本告知單依循勞動基準法 職業安全衛生法 職業災害勞工保護法 工廠法等含所屬子法之規則 細則 辦法及標準訂定之 一 一般安全衛生規定一般安全衛生規定 : 1 工程廠商施工人員入廠請至警衛室辦理入廠工作登記, 並配戴 工作證 並由監工帶入工廠區, 無監工人員帶領不得進入工廠區, 下班時亦需至警衛室交回工

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友達光電股份有限公司 承攬商安全衛生協議組織申請表 本公司承攬友達光電廠區相關工程, 為加強安全衛生管理及防止職業災害, 除主動參與及重視安全管理工作外, 並保證遵守 承攬商安全衛生協議組織 (以下簡稱本協議組織)之組織章程規定, 謹此申請加入為本協議組織之會員, 並依據 職業安全衛生法 規定辦理 本公司如因故未能參加本協議組織之會議時, 授權下列代理人代表本公司參加 此致友達光電 廠區承攬商安全衛生協議組織 一. 承攬商公司名稱 : 二. 申請人 公司負責人 : 三. 代理人 駐廠負責人員 工程負責人 : 職稱 : 四. 公司地址 : 五. 聯絡電話 : 六. 傳真號碼 : 七. E-mail: 八. 統一編號 : 請蓋公司大小章 中華民國年月日

本告知單依循勞動基準法 職業安全衛生法 職業災害勞工保護法 工廠法等含所屬子法之規則 細則 辦法及標準訂定之 一 一般安全衛生規定一般安全衛生規定 : 1 工程廠商施工人員入廠請至警衛室辦理入廠工作登記, 並配戴 工作證 並由監工帶入工廠區, 無監工人員帶領不得進入工廠區, 下班時亦需至警衛室交回工作證並簽離廠時間, 夜間 (19:00~07:00) 施工須先行報備 2 進入本公司應戴配帶工作證; 禁止穿著拖鞋 赤腳 打赤膞或攜帶眷屬, 違反規定者禁止進入 3 攜帶私人包裹, 請填寫 物品放行單 於警衛室打開檢查後攜入, 離場亦應出示檢查, 化學藥品攜入應通知環安單位檢查 4 廠內車輛應按速限(20 公里以下 ) 行駛, 車輛請停在停車格內並將車證放置明顯處 ( 嚴禁在非停車格內臨停 ) 貨車停車裝卸貨, 應熄火 拉手煞車並放輪檔, 輪擋至少要能擋住胎面 1/2 以上及胎高 1/8 以上 5 嚴禁承攬商攜帶危險物品 檳榔 酒類進入廠內, 禁止飲酒者及精神狀況不佳 情緒不穩定者入廠施工, 廠內全面禁煙, 非飲食區禁止飲食, 遵守本廠廢棄物分類要求 6 非承攬作業區域範圍, 承攬商工作人員一概不得進入 7 公司內貨梯不可載人, 在限定重量內貨物裝載後, 人員至另一樓層操作 8 承攬商應自備並依其作業種類配戴安全防護設備 器具( 例如 : 動火作業 : 可燃性氣體偵測警報器 滅火器 防火毯 防回火裝置及火星接盤 入塔槽作業 : 氧氣及可燃性氣體偵測警報器 送風機 送風口罩 高架作業 : 安全帶 ( 索 鋼 ) 工作架須有護欄 感電作業 : 絕緣手套 絕緣鞋 電工安全帽及絕緣被覆 9 本廠禁止 18 歲以下人員及妊娠中或產後未滿一年之女工從事本廠承攬工作 10 承攬商工作開始前, 應逐一將使用之機具 設備 工具 安全裝置 防護器具完成自動檢查並將紀錄現場備查, 如有異常狀況時, 應即改善, 否則不得使用 11 工作場所有下列立即發生危險之虞時, 承攬商工作場所負責人應即令停止作業, 使勞工退至安全場所, 本廠工作場所負責人 環安人員通知亦同 (1) 自設備洩漏大量危險物或有害物, 致有立即發生爆炸 火災或中毒等危險之虞時 (2) 於作業場所有引火性液體之蒸氣或可燃性氣體滯留, 達爆炸下限值之百分之三十以上, 致有立即發生爆炸 火災危險之虞時 (3) 於儲槽等內部或通風不充分之室內作業場所, 從事有機溶劑作業, 因換氣裝置故障或作業場所內部受有機溶劑或其混存物污染, 致有立即發生有機溶劑中毒危險之虞時 (4) 從事缺氧危險作業, 致有立即發生缺氧危險之虞時 12 非緊急事故不得使用消防水( 欲使用消防水需經本廠環安及廠務人員核可 ) 13 工作場所應隨時保持整齊清潔, 並依相關規定進行管理 14 施工設備及器材任一時間不得放置於逃生路口及消防設備周邊阻礙消防設備使用及逃生 15 聽到消防警報應立即停止動火作業及入槽作業或其它承攬作業, 並關閉火源及電源, 人員先退至廠外空曠處疏散集合, 如事故擴大人員再依指示行動 16 承攬商工地負責人及承攬商安衛管理人員應每日巡視工作場所並實施自動檢查, 遇有安全衛生疑難問題, 隨時通知本廠監工 轄區主管或環安人員 17 其他有關安全衛生事項承攬商工作人員及再承攬人應確實遵守, 監工應隨時督導 18 進入 AUO 廠區之人員除具有 在職證明或勞工保險證明 外, 並需具有由雇主為其投保之 新台幣 300 萬元以上的保險 19 AUO 同仁與承攬人 再承攬人之間, 於同一期間 同一工作場所進行共同作業或致工作範圍有影響時, 承攬商應於施工 Page/Total Pages:1/18

作業前告知發包單位監工, 由該工作區域主管指派一方負責召開會議進行作業協調, 由三方 ( 廠商 AUO 發包單位 AUO 環安 ) 討論施工工法, 並至現場巡視確認疑慮排解無誤後, 方可施作 20 共同作業若其一作業類型屬 AUO 定義之危險性管制作業, 應以其危害性優先確認評估, 當有危害至該區域相關人員, 應以安全為第一考量, 並進行相關之管制及防範措施 21 工作環境若有變更之虞, 依規定廠商應立即停工並通知發包單位, 經進行確認變更原因, 並排除變更危害後應重新提送施工申請, 完成簽核及作業區域確認方可施作 22 承攬商每日工時不得超過 12 小時 1 個月加班時數不得超過 46 小時, 每週上班日數不得連續 7 日 23 承攬人僱用勞工進入 AUO 廠區服務或從事作業, 須保證人員已依職業安全衛生法規定辦理身體健康檢查, 人員身體健康符合相關勞動法令 ( 包括但不限於勞工健康保護規則 ) 及 AUO 入廠規定之要求 二 施工安全衛生規定 : 承攬商施工人員入廠危害因素告知, 危害因素暨有關安全衛生應採取之防止措施規定如下 : ( 一 ) 墜落 滾落 1. 承攬人雇用勞工從事高架作業時, 應依行政院勞工委員會頒佈之 高架作業勞工保護措施標準 辦理 2. 承攬商應提供所屬工作人員在二公尺以上無平台及護欄之高架作業使用之背負式雙掛鉤安全帶 安全索或安全網 ; 佩戴安全帽應扣好帽帶 ; 使用之安全帶 安全索或安全網應合乎國家標準 3. 移動式工作梯 ( 不可使用木梯 ) 應貼有 工作梯安全標示卡 方可使用 作業使用移動梯前, 應檢查工作環境是否平整穩固, 作業區域下方應圍籬管制, 上方應無其他重疊作業, 否則視為共同作業應雙方協調後施作, 開口區域旁三公尺內禁止使用移動梯, 移動工作梯之使用應設置監護協助之人員, 嚴禁站立於梯頂板作業 4. 合格之工作梯應符合下列原則 ( 移動梯及合梯作業安全檢查重點及基準 ): (1) 具有堅固之構造, 其材質不得有顯著之損傷 腐蝕等現象 (2) 梯腳應有止滑底腳等防止滑溜或轉動之設施, 如於斜坡使用應設置防止傾倒設施, 梯腳不可壓踩電氣線路 (3) 合梯梯腳與地面之角度應在 75 度以內, 兩梯腳間應有繫材扣牢, 並應有安全之梯面 (4) 不得在施工架上使用, 移動合梯時人員應下至地面, 嚴禁利用合梯兩梯腳開合方式從事橫向移動 (5) 在高度二公尺以上處所使用移動梯, 應採取於移動梯兩側設置護欄或設置垂直安全母索固定於上方錨錠處 勞工使用背負式安全帶需附有止滑防墜器等防止墜落之設施 (6) 作業範圍應設置警戒區域, 於通道 出入口 車道等應指派監護人員指揮監督 5. 二公尺以上地面或牆面開口部份應設置護欄或護蓋 ; 工作台四周應設置護欄 ; 樓梯 階梯側邊應設扶手 6. 臨時性施工架或工作平台應有護欄並經承攬商安衛管理人檢查及本廠監工認可方得使用, 施工畢應即拆除 施工中新增之平台或坑洞應即於施工區域及造成重疊作業區域加裝護欄 警告標示 7. 勞工於未設置工作平台 護欄等處從事高架作業時, 應嚴格監督佩帶背負式雙掛鉤安全帶, 必要時, 其下方並設置安全網 8. 勞工有下列情事之一者, 承攬人不得使其從事高架作業 : a. 酒醉或有酒醉之虞者 b. 身體虛弱, 經醫師診斷認為身體狀況不良者 c. 貧血及高血壓患者 d. 情緒不穩定, 有安全顧慮者 e. 勞工自覺不適從事該項工作者 f. 其它經主管人員認定者 9. 勞工從事高架作業時, 應減少工作時間 每連續作業二小時, 應給予作業勞工下列休息時間 : 一 高度在二公尺至未滿五公尺者, 至少有二十分鐘休息 二 高度在五公尺至未滿二十公尺者, 至少有二十五分鐘休息 Page/Total Pages:2/18

