Microsoft Word - 因應STCW_2010新增適任能力要求之策略_1021.docx

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1 因應 STCW 2010 新增適任能力要求之策略 俞克維國立高雄海洋科技大學 STCW 公約規定各國應依該公約 Article 第 Ⅳ 條及規則 Regulation I/7 資料遞送之規定, 舉凡有關船員教育 考試 訓練 發證 當值 適任能力標準等資料提交 IMO 秘書長轉送各專家 Competent Persons 審查後再由秘書長提報海事安全委員會 (Maritime Safety Committee, MSC) 確認後認定 STCW 2010 公約將於 強制實施, 並於公約章程中要求各國的海事教育必須於 起開始實施新的教育內涵 因我國目前仍然實施徵兵制度, 因此各海勤類的新課程實施日期勢必受到影響, 分析如下 : 航海類科 航海類科的學生於 入學之新生, 在校完成 3+1 的教育課程及海上實習之後, 預計於 2016 年畢業並開始服役, 於 2017 年可以投入海勤工作 輪機類科 由於適任能力較多且海勤資歷的要求增加為 12 個月, 輪機類科的學制變更為 4+1( 或 ) 此時將面臨 入學之新生必須到 2019 年才可以符合 STCW 2010 公約, 輪機部門的人力供應將產生斷層 年度科系 航海 (3+1) 輪機 (4+1) 輪機 ( ) 大一大二大三 完成實習取得適任證書 大一大二大三大四 大一大二大三 大四開始實習 開始服役 完成實習取得適任證書完成實習取得適任證書開始服役 2017 ( 公約強制實施 ) 役畢 投入海勤 開始服役 2017 年中役畢 投入海勤 2018 役畢 投入海勤 1

2 因此, 各海事校院必須提前至 2012 年級開始實施新制, 各校課程必需在此之前完成交通部要求國際海事認證機構之認證程序 此外, 交通部辦理之航海人員考試亦將於 開始實施, 目前依據交通部之要求考試科目的對照與學分證明的核發均需經過國際海事認證機構之海事教育認證 依據 STCW 2010 之適任能力要求, 在現有的校內課程必須增補以下課程 : 課程名稱堂課學分數訓練時數系別 駕駛台資源管理 2 學分 36 小時 1 天 8 小時航海 電子海圖與資料顯示系統 (ECDIS) 1 領導與統御技巧 基本保安技能訓練 2 學分 36 小時 2 機艙資源管理 2 學分 36 小時 2 天 16 小時航海 2 學分 36 小時航海 2 學分 36 小時 3 天 24 小時輪機 航海 輪機 此外, 於 2002 年起, 交通部派員赴印尼 緬甸 越南 菲律賓等船員供應國進行公約規則 I/6 訓練及評估審查, 並與該國家簽訂 MoU 協議, 交通部依據規則 I/10 證書之認可規定核發外國籍船員之認可證書 (Certificate of Endorsement, COE) 另一方面, 自 2001 年起, 白名單國家馬紹爾群島 賴比瑞亞 巴拿馬亦派員來我國進行規則 I/6 訓練及評估審查, 在通過符合公約 Code Section A I//10 證書之認可條件及程序後, 依照 IMO MSC Circ 950 規定陸續與我國交通部簽訂 MoU 協議, 直接發予我國船員該國之適任證書 (Certificate of Competency, COC); 同時期, 百慕達 英國 新加坡 香港 義大利 貝里斯等白名單國家亦派員來我國進行相同的評估通過後, 亦發予我國船員該國之適任證書 (Certificate of Competency, COC) 上述之 MoU 協議, 均將屆滿十年之效期, 即將面臨重新議定續 1 高雄海洋科技大學之航海系現行課程已涵蓋 領導與統御技巧 之適任能力, 該系不另行開設 此課程 2 高雄海洋科技大學之輪機工程系初步決議將機艙資源管理與領導統御技巧合併為 : 機艙資源 與團隊管理 開設 2 學分課程, 並外加 3 天船員訓練中心模擬機訓練課程 2

3 約的工作, 而此項議定工作必須立基於我國已公告完整實施 STCW 2010 教育及訓練發證之制度 有鑑於此, 各校必須在 前完成所有課程認證事宜, 我國交通部的履約文件亦須於 2013 年實施新制教育訓練課程之前完成, 俾利我國能與 2013 年 IMO 即將公告一份完全符合新約的 List of Parties 同步公告, 以便利我國海事教育制度的存續與海運事業的發展 我國海事教育歷經 STCW 95 的洗禮, 在眾多先進的犧牲奉獻下, 終於使我國的海勤人才培育制度被世界各國認同, 其中藉由 ISO 品質管理系統 STCW 海事教育認證 獨立評估 遞送履約文件 等等的作為, 更是使我國海事教育與海運事業得以持續發展的重要內涵 面對 STCW 2010 馬尼拉修正案即將實施, 更企盼產 官 學各界先進繼續努力 提早因應, 共同凝聚智慧的結晶, 為我國的海運事業再開創一個新的世紀 時間點事件公約章程 公約生效 STCW Manila amendments 船員休息時間變更同 UN ILO MLC 2006 之規定 前完成海事教育課程認證我國時程 交通部辦理航海人員考試海事校院開始實施新制課程 我國時程 前完成我國履約文件我國時程 公約規定教育訓練課程開始採用新制 Regulation I/15 保全訓練 1. security-awareness training Regulation VI/ security duties training Regulation VI/6 3. ship security officers Regulation VI/ STCW 2010 公約強制實施 Regulation I/15 3

4 因應 STCW 公約 2010 修正案增修船員專業訓練之參訓及核 ( 換 ) 發證資格 ( 草案 ) 壹 參訓及發證資格 項次 訓 練 項 目公費班參訓資格自費班參訓資格結訓發證資格 四項基本安全熟悉訓練 safety familiarization and basic training ( 包含人員求生技能 防火及滅火 基礎急救 人員安全及社會責任等 4 項 ) (personal survival techniques,fire prevention and fire fighting,elementar y first aid,personal safety and social responsibilities) 救生艇筏及救難艇操縱訓練 Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats 進階滅火訓練 Advanced fire fighting 醫療急救訓練 Medical first aid 船員 1. ; 及 2. 具 3 個月以上海勤資歷或具服務海軍各型艦艇 6 個月以上資歷證明文件 4 1. 船員 ; 或船員 2. 國內海事校院航輪系科在校學生 ; 或 3. 乙級船員養成訓練班學員 ; 或 4. 一般民眾 1. 領有基本四項領有基本四項訓訓練證書之船練證書之船員員 ; 及 2. 領有甲級船員資格文件 1. ; 及 2. 領有一 二等甲級船員或三等航行員資格文件 1. ; 及 2. 具 6 個月以上海勤資歷或具服務海軍各型艦艇 6 個月以上資歷證明文件

5 船上醫護訓練 medical care 操作級雷達及 ARPA 訓練 Radar navigation, radar plotting and use of ARPA 管理級雷達及 ARPA 訓練 Radar, ARPA, bridge teamwork and search and rescue 助理級航行當值訓練 Rating performing part of a navigational watch 幹練水手甲板幹練船員訓練 Able seafarer deck 1. 領有醫療急救訓練證書之船員 ; 及 2. 領有一 二等管理級航行員資格文件或具一等船副 1 年以上海勤資歷 領有一 二等航行員資格文件之船員 1. 領有操作級雷達及 ARPA 訓練證書之船員 ; 及 2. 領有一 二等管理級航行員資格文件或具一等船副 1 年以上海勤資歷 1. 具國際航線艙面部門 6 個月以上之海勤資歷 ; 或 2. 具國內航線艙面部門 1 年以上之海勤資歷 ; 或 3. 領有海軍各型艦艇艙面有關 1 年以上服務資歷證明文件之乙級船員 1. 領有助理級航行當值適任證書 ; 及 2. 具國際航線艙面部門 1 年以上之海勤資歷之船員 領有醫療急救訓練證書之船員 領有醫療急救訓練證書之船員 艙面部門之船員艙面部門之船員 領有操作級雷達及 ARPA 訓練證書之船員 領有操作級雷達及 ARPA 訓練證書之船員 艙面部門之船員艙面部門之船員 領有助理級航行當值適任證書之船員 1. 領有助理級航行當值適任證書 ; 及 2. 具國際航線 1 年以上之艙面部門海勤資歷 5

