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Taktsang Monastery NEPAL If I had to name the biggest difference between Bhutan and the rest of the world, I could do it in one word, civility. Lilian Smith Thimphu BHUTAN 8D 7N Blissful Bhutan & Nepal KATHMANDU PARO THIMPHU PUNAKHA TAKTSANG Day 1 D Depart for Upon arrival, check into hotel. Day 2 B/L/D Thimphu to. Experience breath-taking views of Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Jomolhari and other Himalayan peaks from the sky. Visit Kuenselphodrang (commonly known as Buddha Point) where the largest Buddha statue in the country is perched on the hillock overlooking the Thimphu Valley. Visit National Textile Museum which is a good place to see the art of traditional weaving being kept alive. Visit Tashichho Dzong, a fortress of the glorious religion. It was built in 1641 and was reconstructed into present structure which houses the secretariat building, the throne room and the office of the king, and the central monk body. Visit Craft Bazaar, a one stop place to witness Bhutanese culture and buy Bhutan made art and craft product. Day 3 B/L/D Thimphu Drive to via Dochula Pass (3100 m) and visit National Post office Bhutan. Upon arrival, check into hotel. Visit Chimi Lahkhang, known as Temple of Fertility which built in the 15th century by the Divine Madman (Lama Drukpa Kuenley). Visit Dzong, known as Pungtang Dechen Photrang Dzong (meaning very awesome dzong the palace of great happiness or bliss, it is the second oldest and second largest dzong in Bhutan. Hike to Khamsum Yuley Namgyel Chhorten (If time permited). The Chorten is situated along a hill up the valley and can be reached after a leisurely hike through the woods and rice paddies. Day 4 B/L/D After breakfast, drive to (with at least 4 hours drive). Visit Kyichu temple. The story goes that a giant demon lay across the whole area of Tibet and the Himalayas, King Songtsen Gampo decided to build 108 temples to overcome her, which would be placed on all the points of her body. Kyichu Temple is one of the 108 temples. Day 5 B/L/D Sightseeing Day After breakfast, hike up to Taktsang Monastery, also known as Tiger s Nest. Enjoy a spectacular view of the monastery clinging to the side of the cliff, stop for refreshment at the View Point Cafeteria, and then walk further up to the monastery. In the evening, you may relax in the traditional hotstone bath at own expenses (USD15). Enjoy dinner in hotel with cultural show performances with cocktails. Day 6 B/L/D Visit Rinpung Dzong (fortress), built in 1645 to defend the valley against Tibetan invaders, now being used as an administration