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1 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 香港特別行政區政府政府總部公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau Government Secretariat The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

2 目錄 TABLE OF CONTENTS 引言 INTRODUCTION... 7 釋義 DEFINITIONS 人數 SIZE 表 /2003 至 2012/2013 年度公務員的編制 實際人數及流失人數 Table 1.1 Establishment, Strength and Wastage of the Civil Service 2002/ / 表 1.2 公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別 聘用條款及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.2 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups, Terms of Appointment and Sex as at 表 1.3 公務員的編制及實際人數 按部門及聘用條款列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.3 Establishment and Strength of the Civil Service by Departments and Terms of Appointment as at 表 1.4 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.4 Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups and Sex as at 表 1.5 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.5 Strength of the Civil Service by Age and Salary Groups as at 表 至 2012 年公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別及受聘身分列出 Table 1.6 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups and Appointment Status

3 聘任 APPOINTMENTS 表 /2012 年度受聘的公務員人數 按聘用類別及聘用條款列出 Table 2.1 Appointments to the Civil Service by Appointment Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度受聘的公務員人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 2.2 Appointments to the Civil Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 流失 WASTAGE 表 /2012 年度公務員離職人數 按流失類別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.1 Officers Leaving the Service by Wastage Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度流失人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.2 Wastage by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度辭職人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.3 Resignation by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度退休人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.4 Retirement by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度退休人數 按退休類別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.5 Retirement by Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度合約期滿人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.6 Completion of Agreement by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度革職人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.7 Dismissal by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度終止服務的人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.8 Termination of Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/

4 表 /2012 年度死亡人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.9 Death by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 表 /2012 年度因其他原因而離職的人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.10 Other Reasons for Leaving the Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/ 續聘有經驗的人員 FURTHER EMPLOYMENT OF EXPERIENCED OFFICERS 表 4.1 延長服務期的人員 ( 計至 ) Table 4.1 Officers Serving on Extended Service as at 表 4.2 退休後重行受僱 / 受聘的人員 ( 計至 ) Table 4.2 Officers Reemployed/Reappointed after Retirement as at 殘疾人員 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 表 5.1 殘疾人員人數 按薪金組別及殘疾類別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 5.1 People with Disabilities in the Civil Service as at (by Salary Groups and Types of Disability) 表 5.2 殘疾人員人數 按年齡組別 性別及殘疾類別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 5.2 People with Disabilities in the Civil Service as at (by Age Groups, Sex and Types of Disability) 表 5.3 殘疾人員人數 按部門及殘疾類別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 5.3 People with Disabilities in the Civil Service as at (by Departments and Types of Disability) 表 /2012 年度受聘的殘疾人員人數 按部門及殘疾類別列出 Table 5.4 Appointments of People with Disabilities to the Civil Service 2011/2012 (by Departments and Types of Disability) 表 /2012 年度殘疾人員離職人數 按原因及殘疾類別列出 Table 5.5 People with Disabilities Leaving the Civil Service 2011/2012 (by Reasons and Types of Disability)

5 圖表 ILLUSTRATION 圖 至 2012 年公務員的編制及實際人數 Figure 1.1 Establishment and Strength of the Civil Service 圖 1.2 公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.2 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups as at 圖 1.3 實際人數最多的十二個部門 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.3 Strength of the Twelve Largest Departments as at 圖 1.4a 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.4a Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups as at 圖 1.4b 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.4b Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups and Sex as at 圖 1.5 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.5 Strength of the Civil Service by Age and Salary Groups as at 圖 至 2012 年非本地人員的人數及百分比 Figure 1.6 Number and Percentage of Nonlocal Officers in the Civil Service 圖 /2012 年度公務員離職人數 按流失類別列出 Figure 3.1 Officers Leaving the Service by Wastage Types 2011/ 公務員事務局統計組二零一二年九月 Statistics Unit Civil Service Bureau September 2012 香港特別行政區政府 2012 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


7 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 引言 公務員事務局每年編纂 公務員人事資料統計, 提供有關公務員的數字, 並反映公務員隊伍的變化 本年報所載的統計數字是以各部門提供的資料為根據, 反映上一個財政年度結束時的情況 要知道最新的公務員人事統計資料, 可瀏覽公務員事務局網頁 : INTRODUCTION The Civil Service Personnel Statistics is an annual publication prepared by the Civil Service Bureau. It aims to give an overview of the size of the Civil Service and changes in its compositions. Statistics in this publication are compiled on the basis of statistical returns from departments and reflect the position as at the end of the previous financial year. Readers may search for updated information of civil service personnel statistics on our website: 公務員人數 2. 計至二零一一年三月三十一日, 公務員的編制和實際人數分別為 及 ; 在二零一一至一二年度結束時, 編制增加了 1.2% 至 , 而實際人數亦增加了 1.5% 至 Size of the Civil Service 2. The establishment and strength of the Civil Service as at 31 March 2011 were and respectively. By the end of 2011/12, the establishment increased by 1.2% to and the strength also increased by 1.5% to 本年報所載的公務員編制和實際人數, 以及其他相關的人事資料統計, 並不包括法官及司法人員 廉政公署人員和香港駐外地經濟貿易辦事處在當地聘請的人員 若把他們計算在內, 計至二零一二年三月三十一日, 編制和實際人數分別為 及 The establishment and strength of the Civil Service and other related personnel statistics in this publication do not include judges and judicial officers, Independent Commission Against Corruption officers and locally engaged staff working in Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices. If they are included, the establishment and strength were and respectively as at 31 March