6 助理級輪機當值訓練 Rating performing part of an engineering -room watch 幹練機匠輪機幹練船員訓練 Able seafarer engine 電匠電技士訓練 Electro-technical rating 通用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 General operator s certificate for GMDSS 限用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 Restricted operator s certificate for GMDSS 油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練 basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations 1. 具國際航線輪輪機部門之船員輪機部門之船員機部門 6 個月以上之海勤資歷 ; 或 2. 具國內航線輪機部門 1 年以上之海勤資歷 ; 或 3. 領有海軍各型艦艇輪機有關 1 年以上服務資歷證明文件之乙級船員 1. 領有助理級輪機當值適任證書 ; 及 2. 具國際航線輪機部門 1 年以上海勤資歷之船員 6 領有助理級輪機當值適任證書之船員 1. 領有助理級航行當值適任證書 ; 及 2. 具國際航線輪機部門 1 年以上之海勤資歷 具國際航線輪機輪機部門之船員具國際航線輪機部門 6 個月以上部門 6 個月以上海勤資歷之船海勤資歷之船員 員 領有航行員資格文件之船員 領有三等航行員資格文件之船員 1. 艙面部門之船員 ; 或 2. 電信部門之船員 ; 或 3. 海事校院航海系科在校學生 1. 領有航行員資格文件之船員 ; 或 2. 電信部門之船員 艙面部門之船員艙面部門之船員

7 油輪貨物操作進階訓練 advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations 化學液體船貨物操作進階訓練 advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations 液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練 basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations 液化氣體船貨物操作進階訓練 advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations 1. 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 2. 領有一 二等管理級甲級船員資格文件 ; 或 3. 具一等船副或一等管輪 1 年以上海勤資歷 ; 或 4. 領有助理級輪機當值訓練證書 1. 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 2. 領有一 二等管理級甲級船員資格文件 ; 或 3. 具一等船副或一等管輪 1 年以上海勤資歷 ; 或 4. 領有助理級輪機當值訓練證書 1. 領有液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 2. 領有一 二等管理級甲級船員資格文件 ; 或 3. 具一等船副或 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 領有液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 領有油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 領有液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練證書之船員 7

8 一等管輪 1 年以上海勤資歷 ; 或 4. 領有助理級輪機當值訓練證書 快速救難艇訓練 Proficiency in fast rescue boats 客輪訓練 ( 包含群眾管理訓練 安全訓練 危機處理及行為管理訓練等 3 項 ) passenger ships (Crowd management training,safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces,crisis management and human behaviour training) 駛上 / 駛下客輪訓練 ro-ro passenger ships ( 包含群眾管理訓練 安全訓練 危機處理及行為管理訓練 旅客安全 貨物安全及船體完整性訓練等 4 項 ) (Crowd management training,safety training for personnel providing direct 8

9 service to passengers in passenger spaces,crisis management and human behaviour training, Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training.) 保全意識訓練 船員 船員 船員 security-awareness training 保全職責訓練 領有一 二等甲船員 船員 security duties 級船員資格文件 training 之船員 船舶保全人員訓練 ship security officers 高速船型式等級訓練 High speed craft type rating training 高速船基本訓練 High speed craft basic training 領有一 二等管理級航行員資格文件之船員 領有甲級船員資格文件之船員 領有一 二等甲級船員資格文件之船員 領有甲級船員資格文件之船員 1. 領有一 二等甲級船員資格文件之船員 ; 及 2. 具證載海勤資歷 1 年以上 領有甲級船員資格文件之船員 貳 參加換證評估課程及發證資格 項次 訓 練 項 目公費班參訓資格自費班參訓資格結訓發證資格 基本四項訓練換領有基本四項訓領有基本四項訓領有基本四項訓 證評估課程 ( 包 練證 練證 練證 1 含人員求生技書之船員書之船員書之船員能 防火及滅火 等 2 項訓練課 程 ) 救生艇筏及救難領有救生艇筏及領有救生艇筏及領有救生艇筏及 2 艇操縱訓練換證救難艇操縱訓練救難艇操縱訓練救難艇操縱訓練 評估課程 證書之船員 證書之船員 證書之船員 9

10 進階滅火訓練換領有進階滅火訓領有進階滅火訓領有進階滅火訓 證評估課程 練證書之船員 練證書之船員 練證書之船員 通用級 GMDSS 領有通用級領有通用級領有通用級 值機員訓練換證 GMDSS 值機員 GMDSS 值機員 GMDSS 值機員 評估課程 訓練之船員 訓練之船員 訓練之船員 限用級 GMDSS 領有限用級領有限用級領有限用級 值機員訓練換證 GMDSS 值機員 GMDSS 值機員 GMDSS 值機員 評估課程 訓練之船員 訓練之船員 訓練之船員 油輪與化學液體 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 船貨物操作基本 船訓練證書之船 船訓練證書之船 船訓練證書之船 訓練換證評估課 員 ; 或 員 ; 或 員 ; 或 程 2. 領有油輪與化學 2. 領有油輪與化學 2. 領有油輪與化學 液體船貨物操作 液體船貨物操作 液體船貨物操作 基本訓練證書, 基本訓練證書, 基本訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之 但無海勤資歷之 但無海勤資歷之 甲級船員 甲級船員 甲級船員 油輪貨物操作進 1. 領有油輪與化 1. 領有油輪與化 1. 領有油輪與化 階訓練換證評估 學液體船貨物 學液體船貨物操 學液體船貨物 課程 操作基本訓練 作基本訓練證 操作基本訓練 證書 ; 及 書 ; 及 證書 ; 及 2. 領有油輪特別 2. 領有油輪特別 2. 領有油輪特別 訓練證書 ; 或 訓練證書 ; 或 訓練證書 ; 或 3. 領有油輪貨物 3. 領有油輪貨物 3. 領有油輪貨物 操作進階訓練 操作進階訓練 操作進階訓練 證書, 但無海勤 證書, 但無海勤 證書, 但無海勤 資歷之甲級船 資歷之甲級船 資歷之甲級船 員 員 員 化學液體船貨物 1. 領有油輪與化 1. 領有油輪與化 1. 領有油輪與化 操作進階訓練換證評估課程 學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 學液體船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 2. 領有化學液體 2. 領有化學液體 2. 領有化學液體 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 3. 領有化學液體 3. 領有化學液體 3. 領有化學液體 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之 10

11 船員 甲級船員 甲級船員 液化氣體船貨物 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 1. 領有熟悉液體貨 操作基本訓練換證評估課程 船訓練證書之船員 ; 或 船訓練證書之船員 ; 或 船訓練證書之船員 ; 或 9 2. 領有液化氣體船 2. 領有液化氣體船 2. 領有液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓貨物操作基本訓貨物操作基本訓 練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 液化氣體船貨物 1. 領有液化氣體 1. 領有液化氣體 1. 領有液化氣體 操作進階訓練換證評估課程 船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 船貨物操作基本訓練證書 ; 及 2. 領有液化氣體 2. 領有化學液體 2. 領有化學液體 10 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 船特別訓練證書 ; 或 3. 領有液化氣體 3. 領有化學液體 3. 領有化學液體 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 船貨物操作進階訓練證書, 但無海勤資歷之甲級船員 11 快速救難艇訓練領有快速救難艇領有快速救難艇領有快速救難艇換證評估課程訓練證書之船員訓練證書之船員訓練證書之船員 客輪訓練換證評領有客輪訓練證領有客輪訓練證領有客輪訓練證 估課程 ( 包含群書之船員 書之船員 書之船員 12 眾管理訓練 危 機處理及行為管 理訓練等 2 項 ) 駛上 / 駛下客輪領有駛上 / 駛下領有駛上 / 駛下領有駛上 / 駛下 訓練換證評估課客輪訓練證書之客輪訓練證書之客輪訓練證書之 程 ( 包含群眾管理 船員 船員 船員 13 訓練 危機處理及行為管理訓 練 旅客安全 貨物安全及船體 完整性訓練等 3 項 ) 14 高速船型式等級領有高速船型式領有高速船型式領有高速船型式 11