三 高度在二十公尺以上者, 至少有三十五分鐘休息 ( 二 ) 感電 1. 對於從事電氣工作之勞工, 全程應穿戴絕緣手套 絕緣鞋 電工安全帽等絕緣防護具及其他必要之防護器具, 作業前施作人員應以檢電器具再次確認線路 導電體無感電之虞, 勞工身體應避免潮濕情形, 作業地面應保持乾燥 2. 各項作業除非 AUO 核准外禁止活線作業, 停 ( 斷 ) 電作業必須確實, 應將其相關之開關或斷路器等全部切離, 並於作業前先行檢電, 以防止逆送電之發生 感電作業應指定監督人員負責監督管制作業現場, 非合格之電氣技術人員不得從事電氣設備之維護及保養工作 3. 勞工作業範圍若有帶電電路設備 線路, 為避免帶電之電源端引發短路電弧, 應於該帶電設備及線路裝置絕緣用防護裝備, 並應與活線接近作業保持至少 60 公分以上之接近界限距離 4. 勞工於電路開路後從事該電路作業, 應懸掛停電作業相關標誌 ; 有電部分懸掛有電危險等相關標誌, 以資警示, 為保持或加強電氣線路及設備之良好電氣絕緣狀態, 電氣線路或設備之裸露帶電部分有接觸之虞時, 應施以絕緣被覆 ( 橡膠套 絕緣膠帶等 ) 或使用絕緣台 絕緣毯 5. 各承攬人使用之電工具設備 電線等, 於使用前應詳加檢查 ( 包括絕緣電阻 漏電測試 接地電阻等 ), 並經 AUO 電器機具檢查合格後方可使用, 不合格者不得進廠使用, 使用過程中若有因振動或其他因素造成線路破損 磨損應立即停止使用 6. 使用對地電壓在一百五十伏特以上移動式或攜帶式電動機具, 或於濕潤場所 鋼板上或鋼筋上等導電性良好場所使用移動式或攜帶式電動機具及臨時用電設備, 為防止因漏電而生感電危害, 應使用適合其規格, 具有高敏感度, 能確實動作之感電防止用漏電斷路器 7. 工地電源開關 ( 包含分路開關 ) 應設置之漏電斷路器並且不得任意拆卸 破壞, 其用電設備之電路, 必須經過漏電斷路器 8. 廠區作業請用專用電盤, 潮濕場所需設置漏電斷路器, 嚴禁使用緊急用電 延長線串接使用或裸線搭接 9. 電氣作業應有適當且足夠之作業空間及良好照明之環境 承攬人自行拉設之電線, 應予架高或施以保護 10. 於二公尺以上鋼架從事作業所用之交流電焊機, 應使用內藏式自動電擊防止裝置及確實接地 ( 裝置暗開關者, 禁止入廠 ) 11. 乙炔 氧氣鋼瓶應直立並固定於監工人員指定鋼瓶臨時穩固置放處, 或廠商應使用自備之鋼瓶手推車, 電焊線 氣焊線應予分開, 須使用防回火裝置, 每日收工前, 電焊線 氣焊線應收拾整齊 ; 其他各類臨時管線亦應放置整齊不得雜亂 ; 施工中電焊線 氣焊線及其他各類電線 管線沿馬路或通道旁放置整齊, 橫越馬路或通道應有使車輛或其他物體通過不致損傷其絕緣被覆之裝置或防護 12. 電焊機應有內藏式自動電擊防止裝置 ( 裝置暗開關者, 禁止入廠 ); 電焊機外殼應接地並標示, 電焊人員須穿戴絕緣手套 絕緣鞋 防護面罩等防護具, 作業地點二公尺內應放置滅火器, 無法淨空時應於易燃物品上舖設防火毯 13. 修理機械設備前應防止他人操作該機械, 於起動裝置處採上鎖或設置掛卡標示措施或明顯標示始可施工 14. 若作業環境有感電之虞, 應選用非感電材質或採行防止感電之必要措施 ( 三 ) 物料掉落 1. 吊車及堆高機無合格操作人員證照 吊掛指揮人員及起重機具檢查合格證者禁止操作, 車需有本廠監工人員帶領方得開始施工 ; 起重作業區應設置警告措施 ; 機械之過捲預防裝置 防滑舌片 過負荷警報裝置及其他安全裝置, 應確認其功能正常 作業時不得以單索或未使用吊籃吊運鋼瓶 器材或人員, 堆高機車輛應按速限 (10 公里以內 ) 行駛, 行經動線應確認暢通 以上機具之自動檢查紀錄應隨車攜帶 2. 承攬人於高處作業時, 應先整頓工作環境, 並派遣領有合格證之指揮人員, 避免物件掉落, 擊傷下方人員 3. 各承攬人應嚴格督促所僱勞工進入工作區應佩戴安全帽, 並扣好顎帶 4. 承攬人於高處作業有物體墜落之虞時, 應設置擋板 斜籬或防護網 Page/Total Pages:3/18

5. 承攬人於高處作業時, 應嚴禁由上方往下方丟擲物件 6. 承攬人應告誡所僱勞工, 不可從吊舉物下方通過 7. 現場陣風風速超過 10 m/s 或雷雨等天候狀況不佳, 則應停止吊掛作業 8. 倉庫捆包貨物堆疊廠內限高 166cm, 放置地點不可阻礙通道 燈具 消防設備 9. 如施工時需佔用道路, 應先向交通管理單位提出申請, 通過後方可使用道路 ( 應派遣交管人員 ) 10. 從事物料裝卸時, 應指定專人採取下列措施 : (1) 決定作業方法及順序, 並指揮作業 (2) 檢點工具及器具, 並除去不良品 (3) 需劃定危險範圍並圍籬管制, 禁止與作業無關人員進入作業場所, 現場人員應與移動貨物保持安全距離 尾門移動下降時, 嚴禁人員站立於尾門上或是貨物傾倒範圍內 (4) 作業人員需注意貨品重量 重心部位, 作業時應採取防滑及固定措施, 確認載貨台上之貨物無翻落或傾倒之危險 (5) 升降尾門裝載重量不得超過限重, 並禁止以遙控器方式操作升降尾門 (6) 監督勞工作業狀況 ( 四 ) 跌倒 1. 承攬人於每日工作前, 應先整頓工作環境, 避免地面有積水及油漬 2. 施工用建材堆置, 應排放整齊, 不可佔用通道及妨礙勞工動作 3. 工作場所地面應儘量平坦, 避免有鼓起或凸出物件, 如無法避免, 應加防護或警告標示 4. 樓梯間 地下室等昏暗工作場所, 應裝設適當之照明設備 ( 五 ) 衝撞 被撞 1. 起重機作業手吊舉物件時, 應謹慎操作避免搖晃, 致撞及人員或物品 2. 抬舉重物下坡時, 應放慢腳步, 不可跑步, 避免撞傷他人 ( 六 ) 夾 捲 切 割 擦傷 1. 圓鋸機 研磨機使用時, 禁止取下護罩, 新更換之刀片應先試轉 30 分鐘 2. 工地使用之機械, 如有傳動帶 傳動輪 齒輪 轉軸等有使勞工被捲 夾 擦傷者, 應設護罩或護欄 3. 研磨機應符合下列規定 : (1) 研磨機應設置不離開作業位置即可操作之動力遮斷裝置 (2) 使用速率試驗合格且有明確記載最高使用周速度者之研磨機, 不得超過規定最高使用周速度 (3) 研磨輪應設置護罩, 每日作業前實施作業檢點並試轉一分鐘以上, 作業人員應佩戴適當之安全面罩確實使用 (4) 規定研磨輪使用, 除該研磨輪為側用外, 不得使用側面 ( 七 ) 火災 1. 嚴禁作業場所吸煙及使用明火 ( 動火需申請動火許可證 ) 2. 動火作業 ( 含焊接 切割 研磨機 噴燈等 ) 工作前皆應按 動火許可證 規定程序辦理, 放置 施工告示牌 作為警示 ; 動火作業應有警戒人員, 並使用火星接盤應配等防護設施阻止火花飛濺 ; 明溝 集液池應鋪蓋防火毯或火星接盤 ; 動火點置滅火器 ; 警戒人員離開時, 動火作業應立即停止 3. 焊接作業時, 下方如有易燃物品, 應予移開或舖蓋防火毯 4. 除規定吸煙區外 廠內全面禁煙 5. 作業區域內每日下班前須將用電設備電源關閉 Page/Total Pages:4/18

