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中国港口与船舶环境管理政策 Ports and Vessels Environmental Management Policy in China 李丽平 Li Liping 环境保护部环境与经济政策研究中心 Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, MEP, China 2018.3 1

提 纲 Main Contents 港口和船舶环境管理进展 Progress 面临的形势和存在的问题 Challenges and Problems 下一步计划 Future work

一 港口和船舶环境管理进展 Main Progress of Ports and Vessels Environmental Management 2

标准现状及趋势 1970 年 : 起步 Start 1990 年 : 引入非道路移动源 (Non-road Mobile Source ) 汽车 Vehicle 摩托车 Motorcycle 非道路移动机械 (Non-road Machinery) 船舶 \ 铁路机车 (Vessel/Locomotive) 娱乐用车及设备 (Recreational vehicles and equipment) 美 Tier2 汽车 Tier2 car 欧 3/ 美 Tier3 移动机械欧 5 Europe 3/US Tier3 汽车 Euro 5 Mobile machinery car 欧 Europe U.S. 美 2004 2006 2009 2015 2017 中国 China 现行移动源标准 24 项 Current mobile source standards 24 items 汽车 car 摩托车 相差 9 年 A difference of 9 years 相差 8 年 A difference of 8 years 国 3 移动机械 Mobile Machinery 国 5 汽车 Cars 非道路移动机械 Non-road moving machinery Motorcycle 船舶 Ships 1983 年 : 起步 Start 2007 年 : 引入非道路移动源 2007: Introducing non-road mobile sources

1 制定和修改排放标准 develop standard 2007 年 非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法 ( 中国 Ⅰ Ⅱ 阶段 ) (GB 20891 2007) 等 适用于小于 37 千瓦的船舶柴油机, 港口叉车等 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from diesel engines of nonroad mobile machinery(Ⅰ Ⅱ)( GB 20891 2007) 2014 年, 非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法 ( 中国第三 四阶段 )Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from diesel engines of non-road mobile machinery (CHINA Ⅲ,Ⅳ)( GB 20891 2014 代替 GB 20891-2007 2014-10-01 实施 ) 2016 年, 船舶发动机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法 ( 中国第一 二阶段 ) Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from marine engines (CHINAⅠ, Ⅱ)( GB 15097 2016 代替 GB/T 15097-2008 2018-07-01 实施 )

2 设立船舶排放控制区 Vessel emission control zone 2015 年交通运输部印发 珠三角 长三角 环渤海 ( 京津冀 ) 水域船舶排放控制区实施方案, 分四阶段推动船舶靠岸停泊期间使用硫含量不高于 5000 ppm 的燃油 In 2015, Ministry of Transport issued the Implementation plan of waters vessel emission control zone in Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Sea (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) and promoted the use of fuel with a sulfur content of not more than 5000 ppm during the four phases of berthing. 2016/11/10 7


3. 顶层设计 : 专项行动方案 Top Level Design: Action Plan 船舶与港口污染防治专项行动实施方案 (2015-2020 年 ), 推行船舶 拆旧造新 和限期淘汰, 鼓励港口低碳转型, 推广实施岸电 "Special Action Implementation Plan of Vessels and Ports Pollution Control(2015-2020), implement "demolition of old vessels and build a new one" and a deadline elimination.

二 面临形势和存在问题 Challenges and Problems 8

1 空气质量达标压力巨大 Challenges in Reaching Standards Standard Not to standard 2015 年, 我国 78.4% 的地级及以上城市空气质量年均值不达标 上海 广东等东部地区环境监测结果显示, 臭氧超标日数和小时数日渐增多, 有关专家一致认为机动车排放的氮氧化物和挥发性有机污染物是臭氧污染的重要来源 我国大气污染已呈现出煤烟和机动车尾气复合型的污染特征 In 2015, the average annual air quality in 78.4% of the prefecture-level and above cities in our countries is not up to standard. Air quality monitoring results of Shanghai, Guangdong and other eastern areas shows that, the exceeded time of ozone is growing. Experts agreed that motor vehicle emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic pollutants is an important source of ozone pollution. China's air pollution has shown a complex pollution characteristics combined with soot and motor vehicle exhaust. 9

