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1 2016 5, 23(3): Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 研究论文 DOI: /SP.J PepT1 闫潇, 杨丽萍, 郑文佳, 孙君君, 卢荣华, 聂国兴, 摘要 : (PepT1) (Cyprinus carpio L.), PCR PepT1 cdna, Rosetta,, PepT1 (Oryctolagus cuniculus), PepT1 ELISA, PepT1, PCR PepT1, 28 kd; PepT1 PepT1, ; PepT1,, PepT1, PepT1 PepT1, PepT1 : ; PepT1; ; ; 中图分类号 : S917 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : (2016) (peptide transporter, PepT1) H + PepT1,,, (β ) [1] [2 5], 1992, Verri [6] (Anguilla anguilla) (brush border membrane, BBM), H + /Gly-Gly, (Oreochromis spp.) [7] (Sebastes caurinus) (Chionodraco hamatus) [8] BBM H + / Verri [9] 2003 (Danio rerio) PepT1 cdna, PepT1,,, (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) [10] (Dicentrarchus labrax) [11] (Gadus morhua L.) [12] (Cyprinus carpio L.) [13] (Siniperca chuatsi) [14] (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) [15] [9] [12] [10] [11] PepT1, PCR, Western blot PepT1 [16], PepT1 cdna 收稿日期 : ; 修订日期 : 基金项目 : (14IRTSTHN013). 作者简介 : (1986 ),,. 通信作者 :,.

2 [17], PepT1, PepT1, PCR PepT1, PepT pmd 19-T-PepT1 (198 bp) PepT1, Primer Premier ( PepT1 F1: 5 -GCAGCCTCAG TCAAAGCA-3, PepT1 R1: 5 -ACAG CCACCAGGAGACAT-3 ) ( ) Trizol RNA, cdna cdna, PCR : 95 3 min; s, s, 72 2 min 15 s, 32 ; min, 4 PCR 1.0 % UNIQ-10 / (, ) DNA pgem-t (PROMEGA, ), E.coli JM109 PCR, PepT1, (BepiPred 1.0), (393~458 aa), PepT1 (198 bp), : 5 -ACAGTCCCCAACTTCCCATCAAGCTCT CAAACCCAGGTGAAGTTCCTGAACTTGGAGA ACACACCAGTGCCTGTTGTAGTGGAGGGGCA AGAACCGTTTGTTGTTCCTGGTTTTAATTCCT CTAATAATTATATGACACTGGACACTGAGAAC GTTACGGTCTCTGCTGGAGGAAGAGACGCTA CAGCTTACTTCCAG-3 Primer Premier ( BamH I EcoR I ): PepT1-F2: 5 -CGGGATCCACAGTCCCCAAC- 3 (BamH I) PepT1-R2: 5 -CGGAATTCTCACTGGAAGTA AGCTG-3 (EcoR I) BamH I EcoR I PepT1-F2 PepT1-R2, BamH I EcoR I pgem-t- PepT1, 25 µl : cdna 2.5 µl, PepT1-F1 1 µl, PepT1-R1 1 µl, dntp Mix 1 µl, 10 Taq Plus DNA Buffer 2.5 µl, Taq Plus DNA 0.3 µl, ddh 2 O 16.7 µl 94 3 min, s, s, 72 1 min, 32 ; min, 4 BamH I EcoR I PCR Amplification Kit PCR 1%, pmd 19-T, E.coli JM109, Plasmid Mini Kit I (OMEGA, ) pmd 19-T- PepT1 (198 bp) 1.2 pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) pmd 19-T-PepT1 (198 bp) pet-32a(+) BamH I EcoR I, 37, PepT1 (198 bp), E.coli Rosetta,, 1.3 pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) LB, 37, 200 r/min OD ~0.6, 1 mmol/l -β-d- (IPTG), 37, 200 r/min 8~10 h 5000 r/min 3 min,, ddh 2 O, ml Eppendorf 10 min, 5000 r/min 30 s 35 μl,

