Collaborations UTAR and the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Perak signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 22 September 2016 at Kampa

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HORIZON 2016 issue 5 12 10 02 In Search of Excellence Collaborations at Work Special Feature 15 Students in Action 16 From Talks to Forums 17 Community at Heart 18拉大视野 20 Sudut Utarian Students at the Simulation Ward

Collaborations UTAR and the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Perak signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 22 September 2016 at Kampar Campus. The MoU will see UTAR and FMM Perak exploring a wide spectrum of areas including industrial trainings and attachments, staff and student trainings, professional development courses and collaboration with industries in Perak. The signatories from UTAR were President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, while FMM Perak was represented by Chairman Dato Gan Tack Kong and Senior Manager Louis Gnanapragasam. Also present at the ceremony from FMM Perak were Vice Chairman Francis Chok Yin Fatt, Manager Mahinder Singh, and Committee Members Won Foo Yee, Mark Chan and Zulkepli bin Hussin. According to Prof Chuah, Malaysia is seen by other countries as a strategic partner in ASEAN, which has resulted in UTAR reaping an abundance of opportunities to collaborate with overseas partners. As a university, we can be the bridge between the industries and our overseas partners. And by capitalising on these working opportunities, at Work 02 03 UTAR and FMM Perak sign MoU Prof Chuah and Dato Gan all smiles after signing the MoU while Prof Lee (left) and Louis (right) look on we are also able to benefit our local small and medium industries and enterprises by assisting them in reaching out to a wider market, Prof Chuah mentioned. Dato Gan highlighted the importance of working with strategic partners and how this can benefit Perak. He said, It s a privilege for FMM Perak to be one of UTAR s industry partners by which we are able to share resources and knowledge. Globalisation today has made it necessary for the industry to connect with students. Dato Gan also mentioned the need to empower and encourage students to be creative and innovative as their ideas can be taken to help the industries. UTAR signed an MoU with Sunway Medical Centre on 25 August 2016 at Sunway Medical Centre, Swan Convention Centre. Signing on behalf of the parties were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Sunway Group Healthcare Services Managing Director Lau Beng Long. It was witnessed by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat and Sunway Group Healthcare Services Deputy Managing Director and Sunway Medical Centre Chief Executive Officer Dr Khoo Chow Huat. Also present were Founder and Chairman of the Sunway Group Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Dean Emeritus Prof Dr Cheong Soon Keng, Department of Nursing Head S. Sheela Devi and UTAR staff. The MoU established a platform for UTAR and Sunway Medical Centre to have future collaborations in advancing nursing education and creating career opportunities, as well as joint efforts such as career fairs, conferences, recruitment drives, health seminars, talks, workshops and exhibitions to benefit both parties and the public. I believe the signing of this MoU enables us to move forward together towards the increased development of the healthcare sector, especially in training the nurses to provide intensive care. I am proud to be UTAR partners with Sunway Medical Centre From left: Dr Khoo, Lau, Tan Sri Cheah, Prof Chuah and Prof Ewe associated with UTAR as a fast growing university that is known for its academic excellence, remarked Lau. I hope this will be an active MoU with Sunway Medical Centre whereby we help each other to ensure that our future nurses are well trained for future success to reach our ultimate goal, which is to improve and develop the nursing sector to enhance the Malaysian healthcare industry as a whole, said Prof Chuah. An MoU was signed between UTAR and, a leading B2B marketplace for global trade under the Alibaba Group, on 6 September 2016 at Kampar Campus. Both parties announced their joint initiative to better equip UTAR students, staff and Malaysian SMEs with e-commerce knowledge. Signing the MoU on behalf of the parties were He Dongpei, Deputy General Manager of Operations at, and UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Wang Hu, Malaysia Country Manager of, and UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat. The collaboration, a part of s Global E-commerce Talent (GET) programme, will be implemented through the provisioning of third-party trainers by to coach UTAR staff and students in e-commerce, finance and other related curricula. Qualified trainees will receive certification from will also provide access to its online e-commerce learning platform. Under the GET programme, 30 UTAR staff from Kampar Campus and Sungai Long Campus attended the five-day training within Collaboration with From left: Dr Liew, Prof Ewe, He Dongpei and Wang Hu with the signed documents the same week of the MoU signing. He Dongpei said, We believe that the future of global e-commerce will be as a driving force to promoting global economic development. We look to Malaysia as being home to a wealth of high-quality manufactured products that are sought after. In spite of the growing popularity of online shopping, many Malaysian entrepreneurs have yet to fully embrace the potential opportunities that B2B e-commerce has to offer. By partnering with an influential university like UTAR, we hope to reach current and future business decision makers to cultivate e-commerce talent that will be the cornerstone of development for the industry and to build their capability and confidence in online trade, she added. MoU with Oriental Institute of Technology UTAR and the Oriental Institute of Technology (OIT), Taiwan inked an MoU at Kampar Campus on 25 August 2016. Delegates from OIT present at the ceremony were President of OIT Prof Huang Mou-Chuan and Director of International Affairs Division Dr Chen Ying-Ling. The delegates were welcomed by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Liew Soung Yue, Institute of Management and Leadership Development and Division of Community and International Networking Director Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu, FICT Head of Department of Computer Science Dr Ooi Boon Yaik, and Faculty of Business and Finance Head of Postgraduate Degree Programmes Dr Chen, I-Chi. Prof Choong expressed his warm welcome to the delegates and introduced UTAR to the first-time visitors. UTAR was established in 2002. Although still a young university, UTAR continuously innovates in our pursuit of excellence by providing our students with a progressive learning environment to aid the development of their strengths. He added, I am impressed by the OIT Prof Huang (second from left) and Prof Choong with the MoU agreements while Dr Ying-Ling (far left) and Dr Liew look on research group s excellent achievement in the 27th International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (ITEX 2016) with four gold, one silver and one bronze won with meaningful and interesting inventions. Prof Huang then gave a brief introduction about OTI and its courses during the ceremony. OTI was originally founded by the Far Eastern Textile Group in 1968. In order to become an emblematic and exceptional higher learning institution, we support and encourage interdisciplinary research among our students and staff. He added, This MoU signing marks the dawn of the collaboration between OTI and UTAR, and we look forward to the international exchanges and cooperation with UTAR the future holds.