12 訓練換證評估課等級訓練證書之等級訓練證書之等級訓練證書之程船員船員船員 高速船基本訓練領有高速船基本領有高速船基本領有高速船基本 15 換證評估課程訓練證書之船員訓練證書之船員訓練證書之船員一 有 5 年效期限制之訓練證書, 計有 基本四項訓練 救生艇筏及救難艇操縱訓練 進階滅火訓練 通用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 限用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練 油輪貨物操作進階訓練 化學液體船貨物操作進階訓練 液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練 液化氣體船貨物操作進階訓練 快速救難艇訓練 客輪訓練 及 駛上 / 駛下客輪訓練 等 14 項 二 有 2 年效期限制之訓練證書, 計有 高速船型式等級訓練 及 高速船基本訓練 等 2 項 三 換發 基本四項訓練 救生艇筏及救難艇操縱訓練 進階滅火訓練 及 快速救難艇訓練 等證書之船員, 應參加換證評估課程 四 換發 通用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 及 限用級 GMDSS 值機員訓練 證書之船員, 應具最近 5 年內至少有 1 年或最近 6 個月內至少有 3 個月擔任航行員職務之海勤資歷, 無上開資歷應參加換證評估課程 五 換發 油輪與化學液體船貨物操作基本訓練 油輪貨物操作進階訓練 化學液體船貨物操作進階訓練 液化氣體船貨物操作基本訓練 及 液化氣體船貨物操作進階訓練 等證書之甲級船員, 應具最近 5 年內至少有 3 個月擔任與所持證書相同船舶類型及職責之海勤資歷, 無上開資歷應參加換證評估課程 六 換發 客輪訓練 及 駛上 / 駛下客輪訓練 等證書之船員, 應具最近 5 年內至少有 3 個月擔任與所持證書相同船舶類型及職責之海勤資歷, 無上開資歷應參加換證評估課程 七 換發 高速船型式等級訓練 及 高速船基本訓練 證書之船員, 應具最近 2 年內至少有 3 個月擔任與所持證書相同船舶類型及職責之海勤資歷, 無上開資歷應參加換證評估課程 參 備註一 船員係指領有有效期限之船員服務手冊者 二 海軍資歷證明文件係指國防部所屬司令部開立服務海軍之資歷證明書函 三 甲級船員資格文件包括下列各款文件之一 : ( 一 ) 考試院核發之航海人員或河海航行人員考試及格證書 ( 二 ) 考選部之發給之航海人員考試及格成績通知單 ( 三 ) 交通部核發之船員適任證書或執業證書 ( 四 ) 交通部核發之船員岸上晉升訓練合格證書 ( 五 ) 國內船員訓練機構核發之岸上晉升訓練合格證明書或通過之成績 12

13 單 電子海圖與資料顯示系統課程國立高雄海洋科技大學航運技術系已於四技及五專部開設 電子海圖 課程, 其課程內容包含知識理論講授課程 2 學分 36 小時, 另安排至船訓中心實作訓練及評核課程 2 天 16 小時, 總計 52 小時 為符合交通部訓練及發證要求, 茲將所開設課程授課內容及時數與國立高雄海洋科技大學商船船員訓練中心辦理 電子海圖與資料顯示系統(ECDIS) 課程詳列對照表說明下: 課程內容 LEGAL ASPECTS AND REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL TYPES OF ELECTRONIC CHART 訓練所需時數 1 1 ECDIS DATA 2 PRESENTATION OF ECDIS DATA 2 SENSORS 2 BASIC NAVIGATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGS 1 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE PLANNING 2 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE MONITORING 2 UPDATING 1 DISPLAY AND FUNCTION OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION 1 ERRORS IN DISPLAYED DATA & ERRORS OF INTERPRETATION 1 STATUS INDICATIONS, INDICATORS AND ALARMS 1 DOCUMENTATION( INTEGRITY MONITORING) 1 BACK-UP 1 RISK OF OVER- RELIANCE ON ECDIS 1 ECDIS 筆試測驗 1 ECDIS 模擬機及實體機操作 8 ECDIS 模擬機操作測驗 8 模擬機測試評估 4 合計 40 小時 上列本系正規課程之堂課理論知識講授及模擬機實作標準將以國立高雄海 洋科技大學商船船員訓練中心 電子海圖與資料顯示系統 (ECDIS) 課程為參考 規範, 所開設課程將安排符合授課資格之專業教師講授, 並依 ISO 考教分離之 原則, 於評核階段安排合格專業師資予以施測及考核 ; 另參與模擬機實作人數亦 比照訓練人數標準 8~12 人, 以達施訓成效及符合 STCW 之品質標準 13

14 駕駛台資源管理課程國立高雄海洋科技大學航運技術系擬於四技及五專部開設 駕駛台資源管理 課程, 其課程內容包含知識理論講授課程 2 學分 36 小時, 另安排至船訓中心實作訓練及評核課程 1 天 8 小時, 總計 44 小時 為符合交通部訓練及發證要求, 茲將所開設課程授課內容及時數與國立高雄海洋科技大學商船船員訓練中心辦理 駕駛台資源管理 (BRM) 課程詳列對照表說明下: 課程內容 訓練所需時數 駕駛台資源管理介紹和觀念 駕駛台團隊 1 駕駛台資管理之必要性及安全 效率和管理的考量 1 錯誤鏈分析與破解 情勢演變的認識 2 錯誤之原因 壓力之管理 案例研判 1 錯誤鏈的發展標示 職務的體認 案例研判 1 通信與溝通 1 決策之制定 1 航路計劃和執行 監控程序的進行 2 意外事故計畫 公司政策 程序和檢查表 決策之推斷 2 領導統御 駕駛台之組織 1 船長 / 當值官與引水人的關係 團隊合作 資訊交換 1 應急程序之發展 1 案例分析與研討 1 設施之熟悉 1 標準操作程序 1 實例模擬操演 4 模擬機測試評估 2 合計 24 小時 ( 國立高雄海洋科技大學商船船員訓練中心 駕駛台資源管理 (BRM) 之課程係 經 DNV 認證 ) 上列本系正規課程之堂課理論知識講授及模擬機實作標準將以國立高雄海 洋科技大學商船船員訓練中心 駕駛台資源管理 (BRM) 課程為參考規範, 所開 設課程將安排符合授課資格之專業教師講授, 並依 ISO 考教分離之原則, 於評 核階段安排合格專業師資予以施測及考核 ; 另參與模擬機實作人數亦比照訓練人 數標準 8~12 人, 以達施訓成效及符合 STCW 之品質標準 14

15 電子海圖顯示及資訊系統之使用 訓練課程內容 教範及受訓時數 ( 操作級與管理級航行員 ) 適任 : 操作級與管理級航行員 電子海圖顯示及資訊系統之使用 訓練 科目 : 電子海圖顯示及資訊系統之使用 (Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)) 人員 : 當值之航行員之最低訓練標準公約依據 : STCW 培訓章程 A-II/1 和 SOLAS V/19 目標 : 此課程提供 1. 適任能力和證書取得 2. 使用海圖及航海刊物, 諸如航路指南 潮汐表 航行通告 無線電航行警告及船舶航路資料等詳盡的知識及能力 3. 操作 ECDIS 之所有特定功能以進行航路監控之能力 4. 能將所有收集到的訊息作為航行和船舶安全之運用 5. 增進航行安全減少海難事實參訓標準 : 於船上擔任船副以上職務之航行員 教師 : 督導 : 證書 : Certificate: 1. 教師應擁有適當之教學技巧與方法 (STCW Code Section A-I/6) 足以勝任教學與指導之工作, 並且堅持所有的教學與指導必須由有實務經驗之船長擔任. 由於設備及課程的複雜性, 需要有一位擁有軟硬體經驗的工程師和 / 或助教予以協助 2. 擔任各級船員專業訓練之訓練教師應具有該項專業訓練相關之學歷 經歷或專門著作, 並經交通部船員訓練委員會評定合格 3. 擔任船員訓練紀錄簿所載適任項目之評估人員, 如在海上, 應由該船員船舶上具有擔任管理級職務三年以上資歷之官員擔任之 ; 如在岸上, 應由具有該項適任項目相關之學歷 經歷或專門著作, 並經交通部船員訓練委員會評定合格之人員擔任之 4. 非經交通部船員訓練委員會評定合格之訓練教師, 不得從事各級船員專業訓練及檢定工作 1. 交通部船員訓練委員會 2. 教育部 3. 擔任各級船員專業訓練之評鑑人員應具有該項專業訓練相關之學歷 經歷或專門著作, 並經交通部船員訓練委員會評定合格 4. 擔任船員專業訓練之評鑑人員不得同時擔任其擬評鑑訓練項目之訓練教師 5. 非經交通部船員訓練委員會評定合格之評鑑人員, 不得從事各級 船員專業訓練評鑑及檢定工作 學員成功的完成課程與評估後, 由主管機關 ( 或認可之船員訓練機構 ) 發予適任證書以玆證明其符合或超越 STCW CODE 表 A-II/1 及 SOLAS V/19 所規定之知識與適任標準 15

16 Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) 電子海圖顯示及資訊系統之使用 訓練課程內容及受訓時數船員訓練中心課程綱要 日期 第一天 ) 上午 ( 時間 課程 LEGAL ASPECTS AND REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL TYPES OF ELECTRONIC CHART PRINCIPAL TYPES OF ELECTRONIC CHART ECDIS DATA 內容 1. DESCRIBE THE ESSENTIAL LEGAL ASPECTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE USE OF ECDIS 1.1 CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS: Explain the SOLAS (chapter V) carriage requirements concerning the carriage of paper charts 1.2 EQUIVALENCY: Explain the equivalency of ECDIS and paper charts to make it clear that only ECDIS using the official ENC entitles him to navigate without paper charts 1.3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Outline the IMO performance standards for ECDIS 1.4 DATA PROCUREMENT: Explain and accept his responsibilities with regard to data 1.5 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: Explain and accept the training requirements concerning the operation of navigation equipment 2. STATE THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PRINCIPAL TYPES OF ELECTRONIC CHART (VECTOR AND RASTER) State: - the differences between different ECDIS systems - the differences between ECDIS and ECS - the differences between vector and raster charts 3. EXPLAIN ALL SAFETY-RELEVANT AS WELL AS OTHER MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF ECDIS DATA SUCH AS DATA CONTENTS, HANDLE ECDIS DATA ON BOARD AND ASSESS ALL ERRORS, INACCURACIES AND AMBIGUITIES CAUSED BY IMPROPER DATA MANAGEMENT. 16

17 日期 時間 課程 ECDIS DATA EXERCISE (25 min) Exercise 內容 3.1 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Describe the terms and definitions used in the context of ECDIS, such as S-52, S-57, object-oriented data, vector data, presentation- independence of data, ENC and SENC 3.2 DATA STRUCTURE AND DATABASE: Explain - the data structure and databases of ECDIS, including objects and their attributes (object catalogue) - that the display is a portrait of ECDIS data, i.e. only the information contained and structured in the objects/attributes is available for display - how manual updates are entered in the database 3.3 ENC CREATION: Outline the steps and responsibilities during ENC creation 3.4 DATA QUALITY: Explain why chart data quality is dependent on factors such as (survey-)accuracy, updatedness, coverage and completeness of chart data Assess that the data quality is doubtful due to the change of the factors named above 3.5 REFERENCE SYSTEMS: Explain the different reference systems used for positioning (including time, direction, speed) and associated problems in ECDIS as well as the effects of horizontal and vertical datum 3.6 DATA DISTRIBUTION: Outline the organization of chart data distribution 3.7 LOADING AND STORING: Demonstrate the loading and storing of ECDIS data by calling up the directory of available chart data and by importing data for the waters in question 17

18 日期 第一天 ) 下午 ( 時間 課程 PRESENTATION OF ECDIS DATA PRESENTATION OF ECDIS DATA EXERCISE (15 min) Exercise SENSORS 內容 4. EXPLAIN THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISPLAY OF ECDIS DATA AND SELECT PROPER INFORMATION FOR THE NAVIGATIONAL TASKS 4.1 PRESENTATION LIBRARY: Explain the major rules for presentation contained in the presentation library for ECDIS Apply the major rules for presentation to the display presentation 4.2 SCOPE AND SELECTION OF CHART DATA (DISPLAY CATEGORIES): Describe the scope and selection of chart data to be displayed Select the relevant information contents by the display categories Display base, Standard display and All other information Apply the different possibilities of selection of the sea area 4.3 AUTOMATIC PRESENTATION RULES: Outline the meaning of automatic presentation rules for ECDIS Select and apply appropriate display modes such as: - display category - scale - day or night presentation assess the resulting differences in information 4.4 MODES OF PRESENTATION: Identify the different modes of presentation such as: - true or relative motion - north-up or course-up stabilization select and apply the suitable mode of presentation for the actual situation 5. DESCRIBE THE PERFORMANCE LIMITS OF SENSORS AND ASSESS THEIR IMPACT ON THE SAFE USE OF ECDIS 5.1 PERFORMANCE LIMITS Explain the performance limits concerning availability, accuracy and integrity of all navigational sensors connected to ECDIS (i.e. devices to determine position, course, speed and depth as well as radar) Assess the impairment of ECDIS performance in the case of deterioration in sensor performance 5.2 FALL-BACK SENSOR SYSTEMS Select and use an appropriate fall-back sensor system by switching to it or alternatively notice automatic 18

19 日期 第二天 ) 上午 ( 時間 課程 SENSORS BASIC NAVIGATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGS EXERCISE EXERCISE 內容 switch-over and use of the fall-back system 5.3 DATA REFERENCE SYSTEM Explain the data reference system of each connected sensor (e.g. geodetic system, position of antenna and transducer) 5.4 SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE AND UNAMBIGUOUS SENSOR DATA Explain the need for selection of appropriate and unambiguous sensor data displayed in ECDIS 5.5 PLAUSIBILITY OF SENSOR INPUT Assess the plausibility of sensor input values to ECDIS 6. OPERATE ALL BASIC NAVIGATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGS 6.1 AUTOMATIC FUNCTIONS Identify all automatic functions required for monitoring ship s safety such as the display of position, heading/gyro course, speed, safety values and time 6.2 MANUAL FUNCTIONS Demonstrate: - how manual functions and elements such as cursor, electronic bearing line and range rings are used - how a position which was not automatically determined is marked on the ECDIS display - how position-fixing methods are applied within ECDIS (line of position) - how the range scale and/or the scale is changed, how own ship s safety values such as safety contour or safety depth are set 6.3 OWN CHART ENTRIES - how own chart entries like Mariner s notes or events are applied - how own chart entries are removed 6.4 PRESENTATION OF NAVIGATIONAL MARKS Demonstrate how the presentation of navigation marks is changed 6.5 VECTOR TYPES Demonstrate the two vector types indicating the ship s motion over the ground and through the water and their benefits and drawbacks Exercise Exercise 19

20 日期 時間 課程 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE PLANNING 內容 7. OPERATE ALL SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS AND OBTAIN ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION FOR ROUTE PLANNING FROM ECDIS 7.1 SEA AREA SELECTION Demonstrate how the sea areas and the required waters for planning the whole passage are selected for display 7.2 ROUTE PLANNING INFORMATION Demonstrate: - how relevant route planning information such as sailing directions, tidal or meteorological information is gained from ECDIS and other sources 第二天 ) 下午 ( SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE PLANNING - how information required for specific situations such as anchoring is obtained 7.3 CONSTRUCTION OF A ROUTE Demonstrate how the construction of a route is performed by the input of waypoints, both directly on the ECDIS display and alphanumerically 7.4 ADJUSTMENT OF A PLANNED ROUTE Demonstrate how the adjustment of a planned route by editing waypoints is performed 7.5 CURVED TRACK PLANNING Demonstrate: - how curved track planning is performed by the input of turning radii, wheel-over points/lines and safe speeds - how courses and distances of the track are obtained from the chart by different methods such as cursor position, selection of legs or recalling the waypoint list - how time marks are set - how track limits are set 7.6 PLANNING 20 NOTES Demonstrate: - how planning notes such as courses, rudder angles and speeds to be maintained in a specific area are applied - how expected passage times are determined

21 日期 第三天 ) 時間 課程 EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE 上午 ( SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE MONITORING 內容 hazards along it - which ultimate route is to be taken - which points/areas are critical Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise 8. OPERATE ALL SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE MONITORING AND OBTAIN ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION FOR NAVIGATION AND FOR THE SHIP S SAFETY 8.1 MONITORED AREA Demonstrate how a monitored area is selected, left and returned to 8.2 REQUIRED ROUTE Demonstrate how the required route is selected, called up and, if necessary, modified 21

22 日期 時間 課程 內容 第三天 ) 下午 ( SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS FOR ROUTE MONITORING 8.3 VECTOR-TIME Demonstrate how a predicted position can be generated by setting a vector-time and explain the relevance of vectortime information 8.4 CHECK MEASUREMENTS Demonstrate how check measurements of the ship s position, independent of the ECDIS equipment including its sensors, are performed and plotted in ECDIS 8.5 LOOK-AHEAD FUNCTION Explain the relevance of the look-ahead function and demonstrate how the look-ahead function is performed 8.6 ALARMS Explain how the alarms concerning route monitoring are triggered, e.g., - by crossing a safety contour or prohibited area - by violation of the set limits for deviation from arrival at a critical point of the route Demonstrate how alarms are set with regard to their presentation and their alarm levels Assess the significance of the different alarms concerning route monitoring 8.7 CURRENT AND WIND Demonstrate how values for current and wind which are obtained from external sources are applied to ECDIS 第四天 ) 上午 ( EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise 22

23 日期 第四天 ) 下午 ( 時間 課程 UPDATING EXERCISE DISPLAY AND FUNCTION OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION EXERCISE 內容 9. PERFORM UPDATES AND APPRECIATE THE IMPORTANCE OF UPDATING 9.1 PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF UPDATES Outline: - how the production of updates by national Hydrographic services is performed - how the distribution of updates by regional data centres is organised and executed 9.2 MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC AND AUTOMATIC UPDATING Explain the essentials of manual, semi-automatic and automatic updating 9.3 PERFORMING UPDATES ON BOARD Perform updates on board by: - performing the manual and semi-automatic updating procedures - indicating how items which are added to, removed from or altered on the original ENC are marked and indicated - displaying updates in order to: - review their contents and - ascertain that they have been included in the SENC 9.4 UPDATING AND SAFE NAVIGATION realize that only continuously updated data allow safe navigation Exercise 10. EXPLAIN THE DISPLAY AND POSSIBLE DANGERS AND DEMONSTRATE THE FUNCTION OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION 10.1 RADAR SUPERIMPOSITION Demonstrate how radar superimposition is employed Explain and assess possible offsets of radar echoes of fixed charted objects from their charted position 10.2 AUTOMATIC TRACK-KEEPING Indicate how automatic track-keeping is employed Describe the potential dangers of the automatic track-keeping mode 10.3 USE OF TRANSPONDERS Demonstrate the use of information from transponders Exercise 23

24 日期 第五天 ) 上午 ( 第五天 ) 上午 時間 課程 內容 11. EXPLAIN THE POTENTIAL ERRORS OF DISPLAYED DATA AND TAKE PROPER ACTION 11.1 POTENTIAL ERRORS IN THE ECDIS DISPLAY Explain the potential errors of the ECDIS display due to: ERRORS IN - inaccurate hydrographic data DISPLAYED - poor resolution DATA & ERRORS - the shifting of buoys OF 11.2 POTENTIAL ERRORS IN THE DISPLAY OF OWN INTERPRETATION SHIP S POSITION Explain that potential errors introduced by: - inaccurate input from the electronic position-fixing system - inaccurate input of radar data - different geodetic co-ordinate systems - reference position of sensors on board may result in errors in the display of own ship s position 11.3 CORRECTNESS OF DISPLAYED DATA Check the correctness of displayed data: - by comparing ECDIS and radar information - by checking the ship s position by means of a second independent position-fixing system 12. EXPLAIN THE POTENTIAL ERRORS OF INTERPRETATION AND TAKE PROPER ACTION TO AVOID THESE ERRORS EXERCISE Exercise ( STATUS 13. EXPLAIN THE STATUS INDICATIONS, INDICATIONS, INDICATORS AND ALARMS FOR DIFFERENT INDICATORS AND KINDS OF SITUATION AND TAKE PROPER ALARMS ACTION 13.1 DEFINITION AND MEANING OF INDICATORS AND ALARMS Outline the definition and meaning of status indications, indicators and alarms related to ECDIS, including the areas for which ECDIS should provide an alarm or indication 13.2 NAUTICAL INDICATIONS / ALARMS AND 24 SENSOR ALARMS Explain and analyse: - the nautical indications during route planning - the nautical alarms during route monitoring - the sensor alarms and indications, and apply

25 日期 時間 課程 內容 overscale setting 第五天 ) 下午 EXERCISE DOCUMENTATION INTEGRITY MONITORING EXERCISE Exercise 14. UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF VOYAGE RECORDING AND OPERATE THE CORRESPONDING FUNCTION 14.1 AUTOMATIC VOYAGE RECORDING Outline the essentials of automatic voyage recording 14.2 RECONSTRUCTION OF PAST TRACK Demonstrate: - how the contents of automatic voyage recording are called up, in particular: - how a past track is constructed; - how the database use is verified - how possible selections of, for example, recording media or recording intervals are carried out 15. ANALYSE AND ASSESS THE FUNCTIONING OF ECDIS 15.1 ON-LINE TEST 15.2 MANUAL AND VISUAL TESTS 15.3 VERIFICATION OF PROPER FUNCTIONING Exercise ( BACK-UP 16. NAVIGATE AS SAFELY AS POSSIBLE USING THE BACK-UP SYSTEM IN THE CASE OF AN ECDIS FAILURE 16.1 TAKEOVER BY BACK-UP SYSTEM Perform: - a safe takeover by the back-up system - a safe transfer of all relevant passage planning data from the ECDIS to the back-up system - a transfer of all relevant updates immediately to the back-up system 16.2 REDUCED FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES 25 Explain the reduced functional capabilities which are available with the back-up system Appreciate that the back-up system is only of limited performance and that the back-up system should be replaced by a properly functioning ECDIS as soon as

26 日期 時間 課程 內容 an emergency case 第五天 ) 下午 ( EXERCISE (30 min) Exercise RISK OF OVER- RELIANCE ON ECDIS EXERCISE (30 min) Exercise WRITTEN EXAM 17. ASSESS THE LIMITS OF ECDIS AS A TOOL WHICH DOES NOT RELEASE THE NAVIGATOR FROM PROPER WATCHKEEPING Recognize: - that a potential risk of improper functioning of the system and of data inaccuracy is inherent in the system - that the displayed hydrographic data are not more reliable than the survey data on which they are based - that the displayed sensor data are not more reliable than the respective sensor systems they originate from - that ECDIS is only a tool that supports the mariner in the performing of the navigational tasks - that errors / inaccuracies in one system may influence the performance of other subsystems and potentially render the ECDIS useless Perform a navigational watch which is not based on only one system Assess - the integrity of the system and all data at all times - that he should also use other available aids to navigation and determine which ones are appropriate Written exam 26

27 課程綱要 Course Outline 船員訓練中心開設 駕駛台資源管理 訓練課程內容 教範及受訓時數課程內容 Course Details 科目 Subject Area 1. Facility Orientation 設施之熟悉 Resources 資源 2. Introduction to BRM and BRM concept 駕駛臺資源管理介紹和觀念 What is Bridge Resource Management? 駕駛臺資源管理是什麼 The Bridge Team 駕駛臺團隊 Need for BRM 駕駛臺資源管理之必要性 Safety, Efficiency and Regulatory considerations 安全 效率和管理的考量 Illustration with case study 案例研判 3. 錯誤鏈分析與破解 情勢演變的認識 案例研判 Error Chain Analysis and Breaking, Situation Awareness, Case Studies Error Chain Analysis and Breaking 錯誤鏈分析與破解 o Human error in accidents 事故中之人為錯誤 o Causes of error 錯誤之原因 o Stress management 壓力之管理 o Indication of development of error chain 錯誤鏈之發展跡象 o Error indication 錯誤的徵兆 o Error chain analysis 錯誤鏈之分析 Situation awareness 職務的認識 o Positional awareness 職務的體認 o Individual 個體 o Team 團隊 o Complacency 自滿 Case studies 案例研判 4. Master/OOW - Pilot Relationship 船長 / 當值官與引水人的關係 Organizational Culture 組織文化 Team work (Communication) 團隊合作 ( 溝通 ) Exchange of Information 資訊交換 Standard Operating Procedures 標準操作程序 Simulated Exercises 模擬操演 Leadership, Bridge Organization 領導統御 駕駛臺之組織 5. Passage Planning and Execution 航路計劃和執行 Establish ship route 航路之建立 Monitor Progress 監控程序之進行 27 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical

28 科目 Subject Area Contingency Plan 意外事故計畫 Company Policies and Procedures and check list 公司政策 程序和檢查表 Decision Making 決策之推斷 Emergency Procedure Development 應急程序之發展 Simulated Exercises 模擬操演 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical Total (24 Hours) 共計 (24 小時 )

29 學習目標 ( 教範 ) Learning Objectives 教範 Learning Objectives 1.0 Facility Orientation 設施之熟悉 1.1 Resources 資源 View and operate bridge resources & facilities 駕駛臺資源和設施之熟悉 2.0 Introduction to BRM and BRM Concept 駕駛臺資源管理介紹和觀念 2.1 What is Bridge Resource Management? 駕駛臺資源管理是什麼 Define Bridge Resource Management 駕駛臺資源管理之定義 List and explain the elements of BRM 駕駛臺資源管理要素之列舉和說明 2.2 The Bridge Team 駕駛臺團隊 Identify the persons who comprise the bridge team 駕駛臺團隊之人員組合的確認 Identify the persons who are stakeholders in the safe and efficient operation of the ship 安全和有效率的船舶操作之核心人員的確認 2.3 Need for BRM 駕駛臺資源管理之必要性 Interpret marine accident statistics 海事意外統計之詮釋 List methods which can prevent accidents 列舉出防止意外之方法 Identify the human elements in marine accidents which have been cited as contributing factors 事故中之人為因素的確認並可被引用為一項貢獻的因子 2.4 Safety, Efficiency and Regulatory Considerations 安全 效率和管理的考量 List the ways in which BRM can address safety concerns 列舉駕駛臺資源管理可設法解決與安全有關的方法 List the ways in which BRM can address efficiency concerns 列舉駕駛臺資源管理可設法解決與效率有關的方法 Discuss the ways in which regulations may affect the implementation of BRM 討論那些影響駕駛臺資源管理履行之規則的方法 2.5 Illustration with Case Study 實際案例研判 3.0 Error Chain Analysis and Breaking, Situational Awareness, Case Studies 錯誤鏈分析與破解 情勢演變的認識 案例研判 3.1 Error Chain Analysis and Breaking 錯誤鏈分析與破解 Define error chain 錯誤鏈之定義 Analysis and series of events that created the error chain 分析和建立連續事故的錯誤鏈 Describe means and methods of breaking the error chain 描述錯誤鏈的拆解方法和手段 3.2 Human Error in Accidents 事故中之人為錯誤 Define human error 人為錯誤之定義 Describe the relationship between human error and accident causation 描述人為錯誤和事故間的因果關係 3.3 Causes of Error 錯誤之原因 29 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical

30 教範 Learning Objectives List and describe some possible causes of error 列出和描述一些可能的錯誤原因 3.4 Stress Management 壓力之管理 Discuss the effect of stress and fatigue on individual performance 討論個人行為上的壓力和疲勞的影響 State some cases of stress 說明一些壓力的案例 Describe possible means of reducing individual stress 描述可能減少個人壓力的方法 3.5 Indications of Development of Error Chain 錯誤鏈的發展標示 List and describe some indications of error chain development 列出和描述一些錯誤鏈的發展標示 3.6 Situational Awareness 職務的體認 Discuss the need to maintain positional awareness by all members of the bridge team 討論船橋上的所有船員需要堅守職務的體認 State how individual situational awareness in achieved 陳述如何達成個人職務的體認 State how team situational awareness is achieved 陳述如何達成團體職務的體認 Discuss how complacency may degrade the level of situational awareness 討論如何滿足因職務的體認水平降低而導致的失衡 3.7 Case Studies 案例研判 Illustrate with case studies 案例研判之講解 4.0 Master/OOW - Pilot Relationship 船長 / 當值官與引水人的關係 4.1 Organization Culture 組織文化 Discuss the organization in terms of culture 就文化而言討論組織 Compare traditional organizational culture with modern organizational culture 討論傳統的組織文化和現代的組織文化的差異性 4.2 Teamwork 團隊合作 Discuss the various kinds of teamwork 討論不同形式的團隊合作 Discuss the benefits of using the team approach 討論使用團隊溝通的益處 Describe the assignment of task, roles, workload and crew involvement relating to teamwork 描述團隊合作中任務 角色 工作量和船員的指派 Discuss closed loop communications and its role in effective communications 討論閉環路的溝通和角色的有效溝通 List possible barriers to communications 列出可能的溝通障礙 4.3 Exchange of Information 資訊交換 List and discuss the recommended and mandatory exchange of information between the Watch Officers 列出及討論當值船員有關建議的和強制性的資訊交換內容 List and discuss the recommended and mandatory exchange of information between the Watch Officers and the Master 列出及討論當值船員和船長有關建議的和強制性的資訊交換 30 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical 2 4

31 教範 Learning Objectives 內容 List and discuss the recommended and mandatory exchange of information between the Master and the Pilot 列出及討論船長和領港有關建議的和強制性的資訊交換內容 List and discuss the recommended and mandatory exchange of information between the Watch Officer and the Pilot 列出及討論當值船員和領港有關建議的和強制性的資訊交換內容 4.4 Standard Operating procedures 標準操作程序 Analyze the interrelationship of standard operating procedures, standing orders, company policy, codes and regulations. 分析標準操作程序 標準命令 公司政策 法典和規則等之間的關係 Demonstrate with simulated exercises 實例模擬操演 4.5 Leadership, Bridge Organization 領導統御 駕駛臺之組織 Describe the characteristics of the various management styles 描述不同管理風格的特徵 Discuss synergy in the content of effective team work 討論有效的團隊合作內容中的共同作用 Demonstrate the team approach 團隊溝通距離縮近的演練 Demonstrate in simulated exercises 實例模擬操演 5.0 Passage Planning and Execution 航路計劃和執行 5.1 Establish Ship Route 航路之建立 Identify the factors that must be considered when establishing the ship route 識別建立航路所需要考慮的因素 5.2 Monitor Progress 監控程序的進行 State the monitoring procedure and technique 陳述監控程序與技巧 Identify the role of the monitoring team person in relation to the other team members and the plan 識別監控團隊和其他團隊成員的個人角色與扮演 5.3 Contingency Plans 意外事故計畫 Develop a contingency plan as an integral part of the overall plan 發展意外事故的總體計畫的組成部份 5.4 Comparing Policies and Procedures and Check List 公司政策 程序和檢查表 Discuss the development of company policies and procedure and check list 討論公司政策 程序和檢查表單的發展 5.5 Decision Making 決策之推斷 Apply decision making in the overall context of voyage planning and execution 在航行計畫和履行的總體內文中執行決策推斷 5.6 Emergency Procedure Development 應急程序之發展 List possible emergency situations 列出緊急的可能處境 Discus the need for procedures to deal with emergencies 討論處理緊急情況所需的程序 List the steps which must be followed by the bridge team in each emergency 列出船橋團隊在每一緊急情況下的應急步驟 Demonstrate with simulated exercises 實例模擬操演 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical

32 教範 Learning Objectives 5.7 Demonstrate with Simulated Exercises 實例模擬操演 內容時數 時數 ( 小時 ) Hours 學科 Lecture 術科 Practical Total(24 Hours) 共計 (24 小時 ) 船舶保全訓練課程規劃草案 Knowledge, Understanding And Proficiency SA 4 SD 5 SSO 6 簡介 (Introduction) 海運產業的威脅 (Threats facing the Maritime Industry) 船舶保全官的職責與訓練 (Duties and training of SSO ) 理解 ISPS 章程和 SOLAS 公約的改變 (Understanding the ISPS Code and the changes to SOLAS) 對於船舶保全計劃在每ㄧ保全等級所採取的保全措施之概述 2 小時 (Security Level Overview of security measures which may need to be addressed in Ship Security Plans at each security Level) 美國海岸防衛隊船舶航行檢查通告 (USCG NVIC 10-02) 船舶保全評鑑 (Assessment ) 船舶保全計劃 (Ship security plan) 船舶配置的辨識 (Identification of ship s layout) 武器與即時爆炸裝置之識別 (Recognition of weapons and improvised explosive devices) 槍枝在船上和港口可能的用途 (Firearms and their use onboard ships and in ports) 2 小時 敏感性保全信息之處理 (Handling sensitive security 3 本規劃草案之課程內涵係依據現行交通部核准之 SSO 訓練課程加以對照 STCW 公約 code A-VI/5, A-VI/6-1, 以及 A-VI/6-2 之適任能力 本課程設計 : 如只參加 SA 訓練, 其訓練時數為 1 天 8 小時可取得保全意識訓練 (security-awareness training) 證書, 再加 1 天 8 小時 SD 訓練, 可取得保全職責訓練 (security duties training) 證書, 最後再加上再加 1 天 8 小時 SSO 訓練, 可取得船舶保全人員訓練訓練 (ship security officers training) 證書 4 SA: security-awareness training 5 SD: security duties training 6 SSO: ship security officers training 32

33 information) 偷渡者 (stowaways) 海盜與在船劫持人質 (Piracy and hostage-taking on board Ships) 抵制走私的威脅 (Countering the threat of smuggling) 緊急事件的準備 反應和意外事故的制定計劃 (Emergency preparedness, response and Contingency planning) 搜尋計劃的制定 (Search planning) 船舶監控 (Monitoring the ship) 保全聲明的應用 (Applying the Declaration of Security(DOS)) 講授技術 (Instructional techniques) 群眾管理 (Crowd management) 保全設備 (Security equipment) 保全訓練與操演 ( 包含情境式訓練 ) (Security training and drills including scenario-based training) 港口設施保全概要 (Port Facility Security overview) 現行的保全威脅與攻擊模式之講解 (Knowledge of current security threats and patterns) ISPS 外部稽核實施要點 (The Practice of ISPS External Auditing) 確保 ISPS Code 被遵守之要點 (Ensuring to compliance with ISPS Code) 測驗 (Test)( 外加時數 ) 授課時數小計

34 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 保持與監督船舶保全計畫之實施 Maintain and supervise the implementation on of a ship security plan 國際海上保全政策與政府 公司及指定人員責任之知識, 包括與海盜及武裝搶劫有關之問題 Knowledge of international maritime security policy and responsibilities of Governments, companies and designated persons, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 構成船舶保全計畫 相關程式及保持紀錄之目的與要素之知識, 包括與海盜及武裝搶劫者 Knowledge of the purpose for and the elements that make up a ship security plan, related procedures and maintenance of records, including those that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 用以實施船舶保全計畫與報告保全事故之程式之知識 Knowledge of procedures to be employed in implementing a ship security plan and reporting of security incidents 海上保全等級及船上與港 保持船舶保全計畫所設定之狀態 Maintain the conditions set forth in a ship security plan 海上保全詞彙與定義之工作知識, 包括可能與海盜與武裝搶劫有關者 Working knowledge of maritime security terms and definitions, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 國際海上保全政策與政府, 公司及個人責任之知識, 包括可能與海盜與武裝搶劫有關部分之工作知識 Knowledge of international maritime security policy and responsibilities of Governments, companies and persons, including working knowledge of elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 海上保全等級及其對在海上與港口設施採取海上保全措施與程式衝擊之知識 Knowledge of maritime security levels and their impact on security measures and procedures aboard ship and in the port facilities 保全報告程式之知識 Knowledge of security reporting procedures 依相關公約 章程及 IMO 通過意識之提升以加強海上保全 Contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness 海上保全詞彙與定義之基本工作知識, 包括可能與海盜與武裝搶劫有關者 Basic working knowledge of maritime security terms and definitions, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 國際海上保全政策與政府, 公司及個人責任之基本知識 Basic knowledge of international maritime security policy and responsibilities of Governments, companies and persons 海上保全等級及其對在海上與港口設施採取海上保全措施與程式衝擊之基本知識 Basic knowledge of maritime security levels and their impact on security measures and procedures aboard ship and in port facilities 保全報告程式之基本知識 Basic knowledge of security reporting procedures 與保全相關應急計畫之基 34

35 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 保持與監督船舶保全計畫之實施 ( 續 ) Maintain and supervise the implementation on of a ship security plan (continued) 口設施環境中之重要之保全措施與程式之知識 Knowledge of maritime security levels and the consequential security measures and procedures aboard ship and in the port facility environment 施行船舶保全計畫規定之內部稽核 現場檢查 控制與監測保全活動之要求與程式之知識 Knowledge of the requirements and procedures for conducting internal audits, on-scene inspections, control and monitoring of security activities specified in a ship security plan 向公司保全人員提報內部稽核 定期檢討與保全檢查期間所發現之任何缺陷與不符合情況之要求與程式之知識 Knowledge of the requirements and procedures for reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, and 保持船舶保全計畫所設定之狀態 ( 續 ) Maintain the conditions set forth in a ship security plan (continued) 通函包括海盜及武裝搶劫有關演習與練習程式與要求之知識 Knowledge of procedures and requirements for drills and exercises under relevant conventions, codes and IMO circulars, including working knowledge of those that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 施行檢查與檢驗 控制與監控船舶保全計畫所列保全活動程式之知識 Knowledge of the procedures for conducting inspections and surveys and for the control and monitoring of security activities specified in a ship security plan 與保全相關應急計畫及回應保全威脅或保全破壞程式之知識, 包括保持船 / 岸介 本知識 Basic knowledge of security-related contingency plans 35

36 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 security inspections 用以修正船舶保全計畫之方法與程式之知識 Knowledge of the methods and procedures used to modify the ship security plan 用以修正船舶保全計畫之方法與程式之知識與保全有關之應急計畫與程式以回應保全威脅或保全破壞, 包括維持船 / 港介面關鍵性業務之規定之知識, 尚包括與海盜及武裝搶劫之問題 Knowledge of security-related contingency plans and the procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship/port interface, including also elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 海上保全術語與定義之工作知識, 包括與海盜及武裝搶劫之問題 Working knowledge of maritime security terms and definitions, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 面關鍵操作之程式, 尚包括可能與海盜及武裝搶劫有關之知識 Knowledge of security-related contingency plans and the procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship/port interface, and including also working knowledge of those that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 36

37 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 評估保全風險 威脅與弱點 Assess security risk, threat, and vulnerability 風險評估與評估工具之知識 Knowledge of risk assessment and assessment tools 保全評估檔包括保全宣告之知識 Knowledge of security assessment documentation, including the Declaration of Security 用以規避保全措施技術之知識, 包括海盜及武裝搶劫分子所使用之技術 Knowledge of techniques used to circumvent security measures, including those used by pirates and armed robbers 在非歧視之基礎上辨識對保全可能有潛在風險人員之知識 Knowledge enabling recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of persons posing potential security risks 辨識武器 危險物質與設施及瞭解其所能肇致損壞之知識 Knowledge enabling recognition of weapons, 保全威脅之認知 Recognition of security risks and threats 保全檔, 包括安全宣告之知識 Knowledge of security documentation, including the Declaration of Security 規避保全措施技術之知識, 包括海盜及武裝搶劫分子所使用技術之知識 Knowledge of techniques used to circumvent security measures, including those used by pirates and armed robbers 確認潛在保全危險之知識 Knowledge enabling recognition of potential security threats 辨識武器 危險物質與設施並瞭解其可能肇致損壞之知識 Knowledge enabling recognition of weapons, dangerous substances and devices and awareness of the damage they can cause 群眾管理與控制技術之知識 ( 適用時 ) Knowledge of crowd management and control techniques, where appropriate 處理與保全相關資訊及通 保全威脅之認知 Recognition of security threats 規避保全措施技術之基本知識 Basic knowledge of techniques used to circumvent security measures 確認包括海盜與武裝搶劫有關事項之潛在保全威脅之基本知識 Basic knowledge enabling recognition of potential security threats, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery 辨識武器 危險物質與設備及瞭解其可能肇致損壞之基本知識 Basic knowledge enabling recognition of weapons, dangerous substances and devices and awareness of the damage they can cause 處理與保全相關資訊及通信之基本知識 Basic knowledge in handling security-related information and security-related communications 37

38 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 對船舶進行例行檢查, 以確保適當之保全措施得以施行與保持 Undertake regular inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures are dangerous substances and devices and awareness of the damage they can cause 適用時對群眾管理與控制技術之知識 Knowledge of crowd management and control techniques, where appropriate 處理與保全有關之敏感資訊及與保全有關通信之知識 Knowledge in handling sensitive security-related information and security-related communications 實施與協調搜查之知識 Knowledge of implementing and co-ordinating searches 人身搜查與非侵入性檢查方法之知識 Knowledge of the methods for physical searches and non-intrusive inspections 指定與監控限制區域必要條件之知識 Knowledge of the requirements for designating and monitoring restricted areas 管制進入船舶與船上限制 對船舶施行定期之保全檢查 Undertake regular security inspections of the ship 信之基本知識 Knowledge in handling security-related information and security-related communications 人身搜查與非侵入性檢查方法之知識 Knowledge of the methods for physical searches and non-intrusive inspections 監控限制區域技術之知識 Knowledge of the techniques for monitoring restricted areas 管制進入船舶與船上限制區域之知識 Knowledge of controlling 38

39 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 implemented and aintained 確保適當之操作 測試與校準保全設備與系統 ( 如備有時 ) Ensure that security equipment and systems, if 區域之知識 Knowledge of controlling access to the ship and to restricted areas on board ship 有效監控船舶甲板區域與船舶周圍區域方法之知識 Knowledge of methods for effective monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship 與船上其他人員及港口設施保全人員處理貨物與船舶物料有關保全方面之知識 Knowledge of security aspects relating to the handling of cargo and ship s stores with other shipboard personnel and relevant port facility security officers 管制在船人員及其物品上下船方法之知識 Knowledge of methods for controlling the embarkation, disembarkation and access while on board of persons and their effects 各種保全設備與系統及其限制之知識, 包括海盜及武裝搶劫分子可能用作襲擊者 正確使用保全設備與系統 ( 如備有時 ) Proper usage of security equipment and systems, if any access to the ship and to restricted areas on board ship 有效監控船舶甲板區域與船舶周圍區域方法之知識 Knowledge of methods for effective monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship 有關貨物與船用物料檢查方法之知識 Knowledge of inspection methods relating to the cargo and ship s stores 管制在船人員及其物品上下船方法之知識 Knowledge of methods for controlling the embarkation, disembarkation and access while on board of persons and their effects 各種保全設備與系統及其限制之一般知識, 包括海盜及武裝搶劫分子可能用作襲擊者, 包括其限制 39

40 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 any, are properly operated, tested and calibrated 促進保全意識與警惕性 Encourage security awareness and vigilance Knowledge of the various types of security equipment and systems and their limitations, including those that could be used in case of attacks by pirates and armed robbers 船舶保全報警系統用之程式 說明書與指南之知識 Knowledge of the procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of ship security alert systems 測試 校準與維護保全系統與設備之方法 ( 尤其是在海上 ) 之知識 Knowledge of the methods for testing, calibrating, and maintaining security systems and equipment, particularly whilst at sea 依相關公約 章程及 IMO 通函包括有關防海盜及防武裝搶劫之訓練 演習與練習之知識 Knowledge of training, drill and exercise requirements under relevant conventions, codes and IMO circulars, including those relevant to anti-piracy and anti-armed robbery General knowledge of various types of security equipment and systems, including those that could be used in case of attacks by pirates and armed robbers, including their limitations 測試 校準與維護保全系統與設備之必要性 ( 尤其是在海上 ) 之知識 Knowledge of the need for testing, calibrating, and maintaining security systems and equipment, particularly whilst at sea 瞭解保持保全意識與警惕性之必要性與方法 Understanding of the need for and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance 依相關公約 章程及 IMO 通函包括有關防海盜及防武裝搶劫之訓練 演習與練習之知識 Basic knowledge of training, drill and exercise requirements under relevant conventions, codes and IMO circulars, including those relevant for anti-piracy and anti-armed robbery 40

41 SSO SD SA 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 加強船上保全意識與警惕性方法之知識 Knowledge of the methods for enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board 評估演習與練習有效性方法之知識 Knowledge of the methods for assessing the effectiveness of drills and exercises 41

42 Engine Room Resource Management ( 草案 ) Knowledge, Understanding And Proficiency 熟悉系統環境 The systems approach 安全的操作 Safety of Operations 環境問題 Environmental issues 合作與團隊 Co-operation and Teamwork 情境意識管理 Situational Awareness Management 決策 Decision-making 人為因素和人為錯誤 Human Factors and Human Error 危機管理和人類行為 Crisis Managements and Human Behaviour 領導和工作負載管理 Leadership and Workload Management 風險評估和風險管理 Risk Assessment and Risk Management 識別並打破錯誤鏈 Identification of and breaking error chains 有效利用資源 Efficient use of resources 溝通 Communications 計畫和優先順序 Planning and Prioritizing 識別問題的原因, 並及時正確的反應 Identification of cause of problem and timely correct response 邏輯故障診斷和解決問題 Methodical and logical approach to fault diagnosis and problem solving 假設狀況的識別和評估 Identification and justification of "assumptions" 應急準備及應變計劃 Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning 授課時數小計 時數 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 2 小時 4 小時 4 小時 4 小時 4 小時 40 小時 42

43 Table A-III/1 Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room Function: Marine engineering at the operational level 第 1 欄 Column 1 第 2 欄 Column 2 第 3 欄 Column 3 第 4 欄 Column 4 適任 Knowledge, 適任性之證明方法 Methods for 適任性之評估標準 Criteria for evaluating Competence 保持安全之輪機當值 ( 續 ) Maintain a safe engineering watch (continued) understanding 機艙資源管理 Engine-room resource management 機艙資源管理原則之知識, 包括 : Knowledge of engine-room resource management principles, including:.1 資源的配置 分配與優先順序.1 allocation, assignment, and prioritization of esources.2 有效之通信.2 effective communication.3 決斷與領導.3 assertiveness and Leadership.4 獲取並保持處境之警覺性 ;.4 obtaining and aintaining situational awareness.5 尊重小組成員之經驗.5 Consideration of team Experience demonstrating competence 從下列一項或多項所獲得證據予以評估 : Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:.1 認可之訓練.1 approved training.2 認可之在職經驗.2 approved in-service experience.3 認可之模擬機訓練.3 approved simulator training competence 機艙資源係依需要配置並以正確之優先順序分配以完成必要之操作 Resources are allocated and assigned as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks 通信之收發清晰明白 Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received 有疑問之決策及 / 或措施導致適當之質疑與反應 Questionable decisions and/or actions result in appropriate challenge and response 確認有效之領導行為 Effective leadership behaviours are identified 對當前與預期之機艙與相關系統之狀況與外在環境, 與小組成員有共同之準確理解 Team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted engine-room and associated systems state, and of external environment 43

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( 五 ) 電 子 信 箱 部 長 毛 治 國 船 員 訓 練 專 業 機 構 管 理 規 則 草 案 總 說 明 依 據 一 百 年 二 月 一 日 總 統 公 布 修 正 之 船 員 法 第 十 條 第 一 項 主 管 機 關 為 培 養 海 運 技 術 注 意 事 項 及 檢 查 標 準 詳 見 背 面 一 事 項 : ( 一 ) 檢 驗 醫 師 請 注 意 檢 查 標 準 ( 二 ) 檢 驗 醫 師 核 對 身 份 證 及 相 片 無 訛 後, 依 本 表 所 列 各 項 目 詳 細 檢 驗, 逐 一 記 載, 並 請 於 檢 驗 結 果 欄 內 註 明 合 格 或 不 合 格 其 不 合 格 者, 請 註 明 該 受 檢 驗 人 患 有 檢 查

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