2 Confucius Institute at Mason

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香远益清 Confucius Institute at Mason 2009 2014 Confucius Institute at Mason 1

2 Confucius Institute at Mason

Confucius Institute at Mason 2009 2014 Confucius Institute at Mason 3

A statue of Confucius proudly stands amongst flowering trees on George Mason University s campus in Fairfax, Virginia. 4 Confucius Institute at Mason

In celebration of the fifth anniversary of Confucius Institute at George Mason University, this traditional Chinese calligraphy is presented by President Cui Xiliang of Beijing Language and Culture University who cites Confucius words from Analects as an inspiration for CIMason to constantly examine itself and learn from others so as to be worthy of the title of Outstanding Confucius Institute. Confucius Institute at Mason 5

George Mason University s 670-acre residential campus is located just 15 miles outside of Washington, D.C. 6 Confucius Institute at Mason

Development History 13 University 23 Credit Courses in Modern and Classical Languages... 25 Teaching Chinese through Telepresence Technology... 27 Chinese Language Promotion on Campus... 28 Chinese Class for Jazz Students and Jazz Band... 31 Performances... 31 Exhibitions... 32 University Lectures... 32 K 12 Schools 35 Brent Confucius Classroom... 37 Social Studies Programs... 38 Chinese Language Pedagogy Workshop... 41 Cultural Promotion Activities... 42 K 12 Outreach Programs... 45 Summer Tours to China... 46 Community 49 Non-Credit Classes... 51 Chinese Proficiency Tests... 51 China In My Eyes Photography Exhibition... 52 Cooperative Projects... 52 Film Events... 55 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts China Fest Event... 56 Performances... 59 Community Lectures... 59 Publications... 60 Confucius Institute at Mason 7

8 Confucius Institute at Mason

The Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Chief Executive of Confucius Institute Headquarters, and the President of George Mason University all sent their best wishes for continued success to the Confucius Institute of Mason in honor of their first five years of service. Confucius Institute at Mason 9

10 Confucius Institute at Mason

Confucius Institute at Mason 11

12 Confucius Institute at Mason

Development History 发展历程 Confucius Institute at Mason 13

George Mason University s main campus in Fairfax, Virginia. 14 Confucius Institute at Mason

The Confucius Institute at George Mason University (CIMason) is located on the main campus of George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax County, Virginia, just half an hour s drive from the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Supported by Hanban, CIMason is a joint project between George Mason University and Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). The agreement to establish the Confucius Institute at Mason was reached in October 2008 and the opening ceremony was held in April 2009. The Confucius Institute at Mason endeavors to provide resources and services to schools, communities, and institutions in Northern Virginia and the Washington D.C. area to promote greater understanding and the study of Chinese language and culture, and to develop non-governmental exchanges between the U.S. and China. The Confucius Institute at Mason has developed a differentiated, sustainable, and feasible development strategy for creating high-standard and high-impact programs that are based on the local needs of the community. The Confucius Institute at Mason has emphasized programs with public school districts in Virginia and Washington D.C., with other universities in Virginia, and with the local community, which are targeted at increasing the number of people who speak Chinese and have an objective understanding of China. 美国乔治梅森大学孔子学院 ( 梅森孔院 ) 位于弗吉尼亚州费尔费克斯市乔治梅森大学主校区内, 距首都华盛顿仅半个小时车程 梅森孔院依托中国国家汉办的支持, 由乔治梅森大学和北京语言大学共同创建, 于 2008 年 10 月签约,2009 年 4 月正式挂牌运营 梅森孔院致力于为弗吉尼亚州北部及华盛顿地区的学校, 社区和机构等提供了解, 学习汉语和中国文化的资源和服务, 促进中美民间交流 梅森孔院立足实际需要, 以特色化, 持久化, 高规格, 高影响作为指导思路, 将乔治梅森大学, 弗吉尼亚州及华盛顿特区公立中小学学区, 本地社区作为三大工作重点, 以增加本地区汉语使用人数和对中国的客观了解为宗旨 Confucius Institute at Mason 15