04 Collaborations at Work 05 PRC Embassy awards financial aid Back row, sixth from left: Gao, Prof Chuah, His Excellency Dr Huang, Dato Seri Ong, Prof Ewe, and Bai with the financial aid award recipients The Embassy of the People s Republic of China in Malaysia from the Embassy of the People s Republic of China in Malaysia. awarded financial aid to 20 Malay UTAR students. The award In his welcome speech, Prof Chuah elaborated, To date, giving ceremony was held on 25 August 2016 at Sungai Long RM107.8 million worth of internal scholarships and more than Campus. RM6 million of internal loans have been disbursed to over 12,226 A total of RM60,000 was disbursed by the embassy with deserving UTAR students. each student given RM3,000 in recognition of their academic Dr Huang enthused, It is my wish that this initiative generates achievements. The financial aid award was specially created and awareness that comprehensiveness and inclusiveness are important given solely on this occasion only. assets in sustaining the amicable friendship between China and Present at the award giving ceremony were its guest of honour, Malaysia. The embassy hopes to contribute to society as we believe the Malaysian Second Minister of International Trade and Industry, everyone should have equal access to education. Knowledge is Dato Seri Ong Ka Chuan; the Ambassador of the People s Republic power; align yourselves with UTAR s philosophy of by the people, for of China to Malaysia, His Excellency Dr Huang Huikang; and the people. UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik. Dato Seri Ong said, China and Malaysia enjoy a special bond The ceremony also saw the presence of UTAR Vice President for where we are interdependent and mutually important, sharing ties Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong that bind us socially and economically. The financial aid award has Tat, as well as Third Secretary Gao Shuang and Attaché Bai Yuzhu made this bridge of connection even stronger. IPRMSA - UTAR Chapter launches The Institute of Public Relations Malaysia Student Association (IPRMSA) UTAR Chapter was officially launched at Kampar Campus on 9 August 2016. Invited to officiate the opening of the IPRMSA UTAR Chapter was Second Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato Seri Ong Ka Chuan. On hand to receive him were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) Dean Dr Alia Azalea, and IPRMSA UTAR Chapter Director Chew Luck. Other invited guests included IPRM Education Committee Chairperson Prof Dr Kiranjit Kaur representing IPRM President Dato Haji Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, UTAR PR programme external examiner Assoc Prof Dr Amiso M. George from Texas Christian University, UTAR Planning and Development Committee Advisor Tan Sri Hew See Tong, Industry Advisor-cum-CEO of Intelectasia Consultancy Manminder Kaur Dhillon, former Industry Advisor-cum-Executive Director of JLPW Communications Jackie Leong Lai Yin, and Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Bhd Corporate Communications Senior Manager Joe Wong. From left: Tan Sri Hew, Prof Kiranjit, Prof Chuah, Dato Seri Ong, Manminder, Dr George, Leong, Wong, Dr Alia and Chew Chew said that the chapter aims to enhance PR students practical skills, while building rapport with professionals from the PR industry. Prof Chuah said, The PR students have been very supportive of the university s efforts in giving back to the community by organising campaigns benefitting the local community. Last year, the campaign managed to win the Malaysia Public Relations Award under the Public Sector Category. With this IPRSMA UTAR Chapter, there ll be an even more solid platform for students to enrich themselves. Prof Chuah also encouraged the students to make full use of the opportunity to network with industry experts and also to continue learning even after graduating. The event was also followed by a keynote address titled Crisis Communication and Media Roles by Dr George, as well as a panel discussion consisting industry experts. UTAR s Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF), the Centre for Accounting, Banking and Finance, the Centre for Business and Management, and the Centre for Economic Studies, once again jointly organised the International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2016 on 5 October 2016. Organised for the fourth consecutive year, the one-day conference themed Capitalising on Globalisation for Competitiveness Enhancement saw more than 70 papers submitted from approximately 120 local and international participants. Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong said, I hope that BAFE 2016 serves as a conduit for information exchange that will provide more opportunities for further research works and collaborative activities. New findings and discoveries are expedited when researchers gather together and brainstorm. Synergistic efforts such as these create opportunities for further progress and developments and I hope such is the spirit among all participants present today. Also present to grace the opening ceremony was Yong Yoon Kian representing Deputy Finance Minister Senator Dato Lee Chee Leong, who said, BAFE is indeed a good opportunity for researchers to network as well as to discuss and learn new knowledge from other researchers The UTAR Intervarsity Science Symposium (UISS) 2016 was held at Kampar Campus from 12 to 13 August 2016 and saw the active participation of around a hundred undergraduate and postgraduate students from UTAR and other public and private universities in Malaysia. Held for the first time in 2015, UISS this year saw more than 20 presenters assembling for presentations of their R&D findings and research experiences in many different fields, namely chemistry, biological sciences, agriculture, food science and health sciences. Chairperson of the UISS 2016 Organising Committee Dr Tey Lai Hock explained, Themed Embark Science for Future Advancement, the symposium aims to provide an opportunity to undergraduate and postgraduate students to promote their research to the public via poster and oral presentations. It is a meeting place for developing the careers of young researchers at the interface of the life sciences. The keynote speaker for the two-day symposium was Assoc Prof Dr Lee Ping Chin from Universiti Malaysia Sabah whose talk was titled Harnessing the Pharmaceutical Potentials of Tropical Biodiversity. With 11 oral presentations and 17 poster presentations, the enriching discussions were further supplemented with talks by nine other invited speakers, namely Assoc Prof Dr Kumaran Narayanan from Monash University Malaysia, Dr Ng Thian Hong from Synthomer Asia, Tan Poi Teng from Lab Science BAFE 2016 another success 4th BAFE 2016 in progress and their research output. I strongly believe that BAFE 2016 will provide productive discussions throughout the day among all the participating scholars. Professor from Universiti Teknologi MARA Prof Dr Catherine Ho Soke Fun was the keynote speaker and presented her talk titled Global Integration: Trends and Issues. Among the topics covered were macroeconomic environment and financial markets, institutional economics, Solution Sdn Bhd, Albert Ng Choon Lee from Nanogene Solution Sdn Bhd, Chan Chun Foong from Orbiting Scientific & Technology Sdn Bhd, Sharman M. Gaspar from Infors Southeast Asia (M) Sdn Bhd, Prof Dr accounting, organisational strategy and behaviour, education management, business management strategy, human resource strategy and development, industrial economics, auditing, taxation, technologies in business, tourism services, economics of resources and welfare, Islamic banking and finance, banking, societal contribution and entrepreneurship. UTAR Intervarsity Science Symposium 2016 Group photo of the participants and speakers Sandy Loh Hwei San from The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Dr Tan Chon Seng from Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institutions and Ng Szu Ting from LiGNO Biotech Sdn Bhd.

