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( 一 ) 實 習 的 時 候 就 和 讀 書 會 的 同 學 一 起 把 陳 嘉 陽 紮 實 地 讀 過 一 遍 了, 也 因 此 在 考 完 教 檢 之 後, 我 們 只 有 把 不 熟 或 是 常 考 的 章 節 再 導 讀 一 次 ( 例 如 : 統 計 行 政 法 規 ), 主 力 則 是

Abstract Since 1980 s, the Coca-Cola came into China and developed rapidly. From 1985 to now, the numbers of bottlers has increased from 3 to 23, and


101 年 全 國 高 職 學 生 實 務 專 題 製 作 競 賽 暨 成 果 展 報 告 書 題 目 :Beat CNN`s Report, 驚 艷 外 國 人 的 嘴 - 皮 蛋 之 大 改 造 指 導 老 師 : 林 佩 怡 參 賽 學 生 : 胡 雅 吟 楊 椀 惇 張 毓 津 許 巧 文


2 毓秀视点 本编辑 然 本报讯 记者 晓风 卢梅 沈燕花 今年学校总体升学率高达 20% 作为每年 考研的命脉之一 数学 在其中发挥了 至关重要的作用 据了解 学校建立的完 备的考研数学辅导体系 成为考研同学们 攻克数学难关的 利器 除考研之外 多 年来我校学生数学竞赛成绩稳居同类院校 前列 获奖

2005 4,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2001 ) ;() ( 1997 ) ; ( 1997 ) ; () (1996 ) ;,: ( 1995 ) ; (1995 ),,,, (J13) (J9) (J10), (J19) (J17) 58



区 域 活 动 进 入 中 班 我 们 区 域 的 设 置 和 活 动 材 料 都 有 所 变 化, 同 时 也 吸 引 孩 子 们 积 极 的 参 与 学 习 操 作 区 的 新 材 料 他 们 最 喜 欢, 孩 子 们 用 立 方 块 进 行 推 理 操 作 用 扑 克 牌 进 行 接 龙 游


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Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2015 Public Examination Heritage Chinese (Mandarin) Reading Time: 10 minutes Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes You have 10 minutes to read all the papers and to familiarise yourself with the requirements of the questions. You MUST NOT write during this time. Monolingual and/or bilingual printed dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Print character dictionaries may be consulted during reading time and also during the examination. Section 1: Responding to texts (50 marks) Instructions to Students 1. This section will take approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. 2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet using black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes. 3. You must answer ALL questions. 4. Answer in ENGLISH or in CHINESE as required. 5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet and on page 13. 6. This question booklet will be collected at the end of the examination. 2310 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW


Section 1: Responding to texts 50 marks Attempt Questions 1 6 In Section 1, there are THREE aural texts Text 1, Text 2 and Text 3A. Each aural text will be played TWICE. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text in which you may make notes. Your answers to Section 1 will be assessed on how well you: summarise and/or synthesise information and ideas from texts infer points of view, opinions and attitudes respond personally and critically to texts analyse the way in which culture and identity are expressed communicate relevant information and ideas in either comprehensible CHINESE or ENGLISH as required create texts in a variety of forms appropriate to a range of contexts, purposes and audiences demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in CHINESE 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

Question 1 (4 marks) Marks Text 1 will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings in which you may make notes. After you hear Text 1, you will have 8 minutes to answer Question 1 in the space provided. You will hear a warning signal 2 minutes before the end of this time. LISTEN to Text 1 and then answer the question that follows. 1. 4 How do the attitudes of the father and the daughter differ? Write approximately 80 characters in CHINESE. You may make notes in this space. 4

Question 2 (6 marks) Marks Text 2 will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings in which you may make notes. After you hear Text 2, you will have 10 minutes to answer Question 2 in the space provided. You will hear a warning signal 2 minutes before the end of this time. LISTEN to Text 2 and then answer the question that follows. 2. 总结这种工作和学习方式的利与弊 字数要求大约 120 个英文字 6 Summarise the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working and studying. Write approximately 120 words in ENGLISH. You may make notes in this space. 5 PLEASE TURN OVER

Question 3 (10 marks) Text 3A will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings in which you may make notes. After the second playing, the CD will be stopped. LISTEN to Text 3A and READ Text 3B and then answer the question that follows. Text 3B Letter After having talked with John, Xiao Hua wrote the following letter. 爸爸 妈妈 : 我想和你们讨论我将来的工作问题 很抱歉, 我必须写信, 而不是面对面地和你们讨论, 因为你们知道我的想法后, 一定会大发雷霆 我决定上澳洲军事大学, 这是我的兴趣所在, 我想将来在军事方面发展 只要努力工作, 行行出状元 你们为什么一定要我当医生或律师? 这种传统想法已过时了 每个行业都是为社会服务, 如果从事的不是我喜欢的工作, 我怎么能快乐呢? 希望你们能够了解, 并支持我的想法 祝好小华敬上二零一五年十月四日 Question 3 continues on page 7 You may make notes in this space. 6