3 3 : PepT1 515 IPTG pet-32a(+), SDS-PAGE 0.3 mol/l KCl,, ddh 2 O, (1 d),, 200 mg 3 ml,,, 1.4 ( 400 µg/ml), ( 3 kg) 1 2 (SIGMA, ), 300 µg,, 3 4 (SIGMA, ), 200 µg, 4 8 d ( 1 d), 2 h, 4,,, 4 ELISA, PepT1, 1% 0.1% Tween20 PBS,, IgG- HRP (HRP conjugated), (Thermo), ( ) ( ), 450 nm : / 2.0, 1.5 PepT1 6, (80.0±0.5) g, 24 h, 6, 80, PepT1 6, 5 µm 1 %, ( DAB ) PBS Zeiss 1.6 PepT1 PCR (SYBR Premix Ex Taq TM II,, ), PrimerQuest, PepT1 (GenBank : AEX ) PepT1, β-actin (GenBank : JQ ) β-actin ( 1) Trizol 6 RNA, cdna,, PepT1-F3 PepT1-R min; s, s, 72 2 min, 33 ; min, 4 1.0%,,, PCR PepT1, 20 µl 表 1 鲤 PepT1 荧光定量引物参数 Tab. 1 Parameters of q-pcr primer pairs of PepT1 gene (5 3 ) primer sequence(5 3 ) /bp product PepT1 PepT1-F3: AATGCTGGCAGTCTTCTCTCCACT 144 PepT1-R3: TGCGATGAACACAATGAGGGCAAC 144 β-actin Actin+: GACTTCGAGCAGGAGATGG 138 Actin : CAAGAAGGATGGCTGGAACA 138,, 1.0% C T, 2 CT ( 2 CT CT 目的基因管家基因 ),

4 PepT1 mrna β-actin SPSS18.0 for windows one-way ANOVA LSD ± ( x ±SE) PepT1 RNA, RT-PCR PepT1 cdna,, PepT1-F PepT1-R bp ( 1) pet-32a(+), IPTG pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) Rosetta, SDS-PAGE, 28 kd ( 3) 2.4 PepT1 PepT1 OD ( 2), 1 PepT1 PCR 1, 2: PepT1 PCR ; M: 2000 bp DNA ladder. Fig. 1 Gel electrophoresis pattern of PepT1 PCR product Lane 1 and 2: PepT1 PCR product; M: 2000 bp DNA ladder. 2.2 pet-32a(+)-pept1(198 bp) PepT1 (198 bp) pmd TM 19-T Vector, pmd 19-T-PepT1 (198bp) BamH I EcoR I, pet-32a(+), pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) BamH I BamH I EcoR I ( 2), 1% 6000 bp (1 ), 6000 bp 198 bp (2 ), PepT1 pet-32a(+), pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) 2.3 IPTG pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) 2 pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) 1: pet-32a(+)-pept1(198 bp) ; 2: pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) ; M: 1 kb DNA ladder. Fig. 2 Electrophoresis analysis of pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp) recombinant plasmid Lane 1: single digest of pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp); Lane 2: double digest of pet-32a(+)-pept1 (198 bp); M: 1 kb DNA ladder. 3 PepT1 SDS-PAGE 1: pet32a(+) E.coli Rosetta ; 2: IPTG ; 3 4: IPTG ; M: marker. Fig. 3 SDS-PAGE pattern for the recombinant PepT1 Lane 1: E.coli Rosetta with pet32a(+); 2: E.coli Rosetta without IPTG inducement. 3, 4: E.coli Rosetta induced by IPTG; M: protein molecular weight marker (low).