06 Collaborations at Work 07 UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials UTAR s Centre for Photonics and Advanced Materials Research (CPAMR) organised the UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials from 30 August to 2 September 2016 at Sungai Long Campus. UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei said, This is a milestone for UST and UTAR as it is the first time we have held a workshop on photonics and advanced materials. As Malaysia is a developing country, we need more experts to help the nation to reach developed status. UTAR is a very good research base for interactions ranging from expertise training to knowledge exchanges and discussions. I hope that this workshop will result in more new ideas and projects in future. Taiwan s National Yang-Ming University Biophotonics and Molecular Imaging Research Center (BMIRC) Director Prof Arthur Chiou said, It s a great pleasure for me to attend this workshop. It gives us a chance to work together face-to-face to promote mutually beneficial research. I hope through all the discussions we will forge an understanding that will bear fruitful results. Taiwan s National Chiao-Tung University Department of Photonics Prof Peichen Yu said, Through this workshop, we are able to promote closer interaction and collaboration between UTAR and UST. I am impressed to see that UTAR s researchers are full of positive energy and drive for improvement. This workshop is a Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) Director Prof Dr Faidz bin Abd Rahman (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Arthur success and it really fosters communication between researchers. The workshop received encouraging support from UST, and featured four experienced speakers from Taiwan. The notable talks included Towards High-Efficiency Thin-Film Crystalline Photovoltaics by Prof Peichen Yu, Coherent EUV Light Source Driven by High Order Harmonic Generation by Prof Chen Ming- Chan, Nanophotonics for LEDs and Optical Communication by Prof Chen Chii-Chang, and From Photonics to Biophotonics: A Brief Overview by Prof Arthur Chiou. The guests and participants The New Village Collaborative Project between UTAR and the University System of Taiwan (UST) made a comeback on 22 July 2016 at Kampar Campus. This year, the UST team led by Assoc Prof Dr Lo Lieh-Shih was also joined by another National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) team, under the Field Trips and Travel Studies ( 异地教学 ) initiative led by Assoc Prof Dr Shu Wei-Der and also Dr Lo. The UST team comprising 11 Taiwanese students focused on new villages in Kampar s Sungai Siput Selatan, whereas the 15 NCTU students concentrated on the history of Kampar s old town and its surrounding multiracial community. As an accompanying project supervisor from UTAR, Institute of Chinese Studies Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun bin New Village Collaborative Project with UST and NCTU said, Malaysia is undoubtedly rich in terms of historical context, and the historied Kinta Valley is part of this richness. During their three-week long stay, both teams had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local cultures through field trips, food sampling and other activities. Dr Lo and Dr Shu stated, It s always heartening to share the same passion with a group of enthusiastic students and lecturers who make work more enjoyable, enriching and endearing. NCTU Group Leader Huang Yuwen said, Cultural anthropology and the humanities have always been my favourite study areas. Hence, it was an insightful trip to me as I got to learn about Kampar s history and its multiculturalism evident through the co-existence of Chinese temples, Sikh Gurdwaras, chapels, churches, Hindu temples and mosques. The UST group, on the other hand, successfully launched a series of community engagement projects involving primary schoolchildren, while also engaging social media as a means to improve the visibility of these aging new villages by introducing them to Malaysians and the world. Prof Choong and Lim with the tuition programme s schoolchildren The UTAR-ECM Libra Foundation English and Bahasa Malaysia Tuition Programme 2016 marked another milestone in conjunction with its completion on 1 October 2016 at the Sungai Long Campus. The closing ceremony saw the presence of UTAR Vice President for Student Prof Choong said, UTAR and ECM Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Libra Foundation have enjoyed a friendly Choong Chee Keong, ECM Libra Foundation relationship due to a mutual passion and Executive Trustee Lim Beng Choon, school interest in giving back to society. This year, representatives, schoolchildren and parents. the joint ventures started in March with the The main objective of the tuition ECM Libra Foundation-UTAR Collaboration programmes was to help schoolchildren Project 2016. The projects mainly focused use both languages more confidently. More on English tuition for primary school than 100 students benefited from the tuition students in new villages in the country. Our programmes through over 20 classes since partnership with ECM Libra Foundation has March 2016. Schools involved were SJK(C) become even stronger when these projects Batu 9, SJK(C) Batu 11, SJK(C) Balakong extended to the IT Skills Programme and and SJK(C) Sungai Chua. Bahasa Malaysia Tuition where volunteers Speaking at the closing ceremony, visit schools and conduct tuition classes on English and Malay tuition for schoolchildren weekends. Lim said, Education will help to ensure sustainable societal development. Hence, it is ECM Libra Foundation s aspiration to help students in need to access quality education. Mastering English can also be a huge advantage to help the children develop greater communication ability, in addition to accessing wider sources of information. Schoolchildren from Standard One to Standard Six showcased their language ability at the closing ceremony through performances such as poem recitals and singing English or Malay songs. This year s Agriculture Technology Seminar Series XIII, themed Towards Environmentally Sustainable Aquaculture, took place on 16 July 2016 at the Kampar Campus. The speakers were Professor for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Dato Dr Mohamed Shariff bin Mohamed Din, Fish Health Management and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Consultant of LTS Consultancy Malaysia Dr Leong Tak Seng, Professor in Fish Nutrition Laboratory of the School of Biological Sciences from Universiti Sains Malaysia Prof Dr Ng Wing Keong, Deputy Director for the Institute of Tropical Aquaculture from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Dr Shahreza Md Sheriff, Biovalence Sdn Bhd Chief Technology Officer Ung Eng Huan, and Assistant Professor of Mechatronics and Biomedical Department from UTAR Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr Loo Joo Ling. I am very grateful for the support of our distinguished speakers for sharing their experiences in the emerging aquaculture industry. The seminar was organised to meet the needs of UTAR students and the public interested in aquaculture, with hopes to enhance our understanding of the current issues facing the industry, said Organising Chairman Prof Dr Ooi Aun Chuan. Agriculture Technology Seminar Series XIII Speakers, organisers and participants posing at the end of the seminar Looking at the aquaculture industry as an important protein source for people, the seminar placed emphasis on sharing solutions to advance its sustainable production, to address the limiting factors for growth of the aquaculture industry, and to identity the research activities that will help the aquaculture industry. Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng said, This seminar reminds us that agriculture is related to food production and food security which we all need. I hope Agricultural Science students learn the current state of the industry and become prepared to tackle the problems facing the industry.

08 Collaborations at Work 09 conference titled Discourse on Fostering A Ethnic Relations in Malaysia was held at Sungai Long Campus on 24 August 2016. The conference aimed to foster greater interethnic understanding and relations, and unite Malaysians through interfaith dialogue. The concept of commonality is very important for ethnic relations. Universal values that we share as well as common issues that we face, such as crime, poverty and cost of living, are strengths that bind us together, said Head of the National Unity Cluster, National Council of Professors, Prof Dr Mansor Mohd Noor. The discourse was divided into two sections with differing themes. The first was Dialog Antara Agama: Mencari Titik Pertemuan Kesepaduan Sosial Antara Penganut Agama (Interfaith Dialogue: Seeking the Nexus of Interfaith Social Unity). Panellist Dr Wendy Yee Mei Tien from Universiti Malaya said, Change starts with the individual. Building a harmonious and peaceful society starts with self-reflection and transformation. Panellists from the Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Tarmizi bin Talib and Assoc Prof Dr Sarjit Singh Darshan Singh said the key to harmony and peace lies in our courage to learn the differences of other religions, and then embracing and acknowledging their strengths. The second part of the discourse was Symposium: Language, Unity and Identity in Malaysia. Language also plays a significant role in nation building as it contributes toward the forging of a national identity. Malaysia s complex multicultural background has given birth to unique linguistic choices, such as rojak, a distinctive Malaysian speech that incorporates words borrowed from Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and others. Multiethnic and multilingual countries like Malaysia are currently facing the challenge of creating the essential balance that is needed Gathering industrial experts, academicians and students, the Hottest and Highly Sought-after Skills in ICT Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) Forum 2016 was held on 29 June 2016 at the Kampar Campus. Invited to the forum was a panel of guests, namely Recogine Technology and EV-Dynamic Senior Consultant Dr Kwong Kae Hsiang, Intel Microelectronics (M) Sdn Bhd System on Chip (SOC) Senior Design Validation Manager Chew Beng Wah, E-Genting Holdings Sdn Bhd Senior Vice President of the R&D Systems department, KEDA Limited Managing Director and Association of the Computer and Multimedia Industry of Malaysia (PIKOM) Representative Lee Boon Kok, and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC) Senior Manager of Talent Development Panel of guests sharing their opinions Fostering stronger relations Division Tan Eng Hoo. Aiming to have in-depth discussion on the effectiveness of universities expenditures on large-scale resources in augmenting its degree programmes. The forum saw agreement that UTAR is indeed on the right track with proper resource utilisation. Active engagement by participants led to other topics being raised, such as student employment after graduation, technical and soft skills required by the industries, and the effects of academic results on employment. When asked of the qualities desired for employment, Dr Kwong responded by advising students to be passionate in Prof Mansor (right) receiving a gift basket from UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat between national, ethnic linguistic and cultural identities, said Prof Dato Dr Saran Kaur Gill from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). FICT IAP Forum 2016 performing given tasks. He stated his belief that students should