Over the past five years, the Institute s Chinese language teaching activities have increased significantly. CIMason has developed a variety of non-credit courses, participated in teaching several university credit courses, and supported a wide variety of international and cross-cultural educational projects. Each year, the Institute hosts more than 100 cultural activities of different types which have attracted more than 10,000 participants. Training programs targeted at local K 12 school Chinese language and social studies teachers have been very well received. The Baoku China Digital Learning Library project and the Traveling Trunk Chinese Artifact Kit project, which support social studies classes in American public schools, have won particular acclaim. To honor the achievements of the Confucius Institute at Mason, Hanban granted Joy Hughes, Vice President of George Mason University, and Gao Qing, Managing Director of CIMason, the Individual Performance Excellence Award, at the 2011 and 2012 (respectively) Annual Confucius Institute Conference, and the Confucius Institute at Mason was awarded Confucius Institute of the Year at the Annual Confucius Institute Conference in December, 2013. 经过五年的发展, 梅森孔院的教学活动已具备一定规模 自主开发多种非学分课程, 参与大学汉语学分课程授课并为各类国际教育和跨文化教育项目提供协助 ; 每年举办各类文化活动百余次, 参与人数过万 ; 中文教师培训及中小学社会科学教师培训在周边地区树立了良好口碑 ; 中国文化百宝箱等特色创新项目在本地中小学大受欢迎 为肯定梅森孔院取得的成绩, 乔治梅森大学副校长 Joy Hughes 和外方院长高青于 2011 年和 2012 年在孔子学院大会上分别被中国国家汉办授予孔子学院先进个人荣誉 ; 梅森孔院在 2013 年 12 月召开的第八届孔子学院大会上被评为 2013 年度先进孔子学院 16 Confucius Institute at Mason

Madame Xu Lin, Director General of Hanban, led the delegation at the CIMason opening ceremony. Confucius Institute at Mason 17

18 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: CIMason Opening Ceremony, Madame Yan visits CIMason, BLCU President Cui Xiliang with former Mason President Alan Merten, Madame Chen visits Brent Elementary.

The Confucius Institute at Mason has not only gained high acclaim within the university and the local community but has also been fully affirmed by Chinese government leaders. In April 2011, Madame Yan Junqi, Vice Chair of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress of China, visited the Institute and gave the keynote address at the Educating Global Citizens Forum. She spoke highly of the contributions made by the Institute in the field of international Chinese language education. In March 2012, Madame Chen Zhili, Vice Chair of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress of China, visited the Brent Elementary School s Confucius Classroom (which is associated with the Confucius Institute at Mason) where she observed a Chinese class and enjoyed talking with the students. As a new institution, CIMason has benefited from the strong, unwavering support of George Mason University during its five-year growth. The president and provost of the university, vice presidents and deans, and many administrative and academic departments at the university have devoted significant material, financial, and personnel resources to the development of the Institute. This support has provided the Institute with the platform and space to develop and grow, enabling CIMason to serve as a bridge connecting George Mason University with BLCU, Beijing, and China. 梅森孔院的工作不仅在大学和社区赢得声誉, 也获得中国政府领导人的肯定 2011 年 4 月, 时任全国人大副委员长的严隽琪女士参观梅森孔院并在 中美国际教育论坛 上做主题演讲, 对孔子学院在汉语国际推广方面所做的努力给予高度评价 ;2012 年 3 月, 时任全国人大副委员长的陈至立女士到梅森孔院设在博仁小学的孔子课堂参观, 观摩汉语课并与小学生们亲切交流 作为新生事物, 梅森孔院五年来从无到有, 从小到大也得益于乔治梅森大学的鼎力支持 大学校长, 教务长, 副校长, 各学院院长以及诸多行政, 学术部门都对梅森孔院的发展投入了大量的人力, 物力, 财力, 他们是孔院发展的沃土, 为孔院发展提供了广阔的平台和空间, 让孔院成为连接梅森与北语, 与北京, 与中国的纽带 Confucius Institute at Mason 19

The Confucius Institute at Mason owes its strong growth to the close cooperation between its Chinese and American partners. Hanban has provided funding for the Institute s daily operations as well as educational and research project expenses. BLCU has supplied teachers and provided direction for educational instruction in terms of teaching and curriculum design. At the same time, the Confucius Institute at Mason has become a platform where Mason and BLCU have been able to integrate their excellent teaching resources, develop strong collaboration, and create a cooperative agreement in teacher exchange and teacher training. The Confucius Institute at Mason has a very strong teaching team. These experienced, wellseasoned teachers have strong research skills and are eager to explore. Viewing CIMason s growth as their own obligation, they have worked hard and played a substantial role in creating the core of CIMason s development. At the same time, the Institute pays careful attention to the teachers individual development, offering them professional development opportunities each fall with wellknown Mason professors on subjects such as classroom management, teaching evaluation, and intercultural education. By enriching the experience of CIMason teachers with the most current teaching philosophy and methodology, the Institute benefits and can develop more fully. 梅森孔院的健康发展离不开中外方的精诚合作 中国国家汉办在日常运营, 科研项目上给予孔院必要的经费支持 北京语言大学为孔院的建设提供师资, 项目和课程的指导 同时, 通过孔院平台, 乔治梅森大学和北京语言大学整合优秀教学资源, 开展强强合作, 在教师交流和师资培养等方面达成合作培养协议和多项共识 梅森孔院有一个强大的团队 教师们教学经验丰富, 科研能力, 适应能力, 开拓能力强, 以孔院的发展壮大为己任, 勤奋敬业, 各展所长, 是孔院发展的中坚力量 同时, 梅森孔院也非常关心教师个人发展, 每年秋季都邀请乔治梅森大学的知名教授专家为孔院教师做课堂管理, 教学评估, 跨文化教育等方面的培训, 武装头脑, 与时俱进, 为孔院发展提供良性循环 20 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: the 2014 Confucius Institute at Mason teachers and staff, the 2009-2010 teachers make dumplings, George Mason professors train Confucius Institute at Mason staff Confucius Institute at Mason 21