5 第3期 闫潇等: 鲤肠道小肽转运载体 PepT1 多克隆抗体的制备及其组织表达分析 表2 Tab ELISA 测定 PepT1 抗体效价 Antibody titer of PepT1 by ELISA 序号 order number 项目 item 稀释倍数 dilution 处理组 treatment 阴性对照 negative control 空白对照 blank control 处理组/对照组 treatment/negative control 计算处理组/阴性对照组的光吸收比值, 当稀释倍 数达到 时, 比值为 2.78, 在稀释至 倍数下, 比值为 1.71 因此, 判定 PepT1 抗血清 的效价为 PepT1 在鲤不同组织中的表达分析 利用制备的 PepT1 多克隆抗体, 采用免疫组 织化学方法, 观察 PepT1 蛋白在鲤前肠 中肠 后肠 肝胰脏 脾和肾中的表达情况 肠道组织 的实验结果见图 4 阳性染色呈现棕黄色, 且从刷 状缘绒毛基部到顶部逐渐加强, 主要位于中部和 尖端 PepT1 蛋白在鲤前肠和中肠刷状缘上阳性染 色明显, 后肠刷状缘阳性染色较浅且稀疏; 在脾 肝胰脏和肾中也可观察到阳性染色见图 5 肝胰 脏 脾 肾中阳性染色液同样呈现棕黄色, 其中, 肾的阳性颜色在近端小管刷状缘膜上有广泛分布 利用荧光实时定量 PCR 检测 PepT1 在鲤各 组织中的表达情况, 结果显示: PepT1 在鲤前肠 中肠 后肠 脾 肾和肝胰脏中均有表达 在前 肠 中 表 达 量 最 高 (P<0.05), 其 次 是 中 肠 (P<0.05), 在脾中表达量最少(图 6) 3 图4 鲤前肠 中肠 后肠 PepT1 表达的免疫组织化学 检测结果 a c e 分别代表前肠 中肠和后肠免疫阳性染色; b d f 分别代表前肠 中肠 后肠的阴性对照染色. 讨论 抗体具有较高的选择性和亲和性, 可识别不 同结构, 是营养生理学研究中免疫组化 Western blot 分析的一种重要工具 对于高通量的抗体制 Fig. 4 Immunohistochemistry detection of PepT1 in proximal intestine, middle intestine and distal intestine of Cyprinus Carpio L. a, c, e: the positive staining in proximal intestine, middle intestine and distal intestine, respectively; b, d, f: negative control staining of proximal intestine, middle intestine and distal intestine by omitting primary antibody. 备而言, 抗原的获得是其中关键的限速步骤 现 个氨基酸残基组成的多肽, 免疫家兔制备抗体, 研 阶段抗原的获得方法有以下几种: (1) 抗原提取 究绿豆抗氰呼吸与交替氧化酶表达关系 (3) 基因 [18] 从青虾血淋巴中离心得到青虾 工程抗原 基因工程抗原一般分原核表达和真核 血蓝蛋白, 经纯化后免疫家兔制备了多克隆抗 表达, 一般是将想要表达的抗原插入表达载体(如 体 (2) 人工合成的多肽 主要有液相法 固相 pet 表达载体)中, 导入工程菌如大肠杆菌 BL21 剂 孙盛明等 法和酶促合成法 李驰峻等 [19] 用固相法合成由 12 等, 通过大量的表达获得大量的抗原, 韩凌霞

6 518 中国水产科学 第 23 卷 等 [20] 以 重 组 质 粒 pgem-mdgi 在 大 肠 杆 菌 BL21 中表达马利克氏病病毒特超强毒 648A 株 的 囊 膜 糖 蛋 白 I(gI) 完 整 基 因, 免 疫 小 鼠 制 备 单克隆抗体 杨晓冰等 [21] 将家蚕细胞自噬相关 蛋白 Bm ATG8 的 354 bp 编码区序列连入 pet32a(+) 质粒中并转化 E. coli Rosseta 菌株, 继而诱导表达 重组 Bm ATG8 蛋白, 免疫新西兰大白兔获得多 克隆抗血清 本研究中采用基因工程制备抗原, 由于鲤 PepT1 属于典型的跨膜蛋白, 组织含量低且具有 12 个跨膜域, 所以不能有效地进行分离纯化, 体 外表达大量具有生物活性的 PepT1 全长抗原蛋白 也具有一定难度, 这成了制备 PepT1 抗体的技术 瓶颈 本实验在 PepT1 全长基因上选取了一段具 有免疫原性长度为 198 bp 的片段, 构建到表达载 体 pet-32a(+)上, 得到重组表达质粒, 通过大肠 图5 鲤肝胰脏 脾 肾 PepT1 表达的免疫组织化学 检测结果 a, c, e 分别代表肝胰脏 脾 肾免疫阳性染色; b, d, f 分别代 表肝胰脏 脾 肾的阴性对照染色. Fig. 5 Immunohistochemistry detection of PepT1 in liver, spleen and kidney of Cyprinus Carpio L. a, c, e: the positive staining in liver, spleen and kidney tissues, respectively; b, d, f: negative control staining of liver, spleen and kidney tissues by omitting primary antibody. 杆菌离体表达系统体外表达出大小约为 28 kd 的 融合蛋白, 成功制备了特异性强 效价高的 PepT1 抗体 同时, 鲤 PepT1 氨基酸序列和斑马鱼的相 似性最高达 80.9%[13], 表明 PepT1 具有较高的保 守性 因此本实验制备的 PepT1 抗体亦可用于其 他鱼类 PepT1 的表达研究 同时, 本实验用包含 抗原决定簇的小肽片段替代完整蛋白质抗原, 成 功制备了能够识别完整蛋白的抗体, 因此, 这一 基于抗原决定簇的抗体制备技术为一些难以获得 足量抗原的抗体制备提供了一种可选方案, 也可 以为其他功能性蛋白的性质和表达研究提供思路 本研究中免疫组化染色结果显示鲤 PepT1 蛋 白在前肠和中肠阳性染色较后肠明显, 且石斑鱼 研究结果显示, PepT1 蛋白主要存在于肠道 BBM, 阳性染色沿着小肠绒毛从基部到顶部逐渐加强, 主要位于绒毛的中部和尖端 [22] 这与本研究结果 相一致 除肠道存在 PepT1 蛋白表达外, 脾 肝 胰脏和肾中也呈现阳性染色 表明鲤肠道对小肽 图6 各组织 PepT1 mrna 的相对表达量 不同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05). Fig. 6 The circadian rhythm on the relative abundance PepT1 mrna in foregut, midgut, hindgut, spleen, kidney, and hepatopancreas of Cyprinus carpio L. Different letters of the same tissue indicate difference at 0.05 level among treatments. 的吸收主要集中在前肠和中肠, 提示前肠和中肠 是小肽吸收的主要部位 肠道是最大的消化器官, 也是蛋白代谢的主要场所, 不断地进行着蛋白 质 氨基酸和肽类的转运活动 而在脾 肝胰脏 和肾中也有表达, 笔者认为这 3 种组织代谢旺盛