have the maturity and capacity to make independent decisions to better navigate their careers. Encouraged students to found a startup business of their own, Lee said, There will be risks and failures along way, but do not lose hope because failures are great teachers that offer great lessons. The panel noted students, in general, graduate with good technical skills, yet lack the required soft skills. Events such as the IAP forum are one of the many strategies FICT employs in enhancing its current programmes. Kuok Foundation delegation visits UTAR team of four delegates from the Kuok A Foundation visited Kampar Campus on 5 September 2016. The objectives of the visit were to discuss the research capabilities of the university in the field of agricultural science, scholarship opportunities for students, the facilities and services of UTAR Mary KUOK Pick Hoo Library, the activities conducted by the Professorial Chair of Kuok Foundation, facilitation of talent to address industries needs, and further exploration on possible collaborations between UTAR and the Kuok Foundation. The four delegates from Kuok Foundation were General Manager Ng Teck Seng, Trustee Lynette Ng, and Administrative Managers Sharon Teoh and Choo Hwei Miin. The visit started with a campus tour to noteworthy places of Kampar Campus, including the UTAR Gallery, the bronze sculptures of Confucius and Einstein, the Bird Sanctuary, Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and UTAR Main Library. After the campus tour, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat presented the delegates with a video introduction to the university. The visitors were enlightened with information on the university s research and post graduate programmes, student services and facilities, students activities and recognition of programmes offered. group of UTAR management staff A organised a visit to the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCCI) on 14 September 2016 to explore potential collaboration. With both parties expressing their hopes to foster strong collaborations, a meeting, chaired by PCCCI Vice President Steven Yow Thin Chin, was held to facilitate better discussion and understanding on the possible areas for collaboration among the representatives. The meeting commenced with Yow presenting his welcome message where he said he was hopeful that the collaboration between UTAR and PCCCI will greatly benefit the development of SMEs in Perak. The meeting also saw the discussion of possible collaborative opportunities to conduct trainings or workshops for SMEs. The courses will include providing guidance on accounting practices, tax consultation, procedures involved in Good and Services Tax (GST) implementation, and also solutions for firms facing difficulties in sales and marketing. The representatives expressed their optimism towards the trainings that will serve as platforms to better educate the SMEs on the current trends and happenings in the market, as well as to assist the SMEs in conducting research. The meeting also touched upon The delegates and UTAR management staff during the campus tour The briefings led to further discussion on UTAR s Agricultural Science programme and the various fields of studies parked under the Faculty of Science. Ng gave a short introduction about the Kuok Foundation and expressed their interest in collaborating with UTAR, particularly on relevant industries, Representatives from UTAR and PCCCI exchange souvenirs internship placement opportunities for UTAR students at PCCCI member companies, invitation for recruitment drives where PCCCI member companies can interview and recruit UTAR graduates, and promotion activities aimed to introduce UTAR programmes to PCCCI member companies staff whom wish to further their studies. It is through the university s commitment scholarships and R&D. Overall it was a fruitful fact-finding journey for the delegates. The Kuok Foundation is a non-profit charitable institution incorporated on 1 June 1970 under the Malaysian Companies Act 1965 as a company limited by guarantee and without a share capital. Exploring collaborative opportunities with PCCCI to expand its expertise, services and resources to continuously provide a supportive environment for the faculties and students that culminate in UTAR forging ties with industry partners for many research collaborations. The fruitful visit ended with souvenir exchanges between UTAR and PCCCI.

Special Feature 10 11 UTAR hosts Malaysia - Taiwan Higher Education Forum 2016 UTAR hosted the Malaysia - Taiwan Higher Education Forum (MTHEF) 2016 for the first time at its Kampar Campus on 15 October 2016, enabling education ties between Malaysian and Taiwan institutions of higher learning to be strengthened. Group photo of the VIPs and the participants The biennial forum, jointly organised with Feng Chia University (FCU), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and the Taiwan Education Center (TEC), Malaysia, was another success following the inaugural forum held at FCU, Taiwan in 2014. It saw the presence of over 130 participants from 24 Taiwan universities and 23 Malaysian institutions of higher learning. Themed International Collaboration for Human Capital Development this year, the one-day forum served as a strategic platform enabling participants to share experiences and insights in areas of academiaindustry collaboration, university-university collaboration, and collaboration on technical vocational education and training (TVET). Invited to officiate the forum was Senator and UTAR Council Member Dato Dr Hou Kok Chung who was cordially received by UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik. Also present at the opening ceremony were Board Member of Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan Prof Dr Chen Liang-Gee, Director of the Higher Education Excellence Planning Division, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Prof Dr Raha binti Abdul Rahim, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Malaysia James Chang Chi-Ping, President of FCU Prof Dr Lee Bing-Jean, Director of TEC, Malaysia Dr Liu Pei, representative of USM Dr Muhizam bin Mustafa, and UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee. Representing the Malaysian Organising Committee to deliver the welcoming address was Prof Chuah, who said, Internationalisation is no longer a luxury in a globalised world, but a necessity. Malaysia is one of the leading countries in From left: Speeches by Prof Chuah, Representative Chang, Dato Hou and Prof Chen Dato Hou receiving souvenirs from Prof Chuah and Prof Chen Speakers and moderators at the parallel sessions ASEAN working together with Taiwan on R&D and human capital development. Speaking on behalf of TECO was Chang who mentioned that since the previous forum, there was an increase in student mobility as well as interaction between Malaysia s and Taiwan s institutions of higher learning. The ideas and exchanges shared throughout the previous forum had brought fruitful achievements. The experiences and ideas shared are vital to inspire the future development and cooperation between Malaysia and Taiwan, Chang concluded. Echoing Chang s sentiment was Prof Chen, who delivered his speech on behalf of the delegation from Taiwan. Prof Chen explained that the forum is in line with the New Southbound Policy which promotes goodwill and partnerships between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and South Asia. As a result, we encourage our students in Taiwan to also visit Malaysia to study and for joint research projects so as to promote mutual understanding. Besides that, we re also able to share Taiwan s experiences in academia-industry collaboration, as well as success in offering vocational education, said Prof Chen. Acknowledging Taiwan as one of the preferred destinations for Malaysians to pursue their studies, Dato Hou encouraged the Malaysian higher education authorities and universities to foster more collaborative ties and invest in R&D initiatives with Taiwan. Dato Hou also highlighted the need to sustain the collaborative ties to ensure their success and impact. R&D activities are building blocks to human capital development, making it also a strategic investment. Jointly and collectively, every stakeholder can help to expand Malaysia s R&D capacity and capability, pushing us forward as a knowledge-driven nation. The ceremony ensued with a souvenir presentation and group photograph session, followed by keynote addresses by the two keynote speakers, Prof Chen and Prof Raha. To further stimulate discussions and exchanges of ideas, three parallel sessions with each session featuring a topic were also held, namely Best Practices and Experiences for Parallel Session One, Funding and Sustainable Mechanisms for Parallel Session Two, and Future Trends and Challenges for Parallel Session Three. Each parallel session consisted of three concurrent talks related to academia-industry collaboration, university-university collaboration, and collaboration on TVET. The forum also witnessed a rich line-up of highly qualified academics and researchers from both Malaysian and Taiwan universities sharing their experiences and invaluable insights along the lines of international human capital resources, training and development. Among the line-up of senior professors and academics who shared their rich breadth of expertise included UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, USM Director of International Mobility and Career Centre Dr Muhizam, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Director of Academic Planning and Development Office Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Fahmi bin Miskon, Universiti Teknologi Petronas Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic Prof Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, Multimedia University Director of Research and Management Prof Ir Dr Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Dean of Faculty of Education Prof Baharuddin Aris, Universiti Utara Malaysia Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Noor Azizi bin Ismail, Taylor s University Pro-Vice Chancellor Emeritus Prof Dato Dr Visweswaran Navaratnam, and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Wahid bin Razzaly. Distinguished professors and academics from Taiwan included the Vice President of FCU Prof Dr Jin H. Huang, National Taiwan University Executive Vice President for Administrative Affairs Prof Dr Ching-Ray Chang, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology President Prof Dr Cheng-Yuan Roger Chen, National Cheng Kung University CEO of Research and Services Headquarters Prof Dr Fong-Chin Su, Elite Study in Taiwan Project Office of Taiwan s Ministry of Education Prof Dr Wan-Lee Cheng, National Taipei University of Technology Vice President Prof Dr Wen Lung Li, Chung Yuan Christian University s Prof Dr Shih-Ming Michael Wang, National Chiao Tung University Vice President of International Affairs Prof Dr Yu-Tai Ching, and Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology Vice President Prof Dr Yu-Lin Yang. UTAR also inked MoUs with FCU, National Ilan University, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, Chang Jung Christian University, Kun Shan University, Chao Yang University of Technology, and National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology at the forum. Other Malaysian institutions of higher learning which signed MoUs were First City University College which signed with Kun Shan University and I-Shou University, as well as Tunku Abdul Rahman University College which signed with Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology.