Question 3 (continued) 3. 根据对话和信件, 为学校杂志写一篇短文, 题为 华裔学生对未来职业的选择 字数大约 160 个汉字 Marks 10 Based on the conversation and the letter, write a short article for your school magazine entitled, Career choices for heritage Chinese students. Write approximately 160 characters in CHINESE. End of Question 3 7 PLEASE TURN OVER

Question 4 (8 marks) READ Text 4 and then answer the question that follows. Text 4 Song Awaiting copyright 窗 window 绝望 despair 感触 feeling 孤独 lonely Song Lyrics - Don t Cry, Friend by David Lui Fong http://www.666ccc.com/lrc/1171/319905.htm Question 4 continues on page 9 8

Question 4 (continued) 4. 这首歌词如何反映了作者对生活和朋友之间关系的态度? 从内容和语言技巧方面来回答 字数要求大约 180 个英文字 Marks 8 How do these song lyrics reflect the writer s attitude to life and relationships between friends? In your answer, refer to both the content and the language features used. Write approximately 180 words in ENGLISH. End of Question 4 9




2015 Public Examination Heritage Chinese (Mandarin) Student/Registration Number Centre Number Section 1: Responding to texts (continued) Please turn over 2311 13 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

Question 5 (10 marks) READ Text 5 and then answer the question that follows. Text 5 Employment advertisement 招聘 联合国组织计划招聘世界青年使者 其责任包括 : 在当地组织活动, 鼓励青年为世界做贡献, 如 : 为灾区捐款 ; 为贫困地区募捐教学设施 ; 为无家可归者捐献衣物 ; 为防止传染病的蔓延, 组织援助活动等 申请者要写明你在价值观念, 语言文化, 组织能力, 身体条件等方面的竞选资格, 及如何成为一名优秀的世界青年使者 欢迎青年踊跃报名竞选 申请信发往 : shiqingshizhe@qmail.com 截止日期 : 二零一五年十二月三十一日 蔓延 spread 竞选 selection Question 5 continues on page 15 14

Question 5 (continued) 5. 读了以上广告后, 作为一名华裔青年, 针对招聘条件, 用中文写一封申请信 字数要求大约 140 个汉字 Marks 10 After reading the advertisement, as a young person of Chinese heritage, write an application in Chinese addressing the criteria. Write approximately 140 characters in CHINESE. From: To: Subject: shiqingshizhe@qmail.com Application for World Youth Ambassador 尊敬的竞选委员会 : End of Question 5 15 PLEASE TURN OVER

Question 6 (12 marks) READ Texts 6A and 6B and then answer the question that follows. Text 6A News report 42 年来, 中澳经贸合作不断发展 中国已成为澳洲最大贸易伙伴 进出口市场 很多澳洲的产品受到中国民众的喜爱 中澳人文交流和友谊也在加深 已多次互办过文化年 澳洲热 和 中国热 在两国升温, 越来越多的民众来旅游, 学生来留学 2013 年, 两国人员来往超过 150 万人次 双方在教育 文化 旅游等方面的交流还将不断扩大 改自习近平署名文章 2014 年 11 月 14 日 澳洲金融评论报 Text 6B Biographical details of interviewee 王天明, 澳洲华裔, 任澳亚公司亚洲部经理 生于重视教育的家庭 在校时, 成绩优异, 是学生会 辩论队和篮球队成员, 自信 合作精神强 学了 6 年汉语和中国文化 能用广东话交流 曾作为交换生, 去亚洲国家学习生活了半年, 能适应不同的生活环境 在多个社区机构做过义工, 了解社会和人际关系 曾去多国旅行, 了解不同文化和风土人情 从家人了解到创业的辛苦, 学到了勤奋 助人为乐和谦虚的美德 最欣赏 天生我材必有用 这句话 Question 6 continues on page 17 16

Question 6 (continued) 6. 根据报道和王天明的简历, 写一篇对王天明的采访稿 : 作为海外华裔, 如何帮助发展澳中关系? 字数要求大约 180 个汉字 Marks 12 You conduct an interview with Wang Tianming on the topic, How can people of Chinese heritage help develop relationships between Australia and China?. Using both the news report and the biographical details, write the text of the interview. Write approximately 180 characters in CHINESE. End of Section 1 17