8 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 公務員隊伍的結構 4. 計至二零一二年三月三十一日, 公務員的實際人數為 , 佔本港人口 ( ) 的 2.2%, 佔本港勞動人口 ( ) 的 4.2% 當中年齡不到 40 歲的約佔 35% 本地公務員約佔 99.9% 人員比例約為 2 比 1 5. 公務員首長級人員共有 名, 擔任高級管理 / 專業職位和初 中級管理 / 專業職位的人員分別有 名和 名 6. 在全體公務員之中, 非本地人員所佔的百分率, 由二零零八年的 0.2% 降至二零一二年的 0.1% 同期, 在首長級人員方面, 非本地人員所佔的百分率, 由 3.2% 降至 2.0%; 至於高級管理 / 專業人員方面, 非本地人員所佔的百分率, 則由 2.4% 降至 1.8% Composition of the Civil Service 4. As at 31 March 2012, the strength of the Civil Service was accounting for 2.2% of the population ( ) or 4.2% of the Hong Kong s labour force ( ). Of the total strength, about 35% officers were under 40. Local officers accounted for about 99.9% of the strength. The sex ratio of civil servants is about two male officers to one female officer. 5. There were directorate officers, officers in the senior management/professional positions and another in junior and middle management/professional positions. 6. The proportion of nonlocal officers in the Civil Service dropped from 0.2% in 2008 to 0.1% in In the directorate ranks, this proportion fell from 3.2% to 2.0% over the same period. In the senior management/ professional group, the drop was from 2.4% to 1.8%. 聘任 7. 二零一一至一二年度, 為填補因離職 調任 升遷和提供新服務而出現的空缺, 政府總共聘任了 人 ( 包括在職轉任和退休後不中斷服務而重行受僱的人員 ) 聘任人數中少於 0.1% 為非本地人員 Appointments 7. To fill vacancies arising from turnover, transfer, promotion and provision of new services, a total of appointments (including inservice appointment and reemployment after retirement without a break in service) were made in 2011/12. Out of the total, less than 0.1% appointments were offered to nonlocal officers. 8

9 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 流失 8. 二零一一至一二年度, 公務員流失人數為 5 863, 佔該年度開始時實際人數的 3.7% 在離職人員中, 他們離職的原因主要是退休, 佔 79.5%, 辭職人員佔 12.3%, 合約期滿離職的人員佔 5.1%, 其餘 3.1% 則在死亡 被革職 終止服務等情況下離職 Staff Wastage 8. Wastage in 2011/12 was accounting for 3.7% of the Civil Service strength at the beginning of the year. Of these leavers, the majority left the service on retirement. There were 79.5% retired, 12.3% resigned, 5.1% left by completion of agreement, and the remaining 3.1% left for reasons of death, dismissal, termination of service, etc. 9

10 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 釋義 公務員人事資料統計 內某些資料或用詞的定義如下 : 1. 有關編制 實際人數 聘任 流失及殘疾人員的人事資料統計, 並不包括廉政公署人員 法官及司法人員和香港駐外地經濟貿易辦事處在當地聘請的人員 DEFINITIONS The definitions used in Civil Service Personnel Statistics are as follows: 1. The personnel statistics in relation to establishment, strength, appointment, wastage and disabled civil servants do not include Independent Commission Against Corruption officers, judges and judicial officers and locally engaged staff working in Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices. 2. 公務員入職薪酬檢討 2. Review on Civil Service Starting Salaries 個別文職人員和紀律人員職系的入職薪酬曾於二零零零年四月 二零零七年八月及二零一零年十月作出修訂 與自二零零零年四月, 因應入職薪酬的變動, 我們在總薪級表增設一個最低薪點 ( 0 點 ) 在一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表增設四個薪點 ( 1 a 至 1 d 點 ) 在一般紀律人員 ( 員佐級 ) 薪級表增設一個薪點 ( 1 a 點 ), 以及在警務人員薪級表增設一個薪點 ( 1 a 點 ) 3. 本年報所載列的所有人事統計資料以每年三月三十一日的情況為準 The starting salaries for individual civilian and disciplined services grades were adjusted in April 2000, August 2007 and October As a related matter, we have, since April 2000, introduced one pay point (point 0) at the bottom of the Master Pay Scale (MPS), four pay points (points 1a1d) to the General Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale (GDS(O)), one pay point (point 1a) to the General Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale (GDS(R)), and one pay point (point 1a) to the Police Pay Scale (PPS). 3. The survey reference day of all statistics in this publication is set on 31 March of each year. 4. 編制數字包括所有編外職位, 但基於下述原因而臨時開設的同類職位則除外 : 4. Establishment figures include all supernumerary posts except those created on a temporary basis: (i) 容納正在放取各類假期人員的替任人員 ; 或 (i) to accommodate replacements for officers on various types of leave; or 10

11 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 (ii) 暫時填補懸空的常額職位 (ii) to be held against vacant permanent posts. 由二零零二年十二月三十一日起, 編制數字不再包括管制人員根據財務通告第 4/94 號獲轉授的權力而開設為期不超過六個月的首長級編外職位 With effect from 31 December 2002, supernumerary directorate posts created by Controlling Officers for a period not exceeding six months under delegated authority in accordance with Financial Circular No. 4/94 are not included in the establishment figures. 5. 紀律部隊職系和職級的新薪級 5. New Pay Scales for Disciplined Services Grades and Ranks 因應紀律部隊職系架構檢討, 我們在一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表增設一個頂薪點 ( 39 點 ) 在一般紀律人員 ( 員佐級 ) 薪級表增設兩個薪點 ( 28 和 29 點 ), 以及在警務人員薪級表增設一個薪點 ( 54 a 點 ), 生效日期追溯至二零零九年四月一日 Following the grade structure review on the disciplined services, we have introduced with retrospective effect from 1 April 2009, one pay point (point 39) at the maximum of the GDS(O), two pay points (points 2829) to the GDS(R), and one pay point (point 54a) to the PPS. 6. 實際人數包括部門編制內的人員 ( 從其他部門借調來及正在休假的人員也計算在內 ) 6. Strength figures include officers who are on the establishment of departments (including those seconded from other departments and those on leave). 7. 流失人數包括在統計期間離職的人員 7. Wastage figures include officers who have left the service during the survey reference period. 8. 除另有訂明外, 年度 泛指財政年度, 例如二零一一至一二年度是指由二零一一年四月一日至二零一二年三月三十一日為止的一段期間 8. Year refers to the financial year unless otherwise stated. For instance, 2011/12 means the period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March

12 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 本地人員 及 非本地人員 按 公務員事務規例 第 100 條的定義劃分 : 9. Local officer and Nonlocal officer are defined in the Civil Service Regulations 100: (i) 本地人員 指 (i) Local officer is (a) 按本地條款聘用的人員 ; 或 (b) 按劃一或新聘用條款聘用且是香港特別行政區永久居民的人員 (a) serving on local terms; or (b) serving on common terms or new terms and is a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (ii) 非本地人員 指 (a) 按海外條款聘用的人員 ; 或 (b) 按劃一或新聘用條款聘用但不是香港特別行政區永久居民的人員 前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員, 在本年報內納入 本地人員 類別 (ii) Nonlocal officer is (a) serving on overseas terms; or (b) serving on common terms or new terms and is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Those officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions are grouped under the category of Local officer in the statistics in this publication. 10. 本年報提及的聘用條款類別包括 : (i) 本地聘用條款 指在劃一聘用條款實施前用以聘用本地公務員的一套條款 10. Terms of appointment as mentioned in this publication include the following categories: (i) Local terms The set of terms offered to a local officer appointed before the introduction of common terms. 12

13 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 (ii) 海外聘用條款 指在劃一聘用條款實施前用以聘用海外公務員的一套條款 (iii) 劃一聘用條款 指一套劃一的聘用條款和服務條件, 適用於在一九九九年一月一日或之後和在二零零零年六月一日前按公務員聘用條款和服務條件受聘的新入職人員 (iv) 新聘用條款 指一套新的聘用條款和服務條件, 適用於在二零零零年六月一日或之後按公務員聘用條款和服務條件受聘的新入職人員 (ii) Overseas terms The set of terms offered to an overseas officer appointed before the introduction of common terms. (iii) Common terms A common set of terms of appointment and conditions of service applicable to new appointees to the Civil Service on civil service terms and conditions who were offered appointment on or after 1 January 1999 and before 1 June (iv) New terms New sets of terms of appointment and conditions of service applicable to new appointees to the Civil Service on civil service terms and conditions who were offered appointment on or after 1 June 本年報提及的聘用條款種類包括 : 11. Terms of appointment as mentioned in this publication include the following types: (i) 可享退休金 按可享有香港退休金法例所規定退休金福利的聘用條款受聘 (i) Pensionable Appointments on terms which attract pension benefits under the Hong Kong pensions legislation. (ii) 試用 指受聘擔任設定職位的僱員在固定任期內須接受觀察 附註 : 在本年報內, 以本地或劃一試用條款聘用的人員亦納入 可享退休金條款 聘用分類 (ii) Probation Appointments to an established office for a fixed period of service on observation. Note: For the sake of presentation, officers on local and common probationary terms are subsumed under Pensionable in this publication. 13

14 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 然而, 以新試用條款聘用的人員則納入另一分類, 因為他們獲確實聘用為常額編制人員時, 並非按可享有香港退休金法例所規定退休金福利的聘用條款受聘 (iii) 合約 合約條款用於固定任期的聘任, 無論是設定或非設定職位 ( 常額或編外職位 ) 都適用 (iv) 長期 僱員按試用 合約或其他適用的條款受聘, 在該段聘用期屆滿後獲政府確實聘任為常額編制人員, 擔任設定職位 (v) 退休後按合約條款重行受僱 公務員在退休後不中斷服務而隨即於特定的僱用期內按合約條款重行受僱 (vi) 本年報提及的其他聘用條款包括 按日聘用 按月聘用 和 退休後以按月聘用條款重行受僱 各項條款的定義如下 : (a) 按日聘用 該條款只適用於招聘手續未能及時辦妥而需要臨時招聘人手的情況 However, officers who are appointed on new probationary terms are subsumed under a separate category because they are not appointed on terms which attract pension benefits under the Hong Kong pensions legislation when they are confirmed to the permanent establishment. (iii) Agreement A means of fixedterm appointment to posts in established or nonestablished offices (permanent or supernumerary). (iv) Permanent Appointments to an established office on confirmation to the permanent establishment, as may be offered by the Government after a period of service on probation, agreement or any other terms as appropriate. (v) Reemployment after retirement on Agreement Reemployment after retirement without a break in service on agreement terms for a specified period. (vi) Other terms as referred to in this publication include DaytoDay, MonthtoMonth and Reemployment after retirement on MonthtoMonth terms. Details are as below: (a) DaytoDay An appointment used only to allow temporary appointment before completion of recruitment formalities. 14