In Search Once again rewarding a UTAR student s achievements in the field of Chemistry, the Synthomer Best Chemistry Graduate Award Presentation Ceremony 2016 was held on 26 August 2016 at the Kampar Campus. Present to grace the event were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Synthomer Asia Human Resources Director Dato Norashikin binti Ismail, along with Synthomer Staffing & Hiring HR Manager Hajar Hanim Ridzuan, and Synthomer Organisational Development & Training Senior Manager Ng Yat Seng. Prof Chuah expressed his thanks to Synthomer Asia for their recognition of the university s ability to provide affordable education to many people and congratulated the award recipient, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Chemistry graduate Lee Ta Hong for his outstanding achievement. Dato Norashikin expressed her heartfelt gratitude to UTAR for organising the event and mentioned, This award is part of giving back to the community to support education in the nation and to motivate students to excel in the field. As we believe in the right people being the right asset, I trust that UTAR is able to produce the right graduates to be part of the team that will contribute to the nation. The highlight of the event saw Dato Norashikin presenting Lee with a plaque and cheque for RM3,000. Receiving this award has truly inspired It was indeed another outstanding achievement for a team of three students from the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) to emerge as Champion in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)-International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Malaysia al-khawarizmi National Programming Contest 2016. It was hosted by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in Kuala Lumpur on 7 and 8 October 2016. Known as KitKat, the team comprised Computer Science students Lim Yun Kai, Lee Wen Dick and Joshua Chan Mun Wei. Mentored by FICT lecturer Dr Ng Yen Kaow, the team walked away with a cash prize of RM3,000. They each also bagged a medal and a certificate of participation. In the finals, each team was given 10 problem statements with accompanying data to solve within five hours. They were required to find solutions to the problems by using their knowledge in mathematics and algorithms to process the data. Dr Ng praised the team members and said, The students have done a good job and I attribute their win to hard work, perseverance and dedication. Apart from that, the students practical and theoretical knowledge and abilities enabled them to cover the disparate segments of the contest smoothly. He added, Lim played a significant role in propelling the team to their extraordinary feat for the second time after their first victory in year 2014. ACM-ICPC Malaysia National Programming Contest is Malaysia s national programming contest of Excellence 12 13 Synthomer Best Chemistry Graduate Award 2016 From left: Ng, Hajar, Dato Norashikin, Lee, Prof Chuah and Dr Lim me to work harder for my future and to contribute to society. I thank UTAR for presenting me with opportunities to discover, explore and acquire new knowledge in the field of Chemistry, enthused Lee. Officially collaborating with UTAR in 2010 with a formal partnership in R&D, this is the seventh consecutive year Synthomer has given the award to a UTAR student. Champion in national programming contest Triumphant: Chan, Lim and Lee that acts as the preliminary round for all Malaysian teams to advance to the Regional Asia Contest. The ACM ICPC is a multitier, team-based programming competition operating under the auspices of ACM and headquartered at Baylor University, USA. The contest involves a global network of universities hosting national and regional competitions that advance teams to the ACM-ICPC World Finals. MICPA-CAANZ Investment Challenge 2016 Two Accounting students from the Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) were crowned Champion at the MICPA-CAANZ Investment Challenge 2016 held at Monash University Malaysia Campus on 24 September 2016. UTAR was part of the 17 universities that participated in this challenge. Supervised by their advisor, Department of Accountancy Head Noreen Kong Ching Ching, the champions were Chiew Bor Jinn and Soon Yan Wen. They won a cash prize worth RM1,200 along with MICPA-CAANZ scholarships, trophies and certificates. The challenge aimed to provide a real world experience and exposure for students about risks and returns involved in equity stocks and fixed income security trading, while developing and encouraging a culture of saving and prudent investment decision-making. At the challenge, participants enhanced their financial management and entrepreneurial skills while fostering their teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving skills. In the challenge itself, participants were given a virtual start-up capital of USD one million to invest on three levels of investment cases which IEM UTAR crowned best student section IEM UTAR Student Section 2015-2016 (IEM UTAR-SS) of the Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) won the award of Outstanding IEM Student Section 2016 at the Institution of Engineers Malaysia-Young Engineers Section (IEM-YES) National Summit 2016 Closing Ceremony held at Hilton Kuching, Sarawak on 30 July 2016. They were awarded based on their outstanding performances in organising activities that focused on the importance of engineering professions, such as the Engineering Fiesta and IEM visits. It was an honour for us to be awarded as the best student section for the third year in a row. Our deepest appreciation goes to UTAR for giving us a platform to learn and grow; thank you for believing in us, said ex-chairman of IEM UTAR-SS 2015-2016 Teo Hock Meng. He also thanked their advisor Ir Dr Khoo Hooi Ling, YES, and his committee members for their endless support. The summit acted as a platform for young engineers, graduates and IEM student sections from all higherlearning institutions to exchange ideas, Noreen with Chiew and Soon cover the aspects of equity, bonds and foreign exchange. The event took place at the Monash University Sunway Simulated Trading (MUSST) lab which simulated a real world trading environment which allowed the students to experience hands-on interaction with a simulated investment activity. Teo (centre) receiving the award from YES Chairman Kok Jing Shun, as IEM President Ir Tan Yean Chin looks on experiences and achievements, while providing networking opportunities with professionals. The IEM-YES National Submit 2016 was organised by YES s Sarawak Branch in collaboration with IEM. It was held at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus from 28 to 31 July 2016.