22 Confucius Institute at Mason

University 大学 Confucius Institute at Mason 23

24 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: Professors in the Modern and Classical Languages department teach a course, another Chinese language course, and Chinese lantern painting.

Credit Courses in Modern and Classical Languages Department Since its inception, CIMason s teachers have served on the teaching faculty at Mason, teaching Chinese credit courses at the university. Since Mason announced the establishment of a Chinese major in 2011, the number of students enrolled in Chinese language courses has been four to five hundred per year. Besides teaching core credit courses, CIMason has offered assistance in revising course syllabi and compiling supplementary teaching materials to help promote the development of the Chinese Program curriculum. The Confucius Institute at Mason has hosted regular activities such as the Chinese Corner, supported the Polyglot Performance, and actively participated in the International Café on campus as a way to supplement credit courses and provide more language learning activities. 中文学分课程 梅森孔院自成立以来, 就参与到大学中文学分课教学中 2011 年正式开设汉语本科学位课程以来, 选修中文的学生每年都达到四, 五百人 孔院教师除承担重要的学分课程外, 还协助教学大纲的修订和教材的补充, 进一步完善中文项目的课程体系建设 孔院每周举办汉语角活动, 协助开展多语言表演, 参与校园国际咖啡茶话会 这些活动与梅森大学的学分课程相得益彰, 成为其有益补充 Confucius Institute at Mason 25

Students from George Mason Fairfax and Arlington campuses study Business Chinese through the Cisco Telepresence system. 26 Confucius Institute at Mason

Teaching Chinese through Telepresence Technology In April 2012, CIMason offered Business Chinese through the Cisco Telepresence system, the most advanced visual conferencing technology available today. This class was the first Chinese language course to be offered by a Confucius Institute utilizing Telepresence for long-distance learning. 网真远程汉语教学 2012 年 4 月, 梅森孔院正式启用当前最先进的思科网真远程视频技术系统实现远程商务汉语授课 该汉语课程成为全球孔子学院中第一个利用网真系统进行远程教学的汉语试点课程 Confucius Institute at Mason 27

Chinese Language Promotion on Campus Since 2012, the Confucius Institute at Mason has hosted bi-weekly Chinese Cultural Workshops as well as bi-weekly Language Buddy activities as a way to offer opportunities for Chinese and American students to become language partners. Offered on alternate weeks, the two programs have attracted more than 1,000 attendees and have created a new venue for Chinese language learning on campus. Each year the Institute encourages Modern and Classical Language department students to participate in the Chinese Bridge Speech Contest. In 2012, Mason student Sarah Parshall won Third Prize in the U.S. Eastern Regional Chinese Bridge Contest. 校园汉语推广 2012 年起, 梅森孔院每两周在校园举办中国文化讲座, 同时每两周组织中美学生语伴互助式主题活动, 提供语言交际的话题和机会 这两项活动交替进行, 每年近千人参与, 营造了校园汉语学习的良好氛围 梅森孔院每年辅导中文系的学生参加汉语桥比赛 2012 年, 中文系的学生 Sarah Parshall 荣获美东赛区三等奖 28 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: Chinese paper-cut class, non-credit Chinese course text books, Cultural Fusion event on campus, a student displays her work at a non-credit Chinese calligraphy class on the Fairfax campus. Confucius Institute at Mason 29

30 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: Mason Jazz musicians performing in China, Chinese musicians perform at Mason, students modeling CIMason s ethnic Chinese clothing collection, audience members trying on Peking Opera costumes during a performance.