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9 3 : PepT1 521 Preparation of the antibody and tissue distribution of the peptide transporter PepT1 in Cyprinus carpio L. YAN Xiao, YANG Liping, ZHENG Wenjia, SUN Junjun, LU Ronghua, NIE Guoxing College of Fisheries, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang , China Abstract: The lack of a PepT1 antibody for fish has hindered analysis of PepT1 protein expression by immune tissue chemistry or western blot. We analyzed the expression and distribution of PepT1 in Cyprinus carpio L. at the transcriptional and protein levels. The immunogenic cdna of PepT1 was obtained by PCR and the fragments were inserted into a pet-32a (+) Vector and transformed into Escherichia coli Rosetta. The target polypeptide was expressed after induction with 1 IPTG. The molecular weight of the recombinant protein was measured by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The purified PepT1 recombinant protein was used to immunize New Zealand long-eared rabbits by ear vein injection combined with subcutaneous injection for 38 d to obtain rabbit anti carp PepT1 polyclonal antibody. Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to evaluate the antibody titers, immunohistochemistry was used to check the tissue expression of PepT1, and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR was used to evaluate the expression of PepT1 at the transcriptional level. The molecular weight of the target polypeptide was ~28 kda, and the antibody titer was , suggesting that activity was high. The PepT1 protein was expressed in the foregut, midgut, hindgut, spleen, hepatopancreas, and kidneys. The level of expression was remarkably higher in the foregut and midgut than in other tissues, which may be due to their roles in absorption of peptides during digestion. The positive immune staining region in the renal tissue was obvious and clear, and consistent with short peptides being re-absorbed by PepT1 distributed on the renal tubular basement membrane. Additionally, the PepT1 transporter was also expressed in the hepatopancreas and spleen, both metabolically active tissues in carp. In conclusion, the rabbit anti-carp PepT1 polyclonal antibody prepared in this study can effectively identify PepT1 from different tissues of carp. The expression pattern of PepT1 is similar to that at the transcriptional level. Our results provide a foundation for study of the structure and function of PepT1 at both the molecular and protein levels in carp. Additionally, we provide a basis for analysis of the relationship between small peptide absorption and protein metabolism. The antibody described here will be an important tool for localization and quantitative research of PepT1 in related fish such as Carassius auratus, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, that belong to the family Cyprinidae or even in Cypriniformes. Key words: Cyprinus carpio L.; prokaryotic expression; antibody titer; tissue distribution Corresponding author: NIE Guoxing.


标题 吉林农业大学学报 2016 38 1 87 91 Journal of Jilin Agricultural University http xuebao jlau edu cn E mail jlndxb vip sina com 神 经 生 长 因 子 mrna 在 鹅 等 级 前 卵 泡 中 的 表达 刘璐璐 隋玉健 朱海洋 武惠岩 杨 辉 孙永峰 吉林农业大学动物科学技术学院 长春 130118

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