14 In Search The Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) organised the second ever Final Year Project (FYP) Poster Competition on 25 August 2016 at Sungai Long Campus. The purpose of the competition was to encourage students to pursue creativity and conduct research that is beneficial towards society as a whole. The competition was differentiated into four tracks. Track One focused on Fundamental Sciences and the champion was Quantity Surveying student Ng Tiat Leong, whose research focused on accidents in the construction industry. Track Two focused on Applied Sciences and the champion was Civil Engineering student Lim Fang Jinn, whose research focused on the economic impacts of El-Nino events and the aging of oil palm plantations in Malaysia. Track Three were based on Materials, Manufacturing, Green and Sustainable Technologies and the champion was Civil Engineering student Chai Yen Khai, whose research focused on nanofiltered (NF) water. Lastly, Track Four focused on Research, Design and Development in Science and Engineering and the champion was Applied Mathematics student Chua Khang Hui, whose research focused on increasing the safety of road users. Present at the award ceremony was Ir SP Lim from MayAir Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd who sponsored the awards and cash prizes for the event. The champions went The Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) and the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Student Section Kampar Campus again organised a Final Year Project (FYP) Poster Competition on 24 August 2016 at Kampar Campus. Organised for the fifth time, the biannual competition aimed to showcase all FYP outcomes as well as to nurture research interest amongst FEGT students. With sponsorship by IEM, the competition saw 92 innovative entries with various research areas ranging from green building to sustainable engineering. Invited to judge the competition were Immediate Past Chairman of IEM Perak Branch Assoc Prof Ir Dr N. Perumal and Civil Representative of IEM Perak Branch Dato Sri Ir Dr Don Liew Mun Hon. Also present at the ceremony were FEGT Dean Dr Yap Vooi Voon and faculty staff members. Of the 92 posters, 15 posters were first shortlisted by the five FEGT departments of Construction Management, Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Petrochemical Engineering. A series of elimination rounds coordinated by the judges were held in search of the three best posters. Environmental Engineering student Luk Mei Kwan s FYP titled Photocatalytic Degradation and Chlorination of Azo Dye in Saline Wastewater won her the first place, while Construction Management student Jessica Eng Hui Ching and Electronic Engineering student Thee Kang Wei won the honour of second and third place respectively. Their winning posters were titled Comparative Study of Users Perception on the Benefits of Heritage Buildings Conservation and VLSI Design Flow from RTL to GDSII respectively. Luk walked away with RM100, a challenge trophy and a certificate, while Eng and Thee took home RM70 and RM30 respectively as well as certificates. of Excellence Second LKC FES FYP Poster Competition Winners of the FYP Competition home with cash prizes of RM250, while the first runners-up and second runners-up won RM150 and RM100 respectively. All also received trophies and certificates. This competition is a great training ground for the students to learn how to organise their thoughts and to put them into a marketable form. Students are also able to temper their level of confidence in presenting themselves in preparation for future endeavours, said Dr Wong Mee Chu, who was one of the judges. Fifth FEGT FYP Poster Competition From left: Dato Sri Liew, Dr Perumal, Luk and Dr Yap after the prize giving ceremony Students in Action 15 The Origin Chinese Orchestra Concert he Origin Chinese Orchestra TConcert was organised at the Sungai Long Campus on 30 July 2016 by the UTAR Sungai Long Chinese Orchestra (UTARSLCO), a unit of the UTAR Sungai Long Campus Music Club. Present at the event was UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat, UTARSLCO Conductor and advisor Goh Hong Lip, and UTAR Sungai Long Choir Club Coach Osamu Moroe. UTARSLCO was founded on June 2015 by a group of UTAR students who share the same passion for traditional Chinese music. The purpose of this concert was to change the mindset of the public and to present a whole new image of the Chinese orchestra by performing various genres alongside traditional music. A total of 13 songs were played during the concert. Among the songs that were played were the Fishermen s Triumphant Song, Laputa: Castle in the sky Carrying You, Viva la Vida, Sakura-sakura, Princess Mononoke and Harvest Festival. The group even played a refreshing mashup that combined Kitaro s Matsuri and the theme song from the blockbuster movie Ip Man. UTAR welcomed more than 1,600 new students of the 2016 October Intake during Orientation which commenced on 9 October 2016 at both Kampar and Sungai Long Campuses. It was designed to prepare them to be familiar with the campuses, the university staff, and the Kampar and Sungai Long communities as they begin their journey as university students. At the mass call, UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik welcomed the new students and inspired them to be diligent in their studies. Prof Chuah advised, Dedicate all your efforts into graduating with good grades from university. There s a big difference between the public examination system and a university examination system. You must adapt quickly to university conditions and work hard to sustain a good CGPA. He explained, Besides performing well academically, you should also participate in extracurricular activities organised by student clubs and societies in order to lead a balanced academic life. Hardwork, determination and self-discipline are key secrets to obtaining a university degree. The students were briefed on university policies, rules, and personal safety. Information on financial assistance including loans was also disbursed. Various briefings on the university s facilities, curricula, clubs The orchestra prepping before the concert Furthermore, the audience were taken on a journey into Sarawak s rainforests when the group played Sada Borneo, translating as the sound of Borneo. The most anticipated piece, the Star Wars theme song, was followed by a performance of Secret by OneRepublic. Expressing his approval, Prof Ewe said, Students at the oath-taking ceremony at Kampar Campus and societies, and events were also held. Interesting and exciting games and activities were also held to help students familiarise with the campus layout. Among the activities were a city tour, a New Village tour, several ice-breaking and tele-match activities, a blood donation and healthy lifestyle campaign, a community service In university life, it is important to participate in activities beyond your regular curriculum as it helps you to build skills and acquire knowledge out of the classroom. And music is definitely one of the important areas to pursue as it helps us to express our thoughts and emotions. 2016 October intake orientation project and various talks on adjusting to campus life, study skills and careers. Karyn Denise Dula Magno from the Philippines said, I chose UTAR because the university is reputable and its academic standards are high. Besides that, the fees are affordable and my parents are able to support my education in UTAR.

