1,900, 年是樂施會在內地開展工作的 2 5 周年 本年度, 樂施會和內地不同地區的弱勢群体和合作伙伴, 開展了 359 個發展及緊急救援項目, 受益人數超過 19 0 萬 The year 2012 marks the 25th year of Oxfam Hong Kong'

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2 1,900, 年是樂施會在內地開展工作的 2 5 周年 本年度, 樂施會和內地不同地區的弱勢群体和合作伙伴, 開展了 359 個發展及緊急救援項目, 受益人數超過 19 0 萬 The year 2012 marks the 25th year of Oxfam Hong Kong's work in Mainland China. In the year 2011/12, Oxfam Hong Kong launched a total of 359 development and emergency response projects in collaboration with disadvantaged groups and partner organisations in different regions in the Mainland, assisting over 1,900,000 people. 6,207 6,207 名義工及實習生共貢獻 52,956 小時來協助樂施會的各項工作 During the year, 6,207 volunteers and interns contributed 52,956 hours to Oxfam's work. 24,131 24,131 名學生受益於樂施會的教育活動 24,131 students benefited from Oxfam's educational activities during the year. 80,114,000 香港樂施會總計撥出 80,114,000 港元用於保障生命安全項目 Oxfam Hong Kong spent HK$80,114,000 on Life and Security programmes during the year. 1 樂施會年報 2011/12

3 142,392,225 自 年開始, 樂施會受贈 142,392,225 飛行里數 142,392,225 air miles have been donated to Oxfam since 樂施會成員多年來總計支援了 92 個國家 / 地區 樂施會國際聯會於 1995 年成立, 香港樂施會是創會成員之一 92 countries / regions have received support from Oxfam affiliates over the years. Oxfam Hong Kong was a founding member of the international confederation Oxfam in ,100 18,10 0 人次在香港參與了以糧食和貧窮為主題的 點開飯? 基層晚餐流動展 18,100 people walked through our "JUST bite" mobile exhibition on food and poverty in Hong Kong. Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 2

4 2000 年, 全球多國領袖達成共識, 定下聯合國千禧年發展目標, 承諾於 2015 年將全球發展中國家的極端貧窮人口減半 2012 年, 在期限屆滿三年之前, 聯合國宣布此目標經已達成 : 各個發展中國家的貧窮人口數目和比率均在下降 中國也提早完成了多項千禧年目標, 包括 : 每天收入少於 1 美元的極端貧窮人口減半 ; 饑餓人口的比率減半 ; 確保所有兒童完成小學教育, 以及 5 歲以下兒童的死亡率減少三分二 此消息令人振奮, 但我們也不應鬆懈 事實上, 要完成所有千禧年發展目標仍有漫漫長路 縱使全球各國已致力消除極端饑餓, 但世界上仍有逾 10 億人每天餓肚皮入睡 氣候變化進一步打擊弱勢群體, 令他們陷於困境 雖然大量群眾得以脫貧, 但經濟和社會動盪, 以至人道災難接踵而至, 弱勢群體隨時可能再陷入貧窮 因此, 無論在 2015 年以前或之後, 我們必需繼續全力協助有需要的民眾 本年報重點勾勒了樂施會過去一年的人道工作 無論是提供緊急救援物資以拯救生命的前線工作, 又或倡導防災減貧的政策, 均為我們的人道工作重點 我們在可持續生計項目之中結合應對氣候變化的方法, 協助貧窮人未雨綢繆, 增強應付災害的能力 ; 在聯合國氣候變化會議舉行期間, 我們展開全球倡議行動, 同時舉辦互動戲劇和工作坊, 教育香港的下一代認識各種人道議題 2012 年是樂施會在內地工作的第 25 年 樂施會有賴多個合作伙伴一直以來的支持, 使我們在內地的扶貧工作得以廣為推展, 協助大量人口脫貧 1992 年我們在昆明設立內地首個辦公室, 到現在辦事處已拓展至貴陽 蘭州 成都及北京 ; 扶貧項目方面的質和量均顯著提升 我們在內地支持的第一個項目, 是關注殘疾人士的健康 ;25 年後的今天, 我們已經推行超過 2,000 個扶貧項目, 工作亦已擴展至生計改善 教育項目及能力建設等多個領域 2011/12 年度, 樂施會在內地 20 個省市推行項目, 受益人數超過 19 0 萬 2011 年 4 月, 樂施會重組政策倡導部, 部門總監以北京為工作基地 重組後的政策倡導部以中國內地面對的一系列迫切挑戰為工作議題, 例如氣候變化 企業社會責任及糧食公正等 今年 2 月, 我們亦在澳門開設了辦事處 隨工作的不斷推展, 今後我們將繼續堅定不移地推行各種扶貧項目, 盡力協助更多人脫貧 本年度我們在全球 31 個國家援助了超過 290 萬人, 當中包括跨地域的項目 誠然, 捍衛貧窮人權益的成效不能單單以數字來衡量 ; 我們的項目也重改善民眾生活及社區賦權的實效 在老撾, 我們協助社區的居民學習如何更有效地利用及保護天然資源 ; 在贊比亞, 感染艾滋病的婦女成立互助小組, 支援艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者, 消除對艾滋病的誤解及歧視 ; 在尼泊爾, 婦女小組自發將資金投入社區發展且成功地獲得當地政府資助 這些轉變體現了樂施會助人自助的理念, 受益者通過培訓, 掌握新的技術和思維, 自力更生, 充滿自信, 活得更好 在香港, 樂施會於過去 10 年一直致力倡議最低工資 最低工資終於在 2011 年實施, 超過 31 萬僱員受益, 約 5 萬個家庭得以改善生活 然而, 不少工人雖然收入增加, 生活仍然匱乏 我們會繼續倡議解決在職貧窮的政策及更有效 更全面的減貧措施 總的來說, 我們今年的扶貧工作有長足發展, 達成的諸多工作目標, 實有賴於各界伙伴及市民大眾的支持 我們衷心感謝每一位支持樂施會的朋友, 包括參與樂施會扶貧項目的人士 與我們並肩作戰的合作伙伴 每月定額捐款的樂施之友 支援我們工作的義工, 以及以各種形式捐助及協助樂施會的所有朋友 貧窮問題的發展是一個動態的過程, 樂施會會以新思維和策略面對新挑戰, 但我們的願景始終如一 : 在一個沒有貧窮的世界里, 不論男女老幼, 都享有幸福和權利 期待有更多人士參與我們的工作, 一起締造無窮世界 3 樂施會年報 2011/12

5 At the beginning of the millennium, in the year 2000, world leaders agreed to halve extreme poverty in the poorest countries by In 2012, three years ahead of time, the United Nations declared that the goal had been met: the number and percentage of poor people declined in every region of the developing world. China has met several of these Millennium Development Goals halving the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar (USD) a day, halving the proportion of people who suffer from hunger, ensuring that all children complete primary school, and reducing the under-five child mortality rate by two-thirds. While this is encouraging news, there is no reason to relax. In fact, there is still a long way to go to meet the existing goals. Despite global efforts to eradicate extreme hunger, more than a billion people still go to bed hungry. Climate change still puts vulnerable groups at risk. Although large numbers of people have been moved out of poverty, economic and social disruption or humanitarian disasters can quickly push them back into poverty. A lot needs to be done from now till 2015, and beyond. In this Annual Report, we highlight Oxfam Hong Kong's humanitarian work from immediate aid which saves lives to policy advocacy that can prevent disasters from occurring or reduce vulnerability. We integrate climate change adaptation into our sustainable livelihoods programmes to help poor people prepare for future crises. We lobby at United Nations climate change conferences for global action, and educate Hong Kong's next generation on humanitarian issues through interactive dramas and workshops. The year 2012 marks the 25th year of Oxfam Hong Kong's work in Mainland China. With the support of our partners, we have come a long way from starting our first office in Kunming in 1992 to having offices in Guiyang, Lanzhou, Chengdu and Beijing. Our work has also grown substantially from our first programme which focused on health for people with disabilities to over 2,000 projects covering livelihood, education, advocacy, capacity building and more. In the past year, Oxfam Hong Kong assisted over 1.9 million people in 20 provinces and municipalities in the Mainland. In April 2011, Oxfam Hong Kong's Policy and Campaigns Unit was reorganised, with the Unit Director now based in Beijing. The Unit directs most of its work on challenges facing Mainland China, such as climate change, corporate social responsibility and food justice. In February 2012, we established a representative office in Macau. Our focus on China remains steadfast as our work continues to expand. Internationally, Oxfam Hong Kong assisted over 2.9 million people through projects in 31 countries during the year. These projects include regional work. But our achievement of poor people's rights cannot be measured by statistics alone impact is also demonstrated by changed lives and empowered communities. We see a Laotian community taking control of their natural resources, a Zambian woman infected with HIV starting an HIV/AIDS support group to fight stigma, a Nepalese women's group taking initiatives to invest money and successfully obtaining aid from the government. These people are learning to stand on their own with new skills, new mindsets and new confidence. In Hong Kong, more than 310,000 workers benefited from the implementation of the minimum wage policy, which Oxfam Hong Kong had been advocating for almost ten years. Around 50,000 families have been able to work their way out of poverty. But there is more work to be done as lowincome workers continue to live in deprivation, despite their increased income. Oxfam Hong Kong will continue to advocate for the working poor in Hong Kong and call for stronger anti-poverty measures. Overall, the year has been very productive against poverty. But we could not have accomplished any work on our own. We thank each and every person for their support: people who participated in our anti-poverty projects, partner organisations we worked with, Oxfam Partners who donate monthly, and volunteers who support us on a regular basis. Poverty continues to take on new dimensions, but we are committed to fighting it with new strategies. Our vision remains unchanged: to work towards a world free of poverty where women and men enjoy wellbeing and rights. We welcome everyone to join the cause. Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 4

6 樂施會在內地及東南亞協助農民適應氣候變化的影響 攝影 : 樂施會 Oxfam Hong Kong assists farmers in Mainland China and East Asia regions in climate change adaptation. Photo: Oxfam 1976 成立 Oxfam Group, Hong Kong 為香港樂施會的前身 Oxfam Hong Kong is born, first called Oxfam Group, Hong Kong 1977 樂施商店在香港開業 Open our first second-hand shop in Hong Kong 1978 救援工作 印度熱帶氣旋 Cyclone response in India 1979 在香港倡議為越南船民和難民提供援助服務 Begin to advocate for services and rights for Vietnamese Boat People/ Refugees in Hong Kong 1980 救援工作 東非旱災 Drought response in East Africa 1981 毅行者籌款活動始創於香港 Trailwalker event begins in Hong Kong 1982 救援工作 薩爾瓦多內戰 Civil war response in El Salvador 1983 救援工作 黎巴嫩內戰 Civil war response in Lebanon 1984 救援工作 埃塞俄比亞饑荒 Famine response in Ethiopia 1985 救援工作 墨西哥地震 Earthquake response in Mexico 1986 第一個海外項目在菲律賓啟動 First overseas project begins in the Philippines 1987 在柬埔寨 內地和莫桑比克開始推行發展項目 Begin work in Cambodia, Mainland China and Mozambique 1988 在越南開展項目 Begin work in Vietnam 1989 Cafédirect 在樂施會的支援下正式成立 Cafédirect established, with support from Oxfam 1990 樂施會教育資源圖書館正式啟用 Open Oxfam Education Resource Library 1991 推出 樂施之友 每月捐款項目 Begin monthly donor programme, later called 'Oxfam Partners' 1992 推出樂施貧富宴活動 Oxfam Hunger Banquet begins 1993 救援工作 印度地震 Earthquake response in India 1994 救援工作 盧旺達種族屠殺 Genocide response in Rwanda 1995 發布關於香港貧窮情況的重要報告 Release landmark report on poverty in Hong Kong 1996 舉行反對地雷的國際性倡議活動 Campaign internationally against landmines 1997 在香港與世界銀行總裁會面 Meet with President of World Bank, in Hong Kong 5 樂施會年報 2011/12

7 1998 出版第一本樂施叢書踏出中國扶貧路 Publish first book, The Road to Poverty Alleviation in China 1999 參與聯合國代表團, 監察在東帝汶的獨立投票 Join UN mission to monitor independence ballot for Timor-Leste 2000 Amartya Sen( 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 ) 擔任首位樂施會國際聯會榮譽主席 Amartya Sen becomes first honorary president of the international confederation Oxfam 2001 在香港首度展開全球性的貿易要公平 活動 The global Make Trade Fair campaign launched in Hong Kong 2002 在非洲南部推行艾滋病防治工作 Begin to support HIV and AIDS work in southern Africa 2003 救援工作 內地及香港非典型肺炎 SARS response in Hong Kong and Mainland China 2007 無窮 季刊榮獲人權新聞獎 Win Human Rights Press Award for Mokung magazine 2008 救援工作 5.12 汶川地震 5.12 earthquake response in Sichuan and western China 2009 樂施會互動教育中心榮獲藝術教育非學校組 ) 金獎 Win Gold Award for arts education in Hong Kong 2010 救援工作 海地地震 Earthquake response in Haiti 2011 經樂施會及其他組織多年倡議, 香港政府正式立法 最低工資 Minimum wage effective in Hong Kong, after advocacy by Oxfam and other groups 2012 繼續回應非洲糧食危機, 今年同時在東 西非地區推行援助工作 Continue food crisis response in Africa, begin relief work in West Africa 2004 救援工作 南亞海嘯 Tsunami response in South Asia 2005 於世界貿易組織在香港舉行會議期間倡議貿易公正 Advocate for trade justice at the WTO meeting in Hong Kong 2006 推出一系列的公平貿易產品 Launch a range of Fair Trade products Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 6

8 1 阿富汗 Afghanistan 9 朝鮮 ( 北韓 ) DPR Korea 17 馬達加斯加 Madagascar 25 菲律賓 Philippines 2 孟加拉 Bangladesh 10 埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia 18 馬拉維 Malawi 26 索馬里 Somalia 3 不丹 Bhutan 11 海地 Haiti 19 莫桑比克 Mozambique 27 南蘇丹 South Sudan 4 柬埔寨 Cambodia 12 印度尼西亞 Indonesia 20 緬甸 Myanmar 28 斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 5 乍得 Chad 13 印度 India 21 尼泊爾 Nepal 29 東帝汶 Timor-Leste 6 中國 ( 包括香港 ) China (including Hong Kong) 14 日本 Japan 22 尼日爾 Niger 30 越南 Vietnam 7 哥倫比亞 Colombia 15 肯尼亞 Kenya 23 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 31 贊比亞 Zambia 8 剛果民主共和國 Congo (DRC) 16 老撾 Lao PDR 24 巴布亞新几內亞 Papua New Guinea 7 樂施會年報 2011/12

9 本年度新增項目的資料已上載於樂施會網頁 歡迎瀏覽 The complete list of newly initiated projects is available on our website: Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 8

10 日本於 3 月發生當地歷來最嚴重的地震後, 樂施會迅速回應, 為當地約 25 萬名婦女 兒童和不懂日語的災民提供援助及資訊 ; 又支持當地的政策倡議團體, 促請政府在制訂重建計劃時, 必須照顧弱勢群体的需要和權利 After the largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history took place in March, Oxfam developed a response plan to address gaps in the provision of assistance and information for about 250,000 women, children and immigrants. We also supported policy advocacy for reconstruction plans to address the needs and rights for the marginalised groups. 樂施會在朝鮮推展項目已有 15 年的歷史 6 月, 我們到朝鮮考察了三個樂施會支援的合作農社, 並和當地政府部門商討未來的項目發展 在這一年內, 我們總共為 22.5 萬名 5 歲以下的兒童提供緊急糧食援助 Oxfam has been supporting programmes in the country for 15 years. In June, we visited three collective farms that we support and discussed future programmes with several government units. During the year, we assisted 225,000 children under the age of five with emergency food relief support. 我們每年在香港賣出數以萬計每包 100 克的樂施米包, 為支持內地貧窮人而努力 樂施米義賣大行動 是 樂施會中國發展基金 最主要的年度籌款活動 Every year, we sell 100-gram bags of rice around Hong Kong in support of impoverished people in Mainland China. The annual Oxfam Rice Sale is the main fundraiser for our anti-poverty projects across the Mainland. 適逢 10 月 16 日是世界糧食日, 翌日便是國際消除貧困日, 樂施會回應特區政府於同月推出的施政報告時, 呼籲政府在糧食 收入和房屋等範疇, 制訂出更完善的滅貧政策 16 October is World Food Day and the following day is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. In response to the HKSAR Government's 2011 Policy Address, Oxfam called for better poverty alleviation measures on food, income and housing. 樂施會在聯合國德班氣候大會舉行期間, 致力呼籲各國政府制訂更全面的氣候變化應對策略 中國現已將適應氣候變化的措施納入其五年規劃綱要 ( ) 之內 Oxfam lobbied hard for better global policy at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change held in Durban in December Climate change adaptation is now part of China's Five- Year Plan ( ). 11 / 國家 12 COUNTRIES 3 0 年前, 一群喀兵在香港首次完成毅行者 現在, 樂施毅行者 已經成為國際行山籌款活動, 在全球 12 個國家舉行, 參加者超過 18,000 人 該活動籌得的款項, 有助數以百萬計的貧窮人改善生計 Thirty years ago, a handful of soldiers walked the first Trailwalker in the hills of Hong Kong. Now, the Oxfam event is global, with over 18,000 women and men joining the event in 12 countries. The donations have helped millions of poor people improve their lives. 9 樂施會年報 2011/12