center and school for monks. From the Dzong you will walk down to Rimpung Bridge (Traditional Cantilever Bridge), oldest bridge in Bhutan. Visit Farm houses in Valley that offers a good glimpse into the lifestyle of a farmer. Proceed to town and market where you may visit local shops and have free interaction with local people. Watch the Archery Match (National Game of Bhutan) at Changlimithang National Stadium. Visit the School of Traditional Painting of Arts and Crafts where students undertake a six-year course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan. Visit Centenary Farmers Market (open from Thu-Sun only): Most of the Thimphu s population and many valley dwellers converge on the bustling weekend market, held by the side of Wangchu River. Day 7 B/L/D to. Visit Swayambhunath Stupa, known as the Monkey Temple, it's one of the oldest Buddhist Stupa in the valley. Visit Durbar Square and see the Goddess of Kumari. Enjoy dinner with Nepalese Cultural Dance performances. Day 8 Depart Home back home. Night(S) Stay 2N Thimphu 1N 1N 3N Meals Included 7 Breakfasts 6 Lunches 7 Dinners Itinerary may vary on actual tour. Validity : 1 Apr - 31 Oct 2018 T & C Apply 76 77

Taktsang Monastery If I had to name the biggest difference between Bhutan and the rest of the world, I could do it in one word, civility. Lilian Smith NEPAL Thimphu BHUTAN 76

8D 7N Blissful Bhutan & Nepal KATHMANDU PARO THIMPHU PUNAKHA TAKTSANG Day 1 D Depart for Upon arrival, check into hotel. Day 2 B/L/D Thimphu to. Experience breath-taking views of Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Jomolhari and other Himalayan peaks from the sky. Visit Kuenselphodrang (commonly known as Buddha Point) where the largest Buddha statue in the country is perched on the hillock overlooking the Thimphu Valley. Visit National Textile Museum which is a good place to see the art of traditional weaving being kept alive. Visit Tashichho Dzong, a fortress of the glorious religion. It was built in 1641 and was reconstructed into present structure which houses the secretariat building, the throne room and the office of the king, and the central monk body. Visit Craft Bazaar, a one stop place to witness Bhutanese culture and buy Bhutan made art and craft product. Day 3 B/L/D Thimphu Drive to via Dochula Pass (3100 m) and visit National Post office Bhutan. Upon arrival, check into hotel. Visit Chimi Lahkhang, known as Temple of Fertility which built in the 15th century by the Divine Madman (Lama Drukpa Kuenley). Visit Dzong, known as Pungtang Dechen Photrang Dzong (meaning very awesome dzong the palace of great happiness or bliss, it is the second oldest and second largest dzong in Bhutan. Hike to Khamsum Yuley Namgyel Chhorten (If time permited). The Chorten is situated along a hill up the valley and can be reached after a leisurely hike through the woods and rice paddies. Day 4 B/L/D After breakfast, drive to (with at least 4 hours drive). Visit Kyichu temple. The story goes that a giant demon lay across the whole area of Tibet and the Himalayas, King Songtsen Gampo decided to build 108 temples to overcome her, which would be placed on all the points of her body. Kyichu Temple is one of the 108 temples. Day 5 B/L/D Sightseeing Day After breakfast, hike up to Taktsang Monastery, also known as Tiger s Nest. Enjoy a spectacular view of the monastery clinging to the side of the cliff, stop for refreshment at the View Point Cafeteria, and then walk further up to the monastery. In the evening, you may relax in the traditional hotstone bath at own expenses (USD15). Enjoy dinner in hotel with cultural show performances with cocktails. Day 6 B/L/D Visit Rinpung Dzong (fortress), built in 1645 to defend the valley against Tibetan invaders, now being used as an administration center and school for monks. From the Dzong you will walk down to Rimpung Bridge (Traditional Cantilever Bridge), oldest bridge in Bhutan. Visit Farm houses in Valley that offers a good glimpse into the lifestyle of a farmer. Proceed to town and market where you may visit local shops and have free interaction with local people. Watch the Archery Match (National Game of Bhutan) at Changlimithang National Stadium. Visit the School of Traditional Painting of Arts and Crafts where students undertake a six-year course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan. Visit Centenary Farmers Market (open from Thu-Sun only): Most of the Thimphu s population and many valley dwellers converge on the bustling weekend market, held by the side of Wangchu River. Day 7 B/L/D to. Visit Swayambhunath Stupa, known as the Monkey Temple, it's one of the oldest Buddhist Stupa in the valley. Visit Durbar Square and see the Goddess of Kumari. Enjoy dinner with Nepalese Cultural Dance performances. Day 8 Depart Home back home. Night(S) Stay 2N Thimphu 1N 1N 3N Meals Included 7 Breakfasts 6 Lunches 7 Dinners Itinerary may vary on actual tour. Validity : 1 Apr - 31 Oct 2018 T & C Apply 77

