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1 When Therapeutic Science Meets Culinary Art Introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine to the Culinary Offerings of Captain s Table. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is fast gaining popularity and has been widely acclaimed as an answer to the rising medical costs in the 21st century. Among the 300 types of traditional medicines practiced by different races, Chinese Medicine has emerged as the most systematic and well documented. TCM comprises a wide range of herbal medicines, devices, massage techniques and diets which has been used as a mainstream or alternative to medical health systems in over 160 countries. As part of Raffles Marina s quest for continuous improvement and to enhance the dining experiences for our guests, Captain s Table is proud to introduce this nutritious and exclusive menu with 12 extraordinary Traditional Chinese Medicated diets. These have been carefully selected, specially formulated and exclusively prepared by Captain s Table, Master Chef Chong Kwek Leong in collaboration with registered TCM practitioner, Dr Clement Ng Shin Kiat. The menus which includes the unique ingredients and health benefits of each creation is available for lunch and dinner at Captain s Table. Enjoy the beautiful marina views and sunset while you indulge in the comfort of the restaurant. Dr Clement S.K. Ng is a registered TCM practitioner as well as a respected trainer and consultant since 2009 and has a PhD in Medicine (TCM) Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and an MBA in Strategic Management from Nanyang Business School, NTU. Dr Ng also has a vast knowledge and experience in training and consulting and is well versed in the areas of Chronic Diabetes Management, Stroke and Paralysis Management, Infertility, Impotence and Prostrate related issues, Sleeping, Eczema and Skin Disorders.


3 1. 参芪三七炖鸡汤 Astragalus, Ginseng and Panax Chicken Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 嫩鸡 Chicken, 黄芪 Astragalus, 花旗参 American Ginseng, 三七 Notoginseng, 红枣 Red Dates, 枸杞子 Wolfberries. 功效; Benefits 活血补虚, 养阴益气 Nourishes the heart Qi, improves myocardial blood supply, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. 应用; Recommendations 可作为早期冠心病, 心绞痛, 胸痛, 及对产妇去瘀生新非常有效的保健膳食 Suitable for patrons with early coronary artery disease, angina, chest pain and help purging of maternal stasis. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $16 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


5 2. 参芪猪肉汤 Codonopsis and Astragalus Pork Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 党参 Codonopsis, 黄芪 Astragalus, 茯苓 Poria, 玉米须 Corn Silk, 白术 Atractylodes, 瘦猪肉 Pork. 功效; Benefits 疏肝健脾, 益气利尿 Soothes the liver system, invigorates spleen Qi and promotes urination. 应用; Recommendations 肝郁脾虚者 可作为早期肝硬化证, 高血压, 糖尿病的保健膳食 Can be used as medicated diet for patron with early cirrhosis syndrome, hypertension and diabetes. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $16 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


7 3. 芪山猪瘦肉汤 Astragalus, Chinese Yam with Pork and Barley Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 瘦猪肉 Pork, 薏米 Barley, 黄芪 Astragalus, 怀山药 Chinese Yam. 功效 ; Benefits 益气健脾, 润燥止渴 Nourishes the spleen Qi, moistens and quenches thirst. 应用; Recommendations 适宜于中气不足, 气不化津而致气津两虚的糖尿病的保健膳食 A medicated diet suitable for patrons with pectoral Qi deficiency and diabetic. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $16 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


9 4. 当归黄芪猪蹄汤 Angelica and Astragalus Trotters Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 当归 Angelica, 黄芪 Astragalus, 猪蹄 Trotters, 红枣 Red Dates. 功效 ; Benefits 补血, 补气, 养颜 Nourishes and enhances Qi, blood and beauty. 应用; Recommendations 气虚乏力, 血虚, 皮肤干燥敏感 Suitable for patron with Qi deficiency, fatigue, anemia and dry sensitive skin. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $16 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


11 5. 莲藕葛根郁金瘦肉汤 Lotus, Arrowroot and Radix Curcumae Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 瘦肉 Pork, 莲藕 Lotus, 葛根 Arrowroot, 郁金 Radix Curcumae, 赤小豆 Red Bean, 红枣 Red Dates. 功效 ; Benefits 健脾利湿, 消肿解郁 Addresses spleen dampness, swelling and stagnation. 应用; Recommendations 对水肿型肥胖的女性尤其适合, 除了可以消水肿也有补血作用, 而葛根的丰富胶质是天然的植物胶原 Suitable for patron with oedema and obesity, particularly suitable for women. In addition, the diet is rich with natural plant collagen. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $16 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