Chinese Class for Jazz Students and Mason Jazz Band Tour to China In October 2011, CIMason, BLCU, and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music co-sponsored the visit of the GMU Jazz Band to Shanghai and Beijing for a tour of three performances. Prior to departure, CIMason designed a special Chinese language course for the band members, teachers, and students in the Mason School of Music. 音乐汉语与爵士乐团访华演出 2011 年 10 月, 乔治梅森大学爵士乐团在梅森孔院, 北京语言大学和上海音乐学院的组织下前往上海, 北京巡演三场 梅森孔院除了组织演出之外, 还特别为乐团及其他音乐学院师生开设音乐汉语课 Performances CIMason has sponsored a variety of performances on campus including the Cross-Cultural Speech Night, Classical Chinese Folk Music concert, and Peking Opera performance as part of the important Confucius Institute Headquarters Three-Touring program. The Institute has also hosted visiting performance troupes from China including the Jilin University Academician Art Group and the Nanjing Normal University Academician Art Group. 演出 梅森孔院先后举办 跨文化演讲之夜, 中国古典民乐音乐会, 京剧表演等演出 ; 并承办国家汉办三巡演出活动, 组织吉林大学艺术团, 南京师范大学艺术团等巡演 Confucius Institute at Mason 31

Exhibitions CIMason has held several exhibitions on Chinese calligraphy. These include a special exhibition of Chinese paintings and calligraphy works collected by Mr. Chi Wang, former director of the Chinese Department at the Library of Congress and the Chairman of the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, which showcased art masterpieces by Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, and Xu Beihong. CIMason has also hosted several exhibits and lectures about Chinese paper-cutting, combined with hands-on activity programs, to provide art lovers with an opportunity to appreciate and create traditional paper-cuts themselves. 展览 梅森孔院举办多场中国书法展, 先后展出美国国会图书馆原中文部主任, 美中政策基金会主席王冀先生个人珍藏的五十余幅中国书画卷轴, 其中包括齐白石, 张大千, 徐悲鸿等书画大师的珍贵作品 梅森孔院在社区和校园举办多场中国剪纸讲座及活动, 吸引剪纸爱好者驻足观赏并亲手制作 University Lectures Using its geographical location to its advantage and endeavoring to serve a highly educated local population, CIMason has organized a large number of in-depth cultural lectures at the university. Seeking to enhance the image of the Confucius Institute and spread the Chinese spirit, these lectures have achieved successful results. 大学讲座 梅森孔院结合地缘优势, 面向高端人群, 在大学举办了大量有针对性和有内涵深度的文化讲座, 提升孔院品质, 传扬中华精神, 收到了极佳的效果 32 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: Chinese Scrolls exhibition catalogue, China In My Eyes exhibition, Chinese Paper-Cut Exhibition flyer, Mr. Chi Wang showing his art masterpieces. Confucius Institute at Mason 33

34 Confucius Institute at Mason

K 12 Schools 中小学 Confucius Institute at Mason 35

We are so grateful to our friends and colleagues at George Mason University for their support of our Chinese program. Our Chinese teacher has been able to participate in additional professional development activities, our students have had the benefit of excellent supplemental materials and cultural opportunities, several of our teachers have had the opportunity to travel to China, we have an outstanding visiting teacher from Beijing Language and Culture University, and most importantly, 360+ Brent students in preschool through grade five are learning Chinese in our Confucius Classroom. It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with colleagues at George Mason this has been a wonderfully productive partnership for all of us at Brent. Peter Young Clockwise: Students perform at the Chinese Embassy, Brent s Principal Peter Young participates in an educator s delegation to China, Brent students exhibit their Chinese writing skills. 36 Confucius Institute at Mason

Brent Confucius Classroom Brent Elementary School has contributed to the importance of Chinese education in the U.S. as the closest Confucius Classroom to the U.S. Capitol. Since it was established as a Confucius Classroom under the Confucius Institute at Mason in 2011, Chinese education has made great progress in the school and all students learn Chinese in the Confucius Classroom every week. CIMason has supported the development of the Brent Confucius Classroom and helped raise its teaching level by providing teacher training, cultural activities, and offering textbooks and teaching aids to the school. CIMason s support has encouraged excellent results. The pupils at Brent Elementary School not only learn the Chinese language, but also participate in Chinese cultural activities, including being invited to attend the Open House Day at the Embassy of the People s Republic of China. These rich and varied activities provide students with the opportunity to be immersed in diverse aspects of Chinese culture. 博仁小学孔子课堂 博仁小学作为距离美国国会最近的学校, 一贯重视汉语教育 2011 年博仁小学与梅森孔院合作建立博仁孔子课堂后, 汉语教学突飞猛进 目前, 全校所有各年级的学生每个星期都在孔子课堂学习汉语 乔治梅森大学孔子学院也不断通过教师培训, 举办文化活动和提供教材教具等方式鼎力扶持孔子课堂的发展, 全面提高教学质量, 收到了极佳的效果 博仁小学的孩子们不仅学习语言, 还经常参加中华文化活动, 并应邀前往中国驻美大使馆参加 使馆开放日 活动 丰富多样, 内容充实的活动使学生们通过不同的方式沉浸在中华文化的氛围中 Confucius Institute at Mason 37