11 在索馬里糧食危機未升級為饑荒前, 樂施會已於當地支持偏遠社區的發展, 以及倡議農業政策的改變 我們發表了一份具有影響力的報告, 又在 17 個國家進行調查, 說明糧食危機是結構性的問題 樂施會在東非推行緊急救援和生計援助項目, 超過 萬名災民受益 Oxfam took action long before the crisis escalated into a famine in parts of Somalia supporting rural development and advocating agricultural policy changes. We published an influential report and a 17-country food survey that demonstrated that the crisis is systemic. Over three million East Africans received our emergency aid and livelihood support. 二十國集團 (G20) 有 14 個國家的貧富懸殊日益嚴重, 樂施會在 G20 財長於墨西哥召開峰會期間, 呼籲各國政府制訂有關政策, 協助貧窮人增加收入, 以及確保他們免受環境惡化的影響 With the wealth disparity widening in 14 of the G20 countries, Oxfam called for change as the G20 finance ministers met in Mexico: to adopt policies that boost the incomes of poor people and protect them from environmental degradation. 香港每六個貧窮家庭, 就有一個家庭要挨餓 樂施會在全港不同地方展出的 點開飯 基層晚餐流動展, 成功引起社會對香港糧食援助政策和基層貧窮問題的關注, 促請特區政府用行動協助貧窮人面對糧食價格高漲的問題 In Hong Kong, one out of six impoverished families experiences hunger. Oxfam's "JUST bite" campaign successfully raised awareness on Hong Kong's food assistance policies and poverty situation, and urged the HKSAR Government to take action to assist poor people through the food price crisis. 自 2009 年開始, 中國西南地區持續嚴重干旱, 受災人數約 3,650 萬, 樂施會主力在當地為災民提供緊急糧食和清水 2012 年 2 月, 雲南發生旱災, 樂施會在雲南永勝縣為 12,606 名缺糧災民提供春荒糧食援助, 每人獲發 15 公斤大米 Since 2009, about 36.5 million people across southwest China have been affected by chronic drought. A core of Oxfam's response has been providing emergency food relief and drinking water supply. In February 2012, Oxfam provided food for 12,606 people affected by the drought in Yongsheng County, Yunnan. Each person received 15 kg of rice. 樂施行動組到尼泊爾偏遠地區, 考察樂施會於當地推行的項目 回到香港後, 他們到深水和旺角等地區了解城市貧窮問題 有成員理解到貧窮的多元性後, 創作了一首饒舌歌, 歌曲帶出舊社區人情味濃, 貧窮人自尊自重, 兩者對貧窮人的美好生活都極為重要 The young members of Oxfam Club returned to Hong Kong after visiting the Oxfam-supported projects in rural Nepal, and spent time in lowincome areas of Sham Shui Po and Mong Kok. With new understanding of the different dimensions of poverty, some members wrote a rap song highlighting the importance of selfesteem and solidarity for poor people's wellbeing. 樂施會於過去 4 年間, 在內地皆有支持對農業產業化龍頭企業社會責任活動的研究和分析 3 月, 中國國務院在公開發布的文件中首次提出, 要逐步建立龍頭企業社會責任報告制度 For four years, Oxfam has supported research and analysis on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of leading agricultural enterprises in Mainland China. In March, for the first time, the State Council publicly acknowledged the need for establishing a CSR reporting system for these companies. 攝影 :JOICEF / 樂施會合作伙伴 ( 日本照片 ); KCPIT / 樂施會合作伙伴 ( 朝鮮 北韓 照片 ) Photo: JOICEF / Oxfam Partner (Photo of Japan) ; KCPIT / Oxfam Partner (Photo of DPR Korea) Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 10

12 樂施會以多元的手法推行人道救援工作 我們在世界各地回應緊急災害 我們也深知, 一次性的救援工作雖有助於挽救生命, 卻不能保障或改善災民的生計, 人們需要增強災後的復原能力以過上美好的生活 我們將緊急救援工作結合社區發展 政策倡導和發展教育等層面的工作, 全面顧及受益者及社區的需求 這四個工作層面環環相扣 互為補充, 只有四者結合, 才能有效實現個人及社區的可持續發展 如今的災害已不單指天災, 一些不公平的制度和政策, 放大了災害的破壞力, 這些人為的因素令貧窮人和弱勢群體受害更深 針對不公平的制度和政策而推行的倡導工作, 將有助這些群體表達其意見 樂施會早期在東非響應糧食危機的項目之一, 便是為埃塞俄比亞社區提高抗旱及復原的能力 在 Oromiya 地帶的 6 個社區, 樂施會通過以工代賑的方式, 讓大約 4 萬名牧民參與修建公共設施, 以勞動賺取報酬, 例如鑽井 興建水井 水泵 儲水庫和用來收集雨水的池塘等 攝影 : 余振威 / 樂施會 One of Oxfam's early programmes in the East Africa food crisis was building up the resilience of drought-stricken communities in Ethiopia. In six communities across Oromiya Region, about 40,000 pastoralists joined Oxfam's cash-for-work programmes to improve the water supply infrastructure, such as boreholes, wells, pumps, water tanks, and ponds for rainwater. Photo: Aman Yee / Oxfam 樂施會的飲用水和衛生項目及人道救援中的倡導工作, 在世界上佔有領導性的地位 我們的目標是成為降低災害領域的領導者, 解決貧窮和危機等問題必須配以全面和持久的方法 以東非糧食危機為例, 這影響數以百萬人的災難在爆發前的幾個月, 相關的預報系統就已發出警告, 但由於國際間的應變和行動速度過慢, 未能及時制止饑荒於 2011 年 7 月在索馬里地區爆發 樂施會建議國際社會改變人道救援工作的體系 要解決長期干旱的問題, 政府 捐助人 聯合國和非政府組織必須做好風險管理, 我們不能只是等到危機爆發後才手處理問題 ; 國際社會和非政府組織應該從根本上解決貧窮和脆弱性等問題, 並盡早回應早期預報系統發出的信號 11 樂施會年報 2011/12

13 At Oxfam Hong Kong, we address humanitarian issues in our emergency response, our community development projects, our campaigns, and in our education with youth in Hong Kong. We understand "humanitarian work" to include the right to survive, the ability to adapt to a changing climate, the rights of refugees and other marginalised people, equal rights for women at all times, and contributing to people's wellbeing. Our Humanitarian Approach Oxfam takes a multi-dimensional approach to our humanitarian work. We respond to emergency situations across the world, but we also know that one-off responses will keep people alive but do little to protect or improve livelihoods. We need to strengthen people's resilience to disasters and promote their wellbeing. Our all-rounded approach integrates emergency response into community development works, policy advocacy and development education. These different aspects of our work are intertwined, mutually-reinforcing and need to be used together to achieve lasting change a sustainable livelihood for and wellbeing of the vulnerable people and communities. We recognise that disasters are no longer merely 'natural'. Disaster risk is amplified by inequality and injustice man-made factors which hit poor and marginalised people hardest. That is why we advocate against structural and systemic inequities to ensure that the voices of these people be heard. Across the World Globally, Oxfam is a recognised world leader in water and sanitation programming and in humanitarian campaigning. Our ambition is also to be a leader in disaster risk reduction, which we see as imperative to fully and sustainably address poverty and crises. Take for example the food crisis that has affected millions of people in East Africa. There were warnings many months in advance, yet there was insufficient response until it was far too late and famine developed in parts of Somalia in July Oxfam called for changes in the humanitarian system. We believe that governments, donors, the United Nations and non-governmental organisations need to address chronic drought situations by managing the risks, not the crisis at hand; they need to tackle the root causes of poverty and vulnerability; and they need to act on information from early warning systems. Oxfam also identified the East Africa food crisis as an international food crisis, pointing out that many rural agricultural economies around the world are inadequately supported; and we advocated changes in government budgets and in agribusiness. Our global campaign for food justice called 'GROW' will be addressing agriculture, food and hunger. In the actual emergency response, Oxfam provided water for hundreds of thousands of people in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya, including in and around Dadaab, the world's largest refugee camp. In all, we assisted about 2.9 million people across the region. On the Home Front In China, the Oxfam Hong Kong humanitarian team and our partner organisations in the field meet international standards in humanitarian response, and we are building up additional capacity on water and sanitation programming through training in assessments and interventions. We are also working to integrate climate change adaptation into community development, particularly in community disaster preparedness. Rural development team members have attended various training sessions. Ox fam's 5-year rehabilitation plan for the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake continues. Our reconstruction efforts take place in the three hardest hit provinces: Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu, with a priority on poor villages in remote areas. In 2009, Oxfam focused on repairing and rebuilding small infrastructure that included roads, bridges, water tanks and drinking water facilities, paving way for the community's future livelihood. In 2011/12, we started to assist communities in developing small scale agricultural 年 3 月, 青海省玉樹州稱多縣清水河鎮發生雪災, 樂施會 6 輛運送救援物資的貨車以最快速度抵達災區 救援物資包括 17,175 公斤麵粉 6,750 公斤糌粑 2,700 公斤酥油 ( 以上為食物 ) 和 165,350 公斤青稞 ( 牲畜飼料 ) 圖為災區兩名自發前來的牧民, 協助將酥油卸下車 攝影 : 樂施會 In March 2011, Oxfam responded promptly in snowstorm battered Qingshuihe, a township in Chengduo County, Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai, delivering six truckloads of relief supplies that included 17,175kg of flour, 6,750kg of tsampa, 2,700kg of shortening and 165,350kg of barley (livestock feed). Two pastoralists from the affected area volunteered to help offload the supplies. Photo: Oxfam Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 12

14 2010 年海地發生地震后, 樂施會在災區太子港的 Tapis Rouge 難民營內推行以工代賬項目, 雇用災民清理災區, 讓他們以勞力賺取收入, 重建社區和生計 樂施會至今援助了超過 170 万名海地災民 攝影 :Ivan Muñoz / 西班牙樂施會 After the massive earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Oxfam initiated a cash-for-work programme at Tapis Rouge camp in Port-au- Prince, employing residents to clean up the disaster-stricken area. By providing service while earning income, they helped to rebuild the community and their own lives. Oxfam has assisted over 1.7 million people affected by the quake so far. Photo: Ivan Muñoz / Intermón Oxfam 在樂施會看來, 東非糧食危機是全球性的糧食危機, 目前世界各地很多以農業為主的經濟體都得不到足夠的支持, 我們倡導各國政府改善其財政預算和農業企業 樂施會開展了全球性的 GROW 糧食公正倡導活動, 旨在關注農業 糧食和飢餓等問題, 為貧窮人的溫飽尋求長遠的解決之道 在緊急救援工作中, 樂施會在埃塞俄比亞 索馬里和肯尼亞等國家, 包括全世界最大的達達布難民營地區, 為數以十萬計的難民提供了清潔飲用水 在東非地區, 我們總計援助了約 萬人 在中國內地, 樂施會人道救援團隊和合作伙伴的工作成效已達到了國際水平 通過需求評估和項目設計等培訓, 我們進一步加強了推行飲用水和衛生項目的能力 我們還致力於將適應氣候變化的措施與社區發展結合起來, 加強社區對災害的應變能力 我們的農村發展團隊也已接受了多項相關培訓 5.12 汶川地震後, 樂施會在當地推行 5 年災後救援及重建項目 我們在受災最嚴重的四川 陝西和甘肅三個省份開展重建工作, 尤其注重位於偏遠地區 得到外界支持較少的貧困農村社區 2009 年, 樂施會開始重建災區, 以修復和重建小型基礎建設為重點, 包括道路 橋樑 儲水庫 飲水設施等, 為社區未來的生計發展奠定基礎 2011/12 年度, 我們開始協助社區發展其種植及養殖等產業項目, 結合防災培訓, 以恢復貧困受災社區的可持續生計, 並提升其防禦災害的能力 截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日, 樂施會在汶川總計支持了 187 個重建和生計恢復項目, 逾 84 萬災民受益 2009 年, 樂施會在成都建立了救援物資倉庫, 同時在貴陽 蘭州和昆明等地的供應商倉庫內儲備物資, 這些物資包括棉被 帳篷 折床 衛生包 蚊帳, 以及可容納 15 公斤大米的米袋等 這些措施有助於我們更高效地回應災害, 如在 2011 年 3 月 10 日下午雲南發生地震時, 樂施會便有 2,000 床棉被用於即時應急 在香港, 樂施會致力於與青年人探討氣候變化與災害 戰爭等問題 本年度, 我們舉辦了 水平線土地 氣候變化與可持續發展參與式戲劇工作坊, 邀請同學一起運用想象力和身體語言, 扮演一群面對亡國威脅的島國國民, 探討氣候變化對貧窮人造成的影響和人道危機 ; 並邀請他們反思, 生活在香港的年輕人該如何回應這些問題 2011/12 年度, 樂施會總計在 10 個國家回應各種災害, 總計有 3,948,141 人受益 以下是一些項目重點 : 樂施會發出歷來對非洲最大型的籌款呼籲 ; 2011 年 7 月升級為饑荒前, 樂施會已在東非回應糧食危機超過一年時間 ; 直接受益於樂施會工作的村民共有 290 萬人 ; 在當地及全球倡導更完善的農業政策和農業企業 ; 提供清潔飲用水, 並修建公共衛生設施 2012 年初, 約 1,200 萬人受災 ; 早期預報系統發出警告, 樂施會實時響應, 並計劃在布基納法索 乍得 馬里 毛里塔尼亞 尼日爾及塞內加爾等地援助約 100 萬名災民 從 2010 年 1 月發生地震至 2012 年 1 月, 樂施會總共在災區援助了 170 萬名災民 ; 重建社區項目包括支持農民開展小生意 ; 為當地居民及團體提供災害管理方面的培訓 ; 支持當地非政府組織推行項目, 反對性別暴力 援助了約 25 萬名受 2011 年 3 月地震影響的災民 ; 優先為婦女 老年人 傷殘人士及不懂日語的移民提供服務 ; 提供食物 現金援助 衛生包 輔導服務 多國語言電話熱線 翻譯及手提收音機等援助 內地多個省份於 2011 年 9 月至 2012 年 2 月期間發生旱災, 受影響人數約 3,650 萬 ; 樂施會在貴州及雲南等地援助了超過 10 萬災民 ; 在大約 20 個鄉鎮, 為災民提供了 150 萬公斤大米 ; 在其中的兩個鄉鎮為村民提供清潔水 在一所小學為師生提供飲用水 2010 年 4 月青海發生地震後, 樂施會開展救援項目, 並將持續進行至 2015 年 ; 地震災區於 2012 年 1 月至 2 月又發生雪災, 樂施會即時援助超過 7,600 人 ; 援助包括為災民提供糧食 為家畜提供飼料 提供現金援助和健康支援 ; 樂施會總計為受地震及雪災影響的 58,000 人提供了援助 樂施會的 5.12 汶川地震災後救援及重建項目將持續進行至 2013 年 ; 目前的工作重點集中於恢復災民的可持續生計, 支持少數民族及婦女, 培訓本土非政府組織對重建工作的經驗的學習以及政策倡導等 * 和樂施會其他成員合作推行的緊急救援項目 13 樂施會年報 2011/12

15 enterprises and provide disaster prevention training, with a hope to restore the communities' sustainable livelihood and strengthen their disaster management capacity. Up till 31 March 2012, Oxfam has supported 172 rehabilitation and livelihood programmes in Wenchuan, assisting over 800,000 people. In 2009, Oxfam Hong Kong opened a warehouse for relief supplies in Chengdu, and since then, we have also started storing items in suppliers' warehouses in Guiyang, Lanzhou and Kunming. The items include quilts, tarpaulin, cots, hygiene kits, mosquito nets, and bags for holding 15 kg of rice. This has enabled more efficient and effective responses. When an earthquake struck on the afternoon of 10 March 2011 in Yunnan, Oxfam had a stock of 2,000 quilts for immediate use. In Hong Kong, Oxfam works with youth to explore humanitarian issues such as climate change, disaster and war and conflict. During the year, we organised an interactive drama workshop which addressed climate change and sustainable development. Titled "A Cloud on the Horizon", the workshop invited students to use their imagination and body language to get into the lives of a group of island country residents who were about to lose their country. Presented with this predicament, students were asked to examine how climate change affects poor people and creates humanitarian crises, and to ponder what they can do in response to the issue. Highlights During the year 2011/12, Oxfam Hong Kong assisted 3,948,141 people through crises in 10 countries. Here are some highlights of our work. EAST AFRICA FOOD CRISIS* Oxfam's largest ever appeal in Africa Responded more than a year before the crisis escalated into a famine in July 2011 Directly assisted 2.9 million people through the crisis Advocated better agricultural policy and agribusiness, regionally and internationally Led the effort to provide clean water and water / sanitation infrastructure WEST AFRICA FOOD CRISIS* In early 2012, about 12 million people at risk After responding to the early warning signals, Oxfam plans to assist about 1 million people in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal HAITI EARTHQUAKE* Assisted about 1.7 million people affected by the January 2010 earthquake Current reconstruction initiatives include support to farmers for small businesses Disaster management training with local people and organisations Support to local NGO programmes against gender-based violence JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI* Assisted about 250,000 people displaced in the March 2011 earthquake Prioritised women, elderly people, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities Provided food, cash relief, hygiene kits, counselling services, multi-lingual hotline, translation and portable radios CHINA DROUGHT The droughts in September 2011 and February 2012 affected about 36.5 million people Assisted about 100,000 people in Guizhou and Yunnan Supplied 1.5 million kg of rice for people in about 20 townships Clean water for villages in two townships, drinking water for one primary school QINGHAI EARTHQUAKE AND SNOWSTORM Oxfam's response to the April 2010 earthquake in Qinghai continues until 2015 The same area was hit by multiple snowstorms in January and February 2012, Oxfam assisted 7,600 people Assistance included food for people, animal feed, cash transfers and health support In total, Oxfam has assisted about 58,000 people affected by the earthquake and snowstorm 5.12 WENCHUAN EARTHQUAKE Oxfam's 5-year rehabilitation plan for the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake continues until 2013 Current focus is on sustainable livelihoods, ethnic minorities, gender equity, institutional learning and policy advocacy 年 5.12 汶川地震後, 樂施會在成都建立救援物資儲備倉庫, 並在多個災難頻發地區附近建立供應商儲存網絡 一旦有災難發生, 這些措施有助於我們在最短時間內將救援物資送達災區 攝影 : 樂施會 Oxfam Hong Kong opened a warehouse for relief supplies in Chengdu after the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in We also established a network with suppliers in several locations so we can store items in their warehouses. This has enabled more efficient and effective response at the time of disasters. Photo: Oxfam * Emergency relief carried out in cooperation with other Oxfam affiliates Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 14