( 八 ) 爆炸 1. 乙炔 氧氣鋼瓶應直立, 並固定於監工人員指定鋼瓶臨時穩固置放處, 或廠商應使用自備之鋼瓶手推車, 搬動時不得粗莽或使之衝擊 2. 高壓氣體容器與空容器應分區放置 可燃性氣體及氧氣鋼瓶應分開儲存 ( 九 ) 缺氧 1. 承攬人雇用勞工於缺氧危險場所作業時, 依行政院勞工委員會頒佈之 缺氧症預防規則 之規定辦理 2. 承攬人僱用勞工從事缺氧危險作業前, 應依法確認硬體管制措施及進行通風管理, 各該作業場所空氣中氧氣含量, 低於百分之十八時, 應禁止勞工進入 ( 爆炸 氧化或作業上有顯著困難致不能實施換氣者, 不在此限 ) 前述確認結果應依法予記錄, 現場備查, 並保存三年 3. 下列注意事項公告於作業場所入口顯而易見之處所, 使作業勞工周知, 非從事該危險作業之勞工, 嚴禁擅入 : (1) 有罹患缺氧症之虞之事項 (2) 進入該場所時應採取之措施 (3) 事故發生時之緊急措施及緊急聯絡方式 (4) 空氣呼吸器等呼吸防護具 安全帶等 測定儀器 換氣設備 聯絡設備等之保管場所 (5) 缺氧作業主管姓名 4. 進入塔槽 容器等可能缺氧之場所應按 局限空間危害防止計劃 規定程序經缺氧作業主管 環安單位 發包單位主管核准後方可進入工作 ; 作業應有警戒人員及急救用具, 對於進出各該場所人員, 應予點名登記, 如有立即發生缺氧危險之虞時, 應即令停止作業且全部勞工即刻退避至安全場所 ; 警戒人員離開時, 作業應立即停止 局限空間施工許可單簽發有效時間以警戒人員在現場作業為準, 中間休息時間不可列入 5. 勞工於進入涵洞 人孔 管道 隧道等缺氧危險場所作業前, 應先行通風換氣 ( 十 ) 交通事故 1. 營建車輛進入本區時, 應謹慎駕駛, 必要時並應設置交管人員 2. 營建車輛於本區內應按規定時速行駛 3. 勞工於廠區行走時, 不可跑步, 並注意行駛中之車輛 ( 十一 ) 中毒 1. 承攬人於作業上使用有機溶劑 鉛 及特定化學物質時, 應依行政院勞工委員會頒佈之 有機溶劑中毒預防規則 鉛中毒預防規則 及 特定化學物質危害預防標準 處理 2. 勞工於上述工作場所作業時, 應佩戴合適之個人防護具 3. 勞工於上述工作場所作業時, 應實施局部排氣或整體換氣措施 ( 十二 ) 溺水 1. 地下室儲水槽 化糞池 水塔等蓄水處人孔應蓋上蓋子, 避免人員不慎掉落溺斃 ( 十三 ) 物體破裂 1. 吊運易碎物品時, 應特別小心, 避免碰撞破裂, 擊傷下方人員 2. 安裝玻璃 馬桶 洗臉盆等易碎物品時, 應特別謹慎, 避免破裂, 割傷人員 ( 十四 ) 粉塵危害 1. 勞工於有粉塵飛揚之工作場所作業時, 應配戴個人防護具 ( 十五 ) 踩踏 Page/Total Pages:5/18

1. 高度超過 1.5 公尺之工作場所, 承攬人應設置樓梯 爬梯等可供勞工安全上 下之設備 ( 十六 ) 與高低溫之接觸 1. 承攬人雇用勞工從事高溫作業, 其作息時間應依行政院勞工委員會頒佈之 高溫作業勞工作息時間標準 處理 2. 勞工於低溫工作場所作業時, 承攬人應提供保暖衣著, 供勞工穿著 ( 十七 ) 崩 ( 倒 ) 塌 1. 深度 1.5 公尺以上之露天開挖有崩塌之虞者, 應設置擋土支撐, 挖出之土方不得堆置於臨開挖面之上方 2. 模板支撐應依模板形狀, 預期之荷重及混凝土澆置方法等妥為設計, 支撐材料有明顯之損傷 變形或腐蝕者, 不得使用 3. 模板支柱 斜撐 水平繫條 墊木等應依規定構築牢固, 避免澆置混凝土時, 發生坍塌事故 4. 施工架與結構體間應以壁連座連接牢固, 以防倒塌 5. 模板 施工架 鋼架上不可放置過重物品, 以防崩塌 6. 施工架應固定於穩固之地面 ( 活動施工架除外 ), 工作台踏板應舖滿, 四周應設置欄杆 ( 十八 ) 與有害物之接觸 1. 承攬人雇用勞工於使用有害物質之工作場所作業時, 應提供必要之防護或衣著供勞工配戴或穿著 2. 室外噴漆 油漆作業應使用防護圍籬或蓋板, 避免污染他人車輛設備, 室內油漆或噴漆應注意通風, 避免缺氧或中毒 3. 化學品原物料 成品運輸之承攬商應自備裝卸作業中使用之安全防護設備 器具 4. 冷凍高壓氣體者 : 防護衣 耐凍手套 安全眼鏡 5. 易燃或腐蝕性液體者 : 無火花工具 安全眼鏡 安全面罩 防毒 ( 送風 ) 口罩 化學防護衣 耐溶劑化學手套 吸液棉 ) TMAH 耐酸鹼手套 防護靴 化學防護衣 ( 全身 ) 全罩式面罩及適當濾罐 6. 應依照作業危害性, 決定作業方式並選用適當防護具 若與有害物接觸之虞, 應考量配戴安全眼鏡 安全面罩及適當濾罐 ( 送風頭罩 ) 化學防護衣( 全身 ) 防酸鹼手套 防護靴等 7. 承攬人雇用勞工從事化學品或廢液槽車作業應遵守 : (1) 作業前需熄火拉上手剎車並拔出鑰匙, 前後輪用輪檔固定 需使用告示牌 圍籬 確認接地 閥件及檢查氣動泵空氣接管連接牢固 執行管線保壓測試 備妥合格之緊急搶救設備如滅火器及吸酸棉等 (2) 作業中不得有火源或非作業人員 裝料接頭橡皮管不得有液漏 灌充作業期間需有專人監視陪同 (3) 作業後檢查有無溶劑滴落並擦拭乾淨, 車輛接地線 告示牌 圍籬及防護裝備卸下裝妥 ( 十九 ) 其他 請遵守勞工安全衛生相關法令之要求 Page/Total Pages:6/18