16 From Talks to Forums Nirvana founder inspires UTARians Nirvana Asia Group s Founder and NV Foundation Honorary Chairman Tan Sri Dato Kong Hon Kong inspired UTARians through his talk on How to Create a Life That Shines at the Sungai Long Campus on 15 August 2016. The talk was organised by the Department of Consultancy and Commercialisation and the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS). Besides the speaker, NV Foundation Vice President Tan Kean Huat, UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, and ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei were also present at the talk. Prof Lee said in his welcome remark, I wish that this talk will enlighten budding entrepreneurs on how entrepreneurial ventures are conducted, and how they influence the business community and the larger society. The founder of the largest integrated bereavement care service provider in Asia shared his life stories as he triumphed over adversities to achieve his dreams. Failures and downturns are the precursors to reaching your ambitions. Being able to overcome challenges and learn from these experiences will help you to better cope with a multitude of hardships before you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. You must condition yourselves to embrace your SAGE Talk The UTAR Library organised a talk titled Simple Guide to Writing a Journal Article at the Sungai Long Campus on 26 September 2016. The speaker was Rosalia da Garcia who is the Deputy Managing Director of SAGE Publications, and the Head of Sales and Marketing for the Asia- Pacific region. With the aim to provide useful tips for journal article publication, the talk empowered writers with helpful advice to improve the quality of their manuscripts. Before you proceed to writing, you must first consider your purpose of writing and publishing the paper. It is necessary to spend some time to think from what angle or perspective you wish to convey your research findings. Understanding your purpose of writing the paper and identifying the needs of your prospective audience will help you to frame a better manuscript structure and improve the clarity of the writing, said Garcia. She added, It s also crucial to identify the objectives, genres and scopes of the target journal. Do ensure that you have met the required criteria before you submit the manuscript. Approach your colleagues and consult the journal editor when you need Tan Sri Kong (front row, centre) with the audience imperfections and at the same time learn to counteract your disadvantages. At the end of the talk, Tan Sri Kong highlighted that courage, passion and human network are also key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. He added, Reading Garcia providing tips on how to start writing a journal article manuscript assistance. She advised, Handling rejection and revisions of manuscripts could be timeconsuming and certainly require much effort to reread, review and rewrite your submitted papers. Do not be disheartened by that as that s what the majority of writers have to experience before they get their papers published. Most manuscripts are rejected due is a form of investment in yourself. Reading various genres of books, including biographies of notable figures, can help you to understand how success can be achieved, and how to materialise your dreams and ambitions. to insufficient constructive arguments. Papers which provide insights into an important issue for research or theory development, as well as those which stimulate the audience s mind for more questions are more likely to be accepted. The talk ended with a Q&A session with the speaker. Community at Heart 17 The Department of Languages and Linguistics (DLL) under the Faculty of Arts and Social Science organised a series of workshops called EZ English Camp for primary schoolchildren in three different schools around Kampar from 7 November 2015 to 27 July 2016. A community service programme headed by lecturers and facilitated by undergraduates from the English Language, English Education, and Primary English Education programmes, the EZ English Camp aimed to cultivate an interest in the English Language among school students through interesting station games and activities. It was also meant to allow the students to master the language more effectively and use it more confidently in their daily lives. The first camp was held on 7 November last year at SJK (C) Chung Huah, Kampar. It was held twice this year once on 25 June 2016 at SJK (C) Bemban, Batu Gajah and then followed by another on 27 July 2016 at SK Gopeng. The English proficiency among school students remains a concern and this is partly due to many of them finding English learning a daunting task. Driven by the need to communicate with others, children have the ability to acquire new languages without overt instruction just as long as they are exposed to its usage in daily life, said the The UTAR Caring Community 2.0 was a gotong-royong event organised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) held on 12 August 2016 at Sungai Long Campus. The gotong-royong was a continuation of the UTAR Caring Community project started in April 2016. The initiative incorporates the spirit of volunteerism and co-operation, inculcates caring towards the environment, and at the same time promotes selflessness for the benefit of the residents of the Sungai Long community. I feel motivated after the gotong-royong but I hope the next gotong-royong will include more participation of residents from Bandar Sungai Long, as well as more UTAR staff and students to create the muhibbah feeling, said Chemical Engineering student V. Vidyarthini. Chemical Engineering student S. Brinthawani said, I feel so much more connected to the environment after this gotong-royong. I like how an event like this enables me to get to know new friends and talk to the neighbourhood people. International Business student Tan Shiong Yeek gave a talk on the concept of volunteerism during the interaction activity at the Multi-purpose Hall (MPH). Currently, he is a member of Uniting Gens (UG), which is an interest group from ChangeU International that aspires to bring people Standard One pupils of SJK(C) Bemban striking a pose with teacher trainees Head of DLL Christina Ong Sook Beng. She added, However, the practical purposes of learning English become invisible in the classroom and they quickly lose interest in seemingly tedious lessons, especially those pertaining to grammar. Fortunately, the lack of enthusiasm can be The volunteers for Caring Community 2.0 EZ English Camp UTAR Caring Community 2.0 together to spread love, not hate. During his sharing moment, he mentioned, we need more people who share the same idea of volunteerism to create a harmonious environment for all to live in. Dr Myo Oo from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences said, I made new overcome with creativity and innovation on the educators part in making learning more fun and exciting for students. A total of 210 students from standard One to Five have thus far benefitted from the programme. friends through this event and I think I am playing my role in taking care of the environment, but there is still space for improvement in educating the public on conserving our environment and ensuring cleanliness in our neighbourhood.