16 樂施會的工作根植於我們對貧窮和發展的基本信念 : 貧窮的成因是多維的, 改變現狀必須從結構性的層面入手 ; 發展是長期過程, 需要配以多元的手法, 在不同的層面和利益相關者 伙伴並肩合作 在推行發展工作時, 我們將社區發展 能力建設, 以及倡導私人和公共機構在政策及實踐上的改變有效結合, 從而保障人們的安全和生計 我們從以權為本的角度審視貧窮及相關的不公正問題, 協助貧窮人爭取權利, 並敦促政府和其他相關機構確認和實現貧窮人的權益 2011/12 年度, 我們集中在 13 個國家推行長期發展項目, 與超過 70 個合作伙伴並肩作戰, 這些伙伴包括當地的社區團體 地區性及全國性的非政府組織 學術和研究機構, 以及國際組織, 總計協助人數超過 29 0 萬 在老撾的 Phong Nga 村,Vounthy 一家主要以飼養牲畜維持生計 未參加樂施會的培訓前, 他們只有 8 隻雞 ; 參加培訓後,Vounthy 一家學懂建立雞舍和如何預防雞隻患病, 他們現在擁有雞的數量已達到了 40 隻 攝影 :Christina Chan / 樂施會義務攝影師 Poultry is the main source of income for Vounthy and his family who live in the village of Phong Nga, Lao PDR. Before joining Oxfam's project, they had eight chickens. After learning how to build chicken coops and prevent disease, they now have 40 chickens. Photo: Christina Chan / Oxfam Volunteer Photographer 我們的工作取得了今人滿意的進展, 使得貧窮人的生活有了實質的改善, 他們的收入 財產和生產力都得以增加 ; 他們的產品能夠進入市場, 社區的自然資源得到保護, 本土經濟也發展得更加健康 我們成功促使多個政府改善其重要政策, 例如在孟加拉和尼泊爾, 政府為村民提供技術資源 ; 在印度尼西亞 菲律賓和東帝汶, 為原住民爭取土地權益 ; 在馬拉維, 農產品價格計劃得以改善 我們推行的項目也有助於增強貧窮人的能力 ; 在越南, 受益者增加了對價值鏈的認識並能夠更好地參與市場活動 ; 在南亞, 公眾與政府溝通及建議資源調配的能力也得到了提升 15 樂施會年報 2011/12

17 In the past year, Oxfam Hong Kong worked with poor people in 30 overseas countries and had cross-country programmes in seven regions, initiating long-term development programmes, responding to disasters and building partnerships with local organisations. Here is a report of the achievements, goals and challenges of our international programmes and our fight for poor people's rights in the Mekong, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Southern Africa. Foundational Elements As an international development organisation, our work is built on our basic beliefs about poverty and development: Poverty is multi-dimensional and needs to be addressed at the structural level. Development is a long-term process that requires multiple interventions at different levels with different stakeholders and partnership relationships. Our approach to development requires an effective mix of on-the-ground development work, capacity building and advocacy for policy and practice change especially in institutions, both private and public, that impacts on people's livelihoods and security. Our approach to addressing poverty and related injustice is also distinctly rights-based that is we ensure that poor people claim their rights and that governments and other sectors take up their duties to recognise and fulfill these rights. Achievement of Poor People's Rights In the past year, our work concentrated on 13 core programme countries where we had long-term development programmes. We worked with more than 70 partners ranging from local community organisations, sub-national and national non-governmental organisations, academic and research institutions, and international organisations. In total, we assisted over 2.9 million people during the year. It is not easy to enumerate our achievements because of the large scope of our work. A meaningful way is to describe in general terms how we have contributed to the achievement of poor people's rights over the years. Right to Sustainable Livelihoods We have contributed to tangible improvements in people s incomes, assets, productivity, access to markets, protection of natural resources and strengthening the local economy. Our work also led to important changes in government policies and practices such as mobilisation of technical resources in Bangladesh and Nepal, ancestral domain rights in Indonesia, the Philippines and Timor Leste, and better pricing scheme for agricultural produce in Malawi. Our projects also contributed to capacity building, for example, in people's increased understanding of value chains in Vietnam, and their capacity to link and negotiate with the governments in South Asia. Right to Life and Security Our support to emergency response, community-based disaster risk management and preparedness and capacity building for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in livelihood programmes has helped to save lives, mitigated the impacts of natural disasters and armed conflicts, reduced disaster risks and increased resilience of households and communities. In 2011, Oxfam Hong Kong commissioned a compilation of good practices in climate change adaptation from Southeast Asia which resulted in various criteria that made for successful mitigation and adaptation systems in the communities in the region. This also fed directly into a learning workshop, organised with the international confederation Oxfam, which helped more than 30 individuals from partners and Oxfam staff in the region to improve their programmes. In all our work, we have made significant contributions to improving women's conditions within the household and the community, which include their participation in economic activities and political leadership as well as reduction of gender-based violence. 尼泊爾 Gorkha 地區的一班村民正在商議成立鄉村發展委員會的合作事宜, 籌劃未來生計 攝影 :TMUC / 樂施會合作伙伴 In Nepal, community members from Gorkha district are taking charge of their livelihoods and discussing the establishment of a village development committee level cooperative. Photo: TMUC / Oxfam Partner Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 16

18 Veronica 接受了樂施會支持項目的 4 個魚網及有關保育捕魚的培訓後, 自信地展示她親手捕捉的魚 攝影 : 黃慶嘉 / 樂施會義務攝影師 Veronica proudly shows the fish that she caught after receiving the fishing nets and training on conservation fishing from the Oxfamsupported project. Photo: Ricky Wong / Oxfam Volunteer Photographer 保障生命安全, 是我們推行項目的眼點之一 災害發生時, 我們能夠快速回應, 同時推行以社區為本的災害防治與風險管理項目, 增強居民的防災能力, 將災害的風險減至最低 ; 同時, 我們將應對氣候變化的元素融入到生計保障項目中 這些項目不僅可以挽救生命 減輕自然災害和武裝衝突對公眾的影響 緩減災害風險, 還有助於提高家庭和社區從災害中恢復的能力 2011 年, 樂施會將東南亞多個社區適應氣候變化的有效方法加以總結和歸納, 並將之推廣到其他社區, 幫助這些社區成功地推出緩減危機和應對氣候變化的方案 ; 樂施會國際聯會也在培訓工作坊內推廣了有關方法, 協助超過 30 個合作伙伴和樂施會員工在東南亞地區改善項目 我們的工作也提高了女性在家庭和社區中的地位, 不少女性參與了經濟及政治活動, 針對女性的暴力問題也減少了 在贊比亞 Chibunze 區, 我們和英國樂施會合作推行項目,Veronica Mutafela 就是受益人之一 Veronica 在參與樂施會的項目後, 不但在經濟上獨立了, 而且在社會交往方面也更加活躍 她在漁村里成立了一個支持艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者的小組, 協助村民對抗艾滋病 有一段時間我經常生病, 後來在 2004 年我終於證實感染了艾滋病病毒 通過一連串的聚會和交流, 我增加了對艾滋病的認識, 糾正了以往的誤解, 也接受了被感染的事實 我變得更加開朗, 我想只有這樣才可以協助我的社區正視及對抗艾滋病問題 我們這裡主要靠捕魚為生, 有很多外地的漁夫到這裡做生意, 他們遠離家人, 容易通過和不同的性伴侶進行不安全性行為而感染艾滋病病毒 ; 也有些年輕的婦女與漁夫和中間人進行性交易以換取海產品 我們需要在漁村內加強對艾滋病病毒的警覺性, 也要推行預防艾滋病的培訓, 於是我成立了艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者支持小組, 這樣我們便可以互相幫助, 一起打破別人對艾滋病病人的歧視, 也可以互補所需 Veronica 參加了有關保育捕魚及魚穫加工的培訓, 收到四個魚網, 成效立竿見影, 收入增加了兩倍多! 樂施會亦鼓勵她飼養牲畜及種植經濟作物, 讓她在休漁期能透過冬耕得到更多食物及收入 她不但可以照顧家庭, 更有能力為兩個兒子支付學費 很多男人看見我划獨木舟都很驚訝, 但我向他們證明了女人同樣可以捕魚! 我買了一塊太陽能板和一隻獨木舟, 這讓我捕魚時更加輕鬆 雖然我得了艾滋病, 但身體仍然健康, 我為此感到自豪! 通過加強認識和消除愚眛, 這裡的艾滋病感染率和因性行為而感染性病的比率, 必定可以降低! 學習和創新令我們不斷進步, 從而更好地為貧窮人服務 我們的工作團隊依據各地不同的情況和優勢, 在可持續生計的各個工作範疇內, 努力不懈地發掘 學習和推行更適宜的項目 : 我們的東南亞團隊致力於在衝突的環境下保障弱勢群體的生計 ; 湄公河地區的團隊則通過推廣惠貧市場以改善貧窮人的生計 ; 南亞團隊專注提升女性的地位及其生計 ; 非洲南部團隊主要在長期不穩定的社會環境中改善貧窮人的生計 ; 人道救援團隊則致力於將降低災害危機和應對氣候變化兩種元素融入到人道救援工作中 我們積極研究把 負責任的美好生活 概念引入到發展項目中 這個在全球發展界中新穎但日漸被認同的概念, 植根於一個信念 發展工作的最終目的, 是使男女老少都能在其社區內享有幸福的生活 我們的工作致力從 4 個方面提升人們的幸福指數, 包括自給自足 ( 食物 住房和健康 ) 自信自重 ( 正面的自我形象和價值觀 ) 自尊自決 ( 擁有做決定的能力 ) 及社會責任 ( 成為社區內負責任的成員 ) 我們的合作伙伴率先把這些元素植入到項目中, 可謂是開路先鋒 我們也將 負責任的美好生活 這一概念, 融會到了尼泊爾 4 個地區的生計和賦權項目中 項目的眼點不只是增加收入, 而是協助他們成就夢想 我們把村民組織成不同的小組和合作社, 讓所有成員都可以更有效地參與和主導各類生計和賦權項目 在樂施會離開當地社區後, 合作社便擔起重任, 負責管理資金 組織培訓, 以及向政府爭取及建議資源調配 這一工作手法不但有助於當地人解決糧食問題和改善生計, 還能令居民更加團結, 提高自我價值認同, 增強幸福感 我們的未來的發展道路與樂施會國際聯會的其他成員緊密相連 兩年前, 樂施會開始推行單一管理架構 SMS), 令成員間的聯繫更為緊密 新的管理架構有助於各成員在推行項目時更為協調, 從而更具成本效益, 以期使貧窮人的生活發生實質的改變 我們的工作也因單一管理架構而有所改變, 例如將資源集中投放在少數國家, 改變總辦事處和駐項目地點的人力資源部署等 面對全球資源短缺等問題, 未來的挑戰會更嚴峻, 在過去 5 年間, 樂施會的工作已經取得了一些成果, 我們將以此為基礎, 繼續努力, 並對不斷出現的問題給予更密切的關注, 如城市中的貧窮人 氣候變化 青年發展, 以及以新形式出現的貧窮和弱勢群體等問題 縱然挑戰重重, 我們的扶貧團隊仍然滿懷信心, 秉承過去多年建立的傳統和信念, 在消滅貧窮及不公的道路上堅定不移地走下去 發展工作和社會改變, 是一個長期和多維的過程 我們期望未來能夠與你分享更多有關受益人生活改變的故事 17 樂施會年報 2011/12

19 Zambia: Women can catch fish Veronica Mutafela, a beneficiar y of our joint programme with Oxfam Great Britain in Chibunze, Zambia, is now more economically and socially empowered after participating in an Oxfam-supported programme. Dedicated to helping the community to fight against HIV/AIDS, she formed an HIV support group in her fishing community. "I was tested HIV positive in Through sensitisation and awareness meetings, I started opening up to others so that I could help my community to deal with the HIV/AIDS issue. Our main livelihood activity, fishing, attracts a lot of fishermen who come to do business. They are away from their families and may have been infected during unprotected sex with irregular partners. Some young women have sex with fishermen or middlemen in exchange for fish. We needed intensive HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention training at our fishing camp. I formed the HIV support group so that we could help each other to fight stigma and serve other needs," Veronica said. She received four fishing nets and training on conservation fishing and fish processing. Better fish sales have doubled her income. Oxfam also encourages her to raise livestock and grow cash crops during off-fishing season in the winter for more food and income. She now manages to maintain her household and pay school fees for her sons. "Men wondered when they saw me paddling a canoe, but I proved to them that women can catch fish too. I bought a solar panel and my own fishing canoe which made fishing easier. I can boast today because I am healthier than I used to be! Through eradicating illiteracy and ignorance in my community, the infection rate of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases will be reduced as well." Exploring, Learning and Innovating We also focused on learning and innovating. Our staff took responsibility for exploring, learning and innovating on various dimensions of sustainable livelihoods according to their context what we called centres of excellence. Thus, our Southeast Asia team focused on livelihoods in situations of conflict; our Mekong team on livelihoods and pro-poor markets; our South Asia team worked on livelihoods and the role of women; and our Southern Africa team on livelihoods in situations of chronic insecurity. Our humanitarian team pushed the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in humanitarian work. We are particularly proud of our exploratory work on "responsible wellbeing" a theme which is gaining global credence with the belief that, at the end of the day, development work is about every woman, man and child enjoying a sense of wellbeing within a community. We explored how we can make sure that our work promotes four dimensions of wellbeing, i.e., self-sustenance (food, shelter, health), self-esteem (positive selfimage, values), self-determination (ability to make decisions) and social responsibility (being a responsible member of a community). At the forefront of this exploration are our partners who have embedded that framework in their work. To illustrate, the responsible wellbeing concept is embedded in the Livelihood and Empowerment Programme in four districts of Nepal. The programme does not simply enhance 'what a person has', but also 'what a person can claim and do to fulfill one s aspirations'. A community is organised into groups and then cooperatives which enable them to effectively participate in and take charge of various livelihood and empowerment activities. These community institutions manage savings, organise training, and mobilise resources from government agencies after Oxfam leaves. This approach not only helps improve food security and livelihood, but also enhances people's sense of solidarity, self-worth and happiness. Looking Towards the Future Our development journey is linked to other affiliates in the global Oxfam family. This link has become tighter as we started the single management structure (SMS) initiative two years ago with the intention that our work becomes even more synergistic, cost-efficient, and finally making possible more substantive change in the lives of poor people we work with. The SMS efforts have already influenced our work from focusing on a smaller number of countries to the way we deploy our human resources in the head office and in the field. Looking ahead, the future poses tremendous challenges in a world beset by resource constraints, shocks, vulnerabilities and other complex realities. As we continue to build on the results of our work in the last five years, we also need to keep an eye on emergent issues such as urban poverty, the impact of climate change, youth development and new forms of poverty and vulnerabilities. However, we are confident that with the tradition and ambition built over the years, we will continue to count on a team that is deeply committed to the continuing struggle against poverty and related injustice. Our work development and social change is a longterm, multi-faceted process. We look towards being able to tell tales of changed lives, not just in one-off activities, but over a longer storyline of struggle, development and wellbeing. Veronica( 右一 ) 不再活在艾滋病病毒帶菌者的陰影下, 踏上自力更生之路 攝影 : 黃慶嘉 / 樂施會義務攝影師 No longer living in stigma, Veronica (far right) now lives a life of confidence and self-reliance. Photo: Ricky Wong / Oxfam Volunteer Photographer 韋嘉峰國際項目部總監 Roger Ricafort International Programme Unit Director Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 18