15 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 (b) 按月聘用 以一個月通知或以一個月薪金代替通知, 便可隨時終止的聘任 (c) 退休後以按月聘用條款重行受僱 公務員在退休後不中斷服務而隨即於特定僱用期內以按月聘用條款重行受僱 (b) MonthtoMonth Appointments which may be terminated at any time by giving one month s notice or payment of one month s salary in lieu of notice. (c) Reemployment after retirement on Monthto Month Reemployment after retirement without a break in service on monthtomonth terms for a specified period. 12. 本年報提及的薪金組別包括 : 12. Salary Groups as mentioned in this publication have the following coverage: (i) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 0 至 25 點之間或同等薪酬 包括頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 0 至 25 點 一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表第 1d 至 12 點 警務人員薪級表第 1a 至 31 點之間, 以及按一般紀律人員 ( 員佐級 ) 薪級表支薪的職級 (ii) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 26 至 33 點之間或同等薪酬 包括頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 26 至 33 點, 以及一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間的職級 (iii) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 34 至 44 點之間或同等薪酬 包括頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 34 至 44 點 一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表第 22 至 32 點, 以及警務人員薪級表第 32 至 48 點之間的職級 (i) Max. salary between MPS 025 or equivalent It covers ranks with maximum salary points in the ranges of MPS 025, GDS(O) 1d12, PPS 1a31 and ranks with salary pay points on the GDS(R). (ii) Max. salary between MPS 2633 or equivalent It covers ranks with maximum salary points in the ranges of MPS 2633 and GDS(O) (iii) Max. salary between MPS 3444 or equivalent It covers ranks with maximum salary points in the ranges of MPS 3444, GDS(O) 2232 and PPS

16 2012 公務員人事資料統計 Civil Service Personnel Statistics 2012 (iv) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 45 至 49 點之間或同等薪酬 包括頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 45 至 49 點 一般紀律人員 ( 主任級 ) 薪級表第 33 至 39 點, 以及警務人員薪級表第 49 至 54a 點之間的職級 (v) 首長級薪級表或同等薪酬 包括頂薪點介乎警務人員薪級表第 55 至 59 點之間, 以及按首長級薪級表 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 一般紀律人員 ( 指揮官級 ) 薪級表支薪的職級 (iv) Max. salary between MPS 4549 or equivalent It covers ranks with maximum salary points in the ranges of MPS 4549, GDS(O) 3339 and PPS 4954a. (v) Directorate Pay Scale or equivalent It covers ranks with maximum salary points in the range of PPS 5559 and ranks with salary pay points on the Directorate Pay Scale, Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale, General Disciplined Services (Commander) Pay Scale. 13. 數字的進位 13. Rounding of figures 由於數字經四捨五入, 統計表內個別項目數字的總和可能與略有出入 There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the tables owing to rounding. 16

17 人數 SIZE

18 表 /2003 至 2012/2013 年度公務員的編制 實際人數及流失人數 Table 1.1 Establishment, Strength and Wastage of the Civil Service 2002/ / / / / / / / / / / / /2013 年度開始時的編制 (1) Establishment at the beginning of the year (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (35 272) (35 216) (34 102) (32 906) (32 426) (32 545) (33 695) (35 663) (36 607) (37 323) (37 975) 與上一年度的編制比較增減的百分比 % Change of establishment over the previous year 年度開始時的實際人數 Strength at the beginning of the year 與上一年度的實際人數比較增減的百分比 % Change of strength over the previous year 年度開始時實際人數佔編制的百分率 Strength as % of establishment at the beginning of the year 年內流失人數 Wastage during the year 年內流失人數佔該年度開始時實際人數的百分率 Wastage during year as % of strength at the beginning of the year 年內流失人數佔該年度開始和終結時平均實際人數的百分率 (2) Wastage during the year as % of the average of strength at the beginning and end of the year 註 Notes (1) 編制數字包括括號內所列公務員敍用委員會管轄職位的數目 Establishment figures include figures in brackets which indicate the number of posts for which the Public Service Commission is responsible. (2) (3) 這個百分率也稱為 中央流失率, 指年內所有離職公務員人數佔該年度公務員平均人數的百分率 This percentage is sometimes called 'Central Wastage Rate'. This relates all leavers from the Civil Service during the year to the average size of the Civil Service within the year. 由 2002 年 12 月 31 日起, 編制數字不再包括管制人員根據財務通告第 4/94 號獲轉授的權力而開設為期不超過六個月的首長級編外職位 With effect from , supernumerary directorate posts created by Controlling Officers for a period not exceeding six months under delegated authority in accordance with Financial Circular No. 4/94 are not included in the establishment figures. 18

19 千 Thousands 人數 No. of Staff 年度開始時的情況 at the beginning of the year 實際人數 Strength 編制 Establishment 圖 至 2012 年公務員的編制及實際人數 Figure 1.1 Establishment and Strength of the Civil Service

20 表 1.2 公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別 聘用條款及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.2 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups, Terms of Appointment and Sex as at 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 薪金組別 Salary Group 性別 Sex 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 本地 Local 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 劃一 Common 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按試用條款受僱 Probation 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 新 New 按長期條款受僱 Permanent 以按日聘用條款受僱 DaytoDay 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 025 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a31 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 741 [ 10 ] 1 [ 1 ] [ 3 ] 1 [ 1 ] [ 10 ] 5 [ 5 ] [ 1 ] [ 5 ] 15 [ 10 ] [ 3 ]

21 表 1.2 ( 續 ) Table 1.2 (Continued) 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 薪金組別 Salary Group 性別 Sex 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 本地 Local 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 劃一 Common 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按試用條款受僱 Probation 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 新 New 按長期條款受僱 Permanent 以按日聘用條款受僱 DaytoDay 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 分類 Subtotal [ 32] [ 17] 註 Notes P & PE [ ] 指按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱的人員 雖然按試用條款受聘的人員未確實聘任為常額編制人員, 亦納入 退休金及常額編制 聘用分類 Denotes officers on Pensionable and Permanent Establishment. For the sake of presentation, officers on probationary terms are also included even though they are not confirmed to the Permanent Establishment. 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 21

22 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 0 至 25 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 025 or equivalent (67.9%) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 26 至 33 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 2633 or equivalent (14.5%) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 34 至 44 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 3444 or equivalent (9.5%) 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 45 至 49 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 4549 or equivalent (2.2%) 首長級薪級表或同等薪酬 Directorate Pay Scale or equivalent (0.8%) 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale (4.9%) 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 125 (0.1%) 圖 1.2 公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.2 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups as at 註薪金組別的詳情可參閱第 1516 頁的 釋義 Note For details of salary groups, see "Definitions" on page