三 危險作業定義及基本注意事項 友達光電股份有限公司交付承攬前危害告知單 作業場所之監工需依照作業危害類別接受相關教育訓練, 如 : 有害作業主管安全衛生教育訓練 ( 有機溶劑作業主管 鉛作業主管 四烷基鉛作業主管 缺氧作業主管 特定化學物質作業主管 粉塵作業主管 高壓室內作業主管 ) 等 動火 種類定義施工注意事項 ( 觸電 / 爆炸 / 火災 / 灼傷等危害 ) 高架 ( 跌落 / 物品掉落 / 倒塌等危害 ) 危險管路 ( 氣液體外洩 / 火 災 / 爆炸 / 吸入性 等危害 ) 局限空間 ( 缺氧 / 感電 / 墬落 / 吸入有害氣體等 危害 ) 吊掛 ( 物品掉落 / 壓傷等危害 ) 鑽孔 / 洗洞 ( 氣液體洩漏 / 噴濺等危害 ) 電氣作業 ( 感電危害 ) 四 承攬商違反安全衛生環保規定罰則 請參閱附表資料 (1) 產生明火之作業如 : 電焊 氬焊 乙 炔切割 噴燈 砂輪研磨切割 (2) 不產生明火但產生高熱的作業 如熱風槍 塑膠焊 (1) 未設平台 護欄等設備已採必要安 全措施, 高度在二公尺以上者 (2) 設平台 護欄等設備, 並採取防止 墜落之必要安全措施, 其高度在五 公尺以上者 (3) Truss 區作業一律申請高架作業 切斷 銜接或修改已啓用 ( 使用中 ) 氣 體 排酸及排氣管工程, 如供應管 廢 氣管 廢液管或與危險管路相鄰近或並 排於同一管架上之管路 於地下室 通風不良空間內從事揮發性 氣體作業或水槽 油槽 化學槽等各式 儲槽內從事作業 固定式 移動式 人字臂起重機 營建 用提升機 捲揚機 吊籠 簡易升降機 等貨物吊升搬運作業 進行相關打洞 清洗孔洞作業 進行高 / 低壓電路 電盤 電驛等電氣設 備配電 檢修 線路敷設相關作業 (1) 注意四周是否有易燃物 (2) 自備相關安全防護器具如防火毯 防熱手套 滅火器 (3) 如會產生煙霧 粉塵等需事先申請安全系統中斷以避免造成偵 測器作動警報輸出 (1) 作業人員需佩戴相關安全防護器具如安全帽 背負式雙掛鉤 安全帶 (2) 使用合格之安全梯, 並夥同作業禁止踏立於梯頂作業 ( 不可使用木梯 ) (3) 作業區域下方禁止人員進入, 以避免物品掉落發生危害 (4)Truss 區作業需配戴背負式雙掛鉤安全帶 (1) 作業前先由 AUO 監工確認管內物質是否已清除 (2) 切管前應先確認管路標示及管路源頭閥是否已關緊 (3) 佩戴相關安全防護器具如防酸鹼手套 圍裙 安全面罩 (4) 新設 / 修改之管路於施工後隨即貼上標示 (1) 承攬商需有缺氧作業主管證照, 施工人員需受過三小時以上缺 氧作業教育訓練與三小時以上一般安全教育訓練 (2) 作業前及人員出槽再進槽時皆需量測槽內氧氣與其它有害物 濃度 (3) 實施檢點 ( 含持續通風 定時監測危害物濃度及氧氣濃度 ) (4) 儲槽 化學品槽配管需關閉輸送閥件 (1) 機具應檢查合格並提供機具及相關操作人員證照 (2) 不得使用已變形或損傷之鋼索 吊鈎 勾環 鏈環作爲吊掛 / 承載用具 (3) 作業場所進出管制派人指揮, 嚴禁人員進入吊舉物下方 (1) 確認鑽孔 / 洗洞處是否有其他管路 (2) 佩戴相關安全防護器具如安全眼鏡 (3) 如申請安全系統中斷施工後需告知工安及廠務值班人員復歸 系統 (1) 作業前確認斷電完全, 並以檢電器具確認 (2) 佩戴相關安全防護器具如電工安全帽 絕緣手套 絕緣鞋 (3) 禁止活線作業 友達光電均已依法明確告知前述 一般安全衛生規定 施工安全衛生規定及危險作業定義及注意事 Page/Total Pages:7/18

項, 並已明瞭此工程相關規定及現場危害資訊, 並願意確實遵守 若有違反友達光電相關規定或政府法令者, 願負一切之刑責 民事及行政責任, 包括賠償 AUO 之損失 告知者 友達光電股份有限公司 被告知人 公司名稱 : ( 公司章 ) 負責人 : ( 簽章 ) 公司電話 : 公司地址 : 中華民國年月日 Page/Total Pages:8/18

AU Optronics Potential Contractor Hazard Notice Form This notice form is set out in accordance with the Labor Standards Act, occupational Safety and Health Act, Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents and Factories Act as well as the rules, detailed rules, regulations and standards contained within their related laws. I. General safety and health rules: 1. Contractor workers entering the site must register at the guardroom and wear a "Work Badge". They may only enter the site accompanied by a foreman. At the end of the workday, they must return the work badge at the guardroom and sign their departure time. Construction work performed on site between 7pm and 7am must be registered in advance. 2. Work badges should be worn at all times. Do not wear sandals, go barefoot, go bare-chested or bring family members. Access will be denied to those who break the rules. 3. If carrying any personal packages, please fill out a "Material Release Form" and open them for inspection at the guardroom before entering the site. The package should also presented for inspection when leaving the site. If bringing chemicals on to the site, notify Environmental Safety to carry out inspection.. 4. Contractors are strictly forbidden to carry dangerous objects, betel nut and alcoholic beverages onto the site. Personnel who have been drinking alcohol, are in a poor mental state or emotionally unstable are not allowed to work on the site. No smoking is allowed within the factory and no drinking or eating is allowed outside of designated areas. Please obey the site's waste sorting requirements as well. 5. Contractors are not allowed to enter areas outside the scope of the contracted work. 6. No personnel allowed on cargo elevators within AUO. Once the cargo elevator has been loaded to the permitted weight, the worker must go to the other level to operate the elevator. 7. The contractor should provide and wear the appropriate protective equipment for their type of work (including: Open flame operations: combustible gas sensor, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, anti-tampering device and catch tray Tower/tank operations: Oxygen and combustible gas sensor, air blower, respirator. Elevated operations: Safety harness (cable, net). Workstation must have protective railing. Electrical operations: Insulated gloves, insulated shoes, electrician's safety hat and insulation blanket.) 8. Personnel who are under the age of 18, pregnant or who have given birth in the last 12 months are not allowed to carry out contractor work on this site. 9. Before the start of work, the contractor should conduct a self-inspection of all machinery, equipment, tools, safety devices and protective equipment. The inspection record should be available for on-site inspection. Any problems should be corrected immediately or the item removed from service. 10. Engaged in material handling, should take the following measures: (1) determine the sequence and method of operation, and to direct operations. (2) delineate risk areas and fences control, prohibition and operations unrelated persons into the workplace, should be kept a safe distance from the goods. (3) should take anti-slip and fixed measures to recognize of dangerous. (4) lift tailgate load weight must not exceed the weight limit, and prohibit the remote control mode operation of the lift tailgate. 11. If there is a risk of the following hazards occurring at the workplace, the contractor's site supervisor should order an immediate halt to all work and direct workers to withdraw to a safe location. The same procedure should be followed when notified by AUO's site supervisor or environmental safety personnel. (1) Immediate threat of explosion, fire or poisoning due to large amounts of hazardous or toxic substances leaking from the equipment. (2) There is a risk that the steam or combustible gas from all flammable liquids at the work site may reach 30% of the minimum threshold for triggering an explosion. (3) There is an immediate risk of poisoning from organic solvents due to ventilation equipment malfunction or contamination of the work site by organic solvents or their compounds while working inside a storage tank or other poorly ventilated indoor work sites. (4) There is an immediate threat of oxygen deficiency while engaging in oxygen-deficient work. 12. Fire hydrants may not be used except in an emergency (AUO site's environmental safety and factory administration personnel's approval required for use of fire hydrant). 13. The work site should be kept clean and tidy at all times. and in accordance with the relevant provisions of management. 14. Contractor equipment and tools must not obstruct the use of firefighting equipment or emergency exits at any time. 15. When a fire alarm is sounded, cease all open flame, tank or other contractor work immediately. Turn off the fire source and power supply then evacuate all personnel to an open area outside of the site. If the situation worsens follow the given instructions. 16. The contractor's site supervisor and safety & health supervisor should inspect the work site every day and carry out self-inspections. If there are any safety and health problems, notify the site's foreman, area supervisor or environmental safety personnel right away. 17. Contractors and sub-contractors should obey all other safety and health related requirements. The foreman should monitor compliance at all times as well. 18. Personnel entering the AUO site must not only have "Proof of Employment or Labor Insurance" but also have "an insurance policy worth over NT$3 Million" provided by their employer. 19. If AUO employees are working with the contractor and/or sub-contractor in the same location at the same time, or are affected by such, the contractor should notify the contracting unit's foreman before the start of work. The area supervisor should then designate one party to convene a coordination meeting. The three parties (contractor, AUO contracting unit and AUO environmental safety officer) shall discuss the method of work and conduct an on-site inspection to verify that any possible conflicts been resolved before work may begin. Page/Total Pages:9/18