20 踏入 2012 年, 適逢樂施會在內地開展扶貧項目的 25 周年紀念, 對於我們來說, 別具意義 25 年來, 樂施會致力在內地進行扶貧工作, 已取得一定成效 我們在內地推行的項目規模不斷擴展, 從 1992 年只有昆明辦公室到現在拓展到貴陽 蘭州 成都及北京等地 ; 項目地點更遍布 20 多個省份及自治區 ; 項目范圍從偏遠農村的扶貧和救援工作, 到關注城市農民工 倡導社會性別平等 支援艾滋病患者 建立民間組織, 以及基礎教育的質量改善等 ; 工作手法也從單一的推行社區項目, 發展到政府扶貧政策的研究和倡議 無論是數目還是質量, 我們的工作都在不斷精益求精 2011/12 年度, 樂施會和內地不同地區的弱勢群體及合作伙伴, 開展了 359 個發展及緊急救援項目, 受益人數超過 190 萬人 我們在內地共有 172 個合作伙伴, 包括來自各級的政府部門 學術科研單位或民間組織 它們不僅了解內地扶貧的政策 手法, 以及弱勢群體的需要, 更認同樂施會公平公正 助人自助的發展理念 彼此通過合作, 一起將樂施會的扶貧信息帶到社區之中 樂施會中國項目部的 50 位內地員工, 則是樂施會與合作伙伴之間的橋樑, 我們通過緊密溝通和定期探訪, 支持合作伙伴推行項目, 一起考察及評估項目的效果 農村生計與減災防災 四川省秦家坎村的村民喬意會, 參加了樂施會的有機蔬菜種植項目後, 開墾了種植棚, 栽種辣椒和白菜等有機蔬菜 5.12 地震後, 樂施會在該村推行生計項目, 協助村民恢復生計 攝影 : 肖莎 / 樂施會 After joining Oxfam's organic vegetable farming programme, Qiao Yihui of Qinjiakan Village in rural Sichuan reclaimed wasteland and planted organic vegetables such as peppers and Chinese cabbages. The village, devastated by the 5.12 earthquake, is one of the sites where Oxfam launched a programme to help villagers restore their livelihoods. Photo: Xiao Sha / Oxfam 在貴州 甘肅 雲南 廣西 陝西 5 個重點策略省份, 樂施會的農村可持續生計工作主要有 4 大重點 : 經濟收入提高 減災防災 氣候變化適應 社區自我組織和管理 2011/12 年度, 我們在 5 個重點策略省份, 分別與超過 20 個合作伙伴一起開展了 56 個農村發展項目, 超過 85,000 人受益 在雲南和廣西, 我們倡議政府部門以農戶為本的手法來管理項目, 使投入的資源更能瞄準貧困戶 農戶能直接參與扶貧項目的設計和管理, 也可以更有效改善貧困農村的生計 在陝西, 本年度的工作重點是汶川地震災後重建, 改善受災村民的生計, 增強社區的自我管理能力, 以推動社區的可持續發展 例如在略陽縣的九中金村, 樂施會與國務院扶貧開發領導小組辦公室 ( 簡稱扶貧辦 *) 管轄下的外資項目管理中心合作, 探索新的項目模式 : 以改善生計為主, 配合社區基礎建設, 同時為農民提供 19 樂施會年報 2011/12

21 The year 2012 marks the 25th year of Oxfam Hong Kong's work in Mainland China. This signifies a new page for our work against poverty. Over the past 25 years, Oxfam has seen positive results in our poverty alleviation work in the Mainland. The projects we launched continue to expand from starting our first office in Kunming in 1992 to having offices in Guiyang, Lanzhou, Chengdu and Beijing. Our programmes now span across over 20 provinces and municipalities from providing emergency relief in remote villages to assisting rural-urban migrant workers, advocating gender equality, supporting people living with HIV/AIDS, establishing local organisations and improving the quality of basic education. Not only do we implement community programmes, but we also study poverty alleviation policies and advocate the government for stronger anti-poverty measures. We continue to strive for excellence in quality and quantity. In the year 2011/12, Oxfam Hong Kong launched a total of 359 development and emergency response projects in collaboration with disadvantaged groups and partner organisations in different regions in the Mainland, assisting over 1.9 million people. We have 172 partners from different government levels, academic research units or local NGOs. Not only do they offer insights into anti-poverty policies and methods as well as the needs of disadvantaged groups, but they also embrace Oxfam's approach of working with people against poverty and related injustice. With close communication, regular visits and 50 Mainland staff members acting as the bridge between us we support local partners to implement the programmes, and together we monitor and assess the results, bringing lasting impact on poverty reduction. Rural Livelihood and Disaster Management Our work concentrates strategically on five provinces Guizhou, Gansu, Yunnan, Guangxi and Shaanxi, where our rural sustainable livelihood programmes focus on four major areas: economic advancement, disaster relief and disaster management, climate change adaptation and self organisation and management within the communities. In the year 2011/12, we started 56 rural development projects with 20 partners in these five provinces. More than 85,000 people received our assistance. In Yunnan and Guangxi, Oxfam Hong Kong advocated a community-driven approach to managing our projects so that the resources can benefit poor households directly. Rural households can participate in the design and management of the projects, thus improving the livelihood of the village more efficiently. In Shaanxi, our work concentrated on post-quake reconstruction in Wenchuan, improving the livelihood of the survivors and strengthening the community's selfmanagement capacity for sustainable development. In Jiuzhongjin Village, Lueyang County, Oxfam collaborated with the Foreign Capital Project Management Centre of the State Council Leading Group Office of the China Poverty Alleviation Department (CPAD*) to explore a new model for our projects one that focuses on livelihood improvement, provides training for farmers, and ties in with the community's infrastructure development. We used 70% of our funds on small-scale enterprises such as Chinese herbal medicine and pig rearing. We also adopted one of CPAD's management models to provide communities with development funds, allowing residents to participate in the use and management of funds, and enhancing their capacity through training in agricultural technology and various skills. In Gansu, we trained the residents of Minqin County to grow alfalfa, repair water tanks, and encouraged them to grow grass within the community so the sheep do not have to graze on the mountains, thus affecting the natural environment. With the introduction of participatory management and technical training, there is hope for long-term improvement on their livelihoods. Urban Livelihood and HIV/AIDS Prevention There are more than 240 million rural-urban migrant workers in Mainland China, and they have become one of the major marginalised groups in the cities due to their lack of urban household registration status. On 8 February 2012, Oxfam's partner Yunnan Heart-to-Heart Community Care Ser vice Centre organised an event that allowed representatives of women and children in the migrant community to have a face-to-face dialogue with members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Yunnan Provincial Committee. At the event, CPPCC members signed five proposals for integrating the migrant 樂施會在貴州長順縣擺雅小學推動鄉土課程, 令學生的學習與社區生活結合 圖為民間蘆笙藝人教孩子們跳蘆笙舞, 令鄉土文化得以薪火相傳 攝影 : 樂施會 In Changshun County, Guizhou, Oxfam Hong Kong promotes rural education which integrates students' learning with community life. Pictured here is a group of primary students learning how to do the traditional Miao dance using the musical instrument lusheng as part of rural curriculum. Traditions are being passed down from generation to generation. Photo: Oxfam Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 20

22 樂施會與合作伙伴在貴州省綏陽縣獅山村協助成立合作社, 不單為社區增加收入, 又為留守婦女成立了文藝隊 她們為紅 白事演奏以增加收入, 又推行關懷留守兒童和老人的活動 攝影 : 樂施會 In Guizhou, left-behind wives of Shishan Village, Suiyang County, formed a band with the assistance of an Oxfamsupported cooperative. They play at weddings and funerals, making money and enjoying music. They also organise activities to express care for left-behind children and the elderly. Photo: Oxfam 培訓 我們將 70% 的資金投入到中草藥 ( 豬苓 ) 和養豬等產業項目中, 又採用扶貧辦的 扶貧互助資金 管理模式, 為社區提供發展基金, 讓村民參與基金的運用和管理, 協助村民改善生計 ; 同時配合農業技術及多項知識的培訓, 提升農民的能力 在甘肅省民勤縣, 我們培訓村民種植苜蓿 修建水窖, 又引導他們在社區內種草餵羊, 避免放羊吃山草, 影響環境生態 ; 配合參與式項目管理和市場培訓, 長遠改善村民的生計 城市生計及艾滋病防治內地有超過 2.4 億的農民工, 由於在城市並無戶籍, 他們成為城市中最主要的弱勢群體 樂施會的合作伙伴 雲南連心社區照顧服務中心, 於 2012 年 2 月 8 日舉行了 雲南省政協委員社區流動人口民情訪談 活動, 讓社區內的流動婦女 兒童代表與政協委員面對面交流 參與活動的政協委員更是當場簽署了 關於流動人口融入城市社區的建議 關於進一步完善流動人口子女小升初教育政策的建議 等提案 本次活動總共促成了 5 項與流動人口相關提案的提交, 成績令人鼓舞 樂施會又支持合作伙伴在內地 14 個外來工聚集的社區, 設立社區服務中心或進行外展服務工作, 協助外來工及其家庭融入城市社區 ; 我們支持了 5 個法律援助機構, 為外來工提供法律服務 鑒於女性流動人口往往處於更為弱勢的地位, 樂施會在開展相關工作時, 特別關注婦女外來工的情況, 鼓勵女工互助及發聲 內地艾滋病問題不容樂觀, 我們支持 23 個協助流動人口的防治城市艾滋病項目, 約 3 萬人受益 在雲南及廣西兩省, 我們也開展了 9 個農村艾滋病防治項目, 包括建立感染者互助小組 小額貸款 資助受感染的貧困兒童上學, 以及支持感染者等, 在與邊境接壤的少數民族社區中, 為弱勢社群提供服務, 受益人數超過 4,000 發展多元文化獲得教育是每個人的基本權利, 社會也應該包容和發展多元的文化 在貴州省長順縣, 我們與縣政協 教育局合作, 開展 鄉土課程開發項目, 收集整理長順布依族 苗族和屯堡人的民俗文化及地域文化, 並通過培訓師資及編寫教材, 將鄉土教育與學校教育結合起來 2011 年 4 月, 長順縣首部鄉土教材 這方熱土這方情 宣告出版, 經試用後反應良好, 我們並在全縣 17 個鄉鎮 40 所小學舉辦師資培訓, 協助老師教授鄉土課程 2012 年 3 月起, 該教材更在 40 所學校被推廣使用, 贏得當地一致好評 樂施會於貴州 甘肅 青海 雲南 湖南 北京等地, 開展了 36 個不同類型的教育及培訓項目, 受益人數超過 87,000 促進社會性別平等貧窮人口缺乏保障, 婦女更是首當其衝 樂施會在北京 廣州 河南 河北 廣西 雲南 陝西 甘肅等地總計支持了 24 個以社會性別平等為主題的項目, 推行有關的培訓 社區服務 公眾教育 政策研究與倡議工作等, 以傳達社會性別平等的信息, 提升婦女地位, 超過 7 萬人受益 在陝西, 樂施會支持合作伙伴 婦女理論婚姻家庭研究會, 開展反對婦女暴力的工作, 以及舉辦反暴力活動 該項目通過社區服務 培訓 機構間合作, 以及政策倡導等渠道, 讓公眾關注到針對婦女的暴力問題的嚴重性 內地減貧政策研究開展扶貧項目的同時, 樂施會也通過政策研究, 以推動政策完善和制度變革, 合作伙伴包括政府研究機構如國務院扶貧辦, 高校研究機構如北京大學, 以及民間組織如綠色流域等 2011/12 年度, 中國政府推出 中國農村扶貧開發綱要 ( ), 樂施會積極響應, 適時推出 貧困 發展與減貧叢書, 聯同內地多個非政府組織反思中國過往 10 年的減貧成果, 以及為未來的減貧政策提出建議, 並以政策報告的方式提交到相關政府部門 樂施會強調扶貧政策研究必須建基於社區的實際情況 在貴州, 我們通過生計項目和活動 ( 如成立養鵝合作社及技術培訓 ), 探索在城鄉之間往返的流動農民工面臨的挑戰和需求, 以能更有效地支持流動勞動力 留守婦女 兒童和老年人等不同群體, 繼而在該項目的基礎上再進行政策倡導工作, 從根本上解決流動人口所面對的問題 展望明年, 樂施會在內地的項目仍以改善弱勢群體的可持續生計, 以及保障公平發展的權利為主要工作方向, 並加強對扶貧政策的研究與倡議, 以擴大扶貧的效果 我們期望繼續得到您的支持! * 扶貧辦的主要職責是擬訂開發貧困地區經濟的方針 政策和規劃 ; 協調社會各界的扶貧工作 ; 協調中央扶貧資金的分配和監督扶貧資金的運用, 以及負責有關扶貧的國際交流和合作 21 樂施會年報 2011/12

23 population into the urban communities and improving education policies for children of the migrant workers. These proposals are positive development for urban livelihood. To fur ther help migrant workers assimilate into the community, we supported local partners to set up community service centres or engage in outreach service in 14 communities with high migrant population. We also supported five legal aid agencies to provide legal service for the workers. Women are often more vulnerable within the migrant population; Oxfam prioritises women in our work with migrant workers, encouraging them to support each other and make their voices heard. In our fight against the threat of HIV/AIDS in China, we supported 23 projects that helped prevent HIV/AIDS among the mobile population in the cities, assisting about 30,000 people. In Yunnan and Guangxi, we started nine HIV/AIDS prevention projects in the rural areas setting up support groups for infected people, providing micro-credit, supporting impoverished children who are infected to go to school, and so on. More than 4,000 people living in ethnic minority communities near the border have benefited from these projects. Promoting Diversity Education is a basic human right; and every society should have the opportunity to develop cultural diversity. In Changshun County, Guizhou, Oxfam worked with the municipal government and the education department to launch the "Rural Curriculum Development Programme". Under the programme, we compiled the minority culture of the people of Buyi, Miao and Gin. Through teacher training and curriculum development, we then integrated elements of rural culture with regular school curriculum. In April 2011, the first course book on rural culture came out in Changshun County and received positive feedback. We then conducted teacher training in 17 townships in the County, and in March 2012, the rural curriculum was introduced to 40 schools in these townships. All in all, Oxfam started 36 education and training projects in Guizhou, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Hunan and Beijing, assisting more than 87,000 people. Promoting Gender Justice Impoverished people lack social protection, among whom women are the most vulnerable. Oxfam supported 24 projects on gender justice in Beijing, Guangzhou, Henan, Hebei, Guangxi, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Gansu, providing training, community service, public education, policy research and advocacy to promote gender equality and improve the status of women. More than 70,000 people have benefited from these projects. In Shaanxi, Oxfam collaborated with local partner Research Association for Women and Family and launched projects opposing violence against women. Through community ser vice, training, partnerships and policy advocacy, these projects raised awareness of the severity of the problem. Research on Poverty Alleviation Policies In addition to our poverty alleviation programmes, we also work with partners to advocate policy and institutional change through policy research. Our partners include governmental organisations like CPAD, research centres of tertiary institutions like Peking University, and local NGOs like Green Watershed. In 2011/12, the Chinese government unveiled the Outline for Poverty Reduction and Development of China's Rural Areas ( ). Oxfam responded to this new framework and published a book series titled Poverty, Development and Poverty Elimination, in which Oxfam and several NGOs in the Mainland reflected on China's poverty reduction efforts in the past ten years and made recommendations on future policies. All of these were submitted to relevant government departments. Oxfam believes that policy research should be based on the actual situation of the community. In Guizhou, we explore the challenges and needs of rural-urban migrant workers through livelihood projects such as goose rearing cooperatives and skills training. We are then able to provide better support to the workers, the left-behind wives and children and the elderly. We base our advocacy work on solid knowledge of the issues these people face, and address the root of the problem. Looking forward, we will focus our work on enhancing the sustainable livelihood of vulnerable groups and protecting the right to fair development. We also hope to strengthen our research and advocacy for poverty alleviation policies in order to maximise the effect of our work. We look forward to your continued support. * CPAD's primary tasks are to map out the strategy, policies and plan for developing impoverished regions' economy, to coordinate poverty alleviation work, to oversee the allocation and use of CPAD's funds, and to facilitate communication and cooperation on poverty alleviation with international partners. 樂施會與四川省南江縣秦巴農村發展中心合作, 在巴中市推行糧食援助項目, 援助 9.18 水災災民 在公開公正的原則下, 我們在發放援助物資時, 都要求把農戶名單及物資數量張榜公報 攝影 : 樂施會 In rural Sichuan, Oxfam Hong Kong worked with the Qinba Rural Development Centre and supported food assistance projects for the flood survivors in Bazhong City. Names of beneficiaries and the supplies they receive will be listed and posted in a public area. This resident gasped with joy when he found his name on the beneficiary list. Photo: Oxfam 廖洪濤中國項目部總監 Howard Liu China Programme Unit Director Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 22

24 樂施會在全球開展糧食公正活動, 關注貧窮人的糧食問題, 希望所有人都有一個更美好的未來 攝影 : 肖莎 / 樂施會 Oxfam's GROW campaign aims to build a better food system: one that sustainably feeds a growing population and empowers poor people to thrive. Photo: Xiao Sha / Oxfam 樂施會自 2007 年開始推行氣候變化的倡導活動, 包括為貧困農民制訂氣候變化應對策略, 推動政府和相關機構關注氣候變化問題, 以及在香港及內地進行公眾教育 我們連續數年跟進聯合國氣候變化框架公約大會, 該會議是氣候變化議題上最重要的周年國際會議 ;2011 年 12 月在南非德班舉行的聯合國氣候變化框架公約第十七次締約方大會 ( 簡稱 COP17) 舉行之前及期間, 樂施會所推進的倡導工作在公眾中間產生了顯著影響 在 COP 17 舉行期間, 樂施會和中國人民大學合辦了氣候傳播國際論壇, 中國氣候變化首席談判代表蘇偉出席並作重要發言 樂施會政策顧問戈爾在論壇上介紹了樂施會國際聯會在氣候傳播方面的角色和作用 ; 首位來自內地的樂施大使, 內地知名女演員海清則向與會者介紹了氣候變化對中國西北農民的影響 該國際論壇在內地獲得了廣泛報道, 提升了社會對氣候變化問題的關注 經樂施會和多方的努力, 非政府組織和政府之間的對話亦有所增加 目前, 中國政府已將適應氣候變化的措施納入五年規劃綱要 ( ) 之中 為成功達到樂施會倡導的目標, 我們與中國人民大學合作推動 中國氣候傳播項目, 以提高公眾對氣候變化的關注 該項目在內地得到媒體 公眾 政府部門 學術界, 以及非政府組織的廣泛迴應 在 COP17 舉行期間, 樂施會有關氣候變化的活動在內地總共有 700 篇媒體報道 ; 我們又通過社群媒體這一有效工具來提升公眾的關注度, 開設了 COP 17 博客和 Facebook 專頁, 樂施會的 4 個微博現在也已擁有超過 250,000 名粉絲 這些都有助於提升社會各界對氣候變化問題的關注 23 樂施會年報 2011/12

