. 44

47 二 国际学生服务管理平台 International Student Management Service Platform 此系统开放为所有华南理工大学留学生使用 The portal is open to all international students at South China University of Technology to use. 点击进入 点击 成绩查询 模块, 进入成绩查询界面 使用学号和密码 ( 初始密码为 YYYYMMDD 形式的系统登记的学生出生日期 ), 同时可以根据需要, 自行选择系统语言 Go to click query results and then direct to result query page. Login with student number and initial password ( YYYYMMDD : Date of birth).students can choose their preferred language as well. 45

48 登录后, 学生可自行查看考试成绩与缺席情况, 并且下载打印成绩单 It is available to check results and download official transcripts. 46

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