20. If any of the work involved in collaborative operations is defined by AUO as a hazardous operation, its threat level should be assessed as quickly as possible. If there is a threat to area personnel, the necessary restrictions and preventive measures should be carried out with safety as the primary consideration. 21. If there is a change proposed in the work environment, the rules require the contractor to stop work immediately and notify the contracting unit. Once the reason for change has been confirmed and any dangers from the change eliminated, a work application should be re-submitted. Work may only re-commence once the application has been signed and the work area checked. 22. Contractors may not work more than 12 hours each day. Total overtime may not exceed 46 hours in one month and the number of consecutive workdays in a week may not exceed 7 days. 23. Contractor hired laborers into AUO plant services or engage in operations, personnel must ensure that the health checks have been handled in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the health personnel comply with relevant labor laws and regulations (including but not limited to, labor health protection rules) and the requirements of the factory AUO claim II. Work safety and health rules: Once contractor workers have been notified of hazard factors on the site, the rules governing the hazard prevention measures that should be taken for hazard factors as well as safety and health are as follow: (I) Falling, rolling 1. Contractors that hire workers for elevated operations should comply with the "Labor Safety Standards for Elevated Operations" issued by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. 2. For workers operating above a height of 2 meters and at risk of falling, the contractor should provide and ensure that workers wear safety helmets, safety lanyards and other necessary protective equipment. The safety lanyards, helmets and other protective equipment should meet national standards. 3. Moveable work ladders (do not use wooden ladders) may only be used if they have a "Work Ladder Safety Card". Before a moveable work ladder is used, check the work environment to ensure that it is flat and stable. The area below the work site should be fenced off. There should be no other work going on above or it should be considered a collaborative operation and work may only begin with proper coordination between both parties. Moveable work ladders are prohibited within 3 meters of any openings. When moveable work ladders are used, supervisory personnel should be stationed to provide assistance. Never stand at the very top of the ladder while working. 4. Qualified work ladders should meet the following principles (Moveable and Co-Ladder Safety Inspection Checklist and Standards): (1) Be of rugged construction with no obvious signs of damage or corrosion in the material. (2) The foot of the ladder should be anti-skid or have similar features to prevent slippage or rotation. If used on a slope, an anti-tilting device should be used. The foot of the ladder must not be placed on electrical wiring. (3) The angle between the foot of the co-ladder and the ground should be within 75 degrees. The ladder feet should be securely linked together and have safe ladder steps. (4) Do not use on scaffolding. Personnel should come down to the ground before a co-ladder is used. Moving laterally by scissoring the ladder feet is strictly forbidden. (5) When a movable ladder is used at a height of over 2m, protective railings should be fitted on either side of the movable ladder or vertical safety cables should be anchored overhead. The safety harness worn by the worker should be fitted with a fall arrester or some other fall-prevention device. (6) A warning area should be designated around the work area. Monitors should be stationed at corridors, exists and driveways. 5. For flat surfaces or wall openings with a height of over 2m, protective railings or covers should be installed; the work station should have protective railing; stairs and steps should have handrails. 6. Temporary scaffolds or workstations should have railings and may only be used once inspected by the contractor's safety & health supervisor and approved by the site foreman. Remove once the work is complete. Any platforms or holes added during contracted work should have railings and warning signs added in the work area or overlapping work area. 7. If workers are engaged in elevated operations away from work platforms and railings, strict supervision is essential to ensure safety lanyards are worn. Safety nets may also be set up underneath if necessary. 8. The contractor may not allow workers to engage in elevated operations in any of the following situations: (1) If the worker is drunk. (2) If the worker is physically weak or has been diagnosed by a doctor as being unwell. (3) if the worker suffers from anemia or hypertension. (4) If the worker is emotionally unstable and poses a safety concern. (5) If the worker feels that he or she is not suited to the task. (6) Any other situations as determined by the management. 9. The working time of workers engaged in elevated operations should be reduced. Workers should be given the following amounts of rest breaks after working continuously for 2 hours: (1) At least 20 minutes of rest if working between a height of 2 to 5 meters. (2) At least 25 minutes of rest if working between a height of 5 to 20 meters. (3) At least 35 minutes of rest if working at a height of over 20 meters. (II) Electric shock 1. Workers involved in electrical work should wear protective insulation equipment such as insulated gloves, insulated shoes and electrician's safety helmet as well as any other necessary protective equipment at all times. Before the start of work, the worker should inspect the electrical equipment once again to ensure that there are no electrocution hazards in the wiring or conducting material. The worker should try to stay dry and the ground of the work area should be kept dry as well. 2. No work may be carried out on live wires unless authorized by AUO. Power stoppage (cut) should be properly implemented, and a power check carried out before the start of work to prevent reverse power transmission. For electrical operations, monitors should be stationed to supervise the work site. Unqualified electricians are not allowed to repair or maintain electrical equipment. 3. If there is any live electrical equipment or wiring within the work area, protective insulation should be fitted to the live electrical equipment or wiring to prevent arcing between charged power supplies. A distance of at least 60cm should be kept between the Page/Total Pages:10/18