13 6. 海参羊肉汤 Mutton with Sea Cucumber Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 羊肉 Mutton, 海参 Sea Cucumber, 枸杞子 Wolfberries. 功效 ; Benefits 补肾壮阳, 养血润燥 Nourishes kidney yang and blood, with moistening ability. 应用; Recommendations 对肾阳虚衰, 阳萎, 腰膝酸软, 耳鸣, 精神萎靡虚损劳弱者很好的的保健膳食 Suitable for patron with deficiency of kidney yang, impotence, weak limbs, tinnitus, listlessness with general deficiency. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $18 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


15 7. 西芹天麻炒香菇片 Fried Celery, Tianma and Mushrooms 原料 ; Ingredients 西芹 Celery, 天麻 Tianma (Gastrodia Elata), 香菇 Mushrooms 枸杞子 Wolfberries. 功效; Benefits 平肝清热, 益气和血 Harmonises the liver system, and nourishes the Qi and blood. 应用; Recommendations 肝阳上亢的头痛, 眩晕 可作为高血压, 高脂血症, 动脉硬化, 神经衰弱患者的保健膳食 Suitable for patrons with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and neurasthenia. 价钱 ; Prices Small Medium Large $20 $30 $40 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


17 8. 核桃仁炒韭菜黑猪肉 Fried Walnuts, Chives with Sliced Kurobuta Pork 原料 ; Ingredients 核桃仁 Walnuts, 黑猪肉 Kurobuta Pork, 韭菜白 Chives. 功效; Benefits 补肾强阳, 温固肾气 Nourishes kidney and strengthens the yang, consolidates the kidney system Qi. 应用; Recommendations 肾阳不足之, 乏力, 肾气不固之遗精, 带下等 Suitable for patron with kidney yang deficiency syndrome such as fatigue, nocturnal emission and vaginal discharge. 价钱; Prices Small Medium Large $28 $40 $52 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


19 9. 黄精焖猪蹄 Stewed Pork Shank with Polygonatum Sibiricum 原料 ; Ingredients 黄精 Polygonatum Sibiricum, 猪蹄 Pork Shank. 功效 ; Benefits 养脾阴, 益心肺 Improves the spleen yin, benefits the heart and lungs. 应用; Recommendations 阴虚体质的平时调养及心脾阴血不足所致的食少, 失眠等症 Suitable for patron with weak constitution and a medicated diet to improve appetite and insomnia. 价钱; Prices Small Medium Large $28 $48 $68 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


21 10. 竹笋冬瓜焖生鱼 Braised Toman Fish with Bamboo Shoots and Winter Melon 原料 ; Ingredients 生鱼 Toman Fish, 竹笋 Bamboo Shoots, 冬瓜 Winter Melon, 生姜 Ginger, 红枣 Red Dates. 功效; Benefits 祛湿降浊, 健脾利水 Purges dampness, strengthens the spleen and improves diuresis. 应用; Recommendations 适用于身重困倦, 小便短小, 高血压 Suitable for heaviness and dampness in the body, anuria. and high blood pressure. 价钱; Prices Small Medium Large $30 $48 $60 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


23 11. 干煸天麻生鱼 Gastrodia with Toman Fish 原料 ; Ingredients 生鱼 Toman Fish, 天麻 Tianma (Gastrodia Elata), 钩藤 Uncaria, 枸杞子 Wolfberries. 功效; Benefits 平肝熄风, 改善记忆力, 延缓衰老 Calms the liver system, improves memory, and promotes anti-aging. 应用; Recommendations 适宜记忆力衰退, 头痛, 高血压, 睡眠质地差的保健膳食 Suitable for patron suffering from memory loss, headaches, high blood pressure and poor sleep. 价钱; Prices Small Medium Large $38 $50 $64 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


25 12. 阿胶红豆沙 Asini Gelatinum with Red Bean Soup 原料 ; Ingredients 阿胶 Asini Gelatinum, 红豆 Red Bean, 红枣 Red Dates, 枸杞子 Wolfberries. 功效 ; Benefits 补血养颜, 滋阴润燥, 健脾益气 Nourishes skin, blood, yin and spleen Qi. 应用; Recommendations 适宜体质虚弱, 缺血, 贫血及免疫力差的人群, 还能养颜抗衰 Suitable for patron with weak constitution, ischemia, anaemia and poor immunity. Promotes anti-ageing. 价钱; Price Per Bowl $30 All prices are subject to prevailing GST. 10% surcharge is applicable to non-members. No added MSG or Heavy Lard. All dishes are cooked in vegetable oil.


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