23 表 1.3 公務員的編制及實際人數 按部門及聘用條款列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.3 Establishment and Strength of the Civil Service by Departments and Terms of Appointment as at 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 行政長官辦公室 Chief Executive's Office 漁農自然護理署 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation 建築署 Architectural Services 審計署 Audit Commission 醫療輔助隊 Auxiliary Medical Service 屋宇署 Buildings 政府統計處 Census and Statistics 民眾安全服務處 Civil Aid Service 民航處 Civil Aviation 土木工程拓展署 Civil Engineering and Development 公司註冊處 Companies Registry [ 6 ] [ 5 ] [ 1 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 23

24 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 懲教署 Correctional Services 香港海關 Customs and Excise 衞生署 Department of Health 律政司 Department of Justice 渠務署 Drainage Services 機電工程署 Electrical and Mechanical Services 環境保護署 Environmental Protection 消防處 Fire Services 食物環境衞生署 Food and Environmental Hygiene 政府飛行服務隊 Government Flying Service 政府化驗所 Government Laboratory 政府物流服務署 Government Logistics [ 2 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 24

25 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 政府產業署 Government Property Agency 政府總部 : 政務司司長及財政司司長辦公室 G.S. * : Offices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary 政府總部 : G.S. : Civil Service Bureau 政府總部 : 商務及經濟發展局 G.S. : Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) 商務及經濟發展局轄下的創新科技署 Innovation and Technology Commission (within CEDB) 商務及經濟發展局轄下的政府資訊科技總監辦公室 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (within CEDB) 政府總部 : 政制及內地事務局 G.S. : Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 政府總部 : 發展局 G.S. : Development Bureau 政府總部 : 教育局 G.S. : Education Bureau [ 4 ] [ 1 ] 註 Notes [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. * G.S. = Government 在 962 個總編制職位中,359 個為補缺職位, 這些職位是用以容納目前並非在政府各局或部門擔任專責職位的一般職系人員 ( 例如正在放假 受訓或負責特別工作 ) 在 868 的實際員額中,282 名人員正擔任這些職位 Out of the total establishment of 962, a total of 359 posts are created in the operational reserves to accommodate general grades officers who are not taking up functional posts in Government Bureaux or Departments (e.g. on leave, training or undertaking ad hoc projects). Out of the strength of 868, a total of 282 officers are occupying these posts. 25

26 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 政府總部 : 環境局 G.S. * : Environment Bureau 政府總部 : 財經事務及庫務局 G.S. : Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 政府總部 : 食物及衞生局 G.S. : Food and Health Bureau 政府總部 : 民政事務局 G.S. : Home Affairs Bureau 政府總部 : 勞工及福利局 G.S. : Labour and Welfare Bureau 政府總部 : 保安局 G.S. : Security Bureau 政府總部 : 運輸及房屋局 G.S. : Transport and Housing Bureau 路政署 Highways 民政事務總署 Home Affairs 香港金融管理局 ( 借調 ) Hong Kong Monetary Authority (On Secondment) 香港天文台 Hong Kong Observatory 香港警務處 Hong Kong Police Force 註 Notes [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. * G.S. = Government Secretariat 26

27 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 醫院管理局 ( 借調 ) Hospital Authority (On Secondment) 房屋署 Housing 入境事務處 Immigration 政府新聞處 Information Services 稅務局 Inland Revenue 知識產權署 Intellectual Property 投資推廣署 Invest Hong Kong 公務及司法人員薪俸及服務條件諮詢委員會聯合秘書處 Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service [ 1 ] 司法機構 Judiciary 勞工處 Labour 土地註冊處 Land Registry 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 27

28 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 地政總署 Lands 法律援助署 Legal Aid 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services 海事處 Marine 電訊管理局 Office of the Telecommunications Authority 破產管理署 Official Receiver's Office 規劃署 Planning 郵政署 Post Office [ 3 ] [ 3 ] 公務員敍用委員會 Public Service Commission 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong 差餉物業估價署 Rating and Valuation [ 6 ] [ 1 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 28

29 表 1.3 ( 續 ) Table 1.3 (Continued) 部門 Department 編制 Establishment 職位 Posts 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 實際人數 Strength 劃一 Common 新 New 選舉事務處 Registration and Electoral Office 截取通訊及監察事務專員秘書處 Secretariat, Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance 社會福利署 Social Welfare 學生資助辦事處 Student Financial Assistance Agency 影視及娛樂事務管理處 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority 工業貿易署 Trade and Industry 運輸署 Transport 庫務署 Treasury 大學教育資助委員會 University Grants Committee 水務署 Water Supplies 所有部門 for all Departments [ 49 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 29

30 部門 Department 香港警務處 Hong Kong Police Force 食物環境衞生署 Food and Environmental Hygiene Department 消防處 Fire Services Department 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 房屋署 Housing Department 懲教署 Correctional Services Department 入境事務處 Immigration Department 衞生署 Department of Health 香港海關 Customs and Excise 社會福利署 Social Welfare Department 教育局 Education Bureau 郵政署 Post Office (3.5%) (3.4%) (3.2%) (3.2%) (3.1%) (4.2%) (4.1%) (5.0%) (4.8%) (6.3%) (6.2%) (20.5%) 註以上 12 個部門共佔整體公務員實際人數的 67% Note The twelve largest departments account for 67% of the total strength of the Civil Service. 圖 1.3 實際人數最多的十二個部門 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.3 Strength of the Twelve Largest Departments as at