虎穴寺 8 天 7 晚 不丹 + 尼泊尔幸福之国 加德满都 帕罗 廷布 普那卡 塔克桑 第 1 天晚飞往加德满都 抵达后, 前往酒店入住 第 2 天早 / 午 / 晚加德满都帕罗廷布 前往尼泊尔加德满都机场, 准备飞往帕罗 从空中俯瞰圣母峰 干城章嘉峰以及喜马拉雅山的壮丽景观 游览金刚坐佛佛像, 这是世界最大佛像之一 参观不丹国家纺织博物馆, 认识这门古老而仍富有生命力的织布艺术, 展品包括形式各异的民族服装和其他纺织成品 参观壮观雄伟的大西丘宗, 这是不丹国王主政国会议事之地, 也是不丹的政教中心 游览手工艺品商店, 不丹工匠及技工在这里展示及售卖手工艺品 第 3 天早 / 午 / 晚廷布普那卡 第 4 天早 / 午 / 晚普那卡帕罗 早餐后, 乘车前往帕罗 ( 至少 4 小时 ) 参观不丹最古老寺庙之一的祈楚寺, 是不丹王国所兴建的第一批宗教堡垒建于西元七世纪 传说中, 松赞干布为了镇压女妖, 而在喜马拉雅各地建立 108 座圣地寺院 第 5 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗 攀登不丹王国最著名的佛教圣寺 虎穴寺, 坐落在帕罗山谷中海拔 3120 米高的悬崖峭壁上, 被誉为世界十大超级寺庙之一 据传, 第二位佛祖莲花生大师曾骑虎飞过此地并在此冥修 3 个月 由于寺庙建在高山悬崖上, 前往路程比较崎岖, 徒步上山通常需 2 小时左右 傍晚可自费体验不丹传统热石头浴 (USD15) 享用酒店晚餐, 欣赏文化表演及品尝鸡尾酒 第 7 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗加德满都 前往机场, 飞往加德满都 游览坐落于小山丘上的斯瓦扬布纳特寺, 俯瞰整个加德满都城 因为这里猴子很多, 又被称为 猴庙 参观加德满都杜巴广场一睹库玛丽女神容貌 享用晚餐及观赏尼泊尔传统文化表演 第 8 天早加德满都 住宿 加德满都廷布 飞返家园 前往机场, 飞返家园 2 晚 膳食 7 早餐 6 午餐 7 晚餐 普那卡帕罗 3 晚 无名 如果你不能活得长久, 那就活得深刻 尼泊尔加德满都廷布普那卡帕罗不丹 乘车经由多雄拉山口 (3100 公尺 ) 前往普那卡, 参观不丹国家邮政总局 抵达后, 前往酒店入住 游览奇美拉康寺, 俗称疯喇嘛的庙, 建于 1499 年 参观普纳卡堡, 不丹最美丽的宗堡之一 这是不丹建国者沙布隆所修建的第二座城堡 健行登上卡姆沙耶里纳耶纪念碑 ( 若时间允许 ), 它耸立于普那卡山谷一个突出的山脊之上, 在山顶可俯瞰整个普纳卡山谷的田园景色 这是一座庇佑国家的佛塔, 各层分别供奉着不同的神佛及保护神之像 第 6 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗 游览帕罗宗, 也称为日蓬宗堡, 意思是 堡垒上的珠宝堆 这是不丹二十个宗之一, 即是佛教寺庙, 又担任一些政府职能 前往帕罗谷参观不丹农家院, 体验淳朴的民风及不丹生活方式 续往帕罗镇及帕罗市场, 参观当地商店还有与居民互动 前往羌黎密塘体育场观赏不丹射箭艺术, 不丹以射箭为国家运动 参观不丹艺术大学, 共设有十三个科系 ( 为期六年 ) 分别教导不丹的传统艺术与手工艺 游览百年农夫市场 ( 周四至周日开放 ) 这是不丹最大的传统市场, 市场建在旺秋河岸边, 廷布周围的农夫会带着各种农副产品来到市场出售 行程或依当地实际情况做出适当调整有效日期 : 1 Apr - 31 Oct 2018 须符合条规 76 77

虎穴寺 如果你不能活得长久, 那就活得深刻 无名 尼泊尔加德满都廷布普那卡帕罗不丹 76

8 天 7 晚 不丹 + 尼泊尔幸福之国 加德满都 帕罗 廷布 普那卡 塔克桑 第 1 天晚飞往加德满都 抵达后, 前往酒店入住 第 2 天早 / 午 / 晚加德满都帕罗廷布 前往尼泊尔加德满都机场, 准备飞往帕罗 从空中俯瞰圣母峰 干城章嘉峰以及喜马拉雅山的壮丽景观 游览金刚坐佛佛像, 这是世界最大佛像之一 参观不丹国家纺织博物馆, 认识这门古老而仍富有生命力的织布艺术, 展品包括形式各异的民族服装和其他纺织成品 参观壮观雄伟的大西丘宗, 这是不丹国王主政国会议事之地, 也是不丹的政教中心 游览手工艺品商店, 不丹工匠及技工在这里展示及售卖手工艺品 第 3 天早 / 午 / 晚廷布普那卡 乘车经由多雄拉山口 (3100 公尺 ) 前往普那卡, 参观不丹国家邮政总局 抵达后, 前往酒店入住 游览奇美拉康寺, 俗称疯喇嘛的庙, 建于 1499 年 参观普纳卡堡, 不丹最美丽的宗堡之一 这是不丹建国者沙布隆所修建的第二座城堡 健行登上卡姆沙耶里纳耶纪念碑 ( 若时间允许 ), 它耸立于普那卡山谷一个突出的山脊之上, 在山顶可俯瞰整个普纳卡山谷的田园景色 这是一座庇佑国家的佛塔, 各层分别供奉着不同的神佛及保护神之像 第 4 天早 / 午 / 晚普那卡帕罗 早餐后, 乘车前往帕罗 ( 至少 4 小时 ) 参观不丹最古老寺庙之一的祈楚寺, 是不丹王国所兴建的第一批宗教堡垒建于西元七世纪 传说中, 松赞干布为了镇压女妖, 而在喜马拉雅各地建立 108 座圣地寺院 第 5 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗 攀登不丹王国最著名的佛教圣寺 虎穴寺, 坐落在帕罗山谷中海拔 3120 米高的悬崖峭壁上, 被誉为世界十大超级寺庙之一 据传, 第二位佛祖莲花生大师曾骑虎飞过此地并在此冥修 3 个月 由于寺庙建在高山悬崖上, 前往路程比较崎岖, 徒步上山通常需 2 小时左右 傍晚可自费体验不丹传统热石头浴 (USD15) 享用酒店晚餐, 欣赏文化表演及品尝鸡尾酒 第 6 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗 游览帕罗宗, 也称为日蓬宗堡, 意思是 堡垒上的珠宝堆 这是不丹二十个宗之一, 即是佛教寺庙, 又担任一些政府职能 前往帕罗谷参观不丹农家院, 体验淳朴的民风及不丹生活方式 续往帕罗镇及帕罗市场, 参观当地商店还有与居民互动 前往羌黎密塘体育场观赏不丹射箭艺术, 不丹以射箭为国家运动 参观不丹艺术大学, 共设有十三个科系 ( 为期六年 ) 分别教导不丹的传统艺术与手工艺 游览百年农夫市场 ( 周四至周日开放 ) 这是不丹最大的传统市场, 市场建在旺秋河岸边, 廷布周围的农夫会带着各种农副产品来到市场出售 第 7 天早 / 午 / 晚帕罗加德满都 前往机场, 飞往加德满都 游览坐落于小山丘上的斯瓦扬布纳特寺, 俯瞰整个加德满都城 因为这里猴子很多, 又被称为 猴庙 参观加德满都杜巴广场一睹库玛丽女神容貌 享用晚餐及观赏尼泊尔传统文化表演 第 8 天早加德满都 住宿 加德满都廷布 飞返家园 前往机场, 飞返家园 2 晚 膳食 7 早餐 6 午餐 7 晚餐 普那卡帕罗 3 晚 行程或依当地实际情况做出适当调整有效日期 : 1 Apr - 31 Oct 2018 须符合条规 77