Social Studies Programs CIMason developed the Traveling Trunk Chinese Artifact Kit and Baoku China Digital Learning Library to promote teaching content about China in social studies classrooms in public schools in Virginia and the Washington, D.C. area. Developed in 2011, the first Traveling Trunks were donated by CIMason to Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William County schools and to Brent Elementary School in Washington, D.C. The kits have been enthusiastically received by both teachers and students. At the end of 2011, CIMason in collaboration with GMU library launched the Baoku China Digital Learning Library to serve as a digital resource about Chinese history, culture and the arts, and to supplement the Traveling Trunk Chinese Artifact Kit. In December 2010, July 2011, and July 2012, CIMason provided training workshops for social studies teachers in Fairfax County and Prince William County schools about China and how to use the Traveling Trunk resources. Sixty-five elementary teachers from 25 schools attended the Fairfax training session. 社会科学项目 为帮助弗吉尼亚州及华盛顿特区公立中小学进行社会科学课有关中国内容的教学, 梅森孔院开发了 中国文化百宝箱 和 宝库电子图书馆 项目 梅森孔院于 2011 年开发首批百宝箱, 并赠予费尔费克斯郡, 阿灵顿郡, 威廉王子郡的公立学校以及华盛顿特区博仁小学, 深受师生欢迎 2011 年底, 梅森孔院联合乔治梅森大学图书馆建设 宝库电子图书馆, 对百宝箱资源和中国历史, 文化, 艺术等资源加以整合并利用 2010 年 12 月,2011 年 7 月和 2012 年 7 月, 梅森孔院分别对费尔费克斯郡和威廉王子郡的社会科学教师进行中国文化和百宝箱使用方面的培训, 来自 25 个学校的 65 名教师参加了培训 38 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: Items from the Traveling Trunk: an ethnic minority doll, Chinese playing cards, a cloissone vase, the Traveling Trunk itself. Also the Baoku logo (baoku.gmu.edu). Confucius Institute at Mason 39

40 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: Chinese Pedagogy Workshop participants, CIMason directors and faculty with the president of the Chinese Language Teacher s Association of Virginia, local teachers participate in an interactive discussion at the Chinese Pedagogy Workshop.

Chinese Language Pedagogy Workshop Chinese language teacher training has been one of the key focus areas for CIMason s work. In addition to supporting and participating in training programs at other universities, CIMason has cooperated with the local Chinese Language Teachers Associations since 2010 to host an annual Chinese Pedagogy Workshop each spring. CIMason has also sponsored and organized a Washington D.C. regional training program on Chinese textbook development and research. 汉语教学研讨会 中文教师培训一直是梅森孔院的重点工作之一 除积极参与和协助其他兄弟院校举办召开中文教师培训活动以外, 从 2010 年至今多次与弗吉尼亚中文教师学会合作举办研讨会, 每年春秋两季, 还承办大华府地区中文教师教材培训及研讨会 Confucius Institute at Mason 41

Cultural Promotion Activities In September 2010, CIMason organized the Chinese Culture Day for five local high schools. The program included a display of Chinese cultural and artistic works, as well as opportunities for students to showcase the Institute s ethnic clothing collection and to try their hand at paper-cutting and lantern-making. The student participants all agreed that they enjoyed a splendid feast of Chinese culture that day. In July 2011, CIMason organized a two-week summer camp called Learning Chinese through Arts. The camp provided K 12 students with the chance to learn Chinese language and culture through interactive, artistic activities. In September 2012, CIMason used the occasion of Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival to host the Children s Chinese Language and Cultural Performance which was enthusiastically received and attracted student performers from seven local school districts. 文化推广 2010 年 9 月, 梅森孔院为当地五所高中举办 中国文化日 活动, 从中国文化艺术品展览, 少数民族服装试穿, 到剪纸, 灯笼等手工制作, 学生们享受到了一场中华文化的盛宴 2011 年 7 月梅森孔院组织的 通过艺术学汉语 夏令营活动历时两周, 让中小学生们在艺术活动中互动, 体验汉语和中华文化 2012 年 9 月梅森孔院利用中秋节的机会举办 中小学生中华才艺汇演, 吸引了来自七个学区的中小学生参加, 反响强烈 42 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: Chinese Culture Day at a local high school in Virginia, participants in the Learning Chinese through Arts camp, a student trying her hand at paper-cutting, showcasing Chinese symbols to high school students. Confucius Institute at Mason 43

44 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: Various outreach efforts at local K 12 schools in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

K 12 Outreach Programs Since its inception, CIMason has consistently promoted Chinese language and culture in K 12 schools and offered support and assistance to those classroom teachers. CIMason faculty and staff have provided a variety of lectures and cultural activities related to Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) each year in a variety of schools. Activities have included paper-cutting, Chinese calligraphy, Peking opera, and ethnic clothing displays, all of which have all been warmly received by the local community. CIMason has provided other outreach programs on Chinese culture to help increase enthusiasm amongst local people for learning Chinese and understanding more about China. The Institute has provided a series of programs about Chinese arts and celebrating Chinese festivals which have been well-received and appreciated by principals, teachers, and parents at K 12 schools. 中小学外部联络 梅森孔院自成立至今, 一直深入到中小学宣传汉语和中华文化, 为中小学汉语教师提供支持和帮助 尤其是每年春节前后, 梅森孔院教师举办的春节文化, 剪纸, 书法, 京剧, 民族服装等讲座和文化活动遍地开花, 广受欢迎 乔治梅森大学孔子学院通过举办中国文化进校园暨春节系列庆祝活动, 宣扬了中华文化, 提高大众学习汉语和了解中国的热情, 获得了中小学负责人, 社区人士和师生们的好评 Confucius Institute at Mason 45

Summer Tours to China From 2009 2011, CIMason organized the Chinese Bridge summer camp for American high school students to travel to China. The Institute has also supported the Mason-BLCU summer language study program for the past five consecutive years. Both programs are representative of long-lasting, cooperative projects between Mason and BLCU. CIMason organized a high-level delegation of educational administrators from Virginia and Washington, D.C. to visit China in the summer of 2011. The Institute then organized a delegation of American K 12 principals to visit China in the summer of 2012. Both trips were designed to encourage more teaching about China in K 12 schools and to forge closer relations with the local educational system. Cooperating with BLCU and Shaoxing University, CIMason launched a summer program entitled Shaoxing Academy in summer 2011 to provide American high school students with an opportunity to experience Chinese culture and learn the Chinese language in China. After returning from China, many participants described this tour as a trip that had changed their life. 暑期中国旅行团 2009-2011 年, 梅森孔院举办汉语桥暑期高中生夏令营, 并连续五年暑假举办了乔治梅森大学 - 北京语言大学暑期项目, 成为两校的常规, 持久合作项目 2011 和 2012 年, 梅森孔院分别组织弗吉尼亚和华盛顿特区教育官员访华团和美国校长暑期中国考察团, 推动当地中小学有关中国的教学并将此融入当地教育体系 2011 年夏, 梅森孔院联合北京语言大学, 绍兴文理学院举办暑期特殊项目 绍兴书院, 开展中华语言文化体验之旅 返回之后学生纷纷表示这是 改变人生 的旅行经历 46 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: Chinese Bridge high school students visit the Hanban Headquarters in Beijing, China. The two-week Chinese Bridge program featured Chinese language and cultural programs, based at a provincial high school where American students could form friendships with Chinese students. In addition to studying, the students visited important historical sites in Beijing as well as local interest areas. Students pose outside the Shaolin monastery. Educational administrators from Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William Counties visited the Beijing Language and Culture University to learn more about how to integrate Chinese studies into the curriculum. Confucius Institute at Mason 47

48 Confucius Institute at Mason

Community 社区 Confucius Institute at Mason 49

50 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: The HSK Chinese Proficiency test at George Mason University. Individualized Chinese course to study Chinese literature. Tai Chi class for Mason students. Non-credit Chinese class. Students taking the YCT at the Hope Chinese School.

Non-Credit Classes CIMason offers a variety of non-credit Chinese classes on campus. These short-term Chinese classes have featured Chinese instruction at four beginning levels. The textbooks developed by CIMason teachers have proved to be effective, practical, and very well received by students. Other special classes have also been offered on campus. These have included classes on Chinese literature, calligraphy, Chinese characters, culture, and taichi, as well as weekend classes. 非学分课 梅森孔院为汉语和中国文化爱好者提供多样化的非学分课程 短期汉语培训班开设四个水平的初级课程 梅森孔院自主编写的短期培训教材得到学生普遍认可 梅森孔院开设一对一汉语辅导课, 文学赏析课, 周末中文课, 社区文化课和汉字课等 Chinese Proficiency Tests Since the Institute first offered the semi-annual HSK Chinese Proficiency Test in 2009, adding the HSKK Oral Proficiency Test in 2012, the number of test examinees has increased steadily year by year. CIMason offered the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) for the first time in March 2013, with 138 students taking this exam, the largest YCT test offered in the Washington, D.C. area to date. 汉语考试 梅森孔院自 2009 年举办 HSK 考试,2012 年举办 HSKK 考试以来, 考生人数逐年增加 梅森孔院 2013 年 3 月首次举办青少年汉语水平考试 (YCT 考试 ), 报名参加的考生即达 138 人, 为目前美国大华府地区规模最大的 YCT 考试 Confucius Institute at Mason 51

China In My Eyes Photography Exhibition In February 2013, CIMason successfully presented the China In My Eyes photography exhibition. This exhibition included photographs taken by a diverse group of students, faculty, and members of the community who had visited, studied, or lived in China. The show was also exhibited at the Mason in Loudoun campus, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and the Northern Virginia Community College (Annandale campus). 我看中国 摄影展 2013 年 2 月, 梅森孔院成功举办 我看中国 摄影展 梅森孔院将中外师生和社区人士在中国学习生活期间拍摄的照片收集整理, 先后在梅森劳登校园, 奥舍尔教育机构以及北弗吉尼亚社区大学进行巡展 Cooperative Projects Since 2010, the Confucius Institute at Mason has co-sponsored the annual Trialogue Time Shadows Poetry Reading event with the Goethe Institut of Washington, D.C., presenting poetry in three languages: Chinese, English, and German. 合作项目 2010 年起, 梅森孔院与歌德学院联合举办一年一度的 时间光影 中英德诗会, 以中英德三种语言朗诵诗作 52 Confucius Institute at Mason

Wo ai zhong guo! I fell in love with China during my first visit in 2010. That trip changed my life it opened my eyes to an unknown world and it was then that I decided to study the Chinese language and culture. My first semester started in the fall of 2011 at George Mason University s Confucius Institute. Ever since, I have become a member of the Confucius family. Not only do I study the language and culture in their excellent classes, but I have enjoyed volunteering for many wonderful cultural activities, including Culture Day at various Fairfax County schools, helping to organize the fabulous traveling photo exhibit, China In My Eyes, presenting poems at their tri-lingual poetry readings, and assisting during a memorable visit by Madame Yan Junqi. My whole family is studying Chinese now and the Chinese culture has become part of our daily life. We feel lucky that our Chinese laoshi are not just our teachers, but have all become our friends over the years. Women ai Kongzi Xueyuan. Monika (CIMason student) Clockwise: Monika addressing guests at the opening reception for the China In My Eyes photography exhibition. Poets, translators, and literary specialists gathered at the Trialogue Time Shadows Poetry Reading event. The announcement for the Time Shadows program. The exhibition poster for the first staging of the China In My Eyes exhibit. Confucius Institute at Mason 53

54 Confucius Institute at Mason Clockwise: The Kids World Cinema film festival showcased works by German and Chinese animators, including Lotte Reiniger s Fairytales and Fables. The First China Onscreen Biennial film festival advertisement, a panel discussion after the showing of films at EuroAsia Shorts. A still from A Da s Three Monks animated film. The Kids World Cinema logo. Director Xie Fei writes a note of congratulations to CIMason.

Film Events In fall 2012, the first China OnScreen Biennial Film Festival was held on the U.S. East Coast, cosponsored by the Smithsonian s Freer-Sackler Gallery and the Confucius Institutes at George Mason University, UCLA, and the University of Maryland. CIMason has supported the EuroAsia Shorts Film Festival for the past two years in cooperation with several other international institutes, and has co-sponsored the Kid s World Cinema Film Festival in Washington, D.C. since 2013. These festivals were extremely well received by the local community. Xie Fei, a famous movie director from China, visited George Mason University in 2011 for a showing of his film Song of Tibet at the Mason Cinema. The Institute also organized a Thematic Week on the Showings of Director Xie Fei s Films, event at Mason. 电影展播 2012 年秋, 梅森孔院与加州洛杉矶孔院, 史密森尼学会弗里尔和萨克勒美术馆, 马里兰大学孔院合作举办第一届银幕中国双年展美国东海岸展 梅森孔院与多家机构合作, 在华盛顿特区连续两年组织欧亚电影短片节并联合赞助 2013 世界儿童电影节, 在当地引起强烈反响 2011 年著名导演谢飞访问乔治梅森大学期间, 梅森大学电影院举行谢飞导演作品 益西卓玛 专场放映会, 并举办 谢飞导演电影放映主题周 活动 Confucius Institute at Mason 55

