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48 東華漢學 第20期 2014年12月 後 卿 由三軍將佐取代 此後 中大夫 極可能回歸原本職司 由 於重要性已然不再 故而此後便不見 中大夫 記載於 左傳 及 國 語 關鍵詞 左傳 中大夫 里克 丕鄭 卿



米兰主宾城市 Milano Guest City 今年米兰将成为北京国际设计周的主宾城市 大部分主宾城市的活动由米兰市政府策划, 呈现于北京国际设计品交易会上 交易会的现场布置, 以及一个用于举办活动的中心广场和名为 设计时光 的展览, 都显示出米兰设计的独到性 设计时光 展览是由意大利的 RCS 传媒集团出品, 里面展示的都是货真价实的意大利设计产品 展览以人们一天的几个时段为主线, 用大师级别的设计作品组合, 描述出我们城市的景象及人们的生活 设计大师的创意活力使米兰在概念创造 创意设计和工艺制作方面, 都独具国际影响力, 这一传统在年轻创意从业员和设计师的努力下得以传承, 而米兰政府亦一直对此给予支持 同时, 这些人员也会为米兰主宾城市项目作出努力, 成为活动的重要组成部分 藉此机会我想对 设计时光 展览的所有创作者和推广者表示感谢, 同时也向北京国际设计品交易会的参观者发出邀请, 希望他们在北京国际设计周期间, 持续关注米兰主宾城市项目 This year Milano City is going to be Guest City at the Beijing Design Week. Most of the activities planned by the Administration of Milan will be hosted at the Beijing Design Fair with its exclusive set up, that will include a central square for the meetings and the exhibition Design Time. The exhibition, produced by RCS, will display real icons of Italian design, well known items at International level, along a pathway marked by the different moments of use in the course of a day, with continuous references to the life and places of our city. The creativity of the masters of design has contributed to make Milan an important international reference for conception, design and production; this tradition goes on with the young creative designers that the Administration of Milan has never stopped supporting. Also they will be dedicated an important section of the program of Milano Guest City. I d like to thank all the producers and the promoters of Design Time exhibition and I d like to invite all the people who will take part to Beijing Design Fair to follow the programs of Milano Guest City during the Beijing Design Week. 斯蒂法诺 伯埃里 2012 北京国际设计周米兰主宾城市代表团团长米兰设计周主席米兰市副市长 Stefano Boeri Head of Milan Guest City Delegate of 2012 Beijing Design Week Councillor for Culture, Fashion and Design of the Administration of Milan 2

原创设计, 从尊重版权开始 Copyright, the Vanguard for Innovative Design 首先, 请允许我代表国家对外文化贸易基地, 以主办方的身份, 感谢各位光临 2012 北京国际设计品交易会 众所周知, 国际设计品牌真正以品牌经营的姿态进入中国还不到二十年的时间, 这二十年恰恰是中国经济发生巨变的二十年, 也是中国人生活水平改善最快的二十年, 国际设计品牌在提升中国家庭的生活品质 丰富中国家庭的审美情趣方面做出了重要的贡献 在过去的二十年中, 还有一大批国际设计品牌的代理也脱颖而出, 他们克服文化 语言的障碍, 面对着从物流到关税到场租到推广等一系列的投资压力, 将一个又一个国际品牌成功地引入中国市场, 他们是这个行业健康发展的重要保证 在祝贺第一届北京国际设计品交易会开幕的时候, 我们感到有必要面对一个北京 或者说中国必须面对的问题 : 如何保护版权? 这不仅是中国加入 WTO 以来欧美国家对中国最关切的问题之一, 也是当前中国经济向创意经济转型过程中, 中国自身必须要回答的问题 2012 北京国际设计品交易会, 将版权保护放到了重要的位置, 我们与歌华文化发展集团合作, 共同推出了中国设计产业版权保护监测中心, 这个中心通过版权取证保护创作者的权益, 也通过进口设计品品牌认定 版权认证等方式保护原创品牌商乃至消费者的权益 我们深信, 一个会创造的国家, 首先是一个尊重版权的国家 作为北京国际设计品交易会的主办方, 作为第一个国家对外文化贸易基地, 我们从创办之始就得到了从中央到地方到保税区各级政府 主管机构的大力支持, 我们感到十分幸运 我们深知, 这个文化贸易基地的使命就是希望成为各位业务腾飞过程中一个值得信赖 值得托付的服务商 王昱东 北京歌华文化发展集团总经理助理国家对外文化贸易基地北京国际文化贸易服务中心文化保税区项目负责人 Firstly on behave of the host, National Base for International Cultural Trade, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for participating in 2012 Beijing Design Fair. As is known to all, it is no more than 20 years since international design brands began initiating their business in China, which is exactly the period when the Chinese economy experienced drastic changes with people s life improved at a rate faster than any other era in history. At the same time, international design brands have also made great contribution to upgrading the life quality, taste and aesthetics of the Chinese people. In the past twenty years, a number of dealers for international design brands have outshined. They successfully introduce into Chinese market one international brand after another by overcoming the hindrance of culture and language, burdened with investment pressure such as logistics, tariff, rent and promotion. It is they who guarantee the healthy development of the industry. While congratulating on the opening of the first Beijing Design Fair, in the meanwhile we are obliged to deal with a problem that Beijing or China is now facing: how to protect copyright. Not only is it one of the issues western countries are most concerned about since China has joined WTO, it is also a question that China itself must address now that the Chinese economy is being transformed into a creative one. 2012 Beijing Design Fair puts much emphasis on copyright protection. For example, through cooperation with Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group, we have launched China Design Industry Copyright Protection and Monitoring Center, which protects the creators rights by certifying and granting copyrights, as well as protects the interest of original brands and consumers by acknowledging imported design brands and authenticating copyrights. It is our belief that a creative country should respect copyrights. As the host of Beijing Design Fair and the first National Base for International Cultural Trade, we have been granted great support since the very beginning from the central government as well as governments at different levels in the tariff-free zone and institutes in charge. We appreciate our luck, yet in the meantime we also bear in mind that our mission is to become a trustworthy service provider for enhancing your business projects. Wang Yu Dong Assistant General Manager Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group Project Manager National Base For International Cultural Trade Beijing Freeport of Culture 4

相约设计 2012 Meet Design 2012 国际舞台风云变幻, 在古老的国度经历着深刻转化的同时, 有些迅速崛起的国家进入人们的视野, 成为了新的焦点 毫无疑问, 中国正是其中迅速崛起的国家之一 早在 2008 年,RCS 传媒集团就进入这一庞大的市场, 推出了杂志 居 和 住, 还有互联网家居和设计门户网站 AtCasa 多年以来 RCS 传媒集团都致力于研发和推进一些重要项目, 从而支持相关产业的公司在意大利或其他国家的诸多交流活动 在这一理念引导下, 我们见证了北京国际设计品交易会项目的诞生,RCS 传媒集团负责项目策划和招展工作 新版的 相约设计 2012 是北京国际设计品交易会的重要主题系列活动 相约设计 是一个创新的拥有多种表达形式的平台, 旨在用多种活动形式宣传意大利设计, 以及通过意大利著名设计师的讲述使人们熟知当代意大利的生活 北京国际设计品交易会中心展区的展览主题是 设计时光, 它是继 2011 年在罗马和都灵展览取得重大成功后, 在中国进行巡回展出的第一站 相约设计 是 RCS 集团举办的首次国际性的盛事, 在全球范围内推广意大利设计起着重要的作用, 何况近年来中国一直对意大利出口的产品有着浓厚兴趣 这次北京国际设计品交易会的另一个重要互动活动是 相约设计师, 观众可以通过丰富多彩的演讲和讨论活动, 与世界知名的设计师展开近距离接触, 必将成为活动的亮点 除此之外, 在交易会现场每天都会为观众呈现一场以 相约设计 命名的精彩演出, 以话剧 舞蹈和演唱的形式, 无一不向观众讲述意大利设计的精妙 通过参与和组织一系列在意大利举行的设计和建筑业方面的活动, 现在在意大利和中国,RCS 集团已经成为设计和文化产业最为活跃的支持者和典范 The international scenario sees both the old continent experiencing deep transformations and emerging countries being in the spotlight, as everything is taking place there and now. Undoubtedly, one of those countries is China. The RCS MediaGroup has been present in this wide market since 2008, publishing the magazines Abitare and Case da Abitare and managing the internet portal AtCasa. For years the publishing group has been committed in research and in the implementation of important projects, in order to support the companies of the industry in their communication activities both in Italy and abroad. In this framework we witness the birth of the project Beijing Design Fair, where RCS MediaGroup is in charge of developing contents as well as entertaining commercial relations. The new edition of Meet Design 2012, an innovative multichannel platform aiming to disseminate Italian design through several wide scope initiatives and storytelling about the protagonists of Italian living, is the focus of the event. Design Time is the title of the exhibition set up in China, following the two great events held in Rome and Turin in 2011. Meet Design is the first international activity of RCS MediaGroup, which thus becomes the leading promoter of Italian design in the world and, especially, in one of the most interesting countries for Italian export. The exhibition is coupled with Meet People, a rich agenda of meetings and debates with worldwide renowned designers to animate the event, as well as with Meet Design Show, a show, a performance, a concert to tell the story of Italian design. By developing this project, which supplements the various activities implemented in Italy in the design and architecture industries, RCS MediaGroup becomes the most active and involved reference point for design and culture enterprises. Now also in China. 雷蒙多 扎纳伯尼 马蒂欧 诺维洛 Raimondo Zanaboni Matteo Novello 总经理 RCS 传媒集团宣传部 总经理 RCS 传媒集团杂志部 Managing Director Rcs MediaGroup Advertising Division Managing Director Rcs MediaGroup Magazines Division 6

Beijing Design Time with I.M. and M.S. Artwork by Emiliano Ponzi

设计时光 Design Time 在 751 PARK 北京国际时尚广场七九罐这座使人叹为观止的前工业建筑内, 藉着北京国际设计品交易会这个展示平台, 我们为观众在展场的中央地区, 带来了一个关于意大利设计的特色展览 为了更好地讲述意大利设计故事, 我们用一条环形走廊把展览和各个展商的展示空间隔开 这一环形走廊包围的中央广场, 也是这次交易会的主要演讲和活动区域 设计时光 这一展览将探索意大利设计如何在不同层面融入日常生活的点点滴滴, 从家居陈设到工作场所, 再到都市环境, 不一而足 事实上, 设计已经展开 蔓延到当今时代的每一细节, 迎合着人们不同的习惯和需求 罗马和都灵都曾举办过 相约设计 的展览, 试图强调设计的演化与变迁, 在此之后, 我们又把这一活动带到北京, 面对亚洲观众, 用故事讲述的方式解读设计与生活方式尤其是意大利生活方式的关系 用平面设计图案和产品结合的展览形式, 讲述了一天中不同时间段的生活场景, 参观者可以通过这一形式对每件产品的美学 功能和实用性有进一步的了解 参观者可以通过这个展览对米兰市区及周边地区的轮廓有初步认识 当今时代尽管设计早已不再局限于意大利, 但在世界范围内, 米兰仍然是设计产业中最为著名 活跃以及意义非凡的国际性代表城市 北京和米兰通过此项展览联结在一起, 毋庸置疑有着深远的意义 I.M. and M.S. 伊柯 米格廖锐 + 马拉 瑟维托建筑事务所 Inside the suggestive ex-industrial structure of the Gasometer Tank 751 in Beijing, that hosts, on the occasion of BDF, the presentation of a selection of the main Italian design companies, we have defined a totally central space for the organization of an exhibit about Italian Design. To develop the narrative about Italian Design we have defined a ring-shaped area, around which the whole exhibition path of Beijing Design Fair turns. This ring also marks and contains the central square, a place for meetings and events. Design Time is the title of the exhibit that explores how Italian design has embraced, at different levels, all the aspects of our everyday life, from domestic to work, to urban: it s a spread out presence that passes through and supports our days, answering to different behaviours and needs. After the exhaustive editions of Meet Design exhibits in Rome and Turin, meant to highlight the evolution lines of design, we have created this new edition, addressed to the Asian public, as a transversal reading about the relationship between design and lifestyle, especially referred to Italian lifestyle. A very deep narration that passes through the different moments of the day, made up of illustrations and products, that can be read and known as elements of synthesis and connection between aesthetics, function of use and behaviours. Over the ensemble the public can perceive here and there the outline of Milan and its outskirts, that have incredibly managed to remain one of the most active and meaningful international poles even now that design has certainly become not only Italian and has spread out. And the twinning between Beijing and Milan is, on this occasion, undoubtedly meaningful. I.M. and M.S. Migliore+Servetto Architects 10

相约设计表演 场关于与设计相遇的表演 Meet Design Show A show on design and its meetings 咖啡杯子, 餐厅座椅, 机场的灯光, 等候室里的沙发, 这些看似寻常的物件, 通常都是一件件很有设计感的作品 人们使用 分享, 但却并不因此刻意地与它们 相约 这场表演将向观众们讲述 展示, 并使人爱上意大利的设计 这些美丽而又实用产品, 生来就是在等待这一场有幸相遇 在意大利, 广场就是为约会而生的绝佳场所 这是一个拥有广场数量最多的国家之一, 这些广场庄严而雄伟, 宏大而又充满历史的回忆 同时广场也是贸易交往的中心, 和城市生活的核心场所 广场, 是意大利人独有的记忆印证 相约设计 (Meet Design Show) 用语言 舞蹈和图像将设计这个元素带到广场之上 设计作品与他们的作者一同开始一段奇妙旅程 : 从比萨的奇迹广场, 锡耶纳的坎波广场, 维杰瓦诺的公爵广场, 到米兰的商人广场, 威尼斯的圣马可广场, 罗马的纳沃那广场 由两位中国演员所饰演的旅行者, 通过旅途中一幕幕的场景, 将意大利设计产业中的各种关键角色 设计师 企业家和手工艺人 相互之间交往与争执, 淋漓尽致的表现了出来 一座座的宫殿 教堂与喷泉, 见证着天才设计师们的创造力 雕塑 壁画和浮雕, 在娓娓道来中让剧场充满生机与活力 就连观众们也同样感觉置身于广场之上, 在北京设计品交易会的会场中心, 沉浸在意大利的建筑 设计 人物与故事之中 与两位中国演员一起, 经历着这场意大利与中国的相遇 相约设计 (Meet Design Show) 由 Muse Factory of Projects 与 Teatro infolio 共同出品 演员介绍 Meeting design. Coffee cups, restaurant chairs, airport lighting and waiting room sofas are often design objects. Everybody uses them, everybody coexists with them but not everybody meets them. This show is designed to tell the story of, to represent and get to love Italian design. Beautiful and useful objects are born from lucky meetings. In Italy the meeting point par excellence is the square. Italy is one of the countries counting the greatest number of squares - majestic, monumental, grand squares, places of memories, hubs of trade and exchange, heart of the city s life. Squares are the identity and the memory of the Italian people. Meet Design Show is an event made of words, dance, images, which makes design public, through its objects and their creators. And they are taken on a journey around Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa, Piazza del Campo in Siena, Piazza Ducale in Vigevano, Piazza dei Mercanti in Milan, Piazza San Marco in Venice, Piazza Navona in Rome The voyagers, two Chinese actors, stage the meeting and the clashing of the protagonists of Italian industry: designers, entrepreneurs, craftsmen. Palaces, cathedrals and fountains become simultaneous witnesses of creative ingeniousness. Statues, frescos and bas-relieves transform theater in an enchanted world enliven by stories. The public is in the square, in the centre of the Beijin Design Fair, plunged into the Italian landscape - architecture, objects, people and stories - participating with the two actors in the meeting between Italy and China. Meet Design Show is produced by Muse Factory of Projects and Teatro in-folio. Francesca Molteni and Michela Marelli 石洋, 演员, 翻译, 文化交流使者, 出生于中国济南 与 Cristina Pezzoli Letizia Russo 共同在普拉托市策划了中意文化交流项目 Compost 曾为威尼斯电影节进行同声传译 与 Angela Finocchiaro,Aldo,Giovanni,Giacomo 出演电影, 并参演了 Silvio Soldini 的最新影片 曾为导演 Gianni Amelio,Giuseppe Tornatore 担任助理 曾在上海为音乐大师帕瓦罗蒂担任翻译, 并曾在米兰为到访的习近平副主席担任翻译 是 Mediaset 集团 Le Iene 节目邀请的第一位非意大利籍主持人 为意大利 - 中国合作计划 (PROGETTO ITALIA-CINA) 出演剧目 近郊的天使, 并在纽约 罗马和普拉托进行表演 邝彦婷, 出生于香港, 毕业于香港表演艺术学院 之后在四川舞蹈学院学习, 是新加坡奥德赛舞蹈剧院专职芭蕾舞演员 成立 S.O.S(Space of Olivia s Style) 舞蹈公司 为意大利 - 中国合作计划 (PROGETTO ITALIA-CINA) 出演剧目 近郊的天使, 并在纽约 罗马和普拉托进行表演 Cast Yang Shi is an actor, a translator and a cultural mediator. He is born in Jinan, China. He is one of the curators of the joint Italian Chinese project Compost in Prato with Cristina Pezzoli e Letizia Russo. He has performed as simultaneous interpreter at the Festival del Cinema of Venice. He acted in movies with actors Angela Finocchiaro and Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo as well as in the last film of director Silvio Soldini. He has been the assistant of the great directors Gianni Amelio and Giuseppe Tornatore. He translated maestro Pavarotti in Shangai and Xi Jinping in Milan. He is also the first non Italian participant of the TV show Le Iene, broadcasted by Mediaset. During the project Italy-China, he acted in the show Un angelo nei sobborghi a New York, Roma e Prato (An Angel in the Suburbs of New York, Rome and Prato). Olivia Kwong is born in Hong Kong and there she graduated at the Academy for Performing Arts. She continued her studies at the Sichun Dance Academy. She is a full time dancer at the Odyssey Dance Theatre in Singapore. She founded the S.O.S (Space of Olivia s Style) Dance Company. During the project Italy-China, he acted in the show Un angelo nei sobborghi a New York, Roma e Prato (An Angel in the Suburbs of New York, Rome and Prato). 12



早晨时光起床 WAKING UP / OUT OF THE BED Saint-Jacques by M. Wanders Fabbrica Pelletterie Milano 2011 Kinesis Personal by A. Citterio Technogym 2006 Cicognino by F. Albini Cassina 2007/1953 Lampadina by A. Castiglioni Flos 1972 J.J. by A. Citterio B&B Italia 2007 Barbell by P. Starck Alias 2009 Celine by D. Santachiara Cerruti Baleri 1997 505 by N. Gallizia Molteni 2011 Nathalie by V. Magistretti Flou 1978 Magneto by G. Iacchetti Foscarini 2011 Conico by D. Rode Cantori 2012 Eclisse by V. Magistretti Artemide 1967 Archibald by J.M. Massaud Poltrona Frau 2009 Piani by E. and R. Bouroullec Flos 2011

早晨时光一天的开始 WAKING UP / STARTING THE DAY Shortcut by Nendo Boffi 2009 Paper by G. Talocci Teuco 2010 Phc by P. Lissoni Boffi 2005 Hiroshi by M. Laudani, M. Romanelli Fiam 2005 Split.01 by A. Citterio with S. Brioschi Pozzi Ginori 2012 Cut by T. Cerato, M. Tessarollo Boffi 2002 Egg by A. Citterio with S. Brioschi Pozzi Ginori 2007 20

早晨时光意式早餐 WAKING UP / THE ITALIAN BREAKFAST Flux-Cook Station by Giugiaro Design Scavolini 2007 Tate Color by J. Morrison Cappellini 2012 TS 522 by M. Zanuso, R. Sapper Brionvega 1964 Juicy Salif by P. Starck Alessi 1990 Fazzoletto a canne by F. Bianconi Venini 1957 Fazzoletto bicolore by F. Bianconi Venini 1957 9090 by R. Sapper Alessi 1979 Sphera bowl by Centro Stile Sambonet Sambonet 2011 Axolute by Zecca & Zecca - Design Office BTicino BTicino 2005/2008 23

09 am 30 工作时光 AT WORK 等待与会面 办公室内 WAITING AND MEETING IN THE OFFICE 24 25

工作时光会议 AT WORK / MEETING Rialto by C. Scarpa Estel 1974 100% AL by R. Lovegrove Danese 2009 Frida by O. Fioravanti Pedrali 2008 Smith by J. Olivares Danese 2007 Meeting Frame+ by A. Meda Alias 2002 Tolomeo by M. de Lucchi, G. Fassina Artemide 1987 Mercury by R. Lovegrove Artemide 2007 Bookworm by R. Arad Kartell 1994 Deep Red by P. Lellucci Gruppo Spar Holding 2011 Elica by B. Sironi Martinelli Luce 2009 Formosa by E. Mari Danese 1963 Mouse by S. Giovannoni Fabbrica Pelletterie Milano 2011

工作时光等待 AT WORK / WAITING Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 Brooklyn by J.M. Massaud Poltrona Frau 2011 Keel by Form us with love De Padova 2012 Costanza by P. Rizzatto Luceplan 1986 Naska by Archivio storico Fontana Arte 1931 Theo by V. Van Duysen B&B Italia 2012 Ventura by J.M. Massaud Poliform 2011

工作时光办公室内 AT WORK / IN THE OFFICE Maiorca by B. Munari Danese 1958 H&H by P. Rizzatto Danese 2007 Take by F. Laviani Kartell 2003 Beta and Backbone by Pierandrei Associati Timor by E. Mari Danese 1967 Itis by N. Fukasawa Artemide 2006 BB by R. Blumer, M. Borghi Poliform 2009 Tecno 2011/2009 Cab by M. Bellini Cassina 1977 Incisa by V. Magistretti De Padova 2005 Pétale by O. Decq Luceplan 2011 Smith by J. Olivares Danese 2007 Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 Rokumaru by Nendo De Padova 2008


午餐时光烹饪与生活 LUNCH AT HOME / COOKING AND LIVING Sandolino by A. Branzi Veneta Cucine 2012 Plia by G. Piretti Castelli 1969 Ribbon by Nendo Cappellini 2007 Tattoo Eve and Tattoo Snow White by M. Galante Cerruti Baleri 2011 Pasta Pot by P. Jouin for A. Ducasse Alessi 2007 Alessandro M. by A. Mendini Alessi 2003 Sphera tray by Centro Stile Sambonet Sambonet 2011 Grammy by M. Sadler Fratelli Guzzini 2001 Radar by Tre-P Lab Tre Più 1998 35

午餐时光意式午餐 LUNCH AT HOME / THE ITALIAN LUNCH Manhattan by Ufficio Design Franke Franke 2012 CR 981M BM M DCT by C. Colombo Franke 2011 Aton 251 by Studio Verde Franke 2012 Tec Table by A. Häberli Alias 2011 Tagliatelle Chair by J. Morrison Alias 2011 Spaghetti Chair by G. Belotti Alias 1979 Twiggy by M. Sadler Foscarini 2006 Nuovo Milano cutlery set by E. Sottsass, A. Gozzi (consulting) Alessi 1987 Mirage collection by L. Nichetto Fratelli Guzzini 2009 Blow up - Bamboo collection by F. and H. Campana Alessi 2010 Tonale table set by D. Chipperfield Alessi 2009 Anna G. by A. Mendini Alessi 1994 Lilliput by S. Giovannoni Alessi 2009/1993 36

03 pm 00 休闲时光 FREE TIME 博物馆内 健身房内 在户外 AT THE MUSEUM AT THE GYM URBAN OUTDOOR 38 39

休闲时光博物馆内 FREE TIME / AT THE MUSEUM Stealth and Glide by A. Renk Saporiti Italia 2006 Sushi by F. and H. Campana Edra 2002 Ghost by C. Boeri Fiam 1987 41

休闲时光健身房内 FREE TIME / AT THE GYM Citterio by A. Citterio with S. Brioschi Pozzi Ginori 2012 Kaa by G. Gianturco Agape 2003 Jump Rope by P. Starck Alias 2009 VibramFiveFingers - KOMODO SPORT by M. Conchieri Vibram 2011 Recline Personal by A. Citterio Technogym 2010 Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 43

休闲时光在户外 FREE TIME / URBAN OUTDOOR Cactus by G. Drocco, F. Mello Gufram 2012 Cloud by R. and E. Bouroullec Cappellini 2004 Minikitchen by J. Colombo Boffi 2007/1963 Marli by LPWK, S. Blaess Alessi 2005 Campari soda by F. Depero Campari 1932 Binic by I. Vautrin Foscarini 2010 Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 Collezione A di Alcantara by A di Alcantara Alcantara 2012-13 Fish Chair by S. Pakhalé Cappellini 2005 La Bohème by P. Starck Kartell 2001 Teak Table by A. Meda Alias 2007 Pod Lens by R. Lovegrove Luceplan 1998 Thinking Man s Chair by J. Morrison Cappellini 1988 Bubble Club by P. Starck Kartell 2000


好友时光等待餐位 GOING OUT WITH FRIENDS / WAITING FOR A TABLE Santa Monica by J.M. Massaud Poliform 2011 Eros by A. Mangiarotti Agapecasa 2010 Monowash AZ by G. Cappellini, A. Mendini Ceramica Flaminia 2010 One by S. Mori, L. and R. Palomba Ceramica Flaminia 2003 Wallace by J.M. Massaud Poliform 2010 Arco Led by A. and P.G. Castiglioni Flos 2012/1962 Vanity Fair by Poltrona Frau Archives Poltrona Frau 1930 OiO by M. Bouquillon Antonio Lupi 2011 AY902SA by M. Broglio Antonio Lupi 2011 Belvedere by J. Irvine Danese 2006

好友时光用餐 GOING OUT WITH FRIENDS / AT THE TABLE Less-Less by J. Nouvel Molteni 2012 Superleggera by G. Ponti Cassina 1957 Steelwood Chair by R. and E. Bouroullec Magis 2008 Hope by F. Gomez Paz, P. Rizzatto Luceplan 2009 Tonale table set by D. Chipperfield Alessi 2009 Nuovo Milano cutlery set by E. Sottsass, A. Gozzi (consulting) Alessi 1987 Arc by Foster + Partners Molteni 2010 Louis Ghost by P. Starck Kartell 2002 Masters by P. Starck, E. Quitllet Kartell 2011 Fucsia by A. Castiglioni Flos 1996 50

10 pm 00 家庭时光 BACK HOME 轻松在家 就寝时间 RELAX AT HOME BED TIME 52 53

家庭时光轻松在家 BACK HOME / RELAX AT HOME Axolute by Zecca & Zecca - Design Office BTicino BTicino 2005/2008 Bistrò by V. Magistretti De Padova 2005 La Michetta by G. Pesce Meritalia 2005 OIT 150.0000 by Studio Pba Pba 2010 Pirellone by G. Ponti Fontana Arte 1967 Chab Table by Nendo De Padova 2005 Cubo by B. Munari Danese 1957 Anisha by Studio Lievore Altherr Molina Foscarini 2011 Privé by P. Starck Cassina 2007 Mini Papilio by N. Fukasawa B&B Italia 2012 Original Ptolomeo by B. Rainaldi Opinion Ciatti 2003

家庭时光就寝时间 BACK HOME / BED TIME Night&Day by P. Urquiola Molteni 2009 Cobra by E. Martinelli Martinelli Luce 1968 Glo-Ball by J. Morrison Flos 1998 Globe by J.M. Massaud Fabbrica Pelletterie Milano 2012 5 Blocks by L. Ciatti Opinion Ciatti 2008 Fato by G. Ponti Artemide 1969 Terminal 1 by J.M. Massaud B&B Italia 2008 Parentesi by A. Castiglioni, P. Manzù Flos 1971 Le Bambole by M. Bellini B&B Italia 1972 TV Algol Classic by M. Zanuso, R. Sapper Brionvega 1964 Lettering frame by G. Raspini Raspini 2011 Arillo by L. Nichetto Venini 2010

参展商名录 List of companies AGAPE Via Pitentino 6 Governolo di Roncoferraro (MN) 46037 +39 0376250311 info@agapecasa.it www.agapedesign.it BTICINO S.P.A. Via Messina 38 Milano (MI) 20154 +39 0234801 marco.fiorentino@bticino.it www.bticino.it EDRA S.P.A. Via Livornese Est 106 Perignano (PI) 56035 +39 0587616660 edra@edra.com www.edra.com GRUPPO SPAR HOLDING S.P.A. Via dell Automazione 15 Chiusa di Ginestreto (PE) 61122 +39 072148511 b.pedini@gmail.com www.spar.it PEDRALI S.P.A. Strada Provinciale 122 Bergamo (BG) 24050 +39 0358358970 press@pedrali.it www.pedrali.it TEUCO GUZZINI S.P.A. Via Virgilio Guzzini 2 Montelupone (MC) 62010 +39 07332201 teuco@teuco.it www.teuco.it AGAPECASA Via Pitentino 6 Governolo di Roncoferraro (MN) 46037 +39 0376250311 info@agapedesign.it www.agapedesign.it DAVIDE CAMPARI MILANO S.P.A. Via Sacchetti, 20 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 20099 +39 0262251 paola.baravalle@campari.com www.campari.com ESTEL S.P.A. Via Santa Rosa 70 Thiene (VI) 36016 +39 0445389611 estel@estel.com www.estel.com GUFRAM Via XXV Aprile 22 Barolo (CN) 12060 +39 017356102 info@gufram.it www.gufram.it POLIFORM S.P.A. Via Montesanto, 28 Inverigo (CO) 22044 +39 0316951 www.poliform.it info.poliform@poliform.it TRE-PIÙ Via dell Industria 2 Birone di Giussano (MB) 20833 +39 0362861120 filippo.santambrogio@trep-trepiu.com www.trep-trepiu.com ALCANTARA S.P.A. Via Mecenate, 86 Milano (MI) 20138 +39 02580301 info@alcantara.com www.alcantara.com CANTORI S.P.A. Via della Sbrozzola 16 Camerino (AN) 60020 +39 071730051 info@cantori.it www.cantori.it FRATELLI GUZZINI S.P.A. Contrada Mattonata 60 Recanati (MC) 62019 +39 0719891 info@fratelliguzzini.com www.fratelliguzzini.com KARTELL S.P.A. Via delle Industrie 1 Noviglio (MI) 20082 +39 02900121 pressoffice@kartell.it www.kartell.it POLTRONA FRAU S.P.A. S.S. 77 Km 74,500 Tolentino (MC) 62029 +39 07339091 info@poltronafrau.it www.poltronafrau.it VENETA CUCINE S.P.A. Via Paris Bordone 34 Biancade (TV) 31056 +39 04228471 info@venetacucine.com www.venetacucine.com ALESSI S.P.A. Via Privata Alessi 6 Crusinallo di Omegna (VB) 28887 +39 0323868741 info@alessi.com www.alessi.com CAP DESIGN S.P.A. Via L. Busnelli 5 Meda (MB) 20821 +39 0362372111 cappellini@cappellini.it www.cappelini.it FABBRICA PELLETTERIE MILANO S.P.A. Piazza del Carmine, 4 Milano (MI) 20121 +39 0236705900 info@fabbricapelletteriemilano.com www.fabbricapelletteriemilano.com LUCEPLAN S.P.A. Via E. T. Moneta 40 Milano (MI) 20161 +39 02662421 info@luceplan.com www.luceplan.com POZZI GINORI S.P.A. Via Valcellina 2 Spilimbergo (UD) 33097 +39 0427587111 contact-us@pozzi-ginori.it www.pozzi-ginori.it VENINI S.P.A. Fondamenta Vetrai 50 Murano (VE) 30141 +39 0412737211 venini@venini.it www.venini.it ALIAS S.P.A. Via delle Marine 5 Grumello del Monte (BG) 24064 +39 0354422511 info@aliasdesign.it www.aliasdesign.it CASSINA S.P.A. Via Busnelli, 1 Meda (MB) 20821 +39 03623721 info@cassina.it www.cassina.it FIAM ITALIA S.P.A. Via Ancona 1/B Tavullia (PU) 61010 +39 072120051 fiam@fiamitalia.it www.fiamitalia.it MAGIS S.P.A. Via Triestina Accesso E Torre di Mosto (VE) 30020 +39 0421319600 info@magisdesign.com www.magisdesign.com ARGENTERIE GIOVANNI RASPINI S.P.A. Largo Torricelli 1 Pieve al Toppo (AR) 52041 +39 0575410330 info@raspini.it www.raspini.it VIBRAM SPA Via Colombo 5 Albizzate (VA) 21041 +39 0331999777 vibram@vibram.com www.vibram.com ANTONIO LUPI DESIGN S.P.A. Via Mazzini 73-75 Cerreto Guidi (FI) 55050 +39 0571586881 lupi@antoniolupi.it www.antoniolupi.it CASTELLI S.P.A. Via Einstein 63 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) 40017 +39 051820111 info.it@haworth.com www.haworth.it FLOS S.P.A. Via Angelo Faini 2 Bovezzo (BS) 25073 +39 03024381 info@flos.com www.flos.com MARTINELLI LUCE S.P.A. Via T. Bandettini snc Lucca (LU) 55100 +39 0583418315 info@martinelliluce.it www.martinelliluce.it SAMBONET PADERNO INDUSTRIE S.P.A. S.R. 11 Km 84 Orfengo (NO) 28060 +39 0321879711 info@sambonet.it www.sambonet.it ARTEMIDE S.P.A. Via Bergamo 18 Pregnana Milanese (MI) 20010 +39 02935181 info@artemide.com www.artemide.com CERAMICA FLAMINIA S.P.A. S.S. Flaminia km. 54, 630 Civita Castellana (VT) 01033 +39 0761542030 ceramicaflaminia@ceramicaflaminia.it www.ceramicaflaminia.it FLOU S.P.A. Via Luigi Cadorna 12 Meda (MB) 20821 +39 03623731 info@flou.it www.flou.it MERITALIA S.P.A. Via Como 76-78 Mariano Comense (CO) 22066 +39 031743100 meritalia@meritalia.it www.meritalia.it SAPORITI ITALIA S.P.A. Via Marconi 23 Besnate (VA) 21010 +39 033273333 saporiti@saporiti.com www.saporiti.com B&B ITALIA S.P.A. Strada Provinciale 32 Novedrate 22060 (CO) +39 031795111 info@bebtalia.com www.bebitalia.com BALERI ITALIA S.P.A. Via Cavallotti 8 Milano (MI) 20122 +39 0276023954 info@cerrutibaleri.com www.cerrutibaleri.com FONTANA ARTE Alzaia Trieste 49 Corsico (MI) 20094 +39 0245121 info@fontanaarte.com www.fontanaarte.com MOLTENI & C: S.P.A. Via Rossini 50 Giussano (MB) 20833 +39 03623591 casati.raffaella@molteni.it www.molteni.it SCAVOLINI S.P.A. Via Risara 60/70-74/78 Montelabbate (PU) 61025 +39 07214431 contatti@scavolini.com www.scavolini.com BOFFI S.P.A. via Oberdan 70 Lentate Sul Seveso (MB) 20823 +39 03625341 boffimarket@boffi.com www.boffi.com DANESE S.R.L. via Antonio Canova 34 Milano (MI) 20145 +39 02349611-246 info@danesemilano.com www.danesemilano.com FOSCARINI S.R.L. via delle Industrie 27 Marcon (VE) 30020 +39 0415953811 info@foscarini.com www.foscarini.com OPINION CIATTI S.R.L. Via di Prato 80 Calenzano (FI) 50041 +39 055887091 studio@opinionciatti.com www.opinionciatti.com TECHNOGYM S.P.A. Via Calcinaro, 2861 Cesena (FC) 47521 +39 054756047 informazioni@technogym.com www.technogym.com BV S.R.L. Viale Lino Zanussi 11 Pordenone (PN) 33170 +39 0434383292 info@brionvega.it www.brionvega.it DE PADOVA S.R.L. Corso Venezia 14 Milano (MI) 20121 +39 02777201 press@depadova.it www.depadova.it FRANKE S.P.A Via Pignolini 2 Peschiera del Garda (VR) 37019 +39 0456449311 silvia.ferrari@franke.com www.franke.it PBA S.P.A. Via Enrico Fermi 1 Tezze sul Brenta (VI) 36056 +39 04245451 info@pba.it www.pba.it TECNO S.P.A. Via Milano 28 Mariano Comense (CO) 22066 +39 03175381 www.tecnospa.com info@tecnospa.com 58 59