25 Oxfam Hong Kong is committed to promoting advocacy work on sustainable development issues such as climate change, food justice and corporate social responsibility in Hong Kong and the Mainland. With staff of the Policy and Campaigns Unit based in both Hong Kong and Beijing, we believe we can have an impact on Chinese policy and continue to have many key exchanges with top-level government officials. Climate Change Oxfam Hong Kong has been addressing climate change since 2007 through on-the-ground climate change adaptation initiatives with impoverished farmers, advocacy with governments and institutions, and public education in Hong Kong and Mainland China. For several years, we have lobbied at the annual conference on climate change hosted by the United Nations. Leading up to and during the 17th such conference (COP 17) held in December 2011 in South Africa, Oxfam created significant impact. At the UN Conference, China's chief negotiator Su Wei delivered the keynote speech of the International Forum on Climate Change Communication, while Oxfam Climate Change Policy Advisor Tim Gore presented an analysis of the negotiations, and Chinese actress Hai Qing, the first Oxfam Ambassador from the Mainland, spoke about how farmers in northwest China are being affected by climate change. The Forum generated substantial interest and media coverage on climate change. Dialogue between NGOs and the Chinese Government has increased. A recent policy change is that climate change adaptation has been integrated into the Five-Year Plan (2011 to 2015). In order to achieve the objectives of our campaign, we launched the China Climate Change Communications Project (C4) in collaboration with Renmin University. The project connected the media, the public, policymakers, government departments, academia, and non-governmental organisations on the issue of climate change. Around 700 media reports were generated by Oxfam on climate change in China in the same month when COP 17 was held. Social media has been instrumental in raising awareness on climate change there are now 250,000 followers on Oxfam Hong Kong's four mini-blogs. We also created a bilingual Chinese-English blog and a Facebook page dedicated to the UN Conference. The year 2012 promises to be another substantial year, with participation at a forum with the European Union (March), the Rio+20 talks (June) and the next UN Climate Change Conference (November and December). The year also marks the launch of the Oxfam Award on Poverty Alleviation Media Coverage in Mainland China and Oxfam's GROW campaign for food justice in Hong Kong and the Mainland. 德班氣候大會開幕前一天, 樂施行動組 2011 年成員走到旺角街頭, 戴起黃色大帽, 呼籲公眾提高氣候變化的警覺 攝影 : 樂施會 One day before COP17 took place in Durban, members of Oxfam Club 2011 marched to the streets of Mong Kok with bright yellow heads, calling for awareness on climate change. Photo: Oxfam Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 24

26 樂施會與中國人民大學新聞與社會發展研究中心聯合開展的 中國氣候傳播項目, 在 2011 中國公益推動力評選活動 中當選為 2011 年度媒體關注公益品牌項目 該活動於 2012 年 2 月 29 日在北京舉行, 由國家民政部 中央社會治安綜合治理委員會辦公室 中華全國總工會 中華全國婦女聯合會等機構聯合主辦 樂施會總裁施日莊和樂施大使海清代表領獎 攝影 : 樂施會 Oxfam received the 2011 Annual Media Focusing Philanthropy Brand Programme award from China Philanthropy Impetus Selection, co-hosted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Social Management, All- China Federation of Trade Unions and All China Women's Federation. Oxfam Hong Kong Director General John Sayer and Oxfam Ambassador Hai Qing received the award on behalf of Oxfam. Photo: Oxfam 樂施會於 2012 年的倡導活動已經密鑼緊鼓地展開 :3 月份的歐盟會議 6 月份的里約 +20 峰會, 以及在 11 月和 12 月舉行的第十八屆聯合國氣候變化締約方大會 2012 年, 我們會在內地籌辦 樂施扶貧媒體報道獎, 以及在香港和內地開展 G R O W 糧食公正全球倡導活動 樂施會的另一項重要倡導項目是企業社會責任 我們相信私營企業對社會的發展有舉足輕重的作用, 在多方面對消滅貧窮都有積極的影響和貢獻 當一個地區的私營企業健康地發展, 同時願意肩負起社會責任的時候, 實現可持續發展以及通過經濟增長以消滅貧窮的可能性就會更大 目前, 內地大約有 11 萬個農業產業化龍頭企業, 影響超過 1 億 1 千萬戶家庭的生計和福祉 4 年來, 樂施會一直在支援農業龍頭企業社會責任活動的研究和分析, 政府對此表示支持, 並且提供信息協助研究 2012 年 3 月, 國務院首次確認要逐步建立龍頭企業社會責任報告制度 農業產業化龍頭企業不單要履行僱主的責任, 如支付薪金和社會保險費, 更需要定期公布企業如何使農戶受益, 以及接受公眾監察 樂施會將繼續支持合作伙伴農業部農村經濟政策研究中心, 監測企業社會責任報告制度的實施情況 樂施會在 2012 年 4 月向香港交易所提交意見書, 呼籲上市公司特別是食品及農業企業, 向公眾提高其企業的透明度 樂施會同時倡導在內地投資的外國農業企業, 改善其企業社會責任的履行情況 ; 在如湄公河地區和非洲南部等海外地區, 我們則支持合作伙伴對中國的投資企業進行研究和分析 樂施會將繼續與合作伙伴通過出版 網站 研討會和學術會議等方式, 提高公眾對企業社會責任的關注 今年開始, 樂施會致力於推行將持續數年的 GROW 糧食公正倡導活動 我們希望農民可以耕種出足夠多的糧食 ( 為自己也為全世界所有人 ), 同時能夠從中得到公平的回報 對農民而言, 能夠獲得土地和水資源的使用權和控制權尤為重要, 特別是在全球近半數的農民都是女性的情況下 2011 年, 我們主要為 GROW 糧食公正倡導活動 奠定基礎 : 培養員工對糧食公正問題的認識和分析能力, 並將糧食公正和氣候變化等議題結合起來, 與相關領域的學者合作開展有關農業 農業企業及副食品供應鏈的研究, 探討農民在向內地及國外企業銷售農產品時所面臨的機遇和挑戰 我們從氣候變化議題手, 將社區的發展和倡導工作結合 起來 內地的農民每天都在對抗氣候變化帶來的負面影響, 如干旱 農作物病害 極端天氣 水災以及更多的災害 我們與接受過良好培訓的農民和發展工作者 學者 內地的非政府組織以及社區合作, 評估農民及社區的脆弱性, 以開發出更好的適應氣候變化的方法, 並力求有助於內地制訂更完善的政策 我們會在 2012 年出版研究報告, 倡導香港及內地的公眾 企業和政府部門與樂施會攜手, 創造一個更完善和更公平的糧食生產和分配體系 ; 在這一過程中, 與您保持緊密的溝通, 是爭取公眾關注和支持的重要元素 25 樂施會年報 2011/12

27 2011 年 5 月, 樂施大使海清探訪甘肅靖遠縣箬笠鄉升陽村的樂施會生態扶貧項目點, 了解連年干旱對農民生計的影響, 以及樂施會在應對氣候變化方面的手法及成效 圖為海清與升陽村婦女小魏交談, 了解她的健康和家中情況 攝影 : 張成鋼 In May 2011, Oxfam Ambassador Hai Qing visited a livelihood project site in Jingyuan County, Gansu, to understand the impacts of chronic drought on the farmers, and the effects of Oxfam s climate change adaptation measures in the village. In her conversation with Xiaowei of Shengyang Village, Hai Qing learned about Xiaowei s health condition, and rural life in general. Photo: Zhang Chenggang Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is another core Oxfam Hong Kong campaign. We believe that the private sector plays a central role in development, making an impact on or contribution to poverty reduction in many different ways. Where there is a healthy and responsible private sector, there are greater possibilities for sustainable development and economic growth that can lead to poverty reduction. For four years, Oxfam Hong Kong has been supporting research and analysis on the CSR activities of leading agricultural enterprises in China there are about 110,000 of these companies which af fect the wellbeing and livelihoods of more than 110 million families. The Chinese Government has been supportive of information disclosure. In March 2012, for the first time, the State Council publicly acknowledged the need for establishing a CSR reporting system. Leading agricultural enterprises must now declare on a regular basis how they benefit rural households, and accept public monitoring, apart from fulfilling employers' responsibilities such as paying salary and social insurance. We will continue to support our partner, the Research Center for Rural Economy of the Ministry of Agriculture, to monitor the implementation of the reporting system. In Hong Kong, Oxfam also made a formal submission to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2012, calling for more disclosure among listed companies, especially among food and agriculture companies. We also work to improve the CSR practices of foreign agribusiness companies in China and support research and analysis on China's foreign investments, such as in the Mekong and in southern Africa. As well, Oxfam Hong Kong continues to work with partners to raise awareness of CSR among NGOs and the general public through publications, websites, workshops and seminars. Food Justice and GROW Now, and in the years ahead, Oxfam will be working for food justice. We call this campaign GROW we want farmers to be able to grow the food they (and we all) need, and we want them to be able to benefit fairly from their work. In 2011, we prepared the groundwork for the campaign, building up capacity and knowledge, integrating food justice and climate change issues across the agency, and collaborating with researchers on agriculture, agribusiness, staple food supply chains, and on the opportunities and challenges that farmers face in selling crops to Chinese and foreign food companies. We are linking our community development work with our advocacy, starting with climate change. Chinese farmers are fighting climate change impacts every day: droughts, crop disease, extreme weather, floods, and more. With trained practitioners, scholars, Chinese NGOs and the communities themselves, Oxfam Hong Kong has been assessing vulnerabilities and developing best practices which can contribute to better policy in China. In 2012, Oxfam Hong Kong will be publishing a research report and calling on the public, companies and government bodies in Hong Kong and Mainland China to create better, fairer food systems. Once again, communications will be a key element to raise awareness and support. We invite you to grow with us. 費樂歌政策倡導部總監 Lot Felizco Policy and Campaigns Unit Director (1 / 4 / / 2 / 2012) Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 26

28 本年度, 香港部舉辦了跨組別合作的 點開 飯? 基層晚餐流動展 ( 粵語 點開飯, 即怎樣才可以得溫飽 ), 於 2011 年 9 月至 11 月連續在香港的 6 個公共區域 2 所大學和 15 所中學巡迴展出, 展示貧窮人在糧價上漲情況下的困境 流動展同時穿插戲劇教育工作者的表演, 以戲劇手法表現貧窮人的生活 流動展獲得了社會極大反響, 也引發媒體的廣泛報道, 成功喚起了人們對香港的糧食援助政策及普通市民生活的關注 流動展總計約有 18,100 人次參與, 同時, 我們還發起簽名活動, 呼籲社會重視貧窮人的溫飽問題, 簽名活動總共收集到 4,968 個簽名, 以行動要求香港政府正視糧食價格高漲的問題 我們的工作也得到了公眾及其他機構的認同, 1 有機構願意為食物銀行捐贈食物 ; 香港政府也在 2011/12 年的施政報告中表明, 將延續及改善食物銀行服務, 包括增加食物種類及供應新鮮的食物 流動展同時還突顯出普通百姓住房困難的問題, 我們於是倡議政府加快興建公共房屋的速度, 該建議得到了社會的廣泛關注 我們還與其他團體合作, 建議政府將 鼓勵就業交通津貼計劃 的扶助對象由全職者擴展至每周工作 36 至 72 小時的兼職人員, 約 48,000 名兼職工作者直接受益 經過樂施會和其他機構接近 10 年的努力, 香港首個法定最低工資終於在 2011 年 5 月 1 日實施 為更好了解香港各界對最低工資的期望, 我們於 2011 年 4 月發布了 公眾對實施最低工資意見調查 的報告, 該報告引起了社會關注, 促使多個大型快餐連鎖店履行企業社會責任, 不削減僱員的帶薪午飯時間和 2 帶薪假期 ; 我們倡議最低工資不應低於綜援水平, 以貫徹 勞動有價 工作應可養家 的理念 最終港 樂施大使容祖兒 2011 年 4 月初到訪雲南省楚雄市大過口鄉的偏遠山區, 考察樂施會在當地的扶貧工作 攝影 : 林子軒 / 樂施會 In April 2011, Oxfam Ambassador Joey Yung visited the remote mountainous areas of Daguokou Township, Chuxiong, Yunnan, to gain an understanding of Oxfam's anti-poverty work. Photo: Hugo Lam / Oxfam 1 食物援助服務 ( 俗稱 食物銀行 ) 主要由非政府机构及宗教團体提供, 協助有需要的貧困人士及家庭, 包括新來港人士 單親家庭 需要緊急救濟的人士及家庭 露宿者等, 以助他們應付日常食用的需要, 食物來源主要由机构或私人捐助, 或由政府撥款支援購買 2 香港綜合社會援助保障計划, 是以入息輔助方法,為那些在經濟上無法自給的人士提供安全网,使他們的入息達到一定水平,以應付生活上的基本需要 27 樂施會年報 2011/12

29 Hong Kong Unit made positive progress in the year 2011/12. Our policy advocacy, development education and fair trade advocacy gained wide recognition, and we received solid support for our fundraising efforts. A Call for Poverty Awareness As part of Oxfam's "JUST bite" campaign, we created the "JUST bite" Exhibition on Food and Poverty which travelled to six districts, two universities and 15 secondary schools from September to November About 18,100 people walked through the mobile exhibition which illustrated the hard life that poor people struggle with under soaring food prices. It also featured a drama performance which revealed the many challenges poor people face. Widely reported by the media, the exhibition successfully raised awareness on Hong Kong's food assistance policies and poverty situation. To step up our call for stronger government action, we collected 4,968 signatures in a petition that called for adequate food supply for everyone. As a response to our campaign, some organisations decided to donate food to the food banks. In its 2011/12 Policy Address, the HKSAR Government promised to continue and improve food bank services, including providing a larger variety of foods and fresh foods. The exhibition also highlighted the housing problem of low-income families. As part of the campaign, we suggested the Government to expedite the construction of public housing. Together with other organisations, we also successfully urged the Government to include parttime workers working 36 to 72 hours per week in the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme. Around 48,000 workers have benefited so far. After almost ten years of advocacy work by Oxfam Hong Kong and other organisations, the statutory minimum wage finally came into force on 1 May We released the results of the Opinion Survey on the Implementation of a Statutory Minimum Wage in April 2011, urging large fast food chains to exercise corporate social responsibility and not to eliminate employees' paid meal breaks and paid rest days. With the belief that a decent standard of living is a basic right, we advocated for a minimum wage level that is not lower than the payment of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme. In the end, the first statutory minimum wage rate was set at HK$28, which was higher than the average CSSA level of HK$27 at that time. The Oxfam survey shows that after the minimum wage was implemented, around 70% poor families benefited from increased income, however, 40% of those families were still deprived. We therefore recommended setting the minimum wage level according to three major principles: inflation, CSSA payouts and deprivation indicators, and a rate review should be conducted annually. Looking forward, our Hong Kong Programme will continue to focus on the minimum wage issue and employment poverty, and advocate for an increase in public housing units. 點開飯? 基層晚餐流動展 加插了戲劇環節, 展示基層人士生活在食物漲價下的困境 攝影 : 樂施會 "JUST bite" Exhibition on Food and Poverty featured a special drama that illustrated how poor people struggle and cope with soaring food prices. Photo: Oxfam Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 28

30 樂施會多年來致力在香港推動公平貿易, 相信能協助小農及生產者解決因不公平貿易而引致的貧窮問題 設計 :Kevin Ng / 樂施會 Fair Trade advocacy is an important part of our work. At Oxfam, we believe smallscale farmers and producers in poor countries should get a fair deal, and we need to make trade fair. Design: Kevin Ng / Oxfam 樂施行動組成員參加了樂施會的海外考察團, 到尼泊爾體驗當地人民的生活 回港後, 他們走到街頭, 以不同的形式探索貧窮問題 攝影 : 樂施會 Oxfam Club members went on a field trip to Nepal to experience the life of the rural people. Then they returned to Hong Kong and explored poverty issues in local neighbourhoods. Photo: Oxfam 府將首個法定最低工資定為每小時 28 港元, 高於當時每小時 27 港元的平均綜援水平 樂施會的調查顯示, 香港實施最低工資後, 雖然有約七成貧窮家庭的收入有所增加, 但當中仍有約四成家庭仍感匱乏, 於是我們建議最低工資水平的設定應依照三大原則 : 通脹 綜援水平及匱乏指數, 並建議香港政府應每年進行評估 展望未來, 樂施會仍會以最低工資和在職貧窮為工作重點, 同時倡議增建公共住房, 促使香港政府加快安置百姓安居的步伐 樂施會在香港推動公平貿易向來不遺余力, 更是香港公平貿易聯盟 ( 創立於 2008 年 ) 的創會成員之一 在樂施會的協助下, 該聯盟獲邀成為國際公平貿易卷標組織 (FLO) 在香港地區的代表, 並於 2012 年 5 月正式簽署成為 公平貿易市場推廣組織, 在香港監督公平貿易產品及頒發認證, 這是香港公平貿易發展的重要里程碑 2011 年 5 月, 樂施會邀請了 4 位來自巴基斯坦 中國內地 印度尼西亞 老撾的公平貿易生產者赴港, 參加亞洲最大型的餐飲商貿展 HOFEX 2011, 向世界各地的買家介紹優質的有機公平貿易產品 歌星黃耀明連續擔任了 10 年 樂施大使, 肩負了教育公眾認識及支持公平貿易的重任 根據樂施會的調查,2010 年全香港的公平貿易產品銷售總額保守估計有 2,170 萬港元 公平貿易產品的銷售點目前分散在非主流的獨立商店中, 樂施會希望將公平貿易產品推廣到超級市場, 讓更多人便於購買, 從而擴大香港的公平貿易產品市場, 使發展中國家的小農直接受益 本年度, 樂施行動組的主題是 好生活, 這是首次以樂施會 負責任的美好生活 發展工作框架為教育活動的分析工具, 分析不同群體的生活質量 一批年輕人參加了樂施會的海外考察團, 到尼泊爾體驗當地人民的生活 回港後, 他們選擇了不同的社會議題走上街頭, 以不同的形式喚起市民對貧窮人的關注 我們在香港推廣聲音藝術并作教育及研究的机构 聲音掏腰包 合作, 推出新的實驗工作坊 打開耳窩 聲音藝術 X 社區探索, 讓年輕人在香港北角社區走動及聆聽聲音, 探索城市急促發展對社區內貧窮人生活的影響 我們還製作了 世界公民教育學校指引, 協助不同科目的教師將世界公民教育這一主題引入學校課程之中 指引內容不僅實用且兼具啟發性, 是老師制訂中 小學生活與社會通識課程的有用參考材料 樂施會互動教育中心於 2005 年成立, 至今總共為來自 556 所學校和青年團體的成員提供了 1,939 個工作坊, 參與的青少年共有 59,411 名 在 2011/12 學年, 我們舉辦了 332 個工作坊, 共有 10,018 位青少年參與, 我們又推動樂施青年講者計劃, 培訓大學生及青年到學校進行 30 場扶貧講座, 主題包括氣候變化及世界貧窮狀況, 出席學生共達 11,750 人 我們在 2011 年 6 月首次推出難民周活動, 為小學生舉辦 天地無家 難民營工作坊, 並於 2011 年和聯合國難民署合作出版了圖書 天地無家, 以作為教學資源 我們推出的多個不同範疇的工作坊, 受到多所學校的歡迎 如何在有限的空間內增加工作坊的參與人數, 令更多學生得益, 將是一大挑戰 ; 同時, 我們還會增加對工作坊導師的支持, 協調導師能力, 令工作坊的教學素質更趨統一 另外, 將世界公民教育的學校課程深化, 令更多人能夠深入了解世界公民教育, 這也是未來發展教育工作的目標之一 29 樂施會年報 2011/12

31 New Milestone for Fair Trade As one of the founding members of the Fair Trade Hong Kong Foundation (FTHK), which was established in 2008, Oxfam Hong Kong has been committed to promoting Fair Trade practices. Under our facilitation, FTHK was invited by Fairtrade Labelling Organizations to become a Fairtrade Marketing Organization in Hong Kong in May FTHK will be responsible for approving licensed use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in Hong Kong. This is an important milestone for Fair Trade development. In May 2011, Oxfam Hong Kong invited four Fair Trade producers from Pakistan, Mainland China, Indonesia and Lao PDR to participate in the largest food, beverage and hospitality trade exhibitions in Asia HOFEX 2011, where they were able to introduce their quality organic Fair Trade products to buyers from all over the world. Over the past ten years, popular singer Anthony Wong has been advocating for Fair Trade alongside Oxfam as one of our ambassadors. An Oxfam survey found that the total sales value of Fair Trade products in Hong Kong in 2010 was around HK$21.7 million. Currently, most of the retail outlets of Fair Trade products are independent shops. Oxfam hopes to increase accessibility of Fair Trade products by putting them on the shelves of supermarkets so that more people can buy and support these products. This will help expand the Fair Trade market in Hong Kong and benefit more small-scale producers in developing countries. Inspiring the Younger Generation The theme for Oxfam Club in 2011/12 was "Wellbeing". It was the first time that Oxfam Hong Kong adopted the responsible wellbeing framework as an educational tool. These young members first went on a field trip to Nepal, where they experienced the life of the rural people. After returning to Hong Kong, they spent time in different neighbourhoods exploring different social issues. In both places, they used the responsible wellbeing framework to analyse the quality of life of the locals. They then presented what they had learned through various projects while raising concern for disadvantaged people. Working with charitable organisation Soundpocket, we launched the experimental workshop "Big Ears Understanding Our Community by Listening". Young participants stepped into the North Point neighbourhood and by listening, explored how rapid urban development affected the lives of poor people. During the year, we published the Global Citizenship Education School Guide, which helps teachers of different subjects to incorporate global citizenship education into the school curriculum. The guide is a practical and useful resource for teachers when they formulate the curricula for Liberal Studies / Life and Society for secondary schools and General Studies for primary schools. Established in 2005, the Interactive Education Centre has since organised 1,939 workshops for 59,411 youth from 556 schools and youth groups. In the school year 2011/12, 10,018 youth attended our 332 workshops which addressed issues ranging from local poverty to world refugees. In June 2011, we launched Refugee Week, which included an experiential workshop allowing primary students to experience life in a refugee camp. We also teamed up with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to create a book, Without a Home in the World, as a resource. The Oxfam School Speakers Programme (O-Speakers) allowed young people at university or employed to receive training before they gave talks on poverty issues in different schools. 11,750 students attended 30 seminars covering topics such as climate change and world poverty. Our workshops are well received by many schools; sometimes we are not able to accommodate all applicants. Our challenge is to maximise the limited space we have to benefit as many students as possible. We will also increase support for our facilitators and leverage their strengths in order to enhance the overall quality of our workshops. Another goal of the Development Education Team is to strengthen our Global Citizenship Education curriculum, and help students, teachers and the general public gain a deeper understanding of the issue. 樂施會重視和公眾的交流, 每年都舉辦捐款者聚會, 去年超過 300 位樂施會支持者出席 攝影 : 陳健雄 / 樂施會 We treasure our relationships with our donors and meet with them every year for better communication. Last year, over 300 donors participated in the Oxfam Supporters Gathering. Photo: Samuel Chan / Oxfam Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 30

32 參與 2011 年樂施毅行者的 1,109 支隊伍共籌得逾 2,700 多萬港元, 款項將用於樂施會在非洲及亞洲 ( 包括香港及內地 ) 各項滅貧及緊急救災項目 攝影 : 樂施會 At Oxfam Trailwalker 2011, 1,109 teams raised over HK$27 million to support Oxfam s various poverty alleviation and emergency relief projects in Africa and Asia, including Hong Kong and Mainland China. Photo: Oxfam 今年 3 月 17 日樂施會在澳門舉行了首次 樂施會澳門支持者聚會, 數十位捐款者和我們聚首一堂, 了解我們的扶貧項目和理念 攝影 : 樂施會 On 17 March 2012, Oxfam Hong Kong held the first supporters gathering in Macau. Dozens of donors attended the event to learn more about our plans for the region. Photo: Oxfam 樂施會本年度的總收入超過九成來自香港公眾的捐款 我們感謝 113,430 位 樂施之友 過去一年來的支持, 沒有您, 我們的工作就無法繼續 年度籌款活動 樂施會中國發展基金 2011 的主題為 助人. 自助. 讓笑顏遍大地, 著名歌星容祖兒首次義務擔任 樂施會中國發展基金 樂施大使, 並於 2011 年 4 月初, 隨同樂施會到訪雲南省楚雄市大過口鄉的偏遠山區, 體驗當地農民的生活 此外, 她還考察了樂施會在昆明市推行的生計項目, 了解我們如何協助社區自力更生 本年度, 我們得到了 200 多個地區組織 學校和機構的協助, 動員了超過 2,600 名義工, 在香港開設近 個樂施米義賣攤位, 為 樂施會中國發展基金 籌得 240 余萬港元 為響應每年 10 月 17 日的世界消除貧困日, 我們於 2011 年 9 月至 10 月期間推出 人人十蚊 ( 元 ) 對抗赤貧 的活動, 呼籲各界關注全球 14 億每日收入不足 10 港元的貧窮人 公眾可以通過捐款及訂購 樂施券, 支持我們在亞洲及非洲的扶貧工作 該行動合共籌得 324,088 港元 每年到了 5 月, 樂施毅行者的參加資格得到確認後, 我們的樂施毅行者網頁及 Facebook 都會變得非常熱鬧, 參加者爭相到網站收集及交換最新情報, 為參與樂施毅行者做好準備, 同時還會通過網頁籌款, 充分發揮社群媒體的傳播功效 2011 年適逢 樂施毅行者 舉辦 30 周年紀念, 本次活動有逾萬人參與, 其中包括參加者 支援隊伍 義工及工作人員 本年度共有 1,109 支隊伍參與樂施毅行者, 其中有 3,324 位參加者成功走完 100 公里, 完成率為 74.9%, 共籌得逾 2,700 萬港元 針對東非發生的 60 年來最嚴重的旱災, 樂施會於 2011 年 7 月向香港公眾緊急募款, 同時向香港特別行政區政府的賑災基金申請撥款 300 萬元, 總計籌得 14,210,327 港元用於救災 ( 截至 2012 年 3 月 ) 籌款能夠順利進行, 有賴於媒體協助報道東非饑荒的真實情況, 我們衷心感謝各媒體的支持 樂施會於 2011 年 8 月在香港進行了 公眾捐款習慣調查, 結果顯示香港公眾對樂施會的品牌認知程度達 96.9%, 這令我們深受鼓舞 邀請具知名度的人士擔任樂施大使, 是向公眾傳遞扶貧信息的有效傳播策略之一 本年度, 我們邀請了歌星容祖兒 陳奐仁, 影星薛家燕首次擔任樂施大使, 其他樂施大使如王菀之 胡杏兒 趙雅芝 楊崢 羅乃新 羅寶文 森美和小儀, 和我們建立了良好合作關係, 義務協助我們將樂施會的扶貧信息傳遞到每一角落 除了香港和內地, 我們也積極在澳門和台灣開展工作, 邀請更多人加入到我們的扶貧行列中來 香港樂施會已於 2012 年 2 月 29 日在澳門正式註冊為非盈利組織, 並於 2012 年 3 月 17 日舉辦了首次 樂施會澳門支持者聚會 除了籌款工作外, 我們計劃通過學校在當地推廣扶貧信息, 讓澳門學生放眼世界, 認識世界貧窮問題, 以及樂施會的扶貧和發展工作 ; 我們也準備好將樂施會的扶貧信息推廣至台灣地區, 探索在當地推行籌款和教育工作的可能性 31 樂施會年報 2011/12

33 Only through Your Support This year, over 90% of Oxfam Hong Kong's income came from public donations in Hong Kong. We thank each of our 113,430 Oxfam Partners for their support over the past year without which we would not have been able to continue our work. "Smile! We are working towards a positive future!" was the theme for the Oxfam China Development Fund Famous singer Joey Yung took up the role of Oxfam Ambassador for the China Development Fund and, along with Oxfam, visited the remote mountainous areas of Daguokou Township, Chuxiong, Yunnan, where she experienced the life of local farmers. She also visited Oxfam's livelihood projects in Kunming to see how we help the communities to stand on their own. In May 2011, 2,600 volunteers took part in the annual Oxfam Rice Sale which was supported by about 200 groups, schools and organisations. Almost 200 rice stalls successfully raised over HK$2.4 million for the Oxfam China Development Fund. In response to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October, we launched the "Oxfam $10 Appeal" from September to October 2011 to raise awareness for the 1.4 billion people living on less than HK$10 a day. The public could support the appeal by making donations or purchasing Oxfam Coupons at HK$10 each. The special appeal raised HK$324,088 for poor people in Asia and Africa. In May each year, our Oxfam Trailwalker website and designated Facebook page become really active. Participants make good use of these media platforms to collect and exchange the latest information on the event. The website is also a major channel for raising funds and soliciting support. Over 10,000 hikers, support team members, volunteers and workers took part in Oxfam Trailwalker 2011 as the event celebrated its 30th anniversary. A total of 1,109 teams participated in the event, which successfully raised over HK$27 million. This year, 3,324 participants (74.9% of all walkers) completed the 100km trail within the required 48 hours. Emergency Appeal In July 2011, Oxfam Hong Kong launched an emergency public appeal for the food crisis in East Africa, which was caused by the most serious drought in the region in 60 years. Oxfam asked the HKSAR Government for an emergency aid of HK$3 million from the Disaster Relief Fund. The appeal raised HK$14,210,327 (up to March 2012). We would not have been able to raise this amount without the news coverage of the dire situation in the area. The support of the media is greatly appreciated. 澳門中聯辦協調部張深居副部長 ( 右二 ) 澳門中聯辦協調部史易川副處長 ( 左三 ) 澳門特區政府社會工作局容光耀局長 ( 右三 ) 澳門特區政府民政總署管理委員會羅永德副主席( 左二 ) 樂施會董事會副主席陳智思金紫荊星章太平紳士 ( 右一 ) 及樂施會 澳門分會顧問岑一峰先生 ( 左一 ) 一同主持啟動儀式, 慶祝樂施會正式在澳門展開工作 A kick-off ceremony was held to celebrate the arrival of Oxfam Hong Kong in Macau. Mr Zhang Shenju, Deputy Director of the Coordination Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macau SAR (second right), Mr Shi Yichuan, Deputy Division Chief of the Coordination Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macau SAR (third left), Mr Iong Kong Io, President of the Social Welfare Bureau, Macau SAR (third right), Mr Lo Veng Tak, Administration Committee Vice-Chairman, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Macau SAR (second left), Mr Bernard Chan, G.B.S., J.P., Vice-Chair, Council, Oxfam Hong Kong (far right) and Mr Ivan Sam, Advisor, Oxfam Hong Kong Macau Office (far left) officiated the ceremony. voluntary basis. In the past year, we invited singers Joey Yung, Hanjin Tan and artist Nancy Sit Ka Yin to become Oxfam Ambassadors. Other Oxfam Ambassadors such as Ivana Wong, Myolie Wu, Angie Chiu, Vanessa Yeung, Nancy Loo, Poman Lo, Sammy Leung and Siu Yee Yuen have already established good cooperative relationships with us. They have all played important roles in spreading our anti-poverty message to different corners of the community. Oxfam Hong Kong is expanding its work to Macau and Taiwan. Oxfam Hong Kong Macau Office was officially registered as a non-profit organisation in Macau on 29 February 2012, and the first Oxfam Supporters Gathering in Macau was held on 17 March. Apart from fundraising, we plan to work with schools to spread our anti-poverty message so that young students in Macau can open their eyes to global poverty as well as Oxfam's poverty alleviation and development work. We are also exploring the possibility of launching our fundraising and education work in Taiwan. By bringing our message to new audiences, we believe more people will join in our cause against poverty, making our voice clearer and louder. Bringing Our Message to Macau and Taiwan A survey conducted by Oxfam Hong Kong in August 2011 found that 96.9% of respondents were aware of the Oxfam brand. Over the years, our ambassadors have been actively supporting and promoting the work of Oxfam on a 蕭美娟香港部總監 Kanie Siu Hong Kong Unit Director Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 32

34 籌款開支佔全年總開支比例的 9% Monthly donations from Oxfam Partner amounted to $136.2 million, increased 3% or $4.5 million from $131.8 million in 2010/11. Income from Oxfam Trailwalker increased 7% or $2.1 million to $31.6 million from $29.5 million. Overall programme expenditure was $240 million, representing 88.1% of total expenditure. Management and administrative costs ratio was 2.6%. Fundraising and marketing costs ratio was 9%. 2011/12 年度, 樂施會於推行項目和財務管理方面均取得進展 我們除了成功達到今年的財政目標, 香港市民大眾繼續的慷慨支持, 也使我們能落實各項長期發展項目 緊急救援 政策倡議及發展教育 2011/12 年度的總收入共 億港元, 較上年度減少 3%, 即 72 0 萬港元 收入下降, 主要是由於樂施會國際聯會成員減少緊急救災撥款所致 香港的籌款活動與日俱增, 非常榮幸我們仍然獲得社會大眾的鼎力支持 本年度, 我們的公眾籌款增加了 50 0 萬港元, 全年合共籌得 2.09 億港元, 佔全年總收入的 93.8% 樂施之友每月定期捐款額達 億港元, 較去年增加 45 0 萬港元, 升幅為 3% 截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日, 每月捐款人數達 113,430 人 樂施會通過公眾教育 電視 互聯網 出版刊物 個人募捐及大型活動等渠道招募捐款者, 並與他們建立緊密的聯繫 本年度, 我們的籌款活動也非常成功 樂施毅行者 和 樂施米義賣大行動 的 籌款額較去年同樣都增加超過了 5% 今年樂施毅行者 的收入增加了 210 萬港元, 合計次籌得 3,160 萬港元, 較去年的 2,950 萬港元增加了 7% 其次, 樂施會為全球三個災區進行募捐活動, 也得到廣大市民的熱心支持 我們為東 西非糧食危機共籌得 1,120 萬港元, 為日本地震籌得 140 萬港元 除了大型的籌款活動外, 其他捐款收入較去年也增加了 380 萬港元, 合計籌得 2,560 萬港元, 升幅達 17%, 當中主要是個人 個人大額及企業一次性捐款 本年度, 我們收到 400 萬港元的遺產捐贈, 較去年的 200 萬港元增加一倍 2011/12 年度, 除了公眾捐款外, 我們也得到樂施會國際聯會成員及香港特別行政區賑災基金合計撥款 1,020 萬港元 香港特別行政區賑災基金總共撥款 630 萬港元予樂施會, 分別是中國旱災的 330 萬港元, 及東 西非糧食危機的 300 萬港元, 而樂施會國際聯會的其他成員則撥款 360 萬港元於四川地震重建工作 樂施會於年內總計支持了全球 1,218 個項目, 當中包括 318 個新項目 我們共撥款 億港元於扶貧 人道救援 政策倡議及發展教育項目, 較去年的 2.6 億港元減少了 1,950 萬元, 即 8% 項目投入資金減少, 主要是由於年內的人道緊急救援項目的需求減少所致 本年度, 我們投放於大型緊急救援的開支, 包括 : 東 西非糧食危機 1,0 8 0 萬港元, 中國內地旱災 800 萬港元, 朝鮮糧食援助 390 萬港元, 巴基斯坦和斯里蘭卡水災合計 萬元, 以及日本地震 260 萬港元 我們為了加速進行於 2008 年受四川地震影響地區的重建工作, 本年度合計投放了 2,940 萬港元, 佔項目支出的 12% 本年度是我們推行特別教育項目 SPEED) 的第二年, 我們撥款 1,460 萬港元, 於不丹 新畿內亞 馬達加斯加 索馬里 巴基斯坦 薩爾瓦多 尼加拉瓜及危地馬拉等地推行教育項目 除了 SPEED 外, 我們亦額外撥款 930 萬港元, 在中國內地及其他國家進行基礎教育工作 我們的目標, 是盡快將儲備以外的盈余, 用於人道救援及長期發展項目, 同時確保這些項目在設計 監察及評估等方面均保持高水平 樂施會的儲備政策規定, 儲備必須足夠三個月的營運開支, 以備不時之需 此措施讓我們在收入於預料以外急劇減少時, 仍有足夠的資金, 確保項目能夠順利進行 我們每年都會有收入及開支預算目標 樂施會於 2011/12 年度內的赤字為 5,060 萬港元, 合乎我們減少財政儲備的目標 截至本財政年度完結, 我們的儲備總計為 億港元, 比 2010/11 的 億港元下降了 21% 截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日的財務狀況, 我們有 4,230 萬港元為指定用途基金, 而營運儲備則達 億港元, 顯示樂施會有能力維持財政穩健 部分營運儲備用作投資樂施會位於香港北角的辦公室, 為員工提供穩定的工作環境, 是我們的長期投資項目, 因此每年的資產價格變動並不會按年記錄 截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日, 我們的物業估值仍高於購入價格 我們持續適當地監控管理及行政開支, 使其僅佔全年總開支的 2.6% 我們遵從樂施會國際聯會的管理及行政費用分類指引 : 管理及行政費用必須達至機構基本法律及憲制要求 : 管治團隊 總裁 核心財務 審計及法律服務 軟件及硬件折舊 牌照 中央人力資源, 以及總辦事處的部分經常費用 這些經常費用包括辦公室 傢具 器材及為總辦事處各部門提供的相關服務 籌款開支佔全年總開支的比例為 9% 有賴捐款者的長期支持, 我們得以善用捐款的一分一毫 樂施會為個別人道災難進行公眾籌款時, 所有主要行政開支皆來自我們的恆常儲備, 確保公眾捐出的所有款項, 都直接用於賑災與重建項目 災難項目的救援工作, 皆設立獨立賬目 本年度項目開支佔年度總開支的 88.1%, 較 2010/11 年的 89.6% 輕微下降 1.5% 我們成立了內部審計小組, 提供內部程序分析, 令我們能有效評估及改善風險管理措施 監控架構及管理程序 內部審計小組直接向財務及審計委員會匯報 財務及審計委員會由董事會財務主管擔任主席, 委員會定期召開會議, 商討有關樂施會的財務審計以及內部監察事宜 樂施會除了遵循樂施會國際聯會的財務準則外, 也奉行香港財務報告準則, 以及國際非政府組織問責約章 33 樂施會年報 2011/12

35 For Oxfam Hong Kong, 2011/12 was a year of progress, in both programmes and in financial performance. We managed to achieve our financial targets and receive generous public support to meet the needs for long-term development, emergency response, advocacy and educational campaigns. Income Total income for the year 2011/12 was $222.7 million, 3% or $7.2 million lower than the previous year. The decrease was mainly due to decreased donation from Oxfam Affiliates for emergency response. We enjoyed very strong support from the public amidst an increasingly competitive fundraising environment. Public donations increased by $5 million to $209 million during the year, representing 93.8% of total income. Monthly donations from Oxfam Partners amounted to $136.2 million, an increase of 3% or $4.5 million from last year. The total number of monthly donors reached 113,430 as of 31 March We recruit and communicate with our supporters through public education, short television documentaries, internet outreach, publications, faceto-face fundraising, flagship events and more. Our fundraising events were successful this year. Donations from Oxfam Trailwalker and Oxfam Rice Sale both increased more than 5% compared with last year. Income from Oxfam Trailwalker increased 7% or $2.1 million to $31.6 million from $29.5 million in the previous year. Strong support was also evidenced in the income raised from the public for disasters that occurred around the world during the year $11.2 million for East and West Africa Food Crisis and $1.4 million for Japan earthquake. Other fundraising income increased by 17% or $3.8 million to $25.6 million. The income mainly was one-off donations from individual donors, major donors and corporate donors. During the year, we received $4 million legacy compared with $2 million in the previous year. In 2011/12, we received totally $10.2 million funding from Oxfam affiliates and the HKSAR Government Disaster Relief Fund for emergencies. The HKSAR Government Disaster Relief Fund provided $6.3 million, including $3.3 million for China drought and $3 million for East and West Africa Food Crisis. Oxfam affiliates contributed $3.6 million for Sichuan earthquake rehabilitation work. Programme Investment During the year, we supported 1,218 projects around the world, including 318 new projects. We spent $240.5 million on these poverty alleviation, humanitarian, advocacy and development education programmes. The decrease of 8% or $19.5 million from $260 million in 2010/11 was mainly due to a decrease of grants to humanitarian emergencies in the year. Major emergency relief spending during the year included $10.8 million for the food crisis in East and West Africa, $8 million for the droughts in China, $3.9 million for food assistance in the DPR Korea, $3.8 million for people affected by the floods in Pakistan and Sri Lanka and $2.6 million for the earthquake in Japan. We strived to speed up reconstruction in areas affected by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, spending $29.4 million or 12% of programme expenditure. This is the second year of the Special Education Initiative (SPEED) programme. We spent $14.6 million on education projects in Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Somalia, Pakistan, EI Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. Apart from SPEED, we spent another $9.3 million in Mainland China and other countries on education programmes. Reserves and Investments We aim to apply any surplus funds beyond reserve requirements as quickly as possible to humanitarian relief and long-term development programmes, without compromising high standards in the design, monitoring and evaluation of these programmes. Our Reserve Policy requires us to hold reserves equal to three months' operating expenses as leeway for any significant and unexpected downturn in revenue, so as to ensure that programmes can continue as planned. Specific targets are set for income and expenditure each year. We recorded an overall deficit $50.6 million for 2011/12, which was in line with our strategic plan to spend down our reserves. At the end of the financial year, our reserves were at $195.8 million, down 21% from $246.3 million in 2010/11. Our financial position as of 31 March 2012, which includes $42.3 million restricted funds and $153.5 million operation reserve, illustrates that we are able to maintain our financial sustainability. Our operation reserve is partly invested in our office in North Point. It provides a stable environment for our staff. The investment is considered to be long-term in nature and so year-on-year fluctuation is not recorded. As of 31 March 2012, we had a positive property valuation over our purchase price. Accountability Measure Management and administrative costs continued to remain well under control, representing 2.6% of total expenditure in the year. Oxfam Hong Kong has aligned the classification of its management and administration cost with the framework of the international confederation Oxfam: "The cost of the minimum structure required to meet legal and constitutional requirements: the governing body, Executive Director, central finance, audit and legal services, depreciation on software and hardware, licenses, central human resources, plus a share of the head office overhead. Head office overhead is comprised of the costs of head office buildings, furniture and equipment and all related services allocated across head office departments." The fundraising and marketing costs ratio was 9%. With the continued support from our donors, we were able to channel every dollar of our donations in an effective manner. When we make an appeal for a specific humanitarian disaster, we cover core operational costs from central funds, thereby ensuring that every dollar donated by the public goes to the urgent work at hand. A separate account is established for each emergency. Overall programme expenditure reached 88.1% of total annual expenditure, a slight decrease of 1.5% from 89.6% in 2010/11. Risk Management and Internal Control An internal audit team was established to provide an assessment of our internal processes. This enables us to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our risk management practices, control framework and governance processes. The team reports directly to the Finance and Audit Committee of the Council. The Finance and Audit Committee, chaired by the Treasurer of the Council, meets regularly to review and discuss all financial, auditing and internal control issues related to the Agency. In addition to the Oxfam Confederation Financial Standards, we comply with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and the International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) Accountability Charter. 姚家麗財務總監 Carrie Yiu Finance Director Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 34

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38 512 民間救助服務中心 Food Climate Research Network NGO 發展交流網廣州恩久信息技術有限公司 ) 千禾基金會中山大學人類學系公民與社會發展研究中心中共江口縣委統戰部中國人民大學新聞與社會發展研究中心中國人民政治協商會議長順縣委員會中國人民政治協商會議貴州省雷山縣委員會中國四達國際經濟技術合作有限公司中國農業大學午夜藍天津市東麗區葵花婦女健康咨詢服務中心手牽手企業管理信息咨詢部木棉花開志願者行動網絡北京大學經濟與人類發展研究中心北京工友之家文化發展中心北京同心希望家園文化發展中心北京帆葆文化發展有限公司北京社科院流動人口教育與培訓中心北京城邊村信息咨詢有限責任公司北京師範大學經濟與資源管理研究院北京恩友信息咨詢有限公司北京商道縱橫信息科技有限責任公司北京梁漱溟鄉村建設中心北京朝陽區近鄰社會服務中心北京新民思睿教育諮詢中心北京義聯勞動法援助與研究中心北京農家女文化發展中心四川臥龍國家級自然保護區三江保護站四川省巴中市南江縣扶貧開發辦公室四川省北川羌族自治縣社區志願者服務協會四川省安縣畜牧獸醫局四川省安縣遼安扶貧發展基金協會四川省社會科學院社會學研究所四川省南江縣秦巴鄉村發展研究中心四川省寶興縣扶貧和移民工作局永續動力 ( 北京 ) 咨詢有限公司玉樹州牧人發展促進會甘肅省文縣扶貧開發辦公室甘肅省定西市人民政府外事僑務辦公室甘肅省定西市漳縣文教體育局甘肅農業大學農村發展工作小組安徽大學法學院西南政法大學勞動社會保障法制研究中心 杭州草根文化藝術策劃有限公司東莞市普惠社會工作服務中心東莞市橫瀝友維法律咨詢服務部社會性別與發展在中國網絡阜陽市南唐興農農資專業合作社青島膠州市愛心健康咨詢中心青海省稱多縣扶貧開發局青海海東地區宗喀慈善協會信陽鄉村建設協作者中心南京大學法學院科技教育交流協會 ( 北京 ) 香格里拉可持續社區學會香港大學非洲研究課程泰安愛藝文化發展中心陝西省婦女理論婚姻家庭研究會陝西婦源匯性別發展培訓中心陝西媽媽環保志願者協會婦女網絡及培訓中心深圳小小草信息咨詢中心深圳市左撇子企業管理咨詢部創綠中心勞工教育及服務網絡勞動保護支援網絡湘潭大學非洲法律與社會研究中心華中師範大學社會學學院賀州愛諮園艾滋病咨詢服務中心貴州禾美村落工藝品開發有限公司貴州鄉土文化社 ) 貴州社區建設與鄉村治理促進會貴州社區建設與鄉村治理促進會 匯能減災支持中心貴州社區建設與鄉村治理促進會和仁鄉村發展研究所貴州省三都水族自治縣慈善總會貴州省正安縣民政局貴州省威寧彝族回族苗族自治縣民族和宗教事務局貴州省婦女能力建設與發展促進會貴州省從江縣智力支邊聯繫小組辦公室貴州省普安縣紅十字會貴州省農村開發扶貧促進會威寧自治縣綜合服務中心貴州省圖書館貴州省銅仁地區沿河土家族自治縣教育局貴州省遵義縣尚嵇鎮惠民服務部貴州意氣風發紅十字會雲南社會科學院雲南省大理州漾濞彝族自治縣教育局雲南省大眾流域管理研究及推廣中心又稱綠色流域 ) 雲南省外資扶貧項目管理中心雲南省永善縣民政局雲南省石屏縣縣級會計核算中心第二組雲南省江川縣財政局雲南省芒市人民醫院雲南省芒市疾病預防控制中心雲南省芒市婦幼保健院雲南省宜良縣社會捐助接收工作站雲南省昌寧縣漭水鎮人民政府雲南省沾益縣民政局雲南省青少年發展基金會雲南省保山市隆陽區人民政府雲南省保山市隆陽區婦聯雲南省南澗彝族自治縣人民政府扶貧開發辦公室雲南省宣威市民政局雲南省施甸縣人民政府雲南省昭通市昭陽區人民政府雲南省盈江縣婦幼保健院雲南省國際民間組織合作促進會雲南省救災捐贈接收辦公室雲南省陸良縣民政局雲南省富民縣民政局雲南省富源縣民政局雲南省富寧縣扶貧辦雲南省開遠市接收捐助辦公室雲南省隆陽區西邑鄉人民政府雲南省楚雄州人民政府扶貧開發辦公室雲南省魯甸縣扶貧開發領導小組辦公室雲南省龍陵縣政府雲南省彌渡縣人民政府扶貧開發辦公室雲南省雙柏縣人民政府扶貧開發辦公室雲南省騰沖縣人民醫院雲南省騰沖縣疾病預防控制中心雲南省騰沖縣婦幼保健院雲南省鶴慶縣資助項目辦公室雲南連心社區照顧服務中心雲南農業大學經濟管理學院廈門市湖區國仁工友服務中心瑞麗市婦女兒童發展中心雲南省祿勸彝族苗族自治縣畜牧獸醫總站農村工作學習網絡項目組農業部農村經濟研究中心廣州市天河區天平南華法經濟咨詢服務部廣西壯族自治區上林縣民族局廣西壯族自治區民委馬山縣民族事務局廣西壯族自治區河池市都安縣漁牧獸醫局廣西壯族自治區南寧市民族事務委員會廣西壯族自治區草業開發中心 廣西壯族自治區崇左市天等縣漁牧獸醫局濟南市基愛社會工作服務中心濟南槐蔭積成社區社會服務中心蘇州工友企業管理信息咨詢有限公司蘭州大學西部基礎教育研究與培訓中心蘭州東部阿語學校蘭州崇德文化服務中心 中華傳道會安柱中學中華傳道會劉永生中學天主教崇德英文書院天主教郭得勝中學王卓祺教授世界自然基金會香港分會佛教善德英文中學官立嘉道理爵士中學 ( 西九龍 ) 東涌天主教學校青松侯寶垣中學宣道會鄭榮之中學政策二十一有限公司迦密聖道中學香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺中學香港大學香港特別行政區政府教育局 生活與社會科香港教育劇場論壇香港理工大學香港通識教育教師聯會香港管理專業協會李國寶中學粉嶺禮賢會中學港九潮州公會馬松深中學新會商會陳白沙記念中學聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學聖瑪加利男女英文中小學聖羅撒書院裘錦秋中學 ( 屯門 ) 路德會西門英才中學衛理中學聲音掏腰包藍藍的天有限公司羅智健教授 Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Center for Natural Resource Studies Institute of Development Affairs Oxfam Great Britain People's Oriented Programme Implementation 37 樂施會年報 2011/12

39 攝影 : 樂施會 Photo : Oxfam Reliant Women Development Organization Helvetas Swiss Association of International Cooperation 3S Rivers Protection Network Building Community Voices Community Legal Education Center Cooperation Committee for Cambodia Indigenous Community Support Organisation My Village Non Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme Non-Timber Forest Products Oxfam Australia Oxfam Great Britain Korean Committee for the Promotion of International Trade Intermón Oxfam (Spain) Oxfam Canada Oxfam India DIAHI Forum Himpunan Wanita Pekerja Rumahan Indonesia / Association of Women Homeworkers of Indonesia Jaringan Advokasi Tambang/Mining Advocacy Network Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane / Sedane Labour Information Centre Oxfam Australia Oxfam Great Britain Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Perkumpulan PIKUL Oxfam Japan Comite de Coopration Avec Le Laos Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Huaphan Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office Oxfam Australia Oxfam-in-Belgium Helvetas Swiss Association of International Cooperation Oxfam Great Britain Anglikan Church Based Development Group Earth Rights International EcoDev Kachin Baptist Convention Karuna Myanmar Social Service Metta Development Foundation Paung Ku Shalom Foundation Shan Literature and Cultural Committee Oxfam Great Britain The University of Hong Kong Urban Rural Mission Forest Resource Studies and Action Team Kalika Self-Reliance Social Centre Oxfam Great Britain Sahamati Social Workers Group Tulasi Meher Unesco Club Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Oxfam Australia Oxfam Great Britain Kitanglad Integrated NGO Inc NGOs for Fisheries Reform Sentro Para Sa Ikauunld Ng Kathutubong Agham at Teknolohiya / Center for Growth of Indigenous Science and Technology Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Oxfam Australia Intermón Oxfam (Spain) Oxfam Australia Advancement of Community Empowerment and Partnership (ACEP) Avao Commune People's Committee Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender, Family, Women and Adolescents Dak Nong Department of Planning and Investment Dak Nong Province District Management Team Dak Nong Province District Sub-department of Industry and Trade Dak Nong Women's Union Dak Nong Red Cross Dak Rong District Department of Industry and Trade Dak Rong District People's Committee District Agriculture and Rural Development Department Dak Rong District People's Committee Dak Rong District Financial and Planning Department Dak Rong District People s Committee Dak Rong District Statistical Office Hai Lang District Statistical Office Hai Lang District People's Committee Hai Lang District Agriculture and Rural Development Department Hai Lang District People's Committee Hai Lang District Financial and Planning Department HelpAge International (HAI) Institute for Water Resource Economics and Management (IWEM) International Development Enterprises in Vietnam (Watsan-watersanitation) isee Ky Son District Education Team Ky Son District People's Committee Ky Son District Management Team Live and Learn National Women's Union Nghe An Committee for Flood and Storm Control Nghe An Department of Planning and Investment Nghe An Red Cross Nghe An Women's Union Oxfam America (OUS) Oxfam Great Britain Quang Tri Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control Department of Finance Quang Tri Province Quang Tri Department of Foreign Affairs Quang Tri Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affair Quang Tri Department of Planning and Investment Quang Tri Provincial Statistical Office Quang Tri Red Cross Chapter Quang Tri Women's Union Research Centre for Gender, Family and Enviroment in Development (CGFED) Tuong Duong District Education Team Tuong Duong District People's Committee Tuong Duong District Management Team Vietnam Rural Industries Research and Development Institute (VIRI) HODI Oxfam Great Britain Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Oxfam Great Britain Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia Jubilee South Oxfam Great Britain Southeast Asia Committee for Advocacy Third World Network Focus on the Global South Non-Timber Forest Products Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development Oxfam Australia Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 38

40 CPI 義工隊九巴之友九龍城區議會潘志文議員辦事處大埔共融新力量大埔居民權益會 黃俊煒議員辦事處中原義工隊中華中醫藥香港推拿專業學會中華基督教會合一堂耆年中心中華電力有限公司財務及輔務部義工隊公務員事務局義工隊友愛服務社太古地產愛心大使日出康城康善好友會王秋北區議員辦事處民主黨葵青區議員 ( 興芳 ) 吳劍昇議員辦事處白田浸信會老人休憩中心仲量聯行物業管理有限公司 匯豪山管業處任啟邦議員辦事處 關永業議員辦事處百職社會服務團西灣村何中力量何杏梅議員辦事處何俊仁議員辦事處 屯門區關注民生協會呂志文議員辦事處李永達議員辦事處 ( 荔華區 ) 李均頤議員辦事處李華明立法會議員辦事處沙田社區服務中心 湯寶珍區議員辦事處其士國際集團有限公司周奕希議員辦事處明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心明愛電腦工場東華三院群芳啟智學校林少忠議員辦事處林家輝議員辦事處林頌鎧議員辦事處 兆置區居民協會欣榮花園業主立案法團保良局賽馬會大棠渡假村保良局北潭涌渡假營屋宇署義工隊恆豐酒店義工隊柯創盛議員辦事處皇家香港軍團 ( 義勇軍 ) 協會耶穌幫教會香港小童群益會賽馬會青衣青少年綜合服務中心香港少年領袖團香港足病診療師協會香港物理治療學會 香港南區各界聯會香港朗廷酒店香港消防處義工隊香港珠寶玉石廠商會香港航空青年團香港基督少年軍香港基督教女青年會 青衣綜合社會服務處香港基督教服務處深中樂 TEEN 會香港理工大學復康治療學系香港童軍總會香港業餘電台聯會有限公司香港遠足覓合團香港露宿救濟會元洲中心 為你喝采陳百強 歌迷會 徐百弟 黃國桐議員辦事處悅湖山莊業主委員會海逸豪園義工團耆聲義工合唱團基督教無家者協會基督教福臨教會基督教懷智美田中心張琪騰社區服務處張錫容議員辦事處梁有方議員辦事處梁志成議員辦事處梅梅舍祥騰莫嘉嫻議員辦事處莊志達區議員辦事處陳文華議員辦事處 兆軒苑業主立案法團 屯門區居民服務社 小熊貓. 活力超群陳汶堅議員辦事處陳樹英議員辦事處循道衛理觀塘社會服務處社區食物銀行勞聯會智康協會有限公司勞鍱珍議員辦事處 聚賢舍富康花園業主立案法團森美托小儀所程志紅議員辦事處菲利浦莫里斯亞洲集團有限公司義工隊馮煒光議員辦事處黃大仙下居民協會 郭秀英議員辦事處黃成智立法會議員辦事處黃炳權區議員辦事處黃偉賢 鄺俊宇議員辦事處黃麗嫦議員辦事處黃鑑權區議員辦事處毳毳組匯景花園業主委員會廉政公署職員康樂會愛心天使組萬通陽光力量 葵盛居民服務協會葉國謙. 陳學鋒. 盧懿杏議員辦事處. 香港中西區婦女會. 香港觀龍樓居民協會. 同心網絡. 李偉強. 王宏康. 蕭嘉怡. 楊學明. 張國鈞地區服務處路政署義工隊鄒秉恬議員辦事處嘉吉關愛香港委員會榮聯盟維多利亞青年商會翠豐臺慶雲道社及葉蒨樺樂施毅行者之友毅行教室潘忠賢議員辦事處蔡澤鴻議員辦事處蝴蝶灣居民協會 何俊仁議員辦事處鄭家富立法會議員辦事處 梁永雄沙田區議員辦事處 大圍美林居民協會 大圍美林楊家太極會黎慧蘭議員辦事處親子義工組龍瑞卿議員工作室聲之動力鍾錫熙長洲安老院有限公司 溫浩根長者鄰舍中心 鄺國威區議員辦事處 李桂珍區議員辦事處鍾錦麟社區服務處簡銘東議員辦事處譚國僑議員辦事處 石硤尾居民協會耀強教育紀念基金警察義工服務隊 Fanny Cheung 黃慧琦 譚仁鈞 譚智鈞 丁鈺洺 丁祺峻 黃皓 黃盈 趙子瑜 趙子芯 鄭穎言 鄭穎行 高家灝及高家瀚義工團 China Association for NGO Cooperation Highhighday NCA pm Roundtable Community SSG S-Team Third World Network 北京喜天影視文化有限公司冠華鏡廠集團賴玉嫦聲樂澳門廣播電視股份有限公司護訊 ( Bi-annual Newspaper) Groundfloor Workshop 01 Power Limited 2econd Floor SALON 4M Industrial Development Limited ACCA Hong Kong AEON Store (Hong Kong) Co., Limited JUSCO Alfax Media Alkit Company Limited Alto Plus Design Solution Group Limited Arixia Limited Asana (Hong Kong) Limited Asana Community Limited Asana Direct Limited Asia Financial Holdings Ltd. Asia Miles Limited ASN AT&T Global Network Services HK Ltd. Avant Garde Technology Baby Kingdom Bachy Soletanche Group Limited BamBoOs! Life Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Blue Door Storage Limited BOC International Holdings Limited Books4You C.H.K.C. Building Management Limited Centaline Property Agency Limited Ceramic Point Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited Chevalier International Holdings Limited China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited China Resources Vanguard (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited Chinachem Group Chinese Estates Holdings Limited Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co., Ltd. City Telecom (H.K.) Limited CLP Power Hong Kong Limited CMA Exhibition Services Limited CMA Insurance Agent Limited Columbia Convoy Financial Services Limited Country House Property Management Ltd. Creative Kids Cup Magazine Publishing Limited Dah Chong Hong Holdings Limited Dah Chong Hong, Ltd. DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Delifrance Dream House Drex Fable Fashion Ltd. Eaton Smart EC Magazine Elder-Kingdom.com English Excel School Equity Financial Press Limited esmarthealth 39 樂施會年報 2011/12

41 攝影 :Caroline Gluck / 樂施會 Photo : Caroline Gluck / Oxfam Fair Circle Federation of Hong Kong Industries Feva Works IT Education Centre Fortune Malls Fotomax Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Goodwell-Fortune Property Services Limited Ma On Shan Plaza Gravity Partnership Limited GRI Group Ltd. Haitong International Securities Group Limited Hang Lung Properties Hang Seng Bank Limited Hang Yick Properties Management Limited Health Action Health Plus Magazine Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. Henderson Property Agency Limited Henderson Real Estate Agency Limited Henderson Sunlight Property Management Limited Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited HK360 Magazine Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Mfy Limited Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd. Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Education City Ltd. Hong Kong Health Check & Medical Diagnostic Group Limited Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians Limited Hong Kong Post Hong Kong Trade Development Council Hong Thai Travel Services Ltd. Hongkong Land Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. Hopewell Real Estate Agency Limited Hung Fook Tong Holdings i.shop imoney In Express Recreation Management Ltd. (Waterfall Gym) Integrity Financial Services Limited Japan Home Centre / City Lifestyle Jebsen & Co Ltd. JETCO Jiepang Kai Shing Management Services Limited-Chelsea Heights Shopping Arcade Kai Shing Management Services Ltd. New Kowloon Plaza Kai Shing Management Services Ltd. Sun Kwai Hing Plaza Management Services Office Kam Wai Car Park KORNERSTONE Limited Kowloon City Plaza KPMG Life Style Concept Store (c/o QOD) Luk Fook Holdings Company Limited Main Plan Limited Mallesons Stephen Jaques Marriott Vacation Club Asia Pacific, HK Martel Immigration Consulting Company Milk Magazine Ming Pao Monthly Ming Pao Weekly Montrail MRRM Publishing Ltd. MTR Corporation Limited Telford Plaza MTR Corporation Limited The Edge MVCI Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Pte. Limited Nan Fung Development Limited Natural Music Center Nature's Village Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited now Hong Kong Oliver's Super Sandwiches One Concept Group Ltd. Otis Elevator Company (H.K.) Limited Oxford University Press (China) Ltd. PCCW Limited PCCW Media Limited Physio Control A Division of Medtronic Plaza Hollywood Pomelo Leaf (HK) Limited Popular Holdings Limited Property Finder Advertising Limited PROTREK Pure Yoga Quam (H.K.) Limited Ricacorp Properties Ltd. 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Swire Properties Limited Swire Properties Management Limited Cityplaza Swire Resources Limited Tai Hing Catering Group Tai Shing Group (Holdings) Company Limited Take Me Home The Bank of East Asia The Barn II Pub & Restaurant The Dairy Farm Company Ltd. 7 Eleven The Express Lift Company Limited The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited The Hong Kong Electric Co., Ltd. The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong The Link Management Limited The Nielsen Company (Hong Kong) Limited The Spaghetti House Time Out Hong Kong Time Square Magazine TNT Express Worldwide (HK) Ltd. Tom Lee Music Company Limited Touchmedia United Italian Corp., (HK) Ltd. Vaude Vcast (Asia) Limited Vcast, Inc. Vitasoy International Holdings Limited W Design & Consulting Limited Whampoa Garden Management Limited Wharf T&T Ltd. Wing Hang Bank Wing Lung Bank Yuen Long Plaza Zip Magazine 中國社會科學院經濟學部企業社會責任研究中心天主教郭德勝中學天主教鳴遠中學北京大學社會責任與可持續發展研究中心東華三院甲寅年總理中學東華三院盧幹庭紀念中學玫瑰崗學校保良局李城璧中學英皇書院同學會小學香港專業教育學院 ( 屯門分校 ) 資訊及通訊科技系 香港專業教育學院 ( 李惠利分校 ) 多媒體及互聯網科技系香港專業教育學院 ( 沙田分校 ) 電子計算系 / 多媒體創作及數碼娛樂高級文憑香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學香港藝術學院真光女書院荃灣公立何傳耀紀念中學曾璧山中學聖嘉勒女書院聖羅撒書院路德會呂明才中學嘉諾撒培德書院嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院賽馬會官立中學基書院 ( 東九龍 ) Griffith University 國家發展和改革委員會應對氣候變化司農業部農村經濟體制與經營管理司農業部農業產業化辦公室基督教聯合那打素社康服務 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Auxiliary Medical Service Civil Aid Service Civil Aviation Department Correctional Services Department Customs and Excise Department Government Flying Service Government Property Agency HKSAR Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong Fire Services Department Hong Kong Housing Authority Hong Kong Observatory Hong Kong Police Force Immigration Department Kowloon Central Cluster Hospital Authority Lands Department Leisure and Cultural Services Department Transport Department Water Supplies Department HKSAR Government Disaster Relief Fund Oxfam America Oxfam Australia Oxfam Great Britan Intermón Oxfam (Spain) Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) Oxfam Annual Report 2011/12 40

42 盧子健 * Lo Chi-kin * 主席 ) (Chair) 陳智思 * Bernard Chan * 副主席 ) (Vice-Chair) 陳秀梅 * May Tan * 副主席 ) (Vice-Chair) 齊家瑩 * Josephine Chesterton * 財務主管 ) (Treasurer) 何信 David Hodson 周思藝 ** Jeffrey Chau ** 梁愛詩 陳英凝 Elsie Leung Emily Chan 陳家樂 ** Walter Chan ** 溫小雯 熊子弦 熊景明 蔡永順 謝錦強 羅文鈺 Monisa Wan Christine Hung Jean Hung Cai Yong-shun Tse Kam-keung Japhet Law * 執行委員會當然成員 Ex-officio member of Executive Committee ** 執行委員會非當然成員 Non-office bearing member of Executive Committee 熊景明主席 ) 謝錦強副主席 ) 王振耀 梁愛詩 陳英凝 陳健民 趙樹凱 蔡永順 陳秀梅主席 ) 何信 松井馨 麥黃小珍 謝錦強 齊家瑩 Jean Hung (Chair) Tse Kam-keung (Vice-Chair) Wang Zhen-yao Elsie Leung Emily Chan Chan Kin-man Zhao Shu-kai Cai Yong-shun May Tan (Chair) David Hodson Martin Matsui Sandra Mak Tse Kam-keung Josephine Chesterton 陳智思主席 ) 傅赫庭勞永樂顏仁樂 Antony Wood 陳智思主席 ) 方保僑郭艷明歐小惠羅寶文董彥鈞安德信何信何芝君李倩琦周思藝馬鎮梅梁愛詩梁寶霖郭文傑陳秀梅陳和順陳英凝陳家樂陳祖雄陳智思陳麗麗麥黃小珍傅赫庭勞永樂溫小雯溫芷琪熊子弦熊景明齊家瑩蔡永順 Bernard Chan (Chair) St John Flaherty Lo Wing-lok John Arnold Antony Wood Bernard Chan (Chair) Francis Fong Alice Kwok Monica Au Poman Lo Mark Tung Ian Anderson David Hodson Ho Chi-kwan Abbie Li Jeffrey Chau Muriel Ma Elsie Leung Apo Leung Gavin Kwok May Tan Alex Chan Emily Chan Walter Chan Chan Cho-hung Bernard Chan Lilian Chan Sandra Mak St John Flaherty Lo Wing-lok Monisa Wan Wan Chi-kie Christine Hung Jean Hung Josephine Chesterton Cai Yong-shun 黎廣德 盧子健 謝錦強 羅文鈺 蘇淑敏 Antony Wood Albert Lai Lo Chi-kin Tse Kam-keung Japhet Law Tina So Antony Wood 除了管治團隊外, 以下顧問義務為樂施會的工作提供意見 In addition to the governance bodies, the following advisors have rendered invaluable service to Oxfam Hong Kong by providing pro-bono professional advice. 西盟斯律師行 Simmons & Simmons 李志華 Wilfred Lee 陳家樂 Walter Chan Wragge & Co. Wragge & Co. 岑一峰易琪 小儀王菀之胡杏兒容祖兒海清陳奐仁森美楊崢趙雅芝薛家燕羅乃新羅寶文 Ivan Sam Amanda Yik Siu Yee Yuen Ivana Wong Myolie Wu Joey Yung Hai Qing Hanjin Tan Sammy Leung Vanessa Yeung Angie Chiu Nancy Sit Nancy Loo Poman Lo 截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日, 樂施會在香港總辦公室 內地辦公室及各海外辦事處共聘用 24 6 名常置 合約及臨時職員, 其中 37 人服務機構超過 10 年或以上 As of 31 March, 2012, Oxfam Hong Kong employs 246 people, including all permanent, contract and temporary staff in our headquarters in Hong Kong, and in all of our Mainland China and overseas offices. Among these, 37 have been working for the agency for 10 years or more. 施日莊, 總裁 John Sayer, Director General 廖洪濤, 中國項目部總監 Howard Liu, China Programme Unit Director 蕭美娟, 香港部總監 Kanie Siu, Hong Kong Unit Director 孫學兵, 政策倡導部總監 Sun Xue Bing, Policy and Campaigns Unit Director 由 / from 13/2/2012) 費樂歌, 政策倡導部總監 Lot Felizco, Policy and Campaigns Unit Director 由 / from 1/4/2011 至 / to 12/2/2012) 韋嘉峰, 國際項目發展總監 Roger Ricafort, International Programme Unit Director 何寶瑛, 人力資源及機構行政總監 Anita Ho, Human Resources and Corporate Administration Director 由 / from 1/11/2012) 姚家麗, 財務總監 Carrie Yiu, Finance Director 樂施會高級管理團隊 8 名成員的年薪截至 2012 年 4 月 1 日 ):500,001 港元至 600,000 港元 ( 一位 );700,001 港元至 800,000 港元四位 );800,001 港元至 900,001 港元 ( 二位 ); 1,000,001 港元或以上 ( 一位 ) The annual salary packages (as of 1 April 2012) for the eight members of the senior management team range from HK$500,001 to HK$600,000 (one); HK$700,001 to HK$800,000 (four); $800,001 to $900,001 (two); and HK$1,000,001 or above (one). 41 樂施會年報 2011/12

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