31 表 1.4 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.4 Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups and Sex as at 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 劃一 Common 新 New 年齡組別 Age Group 性別 Sex 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按試用條款受僱 Probation 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按長期條款受僱 Permanent 以按日聘用條款受僱 DaytoDay 分類 Subtotal 20 歲以下 Below 20 M F 至 25 歲以下 20 to below 25 M F 至 30 歲以下 25 to below 30 M F 至 35 歲以下 30 to below 35 M F 至 40 歲以下 35 to below 40 M F 至 45 歲以下 40 to below 45 M F

32 表 1.4 ( 續 ) Table 1.4 (Continued) 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 劃一 Common 新 New 年齡組別 Age Group 性別 Sex 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按合約條款重行受僱 Reemployed on Agreement 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 按試用條款受僱 Probation 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 按長期條款受僱 Permanent 以按日聘用條款受僱 DaytoDay 分類 Subtotal 45 至 50 歲以下 45 to below 50 M F [ 3 ] 至 55 歲以下 50 to below 55 M F [ 9 ] 8 [ 7 ] [ 1 ] 至 60 歲以下 55 to below 60 M F [ 14 ] 12 [ 9 ] [ 3 ] 1 [ 1 ] 歲及以上 60 and over M F 560 [ 2 ] 分類 Subtotal M F [ 25 ] [ 16 ] [ 7 ] [ 1 ] 註 P & PE Notes [ ] 指按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱的人員 雖然按試用條款受聘的人員未確實聘任為常額編制人員, 亦納入 退休金及常額編制 聘用分類 Denotes officers on Pensionable and Permanent Establishment. For the sake of presentation, officers on probationary terms are also included even though they are not confirmed to the Permanent Establishment. 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 32

33 千 Thousands % 19.3% 30 人數 No. of Staff % 13.7% 13.5% 10.7% 8.2% % 0.1% 0.5% 0 < < < < < < < < < 60 >= 60 年齡 Age 圖 1.4a 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.4a Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups as at

34 千 Thousands Female Male 人數 No. of Staff < < < < < < < < < 60 >= 60 年齡 Age 圖 1.4b 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及性別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.4b Strength of the Civil Service by Age Groups and Sex as at

35 表 1.5 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Table 1.5 Strength of the Civil Service by Age and Salary Groups as at 薪金組別 Salary Group 20 歲以下 Aged below 至 25 歲以下 Aged 20 to below 至 30 歲以下 Aged 25 to below 至 35 歲以下 Aged 30 to below 至 40 歲以下 Aged 35 to below 至 45 歲以下 Aged 40 to below 至 50 歲以下 Aged 45 to below 至 55 歲以下 Aged 50 to below 至 60 歲以下 Aged 55 to below 歲及以上 Aged 60 and over 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

36 表 1.5 ( 續 ) Table 1.5 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 20 歲以下 Aged below 至 25 歲以下 Aged 20 to below 至 30 歲以下 Aged 25 to below 至 35 歲以下 Aged 30 to below 至 40 歲以下 Aged 35 to below 至 45 歲以下 Aged 40 to below 至 50 歲以下 Aged 45 to below 至 55 歲以下 Aged 50 to below 至 60 歲以下 Aged 55 to below 歲及以上 Aged 60 and over 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale

37 千 Thousands 25 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 20 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 人數 No. of Staff 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 0 至 25 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 025 or equivalent 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 26 至 44 點之間或同等薪酬 Max. salary between MPS 2644 or equivalent 5 首長級薪級表和頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 45 至 49 點之間或同等薪酬 Directorate Pay Scale and max. salary between MPS 4549 or equivalent 0 <20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 年齡 Age 圖 1.5 公務員的實際人數 按年齡組別及薪金組別列出 ( 計至 ) Figure 1.5 Strength of the Civil Service by Age and Salary Groups as at 註薪金組別的詳情可參閱第 1516 頁的 釋義 Note For details of salary groups, see "Definitions" on page

38 表 至 2012 年公務員的實際人數 按薪金組別及受聘身分列出 Table 1.6 Strength of the Civil Service by Salary Groups and Appointment Status 總實際人數 Strength 年 ( 計至 3 月 31 日 ) Year (as at 31 March) 本地人員 Local officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) 非本地人員 Nonlocal officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) [ 98 ] ( 99.8% ) 282 ( 0.2% ) [ 78 ] ( 99.8% ) 256 ( 0.2% ) [ 65 ] ( 99.8% ) 244 ( 0.2% ) [ 53 ] ( 99.9% ) 218 ( 0.1% ) [ 49 ] ( 99.9% ) 203 ( 0.1% ) 首長級薪級表或同等薪酬 Directorate Pay Scale or equivalent 年 ( 計至 3 月 31 日 ) Year (as at 31 March) 本地人員 Local officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) 非本地人員 Nonlocal officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) [ 33 ] ( 96.8% ) 39 ( 3.2% ) [ 26 ] ( 97.2% ) 34 ( 2.8% ) [ 21 ] ( 97.4% ) 33 ( 2.6% ) [ 18 ] ( 97.9% ) 27 ( 2.1% ) [ 15 ] ( 98.0% ) 26 ( 2.0% )

39 表 1.6 ( 續 ) Table 1.6 (Continued) 高級管理 / 專業 Senior Management/Professional ( 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 45 至 49 點之間或同等薪酬 ) (Maximum salary between MPS 4549 or equivalent) 年 ( 計至 3 月 31 日 ) Year (as at 31 March) 本地人員 Local officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) 非本地人員 Nonlocal officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) [ 37 ] ( 97.6% ) 80 ( 2.4% ) [ 26 ] ( 97.8% ) 74 ( 2.2% ) [ 20 ] ( 98.1% ) 67 ( 1.9% ) [ 17 ] ( 98.2% ) 64 ( 1.8% ) [ 16 ] ( 98.2% ) 62 ( 1.8% ) 初 中級管理 / 專業 Junior to Middle Management/Professional ( 頂薪點介乎總薪級表第 26 至 44 點之間或同等薪酬 ) (Maximum salary between MPS 2644 or equivalent) 年 ( 計至 3 月 31 日 ) Year (as at 31 March) 本地人員 Local officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) 非本地人員 Nonlocal officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) [ 28 ] ( 99.5% ) 163 ( 0.5% ) [ 26 ] ( 99.6% ) 148 ( 0.4% ) [ 24 ] ( 99.6% ) 144 ( 0.4% ) [ 18 ] ( 99.7% ) 127 ( 0.3% ) [ 18 ] ( 99.7% ) 115 ( 0.3% )

40 表 1.6 ( 續 ) Table 1.6 (Continued) 其他職系人員 OTHERS 年 ( 計至 3 月 31 日 ) Year (as at 31 March) 本地人員 Local officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) 非本地人員 Nonlocal officers ( 比率 ) # (% to ) ( 100.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) ( 100.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) ( 100.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) ( 100.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) ( 100.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 註 Notes 本地人員指 Local officer is ( 一 ) 按本地條款聘用的人員 ; 或 ( 二 ) 按劃一或新聘用條款聘用且是香港特別行政區永久居民的人員 (a) serving on local terms; or (b) serving on common terms or new terms and is a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 非本地人員指 ( 一 ) 按海外條款聘用的人員 ; 或 ( 二 ) 按劃一或新聘用條款聘用但不是香港特別行政區永久居民的人員 Nonlocal officer is (a) serving on overseas terms; or (b) serving on common terms or new terms and is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. # 由於四捨五入關係, 所有數值加 來不一定等於一百 These figures may not add up exactly to the total due to rounding. 薪金組別的詳情可參閱第 1516 頁的 釋義 For details of salary groups, see "Definitions" on page

41 (0.2%) 256 (0.2%) 244 (0.2%) 218 (0.1%) 203 (0.1%) 人數 No. of Staff 年度開始時的情況 at the beginning of the year 圖 至 2012 年非本地人員的人數及百分比 Figure 1.6 Number and Percentage of Nonlocal Officers in the Civil Service


43 表 /2012 年度受聘的公務員人數 按聘用類別及聘用條款列出 Table 2.1 Appointments to the Civil Service by Appointment Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 聘用類別 Appointment Type 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 聘用率 # Percentage to Appointment 直接聘任 Direct Appointment % 在職轉任 Inservice Appointment % 退休後重行受僱 * Reemployment after Retirement % % 註 Notes * # 表示公務員在退休後不中斷服務而隨即重行受僱 Denotes officers who are reemployed after retirement without a break in service. These figures may not add up exactly to the total due to rounding. 43

44 表 /2012 年度受聘的公務員人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 2.2 Appointments to the Civil Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

45 表 2.2 ( 續 ) Table 2.2 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale


47 表 /2012 年度公務員離職人數 按流失類別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.1 Officers Leaving the Service by Wastage Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 流失類別 Wastage Type 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 流失率 # Percentage to Wastage 退休 Retirement 辭職 Resignation 合約期滿 Completion of Agreement 死亡 Death 革職 Dismissal 終止服務 Termination of Service 其他原因 * Other Reasons [ 1 ] % % 290 [ 1 ] % % % % % [ 2 ] % 註 Notes * [ ] 其他離職原因包括完成學徒訓練 雙方同意解除合約和按月聘用的重行受僱期完結 Other reasons include completion of apprenticeship, resolution of agreement by mutual consent and completion of reemployment on monthtomonth terms. 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. # 由於四捨五入關係, 所有數值加 來不一定等於一百 These figures may not add up exactly to the total due to rounding. 47

48 退休 Retirement (79.5%) 辭職 Resignation 724 (12.3%) 其他原因 Other Reasons 16 (0.3%) 合約期滿 Completion of Agreement 299 (5.1%) 終止服務 Termination of Service 3 (0.1%) 革職 Dismissal 14 (0.2%) 死亡 Death 143 (2.4%) 圖 /2012 年度公務員離職人數 按流失類別列出 Figure 3.1 Officers Leaving the Service by Wastage Types 2011/

49 表 /2012 年度流失人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.2 Wastage by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 92 [ 2 ] 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

50 表 3.2 ( 續 ) Table 3.2 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale [ 2 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 50

51 表 /2012 年度辭職人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.3 Resignation by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 8 8 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 1 1 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

52 表 3.3 ( 續 ) Table 3.3 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale

53 表 /2012 年度退休人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.4 Retirement by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 83 [ 1 ] 1 84 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

54 表 3.4 ( 續 ) Table 3.4 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale [ 1 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 54

55 表 /2012 年度退休人數 按退休類別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.5 Retirement by Types and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 劃一 Common 新 New 退休類別 Type of Retirement Male (1) (2) 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male Female (3) 公務員公積金 Civil Service Provident Fund 正常退休 (4) Normal Retirement 55 至 60 歲以下 Aged 55 to below 歲及以上 Aged 60 and over 提前退休 (4) (6) Early Retirement 50 歲以下 Aged below 至 55 歲以下 Aged 50 to below 退休後不中斷服務而隨即重行受僱 (6) Reemployment after Retirement without a break in service 迫令退休 Compulsory Retirement 根據 公務人員 ( 管理 ) 命令 Under Public Service (Administration) Order 其他 (5) Others