主办 Host: 国家对外文化贸易基地 联合主办 Co-Host: 承办 Organizer: 创办人与负责人 Founder and Director 王昱东 Yu Dong Wang 孙群 Vittorio Sun Qun 活动 Events: 版权保护合作机构 意大利承办方工作人员 Organizing staff in Italy 销售负责人 Sales Manager Flora Ribera RCS MediaGroup 中国承办方工作人员 Organizing staff in China 李洋洋付石峦范倩华余婉柔 Kelly Li Shiluan Fu Fan Fan Lavender She 支持 Supporters: Insideout 展览设计平面设计艺术总监 Exhibition, Graphic Design and Art Direction 协办 Co-organizer: 电子商务平台 E-commerce: Ico Migliore, Mara Servetto Migliore+Servetto Architects M+S Team: Cristina Tomada Paolo Matera Anna Piccinelli Michela Colasuonno Anna Mantero 技术支持 Technical Support: 展览搭建 Exhibition Set up Eurostands Spa, Milano Industrie51, Shanghai 支持媒体 Media Supporter: 中国媒体办公室 Press Office China China Files 意大利媒体办公室 Press Office Italy Studio Roscio 60 61

MEET DESIGN Meet Design is a project by RCS 相约设计 RCS 媒体集团项目 设计时光 DESIGN TIME 策展人与展览设计师 Curators, Exhibition and Graphics Design Ico Migliore, Mara Servetto Migliore+Servetto Architects M+S Team: Cristina Tomada Paolo Matera Simona Gallidoro Valentina Bianchi Lorena Sala 插画设计师 Artworks by Emiliano Ponzi 搭建 Set up Eurostands Spa, Milano Industrie51, Shanghai 图片提供 Images credits p.18, cover_conico_ph.: Studio Leon p.18, cover_lampadina_courtesy of FLOS p.18, cover_magneto_photo credits: Massimo Gardone/ Azimut.photo Alessandro Paderni / Eye p.19, cover_celine_ cerruti baleri, photo by ezio manciucca p.19, cover_eclisse_ph. Miro Zagnoli p.19, cover_piani_courtesy of FLOS p.19, cover_saint-jacques_photo credits: Paolo Zambaldi p.20, cover_cut_foto Duilio Bitetto p.20, cover_phc_foto Duilio Bitetto p.20, cover_shortcut_foto Duilio Bitetto p.23, cover_9090_alessi Archive p.23, cover_jiucy Salif_photo Alessi Archive p.23, cover_sphera bowl_sambonet Paderno Industrie p.27, cover_100% AL_Federico Villa p.27, cover_elica_benvenuto Saba p.27, cover_formosa_federico Villa p.27, cover_frida_ph. Leo Torri p.27, cover_mercury_ph. Jean-Pierre Maurer p.27, cover_mouse_photo credits: Paolo Zambaldi p.27, 31, cover_smith_federico Villa p.27, cover_tolomeo_ph. Miro Zagnoli p.28, cover_costanza_photographer: Leo Torri p.28, cover_keel_maria Vittoria Backhaus p.30, cover_beta and Backbone_photographer: Andrea Martiradonna p.30, cover_h&h_federico Villa p.30, cover_incisa_aldo Ballo p.30, cover_pétale_photographer: Tom Vack p.31, cover_itis_ph. Gio Pini p.31, cover_rokumaru_luciano Soave p.31, cover_timor_federico Villa p.35, cover_pasta Pot_photo credit: Thomas Duval p.35, cover_alessandro M._photo Riccardo Bianchi p.35, cover_sphera tray_sambonet Paderno Industrie p.35, cover_tattoo Eve and Tattoo Snow White_ cerruti baleri, photo by ezio manciucca p.36, cover_anna G._photo Riccardo Bianchi p.36, cover_aton 251_Studio Ikon p.36, cover_blow up - Bamboo collection_photo Riccardo Bianchi p.36, cover_cr 981M BM M DCT_Studio Ikon p.36, cover_lilliput_photo Alessi Archive p.36, cover_manhattan_studio Ikon p.36, 50, cover_nuovo Milano cutlery set _Alessi Archive p.36, 50, cover_tonale table set _photo Alessi Archive p.36, cover_twiggy_photo credits: Massimo Gardone/ Azimut.photo Alessandro Paderni / Eye p.40, cover_sushi_edra S.p.A. p.44, cover_binic_photo credits: Massimo Gardone/ Azimut.photo Alessandro Paderni / Eye p.44, cover_marli_photo Riccardo Bianchi p.44, cover_minikitchen_foto Duilio Bitetto p.44, cover_pod Lens_photographer: Leo Torri p.48, cover_arco Led_courtesy of FLOS p.49, cover_belvedere_federico Villa p.50, cover_fucsia_courtesy of FLOS p.50, cover_hope_photographer: Leo Torri p.54, cover_anisha_photo credits: Massimo Gardone/ Azimut.photo Alessandro Paderni / Eye p.54, cover_bistrò_luciano Soave p.54, cover_chab Table_Luciano Soave p.54, cover_la Michetta_Courtesy of Meritalia p.56, cover_cobra_benvenuto Saba p.56, cover_glo-ball_courtesy of FLOS p.56, cover_parentesi_courtesy of FLOS p.57, cover_fato_ph. Miro Zagnoli p.57, cover_globe_photo credits: Paolo Zambaldi 62 63

会刊设计 Book Design by 印刷日期 2012 年 9 月 Printed in September 2012 64