18 拉大视野 19 霹雳州百年著名锡矿家国际学术 会议场次 ( 二 ) 研讨会拉曼大学中华研究中由心 软技能部 霹雳华人矿务公会及近打锡矿工业 ( 砂泵 ) 博物馆联合举办的霹雳州百年著名锡矿家 (1848-1957) 国际学术研讨会于 2016 年 10 月 22 日在金宝大酒店举行 这场学术会议也是第二届锡矿节的活动之一, 旨在为百年霹雳华人锡矿业的研究计划进行初步的研究成果汇报会 当天的会议共分为三个场次, 并由九位来自国内外的学者进行发表, 所讨论的锡矿业先贤包括郑景贵 陈亚炎 黄务美 梁廷芳 胡子春 胡重益 余东旋 梁燊南 郑大平及刘伯群等 出席当天开幕仪式的嘉 参与研究计划的部分撰稿人, 左起 : 庄仁杰 陈爱梅 利亮时 黄文斌 黄建淳 陈中和 杜忠全和叶汉伦 宾有霹雳行政议员拿督马汉顺医生 马来亚矿务总会会长钟天权 霹雳华人矿务公会顾问丹斯里丘思东 会长拿督陈联忠 拉曼大学理事会成员丘宏义 副校长锺志强教授等 嘉宾们致词时不约而同地 呼吁后辈们关注 19 世纪至 20 世纪间的锡矿家们可歌可泣的历史, 从中学习先贤们自强不息 自力更生及 取之社会, 还之社会 的回馈社会精神, 并以学术的角度把矿家先贤对马来亚的社区发展贡献作为精 会议场次 ( 一 ) 神资源留给下一代学习 此外, 大会也寄望这项由大学机构与民间团体携手为这拥有百年历史的锡矿业进行文化转型的活动能够让世人重新了解曾为这片土地带来蓬勃发展的锡矿业 发表者 : 策略分析与政策研究所研究员叶汉伦题目 : 陈亚炎传略 华人甲必丹 会党领袖 锡矿家 陈亚炎 ( 未详 -1899) 是华人甲必丹, 马来亚最早期的矿家之一, 同时也是甘文丁的开埠人及义兴派的领袖 主讲人讲述了陈亚炎的生平与时代背景简介 拉律战乱中崛起 被委任为镇抚委员 华人甲必丹和议会议员的事迹等 随着甘文丁的锡矿业逐渐衰退, 陈亚炎于 1870 年代率领党员前往近打谷发展, 从而奠定了怡保日后的建设与繁荣的基础 发表者 : 淡江大学历史学系教授黄建淳教授题目 : 胡子春传 胡子春 (1860-1921) 被誉为锡矿大王, 也是当时最先进的华人锡矿家之一 主讲人讲述了胡子春的生平简介 对锡矿业的贡献 热心公益 捐资兴学的事迹, 以及与晚晴政府建构密不可分的政商关系等 在鼎盛时期, 他的矿业机构达三十余处, 遍布了霹雳州怡保 玻璃市 加基武吉, 甚至远及泰国普吉岛, 旗下矿工更逾万之众 会议场次 ( 三 ) 发表者 : 新加坡国家图书馆研究员庄仁杰博士题目 : 霹雳锡矿家传记 胡重益 胡重益 (1871-1944) 是霹雳锡矿家, 并活跃于当时的怡保华人社会 主讲人分享了胡重益的生平 两次下南洋的事迹 与活跃于锡矿业的永定胡氏族人互相扶持的关系 所参与的慈善与社会活动 后裔等 他所经营的复万隆锡矿公司的规模庞大, 更拥有数千锡矿工人 发表者 : 拉曼大学中华研究中心主任黄文斌副教授题目 : 郑景贵 19 世纪末最有影响力的华人锡矿家 霹雳州首任甲必丹郑景贵 (1821-1901) 不仅是霹雳州太平的开埠者, 更是马来亚史上著名的锡矿家 主讲人在会上分享了郑景贵的生平简介, 从中国移居马来亚的原因 拉律战争时他所扮演的海山派党魁的角色 在锡矿业的贡献 对家乡中国 太平和槟城的地方贡献等 值得一提的是, 他是最早使用水泵的矿主, 并曾向英殖民地总督建言以改善矿主至少拥有 21 年的开采期 发表者 : 拉曼大学中华研究院院长张晓威副教授题目 : 梁廷芳 梁廷芳 (1857-1912) 是槟榔屿著名的外交官 慈善家和教育家 他的事业是在霹雳起家, 在当时更是一位举足轻重的锡矿家 主讲人讲述了梁廷芳的家世与生平简介 对锡矿业和其他领域的贡献等 在锡矿业方面的贡献包括他把自己在南洋开矿的经验和技术传回中国 另外, 对于马来亚锡矿业的现代化而言, 他曾亲赴欧洲游历考察矿务, 同时也购置了新式采矿机, 从而造就了他在锡矿业的 现代化之父 的角色 此外, 他也创办了 闲真别墅 俱乐部供矿家们交流与联谊, 这无疑让他在霹雳怡保华人社会的地位更加获得肯定 发表者 : 拉曼大学中华研究院讲师陈爱梅博士题目 : 试论英政府与霹雳州华人州议员的遴选 以黄务美为例 黄务美 (1854-1921) 是二十世纪初霹雳州显赫的福建领袖 主讲人为黄务美进行了生平 经济和社会活动简介, 并探讨富甲一方的黄务美不受委任为州议员的原因, 同时通过梳理商贾获选为华人州议员的理由, 进而探讨华人领袖和英政府的关系 黄务美在太平和甘文丁拥有锡矿地, 但他主要的事业是饷码承包商, 于 1906-1908 年期间更是位居霹雳饷码承包数额的榜首 发表者 : 国立高雄师范大学利亮时副教授题目 : 洞悉商机, 多元经营 余东旋的商业王国 余东旋 (1877-1941) 以余仁生创办人而闻名, 但他其实也是霹雳务边著名的矿家, 为当地的锡矿业引进新的开采技术 主讲人为与会者分享了余东旋的生平与家族简介 余东旋的企业帝国 他的经营模式和商业眼光 锡矿业与中药生意以外的事业等 值得一提的是, 余仁生为当时的华侨提供汇款至家乡的生意, 进而发展成一间规模庞大的侨汇机构 发表者 : 拉曼大学中华研究院讲师杜忠全题目 : 矿家郑大平的社会参与及其贡献 郑大平 (1879-1935) 是郑景贵的儿子, 也是霹雳州最后一位甲必丹 他自小接受殖民地的英文教育, 并深获英殖民政府的欢迎 主讲人讲述了郑大平的生平简介 与父亲郑景贵的比较 他的领袖之路等 他在锡矿业方面的贡献包括从国外引进先进的仪器来改进华人采矿的作业方式, 开启了华人矿业公司运用铁船这庞大的先进仪器投入采矿的先驱 发表者 : 拉曼大学中华研究院讲师陈中和博士题目 : 从中国海外华侨代表到大马本土华社领袖 谈刘伯群和他的遗绪 刘伯群 (1894-1971) 是从马来亚到马来西亚的跨时代锡矿家, 霹雳华人矿务公会的创办人之一 主讲人分享了刘伯群的生平简介 参与的政坛 社团 教育与慈善活动等 他更荣获英皇赐封的 OBE 勋衔 霹雳州苏丹封赐的拿督和太平局绅的荣衔, 以表扬他对社会的贡献

20 Sudut Sempena sambutan bulan patriotisme dan kemerdekaan 2016, Jabatan Pengajian Am Fakulti Industri Kreatif UTAR telah menganjurkan sebuah pameran yang berkonsepkan patriotisme bertempat di Kampus Sungai Long pada 19 dan 20 Ogos 2016. Antara aktiviti yang berjaya dianjurkan pada kedua-dua hari tersebut ialah Pertandingan Kolam pada 19 Ogos diikuti dengan Malam Kebudayaan pada 20 Ogos. Setiausaha Penganjur pameran M. Tamil Arasi yang juga berkhidmat sebagai pensyarah di bawah Fakulti Kreatif Industri UTAR mengatakan bahawa, Salah satu objektif utama Pertandingan Kolam ini ialah untuk memperkenalkan tradisi dan budaya kaum India dalam kalangan pelajarpelajar dan komuniti UTAR yang terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik yang berbeza. Pada kebiasaanya, hanya kaum India yang akan mengambil bahagian dalam Pertandingan Kolam. Tetapi, kali ini saya berasa amat gembira dapat menyaksikan kaum-kaum lain seperti kaum Cina dan Melayu yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar dan ahli-ahli kakitangan UTAR yang turut mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan pada tahun ini. Lebih-lebih lagi, pelbagai corak Kolam yang bermotifkan keharmonian dan kepelbagaian budaya Malaysia menampilkan semangat perpaduan komuniti UTAR. Beliau juga berkata, Selain daripada prestasi akademik, aspek-aspek kepelbagaian budaya Malaysia juga merupakan salah satu elemen penting untuk para pelajar mengambil tahu. Saya berharap, aktiviti seperti ini boleh diteruskan pada masa hadapan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu aktiviti tahunan. Senarai pemenang Pertandingan Kolam diumumkan pada Malam Kebudayaan, menyaksikan kumpulan Malaysian merangkul gelaran juara. Ahli-ahli kumpulan Malaysian yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar Fisioterapi dari Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan UTAR Choi Jun Kang, Kho Tze Utarian Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-59 Sekumpulan pelajar sedang menghiasi Kolam menggunakan beras warna-warni Hong dan Yong Hok Nian berkongsi bahawa, Penyertaan kami dalam pertandingan Kolam ini merupakan penyertaan buat kali pertama dan kami berasa amat teruja kerana mendapat gelaran juara. Pada awalnya, kami tidak menaruh harapan yang tinggi untuk memenangi pertandingan ini kerana kami tidak mempunyai sebarang pengalaman dalam mereka corak Kolam. Namun, kemenangan ini telah melahirkan semangat patriotik dalam diri masing-masing dan kami merasakan aktiviti ini merupakan satu aktiviti yang sungguh bermakna buat para pelajar bagi mendalami aspek-aspek kebudayaan India. Pengerusi Penganjur Malam Kebudayaan Taufik bin A Latif pula menyatakan penghargaan beliau kepada ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang menjayakan aktiviti ini dengan baik. Beliau berkata, Patriotisme bermaksud sifat cintakan negara dan sifat-sifat positif lain terhadap tanah air. Kita harus sedar bahawa semangat patriotik bukan hanya dengan mengibarkan bendera negara serta berdiri tegak semasa menyanyikan lagu NegaraKu semata-mata, tetapi semangat patriotik juga boleh diamalkan melalui penglibatan dalam aktiviti-aktiviti kebudayaan seperti ini bagi menyampaikan ilmu kebudayaan dan perpaduan. Malam Kebudayaan ini merangkumi aktiviti-aktiviti yang mempamerkan kepelbagaian budaya Malaysia. Ia terdiri daripada pelbagai persembahan kebudayaan yang disampaikan khas oleh pelajar-pelajar, tenaga pengajar dan ahli-ahli kakitangan pengurusan UTAR dari kedua-dua kampus iatu Kampus Kampar dan Sungai Long. Antara persembahan yang disampaikan pada malam tersebut ialah persembahan Gendang Cina 24, persembahan vokal dan koir, deklamasi sajak, tarian tradisi India dan persembahan Dikir Barat. Malam Kebudayaan tersebut diakhiri dengan nyanyian dua buah lagu patriotik yang bertajuk 31 Ogos dan Sehati Sejiwa. Persembahan Dikir Barat Persembahan Gendang Cina 24 Sungai Long Campus DU012-02(B) Jalan Sungai Long Bandar Sg. Long Cheras, 43000 Kajang UTAR CAMPUSES Kampar Campus DU012-03(A) Jalan Universiti Bandar Barat 31900 Kampar Publisher : Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sg. Long, Cheras, 43000 Kajang Printer : Success Printing & Packaging Sdn Bhd 34, Jalan Mewah 3/4, Hata Industrial Park, Pandan Mewah, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia.