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2 目录 CONTENTS 沪东概述 Company Profile 客户服务 Customer service 绿色码头 Green Terminal 企业文化 Corporate Culture 上海沪东集装箱码头 Shanghai East Container Terminal

3 沪东概述 COMPANY PROFILE 公司概况 Company Profile 上海沪东集装箱码头管理有限公司成立于2002年9月12日 2003 年2月17日公司开港试运营 2004年6月1日更名为上海沪东集装 箱码头有限公司 经营和管理上海港外高桥四期集装箱码头 上海沪东集装箱码头有限公司是中国最大港口上海港的主要港口运 营商 上海国际港务 集团 股份有限公司 SIPG 与全球最 大 的 航 运 业 集 团 丹 麦 埃 彼 穆 勒 - 马 士 基 集 团 A.P.Moller-Maersk Group 所属的码头公司 APM Terminals 在中国上海共同投资组建的合资公司 注册资本为人民币11亿 元 两大投资方强强联手 以其先进的码头运营理念和丰富的管理 经验为沪东公司注入了鲜活的生命力 同时也为公司的快速 可持 续发展提供了强有力的保障 公司多次被中国港口协会授予 全国前十强集装箱码头 港口 吞吐量超300万标准箱码头 等业内奖项 已成为上海港建设国际 航运中心的中坚力量之一 Shanghai East Container Terminal Management Co., Ltd., the predecessor of the present SECT, was initially founded on Sep 12th, 2002 with a soft opening on Feb 17th, It was officially changed into Shanghai East Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (SECT), to manage and operate the Waigaoqiao Phase 4 container terminal on June 1st, With registered capital of RMB 1.1 billion, SECT is a joint venture between Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd (SIPG), the port operator of Shanghai port, the busiest port in China, and APM Terminals(APMT), a subsidiary of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group which owns the world largest fleets. The advanced management philosophy and rich experience in port operation of both shareholders will definitely help SECT to achieve a fast-paced and sustainable growth with vitality. SECT has been awarded the TOP 10 Container Terminals, Terminal with Annual Throughput over 3 Million TEU, and other awards for many times by China Port Association. 企业愿景: 成为世界领先的公共集装箱码头 沪东口号: 国内领先 世界一流 肩负使命: 运用先进的管理理念和科技 优异的客户服务 世界一流 的组织结构 满足客户对高绩效 高效率和高可靠性的 要求 支持上海国际航运中心的建设 Vision: To be the world-class leading public container terminal in terms of productivity and management Motto: Leading in China, First-class in the world Mission Statement: To be a leading and profitable container terminal to meet customers requirements for high performance, productivity, efficiency and reliability with differentiated services and products through superior customer service, world-class organization and use of proven and advanced technology and thereby to support Shanghai port becoming an international shipping center. P02/03


5 智能化技术 Intelligent Technology 公司使用先进的TOPS5.0生产操作系统对码头作业实施全程管理和监 控 以信息化管理促进作业效率不断提升 公司自主开发的 集装箱码 头设备维修管理系统 实现了港区内各类起重设备电子化远程监控和统 计管理 荣获全国发明展览会金奖 公司在国内率先启用集卡进港 智 能道口 即无人作业道口 采用了当今世界领先的智能箱号识别系 统 RFID扫描技术 并结合日趋成熟的EDI电子数据交换系统 实现了 码头交接箱作业信息的快速传递 降低了人工输入造成的差错率 有效 提高了道口的综合通过能力 The container terminal operation system-tops 5.0 enables SECT to realize real-time monitoring and computerized management in the whole process of container operation, which can also enhance our productivity and efficiency. SECT has developed the Container Terminal Equipment Remote Monitoring & Management System on its own, which has been awarded the Golden Award by 16th China Invention Exhibition. Relying on various modern technologies, this system can realize remote monitoring of large-sized equipments and conducting preventive maintenance. SECT is the first container terminal in China to firtst implement intelligent gate operation which adopts container number recognition & imaging, and RFID scanning and electronic data interchange (EDI) technology which can provide rapid and continuous flow of information and cargoes inbound and outbound. It greatly reduces the occurrence of errors brought by manual operation, and promotes terminal gate handling capacity and efficiency. P06/07

6 客户服务 CUSTOMER SERVICE 服务理念 Service Philosophy 精益管理 Lean & Efficient Management 沪东公司通过提升窗口服务水平 优化服务操作流程 努力提高对外 服务效率和服务水平 为客户提供更高效便捷 优质安全的集装箱装 卸 中转 仓储 堆存等服务 秉承多样化 个性化 人性化的服务 宗旨 近年积极创建公司服务品牌 开展 门到门 空箱发箱延伸服 务等新业务 满足客户的不断提出的新需求 公司还配有功能齐全的 客户服务系统 客户可以随时通过公司门户网站和声询电话系统等方 便 及时地了解到船 箱动态信息 并提出服务监督意见 沪东公司在股东双方的大力支持和领导下 秉承 精益生产 精细管理 精细服务 的综合管理理 念 积极开展 三化 建设 信息化 精益 化 系统化 实施精益 六西格玛 现代化管理 方式 推进物联网和办公电子化进程 提高企业管 理效能 We will take every effort to provide our clients with high quality and satisfactory service including loading/discharging of containers, transshipment, warehousing, storage and other value added service by streamlining and improving service procedures and operation process. In recent years, SECT is dedicated to its unique service features by providing extensive service like empty container release for shipping companies. SECT is also equipped with modern customer service system for easy access into website and phone enquiry system to obtain real time information of containers and vessels for our clients home and abroad. And clients suggestions and advice are most welcome to help us to further improve our service standard. Under the leadership and with strong support from both shareholders, SECT focuses on lean and efficient management by adopting 6-sigma management tools to improve its corporate efficiency and to provide high standard service toward our customers. The ThreeOrientation Initiatives, i.e. information oriented, lean management oriented, system oriented, and E-office tools will also help SECT to realize high efficiency. P08/09

7 服务承诺: 五九至百 三三至上 装船准确率90%以上 船舶准班率98%以上 客户满意率98%以上 船舶及提单收费准确率99%以上 查验点掏箱作业货物完好率99%以上 集卡进入港区送箱或提箱在30分钟内完成 当天查验自计划申请起30分钟内完成发箱 智能道口单车通过时间在30秒之内 人工道口一般处理3分钟内完成 受理台单票业务受理时间在3分钟之内完成 客户服务电话铃响3声内限时接听 Customer Service Commitment Loading accuracy 90% Over 98% stick to original vessel schedule Customer satisfaction over 98% Cashier accuracy over 99% Goods in good condition after inspection devanning over 99% Truck in terminal for pickup or unloading within 30 min Container release after inspection plan identified within 30 min Truck enter the in-gate within 30 sec Manual operation for gate procedure within 3 min Single bill operation at counter within 3 min Pick up and answer customer service hotline within 3 rings P10/11

8 绿色码头 GREEN TERMINAL 绿色行动 Green Terminal Initiatives 沪东公司不断坚持走科学技术创新和 节能减排之路 积极打造现代化 绿 色 节能环保码头 积极参与碳排放 交易工作 率先在业内创建低碳 节 能 高效的 绿色码头 使 天更 蓝 海更清 SECT is highly committed to technology innovation to build a green terminalenvironment friendly with low energy consumption and low waste emission. 轮胎吊油改电项目 轮胎吊照明节能改造 桥吊风力发电照明辅助系统 桥吊走道照明系统灯光改造 高杆灯节能 冷藏箱节能 无极灯节能 轮吊液电混合驱动吊具节能项目 轮胎吊照明灯改造 桥吊电气房风冷调温系统 荣获第二十届全国发明展览会金奖 实用新型专利 Hybrid E-RTG E-RTG illumination energy saving QC wind power sub-system QC walkway illumination energy saving High mast led lighting for yard illumination Reefer energy-saving device LVD lamps for road illumination Liquid-electricity hybrid-driven RTG spreaders conversion RTG illuminating lamps conversion Temperature control system within QC engine room through natural wind cooling effect ( Awarded the 12th National Invention EXPO Gold Medal) P12/13

9 企业文化 CORPORATE CULTURE 和谐家园 Harmonious Family 改善工作环境 让所有员工快乐工作 幸福生活 公司领导 工会及各部门通过亲自到职工家里慰问或组织各类 座谈会等形式关心职工的生活 对单身职工及生活上有经济困 难的职工给予各类帮助 为每个员工创造了一个和谐家园 让 所有员工快乐工作 幸福生活 丰富员工文体生活 促进员工身心健康发展 成立公司"爱好者之家"协会摄影 健美操等分会 活跃了员工 的文体生活 购置乒乓台 羽毛拍 排球 飞镖等文体活动器 材 并不定期开展各类小型比赛 To make our staff work and live happily by improving working environment The management team and Labor Union are deeply concerned with associates various needs. Those needed staff will be provided with care and assistance. All members of SECT are trying to build a big, harmonious and happy family! Entertainment and sports activities help to live a healthy life All kinds of hobby clubs and sports groups such as photography, aerobics and etc. are established. Various sports facilities and equipments such as Pingpong tables, badminton rackets, darts are available for use in company. Sports matches and games are most welcome and popular among staff. P14/15

10 人才培养 Talents Cultivation 公司注重人才可持续发展 致力于员工综合 素质培养和提高 开展 沪东达人 职工技 能竞赛 建立青年突击队等 鼓励青年人才 科技创新 攻坚克难 SECT is highly committed to comprehensive training for staff to ensure sustainable development of human resources. Rounds of SECT Talent Show have been organized and SECT Youth Task Force is established Young staff are especially encouraged for technical innovation and problems-solving. 社会责任 Social Responsibilities 我们始终牢记 社会成就企业 企业回报 社会 的企业社会责任 关爱生命 扶贫 济困 保护环境 节约能源 真正实现可 持续发展 SECT is always taking Contribute for the great good of society in mind and is eager to practice all kinds of social responsibilities including regular monetary donations to the needed, environmental protection and energy saving to realize sustainable development. 每年积极参加上海浦东新区无偿献血 公司 已有42名员工报名参加中华骨髓库建设 每年积极参与上港集团 8.15 献爱心捐款 活动等各类慈善捐赠活动 定期为浦东新区高东社区的贫困老人 孤老 开展义务服务 送上帮困慰问品 为社区 幼儿园奉献爱心 设立沪上首家企业数字化 24 小时自助图书 馆 为公司员工和驻港单位人员搭建了良 好的阅读 学习平台 公司食堂荣获上港集团 五星级员工餐厅 称号 Annual blood donations to Shanghai Blood Center and 42 associates joined China Marrow Donor Program. Donations to SIPG 8.15 Charity Fund each year and take part in other charity activities Providing volunteer service for the elders in the community Elder Home The first 24-hour automatic company library was established at SECT, encouraging learning from reading SECT canteen was awarded Five Star Canteen by SIPG. P16/17

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