O 3 Pollution 与 2013 年相比, 全国 74 城市 O 3 日 8 小时最大值第 90 分位数平均上升 20%; 京津冀 长三角和珠三角分别上升 25% 17% 和 7% Compared with 2013, the 90th quantile of the 8 hours maximum of the 74 cities across the country rose by an average of 20%; the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta rose by 25%, 17% and 7% respectively. 与 2015 年相比,338 城市平均上升 11.2% Compared with 2015, 338 cities increased by an average of 11.2%.

船舶污染问题突出 Serious Problems in Vessel Pollution 13

Cases in Shanghai and Shenzhen 有研究表明, 上海市船舶排放产生的 SO 2 和 NO x 占到全市排放总量的 12.4% 以及 11.6%,PM 2.5 则占 5.6% 深圳每年船舶排放的 SO 2 占深圳市排放总量的 65.8% Studies have shown that SO 2 and NO x produced by Shanghai's ship emissions account for 12.4% and 11.6% of the city's total emissions, while PM2.5 accounts for 5.6%. Shenzhen's annual SO 2 emissions from ships accounts for 65.8% of total emissions in Shenzhen.

政策新要求 New Policy 中华人民共和国大气污染防治法 Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution 2016 年 1 月 1 日生效 Effective January 1, 2016 对岸电 码头油气回收 内河船用燃油等明确提出要求 There are clear requirements for onshore power, terminal oil and gas recovery, and fuel for inland vessels. 15

政策新要求 New Policy 国务院 十三五 节能减排综合工作方案 2017 年 1 月 State Council Comprehensive Work Plan for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan January 2017 岸电 LNG 应用 : 在居民采暖 工业与农业生产 港口码头等领域推进天然气 电能替代, 减少散烧煤和燃油消费 Shore power, LNG applications: In areas such as residential heating, industrial and agricultural production, ports and docks, etc., natural gas and electric energy substitution will be promoted to reduce the consumption of bulk coal and fuel oil. 加快船舶和港口污染物减排 : 在珠三角 长三角 环渤海京津冀水域设立船舶排放控制区 主要港口 90% 的港作船舶 公务船舶靠港使用岸电,50% 的集装箱 客滚和邮轮专业化码头具备向船舶供应岸电的能力 主要港口大型煤炭 矿石码头堆场全面建设防风抑尘设施或实现煤炭 矿石封闭储存 Accelerate emissions reductions for ships and ports: Set up ship emission control areas in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Bohai Bay waters 90% of ports in major ports are used by ships and official vessels to use shore power in Hong Kong, and 50% of specialized terminals for container, passenger roll and cruise ships have the ability to supply shore power to ships. The large-scale coal and ore terminal yards of major ports will be built with windproof and dust suppression facilities or closed storage of coal and ore.

三 下一步管理工作思路 Future Work 15

港口和船舶环境管理主要思路 Major Policy for Environmental Management of Motor Vehicles 全面贯彻落实 大气污染防治法 和国务院关于简政放权 放管结合 优化服务 便民惠民的决策部署, 以改善环境质量为核心, 坚持新老机动车船并重, 强化区域协同联动和国际交流合作, 努力构建以全面信息公开为中心 严格排放标准为引领 大数据互联共享为支撑 严格执法监督为保障的环境管理新模式 Develop and implement the most stringent national emission standards, comprehensively implement new vessels environmental information disclosure, reinforce COP supervision, strictly regulate new and in-use vessels emissions testing, accelerate information networking of vehicle emission inspection, strengthen environmental supervision. 15

1 落实大气法, 构建环保监管制度体系 Implement Law on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution and Build a Environmental Regulatory System Newly revised Air Pollution Prevention Law was formally implemented this year 16

一 信息公开主体 Object 机动车和非道路移动机械生产 进口企业, 对信息公开的真实性 准确性 及时性 完整性负责 Production, import enterprises of motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery, is responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, timeliness, and integrity of the information disclosure. 二 信息公开内容 Main Content 机动车和非道路移动机械生产 进口企业基本信息 污染控制技术信息 排放检验信息 Basic information, pollution control technology information, emission inspection information of production, import enterprises 三 信息公开时间和方式 Time and manner 产品出厂或货物入境前, 以随车清单或信息标签, 且在本企业官方网站公开, 并同步上传至环境保护部机动车和非道路移动机械环保信息公开平台 ( 网址 :www.vecc-mep.org.cn) Products manufactured or goods before entry, to the list of vehicles or information labels, and published on the enterprise official website, and simultaneously uploaded to the motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery environmental information disclosure platform of MEP) 四 实施时间 Deadlines 2016 年 9 月 1 日起, 试运行 ; Trial operation 2017 年 1 月 1 日起, 机动车生产 / 进口企业 Production, import enterprises 2017 年 7 月 1 日起, 非道路移动机械生产 进口企业 Non-road mobile machinery production, import enterprises 五 监督管理 Supervision and management 省级以上环保部门依大气法第 111 条规定处以 5-50 万元处罚 Environmental protection departments above the provincial level in accordance with the provisions of Article 111 of Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution punishable by 5-50 million. 15

2 制定非道路移动机械和船舶排放清单 build non-road machineries and vessel source inventory 抓住第二次污染源普查机遇, 建立非道路移动机械和船舶排放清单 Utilize the second general survey of polluting source, build non-road machineries and vessel source inventory. 2016/11/10 19

3 扩展排放控制区 Reinforce supervision and management of DECA 加强船舶排放控制区监督管理, 推动扩展为硫氧化物和氮氧化物联合排放控制区 Reinforce supervision and management of DECA, and expand the control pollutants to SOx and NOx.

3 推动岸电 shore-based power supply facilities 在港口码头建设 推广岸基供电设施 Promote shore-based power supply facilities.

4 依法划定低排放控制区 Build low emission control area for non-road machineries and vessel 依法划定非道路移动机械低排放控制区, 加强监督管理 Build low emission control area for nonroad machineries and vessel, and reinforce supervision and management. 2016/11/10 19

5 加强督促协调, 积极推进油品质量升级 Strengthen Supervision and Coordination, Upgrade Oil Quality 配合全国打击侵权假冒工作领导小组办公室对各地车用燃油市场监管情况进行督查, 对组织工作不力 措施不严和效果较差的地方予以通报 Strengthen the supervision of fuel market around the country together with National Anti-Infringement Counterfeiting Work Leading Group Office, announce the organization with worse work, management and efficiency. 委托第三方开展油品质量调查, 督促相关部门加强监督管理 Commissioned a third party to carry out oil quality survey, urge the relevant departments to strengthen supervision and management 配合研究制定国六油品标准, 推进车用柴油 普通柴油和船用轻质燃料油标准逐步统一, 提高油品清净性 To jointly develop national oil standards, promote vehicle diesel, ordinary diesel and marine light fuel oil standards gradually unified to improve oil cleanliness. 19

6 调整运输结构 change transportation structure 关于加强唐山地区铁路集疏港运输战略合作的框架协议 A Framework Agreement on Strengthening the Strategic Cooperation in the Transport by Railway from Ports in Tangshan Area 框架协议 签订后, 曹妃甸港疏港矿石将从 3 月 1 日起逐步转由铁路运输,2019 年将全部实现 公转铁 框架协议, 大力支持推进唐曹 水曹铁路建设, 支持企业修建铁路专用线, 并在运力配置等方面予以重点保障, 为承接 公转铁 运量提供能力保障 中国铁路北京局集团有限公司还与北京首钢公司 河钢唐山钢铁集团 唐山燕山钢铁公司等 6 家企业签署运量互保战略合作协议, 年疏港运量将达 1500 万吨

谢谢! Thank you! 44