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts China Fest Event Since 2013, CIMason has been invited to present engaging Chinese paper-cutting and knot-tying displays as part of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts China Fest event which have been exceedingly well received. The activities highlight the themes of Chinese Spring Festival and Lantern Festival. CIMason faculty taught families how to make their own paper-cuts and Chinese knots. Using just a pair of scissors and a piece of red paper, children were delighted to be able to create their own three-dimensional character 春 ( spring ) or small Chinese lantern. 弗吉尼亚美术馆中国主题日 2013 年起, 梅森孔院应邀在弗吉尼亚美术馆中国主题日举办 剪纸与中国结艺术活动, 受到了热烈的欢迎 本次剪纸活动突出了春节和元宵节主题 观众们在孔子学院老师的指导下, 动手制作属于自己的剪纸和中国结 一把剪刀, 一张红纸, 转眼间变出一个立体的 春 字, 一个可爱的灯笼, 让观众们惊喜不已 56 Confucius Institute at Mason

Clockwise: CIMason teachers provide hands-on workshops to over 2,000 parents and children who participate in the China Fest event at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts each year. Confucius Institute at Mason 57

Performers from the National Academy for Chinese Theatre Arts of Beijing present acrobatics during a Beijing opera performance at George Mason University. 58 Confucius Institute at Mason

Performances Since 2009, CIMason has successively sponsored a variety of Chinese cultural performances including the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, the China National Acrobatics Troupe, and the China National Circus. Each performance was very successful, with all seats filled in the theater, and audiences were impressed by the grand theatrical effects and the performers exquisite skills. 演出 自 2009 年起梅森孔院先后隆重举办了中国国家戏剧艺术学院京剧演出, 中国国家杂技艺术团演出和中国国家马戏团演出, 每场演出座无虚席 演员们以其精湛的技艺, 完美的舞台效果征服了来自社区的数千名观众 Community Lectures CIMason has organized various Chinese cultural lecture series for adult learners at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and Encore Learning on Mason s Fairfax and Arlington campuses. 社区讲座 梅森孔院在奥舍尔教育机构和阿灵顿继续教育机构开展中国文化系列专题讲座 Confucius Institute at Mason 59

Publications CIMason translated important foreign language education monographs for the World Languages Education Series used for teacher training. These included: Developing the Intercultural Dimension in Language Teaching Teacher s Manual, Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence, and From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship. CIMason commissioned George Mason University s television studio (GMU-TV) to create a video entitled Living and Learning in China, providing first-hand accounts by Mason faculty and students who had studied in China, and exploring the Chinese immersion learning experience. CIMason created an one-hour video entitled A Tour of China s Ethnic Cultures, to showcase China s various ethnic groups and the twenty ethnic costumes donated to the Institute by BLCU. CIMason again commissioned GMU-TV to make a video entitled Chinese to Careers, inviting professionals from political, commercial, educational, and financial circles to discuss the important role that Chinese language played in their career development. This video was broadcast to the local community by GMU-TV. 出版成果 梅森孔院为 世界语言教育书系 翻译重要外语教育方面的专著, 包括 在语言教学中拓展跨文化维度 教师使用手册, 跨文化交际能力的教学与评估, 从外语教育到跨文化公民教育 等用于教师培训 梅森孔院委托乔治梅森大学电视台制作名为 在中国生活和学习 的视频短片, 通过采访的形式, 探讨海外汉语沉浸式学习体验 梅森孔院以北京语言大学捐赠的 20 套民族服装为基础录制了名为 中国民族文化之旅 的短片 梅森孔院联合乔治梅森大学电视台, 邀请来自政界, 工商界, 教育界, 金融界等各行人士谈论汉语在职业生涯中发挥的重要作用, 制成名为 汉语与职业发展 的视频短片, 通过乔治梅森大学电视台在当地播出 60 Confucius Institute at Mason

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62 Confucius Institute at Mason

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Confucius Institute at Mason East Building 4400 University Drive, MS 6D9 Fairfax, VA 22030 703.993.7780 cimason@gmu.edu confucius.gmu.edu 64 Confucius Institute at Mason