live wiring and actual operations. 4. When a worker is working on a circuit that has been opened, a power interruption sign should be displayed. Electrical warning signs should be hung from powered parts for warning purposes. To ensure proper electrical insulation for electrical circuits and equipment, exposed and powered parts that the worker may come into contact should be covered with insulation (rubber sleeve, insulation tape etc.) or an insulation platform/blanket used. 5. Contractors should carefully inspect any powered tools and cables (including insulation resistance, power outage/leakage testing, grounding resistance etc.) and have them undergo an AUO electrical inspection before use. Non-approved equipment may not be used within the site. If there is any damage or wear to the circuitry during use caused by vibrations or other factors, stop its use immediately. 6. For movable or portable powered tools with a voltage of over 150V, or when using movable or portable powered tools and temporary power equipment in a electrically conductive area such as a damp area, on steel plating or on steel rebar, high-sensitivity earth leakage circuit breakers with the appropriate specifications that effectively prevent electrocution should be used. 7. Leakage circuit breakers should be fitted to site power switches (including branch switches). These must not be removed or disabled without authorization. The circuit used by the powered equipment must pass through a leakage circuit breaker. 8. Site operations should use a dedicated distribution board and leakage circuit breakers must be installed for damp areas. The use of emergency power, extension cables connected in tandem or spliced wiring is strictly forbidden. 9. Electrical operations should have appropriate and sufficient workspace as well as good lighting. Wires laid by the contractor should be raised above the ground or protected. 10. Arc welders used on steel scaffolding with a height above 2 meters should use the built-in automatic electrocution prevention device and be properly grounded. (Those equipped with a flush switch are not allowed on the site.) 11. Acetylene, and oxygen cylinders should be secured vertically in a temporary, stable location for gas cylinders chosen by the foreman. The contractor's own cylinder cart may also be used. Electric and gas welding wires should be stored separately. An anti-tampering device must be used. Before the end of work each day, the electrical and gas welding wires should be neatly stored away. Other temporary conduits should also be arranged in a tidy manner. During work, electrical/gas welding wires and other types of wires and pipelines should be arranged neatly along the road or passage. If a road or passage way must be crossed, there should be a device or protective cover that protects the insulation when a car or some other object passes through. 12. Arc welders should have a built-in anti-electrocution device (those equipped with a flush switch are not allowed on the site); the external casing of the arc welder should be grounded and marked. Welding personnel must wear protective equipment including insulated gloves, insulated shoes and protective masks. A fire extinguisher should be placed within 2 meters of the work area. If flammable items can't be removed, cover with a fire blanket. 13. Before attempting to repair any machinery, ensure that the machine can't be operated by another person. Work may only begin once the starter device has been locked, a placard displayed or clearly marked. 14. If there is any risk of electrocution in the work environment, non-conductive materials or other anti-electrocution measures should be used. (III) Falling objects 1. Cranes and forklifts may not be operated without a properly licensed operator, spotter and heavy machinery inspection permit. Work may only begin under the guidance of an AUO supervisor. The hoisting area should have warning measures in place. The machinery's over-winding prevention device, safety latch, over-host alert device and other safety devices should be inspected to confirm their proper operation. Do not use single cables or transport gas cylinders, equipment or personnel without a sling basket. Forklifts should obey the speed limit (<10km/h) and make sure that the route is clear. The self-inspection records for the above machinery should be kept aboard the vehicle. 2. For elevated operations, the contractor should organize the work environment and dispatch a licensed spotter to prevent injury to personnel from falling objects. 3. The contractor should ensure that hired workers are all wearing safety helmets and straps are properly tightened when they enter the work area. 4. If there is a risk of falling objects from elevated operations, the contractor should install baffles, inclined fencing or protective netting. 5. The contractor is forbidden to throw objects down from above during elevated operations. 6. The contractor should warn all hired workers to not pass under hoisted loads. 7. Hoisting should be suspended when the site experiences wind gusts in excess of 10m/s, thunderstorms or other poor weather conditions. 8. Bales in the warehouse are not be stacked to a height of more than 166 cm. Placement must not obstruct passages, lighting fixtures and firefighting equipment. 9. If the work to be undertaken requires a road to be blocked, an application should be submitted to the traffic management unit and approved before the road can be used. (Traffic control personnel should be assigned.) (IV) Tripping over 1. The contractor should organize the work environment before the start of work each day so there are no water puddles or oil stains. 2. Construction materials should be arranged neatly. They must not block passageways or obstruct workers. 3. The work area should be kept flat and even as much as possible. Try to avoid bumps or protruding objects. If these can't be avoided, install protective measures of warning signs. 4. Suitable lighting should be installed in stairwells, basements and other dim work areas. (V) Impact, collision 1. When the crane operator is hoisting an object, care should be taken to prevent any swinging that may strike personnel or objects. 2. When going down a slope while carrying a heavy object, walk slowly and do not run to avoid colliding with other people. (VI) Crushing, winding, cutting, slicing and dragging injuries 1. Do not remove the protective cover when using the circular saw or grinder. Test run for 30 minutes after the cutter is replaced. 2. If the machinery used on the site has transmission belts, transmission wheels, gears or axles that represent a risk of winding, Page/Total Pages:11/18

crushing or dragging injury to workers, protective covers or fencing should be installed. 3. Grinders should obey the following rules: (1) The grinder should be provided with a power cut-off switch that can be operated without leaving the workstation. (2) Use grinders that are properly rated and have a documented maximum RPM. Do not operate in excess of the maximum rated RPM. (3) The grinder should be fitted with a safety cover. Go through the checklist before work at the start of each day and test run for at least 1 minute. The operator should wear a suitable safety mask. (4) Do not use the side of the grinder unless it is designed to be used in this manner. (VII) Fire 1. Smoking and the use of open flame is strictly forbidden in the work area. (Open flames require open flame permit) 2. For open flame operations (including welding, cutting, grinding and blow torch), a "Work in Progress" sign should be installed in accordance with the "Open Flame Permit" regulations. Open flame operations should have spotters in place. A catch tray and other protective measures should be provided to prevent flying sparks. Open drains and collection basins should be covered with a fire blanket or catch tray. A fire extinguisher should be provided at the site of open flame operation. The open flame operation should stop immediately when the spotter is away. 3. If there are any flammable objects below the welding operation, they should be removed or covered with a fire blanket. 4. There is no smoking throughout the AUO site outside of the designated smoking areas. 5. The power supply of all electrical equipment in the work area must be switched off before leaving work each day. (VIII) Explosion 1. Acetylene, and oxygen cylinders should be secured vertically in a temporary, stable location for gas cylinders chosen by the foreman. The contractor's own cylinder cart may also be used. Cylinders should be moved with care and protected against impact. 2. High pressure gas containers and empty containers should be stored in separate areas. Flammable gases and oxygen gas cylinders should be stored separately as well. (IX) Oxygen deficiency 1. When the contractor has hired workers working in oxygen-deficient high-risk areas, they must follow the regulations set out in the "Regulations on Prevention of Oxygen Deficiency" issued by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. 2. Before workers hired by the contractor begin oxygen-deficient high-risk operations, the hardware control measures should be checked and ventilation management enforced as required by law. Do not allow workers to enter the work area if the oxygen content in the air falls below 20% (this restriction is waived for explosive and oxygen operations or where ventilation is obviously impractical). The results of the above checks should be recorded and retained on-site for inspection for 3 years. 3. The following warnings should be displayed in an obvious location at the entrance to the work area for all workers to see. No entry to personnel not involved in the high-risk operation. (1) Risk of oxygen deficiency. (2) Measures required for entering the area. (3) Emergency measures and contacts in the event of an accident. (4) The location where respirators including gas masks, safety harnesses, detectors, ventilation and communications equipment are stored. (5) The name of the supervisor for oxygen-deficient operations. 4. When entering storage tanks and containers where there is a risk of oxygen deficiency, secure the approval of the oxygen-deficient operations supervisor, environmental safety unit and contracting unit supervisor in accordance with the procedure set out by the regulations of the "Confined Space Hazard Prevention Program" before entry. The work area should have spotters and first-aid equipment on-hand. All personnel entering and leaving the area should be recorded. If there is an immediate risk of oxygen deficiency, all work should be halted immediately and all workers should evacuate to a safe location. All work should cease when the spotter is away. "Confined Space Work Permit is only valid when the spotter is present. Rest breaks may not be included". 5. Workers should properly ventilate areas with a high risk of oxygen deficiency such as culverts, manholes, conduits and tunnels before entry. (X) Traffic accident 1. Construction vehicles entering this area should be driven with care. Traffic control personnel should be stationed if necessary. 2. Construction vehicles should obey the speed limit within this area. 3. Workers should never run on the AUO site and should pay attention to moving vehicles. (XI) Poisoning 1. If the contractor is required to handle organic solvents, lead or specified chemical substances during their work, these should be handled in accordance with the "Regulations for Prevention of Organic Solvent Poisoning", "Regulations for Prevention of Lead Poisoning" and "Ordinances on Prevention of Hazards due to Chemical Substances" issued by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. 2. Workers should wear suitable personal protective equipment when working in the above-described workplace. 3. Partial or complete ventilation measures should be implemented for workers in the above-described workplace. (XII) Drowning 1. Manholes at water collection locations including the basement water tank, septic tank and water tower should be covered to prevent accidental drowning by personnel. (XIII) Breakage 1. Extra precautions should be taken when hoisting fragile objects to avoid shattering and injury to personnel below. 2. Extra care should be taken when installing fragile objects such as glass, toilets and basins to avoid shattering and cuts to personnel. (XIV) Dust hazard 1. Workers should wear personal protective equipment when working in an environment with airborne dust. Page/Total Pages:12/18