56 表 3.5 ( 續 ) Table 3.5 (Continued) 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 劃一 Common 新 New 退休類別 Type of Retirement Male (1) (2) 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Female 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 " Non "P & PE" Male Female (3) 公務員公積金 Civil Service Provident Fund 因喪失工作能力而退休 公務員事務規例 第 365(1)(a) 條 Invaliding [CSR 365(1)(a)] (6) 取銷職位 公務員事務規例 第 383 和第 388 條 Abolition of Office (CSR 383 and CSR 388) 分類 Subtotal 註 Notes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 指按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱的人員 P & PE denotes officers on Pensionable and Permanent Establishment. 指按其他條款 (( 即非 " 按可享退休金及常額編制條款 ") 受僱的人員, 而根據香港退休金法例享有退休金福利的人員 Non "P & PE" denotes all other officers who are appointed on terms (other than Pensionable and Permanent Establishment terms) which attract pension benefits under the Hong Kong pensions legislation. 指按可享有公務員公積金計劃下的退休福利的聘用條款受聘的人員 Refers to officers who are appointed on terms which attract retirement benefits under the Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme. 不包括退休後不中斷服務而隨即重行受僱的人員 Excluding officers who are reemployed after retirement without a break in service. 根據適用於某些部門的法例而迫令退休的人員 Under legislations which are specific to certain departments. 不適用於根據新聘用條款受僱的人員 Not applicable to officers who are appointed on new terms. 56

57 表 /2012 年度合約期滿人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.6 Completion of Agreement by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 1 [ 1 ] 1 2 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 025 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 1 1 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

58 表 3.6 ( 續 ) Table 3.6 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 1 1 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 290 [ 1 ] 註 Note [ ] 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 58

59 表 /2012 年度革職人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.7 Dismissal by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

60 表 3.7 ( 續 ) Table 3.7 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale

61 表 /2012 年度終止服務的人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.8 Termination of Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 025 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

62 表 3.8 ( 續 ) Table 3.8 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale

63 表 /2012 年度死亡人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.9 Death by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 1 1 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

64 表 3.9 ( 續 ) Table 3.9 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale

65 表 /2012 年度因其他原因而離職的人數 按薪金組別及聘用條款列出 Table 3.10 Other Reasons for Leaving the Service by Salary Groups and Terms of Appointment 2011/2012 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a31 65

66 表 3.10 ( 續 ) Table 3.10 (Continued) 薪金組別 Salary Group 本地 Local 海外 Overseas 聘用條款 Terms of Appointment 劃一 Common 新 New 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 1 1 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 註 Notes 其他原因包括完成學徒訓練 雙方同意解除合約和按月聘用的重行受僱期完結 Other reasons include completion of apprenticeship, resolution of agreement by mutual consent and completion of reemployment on monthtomonth terms. 66


68 表 4.1 延長服務期的人員 ( 計至 ) Table 4.1 Officers Serving on Extended Service as at 薪金組別 Salary Group 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 5 [ 1 ] 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 本地 Local 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 劃一 Common 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 新 New 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 3 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 8 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a31 68

69 表 4.1 ( 續 ) Table 4.1 (Continued) 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 薪金組別 Salary Group 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 本地 Local 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 劃一 Common 按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱 P & PE 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 5559 新 New 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 60 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 分類 Subtotal 3 30 [ 1 ] 註 Notes 延長服務期指 Extended service denotes (1) (2) 公務員在退休年齡後延長服務 ; 以及 officers who continue to serve in the civil service beyond the retirement age; and 合約公務員在 60 歲後延長服務 agreement officers who continue to serve in the civil service beyond 60. P & PE [ ] 指按可享退休金及常額編制條款受僱的人員 Denotes officers on Pensionable and Permanent Establishment. 括號內的數字是前為海外公務員 ( 或在初次受聘時確定屬海外公務員身分 ), 而目前按本地條款受聘的人員數目 Denotes the number of officers who were formerly overseas officers (or determined on first appointment as of overseas status) and are now serving on local terms and conditions. 69

70 表 4.2 退休後重行受僱 / 受聘的人員 ( 計至 ) Table 4.2 Officers Reemployed/Reappointed after Retirement as at 薪金組別 Salary Group 首長級 / 首長級 ( 律政人員 ) 薪級表 Directorate Pay Scale and Directorate (Legal) Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 45 至 49 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 歲以下 Aged below 55 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 本地 Local 55 歲以下 Aged below 55 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 歲以下 Aged below 55 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 歲以下 Aged below 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 總薪級表 Master Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 34 至 44 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 26 至 33 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 警務人員薪級表 Police Pay Scale 頂薪點介乎第 0 至 25 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 025 頂薪點介乎第 55 至 59 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎第 49 至 54a 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 4954a 頂薪點介乎第 43 至 48 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 32 至 42 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt 頂薪點介乎第 1a 至 31 點之間 Max. Salary between Pt. 1a

71 表 4.2 ( 續 ) Table 4.2 (Continued) 一般紀律人員薪級表 General Disciplined Services Pay Scale 薪金組別 Salary Group 指揮官級 Commander ( 首長級人員 Directorate officers) 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 33 至 39 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 3339 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 22 至 32 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 2232 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 13 至 21 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1321 頂薪點介乎主任級薪級表第 1d 至 12 點之間 Max. Salary between GDS(O) 1d12 員佐級 Rank and File 55 歲以下 Aged below 55 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 本地 Local 55 歲以下 Aged below 55 按其他聘用條款受僱 Other Terms 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 歲以下 Aged below 55 海外 Overseas 按合約條款受僱 Agreement 55 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 55 歲以下 Aged below 至 59 歲 Aged 歲及以上 Aged 60 & over 第一標準薪級表 Model Scale I Pay Scale 見習職級薪級表 Training Pay Scale 分類 Subtotal 註 Notes 退休後重行受僱 / 受聘指 Reemployed/Reappointed after Retirement denotes (1) 公務員在退休後不中斷服務而隨即重行受僱 ; 以及 officers who have been reemployed after retirement without a break in service; and (2) 性公務員因結婚而按 退休金條例 ( 第 89 章 ) 退休, 再獲重行受聘 female officers who are reappointed after retirement on marriage under Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 89). 71


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