FEATURES 特点 The standard Dome Ride Theater size covers 80 seats in 2D. In addition the ring ride that is rotating and tilting can be equipped with add

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SHOWCASE 展示 Shaanxi LEWA City in Xian, China, is the destination where the first Dome Ride Theater will be installed in 2016. LEWA City is a huge leisure complex including a theme park, hotels, shopping mall, indoor snow park etc. Within this theme park, the Dome Ride Theater willbe one out of two media based attractions. Besides Dome Ride Theatre, a 600 Seat 4K 4D theater will also entertain guests. 首个球幕骑乘影院将于2016年落户中国陕西西安乐华城 乐华城是集 主题公园 酒店 购物和室内滑雪场位一体的大型休闲娱乐综合体 在主题公园中 除球幕骑乘影院外 一个能容纳600位观众同时观影 的4K高清4D影院也将为游客提供难忘的体验

FEATURES 特点 The standard Dome Ride Theater size covers 80 seats in 2D. In addition the ring ride that is rotating and tilting can be equipped with additional special effects such as wind, vibration, water spray, neck blast. Stereoscopic, 3D can also be offered as option. Due to the immersivity of the experience, it is definitely not necessary. 标准的球幕骑乘影院配备80个座椅和2D影片 另外在环形骑乘系统旋 转和倾斜的基础之上还可以添加风 震动 喷水 和颈部喷气特效 3D影片也可以作为选配 但由于本项目的全沉浸式体验效果 因此本 选配并非必要

THE EXPERIENCE 体验 The DOME Ride Theater (patent pending) is one of the most advanced media based attraction genre nowadays. The attraction itself merges a full dome experience with a steel ride structure in which visitors are completely immersed in an captivating audio-visually themed enviroment. The center floor descends and the theater becomes a full sphere. During the ride, visitors sit in a seats ring platform that is rotating as well as tilting up to +/-30 degrees (total tilting angle: 60 degrees). The full sphere ride experience is mindblowing since the audience is completely enveloped in seamless imagery. In fact, Dome Ride Theater creates the feeling of being part within this virtual workd. Dome Ride Theater is suited for theme parks and other large visitor attractions. 球幕骑乘影院 专利申请中 是迄今为止最先进的媒体类娱乐项目 之一 该项目是将全球幕体验和钢结构骑乘系统相结合 由此游客 将完全沉浸在完美的影音环境之中 中心地板下沉后将影院形成一 个完整的球体 骑乘过程中 游客将乘坐在可以旋转及配合+/-30度 倾角 总计倾斜 60度 旋转的环形平台上 游客们将完全沉浸在 无缝影像世界中 并感受到前所未有的震撼体验 球幕骑乘影院能 够营造出在虚拟世界中身临其境的效果 球幕骑乘影院适用于主题 乐园和其他大型游客体验项目

DOME RIDE THEATER THE NEXT GENERATION MEDIA BASED ATTRACTION Attraktion! and Intamin Amusement Rides have created a leading edge attraction format with the Dome Ride Theater. This media-based attraction is the outcome of Attraktion! s sophisticated know-how in respect of the creation of immersive 360 degrees attractions and Intamin s expertise in building major thrilling attractions. Attraktion! is a specialized group of companies that is focused on the continual improvement and growth of its product & service portfolio, with a core focus on new attraction genres. Attraktion! creates exceptional media-based experience products such as service robots, dome attractions, interactive games and exhibits etc. Moreover Attraktion! acts as turnkey provider developing attractions for the entertainment and leisure industry such as brandlands, amusement & theme parks, FECs, science centers and many more. Intamin Amusement Rides is one of the world s leading manufacturers of major amusement rides and attractions. The company offers the largest complementary line of products in the leisure industry. Moreover Intamin holds the market-leader position for most of ist attractions. So far, Intamin has been awarded by IAAPA and many others for e.g. Best New Ride and Innovation in Technology. Attraktion 和英特敏公司联手打造出这一世界顶级娱乐项目类型 球 幕骑乘影 本媒体类项目是将Attraktion 公司在360度沉浸式体验项 目的丰富经验与英特敏娱乐公司在刺激项目建造的精湛技术结合而成 Attraktion! 是一家持续突破行业的前沿技术并不断追求制作创新型产品 的专业集团公司 Attraktion 致力于创造独特的体验产品 例如 服 务型机器人 球幕项目 互动游戏和展项等 另外 Attraktion 还可 以为娱乐休闲领域的娱乐主题公园 家庭娱乐中心和科技馆等提供项目 总包服务 英特敏娱乐骑乘公司是世界上最知名的骑乘设备和项目生产厂商之一 公司能够为休闲娱乐产业提供丰富的产品线 另外 大部分英特敏的产 品都在业内保持这领先的地位 目前 英特敏已经被IAAPA以及其他一 些业内机构冠以 最佳新型骑乘 和 创新技术 等一系列美誉

Attraktion! GmbH Wipplingerstr. 32/20 A 1010 Vienna (Austria) T. +431 532 07 77 office@attraktion.com www.attraktion.com INTAMIN AMUSEMENT RIDES Int. Corp. Est. Landstrasse 126 P.O. Box 644 FL-9494 Schaan (Liechtenstein) T. +423 237 03 43 F. +423 237 03 40 info@intaminworldwide.com www.intaminworldwide.com