(XV) Steps 1. The contractor install stairs, ladders and other equipment that allow workers to climb up and down safely if the work site has a height of over 1.5 meters. (XVI) Exposure to high or low temperatures 1. Contractors that hire workers for high temperature operations should comply with the "Standards for Worker Rest Periods during High Temperature Operations" issued by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. 2. The contractor should provide workers with suitable protective equipment (protective clothing, cyro-gloves and safety goggles) for wearing during low temperature operations. (XVII) Collapse 1. For open excavations with a depth of over 1.5m that have a risk of collapse, retaining walls should be installed. The excavated spoil may not be piled above the temporary excavation. 2. The form supports should be designed to account for the form shape, expected loading and concrete pouring method. The support may not be used if the material shows obvious signs of damage, warping or corrosion. 3. Form supports, struts, horizontal bracing and trestles should be secured in place in accordance with regulations to prevent collapse accidents during concrete pouring. 4. The scaffolding and structure should be secured together with wall connectors to prevent collapse. 5. Excessively heavy objects should not be placed on forms, scaffolding and steel frames to prevent collapse. 6. Scaffolding should be mounted securely on solid ground (except for mobile scaffolding). The workstation should be fully floored and have railings on all side. (XVIII) Exposure to hazardous substances 1. When contractors are working in an area that uses hazardous substances, the necessary protection or clothing should be provided to workers for use or wear. 2. Protective fencing or covers should be used for outdoor spray-painting and painting operations to prevent contamination of other people, vehicles and equipment. Ensure proper ventilation during indoor painting or spray-painting to prevent oxygen deficiency or poisoning. 3. Contractors for transportation of chemical raw materials and final products should provide their own safety equipment and tools for loading/unloading. 4. For refrigerated high-pressure gases: protective clothing, cryo-gloves and safety goggles. 5. For flammable or corrosive liquids: Non-sparking tools, safety goggles, safety masks, gas (respirator) masks, chemical hazard suits, solvent-resistant chemical gloves, spill kit. TMAH: Acid-resistant gloves, protective boots, chemical hazard suits (full-body), full-face masks and suitable filters. 6. The method of operation and appropriate protective equipment should be based on the nature of the operating hazard. If there is a risk of exposure to hazardous substances, consider wearing suitable safety goggles, safety masks and filters (respirator hood), chemical hazard suits (full-body), acid resistant gloves, protective boots etc. 7. Engaged in chemical tankers or waste operations should be observed: (1) Before work required to pull the handbrake turn off and remove the key, with the wheel fixation. Need to use signs, fences. Check that the grounding, check valves and a pneumatic pump air tubes securely connected, test execution pipeline packing. Ready qualified emergency rescue equipment such as fire extinguishers and acid acceptor such as cotton. (2) Non-fire source. Check fluid hose shall not leak. (3) Check the operating environment and return equipments. (XIX) Other - Please obey the relevant requirements of labor safety and health legislation. Page/Total Pages:13/18

III. Definition of high-risk operations and basic precautions The site foreman must undergo training related to the type of work hazard, e.g. Safety and health training for high-risk operation supervisors (organic solvent operation supervisors, lead operation supervisors, tetra alkyl lead operations supervisors, oxygen-deficient operation supervisors, specified chemical substance operation supervisors, dust operation supervisor, high-pressure indoor operation supervisor). Category Definition Work Precautions Open Flame (Electric shock/ Explosion/ Fire/ Burn hazards) Elevated (Falling/ Falling objects/ Collapse hazards) (1) Open flame operations such as: arc welding, argon welding, acetylene cutting, blow torch and angle grinding/cutting (2) Operations that produce high heat instead of open flame including hot air blowers and plastic welding. (1) Where the height is over 2 meters, there is no platform or railings, but the necessary safety measures are in place. (2) Where the height is over 5 meters, equipment such as platforms and railings are provided, and the necessary safety measures for fall prevention are in place. (1) Check for nearby flammable materials (2) Provide related protective equipment including fire blankets, insulated gloves and fire extinguishers. (3) If smoke or dust will be produced, apply for the safety system to be switched off in advance to prevent triggering the alarm sensors. (1) Workers must wear related protective equipment such as safety helmets and safety lanyard. (2) Use qualified safety ladders, work with a partner and do not work while standing at the top of the ladder (wooden ladders may not be used). (3) Personnel are not allowed below the working area to avoid injury from falling objects (4) Double safety lanyards must be used when working in the Truss area. Hazardous Conduit (Gas or liquid leak/ Fire/ Explosion / Inhalation hazards) Suspension (Falling objects/ Crush injury hazards) Drilling/ Hole cleaning (Gas or liquid leak / Spray hazards Electrical (Electric shock hazard) (3) Always apply for elevated operations permit for working the Truss area. If cutting, connecting or modifying gas, acid drainage or emission pipelines that are already in service (in use) when the supply pipe, emission pipe, waste liquid pipe or hazardous conduits are nearby or on the same bracket. Material hosting and transportation operations such as fixed, mobile and derrick cranes, construction lifts, hoists, lit cages and simple elevators. When carrying out related drilling/ and hole cleaning operations When carrying out power distribution, inspection and repair, and cable-laying operations for high/low voltage circuit, power panels and power relays. (1) Check with AUO foreman before start of work to ensure conduit is clear. (2) Check conduit signs and ensure that valves at conduit source are closed properly before cutting into any pipeline. (3) Wear protective equipment such as acid-proof gloves, aprons and protective mask. (4) Attach signs to conduits immediately once installation or modification is complete. (1) Machinery should be properly inspected and operators' certification shown. (2) Unqualified cables, hooks, rings and chain links must not be used as suspension/load-bearing equipment. (3) Assign personnel to enforce restricted access at the site. No personnel are to be allowed below lifted objects at any time. (1) Check if other conduits pass through boring/milling site (2) Wear related safety equipment such as safety goggles (3) If the safety system has to be switched off, notify industrial safety or factory personnel on duty to restore the system once work is complete. (1) Make sure that power has been completely cut before start of work and confirm use of electrical instrumentation. (2) Wear the necessary protective equipment including electrician's safety helmet, insulated gloves and insulated shoes. (3) Do not work on live circuits. IV. Penalties for contractors that violate the safety, health and environmental protection rules Please refer to attachment Page/Total Pages:14/18

The personnel responsible for the execution of this project have been notified by AU Optronics of the relevant rules and on-site hazard information in accordance with the law, and agree to follow the said rules. The notified person agrees to accept all liability for all criminal, civil and administrative penalties in the event that the relevant AUO rules or government regulations are violated. This includes compensating for losses suffered by AUO. Notifying party AU Optronics Corporation Notified party Company name: Person-in-charge: (Company chop) (Signature/chop) Company telephone: Company address: Year Month Day Page/Total Pages:15/18

承攬商違反安全衛生環保規定罰則 ( 罰則以 AUO 最新版本為準 ) 違規罰款項目 : 違規事由 罰金 (NTD) 範圍 NTD3,000 以下 1-1 承攬商未派代表參加本公司定期召開之 安全衛生相關會議 者或未執行協議會要求或規定者 ( 協議會已公告之罰款, 金額依公告執行 ) 1,000 1-2 未將施工作業相關之告示 ( 如施工單 告示牌等 ) 置於工作現場者或未依規定標示必要內容者 1,000 1-3 施工物品未作隔離 整理 清理 標示者或地上污垢未清除者 ( 如施工線路未妥善整 理堆放凌亂, 妨礙通道或超出許可放置區域或放置時間等 ) 1,000 1-4 施工物品擋住管制門 設備設施 消防設備或逃生路線 1,000 1-5 未保持工區人員 車輛動線暢通者 1,000 1-6 電氣設備 \ 器具及工作梯未通過相關單位檢查逕行使用者 1,000 1-7 工作期間進行不安全之行為或方法作業者有致事故 傷害之虞者 ( 如 嬉戲 ) 1,000 1-8 危害性化學品容器未予正確標示者 1,000 1-9 廠內行車一律開大燈行駛 ( 車輛的剎車警示燈 倒車警示音等功能務必正常 ), 行車速限為時速 20 公里, 嚴禁超車超速 1,000 1-10 未經申請核准違規攜帶打火機 ( 火柴 ) 進入廠區者 2,000 再犯者取消入廠資格 1-11 未依規定或未確實配戴適當安全防護具 ( 如安全帽 / 安全帶 / 電焊時用之手套及護罩或配戴安全帽未扣上帽帶等 ) 者 1,000~3,000 1-12 現場未派監工及安衛人員 ( 安全官 ) 或監工 安衛人員未在現場督導者或人員未配 ( 穿 ) 戴規定之服裝與證件 ( 如識別制服 / 背心 / 臂章 識別證 合格證等 ), 若主承攬商未盡告知責任 1,000~3,000 者, 主承攬商將一併開罰 1-13 人員未接受危害告知 環安衛相關訓練或未立切結書者或未按時確實填報出工人數狀況表 施工單及其他安衛表單者 ( 如危險作業許可證等 ) 1,000~3,000 1-14 危險作業場所未設置警告標誌 ( 如禁止進入 / 注意頭部等 ) 及安全防護措施 ( 如耐高壓電或耐熱手套等 ) 者 1,000~3,000 1-15 除目的地外, 廠內禁止隨便停車 ( 違規停車 ) 3,000 1-16 人員入廠資格不符規定者, 如未滿 18 歲者或妊娠中之女性勞工從事法定危險性 有害性工作 3,000 1-17 吊車吊運鋼瓶未使用固定支架而直接用鋼索吊升者, 吊運物料組件未予固定 3,000 1-18 人員未依規定動線行走者 ( 如車道及碼頭區 ) 3,000 1-19 承攬商及現場工作人員拒絕本公司有關人員檢查者 3,000 1-20 使用不安全或不合格之機械 器具或設備或使用時不符合防護標準 ( 如起重機 堆高機 安全網 開口防護 施工架 電源線 工作梯 鋼瓶 電焊機漏電 / 未接地 電線經潮濕地面 氧氣乙炔之壓力錶損壞 / 失效等 ) 及法定檢查項目未檢查合格者或人員未具操作證 3,000 資格 1-21 未設置通風設備或未確實使用通風系統致使空氣污濁或影響現場人員作業者 3,000 1-22 未經允許而使用列管毒性化學物質者 3,000 1-23 違反化學品運送 暫存及操作相關規範者 3,000 1-24 廠區內 ( 含車內 ) 吃檳榔者 3,000 2. 罰金範圍 NTD5,000~10,000 2-1 裝卸貨作業未依規定執行者 ( 無安全官 固定 淨空等 ) 5,000 2-2 腳踏管路 / 托網工作者或在其上行走者 5,000 2-3 施工作業機具之安全防護設施擅自移除 改造或未修復者 ( 氧氣或乙炔進行切割時未加裝 " 火燄捕捉器 " 及逆止閥者電焊機未裝設漏電自動斷電裝置高壓鋼瓶漏氣未予檢修 / 壓 5,000 力表損壞 / 未加裝逆止閥者 ) 2-4 私自搭接電源 水源 氣源 5,000 2-5 下班收工未將電氣設備 ( 如電焊機等 ) 關閉者 5,000 2-6 未經申請用電 / 不按規定接電 / 使用破損電纜 / 電線搭接延長者 5,000 2-7 高架作業未加防範致使物件掉落或使人員有墜落之虞而未加防護者 5,000 2-8 鋼瓶儲存未集中保管或儲存 / 運送未使用鋼瓶推車及雙鐵鍊固定或任其橫置滾動或管線 5,000 Page/Total Pages:16/18

阻礙走道者 2-9 使用危害性化學品未告知監造單位者 5,000 2-10 施工中擅自開啟無塵室外門 5,000 2-11 未依規定通過 空氣洗塵室 或施工材料未經緩衝區清潔傳送, 逕行進入者 5,000 2-12 違反無塵衣穿著規定者 5,000 2-13 施工場所及施工材料未鋪設無塵布 (PVC 布 ) 5,000 2-14 擅自拆卸 移動或破壞自動搬運車 (AGV) 專用導線地板 / 軌道者 5,000 2-15 未依無塵室施工品質規定, 造成粉塵 燻煙等污染環境者 5,000 2-16 違反 " 潔淨紀律 " 者 5,000 2-17 不當之施工或行為造成空氣 / 土壤 / 水之污染者或施工廢水未經許可任意倒至水溝 / 廠區者 5,000 2-18 廢棄物未依法及 AUO 規定清除者 ( 如任意堆置易燃性垃圾 / 有機溶劑或在廠區內燃燒任何物體者 ) 5,000 2-19 停止車輛一律熄火 ( 因冷藏或保溫需要不需熄火 ), 所有車輛應拉緊手剎車, 並設置前後輪擋 ( 輪擋型式及放置不符合規定者 ) 5,000 2-20 煙蒂任意丟棄者 5,000 2-21 有關缺失, 經通知改善而未改善者 5,000 2-22 從事動火 / 局限空間 / 危險管路拆除 / 高架作業 / 吊掛 / 鑽孔等危險作業尚未核准就進行施作者 ( 如吊車使用吊籃未事先申請核准等 ) 5,000~10,000 2-23 人員操作危險性機械或設備及其他機具, 沒有法定合格執照或未有操作證資格 5,000~10,000 2-24 未經允許擅自操作 使用本公司機器 設備 消防器材 化學品等所屬物品 5,000~10,000 2-25 冒用識別證 / 合格證 10,000 並取消入廠資格 2-26 操作堆高機 ( 室外 ) 未佩戴安全帽及安全鞋 未完成行車前安全檢查 10,000 2-27 堆高機作業區及吊掛作業區應保持淨空, 作業中未禁止非相關人員進入 ; 已進行管制但人員未聽從管制人員指示硬闖堆高機作業管制區或吊掛作業管制區 10,000 2-28 未依規定執行安全系統中斷, 導致偵測器作動者或申請尚未核准就進行施作者 10,000 2-29 任意拆除或挪用或隔離機電設備 / 安全裝置 / 消防設施 / 警告標誌者 10,000 2-30 掀起高架地板 ( 回風孔蓋板 ) 未依規定設置安全防護措施者 10,000 2-31 地面銑孔作業完成後, 未設置安全圍籬 / 措施者 10,000 2-32 未經申請許可而私自進行 " 活電作業 " 者 10,000 2-33 吊車利用吊索及鉤頭直接當作人員上 / 下之用者 10,000 2-34 下班收工未將危險氣體鋼瓶關閉者 ( 如乙炔瓶 ) 10,000 2-35 未遵守規定擅自開啟或經由安全門 被管制之門或不經警衛室大門進出及未完成進出廠程序而進出廠者 10,000 2-36 在潔淨室內使用未經許可之行動電話或無線電對講機者 10,000 2-37 駕駛人員未確實完成所屬裝載或裝卸工作, 擅離職守, 並鬥毆 賭博 偷竊等不當行為 10,000 並強制驅離廠區 2-38 喝酒 ( 含酒精性飲料 )/ 酒醉工作者 10,000 並取消入廠資格 3. 罰金範圍超過 NTD10,000 3-1 高風險作業前未依規定實施作業前危害告知及通報 AUO 監工及環安會同檢查者 20,000 3-2 工作場所發生職業傷害, 未通報本公司發包單位或門且未依照相關規定辦理者 20,000 3-3 在嚴禁動火區或在油漆施工中動火者 50,000 3-4 有立即危險通知停工改善而未改善 50,000 3-5 未經施工申請核准或未施工申請自行進入施作或由 AUO 監工直接帶領施作者 50,000 3-6 工作場所發生危險之虞, 未令停止作業及未告知廠工安 / 監工人員, 發生事故者或已通知停工改善而未改善 50,000 3-7 因人為疏忽, 致發生意外事故, 造成本公司員工傷害 / 財產損害者 50,000 3-8 違反智慧財產資訊安全規定, 未經申請許可攜帶照相手機 USB 儲存 筆記型電腦 照相機等資訊產品進入無塵室 嚴重違反者 ( 如破壞電腦等 ) 予以沒收設備並驅逐出廠 10,000~50,000 3-9 未在指定地點吸煙者 50,000 並取消入廠資格, 再犯罰金加倍 3-10 違反職業安全衛生法及相關法令, 遭檢查機構處份 依情節判定 60,000~120,000 3-11 損壞廠內 ( 含其他承商 ) 機具設備, 由業主雇工執行修復 支出金額 *1.1 3-12 凡毀損 洩漏 髒污 傷害本廠硬體 軟體 人員或人員所屬自用車輛 物品者, 應將 照價賠償 Page/Total Pages:17/18

3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 其恢復原貌或照價賠償 因人為疏忽或防護措施不完整, 致發生重大意外事故 ( 依友達光電重大意外事故定義 ) 扣承商工程款之 1% (上限 100 萬) 未先告知本公司人員逕自入廠施工者, 非施工人員 非施工目地而矇混進入廠區, 無法合理解釋者 ; 不依無塵室規定申請施工, 隨意進出無塵室者, 予以驅離並從重罰款處份各承商之意外事故, 經調查證實為造成友達光電營運中斷之原因, 除須負一切之刑責 民事及行政責任, 友達光電得要求該承商需賠償在營運中斷期間所造成之所有損失各承商若違反友達光電相關安衛規定, 友達光電得依相關規定予以處份, 並予以驅逐出廠, 不得再進入友達光電廠區施工 3-17 其它未明列但違反法規或友達管理須知規定者 視單一事故罹災人數, 每一受傷人數處 100 萬元罰款 5,000~ 扣該承商工程款之 1% 賠償在營運中斷期間所造成之所有損失依罰則處分, 並驅逐出廠依情況決定 ( 最低 1,000 起 ) Page/Total Pages:18/18